Serious stuff, Elizabeth, and I couldn't agree more. At the same time, I'm trying to find humor in all the crazy and my first thought was - what is the opposite of a 'Karen'? Us non Karens really should have a great message name. I volunteer mine, 'Molly', as everyone knows all Mollys are down to earth and have a heart of gold - in addition to saving people from sinking luxury liners.

Elizabeth - hmmm, so many options! Betty - too juvenile? Bess - Good Queen Bess, not bad. How about Betsy - as in flag?

About that picture of Mr. & Mrs. Z. She looks like she should be holding up a newspaper with the date on it. Or blinking out an SOS. THAT was the best Vogue could do?

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Blinking out an SOS, ha ha , beauty.

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I suggest Mary, my mom's name. Jesus' mom's name. We need leas Karen's and more Mary's!

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Eric Black, a former writer at the Minneapolis Star Tribune and now the opinion guy at Minnpost.com, is a total fan boy of Richardson, hanging on her every word. Minnpost is read by serious MN liberals, so you might imagine how insipid and intolerant it is. They are so insane there, I have pointed out in the comments for years that their rhetoric about Russia could lead to WWIII. Many there would feel self-righteous right up to the point the world descended into conflagration.

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It is hard to figure out how they all got so damn dumb.

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That is assuming they were all that smart to begin with. But parroting WaPo, NYT, CNN, MSNBC etc and the likes of Fauci is sure to rot your brain. That and boosters.

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Of course, Wintour would turn a world-changing war in Eastern Europe into a photoshoot...the Zelenskys aren't dumb but Ukrainian babies and children have died and posing for Vogue with muted smiles doesn't mitigate the bad choice. Not "Churchillian." Why do I feel like we're all being played for suckers?

Good read, Elizabeth!

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Another terrific piece!!!

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Excellent article!

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