Karen Goes Zombie; Kanye Explodes
Sorry Anna Wintour, we are not going to start nuclear war for the pretty face of Zelenska
Kanye West or Ye, kicked over the bucket last night and all sorts of interesting creatures slid out. Turns out that the Clintons had seduced his ex-wife, Kim K into telling him not to support Trump, were aligning her politics with theirs, grooming her in fact, and that his ex-mother-in-law, Kris Jenner’s partner, Corey Gamble was a WEF puppet “made in a lab” as was the mountainous Vogue Black fashion editor who criticized his White Lives Matter t-shirt. And the Clintons told her what to do and say, and pushed her towards Interview Mag where she, a multi-billionaire, 41, the mother of four children, was shot with her naked bottom hanging out.
Ye (as he prefers) objected.
You aren’t allowed to have a different opinion in fashion, media or music, he said. Or all hell will break loose. Which was the point of the t-shirt.
One was cheering
Happenstance I read October Vogue yesterday to see their state of play. It was like the school yard bully had twisted my arm up around my back and bent me over to page through the thing, which is filled with “fashion” and jewelry all of which is made in slave factories in China, brought over and finished in Italy or wherever to make the label somewhat true. Ye had charged Adidas with discounting his sneakers in China. Yeah, they all do. You can buy a Chanel jacket (retail $10,000) for $350 on line, little or no difference. It’s complex involving agents and factories, with various hoops to ensure quality.
Replicas are $100 Billion business for the brands. The women who buy the ‘real’ thing are paying a markup of 100,000%. Well, obviously not that much, but a ridiculous amount.
That’s how stupid women who read Vogue are. To make them feel guilty for their self-indulgence and extreme narcissism, girls-of-color make up 80% of the editorial models. Vogue is nothing if not sophisticated in its manipulation of the morons who read it. Lust, shame, lust, shame. No wonder they can’t think.
The luscious pouting Jennifer Lawrence was on the cover, her face so swollen with filler that she looked six. “You Have To Be Political”, is her quote and as it turns out, her politics are that of a six year old. Basically Republicans are evil patriarchal fascist religious fanatics who want to cage and impregnate women. And kill everyone of color with guns. Now where did that come from? Oh yeah, the horror series from Margaret Atwood the name of which I’ve buried six feet deep.
Abortion, she says. MORE OF IT. Without the right to kill a child up to birth, we do not have equality. And then guns. NO MORE GUNS. Demonstrating of course, that she has no notion of history, no grasp of her country’s founding or its constitution or that the reason for 2A is so that government hesitates before it tries to force toxic kill shots on everyone around for example. 2A and the American right to bear arms, literally saves the freaking world, because every single leader thinks, omg, if I go too far, they’ll demand the same rights as the Americans. And if I try to immiserate them in their houses they might shoot their way out.
Which they will if given carbon allowances and digital currency.
That the editors of American Vogue do not know this one fact, disqualifies them from adulthood.
As it does every other Karen, who trusts the government with her life, her children’s lives, with her health, her retirement, for everything, and throws a tantrum when her “needs” are not “met”.
Infantile. Their intellectual leader, if you can call her “intellectual” or “leader”, is Substack history professor Heather Cox Richardson, and I know she is the leader of the Karens because the lead Karen of my boarding school class reads her.
Richardson is the most successful writer on Substack, with “millions” of readers. And she files a column every damned day. I plow through them on the rare occasion I can stand it.
Richardson cloaks her propaganda in her professorship of American history, giving her ideas some kind of substantive gloss. But basically her life-long work has been to highlight the plight of the losers in American history, and condemning the entire enterprise because there were losers, which in the infantile land they all live in MUST NOT HAPPEN. The only person she follows on social media is Jill Biden, so therefore if you want to see what comes out of the “mind” of the harridan who forced her demented husband to steal the election, read Richardson.
Do you know what they think? It’s basic.
Men are bad. Republican men are evil. Republican women are brainwashed submissives. They want to exploit people of color, rape the earth and the only thing that will solve it is total government control by them.
They hate. They hate. They hate.
November 8th will be fascinating. Have they built up enough of a hate frenzy to turn out every infantile Karen in the land? Abortion is their principal “issue”, but it doesn’t matter what poll you read, abortion-on-demand is only sought by 39% of the population. The rest want limitations, and the plurality falls at heartbeat.
Yeah, that’s not enough. So Richardson bangs on about Oath Keepers and January 6th. And Wintour bangs on about the Zelenskys and how terrible evil evil Putin is (10,000 slavering words). There is no subtlety, no complexity but slogans, sophistry, rage and hate.
Bad ideas die hard, which is to say, they take a while to die. They slide out of favour as people lose interest, decide to side with the stronger horse, sense asserts itself. Wintour’s entire magazine empire is dying. The Kardashians are aging and their various alterations to their faces and bodies are increasingly repellent. The world of fashion, media and culture has been so colonized by Marxist ideology, it’s zombie.
They literally killed themselves. Burying them and repairing the damage to the world will be the enviable work of three generations.
Serious stuff, Elizabeth, and I couldn't agree more. At the same time, I'm trying to find humor in all the crazy and my first thought was - what is the opposite of a 'Karen'? Us non Karens really should have a great message name. I volunteer mine, 'Molly', as everyone knows all Mollys are down to earth and have a heart of gold - in addition to saving people from sinking luxury liners.
Elizabeth - hmmm, so many options! Betty - too juvenile? Bess - Good Queen Bess, not bad. How about Betsy - as in flag?
About that picture of Mr. & Mrs. Z. She looks like she should be holding up a newspaper with the date on it. Or blinking out an SOS. THAT was the best Vogue could do?
Eric Black, a former writer at the Minneapolis Star Tribune and now the opinion guy at Minnpost.com, is a total fan boy of Richardson, hanging on her every word. Minnpost is read by serious MN liberals, so you might imagine how insipid and intolerant it is. They are so insane there, I have pointed out in the comments for years that their rhetoric about Russia could lead to WWIII. Many there would feel self-righteous right up to the point the world descended into conflagration.