semi off topic and yet not...



my hands tremble with rage

spitting these words to page

the 6 jan patriots

martyred and left to rot


exercising their rights

they didn’t come to fight

trapped by pelosi’s plot

and infiltrators bought


railroaded by quislings

and partisan judgings

except the election

was no insurrection


corrupt kapitol kops

part of that day’s psyops

and traitorous ray epps

led lambs on to the steps


agents provoked riot

while MAGA decry it

yet victims of dem plot

the blame is all they got


know that the fix was in

no way these folks can win

the charges illicit

media complicit


patriots were slandered

and traitors pandered

the whole truth was deformed

the public misinformed


the justice system failed

good people all been jailed

usurpers won the day

now all of us must pay


The Worlds Most Dangerous Poet

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Never forget this is a spiritual battle. We are standing against the forces of darkness. Put on the full armor….

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You can see and feel the panic building in the elites it is so palpable. The risk is their having psychotic breaks as their world crumbles. You see this in Jonathan Glazer disavowing his Jewishness at the Academy Awards as highlighted by Daniel Greenfield.

"How ‘The Zone of Interest’ Makes Jews and All of Us Into Nazis"


These are shallow thinkers with very thin sense of self. Their position in life and sense of well-being is defined by their acceptance to narrow social groups. Hollywood highlights this narrow focus on self, ignoring human values. If you rattle their perch on their personal Jenga of concepts, the removal of the next support threatens to collapse their highly-crafted self-images hiding a lifetime of personal faults with which they never came to terms. They see the truth closing in and fear exposure. Anything against the 'opposition' is fair game according to Mike Sington, former NBC exec. https://www.newsweek.com/barron-trump-birthday-mike-sington-nbc-republicans-1881343

That is the thinking of a sociopath where anything we believe in terms of human decency is trampled in "the means justifies the end". These are very weak-minded individuals claiming superiority dependent on belonging to a group of similarly weak-minded people without any consideration of individual responsibility towards others getting in the way of a desire for power, wealth and social position.

Yes, there are unfortunately many people like this. 5% of the population is the estimate for those defined as sociopaths, Some prefer psychopaths as these are the worst of the group but sociopath is used interchangeably. They populate Wall Street, Hollywood, our key public institutions and certainly our politics. We need to clear these people out. They believe it is 'game' to be won with any tactic at hand, the goal justifies actions. The rest of us have been quiet too long that it is how we act that matters most, how we treat others in our individual quests.

We take personal responsibility for ourselves. It is called a Christian ethic. It is actually our DNA-developed behavior over the last 4mil years that selected for cooperative survival in groups exchanging unique talents to benefit all. Some of are more attuned to our inner drives and can articulate this, most cannot and define it as a religious view imposed externally. It is not. It is a DNA prime directive to cooperate so we all survive and pass on the genes which support survival.

We need to identify those who are insensitive to what is commonly called "The Golden Rule" and avoid giving them authority. Robert Hare's Psychopathic Test is something each should should learn.

I used to go by "do not judge lest thee be judged".

The last 4yrs has been a true wake-up call. We must learn how to exercise our judgement and apply it everyday with everyone with which we interact. Each of us must judge other's worthiness to be part of our circle and not give an inch of authority over us. We must make this the center of our own self-protection and sense of our own worth to others.

It is getting nastier by the day and we need to elevate our skills.

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This comment! The Hollywood mentality, an easily shaken 'jenga of concepts'. So perfect. I liked Ricky Gervais before he hosted the Oscars, but ADORED him afterwards. Yes, we evolved to be socially cooperative, the world favours extroverts - fine - but you hit the nail with dis-empowering the psycopaths. We should ensure that when a politician submits an application to join the government it is accompanied with their Robert Hare test results. Elevate skills - yes. I could use help, as an introvert, in debating the vocal frenzied ultra-liberals imposing their whack job beliefs in my community.

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Thank you. I support and make comments to the authors's substacks that have helped me the most bringing in references to others. Read these people's unstacks, all good insight. I was very late in my own improved perception.

Read Jon Ronson's "The Psychopathic Test" and Hervey Cleckley's "The Mask of Sanity". The latter is a definitive work about sociopathy by an expert. Society is in very early stages of dealing with this personality that has been with us throughout time. It a tribal mentality based on the reactionary Limbic Brain, some call the Reptile Brain. Slowly we have developed our thinking pathways to use our contemplative frontal lobes and pulled ourselves out of most tribal warring preferring to rely more on peaceful negotiation and market-based exchange.

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I find it a source of encouragement that whereas you just never heard or read about Cluster B personality disorder five years ago unless you sought the information out, in the last few years, it seems to be written about and talked about almost ubiquitously.

There's a really interesting podcast which Bari Weiss recommends. I gave it a try, and she's right. It's called Disaffected, and its premise is that Cluster B personality types are everywhere, and their presence in crucial areas of life has had much to do with our chaotic, ruinous situation. The host, Josh Slocum, is interesting. He's gay, but thinks transgenderism is insane.

On last week's installment, he and a gay friend more or less repented their past militant advocacy of gay marriage ( which in my view should be called gay mirage ). Slocum, in particular, said that maturity had enabled him to understand why so many heterosexuals were so appalled by the very idea of gay marriage.

I've been aware of this guy for only a couple of months, but so far, find him impressive.

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I'm straight but whatever you call it, marriage or partnership contract, two people who want to be together in a committed relationship should have the rights that come from such a commitment. A committed relationship has many benefits for each in terms of mental, health and financial stability. This in turn is good for society.

It is reported transgenderism shows a correlation with autism spectrum. Most of what we see is not willfully selected by these individuals but are screwups in their wiring. They suffer.

Cluster B sounds like a mix of symptoms rather than separate disorders. When humans go wrong, it is messy. Unfortunately, it is brain wiring and may be genetic or it may not. Mikhaila Peterson had many issues, even psychotic events, till she discovered her dietary regimen that let her get back to normal. We know some stuff but not nearly enough to cover all the bases.

It is when an individual sees others as only stepping stone for their own success that I think sociopath.

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Slocum favors civil unions, and so, for that matter, do I.

Brain dysfunction doesn't work as an excuse for sociopathy, not with me, and I doubt with you. It does appear that four areas of the brain in sociopaths are slightly smaller than the norm, but I'm offended by the notion that this! explains sociopathy.

Does it ever occur to the researchers that they may be looking at effect, not cause?

I can't see the phenomenon in anything but terms of good and evil.

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I see it as organic and unchangeable. Not a choice. Ordinary people are so sophisticated in their communications, the wording, the tone and body language is the symphony few of us truly hear and feel i.e., visually, by body pressure and hearing, but we get and transmit messages just the same. Sociopaths miss this complexity nearly entirely. They call it a "dog whistle". They see it but are left out and feel jealous. Not sensing human worth in common things but they do see the shallow trappings across groups, they believe themselves superior thinkers/perceivers. They are wrong to believe this on both points.

Ian Robertson, Trinity College, Dublin, IRE, showed that some individuals show a rise in dopamine when they successfully take advantage of others while most show a dopamine rise when there is a cooperative outcome. That is internal chemistry controlled by DNA, not choice. I have no sympathy for these people as they are responsible for all the ills of society but I don't call it evil. Evil is a term we can't define scientifically but sociopathy is something we are getting close to a root basis using science..

The bottom line is they should not be given any authority over others, period.

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In the words of the great and greatly missed Rush Limbaugh, debating them is futile, they must be defeated.

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I have lived in Colorado all my life and read the book when it came out because the shift to radical blue happened so quickly. Now you cannot walk the streets of Denver, our education has gone full tilt communist, its net zero or bust, energy segment ruined. Now its basically a sanctuary state and Secretary of State tried to take Trump off ballot. Im not sure its salvageable…

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One of the few benefits of living in Philly area is the private and parochial K-12 school system. Plus many religious colleges (eg Villanova, St Joe, LaSalle, etc). They’re relatively Expensive, especially since we have to also still fund the failed and expensive public schools. But the education and lack of woke indoctrination in non-public schools is worth the investment. And the Philly public schools have over 80% failing grade level reading and math proficiency tests; so they can’t read or add as adults.

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I have tasted communism for 24 years of my entire life. Communism is opposite to good. Anyone who adopts it loves death. When a communist married a fascist the result is easy klaus swab and his twin brother( judas ) juval noah harrari both deserving the traitors punishment of the world ( not just country ) under communism : no free speech , no food , no travel outside the country , not able to work in other provinces , not able to get medical help in other provinces , private property doesn't exist , a teacher ,doctor ,engineer makes same amount of money as a cleaner , while the politicians and army top brass the dictator class laughing at their subjects who were fooled into the myth that socialism is paradise for everyone .Also not to mention that under this system even your neighbor could turn you in by just eavesdropping at your door by listening to radio free Europe (which was prohibited ) the new power who eliminated Ceaușescu they are seven times more wicked the he was . There are tremendous similarities of him who dictates North of Americas . Special place for him where his father is in (hell where is gnashing of teeth never stops ) The only hope for humanity is : Repent ! Ask God for forgiveness , he will hear your prayers and will heal the land . Believe that when God said to Moses I Am Jesus said before Abraham was I Am . Believe this Jesus is God in human flesh . After resurrection he appeared to more than five hundred people . To his disciples Jesus said peace unto you ! All authority in heaven and earth has been given me. Read Romans chapter 1 chapter 8 . And to comfort yourself close with Psalm 2 . Of course from the authorized version of the Bible KJV.

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The Daily Signal today reports on a Rasmussen poll that asked people if it okay for a candidate to win an election by cheating. Of all the people asked, 7 percent said it is. Among the one percent elite, 35 percent said it is. And among the politically obsessed, 69 percent said it is okay to cheat.

"'I’ve been polling for a very long time and the last finding is the most terrifying poll result I’ve ever seen,” Rasmussen told The Daily Signal.'"


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From Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals':

"The man of action views the issue of means and ends in pragmatic and strategic terms. He has no other problem; he thinks only of his actual resources and the possibilities of various choices of action. He asks of ends only whether they are achievable and worth the cost; of means, only whether they will work. To say that corrupt means corrupt the ends is to believe in the immaculate conception of ends and principles. The real arena is corrupt and bloody. Life is a corrupting process from the time a child learns to play off his father against his mother in the politics of when to go to bed; he who fears corruption fears life."

(pp. 24-25)

When you understand that this is how [they] think, none of this will surprise you.

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The streets will be on fire this year. Especially if Trump wins somehow. One can only hope he does, and he incarcerates every last one of the operatives that have ruined us as well as the 10million criminals Biden let into the country. his pick for AG will be critical.

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Fascinating - Hamilton fed the Wisconsin ballots. What a coup of investigative reporting. Was the office in Hamilton an actual Dominion office, or ?? China has infiltrated Canada. I worked at an investment place in toronto that was literally filled with the obscenely wealthy offspring of the communist chinese regime and I was introduced to their approach. Our laws mean nothing, the spirit of the law can be ignored - what we allow them to do without restricting them legally is our own fault - the fault of our government who fails at regulating the real criminals. So much easier to slay the average citizen over miniscule receipts. I was audited because of their nefarious practices I had no control over, thank god I am competent at basic tax acccounting otherwise it would have cost me alot in consulting fees. Plus these guys used every angle to avoid paying me. Meanwhile they were busily buying up and playing every single angle Canada affords them to own and exploit our country. They had an HR scam going I'm still trying to figure out, but they were bringing in chinese nationals as a result of it, with fake job offers. Also, NEVER buy an investment if there's a chinese element to the management. NOTHING is straightforward. In the end Rev Canada shut them down - but I'll never forget the boardroom done up with red and gold banners. Looked and WAS a communist event.

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Wow, thank you for that. Yes, Dominion has an office in Hamilton.

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When i said “ what we allow them to do without restricting them legally” I should have said “ what we allow them to do without restricting them physically, ie deportation or jail”

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Hey Nickson , these last posts have been totally great and inspiring , election fraud is our only focus now.

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Beyond great these posts are a master class in investigative journalism! They should formulate a Nickson Prize: would outclass the Pulitzer by miles

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When a state's chief election officer, its secretary of state, refuses to recuse herself from controlling the election that she is running for governor in, the fix is pretty obviously in.

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After 20 years of televised disinformation and normalized helplessness and frustration, had I not finally turned off the television I would feel the exact same way.

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My last television was stolen in 1987 and I never missed it enough to replace it.

Disinformation has been global since radio broadcasting began in the early 20th century.

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So much so that they do not even care if you see it. Nobody can stop them; why care?

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The entire office is equally corrupt as is their competition.

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Thank you for this exceptional post!

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I suspect that election fraud is indeed rampant and has been for many years.

But the sad fact is that both parties serve the interests of the handful of billionaires (fewer than 1,000 people) who hold a grossly disproportionate share of our nation's wealth.

The Democrats and Republicans are, to paraphrase Eugene Debs, the two wings on the same corporate bird of prey.

Cancer or heart disease; it's up to you. Is this a great country or what?

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Hey John, what you write is accurate but I believe there are great and reasonably obvious reasons to choose the lesser of two evils (ie GOP). Far from optimal but I am going to keep fighting for the sake of Jesus, family and country. Take care, amigo.

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I was part of the Ron Paul organization in Colorado in 2008 and 2012. I came from a mildly disinterested paleo-conservative perspective up until 9/11 and the social surveillance and run up to war being so obviously a set up. So I had a front row seat to the shift, being naive still to think the process was on the up-and-up. Prior to the Gang of Four - Pat Stryker, Jared Polis (now governor), Tim Gill, Rutt Bridges - the state was uniquely weird. Hippies with guns. The state GOP organization was worse than useless, it seems to be an active participants in the controlled demolition. I'm eternally grateful to Dr. Paul for many things philosophical but how deep is the uniparty swamp monster must surely be among the most important. There is no simple fix from within the system, it's just too pervasively corrupt.

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Dear Elizabeth,

I subscribed to Absurdistan earlier this week. I am so impressed with your work and insights. After your Omega4a article today I contacted Jay Valentine and asked whether Florida had signed on to his service. His reply below:

Jay Valentine


To:Rich Gabbay

Hi there Richard,

We run a massive Florida system but not for their government types.

We run the systems for 26 states - again, not for the government.

3 state Sec of State officials engaged us to work with them. Not Florida.

What strategies can we pursue to get multiple Secretaries of State to sign on? Lara trump?

Best regards,


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While on a vacation trip, I met a lawyer from Arizona who denied my claim that politicians representing the people of Ariazona were being "selected" by way of voting machine fraud rather than being "elected." The lawyer denied my claim thus identifying himself as a member of the cartel that governs Arizona.

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Selected or Elected that is our current voting rights. Sadly!

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“The most-watched show on premium tv, Succession, aired an episode last Sunday which ascribed all civic violence to the populist right, primitives who think votes are stolen.”

Same as it ever was. ‘The West Wing’ was all liberal, democrat, fantasy propaganda. ‘All The President’s Men’. ‘The Manchurian Candidate’, ‘Seven Days In May’, ‘Doctor Strangelove’, ‘The Quiet American’, etc. They are all propaganda pieces designed to shape minds…in one direction. McCarthy wasn’t incorrect in his assessments.

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McCarthy was right on!

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