You saved the candy for last: arrest of fake ballet harvesters in PA.

Only a writer as good as Elizabeth Nickson can tell a horrifying story like this that also makes us laugh along the way.

P.S. Did you notice: the Black community appears to be getting over Barack Obama...his earnest, fake diction ain't working. Then, You can't pay your bills? Rationing gas? Here...7 minutes of Beyonce. 🙄

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Right???? Puulease!!! 🤦‍♀️ Beyoncé, the only reason she performed is for self preservation. She's heavy on the DIDDY list.

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Yep, she got the "call".

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Word is she also got more than $2M for performing.

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she didn't sing

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Maybe not, but she definitely performed.

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But she didn’t perform as in concert. She spoke for 10 minutes. The Harris campaign has egg all over their faces. Pure fraudsters. #FKH #FTW

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Obama's credibility is fading faster than his skin. Soon he will be whiter than Michael Jackson. We live in a magickal world.

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Any relationship to Samuel Clemens?


“In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.”

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Ours is a world filled with sheep led by a small pack of wolves. It takes only one brave man to scatter the wolves and lead the sheep to safety.

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Your comment made my day, Mr. Clemens. thank you.

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You're welcome.


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His mother was a white Hawaiian.

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except Beyonce didn't perform!

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ballet is dance. a ballot is perhaps what you mean. You probably know that. I re-read my posts after and catch a lot of similar errors after the fact. It's interesting to try to figure out what was going on in my head at the instant of making an error like that which in fact doesn't represent a real error but rather a distraction.

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Banksters who have plundered the world for the last several decades all have a seminal moment. Right about the time their first billion hits their bank account. “Oh man, I’m RICH! Rich I tell you!” Then the panic sets in, crap I’m rich, I need to protect my wealth and cash and hide it all, and the fact that I ruined three great generational companies that made stuff to make the first billion, now has me feeling a little guilty, check that, really guilty…” Now what? Ah, of course philanthropy! I’ll donate millions to the NY MFA, of course the new wing on post modernism papier-mâché phallic symbols will be named after me! Or! A theater in West Palm Beach The Kravis Center! Not just a theater but a Center for the arts. Or! I’ll build a couple of college libraries and name them after me! I feel better already! Rather than just take the money and run and enjoy the Hell out of it, they have to lecture us, and tell us all how to live the good green life. We see them. Then there are the few with real F you money, Musk, Ackman, who catch on and because they are truly very bright guys say, hey we can have it all. We can a thriving growing economy, develops new ideas and products and still have so much land in Yellowstone Park that the bison are back and now a pain in the ass. When the average American looks across the broad spectrum of the fraud being perpetrated by this tiny group of miserable misfits full of self loathing and hatred and what they have done to western civilization, they get mad. They are mad. One has to hold on to hope that that anger is channeled to end this horrid mismanagement by this miserable misanthropic bunch, the poster child of which is John Kerry and his missing child on the milk carton is this gruesome effort that he and all his ilk and acolytes have perpetrated for the last 20-30 years. One senses it is coming to a halt. We shall see.

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If you have ever had the misfortune of being around these people, they are so repelling it is hard to stay in the same room with them for than 5 minutes without becoming nauseous. The wealth creators like Musk, or Bernie Marcus and Arthur Blank (Home Depot) see a need and fill it. When confronted with a real problem such you don’t have enough funding to keep SpaceX AND Tesla alive and are advised by the smartest guys in the room to kill one of your children, Musk’s “Sophie’s Choice” was “we are all dying together.” Fast forward everyone has survived to date and in fact flourished. Imagine being a bench warmer at a firm like KKR in the 1990’s, rather droll, not terribly intellectually curious but 5th in your class at HBS, and the chance comes along to get in the game. Beyond your wildest dreams, the marginal investment that was made, hits the mark and for doing relatively nothing you have your first $100M. The rest falls into place and suddenly 10 years and 1 billion on you are trying to figure out which Bugatti super car to drive three miles to the Seminole Golf Club in North Palm/Juno Beach to play golf (liars poker with golf sticks with this lot) and otherwise figure out how to destroy more of the inherent capabilities of the true builders so you can make more money. Pretty soon even Bobo the flying wonder donkey figures that even with his wings he is still an ass. Bobo can fly, sure; but in the end Bobo knows that the poor pack mule carrying the load up and down the mountain has more dignity in his right fore hoof than Bobo will ever have. That has to be a stark moment. But, fear not it’s time for philanthropy and we all know what happens then! John Kerry is pathetic, always has been and always will be. His senior commanders got him the Hell out of the Mekong Delta to save his life, his kind of officer was routinely found dead or grievously wounded from an M1 fragmentary grenade rolled under their rack in their sleeping quarters. After that it was all an upward climb, his first hyper wealthy wife kicked his boney ass out and he slept in his Chrysler LeBaron on Beacon Hill as he conducted his duties as Lt. Governor. Say what you will about Mike Dukakis but he knew a fraud when he saw one, and don’t try Billy Bulger, who spent a career ignoring “Live Shot.” We can do better. There are good people still out there fighting the good fight. Whether they can drag the herd to the high alpine meadows in late spring remains to be seen. Thusly, we shall see, we shall see.

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Philanthropaths. (h/t Margaret Anna Alice)

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You have really nailed the mindset of these characters whose one specialty in life is acquisitiveness. All the rest of humanity exists for their enrichment. And they really are miserable in their self-loathing -- they can't even enjoy all that money. And you are right-on about where all that horrible post-modern conceptual sick 'art' comes from. There is a direct connection between these billionaires' self-hatred and the grotesque monstrosities they inflict on the Museums and galleries of the world.

John Kerry is a great example of the breed. A sad-sack whose wealth was acquired by marrying the widow of Pennsylvania Senator John Heinz. Teresa Heinz, born in Zimbabwe, demonstrated her own political gift by introducing herself to Black audiences as 'an African-American'. They didn't welcome her, somehow, as one of their own. Endowing Kerry with the Heinz $billions showed similar judgment. Even more unfortunate for the nation than for herself was Kerry's period as Secretary of State, featuring his shilling, on Obama's behalf, for the Iranian Ayatollahs and their mad nuclear ambitions. That's how his self-loathing played out.

'One senses it is coming to a halt. We shall see.' Amen.

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John Kerry married a Heinz eh? Does that make him a has-bean? :)

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Wonderfully blistering critique penetrating a world gone psychopathically mad with brainwashed Dumb compulsively obsessing about out-brainwashing Dumber. This is the sanest article I've read in years. Nice work. Thank you for writing this.

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Thank you for an excellent article, Elizabeth.

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Elizabeth is truly one of a kind!

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Reading this I was reminded of a sketch from Mad Magazine. This was in the 80's; I was a kid. A man is walking around an office with a cookie jar, soliciting donations from the employees. One woman, digging in her purse, asks him what he's saving this time - whales, trees? His answer: the business. How utterly prophetic. And ironic. From how I remember it, the writers at Mad had no intention of linking the environmental movement to a failing business, it was just a funny comic. But damn were they right.

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Satire is a modern crystal ball. The Babylon Bee is today's version -- satire today, truth next week. Sometimes sooner.

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100%! I write books in my spare time, mostly fiction, but have written a couple of very satirical pieces on politics and culture. They're often the more fun to write than anything else!

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Indeed so. I find it too. You might like this if I may be so bold. Or bald. :)


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Just read your piece and subscribed - nice work! And if I may be so bold as well. Also bald, for the record. https://x.com/MarkSowersBooks/status/1830756068965916735

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Thanks Mark. <ten thousand septic tanks>, loved that!

I wasn't sure how you were going to finish your piece but you certainly kept the best bit until last.

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I had so much fun writing that story. Really glad you enjoyed it and looking forward to reading your stuff from Substack!

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This is GREAT. Election fraud is TREASON and should be punished as treason. It shouldn't include any more jail time that it takes to build a gallows!

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Or round up 5 rounds of 30-06, one a blank.

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I have no faith in the BRICS currency, they don’t even know what and how much of the new notes will be backed by a commodity. Also, how will this work, foreigners hold a huge portion of US dollars. You think they are willing to lose all those dollars and treasury bonds in an instant?

Dedollarization will be a long and complicated process. Dumping of treasuries in mass is not beneficial to any of the parties involved. BRICS is a wonderful concept on paper but attempting to make it reality would be a long and arduous process. Also,are people willingto trust these rogue foreign regimes so easily?

The destruction of the dollar has been hyped and is a distinct possibility. It’s mainly being promoted by gold and silver dealers. Dealers who are willing to take your dollars right now in exchange for their gold and silver. Does that make any sense?

Does anybody who has accumulated this silver and gold relish guarding this stuff during a dollar collapse? Some people think they are going to get rich overnight , life doesn’t work this way.

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"De-dollarization will be a long and complicated process. Dumping of treasuries in mass is not beneficial to any of the parties involved." It seems to me that those who dump dollars first might benefit.

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Study the speed of the fall of the Netherland Guilder as the crash allowed the country’s assets to be transferred to the banksters . Their new liquidity then set up the Bank of England. Old template for the banksters, Bread and Circuses for the willingly ignorant.

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All depends on your objective - - If it is to completely 'bankrupt' the USA, financially, morally, destroy its' culture, replace war memorials with bronzes of George Floyd, tell little boys they are really little girls, destroy all values - - the currency is just part of the plan. Why would anyone do that? Perhaps to develop a South-to-North super-highway to import slave labor, replace container ships full of trash with container-ships full of troops and war machinery, perhaps to buy un-developed natural resources for 10cents-on-the-once great US Dollar, perhaps to allow a self-declared 'master-race' to enjoy a better life, and take (once again) the position of world domination it "rightly" deserves - - -

Destruction of the dollar will not be a 'long and complicated process'. The process is well under way. Foreclosure, once declared, is an event not a process.

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To liquidate and transfer the assets to their new secure economic safe zone. Where they have rule of law and much younger demographics. Also proven record deposits of minerals and resources previously untapped. Surpasses Africa.

OBOR, New Silk Road and Maritime Silk Road.

Paying attention ? Then you already know where the majority of the Fortune 500 are headquartered.

Ukraine is a hub on both and will be rebuilt with the latest AI, Fiber optic , 5G , RFID, track and trace automated systems.

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@ Pippi Got it. Someone asked recently if - - ' I would like to 'submit a thumbprint so I could sign-in more easily' Great! Can I give you an eye-scan too? Let's see, you have my cell phone, and the ability to track me through that wherever in the world I happen to be, all my bank records, my SSN (which the Government swore would never be disclosed to ANYONE for ANY PURPOSE, when they 'signed me up' about 60 years ago, every previous employer and address, relative, as well as every word I have ever written, spoken or thought - - everything but a promise to be a good little puppet of the state.

Depending on how this election turns out, I expect there will be no peace until THAT bridge is crossed, one way or the other - - -

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"....Also, are people willing to trust these rogue foreign regimes so easily?"

That is an excellent question.

"The destruction of the dollar has been hyped and is a distinct possibility. It’s mainly being promoted by gold and silver dealers. Dealers who are willing to take your dollars right now in exchange for their gold and silver. Does that make any sense?...."

Also, really good question. It never occurred to me to see it turned around like that.

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I'm not worried about the election, I think Trump has got this, I'm worried about what happens after the election. Chaos is on order, and it will be rough times until Trump can shake things out. It's going to be a bumpy ride, hang on!

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I believe it may be a bumpy ride in the same cities that were overwhelmed by the BLM and Antifa riots in 2020 for a few weeks after the election or after the final votes are tallied. The riots were just like the Covid scamdemic: Manufactured. Since when do people protest in Japan over a junkie in the United States who died of a Fentanyl overdose while a police officer had his shin across his neck? The real problem for Trump will persist even if he is allowed to be inaugurated. Democrats and the deep state will pull out all of the stops until their agencies are defunded and dismantled; FDA, EPA, IRS, FBI, DHS, TSA, etc. Unless the people tell the RINOS that their days in office are numbered if they don't allow Trump to take a flamethrower to the federal government, exit the WHO (again) and the U.N. he will face the same opposition he faced in 2018 when Republicans held both houses of Congress.

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Unfortunately I think you are right. Then it may be time for a true insurrection.

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'All enemies foreign and domestic.'

If the Antifa/BLM/CCP thugs start anything, they will be hit hard.

And then they will disappear back into the holes they came from.

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I recently saturated my mind with doomthink, & though rationally things still look grim, I'm unaccountably optimistic. Yeah, pessimism sucks, it's time to turn the page. I suspect the big steal will not play out as planned, hilariously so. I agree with James Kunstler that the Democratic Party may be in the process of destroying itself.

So. The 'shift' hit me when I watched a recent playful Jordan Peterson psychological analysis of Trump, and his X-Men Team. It's alternately fascinating, funny, revealing, moving, a great ride.

I learned much about Musk, RFKJr, Vance & the others. It really is an exceptional team. Bravo to Peterson for doing this!


🥳 🤣 😎

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Thanks for sharing this video so much hope and uplifting.

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Damning, in a good way. Too bad I can't share it to my Facebook account which was hacked and destroyed, possibly for political reasons. Oh well.

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Let's really get the lefties in a tizzy by announcing that if Trump wins that there WILL be a GULAG to take this rabid leftist scum off the streets. The howls would be worth it just for the saying.

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Thank you for reporting the Lancaster voter fraud. (Even NPR reported it, tho they assert that such fraud is rare and usually caught. https://www.npr.org/2024/10/25/nx-s1-5165382/lancaster-county-voter-registration-fraud )

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Oct 26Edited

Good reading on a chilly Saturday morning, ten days to go before the curtain rises (or falls?) on The Next Act in this stupefying saga.

Any bets on who's gonna be taking a curtain call once the counting's done? I have my hunch, yet after what I saw happen in 2020 I'm disinclined to trust what the vibes I'm getting are telling me.

But, as I'm closer to 76 now than 75, I'm siding with the T/V cast & crew, seeing as how the B/H bunch has worked so hard the last four years to burn down the playhouse, with the audience inside. H/W has an entirely rewritten script already memorized that's not a play I want to see.

(PS - Elizabeth, if your plans still include a tour near me in a few weeks, my invitation still stands!)

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Can you talk more about the book Restoration Economy, Storm Cunningham (whoever that is) and what happened with your (formerly?) sober financial advisor? I am genuinely curious. I admit the book does look latently mendacious.

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