you said, “with the smallpox vaccine, which actually worked, the most you can do to a refuser is fine him $5 or $169 in today’s money. That was for an actual vaccine with proven efficacy, not an experimental gene therapy shot.” I would like to see the facts about the smallpox, or any other vaccine for that matter, that show that they work. I believe there have been no clinical trials. If you dig deep you will see graphs that show high rates of illness (let’s use measles, for example) that basically flatlines in the 1940’s and continues with low rates of disease and THEN the vaccine was introduced in around 1963. What could possibly have changed in the 40’s? Hmmmmm....water and sewer systems were installed. Have you read Dissolving Illusions and Turtles All the Way Down? I don't believe they have ever proved efficacy. Let's ask my friend whose daughter was maimed and subsequently died from her early infancy vaccines. I'm sorry, but we have to dissolve all those illusions that have been drummed into us for so, so long. God designed us perfectly. we don't need anything to make us better than that. Oh, and one more thing. Why does every town need a children’s hospital? What has happened to our children that they need to build big, beautiful hospitals just for them? Why, why are children so sick?

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Seems to me that the vax is only a small part of the problem. Two years of literal TORTURE, using every technique known to expert torturers, has stripped the world of immunity. Bad sleep, bad diet, no sunlight, constant panic, no confidence, no sense of purpose, rebreathing your own microbes inside the ballgags. Perfect reversal of ALL rules for normal health, perfect recipe for universal illness.

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"I’m going to try a snapshot. A state of play." "More to come."

We can't ask for more - and please, provide updates. This might be the wedge we need. I just sent it to my General Practitioner, a wonderful, honest, geriatric practitioner (he's middle-aged, his patients are geriatric), a man of the left in every way except his willingness to follow the facts, who came within an inch of losing his license over his public complaints about his inability to properly treat the elderly under his care. He has been appreciative of my occasional emails with links to articles like this one.

This isn't about left or right, young or old, this is bad stuff done to everyone no matter who and it's going to be hitting close to home in enough families that it just might do the trick.

Please keep the promise of "more to come.'

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When the covid operation mandates were first rolled out and the concientious objectors were loosing their livelyhoods in the military, education , governmental agencies and the private sector, I said to may wife, This should be a very good time to be a lawyer. When the death shots were then rolled out and stories of injuries and fatalities started being circulated as being anti vax anything that I am I again asked where are the lawyers? It should have been a feeding frenzy for the literal ambulance chasing faction of the legal business.They now have so much information to work with to make their cases . Class action lawsuits should be the fastest growing segment of the legal profession. In the past in this country ( U.S.A) anyway, when a handful of people get the trots from tainted lettuce ,it makes the national news and the FDA does their overreach and confiscates the entire crop of lettuce everywhere . Not a head of Iceberg lettuce to be found till the next crop is ready. We now have statistically the largest death and injury count from the jabs from anything else in history since the great flood and the shitheads in charge are still pushing it. It would be like them forcing every one to eat the contaminated lettuce or we will punish you. There is no way these people who were in on this ,and it could be tens of thousands in all the different agencies and businesses, are not not prosecutable for their forknowledge of what the out come would be. We can't move on unless these perpetrators all pay the price .Everything else hinges on people going to prison if we are to get back to bodily autonomy and individual medical protocols as before the poison pill Rockefeller mafia took over. Thanks again Elizabeth!

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Elizabeth, I enjoy your writing tremendously. I would like to point our that this particular topic is NOT about science. Science is a distraction so that it LOOKs like mountains of data must be analyzed, debated, etc for years to provide that final-final proof and convince places like Time magazine or FDA to "look at the data!" (Steve Kirsch). This issue is misunderstood on both sides, "theirs" and "ours" and it was designed by the perpetrators to be this way. The crime was designed to fool everyone, especially the doctors, scientists and lawyers who might have conscience to push back. The real issue is the criminality of the EUA regulatory status of the "vaccines". These are "EUA Countermeasures under Public Health Emergency" - a euphemism designed by the US Government to enable trafficking illicit substances (poisons and bioweapons) across state lines, completely legally. I invite you to view these videos:



and also read my colleague Katherine Watt's "Bailiwick News" substack where she meticulously assembled all the legal evidence over the past several years, without hundreds of thousands in budget, no researchers nor fact checkers that Time would enjoy in the good old days. Competence is rare, but it does exist, and Katherine is the most accomplished legal researcher in the world today.

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What I didn’t see in this piece is the case for collusion and conspiracy to commit fraud, which is a key violation of the blanket protections afforded Big Pharma. If only ten percent of this is true and provable, a whole bunch of people, including all of Big Pharma and most of the state and federal government agencies need to pay and pay dearly for what they did, in violation of so many laws. I see this as the result of unfettered and out of control regulations which convey the power of law, even though they are not, and even though they violate actual law that no one seems interested in pursuing.

The penalty for committing murder is death. This appears repeatedly in the evidence to be an intentional act to depopulate the world. I think the key players in this story, like Mr. Gates, deserve to pay dearly for their part.

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The main problem as the 'covid' agenda developed and proceeded along the lines of the Great Reset is that 'ordinary' people resigned any sense of moral responsibility and are adamant in their denials ever since and as we are about to enter a horrendous future. As always it will be 'the few' who tame this beast, and i believe we will, 'cause the dna of the narrative is everywhere splitting, and its implementers lack real ability in my humble opinion!

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No doubt the continuing avalanche of data evidencing the shorter and longer-term impacts of the death jabs is important; however, most of this is only looking at the casualties we've seen thus far and fails to expose the underlying issue that are still very much at play -- that the entire program was based on years of previous legal maneuvers over multiple administrations, that it was conducted, administered, and distributed via the Department of Defense and the EUA was linked to the production of Bioweapons Countermeasures -- "prototype" injections that were not required to be put through trials or regulatory approvals, that were manufactured to specification and that mistakes, though made (because the usual good manufacturing processes were not required), were not the intent -- it was the purposeful and deliberate inclusion and application of the desired ENHANCEMENT of pre-existing technology (nanotechnology) ALREADY resident in many people (from other pharmaceuticals, geoengineering -- for decades, to deliver upgrades via graphene and polymer/hydrogel based self-assembling nanocircuitry that interacts with advanced optigentic and microwave technologies for the manipulation, control and ongoing release of other disease vectors (remotely) to cull and enslave populations and to make them susceptible to global governance and oversight via the internet of bodies/internet of all things and the greater efficacy of using humans as computer nodes in the internet of bodies systems linked to 5/6 G and satellites storing individual bio and behavioral data in a vast network. To include modified humans (BORG GENESIS) in a lengthening list of patented 7 digitally inventoried genetically modified materials, plants, animals, our air and water, soil and to mass produce all pharmaceuticals with the same technology that will be mandated in the near future for all who wish to access funds in the digital banking systems or to travel or to participate in society in general that is being put into place and the transfer or the sovereignty of nations to the WHO/UN. For the implementation of 15 minute cities and for the selective eugenics and directed evolution deemed necessary by climate alarmists and overpopulation zealots who believe that the reduction of the human population and the making of more compliant citizens who are restricted from freedoms afforded them under current law and whose ownership of property of all kinds and interactions with nature are prohibitive and must be curtailed and controlled (with mass sterilization to curb reproduction of future organic offspring)... Energy and data are the new currency -- and the digital twin being constantly updated with our individual data constantly being gathered about us then fed back to us in an endless loop to alter and manipulate us and to eventually consign us to a metaverse virtual world is fast approaching. A concentration on damage already done is weighty evidence of a crime, but the kill box trap has no assailable responsible parties -- it is worldwide in nature and well-funded and advanced in its implementation. An organized grass roots resistance is what is needed to withstand the coming electronic and tactical, kinetic wars being waged even now on humankind by those who would be our masters -- who are deeply steeped in the occult and in building for themselves a transhuman future and using us as guinea pigs for it. Glad to see that more are awakening, but there is still much of the real, continuing crime that is going unnoticed or unpublished while there are regular people out there amassing the data evidencing the larger plan and activities that we're already well-engaged in seeing come to fruition.

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Wonderful article and gee, I hope you’re right about the inevitability of justice for these vile perps. it would require a takedown of the whole worldwide secret government—something we desperately need, but they won’t go without a fight.

Your musings about Time in its heyday bring back misty memories of a time when journalism existed. reporters who did research, asked uncomfortable questions, had spines, etc., and news organizations that were not mere arms of government. I miss those days.

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NO - every Institution succeeded in accomplishing the goal. They also added to their power and wealth.

“Every Canadian institution failed. Every American, British, French, German, Australian, Japanese institution failed. “

All you have proved here is that Fish did need bicycles; The West needed MEN, and they weren’t to be found.

Men were banned first.

Men don’t get lawyers and reporters and sue when harm is done, when their rights are violated by force.

You women are liberated, we’re equal. You get the dirty work, or none shall.

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Great piece. Your title says it all. What I am starting to understand with black pills is their nature of it has to be fixed now or it wont be fixed. History is our greatest teacher. The other teacher is the realization that everything is a cycle and not linear.

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Great article by Elizabeth Nickson. The data on the mRNA injections is all out there. And yet, today on TV here in the San Francisco Bay Area, there was a Pfizer ad for their "new" SpikeVax jab(s). The TV ad encouraged pregnant women to get the SpikeVax to "protect themselves and their fetuses." For emphasis, the camera shows the hypodermic needle full of SpikeVax going into the pregnant belly and womb of the mother.

Is the USA the only country left in the world that gives mRNA shots to pregnant women?

I realize that the USA specializes in killing women, children, and fetuses but using the mRNA shot to do so is still allowed and encouraged?

Good heavens! What an Exceptional Nation America truly is.

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This is good. But do note that Igor Chudov has some issues with this, however, reported here. His issue is that the “whistleblower data” is missing huge chunks of information that should logically be present, that Liz Gunn of NZ is misinterpreting it by trying to pass normal nursing home deaths as evidence of “super deadly batches” and “mass vaccine casualties” and that the data has problems that are incompatible with the story of its origin. It cannot be a full snapshot from a working payment database. Therefore, the story of its origin is suspect and the actual vaccine casualties may reside in the missing pieces of data that the “database” does not provide

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Unfortunately, you have adopted the same approach as many other "critics" of the vaccines. Although this is understandable as a number of people may eventually make quite a lot of money as a result, it totally misses the crux of the matter. This is the fact that there never was a virus. No pathogenic virus has ever been found or identified in human history. In other words, the whole vaccination exercise was a huge fraud right from the beginning. And this definition, obviously, applies to any use of vaccines, i.e. virology is nonsensical, fraudulent, harmful and potentially lethal. This is the message that should be driven home in order to wake people up and put an end to an industry designed to make some parasites rich and kill or maim the population at large.

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Dec 2, 2023·edited Dec 2, 2023

My daughters reply after reading this great article...

"So when does the "you'll get tired of winning so much" phase begin?"

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Thank you for this excellent overview. I attempt to wade through the stellar work of Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova but my non-scientific eyes glaze over. We are blessed to have researchers like all of you.

I am bowled over by the work of The National Citizens Inquiry (NCI) and will never tire of urging every Canadian (and American) to start listening to the testimonies. Have a box of tissues nearby. I listened to Tom Marazzo’s (one of the Ottawa Freedom Convoy directors) testimony yesterday and watched in shock as some police thugs beat a wounded decorated veteran at the national cenotaph. I may add that Mr. Marazzo now has a $400M lawsuit against him. A fine madness seized our governments - and still does.

A most important point you shared was: Why? Indeed. Cui bono? Was it to slowly depopulate without overwhelming the global medical response teams? Slow, but ongoing, increasing numbers of deaths they could attempt to explain away with the assistance of the lapdog press. Was it to separate the wheat from the chaff, identifying the compliant from the non-compliant? It is very clear now who the non-compliant, independent thinkers are. Always a concern at the back of the mind.

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