When I was (very) junior at Time, the editors in New York would assign a ‘take-out’ on a subject preoccupying their readership. Ten reporters, five researchers, three fact checkers, two or three writers and a couple of editors would go to work for a couple of months and produce fifteen or twenty thousand definitive words. That was when the magazine had six million subscribers, thirty million readers and all the advertising. It was printing money and could afford the more than hundred thousand dollars these takeouts would cost. Then private equity got hold of the company, stripped it of its talent, and it’s now a shrivelled husk, as is all legacy media. Trust me, those minds were fierce, monster minds that could aggregate, analyze, check, recheck, and make the subject not only compulsively readable but move both mountain and Mohammed. I am wholly nostalgic for that level of expertise.
Because we could use that brain power on vaccine injury legal challenges right about now. Instead what we have is doctors, scientists, lawyers and policy people writing principally for Substack without the writing, research and especially editorial skills to analyze and sell the big picture. I admire, deeply, their stepping up, risking their careers, livelihoods, and families, but writing with scope and clarity is a hard-won skill. This ‘file’, as they would call it at Time Inc., has tens of thousands of moving parts. Injury and mechanisms of injury, data are pouring in weekly from every country – peer reviewed data and double blind studies – and there must be as many as ten thousand lawyers worldwide focusing entirely on breaking the immunity of the drug companies. Ninety lawyers are advertising for business, stating that litigation floodgates for vaccine damage are open. Recently the new government in New Zealand opened up their records:

RFK Jr’s Children’s Health Defence and Naomi Wolf’s DailyClout.io collect thousands of pieces of data, with each site funding dozens of initiatives, researchers, podcasts and projects like Wolf’s volunteer scientists analyzing the Pfizer data, but what is available is not ordered enough for the ‘average’ reader.
It may be an impossible task. For instance, with the research I have, I could write a 50,000 word book, publish it tomorrow, and within two months, it would be outdated.
I’m going to try a snapshot. A state of play. What is happening and what the next steps might be. Only the highlights. As I said, this is a roiling unstoppable flood of information. Everyone I cite is at the top of their field, and many have been systematically defamed.
Pfizer-BioNTech , Moderna, Astra Zeneca and J&J are being sued across every jurisdiction in every country. Millions of people have been damaged, Edward Dowd estimates two million in the U.S., alone, and another physicist/statistician Denis Rancourtt claims there have been as many as seventeen million deaths, world wide.
Here are the graphs of excess deaths in 2023, so far. In almost every country, 2020, the Covid year showed no excess deaths. They picked up in 2021, right after the vaccine push arrived. South Korea, Japan and Singapore must have ordered the strongest gene therapies, their losses are terrible; the least severe being the United States. You will notice that, in some countries, the baseline ‘above average’ starts at five, ten or fifteen percent and rises from there.

Let’s start with the basics. Governments are quietly stepping up and paying out the vaccine damaged. In Australia, for instance, 147 people have have been awarded $7.7 million, with two thousand more claims in progress. Principally those damages recognized by governments are myocarditis and pericarditis (an estimated 2.5% chance per shot), as in:
McCullough explains that if a cardiologist has recommended the shot, and his patient is having heart problems, he almost certainly does not return to that cardiologist. Despite the propaganda machine, and understandable cognitive dissonance, people know what is going on.
Guillam-Barré Syndrome, a severe immune disorder, turbo cancers and blood clots are the other three most common illnesses. There are many more mechanisms of damage, the havoc wrecked explained best by Dr. Robert Malone, one of the men who holds patents on early mRNA formulations. The following was stated at a Congressional hearing last month, held by Senator Ron Johnson. These hearings are generally held under oath.
“what I can say definitively is that every aspect of these particles has a toxicity. The modified messenger RNA is intrinsically immunosuppressive. That's why it's been modified. It's been modified to be immunosuppressive. So the mRNA has intrinsic toxicity associated with it. This is what Karikó and Weissman got the Nobel Prize for was making it less toxic by making it anti-inflammatory or immunosuppressive. The lipidic components, the particles themselves are intrinsically toxic. This has long been known. It is the reason why I abandoned the technology. They're highly inflammatory. They destroy cells. When you use this in experimentation, you have to carefully monitor the dose that you administer and you basically administer up to a toxic dose in which you're still killing a large number of cells because it is membrane active, it disrupts membrane integrity. When you lose membrane integrity, cells die. Okay, so the RNA component is toxic. The formulations themselves are toxic. That's well documented. And then the payload, the thing that they are producing, the spike protein, this is, as I mentioned, one of the things that I was ridiculed for saying so long ago, but in fact the spike protein is a toxin that is now well established in the scientific literature, and I think there's wide consensus on that. The cardiovascular effects that you're talking about may also include a component of autoimmune disease that is elicited by the complex themselves, potentially binding to other proteins there. This is, the immunotoxicity is one explanation that many use for the cardiotoxicity. This autoimmune problem is a known complication, for instance, of the smallpox vaccines. The DOD dealt with that for decades, but the problem with that theory is that you observe the cardiotoxicity within hours to days. So you can observe the release of enzymes that are specific for damaged heart cells starting within hours of when the injections are provided, and data suggests that it may be up to half of people that are receiving these have some degree of cardiac damage based on these enzyme releases. So there's direct toxicity, there's indirect toxicity, there is autoimmune disease, there is toxicity from the particles, there's toxicity from the proteins, there's toxicity from the mRNA. It's all a big mess.’”
Turbo cancers:
One way or another, all of us have been damaged by this adventure in medicine. While all the government and major health centre sites foreswear shedding of mRNA particles, the unfortunate fact is that mRNA vaccines shed. Refuse vaccines, as I did, and you are vaccinated anyway, by your relatives at Christmas, at the gym or grocery store.
At this juncture, one must usher in the massive, unholy propaganda campaign we have all been subjected to. Substack’s Michael Shellenberger and Matt Taibbi published this Tuesday, the 28th of November:
Taibbi and Shellenberger, both btw, formerly men of the left, document the manner in which the public square has been filled with fiction. Everywhere you go on the internet, whether it is socials, or government media like the BBC or legacy media or government websites, they all parrot the current correctness. The first twenty to one hundred items in every search, are government or media propaganda, all carefully coordinated to confuse, misdirect and dampen suspicion of wrongdoing.
“Another (document) explains that while such activities overseas are "typically" done by "the CIA and NSA and the Department of Defence," censorship efforts "against Americans" have to be done using private partners because the government doesn't have the ‘legal authority.’”
Basically that’s how they did it, that’s how they forced people to line up to get an untested gene therapy shot that was still in experimental stages. They hired the best, most unethical brainiacs they could find and using our money, cut out of the massive Defence budget, convinced, blackmailed and bullied us to take an experimental gene therapy shot. It was not safe, it was not effective, but it did poison all of us.
Katherine Watt, a legal researcher and writer, at her Balliwick News, has explained it well over the past 18 months, reading deep into the legislation and executive orders that allowed the Defence Department’s alliance with Health and Human Services, and the legislation and executive orders which overrode human agency. These maneuvers allowed the various countries’ armies to force the shot, government agencies to force the shot, allowed corporations to force the shot under threat of being fired, without, sometimes, pension or unemployment insurance. In Canada, you could not get on a train or bus without vaccination.
Yesterday, in the demented Dominion, the final report of the National Citizen’s Inquiry was released. The NCI was an independently-funded commission that hosted presentations coast-to-coast over a year, aggregating the raw experiences of Covid from citizens. Journalists, doctors, nurses, coroners, medical personnel, scientists all testified under oath, describing what happened to them, their professions, families and communities.
The commissioners concluded that:
There is no doubt that many of the government measures in response to COVID violated Canadians' rights and freedoms under the Charter, including:
• freedom of thought, belief, opinion, and expression (s. 2(b));
• freedom of peaceful assembly (s. 2(c));
• freedom of association (s. 2(d));
• the right to move to and take up residence in any province (s. 6(2)(a));
• the right to pursue the gaining of a livelihood in any province (s. 6(2)(b));
• the right to life, liberty, and security of the person (s. 7);
• the right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure (s. 8);
• the right not to be arbitrarily detained or imprisoned (s. 9);
• the right not to be subjected to any cruel or unusual treatment or punishment (s. 12);
• the right to be equal before and under the law (s. 15); and
• the right to equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age, or mental or physical disability (s. 15)."
This could mean, as critical mass approaches, and people admit that their family members were injured or died from the vaccine, massive class action suits against the government. And then all those who deliberately misled the public.
"At least three facts about the covid-19 vaccines are beyond dispute, because authorities like Health Canada admit these facts.
• The first fact beyond dispute is that Health Canada did not determine that the vaccines were safe and effective when they approved the vaccines.
• The second fact beyond dispute is that the process by which the vaccines were made for approval was a different process from the process by which they were made for Mass Marketing. There has been a bait and switch perpetrated on the public by which the public received a different product ... a product which was neither safe nor effective from the product which was approved.
• The third fact beyond dispute is that vaccines are adulterated ... by the presence of foreign DNA fragments and a sequence from a monkey virus called SV40, suspected of causing cancer. Adulterated products are neither safe nor effective.
Health Canada does not deny these shocking facts.
Every Canadian institution failed. Every American, British, French, German, Australian, Japanese institution failed. They are all now suspect of colluding in the poisoning of the world’s population. Every institution is vulnerable to lawsuits for vaccine damage and colluding in falsified data, and propaganda. Government media like the BBC and CBC are liable for falsifying stories, betraying their mandate to serve the public, and betraying the mandate of fairness. Legacy media deserve class action lawsuits for their betrayal of trust.

In order to break the cutouts given to the vaccine companies in the PREP Act, which allowed them blanket immunity, lawyers have to prove criminal intent or wrongdoing. As well, you cannot sue government for negligence, or at least not for substantial damages. At present, both the Canadian and American armed forces are being sued by their members for both damages and the mandates. These could be said to be wobbly because the government can say, “If we didn’t give the vaccine companies immunity, they wouldn’t supply the vaccines. What if, next time, it’s a real pandemic, and we need them to step up and they won’t?”
Recklessly overturning civil rights is not actionable, because they can explain, “they didn’t know the shots were poison. We didn’t know that Covid had such a low death rate.”
But….prove criminal intent and you have a whole new ballgame.
This is the course that the smartest lawyers, including the jailed Reiner Fuellmich are following. Fuellmich, who has collected enough evidence to stage a global Nuremberg II, is such a threat to the German regime, they currently have him in solitary confinement.
Dr. David Martin, who is both an MD and a patent lawyer is planning a series of lawsuits that will overturn the vaccine companies’ immunity. In Utah civic code, the state where he launched his first suit, the definition of a vaccine is an intervention that prevents infection and transmission. mRNA did neither. mRNA is an experimental gene therapy, and defined as such both in its patents and in its SEC filings. Therefore they lied. They misrepresented the truth, in advertising. That is an illegal act. Their first illegal act.
Further, the 1905 Public Health Policy Act, written first in U.S. Federal law, and then transmigrated into State law, and amended and tightened over the past 120 years, means that they can only use police power, as they did with forced vaccinations for keeping your job, going to school, visiting restaurants and churches, if and only if, the public health intervention, in this case, the vaccine, can disrupt infection or transmission.
There is no police power in any jurisdiction that has been granted for a treatment. And mRNA was a treatment, not a vaccine. It didn’t prevent transmission or spreading. At best, it lessened severity of the disease. For instance, they can’t force you to take chemo and they can’t keep you on life support if you want to die. This was affirmed by the Supreme Court in Cruzan vs. Missouri.
So, the foundation of all suits in every country and jurisdiction is the deceptive medical practice of calling a thing a thing. Which is to say, they lied. They said an experimental gene therapy was a vaccine. The second is the fundamental question of police powers forcing a therapy that only disrupts the severity of a disease, and does not prevent infection or transmission. Even in the U.S. Supreme Court decision, Jacobson v Mass, with the smallpox vaccine, which actually worked, the most you can do to a refuser is fine him $5 or $169 in today’s money. That was for an actual vaccine with proven efficacy, not an experimental gene therapy shot.
At best, with the mRNA shot, you were getting a spike protein for the computer simulation of what the first variant sent to Moderna and Pfizer was thought to have probably been. It did not confer immunity for Omicron or following viruses. Further every virus has multiple proteins and multiple binding domains. If ‘vaxxed’, you only had immunity to the first fragment of spike protein of the first virus. And then you got a whole lot of other junk DNA, monkey pox and HIV fragments and other toxins.
But, if you got Covid and were unvaxxed, you were subsequently immune to all the variants.
To threaten and take jobs and livelihoods for a treatment, an experimental gene therapy injection that subsequently failed and damaged people, is an illegal act in the U.S. Further, other cases are working the so-called clinical trials run by the vaccine companies that showed in at least one case, that the vaccine companies knew without equivocation that the experimental gene therapy shot was dangerous. They dropped those who sickened from the trial and did not register them. Again criminality.
Martin and others believe they can prove further collusions between the Department of Defence and the vaccine companies which will eventually force the dropping of the immunity shield and then, all of the deaths, injuries, become civil liabilities for the manufacturers.
That this trail leads to the CDC, Health and Human Services, the FDA and the Department of Defence cannot be ignored. Katherine Watts does, what I think is the most important research of 2022, by aggregating the acts, legislation, and executive orders that created this monster that destroyed the world.
Were they trying to kill us? And if so, why? I know it is hard to accept that Henry Kissinger under the aegis of the Rockefellers, the Club of Rome, British Roundtable, Chatham House, etc., insinuated the depopulation agenda into federal government policy, but he did during the Nixon administration. Even Reagan’s administration was staffed by members of the Rockefeller’s depopulation crew. The policy is there. It’s not decoration, it’s not pretty words from academia and the foundations, it’s an agenda.
The last question the men and women fighting this battle will have to answer is the one below. And prove it. Was Covid attempted genocide? And if so, why. What are they hiding?
More to come.
Welcome to Absurdistan is a reader-supported publication. I’m trying to do the work not being done by legacy media, as I was trained to do, by some of the best editors then alive. Please, if you can afford it, consider an annual subscription.
you said, “with the smallpox vaccine, which actually worked, the most you can do to a refuser is fine him $5 or $169 in today’s money. That was for an actual vaccine with proven efficacy, not an experimental gene therapy shot.” I would like to see the facts about the smallpox, or any other vaccine for that matter, that show that they work. I believe there have been no clinical trials. If you dig deep you will see graphs that show high rates of illness (let’s use measles, for example) that basically flatlines in the 1940’s and continues with low rates of disease and THEN the vaccine was introduced in around 1963. What could possibly have changed in the 40’s? Hmmmmm....water and sewer systems were installed. Have you read Dissolving Illusions and Turtles All the Way Down? I don't believe they have ever proved efficacy. Let's ask my friend whose daughter was maimed and subsequently died from her early infancy vaccines. I'm sorry, but we have to dissolve all those illusions that have been drummed into us for so, so long. God designed us perfectly. we don't need anything to make us better than that. Oh, and one more thing. Why does every town need a children’s hospital? What has happened to our children that they need to build big, beautiful hospitals just for them? Why, why are children so sick?
Seems to me that the vax is only a small part of the problem. Two years of literal TORTURE, using every technique known to expert torturers, has stripped the world of immunity. Bad sleep, bad diet, no sunlight, constant panic, no confidence, no sense of purpose, rebreathing your own microbes inside the ballgags. Perfect reversal of ALL rules for normal health, perfect recipe for universal illness.