There's only one recourse for stopping the election fraud, and that's the Supreme Court.

Can someone get America-First Legal to file a suit challenging all the ’emergency’ ballot-mongering, on grounds that it violates the Constitutional Election Day and the principle of ‘One man, one vote’?

I think such a suit would get a welcome reception from the five more-or-less conservative Justices. But it has to be done right away!

Same-day paper voting; no mail-in ballotting.

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Can freeloaders comment? if so.. I agree fully with you on this.

However, it is one thing to point out the problems, something else entirely to offer solutions that don't involve rope. After Obama stole the 2012 election I wrote the stuff that's now on my telearb.net site describing the nature and source of the leftist fallacy and tried to get it published. Exactly nobody was interested then or now. Similarly, after the 2020 debacle I published "how to save the republic" on a teaparty site (see https://www.teaparty911.com/save-the-republic/ ) but drew zero interest.

Bottom line: it is possible to understand the enemy, it is possible to fix elections (see winface.com), and it is possible to chase Biden et al out of office without violence - but it does not look like anything will happen until it's either too late (WW3?) or we get a blood bath in the streets.

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Are you working in your county to stop voter fraud? That is the only way to operate right now. I don't know if you are a writer by trade, but it took me forty years of work and study and training under the best editors in the world to be able to attract attention by writing. Everyone has talent if they find their voice, but the skills are required after about 40,000 hours of hard labor. It is more important now to clean voter rolls and fight the corruption where you live, than anything else.

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Such an excellent summation. I can’t wait to hear about efforts to hit back. But the Arizona governor election leaves me less than hopeful.

Lake and her team seemed to absorb none of the lessons of 2020 and in retrospect there were jarring parallels. Lake and Trump both energized, enthusiastically embraced, out and about. Talking sense. Meanwhile, Hobbs and Biden—lifeless, dull, hidden, boring by comparison. And yet… and yet. Both had aces up their sleeves that their GOP opponents were blind to.

The aversion to dirty tactics is baked into the conservative mindset. It’s going to take something unnatural in them to pull it off.

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In large part because the press is corrupt. The solution comes down to the original idea of the US, a small group of powerless Americans banded together - Edmund Burke dubbed them “little platoons”: self-organizing groups of ordinary citizens—the kind of initiatives that Tocqueville held up as examples of American civic engagement at its best. The ground of freedom.

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The level of infiltration and subversion of our western system of government, documented by Christina Bobb and a growing list of patriots, is so massive, pervasive and well funded that it boggles the mind. Democracy in Canada, US and most western nations now resembles a Potemkin village in the former USSR, a facade of a democracy with most of the trappings but little of the attributes of a true democracy. Sadly, most people are deceived but don't know they are deceived and each day tune in to the global system of brainwashing and indoctrination commonly referred to as the Main Stream Media and social media. George Orwell's 1984 has arrived where: “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

But how did this happen? The money involved in the take over and subversion of Christian Western Civilization is staggering. The consequences of this tyranny has been well documented on many fronts from rigged elections to global warming fraud to unending wars that violate international law to lethal Covid shots but we must also focus on who and what is behind this diabolical depopulation and control agenda. Follow the money and it will lead to an International Criminal Banking Syndicate centered in City of London, other financial capitals and the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) in Switzerland which is the central bank of central banks. The Federal Reserve Cartel: Who owns the Federal Reserve? They are the Goldman Sachs, Rockefellers, Lehmans and Kuhn Loebs of New York; the Rothschilds of Paris and London; the Warburgs of Hamburg; the Lazards of Paris; and the Israel Moses Seifs of Rome. https://hannenabintuherland.com/usa/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families-who-own-usa-dean-henderson-herlandreport/

For a more complete analysis, read here:


How the US gov’t built a shadow structure that enabled COVID vax ‘bioterrorism’

“At some point, it will become clear to a wider segment of the American population that for more than two years now, we’ve already been ruled over by a global organized crime syndicate."

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Yeah, I wrote about the work of those two women a few weeks ago, brilliant work on the part of the lawyer going into the legislation. It is what I did for Eco-Fascists,minto the acts, the sgreements, the boilerplate legislation. I think, welp, we fell asleep, to some extent we deserve what is comig. Those fuckers at the Club of Rome won’t be able to pull this off. That is what I think.

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I could not agree more. There is not a chance that these gangsters will be able to pull it off because evil will ultimately destroys itself. The genocide caused by the COVID shot is so massive that they will not be able to cover it up. Unlike lies which are currently endemic in Canada and throughout the western world, truth is eternal and can only be suppressed but never destroyed. Why would anyone trust Big Pharma, CDC, WHO, NIH, FDA or any public health agency or medical system in the entire western world...including your doctor, 99% of whom remained silent while their patients were murdered or maimed by injection with a poison? The good news is that the COVID "pandemic" protocols and the lethal mRNA shots are slowly destroying our trust in public and private agencies which will bring down the entire rotten system. These criminals went too far this time because the magnitude of deaths and injuries caused by these shots is too large to cover up. What we are seeing now thanks to courageous scientists, doctors and independent journalists is an explosion of truth on so many fronts...not just related to health and vaccines but also politics, banking, finance, election integrity, foreign policy and perpetual wars, security and censorship, justice, education, media, climate change, etc. Edward Dowd, a former high-level investment analyst at Black Rock, is providing a lot of insight and analysis related to Covid death and injury data, and the current state of the economic and banking system (https://banned.video/watch?id=64138180605edf539c1490f2). Klaus Schwab and the WEF, and the shadowy money powers behind the WEF, may dream of the Great Reset but this dream of global tyranny where you will own nothing but be happy (while they own everything) will not be realized. But they will face a Great Reckoning which is true justice for ALL the perpetrators of these Crimes Against Humanity.

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Molly Ball at Time told the entire story of how they 'saved the election' in her Feb 4, 2021 25 page essay "The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election".


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“…an educated, organized populace which grows by the day, sharply aware of each of their crimes and determined to stop them.”

I have seen no evidence of this. Even my well educated relatives want no part of it, don’t want to discuss it, and think I’m a conspiracy monger who needs therapy.

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Am writing about this next week. All one person can do is tell the truth, work to correct wrongs. This is the truth. Critical mass. Tipping point. It will happen.

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Same. Neighbors, too.

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I think this was the whole point of the 1/6 lockups, no charges, no bail, sit and rot.

People did pay attention to that much. 'They' may have the BIG hammer, but patience is

wearing very thin.

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I have trepidation regarding my substack posts. I view anything as possible in the near future. "America" will merely be a name on a map soon if we don't halt and reverse what is transpiring.

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My very bright, amazing granddaughter who is an engineer and still a practicing Catholic won't discuss anything political. She and her cohorts will keep their heads in the sand until they face the tyranny in their restricted lives paychecks. They hope to recreate their parents lives even though their circumstances have radically changed.

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Ok! Lesson learned. I change the title!

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This is a great piece and I'm going to post you on Lucianne again. But I still wish you matched your headlines to your content a bit more closely.

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Yes ma’am!

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Haha. C'mon, you're a journalist, you know you have to capture the reader's interest. If you do a bait-and-switch, readers don't like it. Your piece got only three comments and it was worth far more.

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Judy - please see my comment just below. Would you consider postong my piece to Lucianne? A colleague of mine did, but failed to ask permission to post a "blog." It was only up for an hour, but the increase to my subscriptions (free) was large and readership zoomed. I have an upcoming, unique, article on DEI. I'm doing what I can to help.

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David, Luciane does not take articles more than two days old, maybe three if it's important. Definitely not one over a week old as yours is. But Substack isn't considered a blog; it's easy to post if you use "Substack" as the publication and not the name of your particular Substack. Except in some cases. I'm still figuring it out.

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Judy: Good info, thanks. I've had a problem with my Lucianne account for a year or more. I've given up trying to reset my password - nothing comes of it. I've also tried using an entirely new gmail account, but I never receive the link for confirmation. That's why I had a friend post "Noneo Dare Call it..." - it made it, but Lucianne yanked it. I was able to see it there when it was about the third headline from the top. At this point, all I can think is that, truly, "none dare call it...". American Thinker, where I've been published in the past, said to avoid words such as "traitor" and "treason," calling it "trite." Yeah. There's not much courage out there, today. I'd like to get my column more widely viewed. I have a provocative item coming up regarding DEI. My views, regardless of subject, will be unique and important. I'll do what I can. Thanks again.

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You know, Lucianne died last year. I don't think she was running it for a while before that. Whoever took it over, the site is not as responsive as it used to be. I've inquired about posting things and didn't get a reply, something that never happened in the past. Still, you could try emailing them to ask about your problem. Nevertheless, it's a valuable site and I wish you good luck with it.

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Now this would be a good article!

Capital Markets Preparing for WW3 Which is designed to hide the stolen elections, Biden and Admin State corruption, and the Covid genocide.

I would like to see that and also one about the corruption that put Trudeau in office, please!

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Great piece; I am aware of all of this. I increasingly fear that America is unrecoverable short of a "civil" war. See "NONE DARE CALL IT TREASON; NONE DARE CALL THEM TRAITORS" at plainsenseandsanity dot substack dot com.

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Yeah, I saw that interview of Ed Dowd with Steve Bannon,....wow. This is why the Elite/Globalists/DEEP STATE never address any of the SCAMS, FRAUDS and DEPOPULATION they are doing....they think they will get a way with it all by creating WW3 with China. I'm sure China is happy to help them,....because afterwards, China will get the Bread Basket of the United States for it's own to help feed it's people during the Grand Solar Minimum. The significant COOLING of the Planet.

I sure hope that there really are White Hats working behind the scenes otherwise we are in deep water without a paddle. Could someone please tell President Trump about all this? Just in case he doesn't know. When I listen to him, I'm never sure he's actually in on all this!

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Thank you Elizabeth. Flagrantly unlawful but still taking place feels like a death sentence at the hands of invisible hateful evil. I hope for light to overcome dark but I’m running low on good expectation

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Maybe a national divorce is not such a far fetched idea after all....

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"Welcome to Absurdistan" = Priceless :-D

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It's a great article, but what does the headline have to do with it?

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Excellent piece on the stolen election, but nothing about Capital Markets. Did someone else write the headline?

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Sorry, the war is meant to save these idiots from being caught. And half the market believes that and is preparing for it.

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