You are waking us up, but not helping us sleep. :)

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There are too many of us asleep already

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A little cleverness makes all the bad news a little easier to take.


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hola, en:

in a rather incomplete way i predicted much of this in the late 1980s when under mulroney canada revamped the immigration system to allow only the rich, allowed the purchase of canadian land by foreigners and stopped funding universities concomitantly with allowing them to over-charge for foreign students.

at the time i also realised that the then early form of the mba-process (what i now recognise as an early if not earliest manifestation of woke) of profit maximisation with the concomitant outsourcing of manufacturing was to be the ecomomic death of america and canada starting with the evisceration of the middle class, the heart and blood of those nations. the giant box stores i recognised as economic cancer to the community. and at the same time i described that the rapidly expanding wealth of the banks was a form of economic leukemia.

the very overt replacement of anything resembling reporting the truth was pretty much destroyed in that time frame. a marker to me of that was when brain-dead economic expert michael campbell came on night after night extolling his dead and dead eyed version of capitalism as being only the law of suppy and demand for gas without recognising that what he was extolling was a rather sneaky form of communism. anyway, with the media's support the middle-class of gringo america leapt to their slow and protracted suicide under the false-truth of 'greed is good' and more cheaply made stuff was better.

were the life-blood economic poisonings being done with the mulroneys in canada, thatchers in britain and reagons in the usa with the nafta agreements and their like an actually crafty ccp plan? maybe. or was it simply that greed is more stupefying than sex and is fundamentally a form 'communism' that is sort-of hidden under the rubric that the 'good' of greed economics will, by replacing the christian-based values of value for hard work, give to the wealthy financial utopia?

do you remember the corporate media's new orgasmic hard sell of 'trickle down economics'? how did i see it described once? stuff the wealthy so full that the poor can mine from their shit the undigested bits.

sadly, the media blanket at that time did successfully convince the 'middle class' of the value of money as the central social value and so they raced to the wal-marts and commited the sloppy suicide which is now coming to fruition.

in 1987 i remember telling a successful son of an immigrant family. his family hadn't been privileged by wealth and so were blessed and happy to have been given access to physical labour and so valued the one-tiered education they were able to afford to give him. i told him that within a few years of those laws changing re foreign land ownership and two-tiered education, that canadians and that family's like his wouldn't be able to afford either property or school.

so... was the corporatist ideology of greed is good, profit maximisation is even better, really a ccp plot that got started in the 1970s with the advancement of business management courses that resulted in greed ideology filling the top levels of the news, the governments and especially business? or was the ccp simply the opportunist that saw that the actions of greed-delusional gringos were going to be an opportunity to exploit?

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Thank you, Mr. Duppereault. By far, the biggest mistake on both sides of the border in the last fifty years has been the outsourcing of manufacturing. Every reason they gave for it (“they can make it cheaper elsewhere; we’re moving to a service-based economy, etc.”) was a lie. They knew it, they sold it to us, we bought it, we own it now. How does that taste?

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Fifty years ago, young people finished school, went to a manufacturing job, worked there for decades, supported a family and retired comfortably. No manufacturing jobs today, and nowhere near the same work ethic. In their place, we have welfare, drugs, and men who don’t know what it means to be a man. Not good at all.

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When the decline began, GM alone had 60 percent of the World Automobile Market.

Today, it claims around 7.5 percent.

The others have dropped similarly.

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yes. all a very well done lie hawked from perhaps our biggest religion, what we call economics.

it goes to an argument put forward that the oligarchs (or whatever you call them) have always wanted capital and manufacture to be free moving, not people. Naomi Klein did a good look at that in her important book, no logo.

you may find interesting my short essay of 30-plus years ago when i made the clear connection between the thai karmic rationale/morality that justifies death by buddhism and the monetary rationale/morality that justifies death by economics.

"Death by Freezing"


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In case you didn't know, RE Michael Campbell, Clan Campbell has been NWO for centuries and own most of Scotland.

A typical acquisition went like this:

A large landowning couple died, leaving their toddler daughter to he closest kin, her Uncle.

Clan Campbell persuaded The Crown to rubber stamp their kidnapping of the child for a forced marriage, on the claim that the uncle would steal the inheritance.

The child was duly married and consumated at age 12, giving birth to her first child at 13 followed in quick succession by 6 more.

Many titled Campbells today descend from her.

Clan Campbell actually managed to get The Crown to declare their competitors, the Macgregors, illegal.

They actually made it illegal to BE a Mac Gregor and granted Clan Campbell to hunt them down, and kill them and take their land and wealth.

They kidnapped Mac Gregor women and forced them to nurse their hunting dogs, the legendary Black Dogs, in the belief that this would enhance the dog's ability to track Macgregors.

If you can afford a trip to Scotland, you can still see the Murder Pit behind the Campbell castle.

After a banquet at the Castle, fellow NWO Nobles would enjoy an after dinner entertainment spectacle of a captured Mac Gregor thrown into the pit where he was slashed to gory pieces to the delight of the assembled elites.

A close friend of mine got involved with a Campbell girl, quite beautiful in her youth. She cheated on him and he broke up with her, which released a whirlwind of harassment, and when he tried to flee by hitchhiking out of state, he was tracked via CB radio all the way to GA, where he planned to hide out with friends, almost a thousand miles.

When it became obvious he was only putting heat on his friend he gave up and went home and they tracked him back home, too.

Her family built the Library at our state university.

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hola, john. muchas gracias.

i'd hints of this from a scottish descendent, not a campbell, who owned the local book store until the efforts to close them by the big 'nice' guys convinced him to get out of the bookstore business and work as a government agent at the local employment insurance office!

a bit more of the unspeakable histories making itself outwards a little bit.

i really appreciated learning about this. thank you for taking the time to supply me and us with these details.

all the best with what is changing — everything changes — with peace, respect, love and gratitude.

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I wrote a response yesterday and sent it then.

Today I got a msg that it didn't go through, and clicked it which brought me here, but no sign of my post.

I don't have time to reconstruct it, but in brief, you are welcome and you can find pertinent Videos on YouTube.

Business week calls...

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thank you for letting me know.

enjoy your week of business. and for me, similarly though very differently, i have a week of busy-ness too, continue to explore, write and assist.

all the best, with what is changing — everything changes! with peace, respect, love and gratitude.

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May 12
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correct. thank you for that clarification. that is getting long enough ago that those details are starting to merge. on hindsight it is pretty clear to see that it really was part of one larger movement, that is coming to some kind of apotheosis or something in this time of convid.

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really sad. What will the planet be like in 50 years?

Far less people. Perhaps this is just part of the depopulation plan.

Encouraging and supplying abortions to ppl of color seemed like a great idea in the 60's

Now drugs drugs and more drugs

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"What will the planet be like in 50 years?"... Very like already feeling the effects of the newest Little Ice Age.

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I don't believe it will last that long.

Tuesday will be the 76th anniversary of the Re-stablisment of Israel, in a single day, as prophesied.

I believe that event clearly began the countdown to God's Vengeance on Jew Haters, popularly known as Armegeddon, which I believe we are hurtling toward at an ever increasing pace.

Most people have heard of Armegeddon but are clueless about it.

They will even scoff at the idea that it is about vengeance on those ignoring the warning that anyone cursing Israel incurs God's wrath, but it is very clearly stated explicitly in several places.

In fact, perhaps the second most famous Bible quote behind John 3:16 " Vengeance is mine saith the Lord. I will repay" is in exactly that context. You can see for yourself in Deauteronomy 32, The First Song of Moses.

If you need further proof, Joel 3 lays out the entire plan to incite the nations to attack Israel and when they do, they will find God ready for them.

Other relevant passages include Isaiah 63 in which Sweet Baby Jesus promises to save Israel with His own right arm working Justice for Him, when none of the nations will help.

Those are just a few citations, and of course no one knows the exact time, but I can't imagine God letting this continue another half century.

Not with transexuals and babies being killed for their organs and governments poised to implant people's brains for eternal slavery to Satan.

Rather, I believe the narrative that it's all coming down faster and faster I'd because Satan well knows he is running out of time before The End.

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Come, Lord Jesus

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Israel is destroying itself.

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I do not agree

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John: You People of the Book drive me nuts. All of our problems are man-made. Why does Jesus have to solve them?

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I agree all our problems are man-made. What’s the difference between problems created by megalomaniacally sick men and problems created by spiritually sick men? Are the solutions different?

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RH: The solutions are the same. Get rid of the sick men.

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I’m sure you’re not proposing violence against sick men who have F16s and control the FBI. You have confidence in November's election?

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Because Jesus was a Man?!

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Was Jesus a man? Did he have an affair? Did he get married? Did Jesus have kids?

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A good man-made fairy tale can have ALL sorts of scripts!

Choose the one you enjoy the most...

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The entire world is becoming so corrupt it will eventually cannibalize and cure itself.

In the USA, the so called investment opportunity zones were devastated and torched by Antifac and Black Lives Matter. These places destroyed were places of black owned businesses that had pallets of bricks set out to be used to smash windows and loot by the "professional protestors" agitating the crowds.

Much like what is going on in our college Hamas protests now.

This is just the start of what will happen in our illegal alien infiltrated world.

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Jarring grammatical mistakes detract from the message! Please be more vigilant. E.g., "her sons can bring in she and her husband and they can retire in peace." Improper case for pronouns is rampant! How correct is it to say "bring in she?" Or "please give the book to my husband and I" -- no! It should be "to [my husband and] me"! The destruction of language goes hand in hand with the decimation of other aspects of the former world in which we used to live.

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Using one’s language well is a source of joy and confidence. Fluency is a civilizational value.

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Dr. Hank: You no like Chinee speak?

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Wow. A brilliant expose of the CCP and the so-called "Canadians" who take their money and look the other way while the country is destroyed. It's the same in the US although there is a lot of resistance here now from the plebes, even though Wash DC is a cesspool of psychopaths and sociopaths like Marc Elias and Hillary Clinton and Lindsey Graham.

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I confess to not liking the Chinese. They seem slick and manipulative. For instance, why is Xi visiting Hungary? He’s not there to sell Hungarians more washing machines, which I’m sure they would be happy to own. The overtones are unsettling.

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I try to distinguish between the Chinese and the CCP. Chinese have been fighting and protesting and dying for over 70 years attempting to overthrow these psychopaths and gain their freedom. The problem is they have no weapons, or anything, with which to defend themselves.

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That Laurentian Elite article to which you provide the link the in the beginning, is very very interesting.

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Elizabeth I do love and feel for you and you bring us such valuable information and spirit. However you really must examine yourself closely because you have unfortunately adopted the absurd and delusional canard of the CCP and "Reds under the beds" bullshit. Look closer to home to find the real answers and don't be mesmerised by convenient Aunt Sally's...Must try harder, please don't lose your star in the firmament of love..Best Wishes.

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O HANG ON for a moment you badbard! You really have to EXPLAIN where Elizabeth goes wrong with (or despite?) her 'valuable information' before you BS her this abrupt way. Your post is horribly confusing and not informative at all, just a quick shot from the hip.

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Where is Elizabeth not looking? Please tell us. She's written about the enviro fanatics from USA & EU (RFK Jr. in particular - great article) that have shut down Canadian industry (with the approval of Canadians) & explained extensively about the multiple levels of international take over. She discusses the greed of Canadian politicians & governments allowing for it. I've watched as waves of immigration have moved into Vancouver. I've watched for almost 40 yrs as generations made themselves rich off of their mortgages, retiring to cheaper neighbourhoods. Never caring about the future, only happy with their nest egg & their still "Canadian" community they could retreat to. The greed is multilayered. Now it seems the jig may be up. Those people who became mortgage millionaires have children or grandchildren who will not become mortgage rich, but may live as renters without children.

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Amazing how the devil takes a marvel like the Great Awakening and twists it, over time, into an inhumanity beyond recognition, through the agency of mish kids and others. If you don’t understand human depravity and the nature of evil as taught in orthodox (small “o”) Christianity, I urge you to reconsider. Too many lives and families are being destroyed while we give horrible people a free pass.

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I subscribe to the Irish Times. They NEVER report on the anti-immigration protests. The Irish Times is very pro-migrants. The paper is disgusting.

I also have two good friends who used to live in Vancouver, BC. They had to leave due to high rents. They both live in small towns in BC now.

Kissinger and Nixon opened China to the WTO and trade. I hope they are both burning in HELL!

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So which is it? The "cabal" of central banksters and the ultra-wealthy, or the CCP, which is destroying Western Civilization? I'm so confused.

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These demon Celestials do seem to have more than a few willing, Occidental agents doing their dirty groundwork in Canada don't they?

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You give us the truth right between our eyes. The CCP has been undercover for over 70 years bringing the world down to their takeover. Finally they have surfaced as spreading their anarchy over the globe and visible to those who want to see it. In my day, the United States fought communism but today we are part of them. Your articles keep the CCP evil in the sunshine for which I truly thank you.

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Always a great read, Thank you. Communism is the “huge” elephant and the CCP is the tail, the Russians the trunk etc, all part of a freedomless, corrupt, godless totalitarian agenda that is being spread amongst humanity now.

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Again, incredible writing and research Elizabeth, mind blowing. I've read Hidden Hand, it should be required reading for everyone, the corrupted must be kicked out of power. But there's little hope of that happening.

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Why not try to expose the ROLE of the WESTERN Secular Ruling Families & Billionaires, instead of this "CHINA is bad" thing?

We don't need any HELP from the CCP to let our WESTERN SRF & Billionaires to screw us. In fact we appreciate and enjoy the fuckery, since we don't do anything to Them, neither to CHANGE Their civilization.

So before wasting our Time with distant gangs of scoundrels, fraudsters and terrorists do try to take proper care of our own.


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