Profound analysis. My prayers are with the Canadian citizens in hopes that they rise up against the tyranny of their elites who sold them down the river. God speed.

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We, the people, are to blame. I’m an American, we took our freedoms for granted, mistakenly trusted our governments. We didn’t want to get involved. Now all of our countries have been infiltrated with Communist implementing the NEW WORLD ORDER agenda,Totalitarianism, depopulation, and an AI controlled future. Liberalism, like socialism, is a soft porn word for COMMUNISM where death awaits.

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The world is waking up now, let’s pray they ALL stand up and fight back to regain control of their own countries before it’s too late, which is NOW.

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We got too comfortable and didn’t see the threat in that

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exactly right. you can vote your way in, but doubtful that you can vote your way out.

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We call that TINVOWOOT.

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Oh I see it. But I came here from the UK and my pops was an Eastern European freedom fighter who took on Soviet T34s and then fled with his fellow countrymen. So you could say I’m immune. I’m not very Canadian in that sense

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Your pops fled his country to find freedom, but now the same situation exists in the country he fled to. The question is “What will YOU do about it.?

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I connected these dots years ago and moved to the US. I grew up in a Canada that is long gone.

As Benjamin Franklin said, "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

The Safety of bogus bilingualism, cultural equivalence, inane socialist formulas for prosperity and a new history-free flag is coming to an end.

I am also reminded of the title of Alan Paton's book about South Africa: "Cry, the Beloved Country."

Sad to see everything I have feared about Canada laid out before me on this page so eloquently.

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Same story here, Herb. My husband and I left over 30 years ago. Funnily enough, it was the fecking garbage government run medical system that opened my eyes. 👀

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"Forcing a country into Net Zero is good business for investment banks". Yes indeed: "Understanding Climate Change: 97% of scientists agree with whoever is funding them": https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/understanding-climate-change

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But even more than the banks: Where does the unfathomable money and political pressure behind this come from? "Climate Change is actually about going all-nuclear": https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/climate-change-is-actually-about

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Check out this recent article--it looks like the Net Zero Banks are feeling the pain and beginning to change their tune ! https://thelogic.co/news/blackrock-climate-crisis-gfanz-mark-carney/

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They've figured out that some of us have figured THEM out, and that maybe we're not all quite stupid enough to buy their lie. But we shouldn't let these overt, public moves fool us into thinking that much has changed. Money, after all, is money, and the Net Zero banks are going to reduce us all to serfdom whether they publicize it or not.

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Heartbreaking. I live 10 miles and 20 minutes from the Peace Bridge from Buffalo to Fort Erie. Being 70 my parents always took us to the Canadian side of Niagara Falls due to its beautiful gardens and ultra clean space. On the US side of Niagara Falls I recall watching neon substances flowing out into the waters. How we wished we lived in Canada back then going to the beaches up north. I made the decision to never set foot in Canada after the covid con mass atrocity. I feared I would be held and never returned for being outspoken on social media. I am blessed and appreciate more our independence despite the many debates. I wish and pray for all Canadians as our neighbors.

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“Socialism demands the stupid be empowered because sharp wits would see their game.” That’s the single best summary of socialism ever penned.

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"We are the first country in the world to commit suicide." I'm going to respectfully disagree. That honour belongs to the land of my parents, Argentina. Now, finally, Milei is beginning to exhume the corpse of that country and breathe new life into it using what are, by our standards, hellishly draconian methods. He will, and must, drive the stake through the heart of Peronism once and for all. What's happening here, a northern Peronism of corruption and a parasitic, public sector and corporate elite, will result in a similar dead corpse of a country, much sooner than we think. The parallels are striking and frightening, and for the first time in my life as a Canadian hitting middle age, I now wonder whether I should end my days where my parents began theirs.

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Such a great essay. And so true. I live in Ontario, which - shockingly - has more patriots than you can imagine. But our electronic voting systems are as corrupted as anywhere. Ballots aren’t going to save us. I do think PDJT should annex Canada. Not out of altruism but from a national security perspective. Unified, we’d be an unstoppable force. I’d be delighted to see Canada’s resources being used for our common benefit, rather than sitting idle, tied up by globalist NGO’s & fake “conservation” movements.

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I'd far rather Donald Trump be my president than our present situation with THE TODDLER at the helm of our doomed and sinking (fast) ship of Canuckistan.

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Same here.

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Kevin O'Leary called Trudeau "The Idiot King", yesterday on Megyn Kelly's podcast.

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Too too true. I call him THE TODDLER.

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I call him a traitor. Let’s not attribute to incompetence that which can be attributed to malice. As the 51st… treason is eligible for the death penalty, the last time I looked…

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I left Canada in 2016 and returned to the US. I was seeing China move in to the Maritime Provinces to get a foothold in the lucrative lobster industry. The CCP presence in Canada now far exceeds what most will accept because most are asleep in the Canadian dream.

I once mentioned to my ex gf, " You're gonna lose your country because the elite will sell you; it'll piece-by piece, and to the highest bidder." She laughed.

Her attitude represented the arrogance married to an apathy many Canadians(and Americans too)have about their nation, that's not so "strong and free" anymore.

Nine years later, it's doubtful she remembers my prediction to her.

Time to wake up, sleepyheads.

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Bahahaaa great fricking name. Maybe you are the idiot awakener, but I am 💯 an idiot awakening. It took my husband decades of investing, knocking at my SJW armour with sense, but I couldn't acknowledge it. The only thanks I have for the covid con was that it let me realize: if they'll lie about this, then what else? It has been a terrifying 5 years for my noble, elite-adjacent, CBC-steeped heart to see my grey matter smoking and grinding its way towards liberty.

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Good for you!! Who "wants" to awaken to such ugly Truths--but the alternative is worse.

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The Liberal brainwash up north is subtle but powerful. "Waking up is hard to do" anywhere, but especially in a culture once so prosperous, pleasant, laid back and proud they're not 'Mericans. I hope my family up north is ready for the unthinkable integration into the US empire because they may not have a choice.

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How terribly, terribly sad.

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Wow. I was born and raised in Texas. I believe in the “come and take it” principle. After reading this the only word I can think of is “bleak”. The willingness to do what needs to be done is the definition of a tough person. It seems to me Canada needs more tough people and less contemplation.

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Canada's current situation was brought about by more than contemplation. I agree that action is required, but as another commenter has written, their government is not designed for rebellion. Interestingly, ours, in the U.S., was born of rebellion. It is part of our DNA.

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No doubt. The contemplation remark was really aimed at some of the conversation.

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The rebellion founded in a fierce desire for freedom

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With thanks for a brilliant and incisive commentary on the situation in Canada.

This is one word, seeing that Trump is now President in the U.S., which should be used as often as possible.... a word so terrifying to the Canada entrenched establishment that it is somewhat like holding up a silver cross to a vampire.

That word is : "STATEHOOD".

That should wake them up, fast !!!!!

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All the work has been done by a tiny research group called People-United, at great sacrifice, to learn that since 1931, every province was decolonized and legally entitled to become a Constitutional Republic and State (just as is every US State). The corporations masquerading as 'federal government' have been imposters since the beginning, but definitely since 1931.

No revolution, no effort necessary but to understand our true legal status and act accordingly. The content released by People-United is available by emailing p-united@proton.me from a free protonmail account. Be sure to enter your first name and postal code in the subject line (to help cull out AI bots etc) and request People-United content.

The info was offered to the likes of former MPP Randy Hillier, Donald Best, Dr. William Makis and so many others and fell on deaf ears. Why? Why was MPP Randy Hillier more interested in exposing the researchers than to access and read the content?

If a big named author and researcher puts out info, well suddenly people pay attention, but let unknowns expose the truth and they are not worth listening to for some reason, yet it is the unknowns of this country that built it, that invented so many incredible technologies, that fought for our freedoms and who sacrificed so much at the hands of the Trudeau communists and NDP (previously named Socialist Party). The Conservatives won the prize for ending our sovereignty, for Harper made sure he 'traded our sovereignty' for trade deals with China.

I believe that Canadians are reaping what they have sown -- a dead-end welfare state. Keep listening to politicians, choose your political party (organized crime gangs) and ignore those who do the work to uncover the facts and present a non-violent remedy. Meanwhile, MPP Randy Hillier and other MPPs are starting a brand-new party in Ontario with a whole slew of promises, to ensure supporters are kept believing in corporate government imposters.

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Take Canada, now. Please.

Not you, Donald. As a freedom-loving, independent, productive member of American society, I would prefer that you do not saddle me with this basket case of self-inflicted misery.

Annexing Canada would not improve nor benefit the United States, but would move it inexorably leftward due to generations of entrenched ideas that socialism and socialist policies are "good". Merging the two countries and opening the border would simply allow these failed attitudes to flood south, corrupting the land wherever they touched. This would, in a very real way, be similar to the outward flow of Californians who are fleeing their own socialist paradise, but taking their politics with them to inflict on the societies they eventually settle into.

Ryan McMaken recently posted an excellent article on this concept. I happen to believe he is spot-on.


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Bravo! Encore!

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Statehood or an economic union for the Canadian people may be unavoidable.

Canada's government and economy has never been more unstable and that poses instability for the US.

China, like it or not, already has their teeth sunk in to Canada. China needs energy and minerals to survive. Also, China is desperate for a base of operations to compete with the US and Russia in the Arctic.

This is a national security issue for the US and Trump is serious about Canada and Greenland because he's a transactional businessman turned politician and sees opportunity for expansion.

The US under Trump will be dealing with China on US soil and they know what's going on in Canada. But for Trump 2.0, this conversation wouldn't be.

Also, the US will be controlling that NW passage as long as Trump is in power and when Trump offers Canadians US dollars one-for-one , a North American passport and billions in investments, after their economy has been crushed, one Canadian businessman has said, 11 out of 10 Canadians will take that deal.

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IMO statehood would be as a last resort only. Both countries each have their own difficult problems to sort out but they absolutely can and must work together for mutual benefit. Strength in numbers. 🙏

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Sadly, I have to agree with you. You wrote: "This would, in a very real way, be similar to the outward flow of Californians who are fleeing their own socialist paradise, but taking their politics with them to inflict on the societies they eventually settle into."

I live in a state that has experienced this very reality. It was once a red state and now very blue.

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Considering the absolute collapse of the Democratic Party in the US, the inevitable influx of massive foreign investment, because of the lowering of the Corporate tax to 15%, and the prosperity it will bring, I'm sure we'll figure that stuff out.


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Modern-day Bolshevism, same players in charge, same objectives, just a more insidious methodology. Epic article.

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we need a revolution

or a coup

or an invasion/liberation

anything to stop this suicide train driving Carney in to the PMO

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Who's gonna start "a revolution" in this god forsaken land eh?

The Freedom Convoy Truckers gave it a shot and some are still in court.

Most Canadians gave, and give, zero fucks.

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Some are still in JAIL and others are on their way. All have been mined for every last cent! And half the population think they got what they deserved. SO CRIMINAL!!

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Another argument for why we DON"T want to annex Canada to the USA!

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No we do not. We need only exercise our Claim of Right to a Constitutional Republic (Statehood) that has been legally ours since 1931.

That legal status (of every separate province) was hidden from us by the CBC, the successive governments, and as long as we don't claim our Right to a Constitutional Republic, globalists (presently the WEF and UN) will assume the right to communize us.

The imposter corporate government transferred the governance to the corporate United Nations in 1985 and since then, it has turned our lands inside out. It has set up the Aboriginals and the Metis elite to destroy Canada, for they all want to be separate 'nations' with self-government (that's over 600 separate nations). This works perfectly for the UN who will use its UNDRIP to then force the common Aboriginals and Metis people into a world government prison forever, taking Canadians in every province with them.

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I'm going to guess that 95% of Canadians have no idea what you're talking about so I would say that is not going to be a useful strategy without educating at least 50% of the country first, and heaven forbid one suggests that we leave the ties with the monarchy and UK behind.

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If we in the U.S. can overthrow the collectivists in the next twenty years, we might be able to assist you if you still need to get rid of your Bolsheviks.

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So true, on all counts. I am a proud Canadian and Albertan. Nothing written here is untrue. I want to get my country back, but where and how do I start? The system is stacked, and most days I feel so alone in this mess. I am also a born again Christian. I pray for God's grace upon our nation. We have turned from God. Evil runs our country.... where do we start to take it back. The enemy has setup a governmentthat cannot be democratically brought down.

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There is no country, Shane and never has been. In 1931, every province was decolonized in writing, legally and forever, with the right of every province to establish their statehood (Constitutional Republic). Since then, to the present, politicians, and especially the Honourables and Right Honourables, have worked to keep citizens from learning this and if they know, from acting on it.

The evidence clearly shows that there never was a Confederation, a Charter, any constitution of the people ratified by the people. The evidence shows that from the day the Hudsons Bay Company (corporation) was set up, all there has ever been is a corporation (subsidiary of the British Crown Corporation) masquerading as 'government'.

This imposter government long ago restructured (during the Great Depression) and incorporated the inhabitants of the landmass Canada into their corporations as assets, which they then used as collateral to obtain loans from the World Bank. They incorporated us at every level without our knowledge or consent.

Fraud vitiates everything, so there is not a single piece of legislation, not a single mortgage, not a single Supreme Court Decision or any other action taken against the inhabitants of every province that is lawful or legal. Even the Supreme Court of Canada was secretly restructured, with a new coat of arms, etc.

In fact, the legal definition of CANADA is restricted to 'inland and coastal waters' and never mentions land, men or women. Neither does the fake Constitution which was strictly a commerical agreement between the imposter federal corporation and the provincial corporations about how commerce would be divided up among them. The fake Charter was never signed because Eliz II was not the Queen, of England ever, for several legal reasons and definitely not the Queen of Canada with law-making authority since 1957, and she admitted this herself in her first televised speech.

I know we can in every province, claim our right to Statehood, and if there is anyone in Ontario who wants to leave the imposter government teat forever, contact me for more information.

Trump can allude to Canada as a 51st state, because he knows that we have been 10 sovereign States since 1931, and the British had absolutely no connection thereafter, even though they have suckered us into paying for LGs and GGs.

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Thank you Grace for the history lesson. As an American I had no idea of any of this and sad to know that most Canadians don't either. But this is the opportunity for all of us to awaken and awaken we must.

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Never knew this. The hideous royals should be extricated from every inch of Canada. King Charles despises the British citizens and only cares about bad architecture and the global warming scam. The Brits need a new civil insurrection to kick the royals out and push them to Hong Kong.

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If only everyone would start w NONCOMPLIANCE we might have a chance Shane. 🙏

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I miss your old Provence and the people that habited it. Good luck.

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Do you really think the people of Alberta and their competent Premier, Danielle Smith, will continue to subsidize the rest of Canada with your oil wealth?Smith was the only Premier to meet with Trump over tariffs. When Quebec secedes and they will, The Maritimes will be cut off from the rest of Canada and will be forced to join the US. The US is Alberta's biggest oil buyer and they will be welcomed into Statehood and receive massive Federal subsidies. There's no way Canada will be the Canada you know in 5 years.

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