Canada Is A Failed State and Mark Carney is BlackRock's Bankruptcy Trustee
Today, February 1, Canada is effectively ruined. If Trump persists, and he said Friday it will get worse, not better, we will enter a depression that will match 1929. And we deserve it.
We’d be lucky to be the 51st State.
25% tariffs will ruin us. The tariffs mean one million small businesses - all which sell to the U.S. - will contract and many will close their doors. And then Trump, as he promised the unions, will pull “our” auto industry. Then we’re done.
Who is to blame for this?
The following is going to be crude because Canada is so boring (that’s deliberate) that no one cares. There are a thousand ultra-complex rationales on why Canada is failing and all they do is obfuscate. I’m not pulling punches, softening rhetoric - it is bad. It is urgent. This is the death of something that 75 years ago was shining, sunlit, exciting. That country? That country was killed by the Laurentian elite, weak, cosplaying Marxism to stay in power, themselves outwitted by investment bankers who plan to steal everything not nailed down. In so doing new elements were forcibly injected into the population: envy, resentment of the successful, sloth, the refusal to grow up, be strong and independent. We effectively sit on top of the U.S., seething with envy, in wet diapers.
We are a broken country. Everyone who understands the world knows this. The only people who don’t are deluded Canadian socialists, which is to say our entire elite and all our “knowledge class”. Dissent is ignored. Or jailed.
Central banker Mark Carney, WEFer paramount, is being parachuted into the Liberal party in order to sell us off to the investment banks who will harvest us for our resources. Our people? Future serfs in Special Enterprise Zones. We already have the regulation in place. No taxes, no worker rights, no enviro controls, no self-determination, no agency, no freedom. Time frame? Ten years, twenty at the outside. The inevitable end of hard-core socialism.
That is what Carney did to Canada in the ‘08 crisis, a crisis entirely created by larcenous government and investment bankers: he loaded us up with so much debt that the moment the economy turned, the working class - and Canada is now 75% working class - paid for it through interest rates so high they crippled and broke every middle class family with a mortgage. Then, he moved to England and did it to the English. His name there? Mark Carnage. During the ‘08 crisis, he in Canada and the UK and Obama in the US transferred trillions in public wealth to the investment banks to keep them going after the worst crisis since ‘29. A crisis they caused. That was the people’s money, not theirs.
The resources will putatively go to pay our debt and fund our liabilities. It will be the WEF on steroids. He already prances around Davos like he owns it. He runs an investment bank, Brookfield, he is head of the Bloomberg board, he worked for Goldman Sachs for decades.
We make 60% of an equivalent U.S. salary.
The following is what closeted socialism has done to us.
Canadians make 60% of an equivalent U.S. salary. With the same educational status of Americans and the same resources, our wealthiest province, Ontario, is only as wealthy as the poorest U.S. states: Mississippi and West Virginia.
Our “free” healthcare is the worst in the G7. Last month, hundreds of old people lined up in sub-zero weather for a new doctor in the heart of the country, where all the money is: your “free health care”. The average Canadian pays about $15,000 a year (on average via taxes) for their health care and are lucky if they get cancer treatment within a year. That is about twice as much as U.S. Major Medical. And let’s be clear. The educated upper middle class with access to the media? Their health care is first rate, concierge level. For the rest, if you contract adult onset diabetes, say? You, buddy, are screwed. This fellow describes what happens.
The bureaucracy, lazy and incompetent, shreds and steals all the money. I was very sick for three years, bedridden for two. No GP. None available anywhere in the region. Went to emergency when I was terrified. And all the time I was thinking, “What if I were 85, and not as smart and mean as I am? Sicker even and no doctor?” The cruelty of the system blew my mind.
There are so many homeless, we need 2,000,000 new houses. Two. Million. In the U.S., you need about 3.5 million. If you were us, you’d need 20,000,000. The government has spent billions analyzing the problem. A builder friend of mine says building now is a mug’s game. The government is so punitive and extractive you can’t make money. Basically it’s green regulation. This in a country with so much land and so many trees we are carbon neutral/net zero several times over. Never mind. No houses built. According to Professor Peter St Onge, we are in the worst recession of our existence. In 2023 nearly 60% had to choose between heat or food in the winter. People are desperate beyond the imaginings of anyone in the developed world. Think behind the Iron Curtain, circa 1983.
Our media is corrupt and subsidized and hides the truth. In the late 90’s, Barry Cooper and Lydia Miljan published an exhaustive study identifying the media’s politics as 90% left, principally socialist. Since their failure - because socialist news is crap - and subsequent takeover by by Trudeau’s government, they are have become rabid, dangerous Commie liars and are widely hated.
Violent crime has skyrocketed. Since 2014, by 40%. Canada used to be ultra-peaceful. We barely locked the doors. But in my brother’s neighbourhood in Vancouver last month, a gun fight broke out at a 7/11, two were knifed and one was shot dead. This in the heart of a once pristine beachside, oceanside, high-rise, so-beautiful-it-was-famous-across-the-world neighbourhood now riven by drugs, homeless, desperate migrants and crime. Especially migrant crime.
The CCP runs cartel crime syndicates through Vancouver. We import the chemicals for fentanyl and the human slaves to make the pills, (who are then no doubt harvested for their organs), through Vancouver’s port. The pills are made everywhere, in factories where no police dare to visit. We pour drugs across the border. Mexican and Asian cartels launder most of the drug money generated in North America through casinos and real estate in Vancouver. Gorgeous houses built by and for the Anglo-European middle class in the early 1900’s are now lived in by violent Asian cartel gang leaders and children of CCP leadership. That is how weak and stupid our politicians are.
Crime is the most reliable profession in the country.
Thirty-four percent of us are proud to be Canadian. That’s down from 83% ten years ago.
A Deeper Recession
When I say “our” auto industry, it was given to us by the U.S. They are American cars, with American engineering, American parts, and American sales. It’s a pity industry. We make 20% of their cars.
“What would happen if I pulled it?” he asks Trudeau.
“We would be ruined,” said Trudeau, shocked into honesty.
But Trump promised the unions in the swing states he’d take it back. He has to do it. When he does that, collapse. Not the collapse of the “environment” shrieked by the endless stream of subsidized “writers”, whose hysterical lies created this mess. Real collapse.
Envy is the dominant emotion among Canada’s elite.
The only people allowed to speak in Canada are socialists and they fight over a shrinking pie, like vermin over crusts. If you are not a socialist, keep your head down and your voice muted. I won’t write for Canadians; my readers are 90% American. Absurdistan is read in 100 countries and I feel entirely safe, but not here; it’s too dangerous to focus on Canadian issues. The cadre of grim Marxists in our Privy Council are wildly punitive. They jail people and forget them. If you evince any opinion other than the approved, you are instantly thrown out of any social group, corporation, church, charity group, book club or tennis club.
The vile idiot Trudeau promised 400,000 children would have a hot breakfast in impoverished Nova Scotia. Not one meal served in 3 years. Joe Rogan takes his inventory in about 32 seconds, here:
All media is so subsidized and obedient, no one watches or reads it but the gatekeepers and government employees. We are so subsidized that a film director makes $7,000 a week directing a Hallmark movie set in Maine or Chicago, but filmed in Toronto, and half of that production is paid for by the Canadian taxpayer. The stars are American. Any profits go to the American producer and network.
We have trillions of dollars in talent and energy sidelined, living on scraps, without hope.
For what? “To build the Canadian film industry”, goes the intonation. Name one Canadian film. One. A book, an artist? Except Margaret Atwood, who singlehandedly created two generations of lonely impoverished elderly single women and busted up men with her sexist man-hating propaganda. I watch them wander around dolefully, nothing to look forward to but sickness and decline. Childless. Because feminism.
Everyone with talent leaves or is sidelined. We have trillions of dollars in talent and energy buried in obscurity, living on scraps, without hope. If you are excellent in Canada, you are pushed aside. Socialism demands the stupid be empowered because sharp wits would see their game. Our work force is subsidized-up-the-nose second, third and fourth raters. Oh we publish and show and perform. No one cares. The product is socialist realism meant to show the audience that it, the audience, is evil. It’s crude propaganda, no subtlety, no nuance and a vanishing amount of humour.
We are an exhausted sigh of a nation
There is no creativity, no initiative, no ingenuity. Any likely job or profession that could grow into anything is taken over by the government and given to immigrants. Locally our Amazon deliveries are now Shamit or Amanvir or Kais Overshali. The Canadian men and women who used to come through the gate whistling, cheerfully, with dog cookies, are now replaced by sullen young men who leave the packages thrown up outside the gate no matter the weather. Famously this summer in Ontario, Indians flooded the beaches this summer, defecating. You can find the videos of horrified mothers on TikTok. And it was happening everywhere.
You can’t go downtown in any large city on Saturday nights because the main street is filled with marauding Muslim and Indian men fighting each other. Our culture is broken over and over and we are told to suck it up or we are racist.
We have the highest taxes in North America. Our carbon taxes automatically rise every year. Again, putting aside the nonsense of dangerous carbon dioxide which is plant food, we are carbon neutral several times over.
We have the largest oil deposits in the world, bar none. It’s formally number 3, but no one is allowed to look for more. Our Arctic alone could fuel the world for five hundred years. There is, for instance, a massive oil sands deposit outside Prince George, in B.C. Will never be developed. Every proposed LNG plant, every energy installation is stalled. Ten years and $100,000,000 in the U.S. for any extractive business means, in Canada, just save your money, it won’t happen. We have every rare earth mineral you can use, and ultra talented engineers to extract it, while improving the environment. Not allowed. Massive amounts of water, massive amounts of hydropower, massive deposits of natural gas.
How did this happen? Post war we were a going concern. One-quarter of the current population active, entrepreneurial, hard-working. Ready to roar.
One word: Quebec.
You are not allowed to say this in Canada. You will not only be fired from any job, you will be permanently blacklisted. You cannot criticize Quebec. Ever. Not at all. (I don’t care.)
Since Pierre Trudeau, Quebec has been a client state. Sitting on top of vast natural resources, with an expensively educated populace, the rest of Canada subsidizes Quebec more than $10 billion a year — just to exist. As reparations for the English winning the 18th C war? As reparations for being losers? Who knows? Increasingly, no one cares.
Quebec threatens to separate? The Rest of Canada says “don’t let the door hit you on the way out.” Those vast subsidies amounting to trillions over the past 100 years has led to Quebec’s arts and society thriving, while they produce near nothing the rest of the world or Canada wants. Their dairy industry is so subsidized that were it exposed to competition it would collapse. According to Bob Lighthizer, it alone finished off NAFTA for us (which gave us the auto industry we depend on) and nearly tanked USMCA. This is the same for every Quebec university, business, and government office; Quebec has a massive, profoundly lazy public service, and that means most of the province because they all go into “public service”. Their debt is double that of California. Despite the vast subsidy, it is the most indebted sub-sovereign state in the world. Canadians pay to maintain that debt. The Quebecois are spoiled children sneering at the rest of us, calling us “Les Maudits Anglais”. They hate us, but they sure take our money.
They lost the sympathy of the rest of Canada decades ago. But say that and you are fired.
Every corrupt interest group across the world looked at that sweet deal and thought I want some. The first to go were the Indians. Once on their way to full inclusion in the 40’s and 50’s, now they live in the most desperate slums you can imagine, while their thoroughly corrupt “chiefs” steal all the money. Our transfer to them equals that to Quebec. No one who cries crocodile tears about the Indians goes to visit the slums to which cold charity condemns them. Most of the money bound for the actual indigenous and not stolen by corrupt “chiefs”, ends up in the hands of corrupt bureaucrats and contractors. The Indian business is good money. It is tragic, it is infuriating. Indian women are so desperate they are literal bred fodder for sexual predators, most of whom are indigenous men.
Next came the arts. While unimportant in the grand scheme of the economy, their annexation by the government meant full-on-non-stop propaganda. And for decades, it worked until the game got tiresome and everyone turned it off. But they’d done their job: all polite society was socialist. the media was socialist. Once fairly rational, media became crude stupid Marxist propaganda shrieking about the rich and hunting down and ruining anyone successful. Our posh neighborhoods are filled with aging white lady socialist enforcers of the status quo.
Next came the immigrants. Another lovely feeding spout for bureaucrats and their contractors. Another firehose of taxpayer money. Our streets? The heart of our commercial districts? Clogged with heavily subsidized permanently unemployed young men of military age, fighting each other and harassing women. If Canada were the U.S., you would have the equivalent of 10,000,000 immigrants - legal - a year. Add that to the 5,000,000 annual migrants? Your culture would be as broken as ours. Here is a report from a CRA (IRS) whistleblower on their annual take from the taxpayer. Our millions of immigrants do not have to work. Everything is paid for by the taxpayer — housing, health, income, child benefit. And they are demanding. “Where is my money” they shriek at Revenue Canada. “Where are my child benefits.”
They come here to feed. Period. And they have a profound contempt for us. Again, the media is silent, but TikTok isn’t.
There are virtually no “rich” in Canada. They’ve fled. Top speed. The ones left own the monopolies that have managed to pay off the bureaucrats and politicians.
As a result, America has six, trillion dollar industries; we do not have even one ten billion dollar business. Elon Musk was brought up and educated in Canada. He left the moment he could. Canada is one-tenth the size of the U.S. We attract 4% of the venture capital.
The victim scam has percolated through everything and broken the spirit of the nation. As a result we are dying. We are weak. We identify as weak. We identify with the weak. Our minds have been twisted and poisoned, and no one knows how to make anything anymore. We are an exhausted sigh of a nation, when we’re not whining. Our identification of ourselves as weak, as victims, means we have lost the will and ability to compete on the world stage, or even with each other. There is no drive to excellence here, no acknowledgement of accomplishment, just grim survival. Someone accomplishing something means resentment and envy. Envy is the dominant emotion among our elites. To them, feeling envy means they are oppressed and need reparations from the taxpayer. Take a look at this Go Fund Me from one of the artists we sent to university for eight years. This is how sick, how polluted the minds of our youth have become. It reads like satire. It is not.
We are a profoundly silenced country. I only grew when I left the country after graduate school. I know what it is to live a full life, to expand and discover and express myself without fear. My fellow Canadians do not. They are effectively serfs and slaves for a vile autocratic regime that has sucked every good thing out of them and destroyed it.
As a de-masculated, defanged, castrated country, we are sitting ducks for the Chinese Communist Party which has invaded every sector and acts as a criminal overlord, buying over fifty politicians in the last federal election alone. Here is a piece I wrote describing how the CCP over the past 80 years has bribed weak gullible Canadian politicians and bureaucrats to allow their fiefdoms in the country, and use us as a staging ground for their incursions into the U.S. Trump is right about our border. We send you oil, fentanyl and cartel crime.
Sam Cooper, once a mainstream television reporter and writer, now writes for Substack. Above everyone he has tracked the incursion of Chinese criminals into our culture. Here he is explaining Trump’s understanding of how dangerous we have become.
And here is Carney explaining how forcing a country into Net Zero is good business for investment banks.
We are the first country in the world to commit suicide. With any luck the inevitable success of the Trump economy and the ferocity of his team will force Canadians to grow the fuck up and become what they were meant to become. Stewards of a great nation.
Otherwise, we choose between Trump and BlackRock. And I choose Trump. He should do the kind thing and put us out of our misery.
My first notable ancestor came up from the U.S. at the invitation of William Hamilton Merritt to dig the first deep cut on the Welland Canal in 1823, which opened up the west for settlers in both countries. Oliver Phelps brought with him 4,000 Irish workers who had helped him build part of the Erie Canal. He didn’t even have a high school education.
His father, a Congressman, died in debtor’s prison after attempting the biggest real estate deal in history, the Phelps-Gorham Purchase. Oliver had to support his family so he broke the first Pony Express route through the Catskills delivering mail, starting at 14. In Canada, with Hamilton Merritt, he used his canal works to smuggle fugitive slaves through those canal works, hence the name Underground Railroad. He and his wife Abigail Spencer St John, the daughter of two aristocratic English families, worked with Harriet Tubman; their housekeeper was Harriet’s connection. All seventeen of their children followed his intense activity both charitable and in proliferating businesses throughout upper New York State and southern Ontario. They were all profoundly activist Christians working as individuals to help, to heal, to boost the less fortunate.
That’s the kind of people that built the U.S. and Canada. Not the vicious little cretins now in power in the Great White North. Our culture is the same, founded on the same principles: freedom, individual responsibility, and Christianity. We are a natural fit and need saving. Badly.
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Elizabeth Nickson was trained as a reporter at the London bureau of Time Magazine. She became European Bureau Chief of LIFE magazine in its last years of monthly publication, and during that time, acquired the rights to Nelson Mandela’s memoir before he was released from Robben Island. She went on to write for Harper’s Magazine, the Guardian, the Observer, the Independent, the Sunday Telegraph, the Sunday Times Magazine, the Telegraph, the Globe and Mail and the National Post. Her first book The Monkey Puzzle Tree was an investigation of the CIA MKULTRA mind control program and was published by Bloomsbury and Knopf Canada. Her next book, Eco-Fascists,,How Radical Environmentalists Are Destroying Our Natural Heritage, was a look at how environmentalism, badly practiced, is destroying the rural economy and rural culture in the U.S. and all over the world. It was published by Adam Bellow at Harper Collins US. She is a Senior Fellow at the Frontier Center for Public Policy, You can read in depth policy papers about various elements of the environmental junta here:
Her essay on the catastrophic failings of Canada's CBC is included in Michael Walsh’s Against the Corporate Media, 42 Ways the Press Hates You, published in September 2024
Profound analysis. My prayers are with the Canadian citizens in hopes that they rise up against the tyranny of their elites who sold them down the river. God speed.
We, the people, are to blame. I’m an American, we took our freedoms for granted, mistakenly trusted our governments. We didn’t want to get involved. Now all of our countries have been infiltrated with Communist implementing the NEW WORLD ORDER agenda,Totalitarianism, depopulation, and an AI controlled future. Liberalism, like socialism, is a soft porn word for COMMUNISM where death awaits.