This article is written by someone who isn’t entirely awake yet. Shame coz she really knows a lot about many things but this topic is evidently a blind spot.

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Totally agree. She really was not on the train when it left the station. Other work is great but this article is wrong on so many levels. Did a demo n sneak into her through a tattoo?

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I doubt it. On the other hand, I don't doubt that you are demon influenced. You hate the people who gave the world The Son of God.

Repent or perish.

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Jesus: "Jews are children of Satan." (John 8:44)

"Oh so they're your chosen people?"

Jesus: "Jews are the synagogue of Satan." (Revelation 2:9)

"But you still have a plan for them right? Gotta support Israel." Jesus: "SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN!" (Revelation 3:9)

"Alright got it, so we should support Israel."

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You're mixing things up deliberately. In John 8:44, Jesus is addressing the Pharisees, whom he knows hate him and want to kill him. Some Jews of the day would become Christians. The only Pharisee I know of who did was Saul of Tarsus.

Yes, in Revelation, the resurrected and ascended Jesus is not at all shy about pointing out that Temple worship is invalid because it has been superseded by the death of Christ for sin. As he died, the veil of the Temple was torn in two by a supernatural act as a sign that Israel's glory days as God's priest nation were in abeyance. Pentecost made it clear that the Church was thenceforth the focus of God's activity in the world. However, St Paul in Romans, chapters 9 - 11 makes it hard to deny that when "the times of the Gentiles" has come to its God - ordained end, God will again turn Israel to Himself through faith in His Son, The Lord Jesus Christ, also known as The King of the Jews ( the people you hate ).

The most accurate way of thinking of the Jews is as God's once and future chosen people. They are not His now, and every Jew who dies apart from Jesus Christ is condemned to Hell. This is true of every unbelieving Gentile, as well.

Just what is it you imagine you are doing? You aren't teaching me anything. All you are doing is venting your hatred of Jews. Let me tell you something about Jew haters, Marc: you are all possessed of a virus of the soul. You are not pleasing God by hating the people He chose to bring His Messiah to the world. In fact, you're storing up wrath for yourselves.

My advice to you is to repent. Read The Gospel of John and The Acts of the Apostles. See how the transition from Israel to the Church happens.

John 11: 25, 26.

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Nice giant novel of cope there. Good lord what is with cucks like you claiming that jews are “god’s once and future chosen people.” You’re supposedly a Christian so let me clue you in: CHRISTIANS ARE GOD’S CHOSEN PEOPLE. Like ffs, what kind of spiritual cuckold are you? Claiming that members of another faith are “the chosen”? Why don’t you fucking convert to Judaism then dipshit? Holy fuck, the mental hoops you’ve jumped through to fetishize the religion that murdered your saviour, it’s absolutely ridiculous, you neutered cuck.

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Of course, I should devote time to your comments, which glitter with civility and grace. Civilization will be saved by the likes of you, that's certain.

The problem is twofold: I allude to Christian things which you, an unbeliever, cannot understand because you don't have The Holy Spirit. Also, you have a quality of mind which can most accurately be described as "vile," and I don't descend to such levels.

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You might check out my long, previous response to you Bobby, before you go around calling other people names...

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God did that. Coz God does is everything

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"A young man, wearing nothing but a linen garment, was following Jesus. When they seized him, he fled naked, leaving his garment behind" (Mark 14:51-52). We find this story in Mark's Gospel right after the account of Jesus's arrest, and it's one of the least understood narratives in the entire New Testament.

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That is my hope as well, it's why I brought receipts. If she seriously examines it unbiased, she'll come around.

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Yeah she doesn't get it, this will explain even more


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agreed, we all have blind spots though 🥰

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Congratulations on being the new top comment. Unfortunately she deleted everyone previously in that slot. I'd humbly ask that you edit this comment to include a link here: https://innomen.substack.com/p/unfortunately-elizabeth-nickson-has

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I tried to edit but it won’t let me!

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I deeply appreciate the attempt. This is incredibly disappointing, I genuinely did not expect her to do this, especially as an opening response. I guess all of my hope in her integrity was misplaced :( Which greatly damages her credibility moving forward :(

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Yeah damn shame I know plenty of people who share the same rabid support of the Zionist cause. So badly lacking in integrity.

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I will be unsubscribing shortly...

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I can't help but speculate as to underpinning, but ultimately it's not relevant in the short to mid term. Looking for nuance in this context might even be morally hazardous, by which I mean focus needs to be spent first on stopping them from doing more harm rather than working out why they are so hellbent on causing it.

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Hilarious 🤣

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I bet IDF plants them in every house for the photo op! : )

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This video helped me get past my blind spots


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I am so surprised by this article. You are missing history, that demonstrates why the situation is the way it is today. I am Jewish, I am grateful for my heritage, my family roots, what struggles they went through. When October 7th happened, I knew very little about the founding of Israel, the beginning of Zionism, the collusion with the British government, the Belfour Declaration, after the Ottoman empire. I was completely shocked, traumatized and went on a mission to thoroughly study the history with an open mind, and a wounded heart. Your article is limited in scope, I am sincerely sorry to say. The students protesting, yes, some have been subjected to Nazi agitators. But many are dedicated to ending the genocide of the Palestinians. The Palestinians, were lied to, exploited, stripped of their culture, and integrity as a people. What you report is the result of a coup that was planned over 100 years ago, to destroy the Palestinians. The State of Israel has an dark, racist past. They is hard to accept. It is still happening What you report is the effects that manifest from a people who were demoralized. Watch Edward Said's lectures. Watch some of the university podcasts from Jadaliyya with wonderful discussions between Jews and Palestinians, watch some of Chris Hedges testimonials.. Watch Ilan Pappe, Avi Shlaim and forgotten history of Arab Jews. Study Middle Eastern countries which honored their Jewish populations, before they were invaded by Western interests and those that still do. Please, Elizabeth, do more research. It is heartbreaking to see these students sacrifice their Harvard, Columbia, University of Penn education to stand up to the US government and their complicit relationship with Israel. . . Thank you for allowing me to comment.

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Beautiful post🥰 thank you

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You have tremendous courage and strength to go on this journey. These are not easy truths to have to look at. Thank you!

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I've been to Israel & all around the middle east, I could go on & on.

Before 1947 the Jewish people and Muslims in Palestine got along.

1947 Palestine is now Isreal, this is decided by the Victor's of WW2

You are a farmer, fisherman, merchant etc.

Your family has lived in the area for hundreds if not thousands of years.

I come and tell you that you are on the land that God promised to me & tell you to leave under threat.

Does that sound like problems are going to happen?

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Not really, the Zionists had been waging a decades long campaign of terror against the Arabs and British. Knowing Israel was founded by religious zealots and terrorists makes them very easy to understand.

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I am a Christian. Both sides despise me. Yes, even Our Greatest Ally. The treatment of Christian pilgrims to the Holy Land is well known. Spit on and harassed, the contempt displayed by Israelis for Christians is very real.

Not my people, not my fight.

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Totally agree it is "not my fight." Everywhere the US MIC has set foot in the past 33 years, chaos follows. They don't understand the history or the culture of the lands we interfere in, and have no desire to learn.

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Agreed-- dont forget this fight is the UK's

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Well -- you disagree with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, then. We are ON the side of Israel because God wants it that way. As much forgiveness and forbearance has been given to your arrogant self -- show compassion to the Jewish people.

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There is substantial evidence and substantial Jewish scholarship point to the fact that modern day Ashkenazi's are not the biblical Israelites, making the entire Israel "experiment" is problematic. The Balfour Declaration in 1917 between the British Crown and Lord Rothschild essentially "gave" Palestine to the Zionist goal of creating a Jewish state, but it was not theirs to give. As Arthur Koestler stated, "one nation solemnly promised to a second nation the country of a third." Many on this comment section talk about the biblical mandate for Jews to have a homeland in Palestine. Any protest about this is quickly shut down with cries of "antisemitism," however, who are the real "semites" here? It's not the current inhabitants of Israel.

Dr. Antar Bartha, in his book The Magyar Society in the Eighth and Ninth Century, has chapters on the Khazars and their conversion to Judaism in the mid-8th century AD: "...we must call the readers' attention to the matter of the Khazar kingdom's state religion. It was the Jewish faith which became the official religion of the ruling strata of society. Needless to say, the acceptance of the Jewish faith as the state religion of a ethnically non-Jewish people could be the subject of interesting speculations..." What Dr. Bartha is speaking to is that the Ashkenazi Jews, who almost make up the entirety of modern Jewry, are the descendants of the Khazars; not the biblical, semitic Israelites.

Former Professor of Mediaeval Jewish History at Tel Aviv University, A.N. Poliak, in his book Khazaria, writes that "...how far we can go in regarding this [Khazar] Jewry as the nucleus of the large Jewish settlement in Eastern Europe...the descendants of this settlement —those who stayed where they were, those that emigrated to the United States, and to other countries, and those who went to Israel—constitute now the large majority of world Jewry..."

The implications of this is so interesting that the 20th century author and man of letters, Arthur Koestler wrote an entire book about this, The 13th Tribe, which was quite controversial because of these implications. Koestler writes that the "far reaching implications of this hypothesis may explain the great caution exercised by historians in approaching this subject — if they do not avoid it all together." If it's not obvious what these implications are, let me spell them out: "...the acceptance of the Jewish faith as the state religion of a ethnically non-Jewish people," who would be the modern-day Ashkenazi Jews that inhabit Israel. Israel that was given to them by Ashkenazi Lord Rothschild and the British Crown in their little colonialism exercise.

On this point, while the Khazars converted to Judaism in 740AD, by 1100 AD only 3% of the world Jewry was Ashkenazi; the majority, 97% were Sephardic. If the Ashkenazi's were the historical Jews of the bible, this doesn't make sense. However, by 1930, this demographic was totally inverted, with Ashkenazi's making up 92% of world Jewry.

DNA testing has shown that modern-day Palestinians are generally 3/4 "semitic" while Ashkenazi's are not semites, hence as even Arthur Koestler writes, himself an Ashkenazi Jew, "the large majority of surviving Jews in the world are of Eastern European—and thus perhaps mainly Khazar—origin. If so, this means their ancestors came not from Jordan but from the Volga; not from Canaan but from the Caucasus, once believe to be the cradle of the Aryan race....the term "anti-semitism" would become void of meaning...."

Other references for the above are here:

1. https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/genetics/articles/10.3389/fgene.2017.00087/full

2. https://www.timesofisrael.com/new-dna-tech-pinpoints-yiddish-origins-to-north-turkey/

3. The above Times of Israel concerns this recent paper:


4. As I have previously written about, by 1100 AD, 300 or so years after the Khazarian Khangate converted to Judaism, Ashkenazi's only made 3% of worldwide Jewery, which makes sense because they were not the biblical Israelites. This paper goes into that fact here: https://dje.jcpa.org/articles3/sephardic.htm

5. Finally, while Koestler's book has been heavily criticized because the implications are politically problematic and untenable, Prof. Shlomo Sand's more recent book presents much stronger evidence for the Khazar origins: The Invention of the Jewish People


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Jun 23
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Professor of Mediaeval Jewish History at Tel Aviv University, A.N. Poliak, in his book Khazaria, writes that "...how far we can go in regarding this [Khazar] Jewry as the nucleus of the large Jewish settlement in Eastern Europe...the descendants of this settlement —those who stayed where they were, those that emigrated to the United States, and to other countries, and those who went to Israel—constitute now the large majority of world Jewry..." The Ashkenazi's only made up 3% of worldwide Jewry in 1100AD and lived in the precise area where the Khazarian diasphora occurred, in Eastern Europe and Germany. They spoke Yiddish which is not related to ancient Hebrew.

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Yeah, Koestler, a celebrated man of letters who was knighted in England, and who spent a lot of time in Israel and was a Zionist, is an "ignorant cunt." Let's be clear: He's a lot more intelligent and accomplished than you are.

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You mistake their Talmudic "god" for the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Get educated.

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Yahweh is the Demiurge. Get a software update

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They have many gods. The Elohim is plural. Aliens. Follow Clif High too. His approach is based on a deep understanding of indicators and his Talmudic research.

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Have a yummy breakfast of Jesus crackers and blood this morning while you study Jewish texts interpreted through a Greek translation at church this morning while obsessing over the land of Israel and hating them while worshiping one.


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80% ofcollege-educated Jews are atheists. When the questioned "God or Mammon" appeared on test, they circled "Mammon."

We owe them nothing.

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That darn demon mammon. It’s quite a dive into understanding if you know what that’s all about. Best source on that is Gabriel’s Horn on Gab and Utube. The true exorcist.

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As the Gentiles of Europe tell fairy tales about Santa Claus and krampus you obsess over Jewish demons. May your grandchildren be named Mohammed and Fatima

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Sure thing, D*ckInMinnetonka...

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What are you telling your children for krampus fest this winter?

Krampus will take you away, that's some fucked up shit to be telling your kids, but Euro schism trash will bicker.


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Yep Gabriel’s Horn details mammon the demon very carefully.

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My sister, a Catholic Christian, has visited Israel several times and has never encountered what you describe. I’ve known other Christian visitors as well; no signs of contempt.

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Sure, mileage may vary.

There are video compilations on Twitter documenting harassment. I know several people who, unprompted, have spoken about their rude treatment.

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It's very common

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I mean ok, but children are innocent by default right?

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Yes, Palestinian and Israeli children are innocent. No on can deny that Palestinian children have been slaughtered at a much greater rate.

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They are targeting women and children under a tactic they call, "Where's Daddy?" The IDF identifies and tracks the movements of a known terrorist, and when he eventually returns home, the IDF targets and destroys the entire structure and the family of the terrorist.

Is there nothing the Israelis can do that will spark the tiniest human revulsion from even their most ardent supporters?

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Thanks for the info. I'm starting to think that the people claiming that the IDF is the "most moral army in the world" are just liars. Hmm...

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The other myth is that the IDF is a force to be reckoned with. The IDF is losing in Gaza, just as they lost to Hezbollah in 2006. It's not 1968 or 2006. It is 2024, and all of the Muslim/Arab countries are much better trained and equipped. Israel knows it cannot defeat its enemies without the US military. That's why Netanyahu is using every lever he has to draw the US into this war.

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Perhaps one of the most immoral armies, at least in the first world.

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No, but the Devil is the father of lies, and you are of your father.


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Just stop it, Bobby. You should be embarrassed.

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It's common IDF practice to use their border snipers to kneecap children. They will also aim for genitals. Israeli disregard (mildly put) for the lives of children is probably the most brazen in history.


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Yep, all true. And this is the tip of the iceberg. They are immoral monsters.

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Yes but wouldn’t the Palestinians happily kill more Israeli children if they had the means to do so? It is their entire reason for being. I don’t trust either group but the Muslims show us every day the kind of people they are and I look at where the facts lie.

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Heather, look into the founding of Israel and the mistreatment of Palestinians and Christians under Jewish rule. For some strange reason, this information is hidden.

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And yet it's crucial for understanding all of this...

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The facts are that Israel is killing and maiming tens of thousands more innocent women and children that Hamas ever did. And don’t call them shields; they’re children.

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If so, who could blame them? They've been in an open-air concentration camp for decades.

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Yes, until their innocence is corrupted by their parents and siblings. Why 'adulthood' typically begins at the age of (anywhere from) 13 to 21 depending on the dominant culture.

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So blowing up packs of 13 year olds from the sky with a one ton explosive barrage is ok.


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No, not OK but perhaps necessary when the adults use women and children as human shields. Rules of War aren't honored by Hamas and their ilk.

And again, Reddit isn't a platform noted for truth.

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Stop hiding behind that. It's a link to a video. You might as well say you don't like evidence that contains vowels. You don't have to worship the medium to parse the message.

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They’re not shields; they innocent human children. Stop dehumanizing them. And tens of thousands are now dead innocent children. It’s a slaughter.

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Your narrative has been widely debunked, but if you refuse to look at the evidence....

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"Evidence" in all too many instances = propaganda. Doesn't have to be State-supported, propaganda can be grass roots.

Neither 'side' has any claim to 100% righteousness in this conflict.

What matters most is the Rules of Engagement in this 21st Century conflict between a modern society and one that's straight from the middle ages.

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Spit on and harassed is a far tamer level of assault than murder. If you're a Christian, it is your fight. You are called upon to stand for what is right and moral and godly in every matter, and God despises anti Semitism. Genesis 12:3.

He has a great future for His currently rebellious people. Read Romans 9 - 11.

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I am confident Jesus would condemn the slaughter of innocent Palestinian children. I am a Catholic and a US military veteran; don’t throw select Bible quotes at me.

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I'm sure He would. But every Palestinian child casualty in Gaza is the responsibility of Hamas. I'd be reassured if you could tell me that you also think Jesus would have condemned Hamas' slaughtering of Israeli children on 10/7.

I don't throw Bible verses around. By the grace of God, I have learned a lot, but I'm a long way away from confidence in my general knowledge of the Bible. However, if someone says something which brings a verse to mind, and I don't think my use of it would do damage to the context, I will use it.

In comments I make online, I refer to all sorts of things. In a YouTube comments section yesterday, I referred to the remarkability of Emily Dickinson, the tortured prose styles of Hawthorne and Poe, and the fact that Lincoln was the first great writer of American prose.

Depending on what the topic is, any writer will make recourse to all sorts of writers.

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Jun 22
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You don't have to be "pro-Islam" to be against the genocide of women and children in the open-air concentration camp of Gaza. And It helps to understand the history of the region before Oct. 7th going all the way back to Balfour and before...

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Horrified to read this latest diatribe by Elizabeth Nickson. I lived in the Middle East as young child and later on as a teenager. We lived in Aden, Queen Victorias first imperial acquisition. Learning Arabic and experiencing a very different culture to my own was one of the highlights of my life. Elizabeth says she has never been and has no wish to visit the Middle East. I suggest you change your mind. Travel to the region, meet people and make an effort to balance your extremist views. All my Jewish friends are devastated by the genocide created by Netanyahu and his allies. Your rhetoric does nothing to promote peace and understanding. Shame on you. As a supposedly educated person you should know better.

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Great, sane comment, in a sea of delusion. Thank you!

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If you should happen to be allowed to return alive, that is.

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Did they tell you this version of History while you were there?

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Oh Elizabeth, what have you done!! Really, what have you done!!

You have surely opened up Pandora's Box with this essay. As a seasoned journalist you have displayed, in my humble opinion, a remarkable lack of impartial judgement before you submitted this essay to the winds of the internet, where you have invoked a tempest of responses that has not abated even after so many hours.

As a reader, named Innomen, said, "Is this a joke? You can't be this naive." I agree, you have been extremely naive about this sensitive and heartbreaking situation. Without an editor to review your submissions, you have really provoked your readers, even me, to respond, and in my case, to chastise you for your unbalanced rhetoric, where you, as a word magician, displayed your obvious disgust over this matter. I ask, can people not be free to protest what they see to be unjust, inhumane, without you raining on their parade? Valid or not, is freedom not free?

Elizabeth, did you really consider what you were writing about when you chose to publish these ill-begotten thoughts?

In the shit-storm you have invoked amongst your readers, there have been some voices of calm and clear thinking, such as Innomen (well done!), S.R Carson, Lorne S, Spingerah, Hillary Han, Sharman and Red Pill Poet, and of course there are others of the same ilk. It has been difficult to read all the responses so far. But surely you know you have poked the hornets nest with a flaming torch!!

You should have researched this delicate situation much more before you decided to hit the "send" button. Do you know the history of occupied Palestine? Do you know of the genesis of the Jewish people into the lands of Palestine? Do you know of the "Stern Gang" in British- Occupied Palestine? The Balfour Declaration? The confiscation of land lived on for centuries by the Palestinian people to, arbitrarily, and by force of guns, be given to Jewish settlers? The eviction of those people to become stateless and homeless? You refer to the Ashkenazi Jews, but did you consider the Sephardim? Where did the Ashkenazis originate? Where did the Sephardim come from? Where did they live? Who are the Khazars? Where was Khazaria and what was the existential decision the Khazars had to make to survive? Where are the remains of Khazaria today? What was the Inquisition all about? What caused the exodus of the Sephardim? Where did they go? What about the Ethiopian Jews, the Beta Israel, who have existed for 15 centuries, and who arrived in Ethiopia between the first and sixth centuries, coming as merchants or artisans and who, more recently, were clandestinely evacuated in 1977 to Israel to escape persecution, but to this day suffer from the same persecution within Israel itself, due to the colour of their skin. Racism? Black Jews, really? Did you know? The lost tribes? The Palestinians, the Jews, both Semitic people. Both the descendents of Abraham - both brothers and sisters of the same family of Abraham? Did you know? Did you know that the Jews and the Palestinians are so indistinguishable that if they speak the same language, Hebrew or Arabic, they cannot be told apart?

There is much you did not consider, Elizabeth, before you chose to take this position in an enormously sensitive situation that is neither black nor white, as you have chosen to insist in your ill-considered wisdom. Stand apart, look from the high point and see why the actors do what they do. Make the distinction between terrorism and resistance. In your professed love for the country of your birth, what would you do if another country occupied you and put your neck under its boot? Would you resist with all your might and diligence? Of course you would. But you would be classified a terrorist by your overlords, when all you would be doing is resisting with all your might - a resistance movement, yes? Therefore, what is Hamas, resistance or terrorist? Your call. You want to moralize about how to resist? Well walk a mile in their shoes and see how far you get.

Let those without sin cast the first stone!!

Think about all the damage the US, UK, and Japan have done to to the innocent citizens of the world in their pursuit of power and control. Hiroshima, Nagasaki, the Tokyo firebombing, the British in South Africa and India, the US in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Korea, the Japanese in Korea and much more; all areas where your side committed unspeakable, detestable atrocities - even genocide to people, women, children, and non-combatants, without any twinge of conscience - just blow them away in the pursuit of total dominance. You have no comment there? No moralistic outrage over your side committing genocide and population expulsion with the intent of a major land grab - both Gaza and the West Bank?? The River To The Sea? They both want it - who wins? The occupier with the guns or the occupied with the idea that it is now or never? The only solution is compromise. Settle the differences, group hugs, let's share the land, and live with each other as brothers and sisters. One state, two state, it doesn't matter if we share the land as equals. Get with it for crying out loud!

So, Elizabeth, spare me the ravings of an unhinged wordsmith and get a grip on what you are trying to say. The solution I can offer you as a journalist and to avoid many of your readers, including myself, from unsubscribing is to take some time, grasp the situation, research it more deeply, and re-consider your opinion about this matter and give us another post, soon, about what you think about this hugely sensitive situation that concerns the lives of millions of innocent people.

You have disturbed your readers; that is obvious. Many are for and others against your position. Sadly, you have played to the lowest common denominator in your followers. I can hope that you will, in that future article, aim to persuade them to change their minds and reach for a higher goal of love and peace for all.

Personally, I have enjoyed your essays and even, recently, decided to become a paid subscriber because it all resonated with me. However, this nonsense just knocked me out of the park and made me realise how fallible you are. What are you thinking, girl??? Get a grip on your mind!!

All this said respectfully.

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Masterful, Alan, just masterful. I'm copying this for future reference. Also, I've been a bit snarky, I must admit, but thanks for the nod!

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Brilliant and compelling counter argument and it would great if she pinned it to top so everyone could benefit from it’s insights and rationale.

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Thank you Alan.

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She really didn't like my links. Excellent reply man.

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Alan that was a great comprehensive response and during my recent research about modern Israel precipitated by the Gaza tragedy, we are on the same page. I hope Elizabeth will take her time to dig deeper and critique her thinking and send another post. I am a Christian and concerning Israel and my understanding of the Bible - there is nothing special about them since Christ’s ascension and no future promise for Israel. Christ has destroyed the Old Covenant system (Fall of Jerusalem) and it will never be resurrected known as Zionism. Zionism is heretical and evil. Christ has ushered in the New Covenant and making all things new and expanding His Kingdom until He returns.

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Wow. An Aipac funded substack.

So much for independent media.

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I really don't think that's the case here, I think she's just insulated from it, but I brought links, so hopefully she looks at them.

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Hope springs eternal.


Her world is so narrow and susceptible. $ talks.

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I'm saving that for when I see some evidence she's rejecting presented evidence. Her next post on this topic will dictate my response.

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The demon mammon has crept into her.

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She’s lived all over the world, and done journalism that whole time. Real journalism. But this can’t be her, she was hacked. Maybe it’s you that needs a bit of a lesson. It’s right here for you, should you choose to absorb it. Yikes.

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This is more true than you realize. She spent a good chunk of time writing cover for the empire, perhaps I should never have taken her seriously in the first place. Time will tell.

Your motives however are clear. You're just a garden variety fascist. (Tell us more about how groups of people you don't like are "rats.")

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I'm not sure about that 5% figure. I'd have thought so as well, before October 7th, but since then... the shocking part wasn't the act itself -- I don't actually expect any better out of those West Jordanian fucksmears -- but the number of people from my regular life here in America who took it as a signal that it was acceptable to show the world that they hated the Jews. People I truly expected better from.

It's been quite disturbing.

I mean... shit. Just look at half the comments on this post.

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I agree with you about the comments. I am shocked that Elizabeth is allowing so much Jew hatred on her site. Her commitment to free speech is admirable given the cast of characters I see here today.

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I mean, I'm pretty sure she'll be in here with the ban-hammer at some point. But this is the sort of crap I've come to expect damned near everywhere the topic comes up, these days. Like I said, I was really shocked at just how prevalent this vile garbage turned out to be. And worse, not even just internet randos crawling out of the woodwork, but people I've known for years.

I would estimate that I have heard more people say vile things about Jews in the last nine months than I've heard use the N word with sincere intent (I'm obviously not going to count black people using it at each other, or anyone "singing along" with Rap songs, just genuine vicious intent) in nearly fifty years of life.

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The world is complicated and messy and thus I resist with all my being to be forced to choose sides in a war that has zero strategic interests for my country, America. There is a possibility that all of these manufactured and approved narratives of the regime are designed to tear us apart. If so, they have been successful, as you are calling for a "ban-hammer" to be brought down on people who you disagree with. Good bye freedom of thought and freedom of speech.

You are free to believe that the people you disagree with spout "crap" and "vile garbage." What I've noticed in reading the comments is that most of the commenters in favor of the Israeli policy of targeting civilians--a violation of the Geneva Convention which Israel signed in 1951--resort to ad hominem attacks and calls to ban and silence people.

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> as you are calling for a "ban-hammer"

See, this is why I can't take any of you seriously. You clearly can't actually read. I didn't "call" for anything. I said I expected it would happen. BECAUSE THE AUTHOR EXPLICITLY STATED SO IN THE POST.

> Any expression of anti-Semitism will be deleted and the author perma-blocked because you are a primitive and not welcome here.

That. Right there. From the author. In the post.

> the commenters in favor of the Israeli policy of targeting civilians resort to ad hominem attacks

Israel doesn't actually have a policy of targeting civilians. So you can't have encountered any commenters here who support it. I absolutely believe that you've encountered ad hominem though, because honestly, what other way is there to respond to such gobbledegook?

The whole reason this has gone on for as long as it has, is because Israel doesn't target civilians. If they did, the entirety of the Gaza strip would be a lovely seaside resort, because the Israelis would have cleared it decades ago.

It's kind of hilarious, honestly. The same people who screech about how the Jews are a shadowy cabal who have orchestrated every terrible thing for the last however many hundreds of years also claim the Jews are so fantastically incompetent that they've been utterly failing to implement the genocide of a particular selection of regional Arabs to the extent that their notional target group has increased in population by a factor of five.

Worst genocide ever.

> I resist with all my being to be forced to choose sides in a war


You have clearly picked a side. "I'm not picking sides, I just think the Jews are genocidal maniacs who enjoy mutilating children, and that Israel should be destroyed and everyone who lives there raped to death." Sure thing, buddy. You keep telling yourself that.

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Elizabeth was very clear that she will not tolerate any expression of anti-semitism. You are tattling to mommy to ban opinions you do not agree with. If I am factually wrong or incorrect in anything I have said, correct me. But you will not find an anti-semitic expression in any of the comments I have written. The only side I have picked is the U.S. side. I am against foreign entanglements, period. I have also been very careful to say that Netanyahu and his governing coalition--not Israel--most certainly DO have a policy to target civilians. I am aware that there are a lot of Israelis--in leadership positions in the government and the IDF--that are against the targeting of civilians. Similarly, there are people in U.S. leadership positions who promote and support and conduct forever wars across the globe. There are many in U.S. leadership positions who oppose this policy, and as a citizen, I oppose it, too. That doesn't make me un-American, and opposing Netanyahu's conduct of the war in Gaza does not make me an anti-semite. Finally, your rant about "Jewish cabals" and putting words in my mouth about "genocidal maniacs" would be funny if it wasn't such unhinged lunacy. If the only articulation of your position is ad hominem attacks, fabricated quotes, gas-lighting and projection, you might want to put some more thought into matter at hand.

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Jun 23
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Excellent response! I was thinking the same things.

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Actually, Israel is strategically important to U.S. interests in the region.

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Warmek- you nailed it like a hammer! I have experienced the exact same scenarios that you describe.

I have friends and even relatives who apparently have become rabid anti-Semites without even realizing it.

And the moral equivalency that they claim for these barbarians is shocking.

To top it off- I recently found out through one of those DNA tests that I have quite a bit of Jewish blood including relatives who died in the Holocaust. When I told my siblings, their reactions were insane. Total denial, said the test must be wrong. Can you believe it?

Then there are some of my "conservative" friends who I can no longer abide, including one gay man who apparently now supports the very people who would throw him off of a roof in their country.

The brainwashing that goes on in the schools and colleges of this country is unimaginable to produce such a widespread disconnect between fantasy and reality.

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Please stop this. Your fear is palpable. Get outside and walk in nature if you can. Stop looking for what you are afraid of , it is unhealthy.

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My... fear? What on Earth are you talking about?

Did you post this in the wrong spot, somehow?

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haters score 90% + --on a good day those who think Elizabeth did good--5%, those who think Elizabeth did a mitzvah speakin' out (I'm one've 'em) an' taking a lotta hate fer it--5% so yup, 5% is right but it's the only thing she got wrong--it's the INVERSE - haters win by a landslide! (what else is nu?)

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Jun 23
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I sure hope that's true but them "mentally ill bubbleheads" sure seem ta be poppin' up all over--golly, lookin' at all the camp-pusses is disheartenin'--my (former) home NYC seems ta be infected with these folks (not just stew-dents)--an' elsewhere in the stacks I find it--on many once sane sites--like wildfire (sure spreads fast!)--If all those not botherin' are silent...that silent majority better speak up too (Niemoller style--an' it couldn't be soon enuf!)

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Jun 22
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Not quite: The Middle East "conflict" has revealed the people who hide behind cowardly pejorative "anti-semite" while totally lacking any moral compass or historical understanding. That would be you!

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Jun 23
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What you mean is you are not laughing, but that's because the joke's on you...

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Jun 23
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There is indication that some of these responders are regular trolls. It's in their phraseology.

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