What is alarming is the number of Canadians who to this day support the emergency Act and are righteously angry that Tucker Carlson was allowed to spread his "hate" in Canada. They are all over the internet.

The only question is when the conservatives get back into power, will they have the courage to make the fundamental changes needed to save Canada. From the Supreme Court to the Constitution to the education system. Canada should be one of the richest countries per capita in the world. And it's about to have a depression that will make the 1920s look like a walk in the park.

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I watched Tucker's recent speech in Calgary. It seemed like most people in the audience were afraid to react to what he was saying. The brainwashing and fear still run deep up there, even in the most free parts of the country!

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That was my first reaction as well. Canadians are afraid to speak.

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Can you blame them/us? After the Truckers in Canada and J6 in the USA, the proles are finally learning their lesson. Step up against the powers that be, especially if you do so in an effective manner, and you will be destroyed by the State.

Unreasonable and disproportionate punishment is the stock and trade of totalitarians. It has been that way since the beginning of time. 'Modern' governments with Bills of Rights and Charters of Rights and Freedoms are only mildly deterred; indeed when their power is challenged, their actions seem justified to many because they are presumed to be acting righteously, until it becomes terribly clear that something has gone wrong. By then the point is made -- the nail that stands out will get hammered. Charters and Constitutions notwithstanding.

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I agree with you, this is nothing new. There is a price to be paid for challenging an existing order.

However, we aren't asking people to take excessive risks. If the average person just started asking questions and pushing back, it would help immeasurably. A lot of modern "soft power" relies on authority and consent, which is why they are so eager to crack down on satire and mockery of the authorities.

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I do not believe those truckers thought they were taking excessive risks, but then Trudope invoked the Emergencies Act (illegally, according to a recent court decision) and clamped down on them.

And people are asking questions, and the blowback to Trudope is that he is unlikely to win another term as PM, with Pierre Poilievre and his Tories projected to win 222 seats in Parliament if the vote were taken today, leaving the Grits and their NDP sycophants with less than 100.

edit - source: https://the-pipeline.org/canadas-laurentian-elite-cry-uncle/

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You should see NZ or Australia. Almost no one with the exception of a very brave few souls dare poke their heads above the skyline. Passive aggression is the order of the day.

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There is doubt ,that the worst mistreatment and harmful actions happened in the five eye countries and are still ongoing .

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Firearms Ted to eve that score. Unfortunately NZ and Australia have been mostly disarmed. Same in Canada. We are it. And they would love to try more great lawfare against us. They forgot what they learned in history class. We are still here, and going nowhere.

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He does have a funny laugh, Carlson. I think they were laughing at his laugh, when they were laughing. I think the stiffness comes from the English occupation.

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Right. They seemed to be laughing at inappropriate times and sitting on their hands during the punch lines.

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Watched Tucker’s talks. He is opinionated, but I was really struck with some of the sadness on his face - like this is really a heavy time and hard to believe we have sunk so far. And he didn’t enjoy the fact that these things even need to be said.

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You'll always have a good portion of the herd of modern moron slaves defending such things... Usually the most coward and meek are the ones that form such sub-herd.

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Many Canadians seem as brainwashed and under the same spell as Australian Victorians. It’s bizarre.

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"Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way." - Pink Floyd

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But there is a similarity. Both countries have been subjected to historically unprecedented mass immigration. They have been flooded with disparate peoples who have nothing in common with each other. This destroys social trust and cohesion.

I recall in the 90s entire neighborhoods in my city were turned into multicultural messes in which residents didn't talk to one another. The guy next door from mainland China didn't like the Chinese guy from Hong Kong, and both looked at the Vietnamese family as if they were barbarians.

People have few strong social ties, and they are awash in a sea of third world imports who have little tradition of freedom. Many are perfectly happy with authoritarian governments telling them what to do.

Look at the major players in the Canadian resistance to COVID policies. The guys who sued about border and travel restrictions. The pastor in Alberta who was constantly getting arrested. Not a whole lot of diversity there. The Asians pretty much went along with it.

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Cannot be left to one person or party! Everyone must step up to the plate for accountability of corrupt politicians & demand better!

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Well said.

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unless you start pulling your oil out of the ground at 1% of the speed that you could and give everybody a share. Then you're all well to do.

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These people are along the Toronto to Montreal corridors which includes Ottawa the wealthiest and prosperous elites from Institutions, Corporations , local and federal government bureaucrats well used to dipping into the trough . Not until their freedoms and lifestyles are restricted will their smugness change . It is up to the rest of the country and those whom have been awake for some time to bring about a marked change .

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When will 45th General elections take place. Is it oct 2025? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/45th_Canadian_federal_election

If yes, I doubt these elections will be allowed to take place because they don't want to lose.

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Oct. 2025 unless Trudope calls for an earlier election. Maybe Nov. 2024, aligned with the US Election when the world will be up to our eyeballs with 'Virus X' or whatever they call it. Providing ample opportunity for fraud on both sides of the 49th.

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Jan 28, 2024
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By the end of grade 8 every student should have a working knowledge of logic and the various forms of fallacy, along with basic bookkeeping and accounting skills.

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Not possible.

See 19th Amendment and female empowerment and education.

Of course they’re childish and infantile, women are raising boys to be eunuchs. Nothing is more predictable than women castrating males; husbands, sons, school children.

It wasn’t a secret then and isn’t now. By the time women come to their senses they’re at best middle aged.

Logical fallacy?


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Jan 29, 2024Edited
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It's ALL WOMEN. And women are LOSERS in a FIGHT.

Any fight. That's why Trannies are beating women up for their Title IX rackets.

Also why we're all defenseless.

But you ladies have fun, say hello to the enemy.

We out.

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<every student should have a working knowledge of logic and the various forms of fallacy>

That's only if you want a population that can THINK.

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Quite right, there's little reason to believe that the elites want thinkers. Witness all of the newspaper articles telling you to avoid "doing your own research".

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Emotional maturity only comes automatically to a small percent the population. The rest need to learn it through the ongoing rigors of life. By making life easy and responsibility-free, the government maintains an infantile population. The problem is that most of these elites are themselves emotionally immature and underdeveloped, which makes for a bad combination.

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I remember when the "Conservatives" under Mulroony (sp?) were wiped out to close to extinction decades ago.

May the same fate meet the Liberals AND the U. S. Democrats.

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From your lips to God’s ears, however, most in the US are blissfully unaware that any of this is going on. On a recent visit from my brother who lives in Denver, we got in the conversation about getting Democrats out of power, he told me that DeSantis was too “right wing.” He then told me that he works for a good company in Canada (Toronto), and so they were ultimately the “good guys” or the most “just.”

He has no idea what is happening in Canada, or who Trudeau actually is, but thinks he is “informed,” and on the side of “social justice.” How do you inform someone about the reality on the ground, when his social status is based on mouthing Luxury beliefs and “correct think?”

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This reminds me of the old joke about how many shrinks it takes to change a light bulb. The answer is only one, but the bulb really has to want to change.

Same is true here -- it is impossible to talk to Normies until they are ready. One day the time may come, and then he may give you a call -- to explain what is going on and why. Until then, keep your powder dry and stay on his good side.

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I have not heard that joke before. I did a post on managers and light bulbs.


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I have found that to be true and yours is really good advice.

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Only if they take the NDP with them!😢😢

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Thank you, I pray that fate actually happens. If not our way of life is doomed.

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Mulroney was PC. Not CPC. Harper had good reason for changing the Party name. But yes, wouldn’t it be lovely.

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One of your best articles yet! I am heading in to my case against the OCT this spring. You expose the systemic discrimination that pushes ppl like me out of the professions for being "hateful". I am not racist but pro-western and strongly object to CRT/BLM. I am not Islamophobic but strongly object to protection rackets for Islamists, I am not homophobic but reject gender ideology and sex reassignment for kids and the mentally ill. I reject all the neoMarxisms currently dominating our institutions, subjugating free peoples, and strangling the economy.

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I am 100% with you. I am An American Jewish woman and a conservative and send many of my research to many people try to get the message out and E. N. is one of the best. Good on 😊

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You are a freaking hero and my prayers go with you.

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I stopped paying dues to the gatekeepers at the OCT. I don’t have to tell you why. Good luck with your case! It must be soul sucking to have to deal with a snake pit of Marxists just so you can stand in front of students and teach them what they need to know.

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The predator class aren’t out of power yet. The destruction will continue until young Castro and his liberals are completely gone. If elections can be stolen in the US they can be stolen or manipulated in Canada. I hope my friends up north weather the next 18 months

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Federal elections in Canada are a bit simpler than in the USA -- the only thing you actually vote for is your local MP. Last time I voted in Canada, 2019, they gave you a slip of paper and you marked an 'X' in the box next to the name of the candidate you chose to vote for. Fold it, and drop in ballot box. (A far cry from let's say California, where the ballot pamphlet can be over 500 pages, and you vote for every federal, state and local office including dogcatcher; plus there are always numerous referenda on the ballot.)

The votes would then be counted under the watchful eyes of representatives of Canada's three main parties: the Liberals, the Conservatives, and the New Democrats (NDP). And if you were in Quebec, also the Bloc Quebecois. So far so good.

But last I heard, as the votes were tabulated 'up the line,' they were using automated equipment IIRC from Dominion Voting Systems. Hell, when the Tories had their convention, they were using automated vote counting and I recall there being some sort of kerfuffle about that. Why they had to automate a count of a few thousand delegates, I cannot imagine.

The bottom line though, is that if the prize is important enough, someone will find a way to corrupt the system.

"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely" -- Lord Acton

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I hope there is an overwhelming vote for conservatives that the left can’t even cheat enough to win. Your PM Justin Castro must go

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A real, real, good article.

I couldn't believe how many people were perfectly ok, happy even, with watching the Trucker Protest, being enthusiastically crushed by the Liberals....their rationale was always 'Well, how would YOU like it if a truck was parked outside your house and wouldn't stop honking??"

That's it. That's the sum total of a lefties "analysis". No context, no acknowledgement of a differing viewpoint, no sense of proportion. Nothing.

And, while Justin is a reliable and loyal WEFer...I can't help but think he F'ed up a bit by going too crazy , going way , way, overboard, by freezing bank accounts, seizing assets, terrorizing anyone who supported the truckers in any way.....he could have easily crushed the protest without doing all that stuff.....Justin tipped his hand way too early, and now, at least, we know what these loons won't hesitate to do when they want to.

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The devils were given a free hand by God. They always were a bunch of loonies.

But then they have Lucifer over them and he is as mad as a box of frogs. I call him Loopy Luci.



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And this was in spite of.. the convoy negotiating parties having a deal to vacate. And had moved some 200 trucks out of the Downtown area. But Trudy and Freeland are vengeful idiots.. the rest is history.

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Ah the bank accounts. The "twitchy witch " was in full "twitch" during that time. Ask Zelensky. What I found more disturbing (if reports are to be believed) is how Bank execs were happy to play along giving the Feds the means/ways in which to do it. That will bite them in the ass.

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I know I moved everything.

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Disproportionate action is a hallmark of totalitarians. They cannot help themselves.

Most of the time it works, keeps the proles fearful and docile. But there eventually come times when it does not, and the proles rise up and say things like this:

"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

-- from the Preamble to the U.S. Declaration of Independence (1776)

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Seems more like the Hallmark of the insecure. When the truckers hit Ottawa, Trudeau ran away and was nowhere to be found. His secret fear is probably that everyone thinks he's a joke and is laughing at him behind his back.

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Most totalitarians are insecure at their core. Self-actualized people do not need to lord it over others to believe they are worthwhile.

I think you're right about Trudope, BTW 😉

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Elizabeth, thank you for the quality and frequency of your Substack articles. Your contributions fortify those of us who seek truth and Justice. I learn something new with each read helpful in navigating these challenging times. This one was worthy of an award.

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When Trudeau is done, and the journalists are off the public teat, perhaps the real story of why Justin left his position at West Pt. Grey Academy will become public. He is a truly bad man; like Commodus in ‘Gladiator’; like his father before him. There’s a reason why he and one of his sons were given the names of Roman emperors (his should’ve been Caligula). I know people who’ve known him personally (in one case, intimately): he is truly a rotten soul.

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Ditto my information from Ottawa (medical) colleagues.

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No doubt. He’s truly a (morally) sick man: a malevolent narcissist. I guess we shouldn’t be surprised: his father was emotionally detached and definitely had narcissistic tendencies himself; his mother was mentally ill and essentially abandoned the kids at an early age. He has precisely the background one would expect of someone with a personality disorder.

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And ..Yes ..That is why JT is the perfect MKUlTRA Puppet.

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And born on Christmas Day so probably thinks he is Jesus Christ reborn.

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Masterful article - I’m becoming a paid subscriber right now

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I did the same last month. Paid up and supporting Elizabeth and happy for it.

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What Trudeau has done in the last four years is unforgivable. If we had an international war crimes tribunal he would be right up there with Fauci and Bill Gates.

A little confused by your use of the pronoun “we” when talking about the Canadian situation. Are you living north of the border now cousin?

OK So I did a little research and see that you are Canadian. You certainly had me fooled because your comments on American issues show a deep American patriotism. I read your "20 years a fool" article to see how all that happened. Very interesting!

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By the way, The Pipeline version of this article was just linked on Instapundit, my favorite blog. That should bring you an Instalanch of traffic!

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Lots of us who are a bit of both which is why I'm so interested in Canadian politics. Always a patriot and love of conservatives in both countries.

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Ditto. Dual citizen.

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Wow. Incredible summation. I knew alot of this story about the protests and fake evidence and Trudeau, that prick. What lousy person. To think that he is Tragically Hip fan like me is an insult to Hip fans everywhere. Thats the coolest group of fans of any band ever. Im sure they see him as persona nongrata for his behavior. Turns the essence of that band upside down.

Anyway, what I didnt know is that the Liberal party had been in power for 100 years? And they are about to be wiped out?

Awesomeness. X2.

I think the people of the West are waking up MAYBE just in time. MAYBE.

This is a very good sign. I really thought the average Joe in Canada had given up when Trudeau got in.

Instead he opened their eyes

Nothing wakes someone up faster then having your eyes opened because you have been kicked in the teeth.

Keep it going, Canada. This is only the beginning. Those elites that hate your guts will not go away easy, so buckle up.

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As an American I hope so

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Canada's Liberals have been around for a hundred plus years (since at least 1873), but they have not been in power all of that time. There have been Tory governments from time to time, most recently Stephen Harper 2006-2015.


(n.b. the party of the Prime Minister is the majority party, due to Canada's parliamentary system. This is unlike the US where the House, Senate and President are independently elected, and thus can all be from different parties.)

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I thought that had to have been the case thanks

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Don't you mean the coolest group of fans of any band ever except-- those from Rush😊

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I love Rush and their fans too. But the Hip really got me where I live. I was in Buffalo when Fully Completely debuted. Totally blown away.

And God Bless Rush too. Theyve rotated around the top of my list in the past. Take care

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Thank-you Elizabeth for setting your brilliant and revealing sights on Canada once again.

WE Canadians have been asleep and taken freedom for granted far too long (a fragile concept) in our misguided, naive efforts to play nice. However, as more 'comfortable wolves' (Tom Luongo's characterization) become uncomfortable, more uncomfortable, greatly uncomfortable....we will see more awakenings, more pushback, more standing up. I believe we have reached and exceeded the 'tipping point' that needed to occur. The gloves are off and where once I (a Canadian) thought 'where the hell is Canada' now realize as the the second largest landmass in the world with 39 million people ONLY, in other words b/c we are spread out over such distances it goes without saying it is more difficult to garner en masse the masses. The Freedom Trucker Convoy was the tip of the iceberg of Canadians waking up and THAT cannot be underestimated, as it was the shot heard around the world. In as much as it oftentimes seems we are bit 'slow to the draw', it is happening in every way on every front (and there are many) here in this country. I too have a healthy scepticism regarding politicians. However, that said, I am not concerned with the Conservatives at all RESCINDING the disgusting laws and policies the ILLIBERALS have put in place. Why? Because Pierre Poilievre has travelled from coast to coast, East and West, North and South, filling large venues and town hall meetings speaking with the middle and working class people in this country by the THOUSANDS. Regarding Tucker Carlson.....having heard his speech, I believe most who were in the audience, and btw approx. 10,000 people showed up in Edmonton and 4500 in Calgary, were taking in all he addressed and it may have occurred to them that it took an American coming to Canada to kick the doors off soooo much that is occurring here....'shock and awe'. We will see the results of that for some time to come. Like Tucker did, it is time to name names, call the corrupt forces that be out for their crimes....and that is finally happening. WHEW!! Rebel News is a great alt. media here and incredibly outspoken. It IS quite possible WE may have an early election! Trudeau is done.....there will be no place for him and his cronies to hide. Watch out for the 'uncomfortable wolves'.....their time has come.

Onward and Upward and Onward again!

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To add MMA fighter Strickland, Dana White and Jo Rogan took excellent verbal assaults against Trudeau.. that was awesome to see!

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YEEEESSSS......totally fantastic calling out, (esp. of the moron journalist).....ALL went viral around the globe. 🌎

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From another Tom Luongo fan to another- let's pray for that early election. Yes the tipping point is here!

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The authors of the Federalist Papers used pseudonym’s when publishing their works, designed help the early American middle and working classes to understand the need for and the workings of a somewhat complicated document “The Constitution” which outlined the mechanics of a Constitutional Republic.(We are not a democracy per se here in the USA) However, if one is not ready to stand in front of their given name generally their words ought be taken with less vigor. Canada changed forever in 1967, as a young 11 year old boy living in a U.S. border town close to Montreal, the relationship between the neighbors was glorious. We learned to speak French naturally, we competed in athletes and the Canadians came to us and we went there. However, as the amazing Worlds Fair held in Montreal demonstrated the strength and beauty of all of Canada’s robust people and nearly unlimited resources; the elements in control of the levers of power today were afoot and making mischief which led to where both Canada and the USA stand today. One can mark the date practically in 1968 when the current Prime Justin Trudeau’s father Pierre, began the slouching slide toward Gomorrah. Two interesting visuals, the incredible Canadian Pavilion at the Expo, walking through it was just a wonder to a little boy, especially at the end when one could experience the massive rain forests of British Columbia. The power of the understated array of the exhibit contrasted brilliantly with the Hemisphere of the American pavilion displaying all of our brashness and at the time sense of unlimited power. What power these two neighbors had to share and steward! As all the potential of both countries was on display for all the world to see, America was devolving into the morass of Viet Nam, and Canada would begin the real struggle with Quebec. An outsider looking in, the elements of Pierre Trusdeau, Rene’ Levesque and Pierre Bourgault efforts around sovereignty for Quebec, pushed the Anglophone minority out, and they silently and sullenly moved west, and in doing so took, finance and industry et al to a large degree with them. The capstone was the change of the name a main thoroughfare in Montreal from Dorchester Street to Rene’ Levesque Boulevard. One wonders to this day, why the Queen Elizabeth Hotel is allowed to stand. Americans shed their shackles to the Crown circa 1775, but we remain with neighbors to the north bound by common good, and the combination of the two nations championing their differences whilst harnessing their natural and human capabilities is mind boggling to imagine. Both nations need to be free of the yoke of the parasitic elites who like giant blood sucking squid are trying to kill us all. Well, one can only hope the middle, lower middle and working classes are waking up, and they want their nations back. Hope springs eternal and pathological optimism seems a good mindset.

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But the next election is not until October 2025? Can Canada last that long? (Can the US?)

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Of course it can... unless the Secular Ruling Families decide to detonate the MF-Nuke!

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Don't be so sure. Canada might get suckered into the upcoming NATO war, which could include a "state of emergency" and military lock-down.

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MF-Nuke is a Monetary & Financial Nuke... Like the one in 2007/8! It can be way more effective than a regular war.

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The point of war is to divert attention away from the government and onto a new enemy. A real Nuke does this better than a MF-Nuke. After a MF-Nuke, the people are usually looking at someone in the government to blame. Of course, they could always do both at the same time and try to blame Putin.

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Use a MF-Nuke then elect the 1st black Woman for president of the shit show (aka M. Obama) and all runs smoothly.

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They hope!

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But did the conservatives promote “vaccination” against “the pandemic”? In that answer will be answer for what happens next

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In the US they (“conservatives”)certainly did. Trump led the jab brigade and has as yet never repented.

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That’s why he won’t get my vote. I will just leave the president slot blank.

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I’ll plug my nose and vote for him. There’s some entertainment value if he wins as we watch the the wall not rebuilt and the invaders not deported and the traitorous criminals in congress and the agencies not convicted and the wars not stopped and the federal reserve not abolished and the the pharma-medico-murderers not tried and executed...

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Totally respectable. I guess I have the vanity to imagine my personal vote needs to be earned and that this trumps any strategic need to vote against anyone.

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Hilarious calling Accelerationism “White Supremacist.”

Accelerationism is so Leftist it’s to the Left of Marx, Lenin and Stalin, Mao...

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Just another reason why Albertans really need to give consideration to getting rid of the federal RCMP and have our own force. Who knows, we may need a militia one day and having our own force is a good start.

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Great idea! Unplug from the Feds as much as you can. Here in Ford's corrupt Ontario he isn't done sucking at the trough so there will be no soverignity for Ontarians.

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'Federals' is anagram of 'red fleas' Who would want those? :)

Ontarians is an anagram of 'iron Satan'. He causes a lot of problems he does.

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When I lived in Alberta, and volunteered with Citizens On Patrol, my impression was that most of the members of RCMP K Division were pretty decent folks. But then, I imagine most people in DC would likely have thought the same about the Capitol Police and Metro Police... until J6.

As different as Alberta is compared to the rest of the provinces, with a couple possible exceptions, I think it would make sense to have a provincial force. Many cities have their own police force. There is always the option to work with other agencies including the RCMP if and when it becomes necessary and appropriate.

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It's not the people it's whom they are beholden to. Think Texas Rangers vs. Texas national guard, add border crisis and an insane President -- now you see.

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Ah yes, insanity does change the calculus; but then, once that happens all bets are off. My point is that you'd be better off having your police force report to a local, state or provincial government than federal, in such cases.

When TSHTF, nobody can say where their loyalties will lie. With Katrina in New Orleans, most of the cops went home to take care of their families.

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