God bless Catherine Engelbrecht. We need a million more like her. I have been following her for many years, she is an awe inspiring woman. A million heart felt thanks Catherine. Stay well and stay safe.

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Catherine Engelbrecht is a saint!

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The illegal are now neither asylum seekers or economic migrants. They are mercenaries and have been embedded into states, districts, locations across the US and Europe. They have come from countries where street fighting has been a way of life for generations. They are more brutal than any white or black gangs that used to be thought of as hardened.

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reminds me of Indiana Jones coming up against a formidable fighter. He shot him. It was over quick.

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The masters have always controlled the slaves. Voting has always been about the pretense that it is meaningful and that there is a difference as to who runs the country. All along it has been outsiders and globalists at the helm...the people that hide behind the curtain. Look at the current situation...who is running the country? Not even congress knows or cares to tell us.

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seems the congress gave us a hint with record numbers of standing ovations for a war criminal using the name Netanyahu. Find out who that guy works for and you'll know who runs the usa.

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I think there were about 75 good years in the US where the masters were not in control. But then the division ensued, the war was fought and states rights were decimated. Now dominant central government is moving from.the national level to the global level. The 99% will be plantations labor.

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Where is Toto when we need him?

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That Weinstein interview was really good, especially the first half. You made a good point quoting Musk, about data reliability in the financial sector (with ATMs, etc) where the reliability will be Six Sigma at the very least, there is no technical reason that voting cant be more reliable than it is.

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On Election Day 2020, the machines across New Jersey “glitched” early, hampering mainly those voters who were on their way to work. You know, the voters who pay taxes and probably wouldn’t be voting for Sniffy Joe. The county official on site, the one in charge of the machines, was chastised by his team for even informing me there were “router problems.” The event made NJ talk radio, briefly, *very* briefly, but it never made the Six O’clock News. Or the newspapers. Because of course it didn’t.

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Thank you for this article, and thanks to the unstoppable Catherine Engelbrecht, a true American hero!

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A terrific Catherine Engelbrecht interview. So much going on, but not as fully aware of her till this interview. You provide a very valuable sorting the volume of crosscurrent material to bring these gems the attention they require.

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Ms Nickson

"It’s most intelligent adherents have fled, like Eric Weinstein below."

The pictures below that sentence are of Bret Weinstein, not Eric. Bret and Eric are brothers. Eric is the"mathematician, economist, former Managing Director of Thiel Capital and a podcaster". Bret is an evolutionary biologist and former professor at Evergreen University and he and his wife run the Dark Horse podcast. Eric is also a podcaster who now only appears on others podcasts and has shuttered his own whose name I cannot recal. Eric was the one correctly above who said he is not sure Trump will be allowed to be President.

Anyway, you need to edit to correct it.

Good article. True the Vote are heroes.

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another extremely important article from Elizabeth. desperately needs circulation... Lucianne is calling JudyW.

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Exactly- I am sharing this far and near Elizabeth Nickson is the best there is, probably one of the last true Journalists on the planet.

And Catherine Engelbrecht is a national treasure. God bless both of these amazing women.,

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thank you Judy

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Thus, what is there to do? Is this unstoppable?

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I think of the book and movie, The Stand, by Spielberg. This may be our last stand. We have to win this war, yes war, against our nation and our constitution. Stealing elections has been the leftists best weapon against us. We must not let them do it again. I don't care if it means a total rebellion after the election if they cheat and win. We must do all that we can to beat them, including things we don't want to do.

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The only King thing worth reading IMO, and although it takes place after the fall of government(s) I agree it is pertinent now because it illustrates that when push comes to shove you just cannot know who will play what role.

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I have a feeling of hopelessness about this election. Never has there been a weaker candidate than Kamala Harris, but a subservient media and a colossal illegal Democrat vote-generating machine (thoroughly reviewed by Elizabeth in this piece) looks certain to bring her the victory despite the heroic efforts of folks like Ms. Engelbrecht. Then, where are we?

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This is why Hillary was a lazy campaigner, Biden hid in his basement, and now Kamala refuses interviews and second debates. They just assume (and assumed) the election is/was in the bag for the Demoncrats.

We can just hope DJT has better tricksies up his sleevesies.

But, if not, yes, where are we? Well … even more awake. Sadly, it may lead to civil war - or, at best, secession of red states.

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We are aware. Illegitimate governments are always exposed... eventually.

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How about this: No valid Social Security Account Number, no vote. The database is there, clean it up and verify it and then USE IT! That action could not possibly be discriminatory in any way. Also, get rid of ALL black-box technology in voting. Only paper ballots counted by humans are allowed. Without bullet-proof voting, we don't have a Constitutional Republic anymore. Maybe that's exactly what the EVIL MEGALOMANIACS want.

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Social security numbers are not secure, and many illegals have been given SSNs.

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Some of us learned years {Decades} ago that the SSN was voluntary and only necessary IF you wished to participate in some governmental Entitlement program. Upon learning the truth, thousands of us Revoked & Rescinded any association of said number with our person. And I bet you also believe that you are actually liable for the so-called Income Tax too!

As a 'Nam Vet, and that prior to the use of said SSN, we had regular Service Numbers. However, with V.A. Medical coverage, they require the last 4 digits of the former SSN.

I've been a Registered Voter since the 1960s, without using an SSN. The ONLY valid picture ID that I have is my government issued V.A. Medical Card, which is good for even the TSA.

What we need is Proof of Citizenship!!! And, as Taiga states, an SSN isn't said Proof.

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It all started in the US with "Motor Voter." What has happened is exactly what some of us said at the time. The two people standing behind President Bill Clinton as he signed the bill were Cloward and Piven. They wrote an article published in The Nation in 1966 urging the dramatic expansion of the Welfare State with poor people to overwhelm the government with chaos and demands such that the public will ask that the government do "more". They just need one more decisive election to eliminate the filibuster in the Senate and pass HR 1, the For The People Act, which turns all election law over to the federal government to totally eliminate any opposition to One-Party Rule. Forever. No voter ID allowed. Total vote by absentee. Federal campaign funding of $6 for each $1 raised in amounts less than $200. AOC raised $40 million in small amounts so the federal government adds $240 million to her campaign account. Bernie raised $400 million so he gets $2.4 billion. You can see where this is going. As Bret Weinstein told Joe Rogan: "This is not AN election. This is THE election." Perhaps the last one.

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Excellent! That the name of this Substack is accurate and pithy!♥️

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It was just reported in August that back in April the largest database containing 2.9 billion US Social Security numbers(plus addresses, names, phone#’s), was hacked.

I don’t find that to be a coincidence in this election year.

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