They will try to destroy our power of the purse through CBDC. Do not give in.

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It appears you're somewhat distracted!


They don't even need to try... We'll demand it.

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The great taking

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How do you resist to circumvent a strategy they intend to implement very shortly? Crash the economy, close your bank accounts, and do the switch. Who will accept my silver coin for food and fuel? Am I missing something?

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Local barter systems. Local currency systems.

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This might be a separate post on how to set up a separate barter system . Avoid useless GST ( government screwing tax ).

Toss around some innovative ideas. All this too before it is banned by big brother and where you get jailed for suggesting it and snitching is rewarded.

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This is the answer. How to do it? Corbett Report does address it.

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Exactly. 🎯

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"The power of the purse as far as the US is concerned was destroyed exactly 110 years ago minus three days as of right now. The last little bit of freedom we have will disappear if people sleepwalk into the CBDC open air prison.

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And get off MeWe if you're on there. MeWe is now being hosted by Blockchain. Blockchain is heavily supported by the CCP. The ugly little secret about that: anything Blockchain "knows," the CCP knows too. Any data collected on Blockchain can never be deleted either--although MeWe insists that you can delete your account with them. (just not the data)

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I am starting to become suspicious of this ranting about the CCP. I’m finding it more probable that they are being held up as the next bogeyman that the Military Industrial Complex will invoke to scare us into giving up more of our already dwindling freedom.

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If they hadn't bought the Biden presidency and weren't working hand-in-glove with woke American corporations like Polkadot, you might have good reason to view the warnings with suspicion. https://songdove.fa-ct.com/wordpress-mu/songdovemusings/2023/07/29/from-social-media-to-cbdc-to-iris-scanning-and-universal-basic-income-are-you-ready/

They are, after all, having to indefinitely delay their much-rumored planned invasion of Taiwan because... the contractors building their new aircraft carrier were SO corrupt that the thing isn't seaworthy. https://youtu.be/eSs_KFhEv4M?si=5dEe5rbpVVMYyGAd

This is nothing new for China. Their high speed train infrastructure is quite hazardous. You really don't want to be on one of those trains when the track collapses under it. (The CCP doesn't rescue the people trapped in those trains. They BURY the trains with them still in there). https://youtu.be/gMrLr3qAeIM?si=dlms2OqiN_BwnTjQ

They have relatively new (and totally abandoned) high-rise buildings that are in the process of collapsing because corrupt contractors replaced the cement between the bricks in the wall with compressed ash. https://youtu.be/qNJiAfJL0XU?si=rm2LQaaunhv0ZBTW

Given the level and scope of the corruption being tolerated, it's amazing that anything in China (let alone anything they sell) ever works at all.

But see; Biden took crazy amounts of money from Xi--and now he's taking orders from Xi. Xi bought himself an American president--and he's in the process of turning OUR country into a hellhole that mirrors the hellhole that now is China.

And there is one thing that the CCP is REALLY GOOD AT: locking people up, torturing people, spying on them, and depriving them of their God-given rights. https://www.amnesty.org/en/location/asia-and-the-pacific/east-asia/china/report-china/

Woke American companies are working hand-in-glove with Chinese companies, that by law*, have to allow the CCP full access to all data on their servers. (This is a matter of public record--and discussed in major business publications at the time when it happened). If they don't allow full access, the CCP comes in and force-hacks their servers. But it gets worse: https://thehill.com/opinion/cybersecurity/532583-for-chinese-firms-theft-of-your-data-is-now-a-legal-requirement/

*According to Business Insider, where I first saw an article about all of this, that law applies to ALL companies working in China whether they are Chinese in origin or not.

So--the CCP supports and invests in Blockchain. The CCP, like all oppressive dictatorships, is paranoid and delusional, and they don't have any respect for or value for human life. And--MeWe just moved their platform to Blockchain. MeWe is just the first social media site to be wooed onto Blockchain, it is likely not going to be the last.

The idea behind this is that they're going to tie social credit scores to CBDC's via Blockchain--and provide Chinese style sticks and carrots to participants in social media. They're already doing it in China: https://sociable.co/government-and-policy/chinas-digital-currency-help-ccp-punish-coerce-citizens-social-credit-system-cnas/

How much do you seriously want to bet that this isn't somehow going to end badly?

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"And there is one thing that the CCP is REALLY GOOD AT: locking people up, torturing people, spying on them, and depriving them of their God-given rights."

That's right. The US would never do any of that shit, now would they? Let's take it one point at a time.

- Locking people up: The US has more people in jail than any other country in the world.

- Torturing people: The US has a looooooong record of torturing people to get information. The waterboarding in the past 20 years is just the tip of the iceberg.

- Spying on people: Edward Snowden has been a political refugee for at least a decade because he was cheeky enough to inform the world that the US government (read: the NSA, CIA, DHS etc, etc.) is monitoring not only telephone, text, e-mail, social media traffic in and out of the US, but between foreign countries in general, and allies (read: vassals) in particular.

- Depriving them of their God-given rights. According to G.W.Bush the US Constitution is "just a fuckin' piece of paper". He and the Constitutional lawyer that spent eight years in the oval orifice after Dubya left have prooven that that's the way they look at the Constitution.

I'm not saying you're wrong about China. I'm just saying what you are NOT saying.

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Hey, life's too short to list and blame and shame all the bullies of the world on every single post... I don't disagree with you on what you have to say here: our government has forgotten why it exists and become this ravaging monster that consumes all in its path. I am praying that we find the collective will to stop it before it succeeds.

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We should thank Jerome Powell and his colleagues at the British and EU central banks for part of this decline. The rise of monsters in the last 20 years was POWERFULLY enabled by ZIRP and QE. Huge fountains of free money went to projects that were NOT intended to please customers or produce real value. Many of these projects were literally murderous, and all were meant to kill small business. The "virus" was specifically aimed at everything smaller than Amazon and Blackrock.

After the fountain stopped in late 2021, the stupidest projects like cryptocurrency dropped out quickly. Corporations are gradually turning back to real products, controlled by profit instead of tax dodges.

When corporations don't need customers they're free to kill customers, so they do.

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“ When corporations don't need customers they're free to kill customers, so they do.” Quotable.

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Hi .. that’s a very interesting face that you’ve shown me..

Is it , do you think something like the stake through the vampires “heart”!!!??

If they murder all of their customers or “clients “ they go bankrupt.?

That reminds me of patriot streetfighter that has set up an alternative shopping network that only includes non corporate and people owned businesses and services from what I remember..

Yes .. I suppose it’s a very powerful form of democracy where you vote with your money instead of a worthless piece of paper ..

I must admit that seeing it written down it does look as a kind of irony.

But .. if the corporate overlords don’t have any customers and no one soo ok ends their money on their stuff... then if they can’t print the money or steal or ...

they are finished.. game over .,I recall that patriot streetfighter is creating alternative shopping and services network that does not include the usual suspects..

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I keep asking myself this question: how do you look a person in the eye and tell him or her that everything he or she believes is a lie?

Actually it's an idle thought because the people who need to have that question posed to them do everything in their power to avoid being put on the spot in the first place.

They're very good at avoiding the moment of truth because they know their lives are a lie. You can see it in their faces and hear it in their voices.

"Intellectual disgrace stares from every human face," as Auden wrote long ago.

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This podcast with UK doctor Ahmad Malik and Feargus O’Connor Greenwood is refreshing:

Unlearn The Lies You’ve Been Taught To Believe


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Feargus is amazing!

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I have two brothers that fit that description to a tee. Will probably go down without budging an inch, but at least they will be intellectually superior~😉

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Dec 17, 2023
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"You're entitled to your own opinions but not your own facts.") Attributed to Daniel Patrick Moynihan.)

In other words, you're free to say that your opinions are "your truth." But you are not free to demand that others embrace "your truth" as their truth.

Ultimately this question is about power. Power seeks to assert itself on its own terms. It uses facts only when they serve its goal of domination.

If facts undermine that goal, power will suppress facts. Examples: Galileo and Assange.

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Did Galileo even exist? If so, then he suppressed facts quite successfully, being complicit in the greatest lie to this day. Fortunately, the tide is turning against him with the vast majority of critical thinkers discovering the deception. Liars always make mistakes when covering their lies and truth always prevails.

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Good piece, but I object to the gratuitous shot at former President Trump, which you apparently lifted from The Guardian. The merger was subject to intense Anti-Trust inspection by both the US Justice Dept and the EU. An anti-trust lawsuit was filed by the Justice Department and settled with a stipulation that included Bayer divesting $8 billion in competing businesses, among other requirements.

It is unrealistic that Trump should be expected to intervene in that process and block the merger. That's really not the way the system works. BTW the deal has been characterized as one of the worst mergers ever financially. Because of continuing lawsuits over Round Up, as you note, Bayer has lost significant market value and had to sell additional businesses.

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Fair. Plus, I do not think we were as sharply aware of how toxic our farmed environment is. I am now, organic, local, meat from a farmer I know…and I was serious enough before. From now on though, this will be a lead issue.

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I have a small farm myself and use chemical free methods although I don’t go the full organic certification route. I did large-scale commercial farming back in the 80s and early 90s but things have gotten a whole lot worse since they introduced GMO seeds. One of the biggest problems is farmers spraying wheat crops with Roundup to dry them down right before harvest

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Corrin Strong: There are many small organic farmers around our town of Healdsburg, California. There is a thriving Farmers Market two days a week down by the town Plaza.

A small farmer there at the market told me that all of her food is organic but she didn't go the organic certification route because the County of Sonoma wanted about $2,000 (this was 3.5 years ago so it might be more now) for the piece of paper certifying her farm as organic.

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I go to a couple farmers markets a week in season, and I find that most customers don't really care about whether you are certified organic. I believe you can legally claim organic without the certification if you sell less than $5,000 a year, which is about where I am.

I wouldn't qualify anyway because I do put chemical fertilizer in my trickle tape irrigation system on some of my crops. I also find that the organizations that do the certification, such as the Northeast Organic Farming Association tend towards left-wing politics which I want no part of. People assume that if you farm organically you must be a leftie, which is untrue in my and I suspect many other cases.

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Corrin: PS: So the State wants a 20% cut of your gross sales every year for the organic label and certification. Sounds like the Mafia.

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The government is a protection racket so is the Mafia.

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I’m not aware of any state fees here in New York but of course California…

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Corrin Strong: According to the link above, you pay about $1,000 for organic certification for your farm produce.

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Is that a lead as in metal poisoning or lead as in leading? :)

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Dec 17, 2023
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I think he was led down the garden path by Dem Trojan Dr Faustus Fauci who was deeply involved with gain of function virus experiments. This pandemic seems more and more likely to have been planned by a political power. The conspiracy theories about depopulation seem to becoming more true when you read about the WEF and Gates preparing for a major pandemic about a year before it happens. Hmmm.

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It was created to get PDT out of office, lest he expose the crime that is Ukraine, the payment to China for taking the blame without making too much noise, Afghanistan and all the goodies left behind. It’s not rocket science, and it’s not much of a theory.

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Joe J: No excuse and besides, Trump has never apologized for locking down the country or his Operation Warp Speed Vaccine.

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I am more inclined to support that allegation than the one made in the article

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Dec 17, 2023
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He did, but it is open to question how much he really understood about the vaccine. In my opinion he was kept in the dark and lied to by many people. If the 2020 election had not been stolen from him, I don't think he would have endorsed all the mandates that were put in place by the Biden administration so perhaps the damage would not have been as bad.

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Oh please, don't delude yourself! Any one that intelligent is just that! Kept in the dark, my a**. He's the pied piper leading the next J6'ers over the cliff or exposing them at rallies to be identified and persecuted. He never did anything to help the imprisoned innocent j6ers after the event. He disappeared totally and then reappeared for this election to put the next ignorant masses in a trance. It's all by design!

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The man literally has 100 lawsuits against him, was impeached because of J6 - they’re going after him every which way to Sunday - and he’s not done enough?!! Please!

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It’s clear that you hate Trump but I’m not sure who you do think will make the best president. None of the candidates are perfect but I believe Trump will be the Republican nominee and most likely will be elected and then he will most likely release all of the January 6 prisoners.

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Hindsight, as they say, has 20/20 vision. Easy now to cry foul - after over three years in. Can we all recall our genuine fears and anxieties in those early days of Spring 2020? Even the most sceptical among us had “What if?” moments.

And what if you were in the pilot’s seat? And you were not a medical expert. And you must rely on the titled, experienced experts? Millions of lives depend on your decision. What if you are wrong? Even if your gut starts to think there is a scam afoot, how difficult is it to play with the lives of others? Including your family and friends. Sorry, we need to cut him some slack here.

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Dec 17, 2023
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That’s quite a mouthful. Pharisaic, Kabbalist and Judaizers refer to different Jewish traditions, but stringing them all together is nonsense!

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A shill for sure!

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Dec 18, 2023
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I aimed that comment at Trump, not you~

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When this of horrors comes to an end I suspect we will see the pathways that were necessary to take. And it’s very important to recall that the USA has been in a COG operation by the military.

Derek Johnson lays out all the information to show that continuity of government in times war has been the status of the US for several years.

Trump was asked to take the presidential job by the military and the light side military has been working on this project for at least since the end of world war 2.

So I would say that all events are not one individuals.

It’s part of a war that’s being fought for the planet..

And as in ww2 many civilians were caught up in the battles.

But as I understand it the is winning ..

It’s very worth while to look at derek Johnson’s videos to have a much clearer understanding of what is happening .

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Honest question: How does one truly go organic or grow their own food here in the US with daily chemtrails criss-crossing the sky? Our monthly food budget has skyrocketed with the increase in food costs compounded by going organic - which for produce can easily be double. Further, big box stores like Costco have organic alternatives to just about everything. But is it truly organic? I really start to wonder what organic means anymore....

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If you and afford it (great investment), Build an enclosed greenhouse with plexi-glass and a cement floor. 20 gal pots on stands with wheels, so the pots can be moved around. Buy bulk good grade potting soil, compost and fertilizer from a nursery, store all on wood pallets under shelter (awning). Buy industrial floor fans from Amazon or home depot. Buy organic seed from a reputable site. You can buy seed potatoes from any number of organic farmers (woodprairie farms) and in winter, spread them out on shredded paper in a cardboard box, and poke holes around box and store in a cold place in the dark(above freezing) until spring. Sprout them then and cut up in halves, and plant them according to simple instructions. Potatoes are simple to grow. For every potato you will get at least 10 to 15 new ones to eat or store. One of the most vitamin rich foods to eat if times go bad. Grapes (canadice) in pots can be very successful. Learn which side of greenhouse is cooler for sensitive veggies, peas, etc. Cover with a gauze awning (cheap) to protect from hot sun and put a small fan blowing underneath for air flow. Chemtrails can't contaminate your greenhouse~I live in NM mountains and learned that the elements, bugs, rodents fought my efforts at growing food outside. It took years of trial and error and a lot of heartbreak but when I finally learned what works, it was such a fulfilling education. It will take a lot of work. Growing in the winter will take grow lights and portable industrial floor heaters. It is fun figuring it all out. Good luck!

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This is so helpful. I’m saving this comment. Thank you!!

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You're welcome Jo~

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Rose: Great comment and very helpful. Potatoes kept the Irish alive and thriving for decades or more until the Blight. But a greenhouse would prevent a blight.

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I have also "learned that the elements, bugs, rodents fought my efforts at growing food outside." Where I live, groundhogs, rabbits, racoons, gophers, birds and deer get added to that list. I does take years of trial and error, and close observation, and a lot of heartbreak but it is such a fulfilling education. "It will take a lot of work" is an understatment. It also takes patience, discipline, perseverance and a few other traits as well, but It is fun figuring it all out.

The hardest challenge for me though is figuring ways to keep the bounty through the winter. Learning skills like canning, dehydrating, and fermenting are also gratifying.

I also second the idea of potatoes which are great except for picking the beetles and their eggs off by hand...

Good great comment there!

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There are pesticides that work on most bugs and are labelled as safe for organic production. Some of my crops (such as potatoes) do get attacked every year by various kinds of beetles, but a few sprayings of Captain Jacks knocks them back. Neem oil is another good one.

I have also use traps for Japansese Beetles that work well. I can't imagine knocking all the beetles off by hand, and then wouldn't they just climb back up overnight?

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I looked up Spinosad which apparently is an active ingredient in Captain Jacks, which sounds like some form of natural product, but while there are ~20 natural forms of spinosad, there are apparently ~200 forms of the synthetic stuff. Not only is concern merited regarding the synthetic forms for various reasons, but I would be concerned about using the "natural" forms because of the possibility that resistant bugs may emerge. The story of that happening with penicillin (another natural microbicide) is not a fun read. At first the idea that such a thing could occur was brushed off by "experts" but now it's a real thing and we have "superbugs."

Bottom line: There is no free lunch. Ever.


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God bless you for taking the time to pick all the bugs off by hand. How many acres are you growing? Picking the bugs off of even half an acre would be daunting for me at age 73!

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I grow for my own consuption plus some to give away so I only have two large veggie gardens (about 1/2 acre total), a small apple and pear orchard (10 trees) 30 grapevines and numerous berry bushes. I'm older than you and I must say that it plus the flower gardens and tree plantings have kept me very occupied the past few years because of the rather nasty drought we've been sufferiing through.

I'll admit that my approach is impractical and probably downright distasteful for the great majority of folks, but it's the way I happen to be built, so I'm going for it and can think of nothing better at this stage than to die in the sun with a hoe in my hand.

PS: I went to your substack and must say that I wish we were neighbors. Much good stuff there.

Bless you!

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Oh, I forgot to mention that I've planted some basswood trees (great smell and great for the bees) but the Japanese beetles apparently love 'em about as much as I do and they get positively denuded by late summer. They are much too tall now for hand picking beetles so all I can do is pray, but that approach hasn't yielded much so far!!! : )

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They do not climb back overnight because they go into a bottle of water along with the Japanese beetles (no detergent needed) and once they drown, they get fed to the chickens who excercise the carnivorous (bugiverous?) part of their omnivority.

As for labels, I don't trust 'em. I will grant you that neem oil is purportedly organic and maybe pyrethrum, but who really knows? As for beetle traps, I've read that they attract more than they kill, so I pick or shake those off by hand as well.

Posner's amazing and fascinating book, "Pharma" is a veritable litany and chronicle of audacious industrial grade lies regarding meds and vaccines, and even there the labels may hide more than they reveal or worse.

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BTW We have had good luck with the Japanese Beetle traps. They may be attracting some stray beetles, but they definitely reduce the number feeding on our crops– and those guys are more indiscriminate eaters than the potato beetles. They eat anything!

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Yes they do; you should see 'em defoliate giant basswood trees. Fortunately the trees seem to tolerate it so far.


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So here’s something interesting with our grocers : Our local area shops I’m not going to name use to sell a 4 link jalapeño cheddar sausage package selling for about 5 dollars cdn then one day the slight of hand happens and now it’s 3 links in a package for the same price with a space where the 4th was.

Then another grocery store suddenly goes empty on their 2kg brand of blueberries that happen to be lower than the big box stores . When asked why -Oh it’s a distribution problem . We don’t know when it’s going to be back to normal.

Read between the lines. You can see a lot of manipulation going on by the major grocers to take advantage of the narrative of pass through inflation, shortages and supply . It’s starts from our corrupt governments and works into our institutions and food supply.

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Stop thinking jet exhaust is poison, and remember it’s only frozen water vapor. Then you can focus on reality.

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I’ll bet that you are all caught up with your covid boosters too

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Jo Highet: "Organic" means you paid the County thousands of dollars for a piece of paper saying it is organic.

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That's about it.

If one examines the modes and methods of the pharma industry, for example, it becomes clear how right you are and how could there be any doubt that something very similar happens with fancy labels.

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"But is it truly organic? I really start to wonder what organic means anymore...."

Excellent question. I suspect most of the stuff is as "organic" as vaccines and meds are tested, safe, effective, and for our benefit.

I have read that there are about 65 chemicals that can be applied to fruits and veggies and they're still able to be labeled organic Wish I had saved the link.

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Great piece!

Open season for human culling:

Why is food poisoning legal?

How Rumsfeld forced the approval of Aspartame.

Artificial sweeteners, MSG, PFAS, Glyphosate ... go organic!


Water poisoning


Not fast food, PFAS food:


War on poultry and cattle:


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Prof. Fred Nazar; Here in Healdsburg we tried to get Fluoride out of the town's drinking water. We lost the referendum vote 4:1.

There is no fixing Stupid.

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There are so many scientific studies published in peer-reviewed journals... how could it be possible? who was funding the opposition?

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Prof. Fred Nazar: Every dentist wanted to keep the Fluoride in the water supply and so did the City Council and Water Department. Also, the school district wanted Fluoride in the water. I'm suspicious that the city is paid to put Fluoride in the water.

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Follow the money! It explains most of the propaganda used to promote the vax. Almost everybody was paid off from doctors, to hospitals, news media, celebrity endorsers, professional organizations, professional sports leagues. You name it!

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Corrin: Money Talks, eh?

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Money writes, as well.

Money writes!

by Sinclair, Upton, 1878-1968


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Yes, are you Canadian eh?

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Dentists, in my experience, have consistently gaslit people about the "safety" of amalgams too which apparently, but unsurprisingly, emit the highly toxic mercury into our systems.

I hope that stuff is totally obsolete by now.

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Goeff: Porcelain crowns are bogus, too imo. Gold crowns are the way to go in dentistry.

Decades ago I asked my dentist what happens to the gold in my mouth when I'm cremated. He didn't answer the question.

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Interesting. I know little about the above; all I know is that I wish I had never had any amalgam.

I bet you and I both know what happens to gold fillings and caps and I highly doubt they go to waste!

Could you elaborate on the porcelain?

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The latest on the highly secret Operation Indigo Skyfold, this time from a whistleblower in the UK, which is the poisoning of the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat with highly toxic and carcinogenic metals such as aluminum. barium and strontium sprayed as nanoparticles by large jets crisscrossing the sky. Put another way, the Canadian government is engaged in poisoning the natural environment that sustains life on this planet as is just about every government in the western world and beyond. “The two purposes for chemtrailing are very, very clear,” he told Critchley. It’s to poison us and block out the sun. Plants need sunlight for photosynthesis and our bodies, for example, need sunlight to produce vitamin D. So, blocking out the sun will have a detrimental impact on and threaten the survival of all life on Earth.

In the United States, people have managed to obtain samples of chemtrails and used a mass spectrometer to determine the contents. “If you look at the contents of the chemtrails … the three main ingredients tend to be barium, strontium and aluminum oxide – all of which are carcinogenic. And the aluminum causes autism and Alzheimer’s,” Mark said.



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Monstrous worldwide arial poisoning taking place in plain sight on any clear day. This shit goes on nonstop, while we damn the vaccines and the wars and the politicians they are poisoning all flora and fauna. The covid evil pales in comparison to the full scale attack on humanity by the rulers of this world. What kind of demented person operates these planes? God damn them all.

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Yes. It drives me crazy. They are doing it in plain sight, evidence everywhere, deny it IF ever asked, and it is so so dangerous. https://elizabethnickson.substack.com/p/megadeath-the-global-conspiracy-to

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You can’t unsee this. Watching it for 1 hour removed all doubt. I can’t believe it evaded my eyes until the last year??

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I first noticed these plumes streaking across the sky about ten years ago while walking my dog in the Arboretum along the Rideau Canal in Ottawa. The contrast with the beautiful blue sky was striking. After some digging, I came across Dane Wigington from northern California who founded this web site: https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/. You are correct that once you see them, you can never unsee them. When I drive to Toronto to visit my children and grandkids, there they are. And in our long trips to our farm in New Brunswick where we spend our summers, there they are in the skies above Montreal, Quebec City, throughout the eastern townships and along the Saint John River valley. I first noticed them at our farm in 2019 and counted over 20 in one day and up to five at a time, turning a beautiful blue sky in the morning to a hazy dirty color by the end of the day. We were not only being poisoned but the weather was being manipulated into a rather gloomy landscape with little direct sun. Stars in the night sky became rarity because the jets could be heard all night long. And when I point out these rather obvious chemical plumes to people in the parks during my walks, with a few exceptions they either don't want to know or are very sure that they are condensation trails. Of course if you Google "chemtrails" you are told that this a conspiracy theory. I have contacted politicians at different levels and rarely will they respond and when they do respond, I am told that these are condensation trails. It is hard to fathom how they can remain silent when they and their family are literally being poisoned but perhaps this is not a surprise considering their response to the COVID injections that have been estimated by Steve Kirsch based on the leaked New Zealand data to have killed 1 per 1000 doses and injured around 1 per 100 doses. For Canada at over 100 million does thus far, this translates in some 100,000 killed and over a million injured. These are staggering numbers that rise to the level of mass murder and injury of the Canadian people by their government yet the killing and injury continues with over 18,000 injections per day. And no one in any of the major political parties is calling for an immediate stop to this genocidal program. and the arrest of those responsible for...including the Conservative Party of Canada. The Senate populated by puppets, grifters and cowards are missing in action.

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Scientific measurements of the arial sprayed poisons taken in N California and other areas prove beyond doubt that this is occurring en masse and at warp speed. It is truly breathtaking. Where are the lawyers? This is the stuff for the making of the mother of all class action lawsuits. One county prosecutor defending his own electorate? A state agricultural association, ranchers associations. They probably see it as a death wish. It probably is.

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I wrote about it extensively a couple months ago… https://elizabethnickson.substack.com/p/megadeath-the-global-conspiracy-to

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Great article! But GMOs are not banned in Europe. They are just hidden behind complicated definitions and confusion about what is natural and what is artificial. More than protecting, it is playing political-economic games. I can give you an example: "Directive 2015/412 gives member states the option to refuse the cultivation of genetically modified crops at national or local level, but meanwhile the import of "GMO" feed continues apace throughout Europe."

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Ok Cuz!

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I found another ancestor AND a cousin. Quite thrilled.

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I wouldn't mention it Down South though. It makes us cousins of Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman in a way I never quite figured out. They have never forgiven him for that little march through Georgia. Have you ever read "Confederates in the Attic?" Very interesting!

I have many illustrious ancestors through my mother's family, The Wadsworths, including another Civil War General, a US Senator and a UN Ambassador, however, the accomplishments of mild-mannered Roger Sherman (on my father's side) may be the most significant in the history of our country.

I think it can be fairly argued that without his "Connecticut Compromise" at the Constitutional Convention, there might never have been a United States. The smaller states like Ct. were justifiably fearful of being dominated by the larger, more populous states such as NY and Virginia.

The creation of a Senate with equal representation for all states, regardless of size, sealed the deal. This is a cornerstone of federalism, and was intended to safeguard the independent sovereignty of each state. Unfortunately, that system has been eroded over time with the growing power of the federal government.

Two of the most damaging changes were the adoption of the 17th Amendment in 1913 that required the direct election of Senators, and the New Deal decisions of the Supreme Court, particularly Wickard vs. Filburn (1942), that opened a huge loophole under the Commerce Clause to allow the Feds to take jurisdiction over anything even remotely related to Interstate Commerce.

Direct election, rather than appointment by state legislatures, has greatly reduced the influence that states once had over their own representatives in the Senate. This combined with modern nation-wide fundraising in elections, has allowed the Senators to represent commercial interests such as the Military Industrial Complex, (or Big Pharma) at the expense of the interests of their home states and their citizens. I think our poor ancestor Roger has been rolling over in his grave for over a century for that and many other reasons, but at least we are here to fight for his principles!

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Tessa did a great piece predicting this in around 2016 https://tessa.substack.com/p/deprecating-free-will-a-future-we

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I am noticing my credit union bank manager is appearing increasingly nervous, asked me if I wanted to withdraw funds the other day when I was checking on my balance. Never been asked that before.

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Bravo. Well said. If we can, as a people, recognize the intentional poisoning and degradation of everything natural, organic and created for our health and flourishing by those who would subdue and rule over us forcibly and without hesitation, we would reorder our priorities from what satisfies our ever-demanding taste buds and choose wisely what we eat and rink, how much we sleep, how much time we spend exercising and what we're doing to expose the wicked and perverse activities being consistently used to deny us the wholesome and untainted stuff of life we need to thrive and not be diminished and controlled. Their plan is multi-faceted, already implemented and progressing rapidly. We have too long been too comfortable and too distracted and ignorant. They have seized upon our hesitation and sense of futility to manage and superimpose their agenda on us with have added industrial grade propaganda to make it see perfectly normal and fine, prescribed toxic substances to dull and neuter us, and have from the womb attempted to control the social fabric, thinking processes and information preferences and thinking models we have from which to develop our world view and our sense of priority and safety, etc. as well as our motivations for taking action to change us and them.

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The big corporations she describes and their demise will be one of the most important occurrences ever..

My last comment went a bit. Wild ..

I just want to say that the sooner the corporations and their management is gone the better..

And Elizabeth’s writings here make me feel we are finding a way to finally leave absurdistan and create a new world..

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There is another looming danger that of government censorship of the internet . Elizabeth mentions how the Google searches allow contrarians to exist and connect. Recent efforts in Canada , the EU , the U.S. indicates massive efforts are being made by these government to censure those searches that may imperil government views in the name of curtailing misinformation. It’s actively in the works now. More roadblocks ahead I’m afraid.

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Google has been censoring search results for many years. I’m sure they get the same marching orders from the government that all the big social media companies seem to be following, with the notable exception of Twitter

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I think Twitter was involved as well . Remember Musk’s earlier release of “the twitter files “.

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Yes, I should have specified the post-Elon Twitter or as it is now known X!

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I kind of chuckle at the "organic food sales rose 50% during the pandemic" . . . . the sheeple first get herded to get their jab, then run out to buy their organic foods . . .

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There are heavy metals in our food from fertilizer containing coal plant flyash. The California organic farms are using it and calling it "organic." I had to chelate it out of my system for a couple of years. Thallium will not chelate though, you need to use potassium to get it out. It takes a long time. Mercury, arsenic, aluminum, etc. The US public health establishment looked the other way when the decision was made to allow it in fertilizer. There is no safe level for humans & it bio-accumulates.


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I chelated the mercury from amalgams in my mouth with the Cutler protocol... alpha lipoic acid. The grand mal seizures stopped. Discovered the problem by researching and did not see a doctor, who would have determined it idiopathic, prescribed drugs after diagnosing me with epilepsy. I'm healthy as a bird now!

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Yes 👏. Organic is NOT what they claim ..

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I hope and pray your title is correct. These bastards need to be punished in a horrible and public way. Pour encourager les autres.

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