You might be interested How Pennsylvania FDA has put their full weight behind destroying Amish farmers. Notably Amos Miller. He has a private "club" and makes available raw milk, unadulterated meats, cheese etc. They recently raided and constricted his business, and not for the first time. He has good counsel but fighting the government is a hard slog.

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FDA has outlived its usefulness. Simply move to a model of product liability, and both farmers and pharma will make safe and effective products without need of regulation. And no excuses 'I was following the law; my products comply with all the regulations.' We have seen where that leads.

There are so many examples of this over the millennia -- you can read the book "Farmers of 40 Centuries" by F.H. King; or the works of André Voisin, or more recently Joel Salatin, Bill Mollison and Jo Robinson. There is truly nothing new under the sun; and in fact modern farming techniques (inspired by post-WW2 chemical companies looking for an outlet for their nitrogen-based products once the demand for explosives dropped) have done more to damage the world than the knowledge accumulated for the preceding 4,000 years improved it.


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So true Wild Bill. They have outlived their purpose and become a bureaucratic nightmare.

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BUT they say, "We have outlived our usefulness and purpose and are 'useless eaters'. while having all the money, Military, Govt. and power.

Wonder what's next?

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Except for information about the TREASONOUS CRIMINAL ENEMY'S MOTIVATIONS AND PLANS; don't hear a word they speak as they're liars dripping with deception to manipulate.

While intelligent...There is seemingly little common sense and it is best to laugh at their STUPIDITY IN ARROGANCE TO ACTUALLY BELIEVE THEMSELVES GODS when they're actually COWARDLY DEMONS HIDING IN HUMAN BEING SUITS.

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I have always disliked the FDA all staffed by the companies they used to work for. Whoever said incest is best is nuts

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Also, see the documentary “Farmageddon.” SWAT teams in Vermont raiding hippie CO-OPs who sell raw milk.

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I know, it is awful, a full on state war vs the and it has been happening since the 70s…a stated policy within the Dept of Interior according to a hydrologist employed by them.

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Hey Elizabeth! Thanks for this. What a breath of fresh air.

As Raw Milk Mama, I am so thrilled to see you write about the importance of the food we choose. I've covered some of the issues you mention in great detail and dig into the politics of how we got where we are today. Hint: some serious propaganda.

Anyway, it's great to see you writing about the relationship between our food, our health and the environment. Yes, we CAN restore our soil. So excited that you are on this same journey!

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As a former child of the Great Plains farmland where life was the only concern, I quickly caught on to the hidden death cult of those who pretended to conservation and environmentalism. The scary thing, back then was their resentment for the gift of life was larger than I understood. During the 9 years of university education and then attempted indoctrination, the machinations, twisted and stinking thinking the promoters of death went through to disguise, even from themselves, their hate and resentment for life just about crushed my belief in my fellow man. But it opened my eyes to the depth of their hate and self-deception. We do not need to understand them. As a matter of fact that is a trap in and of itself. What we need to do is fight for life. When a new, bigger, and better revelation is foisted or hoisted, I always ask myself: does this lead to life? Life is individual. When it, whatever it is, does not lead to or enhance individual life I recognize immediately the work of the cult of the “Death Eaters” to borrow a label. The depth of the Death Eaters' hate for life is only exceeded by their cunning.

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Excellently expressed. It’s nice to find others who managed to escape the indoctrination of a university education.

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Frederick: Arnold Palmer said that the game of golf is played between the golfer's ears. Life is the same.

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Many of us sought to comprehend only to realize when we reached comprehension; it was not necessary. 🎯😳🤔

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I move my chicken pen every year for much the same reason. These industrious little birds till the soil while foraging. It usually takes two years before you can see the vivid contrast where they were. The bright green grass is clearly outlined on the boundaries of the old pen. Kids who grew up with a family milk cow even back in the 50' and 60's were visibly more robust than the others. Of course the outlawed raw dairy for the T.B. scare. I suspect the WEF fanatics know this and that is most likely the biggest reason for culling herds and sowing fear over things like bird flu. From here it is a short hop to "Pandemic X". The government has been spreading and enforcing this crap for my entire life. Finally. people are waking up.

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In Joel Salatin's method chickens get rotated into the pasture when the cows are moved. They blow up those patties scratching and looking for bugs and in a couple days you cannot tell a cow was there. I saw this with my own eyes but he talks about it in his books. When I was at his farm I could not smell anything except earth, no putrid odors.

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Thanks. I'll add it to my list of projects that I do every year to improve my productivity although being in my seventies means I accomplish less with each passing year. Still, anything that helps our survivability out here in the back country is worth the time spent.

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YES! Raw milk, raw cheese, non- sprayed grains, clean, local veggies, local, grass-fed meats; all are what we need for robust health. Our soul is so depleted from agri-farming! We need our small, local farms, and I know that these small farms are under tremendous attack.

We also need to look up. The planes creating "new types of clouds" are spraying to block our sun. Photosynthesis is necessary for life, so it's so much much more than just the bullies on the ground.

Great essay, thanks!

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What are we going to do about the cloud seeding? No doubt with harmful substances (aluminum, fungi etc)? This really worries me because a lot of the other things we do are negated by this nonsense. You can already smell it in the air and we live very close to the coast.

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Check out Foghorn Express, Reinette Senum's substack. Action against geoengineering there.

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A couple of States recently banned it, New Hampshire and Maine I think.

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NH I believe has a law on the table banning seeding with fines (not yet passed). Texas is collecting signatures. I’m not sure what’s going on in Maine. These laws won’t mean much though if the geo engineering is military operation, which is what I suspect.

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Dane Wiggington - geoengineeringwatch.org - fact of the matter is no one (incl animals) are exempt/safe - NGOS/people owned by very ruthless people... both homicidal and suicidal.

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Thanks, Elizabeth. I am intrigued by this most obvious logic, and I have a question. We live in the heart of Mennonite country in Ontario. There are many dairy farms. Copious amounts of manure are ingeniously collected and stored, and before any new seeding the manure is sprayed on the fields (trust us, we know; our house abuts on three sides of a farm field so we close all the windows when we see those manure implements trundling down the road). Some seasons could see four crops seeded and harvested on a field. I do know most of these farms do not deep plough.

My question: Would this be considered the same as rotating cattle in the fields?

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Don’t think so. That sounds like full on industrial ag.

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Four crops a season seems like too many, but if three are short-growing time and the fourth is a cover crop, meant to be tilled in the spring, maybe not too bad. Still seems excessive, though, and not like rotating cattle through the fields, as the crops are taking up the nutrients.

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Yes, the fourth as the cover crop.

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Btw, I’m in CA (Irvine area) for the weekend and the same spraying over here. All the way across the nation.

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Close your eyes and think of those days a long time ago, laying on the cool grass, sun shining down on your face, squinting to look at the fluffy clouds, the only noise were the bees buzzing and birds chirping...thats what I long for. We CAN restore it, it's not too late. We overproduce everything so we can pay the toll to the greedy govt and have a little left for us, only to store it and let it rot in huge storage facilities. Yet people on the streets starve.

And totally off topic, Why won't anyone look into Hemp? It's a weed so no fertilizer needed, can be used for crop rotation, it has multi uses, including making building blocks to build houses, clothing, rope, you can eat it, it repells pests, antifungal...its been so suppressed. To the point where big agri looks for reasons it's no good rather than what it might be good for.

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Blame William Randolph Hearst, "Reefer Madness" and the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937.

Interesting fact: Cannabis is one of the most genetically-advanced, and widely-distributed, plants on earth.

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I have read that hemp was pushed to be classified as an illegal cannaboid by Dow chemical who wanted to clear the market for synthetic fibers they were introducting.

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Possible, and in this case Dow would not be the only possible culprit. Many other petrochem firms were/are in the plastic business -- General Electric, DuPont, Monsanto, Union Carbide, Bayer... the list goes on.

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Thanks for the flashback - almost to 1937! As my good buddy Gordy's T shirt read - "God made Grass. Man made Booze. Who can you trust?" :)

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Jan 27, 2024
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well I think Hemp is a miracle product. So many uses, and you gotta know that when the govt and big agri is against it, there's a reason. We could cut way less trees too...all that environmental crap should be all over it, but no...why?

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I love reading this. I’ve been growing and eating rotationally grazed cows, chickens, eggs, and an organic garden for over 30 years. (With goats and ducks sprinkled in occasionally.) I didn’t know it was spreading.

All I ever see is that solar panels and windmills are destroying our farm land. I am so encouraged to know that there are more people who are seeing the light.

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Love this - LCHF eating was my gateway to the realisation well over a decade ago that most medical/health advice was not to improve public health but rather to ultimately line the pockets of big pharma and keep us unhealthy and weak. It wasn’t a big leap of faith to realise that covid was more of the same

Eat real food. Eat the best meat you can afford and prosper

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I love this so much! I left Chicago over 6yrs ago to start a homestead to raise/grow as much as my own food as possible and haven’t looked back. It’s hard work but so worth it.

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Oh, this is good! 35 years ago we made the move to the country where we've raised horses, sheep, chickens, and a garden. It does my heart so good to see all the young families in the past 10-15 years who have flocked to the country to homestead, break away, have community, become real again. It's where we can see hope!

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I grew up on an organic farm in the midwest. We had cattle, pigs and chickens that we raised for food and to sell on the market. We grew corn and other grains and grasses for our animal's food. We made silage out of the corn to store in a silo where it would ferment for winter use. We also had huge gardens for our own use. We saved the animals excrement and used it on our fields and gardens after it had also fermented. We had cats that would patrol our farm and barns to keep out rats and mice from eating our stored grains. I miss those days because we as a society have lost our way of farming for health and well being.

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I believe there was about 35 feet of topsoil in bison country before they were eradicated.

See also Geoff Lawton’s “Greening the Desert.” https://youtu.be/sohI6vnWZmk?si=C4ava71x7-iw8276

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Excellent post, and I have shared!

As an aside, the moment I read:

"New York, London, Paris, Munich", it triggered an earworm:

"Pop Muzik" by M released in 1979.

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I randomly played that song for my 15yo niece a week ago, and yesterday a friend was singing it. What could it mean???

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Speaking of this- Back in 2001, I took my Dad (A Vietnam Vet) to go see the USS Wisconsin, docked out in Norfolk, Virginia, as Wisconsin is our home State and we were both huge fans of the Iowa-Class Battleships.

While going over the Specs, I found out that as a secondary function, the ship could desalinate over 100,000 gallons of water PER DAY, for the Steam Engines and the Crew.

This got me thinkin'- If such a thing were possible, with late 1930's technology, and as a SECONDARY function at that- What would prevent the creation of dedicated 'Water-Derricks', desalinating Tens of Millions of Gallons of Seawater daily, instead of drilling oil?

The actual answer is- The Powers That Be absolutely do not want the kind of growth and environmental HEALING that would bring. The biggest public excuse I read was- 'Oh, the poor Fishies!', but the impact to Marine life could be minimized, easily.

What they never talk about is how bringing billions of gallons of fresh water to places like North Africa could help all the Wildlife THERE, to say nothing of the unimaginable amounts of farmland that could be created.

Finally, all that Water is a renewable resource, as it would all make its way back to the Oceans, eventually. The 'Circle of Life' and all that. So, the next time you hear our Maximum Leaders bitching and moaning about the Water Shortage!(tm), just remember, it's absolutely deliberate.

But, sadly, if they can get the bulk of the population to believe that the gas plants NEED TO LIVE is a POISON, then... They can get us to believe anything. :-/

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Thank you for this powerful summation of what is indeed happening. It's easy to forget when the MSM holds up the opposite. It really helps to have you hold this vision up for us in your magnificent writing.

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I see this becoming universal only out of necessity. What would that take? Maybe an EMP, which would leave modern farming equipment useless. Or a total breakdown of supply chains, which would mean no fuel, no chemicals, no fertilizer, no transportation of product. There would be a great deal of pain and suffering before enough people started producing to save the rest. Otherwise, food corporations, Big Ag, and WEF will continue their stranglehold. For now, support the rebels as much as you can afford.

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I get what you are suggesting but people don't rebuild backwards.

I'm afraid we would just do it all over again.

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