As a former child of the Great Plains farmland where life was the only concern, I quickly caught on to the hidden death cult of those who pretended to conservation and environmentalism. The scary thing, back then was their resentment for the gift of life was larger than I understood. During the 9 years of university education and then at…
As a former child of the Great Plains farmland where life was the only concern, I quickly caught on to the hidden death cult of those who pretended to conservation and environmentalism. The scary thing, back then was their resentment for the gift of life was larger than I understood. During the 9 years of university education and then attempted indoctrination, the machinations, twisted and stinking thinking the promoters of death went through to disguise, even from themselves, their hate and resentment for life just about crushed my belief in my fellow man. But it opened my eyes to the depth of their hate and self-deception. We do not need to understand them. As a matter of fact that is a trap in and of itself. What we need to do is fight for life. When a new, bigger, and better revelation is foisted or hoisted, I always ask myself: does this lead to life? Life is individual. When it, whatever it is, does not lead to or enhance individual life I recognize immediately the work of the cult of the “Death Eaters” to borrow a label. The depth of the Death Eaters' hate for life is only exceeded by their cunning.
As a former child of the Great Plains farmland where life was the only concern, I quickly caught on to the hidden death cult of those who pretended to conservation and environmentalism. The scary thing, back then was their resentment for the gift of life was larger than I understood. During the 9 years of university education and then attempted indoctrination, the machinations, twisted and stinking thinking the promoters of death went through to disguise, even from themselves, their hate and resentment for life just about crushed my belief in my fellow man. But it opened my eyes to the depth of their hate and self-deception. We do not need to understand them. As a matter of fact that is a trap in and of itself. What we need to do is fight for life. When a new, bigger, and better revelation is foisted or hoisted, I always ask myself: does this lead to life? Life is individual. When it, whatever it is, does not lead to or enhance individual life I recognize immediately the work of the cult of the “Death Eaters” to borrow a label. The depth of the Death Eaters' hate for life is only exceeded by their cunning.
Excellently expressed. It’s nice to find others who managed to escape the indoctrination of a university education.
Frederick: Arnold Palmer said that the game of golf is played between the golfer's ears. Life is the same.
Many of us sought to comprehend only to realize when we reached comprehension; it was not necessary. 🎯😳🤔