Since the evidentiary videos are in the FBI's hands, stand by for very selective prosecutions. Any videos that compromise The One, or high-powered politicos and left-leaning businessmen, will disappear. These bastards are good at one thing, and that is circling the wagons.
I was wondering if there were others who were suspicious. TPTB are waking people up, but don’t want them too awake, and thus they set off bombs like this one. “This should keep the normies distracted”, they say with an evil laugh. Because the real power seat of Lucifer is the United Nations, where he is clothed as an angel of light. Very few know of Alice Bailey and her Lucifer Publishing, the publisher for the United Nations, before it was changed to the less obvious Lucius Trust. The plan is Order out of Chaos, and always has been. Seems we are close to the end though, as chaos, lies, and manipulation are at 99.9 percent (see, I can get that 666 in there too, which they always do. Or 33 or 66, or sometimes all three. Go back and read Ms. Nickson’s article here and see if you can find it in an absurd reference. It’s always in an absurd reference, which they do to see if you’re paying attention).
The plan has always been to unite humanity with Lucifer leading. So people are being brought to the edge of madness (chaos), so they can make it stop (order), under the evil angel, posing as an angel of light. It’s concisely laid out in the Pike / Mazzini letter.
Also, because it is necessary, at least for a time, to swing hard right, the evil and immorality - that we all know about and can clearly see - needs to be confirmed.
I don't think it's the deep state releasing this info; why would they be releasing this info on their own people and themselves? That makes no sense. This is from white hats military who are the same ones who are arresting people like P. Diddy. We've been under martial law since Jan. 6, 2021 there is much evidence presented for that. They probably released it to out Kamala Harris, Obamas, etc. which I'm fine with - all that white hats are doing is releasing truth We the People should know about. We don't need to have these people get elected to run America.
Order out of chaos. Nobody is really going to get hurt by any of this diddy nonsense, which is mostly scripted. I can even see them making some of the Q nonsense real. You’d only need a teaspoonful, and the mob will believe every bit of the rest of the Orwellian theater pushed on them. Look what they can do with Trump. TDS - Trump derangement for liberals; TDS - Trump Delusion for conservatives.
That link indicates that the end result is for the remains of humanity to follow Lucifer after WWIII. I think the larger popular (like us) will hold vehemently to Our Lord and Saviour Who will rise to keep humanity from becoming extinct and evil. We win with God.
Why should I believe any of this crap? Satan if evil but he does not need to create elaborate disguises for evil except to excite stupid fundies to which this sort of thing is catnip. If they love it, something is seriously wrong.
you have here actual videos of still-living victims. that's not enough? then what WOULD be enough to convince you? direct observation? participation??
no --- no one is under
any obligation to convince you. You're not on the jury. However you ARE on the side of the cruel. In your brief comment you insult the people who find this horrible, but talk respectfully about the father of lies.
enjoy your time here; eternity is a very long time. I consign you to Elohim.
I think he has a little left. Donning that MAGA hat was not accidental, like shitting his pants in front of the Pope. He and Harris hate each other, as do he and obama.
I hope he’s everything folks think he is, otherwise, while they’ve all been backing another shill instead of focusing on the big picture freaks that really run the global show, we the people fall further into a hellhole
I've watched Trump for 45 yrs because I knew that one day he would be president; he talked about it back in 1981 at least. He is the real deal and is legitimate.
But you have to admit, the Davos lot & those that control them are a huge spiders web & have corrupted politicians across the world through any means necessary, it’s possible they got to Trump too? As I said, I hope beyond hope he has not been & if he wins, stabilises US & shows the spineless other world leaders how to end the threat of globalisation, I’d be beyond happy. I just don’t underestimate the power of the spiders web.
Yes they are a huge spider web; no Trump isn't part of them, never has been but has been busy fighting them for at least 45 yrs since I've watched him. He is NOT part of deep state, take that to the bank.
I saw that. I'm certain Trump has been added to lists ad nauseam. Look. If they had ANYTHING on him, you'd hear about it 24/7. They cannot afford allowing him into the WH again.
A list is just a list. Come on people. Don’t you get tired of all the BS lists?
The real evidence are the court transcripts. Take a breather, relax and read the trial court transcripts because from the way I see it, Trump hasn’t been implicated. And besides, the Epstein raid was on his watch. People that accuse him show hate…not intelligence.
Prince Andrew is the first one so far but we knew that.
It’s looking like around 950 pages spread out across 40 attachments.
Clinton is named in attachment 4.
Clinton and Steven Hawking.
David Copperfield named.
Trump was named and Ghislane said he didn’t receive a massage.
And apparently George Lucas didn’t either because they were named close together but were said to not have received anything.
Dershowitz is mentioned over 100 times, but he was counsel for Epstein so who knows.
He’s mentioned the most so I think he for sure did something to the girls.
Most of the names are the girls who were trafficked.
I don’t think anything implicates Trump on the island.
Michael Jackson was mentioned twice as being at Epstein parties.
Trump mentioned twice as well. One time as never getting a massage, and one time as a reference to “if they can’t land the plane they will call Trump and they can land at his property” or something of that nature.
Only time Trump is mentioned in the docs that dropped yesterday.
I won’t believe any list or names unless they can show me on what page the names are listed.
Some things that are in there include Prince Andrew and something with young girls and puppets????
Bill Clinton admitting to one of the plaintiffs that “he likes his girls young” which shouldn’t surprise anyone.
I mean along with Prince Andrew he’s the biggest name that actually seems to have allegations against him and he knows probably so many other people.
Clinton just was a close friend that admitted to one of the victims that he liked his girls young.
There is no way we’re ever going to get every name and information on what all those people actually did. But more document drops will happen in the future.
I’m just saying you can’t be at Epstein parties telling the young girls there who were trafficked that “you like them young” and not be sexually assaulting and raping them.
All it says is "Trump" it doesn't say which Trump. We do know he has a few relatives who have been and are deep state. Trump is not the problem and has never been any part of deep state. He had Epstein arrested for bringing 14 y.o. date to his home, back in 2009. He had Epstein arrested. I've researched deep state 30 yrs, there are lots of things I don't think you know; you can't take things at face value in this war.
None of the tapes will get to court. Done before in case Trump won. They have to get rid of all evidence before Jan 20th. There will be no tapes to prosecute. They will all escape. A good plan. Watch Diddy get off lightly.
Maybe, but this is a wicked empire beginning to collapse, the Russians lobbing shells into the heart of Berlin in late April, 1945. A lot of other victims, encouraged by what has become known, and by those who are speaking up, will themselves start to speak up. It happened with Weinstein. It happened with Maxwell. Nobody with a level of bullshit detector more developed than the average child's believes that Epstein wasn't murdered.
As for the FBI, there are still people of honor, people with a capacity for moral outrage, and I am not as pessimistic as you that the incendiary evidence will not become public. Forty years ago, pre Internet, maybe. Now? I think there is little chance of it. The MSM always does what it can to suppress information which is inimical to its interests and prejudices, as it is doing now with the new book about the Biden crime family. How do I know such a book even exists, given the media blackout of it? Because I saw that its author was being interviewed on this week's Hillsdale College podcast, and listened to it. You can, too.
This is truly apocalyptic. The often cryptic text of the Book of Revelation speaks clearly enough about the Kings of the Earth, about how vile they are. I'm also reminded of the horrifying verse earlier in the New Testament, that the whole world lies in wickedness ( 1 John 5:19 ).
Thank you for reporting this, Miss Nickson. This young woman, Ally Carter, needs everyone's prayers for safety and for healing. It's dismaying to see the single word, Trump, listed as a party guest. God knows.
It's ironic that Robert DeNiro would be listed, because in the movie which made him a star, Taxi Driver, the DeNiro character achieves some meaning for himself by wiping out a few of the runners and habitues of a small den of iniquity to try to save the life of the 12 year old prostitute played by Jodie Foster.
They are letting any future congress creatures / “leaders” know that they got the goods and can bury anyone they want with it or let anyone they want to let go with it (hide evidence—never destroy it because then they might not do as told). They are hedging their bets. It should all be completely exposed and let the cards fall where they may regardless of how fucking depraved. Let light shine on the darkness and the world see just how sick these people really are.
Elizabeth- please seek treatment. If Trump was there, the Democrats would have received an anonymous tip to use in his fake impeachment. Are you no longer capable of connecting the dots? Please, read. Research. Use reason and logic.
Prince Andrew is the first one so far but we knew that.
It’s looking like around 950 pages spread out across 40 attachments.
Clinton is named in attachment 4.
Clinton and Steven Hawking.
David Copperfield named.
Trump was named and Ghislane said he didn’t receive a massage.
And apparently George Lucas didn’t either because they were named close together but were said to not have received anything.
Dershowitz is mentioned over 100 times, but he was counsel for Epstein so who knows.
He’s mentioned the most so I think he for sure did something to the girls.
Most of the names are the girls who were trafficked.
I don’t think anything implicates Trump on the island.
Michael Jackson was mentioned twice as being at Epstein parties.
Trump mentioned twice as well. One time as never getting a massage, and one time as a reference to “if they can’t land the plane they will call Trump and they can land at his property” or something of that nature.
Only time Trump is mentioned in the docs that dropped yesterday.
I won’t believe any list or names unless they can show me on what page the names are listed.
Some things that are in there include Prince Andrew and something with young girls and puppets????
Bill Clinton admitting to one of the plaintiffs that “he likes his girls young” which shouldn’t surprise anyone.
I mean along with Prince Andrew he’s the biggest name that actually seems to have allegations against him and he knows probably so many other people.
Clinton just was a close friend that admitted to one of the victims that he liked his girls young.
There is no way we’re ever going to get every name and information on what all those people actually did. But more document drops will happen in the future.
I’m just saying you can’t be at Epstein parties telling the young girls there who were trafficked that “you like them young” and not be sexually assaulting and raping them.
(Trump was never implicated to rape anyone nor was he there)
I didn’t realize he was a creep but I guess we are finding out the demons every day. It’s going to be interesting about Diddy Doo and now I heard it’s up to 150 plus victims. He’s toast!
Bush '41 made an apparently brief appearance at a Craig Spence party in DC. Odd that he was out and about at night dropping by such parties. Beyond odd was Spence's ability to conduct late night tours of, IKYN, the White House. On an unrelated note Spence was said to have young men at his parties who were brought from Boys' Town in Nebraska.
One protest: the triumph of the wicked empire of evil was "the Russians lobbing shells into the heart of Berlin in late April, 1945."
Think of what you will have to do to end this darkness.
Do you think the German people were lesser than you?
Than all of us who were forced, instead, to drink at Satan's fountain of lies.
Who believed that the things they told us were true.
Why you drank of those many lies, and exulted in your moral righteousness, is because you were unwittingly made complicit. Trauma conditioning forces one to accept either complicity in a crime too terrible to contemplate, or to submit, and find relief in the false inversion of "good", that one fights on the side of "good", when that "good" in reality is only a mask.
Exactly......My Mom was 15 then. Living in Berlin. She was there as a fifteen year old when the Russians took over her part of Berlin. Three Commandants commandeered their flat ( 15/13/10 year olds) not once did they fear for their lives or girlhood. The solders were kind, played soccer if they could find something round and wud pass out candy if they had any. Who they did hide from were the Americans. Remember, there are very few left who lived this and witnessed it and really have chosen to forget and move on. It is only since Covid that the war machine is amping up and the similarities my Mom sees are frightening to her. But she lives in Canada. Imagine that!!!!
[1] Why are the nations in an uproar And the peoples devising a vain thing? [2] The kings of the earth take their stand And the rulers take counsel together Against the LORD and against His Anointed, saying, [3] "Let us tear their fetters apart And cast away their cords from us!" [4] He who sits in the heavens laughs, The Lord scoffs at them. [5] Then He will speak to them in His anger And terrify them in His fury, saying, [6] "But as for Me, I have installed My King Upon Zion, My holy mountain." [7] "I will surely tell of the decree of the LORD: He said to Me, 'You are My Son, Today I have begotten You. [8] 'Ask of Me, and I will surely give the nations as Your inheritance, And the very ends of the earth as Your possession. [9] 'You shall break them with a rod of iron, You shall shatter them like earthenware.'" [10] Now therefore, O kings, show discernment; Take warning, O judges of the earth. [11] Worship the LORD with reverence And rejoice with trembling. [12] Do homage to the Son, that He not become angry, and you perish in the way, For His wrath may soon be kindled. How blessed are all who take refuge in Him!
They do not escape His vengeance. They may never suffer for their sin on Earth, but no one escapes final judgment.
also played a savage murdered quite well many times. They are actors.....professional liars paid to convince us of characters they portray and are not.
"The God Who Sees", named 'El Roi' in Hebrew, says in Isaiah 28:18 "Your agreements with Death (ritual offerings to the Death Cult demi-gods for protection, like the mafia) will not save you". Whooop!
God's Fierce & Furious Love will roll over and cover His children in this Passover season. While the same Blood of the Lamb slain before the foundations of the Earth burns away the false coverings and dross trying to keep the rest of His creation from restoration and reconcilliation with Him.
Isaiah 28:18
New King James Version
Your covenant with death will be annulled, And your agreement with Sheol will not stand; When the overflowing scourge passes through, Then you will be trampled down by it.
New American Standard Bible
“Your covenant with death will be canceled, And your pact with Sheol will not stand; When the gushing flood passes through, Then you will become its trampling ground.
New International Version
Your covenant with death will be annulled; your agreement with the realm of the dead will not stand. When the overwhelming scourge sweeps by, you will be beaten down by it.
New Living Translation
I will cancel the bargain you made to cheat death, and I will overturn your deal to dodge the grave. When the terrible enemy sweeps through, you will be trampled into the ground.
Yep, common struggle/hunger with me and my peeps too. I use different translations for revelation on particular themes (beauty, power, justice, history, fathering, care, etc.). A prayer ministry that leverages the authority in being a co-heir in Christ and the fullness of sonship I'm tracking with is fond of the Francois du Toit's "Mirror Bible". That translation's not complete (yet), and may be best used for my practice as a spice and desert adjunct, once I've fully absorbed the classic texts. Happy Hunting :-)
They have to hold onto it somehow, it’s their levers against the coming congressional sweep of the FBI. State Security guys know how to protect themselves, just ask Vladimir Putin
Few are sane enough to understand that Putin’s self interest and … let’s pick a random name … Hillary’s self interest are not really that greatly separated.
Clintons still can claim a higher body count, since Ukraine hasn’t caught up with US carpet bombing numbers, yet. And most certainly in terms of individual hits on whistle blowers, Putin has a lot of catch up work to make the numbers.
Lunch with Hezbollah? No, but I was in a lunchroom with an early leader. Ted Kennedy knew him and said some incoherent words after I thanked him in Gaelic, actually. Another language I don’t speak. But I did hear a lot of it around me at one point when I was very young. Must have been embedded knowledge.
Or Hillary? I crashed a lunch both she and “Dr. Jill” - who was probably still working on that PhD then - attended. Was in Virginia and just pulled in a little lunch spot. Actually a pretty large restaurant where there was some special pot boiling downstairs in the “cave” area. Wasn’t invited downstairs but did have a downstairs guest come up and inquire about me.
He was too drunk, probably on Pelosi’s vodka. They were celebrating the missed appointment my colleague and I had with a principal engineer. Hard to make your appointment when the person you were to meet had been exploded in his office the night before your appointment.
But the downstairs room guests were enjoying the “peace” they found by his demise with some foreign visitors. The evidence he had collected might have put a few of them in golf prison for many, many eighteen holes.
And, yes, it was because the celebration was very much a satanic ritual that I was called to make my presence known at - lunch with Hillary.
What exactly is your point about the self interests of these clown world greats?
It was in response to your comment about “Pooteen” self interest. How would you have the slightest inkling of what that is, you have never even had lunch with him. I was being sarcastic about you and those to claim to know about others self interests. We know NOThing except what we are told to believe or manipulated to believe. Was I being a smart ass maybe but it’s really true. You have no idea what his self interests are except what u r told.
Never did have lunch with Putin. But was in the same small men’s room with he and Gorbachev when Putin was his little protege. There were some cracks in Russian that I wouldn’t have likely understood unless I had been immersed in Russian for quite some time. Not knowing any Russian my understanding of what they were laughing about is nada.
But that was long before the revolution and Yeltsin or Gorbachev writing Perestroika. So where Putin went from who he was as that little protege to the Soviet premier is a difficult calculus, no doubt.
This is horrifying and tragic for all involved, but it’s been going on for years in Hollywood, way before Diddy was even born. So we have to ask ourselves why now? Why isn’t the same thing happening to people that attended Epstein’s Island?
Epstein was assassinated in jail and Maxwell was charged and convicted yet we don’t know anything about the victims of that while this gets out, searches are happening and people are being questioned. It’s great that this is getting out and hopefully those who committed these crimes will be charged. However why isn’t this happening in the Epstein world?
“It’s been going on for years in Hollywood, way before Diddy was even born.” Indeed, it has. My father was a VP for Capitol Records. People tended to think it was some sort of awesome and would say “you’re crazy” when I responded that it is evil. I would like to add my “I told you so” at this point. Nothing “awesome” about it.
Too many at the top are involved I'm guessing, but yeah, why now? Cathy O'Brien's book back in the 90s named many politicians including more than one president. And some names there keep cropping up now.
Why now? Maybe it took decades to break into the consciousness of the 100th monkey to the point that these accusations wouldn't be laughed off and ignored. I still can't quite believe it, but the testimonials sure seem to be genuine and convincing.
Ally Carter’s videos - especially the very recent live broadcast she did on Telegram as well as the Stew Peters interview done a couple of years ago - are too compelling to be fabricated. (S.P. is most often rude & abrasive. Yet he never handled any his guests with as much respect, patience, & sympathy as he did Ally). Have yet to see Ally’s interview w/ Maria Zee which she mentioned in her Telegram message.
It’s time to also go after our very own CIA (& FBI?) who are, and have been, trafficking children using MK Ultra & Satanic Ritual Abuse to create Manchurian Candidates for ultimate control & manipulation. No doubt these poor victims are being used in false flags.
If people haven’t watched the original film “The Manchurian Candidate” w/ Laurence Harvey Frank Sinatra, & Angela Lansbury you’ve missed an exceptionally riveting, well-acted production. The script & direction are stellar. The movie was set to be released but when Kennedy was assassinated it was scrapped. One of the most memorable scenes is the brainwashing of the captured American soldiers. Absolute genius in the creative way it was depicted! A MUST SEE.
I don't completely believe her either. But I met this 5 year old girl who told me what was happening to her and her friends in school. They traffic them right out of schools during the school day. They do it in preschools too. Look into Ted Gunderson's exposure of this. He's a reliable voice (dead now, of course. They poisoned him)
The best lies contain the most truth. She is speaking some truth, and it would behoove is to get out kids out of public schools.
Watch my government completely ignore these 2 speakers who exposed the operation. Nothing screams guilty quit like their reaction. Link goes directly to timestamp.
I honestly think most people simply do not want to know. Authors have written books such as Nick Bryant’s The Franklin Scandal: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse and Betrayal. There have been writers/reporters who have been murdered for speaking about it, too. From direct experience, there are many who would rather just enjoy the entertainment and don’t want to know. My father used to tell me some stories when he was drinking that no daughter ever wants to hear, though, so some wild shit has been going on for decades. My father’s group included Bob Seger, Natalie and Nat King Cole, Doobie Brothers, George Harrison. I am not saying those folks were doing wack things….that’s just the era he was involved in. He used to tell me about parties he attended and all I could say was, “it’s a wonder you are alive to tell me the tale.” until he was not anymore.
"many who would rather just enjoy the entertainment and don’t want to know." -- reminds me of 'Bread and Circuses.' Worked for the Romans 2000 years ago, seems human nature hasn't changed much.
TPTB are just playing with us and laughing. The build-up to the election and all the theatrics involved are just Grand Satanic Theater. If you back-up until you see the whole picture like in on of those opaque paintings where nothing is clear until you let the real picture develop. Then and only then will you see how monstrous all this is. I put my full focus on my Creator, God himself and never vary from his truth. the public have veils over their eyes and compartmenalize the extreme corruption to the extent that they can accept it without having to disturb their lives. Go down the rabbit hole and know that where this extreme evil lives, God is the only savior that will pull us out. Continue to be deluded and deceived and the devil will keep dancing with you. An excellent website to know the truth is
Yes! Vigilant Citizen woke me up. I knew things in the entertainment industry was evil, but not to the level of extent I now know. Wake up and call on Jesus as your Lord and Savior before its too late.
part of the not wanting to hear is that nothing ever happens or seldom happens to the vile entities who do these things. So you nod and move on and hope that maybe this isn't true. That this level of evil can't really be happening. because it's impossible to believe.
You are 100 per cent correct. This was my discovery too! At the end of the day, most people "don't really want to know." That is why makes the American society so sad for me in 2024.
As long as they have their sports, their drugs, their alcohol, their weed, the rest does not matter. Incredible! Thank you for your phenomenal comment!
Brice Taylor's "Thanks for the Memories" FREE pdf is an easier read and a helpful corrollary to Cathy O'Brians testimony. Brice Taylor (pen name for her real name, Sue Ford) lays out the Entertainment-Sports-Politics chess game in a way that you cant help but see the repeating patterns and profiles.
You know I was bothered by that too but someone pointed out to me that Satanists routinely traumatize their victims by dressing as someone else in masks or as Jesus so they think those personas are the ones hurting them. It is possible someone used a mask of a president to rape Cathy O’Brien when she was being drugged and raped.
why do you believe that the body found in that jail was actually Epstein? You think people like him end up in prison? You do remember how saddam hussein's wife said after the fake execution that the person who was executed was not her husband. Stop believing the press. They still want us to believe that doofuses walked on the moon and that the wtc towers fell down via gravity even though the seismic data shows that to be more horse manure.
Stop believing lies that make you feel powerful instead of the weak failure you know yourself to be. Your only path to redemption is facing yourself in the face of the Truth.
How is that believing lies, Heather? Not sure what you're asking. How macDuff believes lies is just as I put it - self-validation and security in himself rather than the Truth that reveals his weakness. But if you're asking how are those lies, well, that's like shooting fish in a barrel.
Epstein's death isn't in dispute at all. What is in dispute is HOW he died.
Men on the moon? If NASA faked the moon landing, why was it necessary to risk exposure doing it 5 TIMES? And how did they get and keep the complicity of all the hardworking and proud men to participate in such a grandiose lie? That is a monstrous and ridiculous ask. Plainly the simple truth is that they did what they report they did.
As for 9/11, anyone who doesn't think believe we were attacked by Islamic jihadists is delusional. There's no proof of an inside job, only unsupported allegations and disproven theories. All logic and sound reason argue against it. (That's not to exonerate our governmental agencies in the US for criminal activity, for which there is plenty of evidence in many arenas.)
MacDuff belittles men as "doofuses "who ventured their lives to advance humanity and implicates them as liars. MacDuff ridicules without proof and slanders without understanding. He not only deserves, but is served well by some brusqueness. He sows for much harder things.
Sorry, I find it absurd that our government stole a billion? from us, it just went “missing “ per Donald Rumsfeld and the Pentagon gets destroyed the day before it’s supposed to be discussed. And they “found” the passports within blocks of the tower. And the weird chanting of words by the students right before Bush told about the towers. And the owner of the towers taking out the biggest insurance policy ever, these are way too many coincidences to be coincidence to begin with. It’s nonsense.
the figure the pentagon couldn't account for was around 2 trillion. There are too many serious un answered questions about 9/11 to ever believe the official narrative.
I still think that's because when the FBI rounded up all the evidence they knew they had a treasure trove of material they could use for blackmail as well. Look at how corrupt our law and intelligence agencies have become.
I actually think it’s worse than that. I believe the FBI was the instigator of Epstein Island. I believe Epstein, et al, were recruited to lure in all the participants so they could be filmed and blackmailed for ultimate control. Epstein/Maxwell were pawns, just playing parts in the FBI plan to exercise control over government, Hollywood, and corporations through blackmailing the highest ranking officials. This is the actual “deep state” at work.
Many moons ago I had the bad luck of finding myself looking into the abyss as part of my professional responsibilities. I knew that the abyss was looking back at me. One constant, never failing tell of the abyss, no matter the costume, was the need, the desire, the lust for recognition. The wearers of the costumes needed a match maker. A talent scout, a liar of so immense proportions that these lustful people, even in their wildest lusts and pretense, could not see the boundaries between truth and falsehood. Jeffery Epstein was such a match maker and there are and were others. But the tell, the unfailing give away is the desire for recognition. The FBI is a tool, not much of a match maker.
I discovered all this stuff about 15 years ago. It's been written about forever. You can even go to YouTube and see all the sex trafficking victims' stories. There's a reason it's all out there and no one cares or does anything, it's because it's not in the mainstream news and most of the population has now been brainwashed into believing if the mainstream media doesn't report it, it's untrue at best and conspiracy theories at worst. You can see this at work in the indoctrinated mind of the "educated" who now demand to know your credentials if you ask them to define "woman." It's insane out there.
There is a pedagogical saying: "Repetitio est mater studiorum." Repetition (or review) is the mother of learning. We learn best when material is presented, re-presented, and, better yet, presented in a new format. I believe that this information re-re-re-represented over the years may now finally be absorbed.
Nicely done! Let us hope we are reaching a preference cascade, where it is socially commendable to see such subterranean underpinnings, rather than demanding we be unduly "fair" or give people who can harm us "the benefit of the doubt" or "the respect due the office."
And this is exactly what they want you to do with it - research the hell out of it, chatter about it endlessly, and what is the net gain for you? Nothing. Most people are aware that all these folks trade their soul for their fame. But it’s sleight of hand, because they are leading one and all to the same predetermined place of unity. Order Out of Chaos.
While people are focused on what celebrities are up to, they are not focused upon the potential for central bank digital currency, the invasion. That is concerning.
Oh, I think people are seeing those things, as they are supposed to, and realizing that there is nothing they can do about it. Part of the demoralization process. There is a movement of people going left to right now, as they are supposed to, but that’s part of the process. I think we are in for a short season of real pain, like nothing the world has ever seen before.
I think you are right. I hadn’t considered that it’s part of a demoralization process and people do see….I hear a lot about football season a lot still. Or golf. Pretty much the last things on my personal radar at this juncture. It’s all reminiscent of the Titanic scene when the band plays while folks scurry around on the deck prior to it sinking like a stone.
And what made the Titanic sinking so much more predictive is that it was the Oceanic which sunk - it was an Insurance fraud too - the Oceanic was doomed damaged so they swopped the two ships in the shipping yard, and the "Titanic accident" was staged to get rid of some people too. Beyond evil what those can do who sold their souls to the devil.
You have a good point. I don’t have to research it because my father lived it but you are correct in that it will do not good to chatter on about it. I think what goes on in our own homes and neighborhoods is infinitely more important. I used to be naive and think I could change the system somehow. It turns out I can/could only change myself, with whom I interact, how I spend my money and time. Your point is well taken for sure.
So, in your mind, if God doesn’t intervene in every evil, He is not deserving of glory? Sin, our fallen nature, is the reason for evil entering the world. We serve a righteous God. A living God. A vengeful God. These evil taskmasters will receive their just desserts. He has taught me, through many trials, deaths of my husband, both brothers, and my son, that suffering drives us to Him and our purpose - His Glory. God didn’t kill these men in my life, but he allowed their deaths. I didn’t understand at the time, but these tragedies allowed Him to draw me close and give me new life through my Lord, Jesus Christ. These children need prayer. God knows their suffering and their pain. As a mere mortal, I cannot question God’s will, but rather, through prayer ask him to comfort these victims and draw them to Himself where they will receive peace and life in Jesus Christ.
He commands us to he involved. I never intimated action was removed by prayer. These children have physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual damage. Prayer is one piece that will contribute to the complete healing of the wounds, and as a Christian, I know the power of prayer. It transforms lives. It heals the soul. It allows forgiveness. I pray you someday experience the peace only He can bring.
Such crap. The evil doers will get theirs ?? The children have gods love. Oh my ? This thinking is what allows you to sit back comfortably in your nice warm house while these atrocities are on going. To me and that’s me it’s simply an excuse that someone else will take care of it. I can relax. God has this. Such a cop out crap. Every time I here this same garbage from ‘the true believers ‘ I wanna puke.
Lullybird, I don't like your disrespect of those of us who have faith in God: "Such crap," "cop out crap," "this same garbage," etc. You seem to blame God for sinners' abominations. You've got it all upside down.
Appreciate you think it’s disrespectful. I could turn that right around. Disrespect for those poor children. And we could battle it out on here but let’s not. My heart was breaking. My brain wracking as what I could do and those words seemed so callous and disrespectful to the suffering children waiting for god who never comes except when injured so badly they die. I said what I wanted to say. Sorry but maybe it hit home.
May God grant that the FBI actually comes through - that this gets too big and out of control. The top of that cesspool (the FBI) is clearly complicit, but there have to be a lot of foot soldiers who are part of it for the right reasons.
And, as always, Elizabeth, watch your 6 and everyone, don't feed the trolls. And may God have mercy on all our souls. This is sure to get worse before it gets better.
The FBI is an extension of the Democratic Party and international Zionism. It is not a law enforcement agency at all. It is a political spin doctoring agency that has a major role in the conduct and protection of much organized crime. The FBI is a partner of the ADL which performs many "law enforcement" functions..... with all due respect to the well intentioned "foot soldiers."
Only a Sith speaks in absolutes. If someone doesn’t support Israel, that does not make them a Nazi. History is replete with many nuances- it just is. Victors write the history and it will always reflect best on them. I know that Israel was chosen by God to be his people. However, we must remember that history teaches their continual rebellion against Him. Also, being a Jew by birth, does not mean you follow the Mosaic Law or its traditions, anymore than being born to Catholic parents ensures you will remain a practicing Catholic.
It’s possible to be invited to an event and imagine what it will be and then discover with disgust the reality… AND
Then run away from it with vomit slowly coming up.
Video tapes of satanic rituals are a different matter.
I have to think and want to think that they have NO tapes of Trump doing anything wrong.
Trump invited the Clintons to his wedding. Does that make him a Clinton toady ?
As many here are suggesting, the blackmail factor here is off the charts. How many congress and others in high positions (bill gates etc) are easily controlled if a tape shows them child molesting.
There's the possibility of entrapment. That's why Epstein made sure he was in the shot with so many celebs and pajundrums, so he could claim their involvement.
I can only pray Trump's name on the list is a poison pill, casting doubt on the legitimacy of the rest (obvious as they are), or that he was invited, as Nixon was to the Bohemian Grove, and, like Nixon, deeply regretted that he even stepped past the front gate, or listened to the powerful people extending the invitation (they certainly wouldn't tell him much, if anything.)
Had anyone considered that DJT has had a plan since the days of the Rona Barrett interview - and quietly infiltrated the Hollywood scene, most specifically through the casinos and his show The Apprentice? He was the darling of the lib lefty elites - beloved, and quite likely a confidante of many.
I strongly agree. Infiltration as you posit seems very likely: know the enemy that one might best defeat him. Regular dealings with different Mobs in venues all over the world means Trump is quite savvy about such things. (The former CEO of Exxon related in an interview how he had to do the same thing; you take the cards you find, and still make the play work.)
Trump also strongly supported various private anti-trafficking projects, and I believe promoted anti-trafficking legislation.
As further evidence, note that Justin Bieber is also listed...but he was not an organizer, nor did he keep the faith. That's why I think he and his girlfriend received "vaxxine" jabs that partially paralyzed them, as retaliation by TPTB. (I think something similar, an "accident", happened recently to Jamie Foxx as well, who was making noises. How many others on that list have been hit?)
Now the TBTB are taking shots at Trump, who went the HCQ/Ivermectin route, avoiding the clot shot.
Prince Andrew is the first one so far but we knew that.
It’s looking like around 950 pages spread out across 40 attachments.
Clinton is named in attachment 4.
Clinton and Steven Hawking.
David Copperfield named.
Trump was named and Ghislane said he didn’t receive a massage.
And apparently George Lucas didn’t either because they were named close together but were said to not have received anything.
Dershowitz is mentioned over 100 times, but he was counsel for Epstein so who knows.
He’s mentioned the most so I think he for sure did something to the girls.
Most of the names are the girls who were trafficked.
I don’t think anything implicates Trump on the island.
Michael Jackson was mentioned twice as being at Epstein parties.
Trump mentioned twice as well. One time as never getting a massage, and one time as a reference to “if they can’t land the plane they will call Trump and they can land at his property” or something of that nature.
Only time Trump is mentioned in the docs that dropped yesterday.
I won’t believe any list or names unless they can show me on what page the names are listed.
Some things that are in there include Prince Andrew and something with young girls and puppets????
Bill Clinton admitting to one of the plaintiffs that “he likes his girls young” which shouldn’t surprise anyone.
I mean along with Prince Andrew he’s the biggest name that actually seems to have allegations against him and he knows probably so many other people.
Clinton just was a close friend that admitted to one of the victims that he liked his girls young.
There is no way we’re ever going to get every name and information on what all those people actually did. But more document drops will happen in the future.
I’m just saying you can’t be at Epstein parties telling the young girls there who were trafficked that “you like them young” and not be sexually assaulting and raping them.
(Trump was never implicated as raping anyone nor on the island.)
Entry of "Crazy Days and Nights" has been offering cryptic crumbs on this activity for years. Anons have sussed out the details, only to be dismissed (by the perpetrators) as internet cranks.
The whole house of cards is about to come down and they know it. Think of the unhinged rantings of Hollywood luminaries such as Rob Reiner and the Two Minutes of Hate each weeknight in the form of late night "entertainment." They're a bit edgy these days.
This 'issue' is much more widespread than Hollywood, too. Remember the Madison Cawthorn disclosure about Washington, DC? He had to "go," through the "ballot box." (Still think elections are not rigged?)
The upcoming election is of great consequence. Those with much to hide know it all to well.
The FBI has ways of disappearing everything: Manifestos by trans shooters is the most benign; Hunter Biden's laptop; Pizzagate evidence; that's just off the top of my head. I wouldn't trust them ever at all. Glad to hear Ally confirm that Mike Obama is indeed a man. That's why Obama kept slipping up and calling him Mike. These people are deceptive on every single level. J. Lo is a monster. So is Beyonce. They are pretty high in the heirarchy. And yes the humiliation rituals get more extreme the more famous and older these people get. Look at Madonna! She is the quintessential industry slave. What a mess.
Don’t forget about the new discovery of Macron’s “wife” being his transsexual groomer who is decades older than he is and stole his sister’s identity. Lots is much stranger than fiction.
I was thinking domestic false flags/psyops only, but yeah that's a great one. And he pulled it off! Macron's "wife" I mean. I enjoyed watching Candace Owens expose that one, and no one could deny/refute it.
Transparency is the only cure for this. Very disturbing but thank you for adding yourself to the voices exposing this. The more people speaking out, the healthier society can become as a higher cultural norm is fostered. Culture of respect for individuals has degraded at so many levels. I see a huge turn for the better in this and elsewhere. Culture and politics are intimately intertwined. It requires a deep reshuffling periodically to resurrect fundamental personal responsibility and responsibility towards others. We need much more exposure of this behavior. But, it appears to be spilling out.
FINALLY we are getting to the core evil perpetrated by the cabal and their minions, establishment by the evil enforcing CIA who trained (likely still using MKULTRA) the heads as Clive, Diddly, Ophah, Epstein, etc. we are finally getting to see the connections of all of this, including the so-called child protective services. This worship of Baal, the transgender Baphomet, sitting in for Satan, lead to the rituals and will likely soon…lead to Obama, Clinton, the political elites in DC and the Vatican who Satan has used to dupe millions into believing they worship Christ.
It’s always been about the children. This will unite millions and likely lead to Q’s suicide weekend for many of the celebrity class. Pray for the victims.
And the content is crap, not digital bullshit. Independent journalism is thriving without the corporate dead hand. They are responsible fully Madam. The content is crap because the leaders are evil. Leaders are evil because filmmakers cashed in rather than stand up for the most vulnerable.
When the so-called “Pizzagate” child trafficking and ritual abuse scandal was boiling over in Washington DC, all the pieces and personalities (Clintons, Podestas) fit, except for the Pizza Parlor. I suspected the pizzagate narrative was concocted as a red herring, diversion from the true scene of the crimes. The story was meant to make anyone who talked about the issue of child trafficking by celebrities and politicians look like babbling lunatics (Kanye anyone?). This Diddy thing looks like ground zero for what they were hiding all along.
[Edited for typos and language] I can only report on what I personally investigated. The central characters on social media hustling the Pizzagate narrative were clearly making it up as they went, particularly the dramatic stalking of Alefantis to and from his business and his mother’s house. Towards the end, the same social media shills took us to DC sewer grates where they could “hear the cries of captive children from an underground dungeon.” 🙄 Seriously? Then there was the small caliber shot fired at the pizzeria cash register by an unknown "hater®" to burnish the "Crazy Right Wing Conspiracy" narrative. Meanwhile, the parallel, verifiable, very public story of dozens of children literally stolen out of Haiti by a Clinton Foundation employee Laura Silsby was poo pooed as a “misunderstanding” despite the Haitian indictment. Tell the Pizzagate story to Monica Peterson who was murdered while investigating the Haitian orphan affair in real time. When you examine it all laid out in front of you, it becomes clear Pizzagate was an IC run psy-op designed to let the air out of the Haiti scandal.
I agree with you about Haiti and the Clinton Foundation though. Have you read Prussiagate on Substack here? It is crazy and the research is amazing, it touches on that. Too much about Alefanits being a Rothschild and working to trafficking kids, we are alltoo busy with trying to stay afloat in our day to day to have time to connect all the dots. Please read Prussiagate, I think you will enjoy it.
Comet Ping Pong was a concocted narrative deliberately fashioned to take the public and the media off the trail of the Clinton Haiti child trafficking scandal. Alefantis was the IC goon running the con. There were several key shills fanning the social media flames. All one had to do was closely follow those Twitter and Facebook troublemakers to see through the charade
Please, it is certainly not false. Go read Liz Corkin who was mentioned earlier here, she is a writer on Substack and she is one of the earlier writers on Pizzagate. I don’t think you will doubt it if you read her Substack, she has incredible research, it is disturbing and fascinating. Also look at the website Vigilant Citizen. Or Bizchute filmmakers Mouthy Buddha or Mrtruthbomb, their documentaries are as well done as something on HBO . The problem is if you try to research it on Google, they have been paid off to remove most credible info about it so you come up with junk articles. Also read about the Franklin Pedophile Scandal, it is what opened my eyes. It’s hard to go back once you start.
Thank you - I read and researched many of those sources as well, and never once doubted that Pizzagate was real after everything I found. I do, however, try to challenge my own beliefs and keep an open mind as new information is presented to avoid any cognitive dissonance as much as one can anymore. I have not read Liz Corkin, but certainly will look her up. Very interested to read her work.
Nope. Go to Bizchute and watch the Pizzagate documentary by Mouthy Buddha or Mrtruthbomb. They are incredibly well researched. Or read Liz Corkin’s Substack here about it. Certainly real.
Jesus taught: Mark 4 "...22 For everything that is hidden will eventually be brought into the open, and every secret will be brought to light. 23 Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand.”
24 Then he added, “Pay close attention to what you hear. The closer you listen, the more understanding you will be givenc—and you will receive even more. 25 To those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given. But for those who are not listening, even what little understanding they have will be taken away from them.”
The photo of Oprah with the very young woman meeting Harvey Weinstein is haunting. So are my memories of coverage surrounding the McMartin Preschool— where the concept of ‘false memory syndrome’ was coined. In retrospect the children were reporting what I’ve now heard again and again from different sources: black robed people- Satanic ceremonies in dark basements and tunnels, rape and killing babies. I believe the false memory syndrome concept shut down mental health professionals from hearing their clients for decades. - Ginger Breggin
Additionally: The Ally Carter video is such a testimony to the victims, to the children, who have been the 'party favors' at these celebrity bashes. She calls out Riverside Child Protective Services, too as part of the trafficking network. Wow. No wonder foster kids are put on such high levels of psychiatric drugs. ~ Ginger
Yes, that was the heart of it to me. I wouldn’t have believed it had I not read or seen a couple dozen other such testimonies about CPS. And churches too.
I agree that the McMartin Preschool story being denigrated has had such a terrible impact to psychiatry. Over the years, I have taken care of several people who were SRA and sex trafficked as children. One had a parent who was in law enforcement who trafficked her for years. When I told each of them that I believed them, that recognition alone, they told me was helpful. A lot of people, including mental health professionals, want to look away. I don't and will never look away. Cathy O'brien's stories on the internet for many years and reading the Franklin Cover Up in the 90's before medical school set me right. A few months ago, CPS had an infant of a patient who needed hospitalization for post partum depression. The way that the court ran with such callousness, I had a bad feeling that the goal was to keep this baby away from the Mom permanently. Every hearing that was had from the hospital, many female staff showed up. I let the public defender know that there were many eyes on that case and we would not be looking away. Baby and mom were eventually reunited.
Yes, it was a PsyOp. The leaders who debunked the children's claims had themselves been accused by their own daughter. After that, if anyone tried to tell their family of childhood abuse, those in denial would scream “False Memory Syndrome”.
Since the evidentiary videos are in the FBI's hands, stand by for very selective prosecutions. Any videos that compromise The One, or high-powered politicos and left-leaning businessmen, will disappear. These bastards are good at one thing, and that is circling the wagons.
I'm suspicious of the timing of this. It seems to me that Diddy and apparatus was rolled up in advance of the election.
I was wondering if there were others who were suspicious. TPTB are waking people up, but don’t want them too awake, and thus they set off bombs like this one. “This should keep the normies distracted”, they say with an evil laugh. Because the real power seat of Lucifer is the United Nations, where he is clothed as an angel of light. Very few know of Alice Bailey and her Lucifer Publishing, the publisher for the United Nations, before it was changed to the less obvious Lucius Trust. The plan is Order out of Chaos, and always has been. Seems we are close to the end though, as chaos, lies, and manipulation are at 99.9 percent (see, I can get that 666 in there too, which they always do. Or 33 or 66, or sometimes all three. Go back and read Ms. Nickson’s article here and see if you can find it in an absurd reference. It’s always in an absurd reference, which they do to see if you’re paying attention).
The plan has always been to unite humanity with Lucifer leading. So people are being brought to the edge of madness (chaos), so they can make it stop (order), under the evil angel, posing as an angel of light. It’s concisely laid out in the Pike / Mazzini letter.
Also, because it is necessary, at least for a time, to swing hard right, the evil and immorality - that we all know about and can clearly see - needs to be confirmed.
I don't think it's the deep state releasing this info; why would they be releasing this info on their own people and themselves? That makes no sense. This is from white hats military who are the same ones who are arresting people like P. Diddy. We've been under martial law since Jan. 6, 2021 there is much evidence presented for that. They probably released it to out Kamala Harris, Obamas, etc. which I'm fine with - all that white hats are doing is releasing truth We the People should know about. We don't need to have these people get elected to run America.
Order out of chaos. Nobody is really going to get hurt by any of this diddy nonsense, which is mostly scripted. I can even see them making some of the Q nonsense real. You’d only need a teaspoonful, and the mob will believe every bit of the rest of the Orwellian theater pushed on them. Look what they can do with Trump. TDS - Trump derangement for liberals; TDS - Trump Delusion for conservatives.
I can confirm this; I worked in a program that had to deal with CPS and knew about trafficking back in late 1990s.
Yep, I also noticed the reference to the Devil: Sinaloa Cartel sues for $666,000. Not $665,000 or $667,000, but exactly $666K. 👿
Well if that isn't a TELL, I don't know what is
That link indicates that the end result is for the remains of humanity to follow Lucifer after WWIII. I think the larger popular (like us) will hold vehemently to Our Lord and Saviour Who will rise to keep humanity from becoming extinct and evil. We win with God.
Yes, true, but please watch this:
Things we were popularly taught, seem to have been way off. We may actually be near the final end, the great white throne judgement.
The larger ‘population’, not “popular”. Sorry.
Why should I believe any of this crap? Satan if evil but he does not need to create elaborate disguises for evil except to excite stupid fundies to which this sort of thing is catnip. If they love it, something is seriously wrong.
"for an idiot, no amount of proof is enough."
you have here actual videos of still-living victims. that's not enough? then what WOULD be enough to convince you? direct observation? participation??
no --- no one is under
any obligation to convince you. You're not on the jury. However you ARE on the side of the cruel. In your brief comment you insult the people who find this horrible, but talk respectfully about the father of lies.
enjoy your time here; eternity is a very long time. I consign you to Elohim.
Waaaaa. You sound like a baby throwing a temper tantrum.
You can repent
Yeah. If I thought Joe were sentient, I’d think he’s just burning the place down as retribution on his way out .. but somebody sure is…
I think he has a little left. Donning that MAGA hat was not accidental, like shitting his pants in front of the Pope. He and Harris hate each other, as do he and obama.
Makes me feel better.
Trump promised you a storm, did he not? And the guys fighting trafficking were and are on his side.
That list is referential not confirmed.
I hope he’s everything folks think he is, otherwise, while they’ve all been backing another shill instead of focusing on the big picture freaks that really run the global show, we the people fall further into a hellhole
I've watched Trump for 45 yrs because I knew that one day he would be president; he talked about it back in 1981 at least. He is the real deal and is legitimate.
But you have to admit, the Davos lot & those that control them are a huge spiders web & have corrupted politicians across the world through any means necessary, it’s possible they got to Trump too? As I said, I hope beyond hope he has not been & if he wins, stabilises US & shows the spineless other world leaders how to end the threat of globalisation, I’d be beyond happy. I just don’t underestimate the power of the spiders web.
Yes they are a huge spider web; no Trump isn't part of them, never has been but has been busy fighting them for at least 45 yrs since I've watched him. He is NOT part of deep state, take that to the bank.
Trump is on that list.
Along with Obama.
I saw that. I'm certain Trump has been added to lists ad nauseam. Look. If they had ANYTHING on him, you'd hear about it 24/7. They cannot afford allowing him into the WH again.
A list is just a list. Come on people. Don’t you get tired of all the BS lists?
The real evidence are the court transcripts. Take a breather, relax and read the trial court transcripts because from the way I see it, Trump hasn’t been implicated. And besides, the Epstein raid was on his watch. People that accuse him show hate…not intelligence.
Prince Andrew is the first one so far but we knew that.
It’s looking like around 950 pages spread out across 40 attachments.
Clinton is named in attachment 4.
Clinton and Steven Hawking.
David Copperfield named.
Trump was named and Ghislane said he didn’t receive a massage.
And apparently George Lucas didn’t either because they were named close together but were said to not have received anything.
Dershowitz is mentioned over 100 times, but he was counsel for Epstein so who knows.
He’s mentioned the most so I think he for sure did something to the girls.
Most of the names are the girls who were trafficked.
I don’t think anything implicates Trump on the island.
Michael Jackson was mentioned twice as being at Epstein parties.
Trump mentioned twice as well. One time as never getting a massage, and one time as a reference to “if they can’t land the plane they will call Trump and they can land at his property” or something of that nature.
Only time Trump is mentioned in the docs that dropped yesterday.
I won’t believe any list or names unless they can show me on what page the names are listed.
Some things that are in there include Prince Andrew and something with young girls and puppets????
Bill Clinton admitting to one of the plaintiffs that “he likes his girls young” which shouldn’t surprise anyone.
I mean along with Prince Andrew he’s the biggest name that actually seems to have allegations against him and he knows probably so many other people.
Clinton just was a close friend that admitted to one of the victims that he liked his girls young.
There is no way we’re ever going to get every name and information on what all those people actually did. But more document drops will happen in the future.
I’m just saying you can’t be at Epstein parties telling the young girls there who were trafficked that “you like them young” and not be sexually assaulting and raping them.
The T is a family man.
Hawking? How'd THAT work?
The evidence is in the videos.
All it says is "Trump" it doesn't say which Trump. We do know he has a few relatives who have been and are deep state. Trump is not the problem and has never been any part of deep state. He had Epstein arrested for bringing 14 y.o. date to his home, back in 2009. He had Epstein arrested. I've researched deep state 30 yrs, there are lots of things I don't think you know; you can't take things at face value in this war.
Evidence, and of wrongdoing, not just sitting down with the guy.
prove it.
Prove it!!! Trump??
Did you not see the name Trump on the list of attendees in this writing?
Trump was the only one cooperating w police to get him indicted in Palm Bch.
None of the tapes will get to court. Done before in case Trump won. They have to get rid of all evidence before Jan 20th. There will be no tapes to prosecute. They will all escape. A good plan. Watch Diddy get off lightly.
I concur: this seems like Pizza Gate II, very suspicious of the timing.
And ef all became of that too !! Nothing to anyone about Pg nor Epstein and now this.....
Trust the plan?
Sorry...not a, I mean they are rolling it up into investigation so evidence is destroyed b4 congress can get into it
Or more specifically a Trump DOJ
This might have something to do with it.
Those playing chess at the top just keeping everyone in line as we head into November.
With her LA office, where she spends an awful lot of time as VP, makes one wonder. Lots of fundraiser activity coming out of So Cal as well.
Mind you, Trump is on the list as well.
Oh the choices we have this year....................are stunning........................stunningly ridiculous.
You answered my question; Why Now? (Anybody surprised at this name, Harry S…? well, this is where it all began.)
Doesn’t mean it’s not true , just timed appropriately ( for them of course)
Of course.
Maybe, but this is a wicked empire beginning to collapse, the Russians lobbing shells into the heart of Berlin in late April, 1945. A lot of other victims, encouraged by what has become known, and by those who are speaking up, will themselves start to speak up. It happened with Weinstein. It happened with Maxwell. Nobody with a level of bullshit detector more developed than the average child's believes that Epstein wasn't murdered.
As for the FBI, there are still people of honor, people with a capacity for moral outrage, and I am not as pessimistic as you that the incendiary evidence will not become public. Forty years ago, pre Internet, maybe. Now? I think there is little chance of it. The MSM always does what it can to suppress information which is inimical to its interests and prejudices, as it is doing now with the new book about the Biden crime family. How do I know such a book even exists, given the media blackout of it? Because I saw that its author was being interviewed on this week's Hillsdale College podcast, and listened to it. You can, too.
This is truly apocalyptic. The often cryptic text of the Book of Revelation speaks clearly enough about the Kings of the Earth, about how vile they are. I'm also reminded of the horrifying verse earlier in the New Testament, that the whole world lies in wickedness ( 1 John 5:19 ).
Thank you for reporting this, Miss Nickson. This young woman, Ally Carter, needs everyone's prayers for safety and for healing. It's dismaying to see the single word, Trump, listed as a party guest. God knows.
It's ironic that Robert DeNiro would be listed, because in the movie which made him a star, Taxi Driver, the DeNiro character achieves some meaning for himself by wiping out a few of the runners and habitues of a small den of iniquity to try to save the life of the 12 year old prostitute played by Jodie Foster.
It's not MSM suppression I worry about. It is the willful concealment of evidence by our letter agencies that I fear.
They are letting any future congress creatures / “leaders” know that they got the goods and can bury anyone they want with it or let anyone they want to let go with it (hide evidence—never destroy it because then they might not do as told). They are hedging their bets. It should all be completely exposed and let the cards fall where they may regardless of how fucking depraved. Let light shine on the darkness and the world see just how sick these people really are.
Trump went to everything. To my mind, he kept himself clean, but don’t know
Well I know cause I read the court trial transcripts👇
Elizabeth- please seek treatment. If Trump was there, the Democrats would have received an anonymous tip to use in his fake impeachment. Are you no longer capable of connecting the dots? Please, read. Research. Use reason and logic.
He was never at the island. I wish people would read actual documentation like the court trial transcripts 👇
Prince Andrew is the first one so far but we knew that.
It’s looking like around 950 pages spread out across 40 attachments.
Clinton is named in attachment 4.
Clinton and Steven Hawking.
David Copperfield named.
Trump was named and Ghislane said he didn’t receive a massage.
And apparently George Lucas didn’t either because they were named close together but were said to not have received anything.
Dershowitz is mentioned over 100 times, but he was counsel for Epstein so who knows.
He’s mentioned the most so I think he for sure did something to the girls.
Most of the names are the girls who were trafficked.
I don’t think anything implicates Trump on the island.
Michael Jackson was mentioned twice as being at Epstein parties.
Trump mentioned twice as well. One time as never getting a massage, and one time as a reference to “if they can’t land the plane they will call Trump and they can land at his property” or something of that nature.
Only time Trump is mentioned in the docs that dropped yesterday.
I won’t believe any list or names unless they can show me on what page the names are listed.
Some things that are in there include Prince Andrew and something with young girls and puppets????
Bill Clinton admitting to one of the plaintiffs that “he likes his girls young” which shouldn’t surprise anyone.
I mean along with Prince Andrew he’s the biggest name that actually seems to have allegations against him and he knows probably so many other people.
Clinton just was a close friend that admitted to one of the victims that he liked his girls young.
There is no way we’re ever going to get every name and information on what all those people actually did. But more document drops will happen in the future.
I’m just saying you can’t be at Epstein parties telling the young girls there who were trafficked that “you like them young” and not be sexually assaulting and raping them.
(Trump was never implicated to rape anyone nor was he there)
We heard about Creep Copperfield years ago. Can't imagine what Kawking could have done but watch?
I didn’t realize he was a creep but I guess we are finding out the demons every day. It’s going to be interesting about Diddy Doo and now I heard it’s up to 150 plus victims. He’s toast!
Bush '41 made an apparently brief appearance at a Craig Spence party in DC. Odd that he was out and about at night dropping by such parties. Beyond odd was Spence's ability to conduct late night tours of, IKYN, the White House. On an unrelated note Spence was said to have young men at his parties who were brought from Boys' Town in Nebraska.
That is terrible. BOYS TOWN?
One protest: the triumph of the wicked empire of evil was "the Russians lobbing shells into the heart of Berlin in late April, 1945."
Think of what you will have to do to end this darkness.
Do you think the German people were lesser than you?
Than all of us who were forced, instead, to drink at Satan's fountain of lies.
Who believed that the things they told us were true.
Why you drank of those many lies, and exulted in your moral righteousness, is because you were unwittingly made complicit. Trauma conditioning forces one to accept either complicity in a crime too terrible to contemplate, or to submit, and find relief in the false inversion of "good", that one fights on the side of "good", when that "good" in reality is only a mask.
I’m confused: “the Russians lobbing shells into the heart of Berlin…”? Sorry. What’s the connection to these atrocities?
Exactly......My Mom was 15 then. Living in Berlin. She was there as a fifteen year old when the Russians took over her part of Berlin. Three Commandants commandeered their flat ( 15/13/10 year olds) not once did they fear for their lives or girlhood. The solders were kind, played soccer if they could find something round and wud pass out candy if they had any. Who they did hide from were the Americans. Remember, there are very few left who lived this and witnessed it and really have chosen to forget and move on. It is only since Covid that the war machine is amping up and the similarities my Mom sees are frightening to her. But she lives in Canada. Imagine that!!!!
I disagree with you regarding Epstein being murdered. He's worth much more to TPTB alive than dead, but secure.
I also suspicion that he is alive.
The 'corpse' on the guernsey clearly wasn't Epstein.
De Niro will pay
Psalm 2:
[1] Why are the nations in an uproar And the peoples devising a vain thing? [2] The kings of the earth take their stand And the rulers take counsel together Against the LORD and against His Anointed, saying, [3] "Let us tear their fetters apart And cast away their cords from us!" [4] He who sits in the heavens laughs, The Lord scoffs at them. [5] Then He will speak to them in His anger And terrify them in His fury, saying, [6] "But as for Me, I have installed My King Upon Zion, My holy mountain." [7] "I will surely tell of the decree of the LORD: He said to Me, 'You are My Son, Today I have begotten You. [8] 'Ask of Me, and I will surely give the nations as Your inheritance, And the very ends of the earth as Your possession. [9] 'You shall break them with a rod of iron, You shall shatter them like earthenware.'" [10] Now therefore, O kings, show discernment; Take warning, O judges of the earth. [11] Worship the LORD with reverence And rejoice with trembling. [12] Do homage to the Son, that He not become angry, and you perish in the way, For His wrath may soon be kindled. How blessed are all who take refuge in Him!
They do not escape His vengeance. They may never suffer for their sin on Earth, but no one escapes final judgment.
I like living. I'm not ready for heaven yet. Nor do I want to sacrifice myself.
also played a savage murdered quite well many times. They are actors.....professional liars paid to convince us of characters they portray and are not.
But God.
"The God Who Sees", named 'El Roi' in Hebrew, says in Isaiah 28:18 "Your agreements with Death (ritual offerings to the Death Cult demi-gods for protection, like the mafia) will not save you". Whooop!
God's Fierce & Furious Love will roll over and cover His children in this Passover season. While the same Blood of the Lamb slain before the foundations of the Earth burns away the false coverings and dross trying to keep the rest of His creation from restoration and reconcilliation with Him.
Isaiah 28:18
New King James Version
Your covenant with death will be annulled, And your agreement with Sheol will not stand; When the overflowing scourge passes through, Then you will be trampled down by it.
New American Standard Bible
“Your covenant with death will be canceled, And your pact with Sheol will not stand; When the gushing flood passes through, Then you will become its trampling ground.
New International Version
Your covenant with death will be annulled; your agreement with the realm of the dead will not stand. When the overwhelming scourge sweeps by, you will be beaten down by it.
New Living Translation
I will cancel the bargain you made to cheat death, and I will overturn your deal to dodge the grave. When the terrible enemy sweeps through, you will be trampled into the ground.
That’s the problem I struggle with right there, all these versions of the Bible!
Yep, common struggle/hunger with me and my peeps too. I use different translations for revelation on particular themes (beauty, power, justice, history, fathering, care, etc.). A prayer ministry that leverages the authority in being a co-heir in Christ and the fullness of sonship I'm tracking with is fond of the Francois du Toit's "Mirror Bible". That translation's not complete (yet), and may be best used for my practice as a spice and desert adjunct, once I've fully absorbed the classic texts. Happy Hunting :-)
I am getting the Geneva Bible. Have KJV.
They have to hold onto it somehow, it’s their levers against the coming congressional sweep of the FBI. State Security guys know how to protect themselves, just ask Vladimir Putin
Few are sane enough to understand that Putin’s self interest and … let’s pick a random name … Hillary’s self interest are not really that greatly separated.
Clintons still can claim a higher body count, since Ukraine hasn’t caught up with US carpet bombing numbers, yet. And most certainly in terms of individual hits on whistle blowers, Putin has a lot of catch up work to make the numbers.
Now do Israel
but no one ever does. Curious that.
Nor do they do Hamas or Hezbollah terrorists.
Except HRC already deceased.
Did you by chance meet his Russian paymaster? The one who was keeping all those Tienanmen Square refugees who never received refugee status?
Was that you getting him all fired up by blasting beats outside his office complex?
Did you get a cut in the HK organ trade profits?
I always ask ...have you had lunch with "???" that you know so much about their self interests.
Lunch with Hezbollah? No, but I was in a lunchroom with an early leader. Ted Kennedy knew him and said some incoherent words after I thanked him in Gaelic, actually. Another language I don’t speak. But I did hear a lot of it around me at one point when I was very young. Must have been embedded knowledge.
Or Hillary? I crashed a lunch both she and “Dr. Jill” - who was probably still working on that PhD then - attended. Was in Virginia and just pulled in a little lunch spot. Actually a pretty large restaurant where there was some special pot boiling downstairs in the “cave” area. Wasn’t invited downstairs but did have a downstairs guest come up and inquire about me.
He was too drunk, probably on Pelosi’s vodka. They were celebrating the missed appointment my colleague and I had with a principal engineer. Hard to make your appointment when the person you were to meet had been exploded in his office the night before your appointment.
But the downstairs room guests were enjoying the “peace” they found by his demise with some foreign visitors. The evidence he had collected might have put a few of them in golf prison for many, many eighteen holes.
And, yes, it was because the celebration was very much a satanic ritual that I was called to make my presence known at - lunch with Hillary.
What exactly is your point about the self interests of these clown world greats?
It was in response to your comment about “Pooteen” self interest. How would you have the slightest inkling of what that is, you have never even had lunch with him. I was being sarcastic about you and those to claim to know about others self interests. We know NOThing except what we are told to believe or manipulated to believe. Was I being a smart ass maybe but it’s really true. You have no idea what his self interests are except what u r told.
Never did have lunch with Putin. But was in the same small men’s room with he and Gorbachev when Putin was his little protege. There were some cracks in Russian that I wouldn’t have likely understood unless I had been immersed in Russian for quite some time. Not knowing any Russian my understanding of what they were laughing about is nada.
But that was long before the revolution and Yeltsin or Gorbachev writing Perestroika. So where Putin went from who he was as that little protege to the Soviet premier is a difficult calculus, no doubt.
Who do you think has been collecting the videos all along?
John Mark Dougan knows where copies are stashed.
And they are destroying tapes as we speak cause obama is a cia asset and his w8fe still has a dong.
F Ovomit
This is horrifying and tragic for all involved, but it’s been going on for years in Hollywood, way before Diddy was even born. So we have to ask ourselves why now? Why isn’t the same thing happening to people that attended Epstein’s Island?
Epstein was assassinated in jail and Maxwell was charged and convicted yet we don’t know anything about the victims of that while this gets out, searches are happening and people are being questioned. It’s great that this is getting out and hopefully those who committed these crimes will be charged. However why isn’t this happening in the Epstein world?
“It’s been going on for years in Hollywood, way before Diddy was even born.” Indeed, it has. My father was a VP for Capitol Records. People tended to think it was some sort of awesome and would say “you’re crazy” when I responded that it is evil. I would like to add my “I told you so” at this point. Nothing “awesome” about it.
their depths of depravity are awesome.
Don't give them any credit
Too many at the top are involved I'm guessing, but yeah, why now? Cathy O'Brien's book back in the 90s named many politicians including more than one president. And some names there keep cropping up now.
Why now? Maybe it took decades to break into the consciousness of the 100th monkey to the point that these accusations wouldn't be laughed off and ignored. I still can't quite believe it, but the testimonials sure seem to be genuine and convincing.
Ally Carter’s videos - especially the very recent live broadcast she did on Telegram as well as the Stew Peters interview done a couple of years ago - are too compelling to be fabricated. (S.P. is most often rude & abrasive. Yet he never handled any his guests with as much respect, patience, & sympathy as he did Ally). Have yet to see Ally’s interview w/ Maria Zee which she mentioned in her Telegram message.
It’s time to also go after our very own CIA (& FBI?) who are, and have been, trafficking children using MK Ultra & Satanic Ritual Abuse to create Manchurian Candidates for ultimate control & manipulation. No doubt these poor victims are being used in false flags.
If people haven’t watched the original film “The Manchurian Candidate” w/ Laurence Harvey Frank Sinatra, & Angela Lansbury you’ve missed an exceptionally riveting, well-acted production. The script & direction are stellar. The movie was set to be released but when Kennedy was assassinated it was scrapped. One of the most memorable scenes is the brainwashing of the captured American soldiers. Absolute genius in the creative way it was depicted! A MUST SEE.
It's not just Hollywood. Like Ally said, this is all around YOU. This is in our own back yard.
I've heard mixed things about Ally's veracity. I don't completely believe her.
I don't completely believe her either. But I met this 5 year old girl who told me what was happening to her and her friends in school. They traffic them right out of schools during the school day. They do it in preschools too. Look into Ted Gunderson's exposure of this. He's a reliable voice (dead now, of course. They poisoned him)
The best lies contain the most truth. She is speaking some truth, and it would behoove is to get out kids out of public schools.
Watch my government completely ignore these 2 speakers who exposed the operation. Nothing screams guilty quit like their reaction. Link goes directly to timestamp.
I honestly think most people simply do not want to know. Authors have written books such as Nick Bryant’s The Franklin Scandal: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse and Betrayal. There have been writers/reporters who have been murdered for speaking about it, too. From direct experience, there are many who would rather just enjoy the entertainment and don’t want to know. My father used to tell me some stories when he was drinking that no daughter ever wants to hear, though, so some wild shit has been going on for decades. My father’s group included Bob Seger, Natalie and Nat King Cole, Doobie Brothers, George Harrison. I am not saying those folks were doing wack things….that’s just the era he was involved in. He used to tell me about parties he attended and all I could say was, “it’s a wonder you are alive to tell me the tale.” until he was not anymore.
Hollywood Nights, eh?
"many who would rather just enjoy the entertainment and don’t want to know." -- reminds me of 'Bread and Circuses.' Worked for the Romans 2000 years ago, seems human nature hasn't changed much.
TPTB are just playing with us and laughing. The build-up to the election and all the theatrics involved are just Grand Satanic Theater. If you back-up until you see the whole picture like in on of those opaque paintings where nothing is clear until you let the real picture develop. Then and only then will you see how monstrous all this is. I put my full focus on my Creator, God himself and never vary from his truth. the public have veils over their eyes and compartmenalize the extreme corruption to the extent that they can accept it without having to disturb their lives. Go down the rabbit hole and know that where this extreme evil lives, God is the only savior that will pull us out. Continue to be deluded and deceived and the devil will keep dancing with you. An excellent website to know the truth is
I love that site too, well written with a sly sense of humor about its dark subject at times.
Yes! Vigilant Citizen woke me up. I knew things in the entertainment industry was evil, but not to the level of extent I now know. Wake up and call on Jesus as your Lord and Savior before its too late.
You are so right-nothing changed.
part of the not wanting to hear is that nothing ever happens or seldom happens to the vile entities who do these things. So you nod and move on and hope that maybe this isn't true. That this level of evil can't really be happening. because it's impossible to believe.
'Normal' people's minds just don't and can't go there
You got that 100% correct.
You are 100 per cent correct. This was my discovery too! At the end of the day, most people "don't really want to know." That is why makes the American society so sad for me in 2024.
As long as they have their sports, their drugs, their alcohol, their weed, the rest does not matter. Incredible! Thank you for your phenomenal comment!
It's not just the US.
Derrick Broze is running with the ritual abuse scandal in Utah.
Exactly. It had to happen some time. Secrets take time to emerge.
Brice Taylor's "Thanks for the Memories" FREE pdf is an easier read and a helpful corrollary to Cathy O'Brians testimony. Brice Taylor (pen name for her real name, Sue Ford) lays out the Entertainment-Sports-Politics chess game in a way that you cant help but see the repeating patterns and profiles.
You know I was bothered by that too but someone pointed out to me that Satanists routinely traumatize their victims by dressing as someone else in masks or as Jesus so they think those personas are the ones hurting them. It is possible someone used a mask of a president to rape Cathy O’Brien when she was being drugged and raped.
jeez these kinds of things never occur to me but of course that is totally possible.
Yes, others 'remembered' Queen Elizabeth being there and turning into a lizard etc. Sounds a lot like a combination of drugs and masks.
They used the Jews to hide behind for millenia hence antisemitism.
why do you believe that the body found in that jail was actually Epstein? You think people like him end up in prison? You do remember how saddam hussein's wife said after the fake execution that the person who was executed was not her husband. Stop believing the press. They still want us to believe that doofuses walked on the moon and that the wtc towers fell down via gravity even though the seismic data shows that to be more horse manure.
Very good point.
Stop believing lies that make you feel powerful instead of the weak failure you know yourself to be. Your only path to redemption is facing yourself in the face of the Truth.
What? How is that believing lies? Why are you so brusque with someone who is a stranger to you?
How is that believing lies, Heather? Not sure what you're asking. How macDuff believes lies is just as I put it - self-validation and security in himself rather than the Truth that reveals his weakness. But if you're asking how are those lies, well, that's like shooting fish in a barrel.
Epstein's death isn't in dispute at all. What is in dispute is HOW he died.
Men on the moon? If NASA faked the moon landing, why was it necessary to risk exposure doing it 5 TIMES? And how did they get and keep the complicity of all the hardworking and proud men to participate in such a grandiose lie? That is a monstrous and ridiculous ask. Plainly the simple truth is that they did what they report they did.
As for 9/11, anyone who doesn't think believe we were attacked by Islamic jihadists is delusional. There's no proof of an inside job, only unsupported allegations and disproven theories. All logic and sound reason argue against it. (That's not to exonerate our governmental agencies in the US for criminal activity, for which there is plenty of evidence in many arenas.)
MacDuff belittles men as "doofuses "who ventured their lives to advance humanity and implicates them as liars. MacDuff ridicules without proof and slanders without understanding. He not only deserves, but is served well by some brusqueness. He sows for much harder things.
Sorry, I find it absurd that our government stole a billion? from us, it just went “missing “ per Donald Rumsfeld and the Pentagon gets destroyed the day before it’s supposed to be discussed. And they “found” the passports within blocks of the tower. And the weird chanting of words by the students right before Bush told about the towers. And the owner of the towers taking out the biggest insurance policy ever, these are way too many coincidences to be coincidence to begin with. It’s nonsense.
the figure the pentagon couldn't account for was around 2 trillion. There are too many serious un answered questions about 9/11 to ever believe the official narrative.
Turn it down a notch dude... you're glowing to brightly....
Just because your bulb is dim....
leave Paul alone, he's found god. So he's good now.
Speaking of brusque ...
macDuff left off the /sarc sarcasm tag.
It's a Scots thing, they play a bit rough. In a good-hearted way.
golly Paul, you're such a philosopher!
We still haven't seen any of the Epstein evidence
I still think that's because when the FBI rounded up all the evidence they knew they had a treasure trove of material they could use for blackmail as well. Look at how corrupt our law and intelligence agencies have become.
I actually think it’s worse than that. I believe the FBI was the instigator of Epstein Island. I believe Epstein, et al, were recruited to lure in all the participants so they could be filmed and blackmailed for ultimate control. Epstein/Maxwell were pawns, just playing parts in the FBI plan to exercise control over government, Hollywood, and corporations through blackmailing the highest ranking officials. This is the actual “deep state” at work.
Catherine Austin Fitts speaks about control files on big players. I do believe she is accurate in that regard.
Control files ???
Yes, she has been referencing this in her presentations for years.
Many moons ago I had the bad luck of finding myself looking into the abyss as part of my professional responsibilities. I knew that the abyss was looking back at me. One constant, never failing tell of the abyss, no matter the costume, was the need, the desire, the lust for recognition. The wearers of the costumes needed a match maker. A talent scout, a liar of so immense proportions that these lustful people, even in their wildest lusts and pretense, could not see the boundaries between truth and falsehood. Jeffery Epstein was such a match maker and there are and were others. But the tell, the unfailing give away is the desire for recognition. The FBI is a tool, not much of a match maker.
Yes. Epstein/Maxwell were pawns of the FBI and the FBI is the pawn of the globalists.
This goes way up the chain.
Don't disagree
Cannot disagree
They "killed" him (who knows?) so people would shut up and stop asking for evidence. It worked!
I discovered all this stuff about 15 years ago. It's been written about forever. You can even go to YouTube and see all the sex trafficking victims' stories. There's a reason it's all out there and no one cares or does anything, it's because it's not in the mainstream news and most of the population has now been brainwashed into believing if the mainstream media doesn't report it, it's untrue at best and conspiracy theories at worst. You can see this at work in the indoctrinated mind of the "educated" who now demand to know your credentials if you ask them to define "woman." It's insane out there.
There is a pedagogical saying: "Repetitio est mater studiorum." Repetition (or review) is the mother of learning. We learn best when material is presented, re-presented, and, better yet, presented in a new format. I believe that this information re-re-re-represented over the years may now finally be absorbed.
Nicely done! Let us hope we are reaching a preference cascade, where it is socially commendable to see such subterranean underpinnings, rather than demanding we be unduly "fair" or give people who can harm us "the benefit of the doubt" or "the respect due the office."
I'd give a "like" but, alas, this comment was clean clear over my puny bear-brained head :^)
Hoping the same for geoengineering
And this is exactly what they want you to do with it - research the hell out of it, chatter about it endlessly, and what is the net gain for you? Nothing. Most people are aware that all these folks trade their soul for their fame. But it’s sleight of hand, because they are leading one and all to the same predetermined place of unity. Order Out of Chaos.
While people are focused on what celebrities are up to, they are not focused upon the potential for central bank digital currency, the invasion. That is concerning.
Oh, I think people are seeing those things, as they are supposed to, and realizing that there is nothing they can do about it. Part of the demoralization process. There is a movement of people going left to right now, as they are supposed to, but that’s part of the process. I think we are in for a short season of real pain, like nothing the world has ever seen before.
I think you are right. I hadn’t considered that it’s part of a demoralization process and people do see….I hear a lot about football season a lot still. Or golf. Pretty much the last things on my personal radar at this juncture. It’s all reminiscent of the Titanic scene when the band plays while folks scurry around on the deck prior to it sinking like a stone.
And what made the Titanic sinking so much more predictive is that it was the Oceanic which sunk - it was an Insurance fraud too - the Oceanic was doomed damaged so they swopped the two ships in the shipping yard, and the "Titanic accident" was staged to get rid of some people too. Beyond evil what those can do who sold their souls to the devil.
Great analogy - the sinking titanic
Both / and ... ??
You have a good point. I don’t have to research it because my father lived it but you are correct in that it will do not good to chatter on about it. I think what goes on in our own homes and neighborhoods is infinitely more important. I used to be naive and think I could change the system somehow. It turns out I can/could only change myself, with whom I interact, how I spend my money and time. Your point is well taken for sure.
why do you believe that Epstein was assassinate or was in jail? Because you read it in the same press that wrote "back and to the left" 61 years ago?
Zoom in. We still think it's just happening "over there", to "them", when ....
The guilty didn't allow exposure. This time there's way more witnesses willing to talk.
good question. Maybe the lizards/beasts in human suits are doing some infighting and epstein is the previous cover up.
Great questions!
" ... and the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell; and great was the fall of it.”
Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Unspeakable crimes against vulnerable children by the rich and mighty. Millstones.
38 likes and I clicked one as well...BUT this is why so many people will never ever believe in god or Jesus.
So, in your mind, if God doesn’t intervene in every evil, He is not deserving of glory? Sin, our fallen nature, is the reason for evil entering the world. We serve a righteous God. A living God. A vengeful God. These evil taskmasters will receive their just desserts. He has taught me, through many trials, deaths of my husband, both brothers, and my son, that suffering drives us to Him and our purpose - His Glory. God didn’t kill these men in my life, but he allowed their deaths. I didn’t understand at the time, but these tragedies allowed Him to draw me close and give me new life through my Lord, Jesus Christ. These children need prayer. God knows their suffering and their pain. As a mere mortal, I cannot question God’s will, but rather, through prayer ask him to comfort these victims and draw them to Himself where they will receive peace and life in Jesus Christ.
He commands us to he involved. I never intimated action was removed by prayer. These children have physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual damage. Prayer is one piece that will contribute to the complete healing of the wounds, and as a Christian, I know the power of prayer. It transforms lives. It heals the soul. It allows forgiveness. I pray you someday experience the peace only He can bring.
Such crap. The evil doers will get theirs ?? The children have gods love. Oh my ? This thinking is what allows you to sit back comfortably in your nice warm house while these atrocities are on going. To me and that’s me it’s simply an excuse that someone else will take care of it. I can relax. God has this. Such a cop out crap. Every time I here this same garbage from ‘the true believers ‘ I wanna puke.
Lullybird, I don't like your disrespect of those of us who have faith in God: "Such crap," "cop out crap," "this same garbage," etc. You seem to blame God for sinners' abominations. You've got it all upside down.
Lullybird: ???
Appreciate you think it’s disrespectful. I could turn that right around. Disrespect for those poor children. And we could battle it out on here but let’s not. My heart was breaking. My brain wracking as what I could do and those words seemed so callous and disrespectful to the suffering children waiting for god who never comes except when injured so badly they die. I said what I wanted to say. Sorry but maybe it hit home.
May God grant that the FBI actually comes through - that this gets too big and out of control. The top of that cesspool (the FBI) is clearly complicit, but there have to be a lot of foot soldiers who are part of it for the right reasons.
And, as always, Elizabeth, watch your 6 and everyone, don't feed the trolls. And may God have mercy on all our souls. This is sure to get worse before it gets better.
The FBI is an extension of the Democratic Party and international Zionism. It is not a law enforcement agency at all. It is a political spin doctoring agency that has a major role in the conduct and protection of much organized crime. The FBI is a partner of the ADL which performs many "law enforcement" functions..... with all due respect to the well intentioned "foot soldiers."
Likely the trail will also lead to the Mossad.
Mossad aka CIA, MI5 MI 6. Zionism has nothing to do w it. Khazarian Mafia does.
Go away, agent of Satan. Your anti-“Zionism” shows you are on the Nazi side.
Only a Sith speaks in absolutes. If someone doesn’t support Israel, that does not make them a Nazi. History is replete with many nuances- it just is. Victors write the history and it will always reflect best on them. I know that Israel was chosen by God to be his people. However, we must remember that history teaches their continual rebellion against Him. Also, being a Jew by birth, does not mean you follow the Mosaic Law or its traditions, anymore than being born to Catholic parents ensures you will remain a practicing Catholic.
Will the FBI come through? Who knows? Certainly not under Harris. & since Trump’s name is there, arguably not under Trump.
I’m not happy to see Trump’s name either, BUT
It’s possible to be invited to an event and imagine what it will be and then discover with disgust the reality… AND
Then run away from it with vomit slowly coming up.
Video tapes of satanic rituals are a different matter.
I have to think and want to think that they have NO tapes of Trump doing anything wrong.
Trump invited the Clintons to his wedding. Does that make him a Clinton toady ?
As many here are suggesting, the blackmail factor here is off the charts. How many congress and others in high positions (bill gates etc) are easily controlled if a tape shows them child molesting.
How do you think Obama got John Roberts to 'OK' Obamacare?
[They] obviously had something on him (Roberts). "We'll let you know when we need you to come through for us."
The whole mess is a giant crime family.
And Roberts 'adopted' kids???
Yep - dirty trick squad had the goods on him if I recall.
Epstein brought the two children from Ireland for the Roberts.(I didn’t say bought)
Firmly believe Obama was behind the murder of and coverup of a Supreme Court Justice.
Scalia, I suspect.
Yes, a hunting lodge..
And his chef, among others.
There's the possibility of entrapment. That's why Epstein made sure he was in the shot with so many celebs and pajundrums, so he could claim their involvement.
I can only pray Trump's name on the list is a poison pill, casting doubt on the legitimacy of the rest (obvious as they are), or that he was invited, as Nixon was to the Bohemian Grove, and, like Nixon, deeply regretted that he even stepped past the front gate, or listened to the powerful people extending the invitation (they certainly wouldn't tell him much, if anything.)
Had Trump engaged w them he'd have been long gone. Duh.
Everyone knows that DJT is germophovic. He washes his hands after every meet-and-greet.
He was also the only one to help authorities indict Epstein.
Had anyone considered that DJT has had a plan since the days of the Rona Barrett interview - and quietly infiltrated the Hollywood scene, most specifically through the casinos and his show The Apprentice? He was the darling of the lib lefty elites - beloved, and quite likely a confidante of many.
I strongly agree. Infiltration as you posit seems very likely: know the enemy that one might best defeat him. Regular dealings with different Mobs in venues all over the world means Trump is quite savvy about such things. (The former CEO of Exxon related in an interview how he had to do the same thing; you take the cards you find, and still make the play work.)
Trump also strongly supported various private anti-trafficking projects, and I believe promoted anti-trafficking legislation.
As further evidence, note that Justin Bieber is also listed...but he was not an organizer, nor did he keep the faith. That's why I think he and his girlfriend received "vaxxine" jabs that partially paralyzed them, as retaliation by TPTB. (I think something similar, an "accident", happened recently to Jamie Foxx as well, who was making noises. How many others on that list have been hit?)
Now the TBTB are taking shots at Trump, who went the HCQ/Ivermectin route, avoiding the clot shot.
A list is just a list. Anyone can write a list and write an article but the real evidence (if people care to look) are the trial court transcripts.
Prince Andrew is the first one so far but we knew that.
It’s looking like around 950 pages spread out across 40 attachments.
Clinton is named in attachment 4.
Clinton and Steven Hawking.
David Copperfield named.
Trump was named and Ghislane said he didn’t receive a massage.
And apparently George Lucas didn’t either because they were named close together but were said to not have received anything.
Dershowitz is mentioned over 100 times, but he was counsel for Epstein so who knows.
He’s mentioned the most so I think he for sure did something to the girls.
Most of the names are the girls who were trafficked.
I don’t think anything implicates Trump on the island.
Michael Jackson was mentioned twice as being at Epstein parties.
Trump mentioned twice as well. One time as never getting a massage, and one time as a reference to “if they can’t land the plane they will call Trump and they can land at his property” or something of that nature.
Only time Trump is mentioned in the docs that dropped yesterday.
I won’t believe any list or names unless they can show me on what page the names are listed.
Some things that are in there include Prince Andrew and something with young girls and puppets????
Bill Clinton admitting to one of the plaintiffs that “he likes his girls young” which shouldn’t surprise anyone.
I mean along with Prince Andrew he’s the biggest name that actually seems to have allegations against him and he knows probably so many other people.
Clinton just was a close friend that admitted to one of the victims that he liked his girls young.
There is no way we’re ever going to get every name and information on what all those people actually did. But more document drops will happen in the future.
I’m just saying you can’t be at Epstein parties telling the young girls there who were trafficked that “you like them young” and not be sexually assaulting and raping them.
(Trump was never implicated as raping anyone nor on the island.)
And may God have mercy on our souls. That He should have mercy on us is a bridge too far.
Today is Michaelmas, the Feast Day of St. Michael the Archangel, Guardian of the Church and God's Chosen People and Warrior against evil.
St. Michael, the Archangel,
defend us in this fierce day of battle.
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou,
O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan,
and all the evil spirits,
who prowl through the world
seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Trump posted that prayer on Twitter this morning.
Entry of "Crazy Days and Nights" has been offering cryptic crumbs on this activity for years. Anons have sussed out the details, only to be dismissed (by the perpetrators) as internet cranks.
The whole house of cards is about to come down and they know it. Think of the unhinged rantings of Hollywood luminaries such as Rob Reiner and the Two Minutes of Hate each weeknight in the form of late night "entertainment." They're a bit edgy these days.
This 'issue' is much more widespread than Hollywood, too. Remember the Madison Cawthorn disclosure about Washington, DC? He had to "go," through the "ballot box." (Still think elections are not rigged?)
The upcoming election is of great consequence. Those with much to hide know it all to well.
Truly good vs. evil.
"The board is set, the pieces are moving. We come to it at last...
The great battle of our time."
-- J. R. R. Tolkien, Gandalf, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Great post Elizabeth. Thanks.
The FBI has ways of disappearing everything: Manifestos by trans shooters is the most benign; Hunter Biden's laptop; Pizzagate evidence; that's just off the top of my head. I wouldn't trust them ever at all. Glad to hear Ally confirm that Mike Obama is indeed a man. That's why Obama kept slipping up and calling him Mike. These people are deceptive on every single level. J. Lo is a monster. So is Beyonce. They are pretty high in the heirarchy. And yes the humiliation rituals get more extreme the more famous and older these people get. Look at Madonna! She is the quintessential industry slave. What a mess.
Don’t forget about the new discovery of Macron’s “wife” being his transsexual groomer who is decades older than he is and stole his sister’s identity. Lots is much stranger than fiction.
I was thinking domestic false flags/psyops only, but yeah that's a great one. And he pulled it off! Macron's "wife" I mean. I enjoyed watching Candace Owens expose that one, and no one could deny/refute it.
Wasn't it obvious to all that Michelle was Mike when his junk started flapping about??? 🤮
🤮 Good grief. It’s Aerosmith’s Dude Looks Like A Lady come to life.
God is working. The tower of Babylon is starting to crumble.
Transparency is the only cure for this. Very disturbing but thank you for adding yourself to the voices exposing this. The more people speaking out, the healthier society can become as a higher cultural norm is fostered. Culture of respect for individuals has degraded at so many levels. I see a huge turn for the better in this and elsewhere. Culture and politics are intimately intertwined. It requires a deep reshuffling periodically to resurrect fundamental personal responsibility and responsibility towards others. We need much more exposure of this behavior. But, it appears to be spilling out.
FINALLY we are getting to the core evil perpetrated by the cabal and their minions, establishment by the evil enforcing CIA who trained (likely still using MKULTRA) the heads as Clive, Diddly, Ophah, Epstein, etc. we are finally getting to see the connections of all of this, including the so-called child protective services. This worship of Baal, the transgender Baphomet, sitting in for Satan, lead to the rituals and will likely soon…lead to Obama, Clinton, the political elites in DC and the Vatican who Satan has used to dupe millions into believing they worship Christ.
It’s always been about the children. This will unite millions and likely lead to Q’s suicide weekend for many of the celebrity class. Pray for the victims.
"Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour."
-- 1 Peter 5:8 (NASB)
Holy crap, isn't reality awful enough?
And the content is crap, not digital bullshit. Independent journalism is thriving without the corporate dead hand. They are responsible fully Madam. The content is crap because the leaders are evil. Leaders are evil because filmmakers cashed in rather than stand up for the most vulnerable.
When the so-called “Pizzagate” child trafficking and ritual abuse scandal was boiling over in Washington DC, all the pieces and personalities (Clintons, Podestas) fit, except for the Pizza Parlor. I suspected the pizzagate narrative was concocted as a red herring, diversion from the true scene of the crimes. The story was meant to make anyone who talked about the issue of child trafficking by celebrities and politicians look like babbling lunatics (Kanye anyone?). This Diddy thing looks like ground zero for what they were hiding all along.
[Edited for typos and language] I can only report on what I personally investigated. The central characters on social media hustling the Pizzagate narrative were clearly making it up as they went, particularly the dramatic stalking of Alefantis to and from his business and his mother’s house. Towards the end, the same social media shills took us to DC sewer grates where they could “hear the cries of captive children from an underground dungeon.” 🙄 Seriously? Then there was the small caliber shot fired at the pizzeria cash register by an unknown "hater®" to burnish the "Crazy Right Wing Conspiracy" narrative. Meanwhile, the parallel, verifiable, very public story of dozens of children literally stolen out of Haiti by a Clinton Foundation employee Laura Silsby was poo pooed as a “misunderstanding” despite the Haitian indictment. Tell the Pizzagate story to Monica Peterson who was murdered while investigating the Haitian orphan affair in real time. When you examine it all laid out in front of you, it becomes clear Pizzagate was an IC run psy-op designed to let the air out of the Haiti scandal.
I believe it's Laura Silsby.
You’re correct.
I agree with you about Haiti and the Clinton Foundation though. Have you read Prussiagate on Substack here? It is crazy and the research is amazing, it touches on that. Too much about Alefanits being a Rothschild and working to trafficking kids, we are alltoo busy with trying to stay afloat in our day to day to have time to connect all the dots. Please read Prussiagate, I think you will enjoy it.
There should be something like a Godwin’s Law, except for the Rothschilds instead of Hitler, wherever an online right wing conspiracy rears its head.
Yup. Good eye. That was the smokescreen, this is the fire.
Comet Ping Pong and James Alefantis definitely fit into the narrative. What am I missing?!
Comet Ping Pong was a concocted narrative deliberately fashioned to take the public and the media off the trail of the Clinton Haiti child trafficking scandal. Alefantis was the IC goon running the con. There were several key shills fanning the social media flames. All one had to do was closely follow those Twitter and Facebook troublemakers to see through the charade
Thanks for responding. I have read about both. Just so I’m clear, you’re saying all of Pizzagate is false?
Please, it is certainly not false. Go read Liz Corkin who was mentioned earlier here, she is a writer on Substack and she is one of the earlier writers on Pizzagate. I don’t think you will doubt it if you read her Substack, she has incredible research, it is disturbing and fascinating. Also look at the website Vigilant Citizen. Or Bizchute filmmakers Mouthy Buddha or Mrtruthbomb, their documentaries are as well done as something on HBO . The problem is if you try to research it on Google, they have been paid off to remove most credible info about it so you come up with junk articles. Also read about the Franklin Pedophile Scandal, it is what opened my eyes. It’s hard to go back once you start.
Thank you - I read and researched many of those sources as well, and never once doubted that Pizzagate was real after everything I found. I do, however, try to challenge my own beliefs and keep an open mind as new information is presented to avoid any cognitive dissonance as much as one can anymore. I have not read Liz Corkin, but certainly will look her up. Very interested to read her work.
It's Crokin
I could only read about Franklin in little bites. It made me ill.
Nope. Go to Bizchute and watch the Pizzagate documentary by Mouthy Buddha or Mrtruthbomb. They are incredibly well researched. Or read Liz Corkin’s Substack here about it. Certainly real.
I’m not here to pop anybody’s bubbles.
Jesus taught: Mark 4 "...22 For everything that is hidden will eventually be brought into the open, and every secret will be brought to light. 23 Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand.”
24 Then he added, “Pay close attention to what you hear. The closer you listen, the more understanding you will be givenc—and you will receive even more. 25 To those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given. But for those who are not listening, even what little understanding they have will be taken away from them.”
I reckon there are too many politicians involved in the Epstein case that’s why there’s total silence
And Maxwell is probably sitting it out on a desert island !
Not even politicians, but really powerful people, like bankers and CEOs.
The photo of Oprah with the very young woman meeting Harvey Weinstein is haunting. So are my memories of coverage surrounding the McMartin Preschool— where the concept of ‘false memory syndrome’ was coined. In retrospect the children were reporting what I’ve now heard again and again from different sources: black robed people- Satanic ceremonies in dark basements and tunnels, rape and killing babies. I believe the false memory syndrome concept shut down mental health professionals from hearing their clients for decades. - Ginger Breggin
Additionally: The Ally Carter video is such a testimony to the victims, to the children, who have been the 'party favors' at these celebrity bashes. She calls out Riverside Child Protective Services, too as part of the trafficking network. Wow. No wonder foster kids are put on such high levels of psychiatric drugs. ~ Ginger
Yes, that was the heart of it to me. I wouldn’t have believed it had I not read or seen a couple dozen other such testimonies about CPS. And churches too.
I agree that the McMartin Preschool story being denigrated has had such a terrible impact to psychiatry. Over the years, I have taken care of several people who were SRA and sex trafficked as children. One had a parent who was in law enforcement who trafficked her for years. When I told each of them that I believed them, that recognition alone, they told me was helpful. A lot of people, including mental health professionals, want to look away. I don't and will never look away. Cathy O'brien's stories on the internet for many years and reading the Franklin Cover Up in the 90's before medical school set me right. A few months ago, CPS had an infant of a patient who needed hospitalization for post partum depression. The way that the court ran with such callousness, I had a bad feeling that the goal was to keep this baby away from the Mom permanently. Every hearing that was had from the hospital, many female staff showed up. I let the public defender know that there were many eyes on that case and we would not be looking away. Baby and mom were eventually reunited.
👍Bravo Joy! Good on you and thank you for your compassion and a truth seeker.
Yes, it was a PsyOp. The leaders who debunked the children's claims had themselves been accused by their own daughter. After that, if anyone tried to tell their family of childhood abuse, those in denial would scream “False Memory Syndrome”.