Since the evidentiary videos are in the FBI's hands, stand by for very selective prosecutions. Any videos that compromise The One, or high-powered politicos and left-leaning businessmen, will disappear. These bastards are good at one thing, and that is circling the wagons.

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I'm suspicious of the timing of this. It seems to me that Diddy and apparatus was rolled up in advance of the election.

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I was wondering if there were others who were suspicious. TPTB are waking people up, but don’t want them too awake, and thus they set off bombs like this one. “This should keep the normies distracted”, they say with an evil laugh. Because the real power seat of Lucifer is the United Nations, where he is clothed as an angel of light. Very few know of Alice Bailey and her Lucifer Publishing, the publisher for the United Nations, before it was changed to the less obvious Lucius Trust. The plan is Order out of Chaos, and always has been. Seems we are close to the end though, as chaos, lies, and manipulation are at 99.9 percent (see, I can get that 666 in there too, which they always do. Or 33 or 66, or sometimes all three. Go back and read Ms. Nickson’s article here and see if you can find it in an absurd reference. It’s always in an absurd reference, which they do to see if you’re paying attention).

The plan has always been to unite humanity with Lucifer leading. So people are being brought to the edge of madness (chaos), so they can make it stop (order), under the evil angel, posing as an angel of light. It’s concisely laid out in the Pike / Mazzini letter.


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Yeah. If I thought Joe were sentient, I’d think he’s just burning the place down as retribution on his way out .. but somebody sure is…

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Trust the plan?

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Sorry...not a Qtard...no, I mean they are rolling it up into investigation so evidence is destroyed b4 congress can get into it

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Or more specifically a Trump DOJ

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

Maybe, but this is a wicked empire beginning to collapse, the Russians lobbing shells into the heart of Berlin in late April, 1945. A lot of other victims, encouraged by what has become known, and by those who are speaking up, will themselves start to speak up. It happened with Weinstein. It happened with Maxwell. Nobody with a level of bullshit detector more developed than the average child's believes that Epstein wasn't murdered.

As for the FBI, there are still people of honor, people with a capacity for moral outrage, and I am not as pessimistic as you that the incendiary evidence will not become public. Forty years ago, pre Internet, maybe. Now? I think there is little chance of it. The MSM always does what it can to suppress information which is inimical to its interests and prejudices, as it is doing now with the new book about the Biden crime family. How do I know such a book even exists, given the media blackout of it? Because I saw that its author was being interviewed on this week's Hillsdale College podcast, and listened to it. You can, too.

This is truly apocalyptic. The often cryptic text of the Book of Revelation speaks clearly enough about the Kings of the Earth, about how vile they are. I'm also reminded of the horrifying verse earlier in the New Testament, that the whole world lies in wickedness ( 1 John 5:19 ).

Thank you for reporting this, Miss Nickson. This young woman, Ally Carter, needs everyone's prayers for safety and for healing. It's dismaying to see the single word, Trump, listed as a party guest. God knows.

It's ironic that Robert DeNiro would be listed, because in the movie which made him a star, Taxi Driver, the DeNiro character achieves some meaning for himself by wiping out a few of the runners and habitues of a small den of iniquity to try to save the life of the 12 year old prostitute played by Jodie Foster.

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It's not MSM suppression I worry about. It is the willful concealment of evidence by our letter agencies that I fear.

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They are letting any future congress creatures / “leaders” know that they got the goods and can bury anyone they want with it or let anyone they want to let go with it (hide evidence—never destroy it because then they might not do as told). They are hedging their bets. It should all be completely exposed and let the cards fall where they may regardless of how fucking depraved. Let light shine on the darkness and the world see just how sick these people really are.

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I disagree with you regarding Epstein being murdered. He's worth much more to TPTB alive than dead, but secure.

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I also suspicion that he is alive.

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They have to hold onto it somehow, it’s their levers against the coming congressional sweep of the FBI. State Security guys know how to protect themselves, just ask Vladimir Putin

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Few are sane enough to understand that Putin’s self interest and … let’s pick a random name … Hillary’s self interest are not really that greatly separated.

Clintons still can claim a higher body count, since Ukraine hasn’t caught up with US carpet bombing numbers, yet. And most certainly in terms of individual hits on whistle blowers, Putin has a lot of catch up work to make the numbers.

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This is horrifying and tragic for all involved, but it’s been going on for years in Hollywood, way before Diddy was even born. So we have to ask ourselves why now? Why isn’t the same thing happening to people that attended Epstein’s Island?

Epstein was assassinated in jail and Maxwell was charged and convicted yet we don’t know anything about the victims of that while this gets out, searches are happening and people are being questioned. It’s great that this is getting out and hopefully those who committed these crimes will be charged. However why isn’t this happening in the Epstein world?

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“It’s been going on for years in Hollywood, way before Diddy was even born.” Indeed, it has. My father was a VP for Capitol Records. People tended to think it was some sort of awesome and would say “you’re crazy” when I responded that it is evil. I would like to add my “I told you so” at this point. Nothing “awesome” about it.

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Too many at the top are involved I'm guessing, but yeah, why now? Cathy O'Brien's book back in the 90s named many politicians including more than one president. And some names there keep cropping up now.

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Why now? Maybe it took decades to break into the consciousness of the 100th monkey to the point that these accusations wouldn't be laughed off and ignored. I still can't quite believe it, but the testimonials sure seem to be genuine and convincing.

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Ally Carter’s videos - especially the very recent live broadcast she did on Telegram as well as the Stew Peters interview done a couple of years ago - are too compelling to be fabricated. (S.P. is most often rude & abrasive. Yet he never handled any his guests with as much respect, patience, & sympathy as he did Ally). Have yet to see Ally’s interview w/ Maria Zee which she mentioned in her Telegram message.

It’s time to also go after our very own CIA (& FBI?) who are, and have been, trafficking children using MK Ultra & Satanic Ritual Abuse to create Manchurian Candidates for ultimate control & manipulation. No doubt these poor victims are being used in false flags.

If people haven’t watched the original film “The Manchurian Candidate” w/ Laurence Harvey Frank Sinatra, & Angela Lansbury you’ve missed an exceptionally riveting, well-acted production. The script & direction are stellar. The movie was set to be released but when Kennedy was assassinated it was scrapped. One of the most memorable scenes is the brainwashing of the captured American soldiers. Absolute genius in the creative way it was depicted! A MUST SEE.

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I honestly think most people simply do not want to know. Authors have written books such as Nick Bryant’s The Franklin Scandal: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse and Betrayal. There have been writers/reporters who have been murdered for speaking about it, too. From direct experience, there are many who would rather just enjoy the entertainment and don’t want to know. My father used to tell me some stories when he was drinking that no daughter ever wants to hear, though, so some wild shit has been going on for decades. My father’s group included Bob Seger, Natalie and Nat King Cole, Doobie Brothers, George Harrison. I am not saying those folks were doing wack things….that’s just the era he was involved in. He used to tell me about parties he attended and all I could say was, “it’s a wonder you are alive to tell me the tale.” until he was not anymore.

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Hollywood Nights, eh?

"many who would rather just enjoy the entertainment and don’t want to know." -- reminds me of 'Bread and Circuses.' Worked for the Romans 2000 years ago, seems human nature hasn't changed much.

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You know I was bothered by that too but someone pointed out to me that Satanists routinely traumatize their victims by dressing as someone else in masks or as Jesus so they think those personas are the ones hurting them. It is possible someone used a mask of a president to rape Cathy O’Brien when she was being drugged and raped.

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We still haven't seen any of the Epstein evidence

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I still think that's because when the FBI rounded up all the evidence they knew they had a treasure trove of material they could use for blackmail as well. Look at how corrupt our law and intelligence agencies have become.

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I actually think it’s worse than that. I believe the FBI was the instigator of Epstein Island. I believe Epstein, et al, were recruited to lure in all the participants so they could be filmed and blackmailed for ultimate control. Epstein/Maxwell were pawns, just playing parts in the FBI plan to exercise control over government, Hollywood, and corporations through blackmailing the highest ranking officials. This is the actual “deep state” at work.

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Catherine Austin Fitts speaks about control files on big players. I do believe she is accurate in that regard.

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Many moons ago I had the bad luck of finding myself looking into the abyss as part of my professional responsibilities. I knew that the abyss was looking back at me. One constant, never failing tell of the abyss, no matter the costume, was the need, the desire, the lust for recognition. The wearers of the costumes needed a match maker. A talent scout, a liar of so immense proportions that these lustful people, even in their wildest lusts and pretense, could not see the boundaries between truth and falsehood. Jeffery Epstein was such a match maker and there are and were others. But the tell, the unfailing give away is the desire for recognition. The FBI is a tool, not much of a match maker.

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Cannot disagree

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They "killed" him (who knows?) so people would shut up and stop asking for evidence. It worked!

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why do you believe that the body found in that jail was actually Epstein? You think people like him end up in prison? You do remember how saddam hussein's wife said after the fake execution that the person who was executed was not her husband. Stop believing the press. They still want us to believe that doofuses walked on the moon and that the wtc towers fell down via gravity even though the seismic data shows that to be more horse manure.

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Stop believing lies that make you feel powerful instead of the weak failure you know yourself to be. Your only path to redemption is facing yourself in the face of the Truth.

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golly Paul, you're such a philosopher!

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What? How is that believing lies? Why are you so brusque with someone who is a stranger to you?

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And this is exactly what they want you to do with it - research the hell out of it, chatter about it endlessly, and what is the net gain for you? Nothing. Most people are aware that all these folks trade their soul for their fame. But it’s sleight of hand, because they are leading one and all to the same predetermined place of unity. Order Out of Chaos.

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You have a good point. I don’t have to research it because my father lived it but you are correct in that it will do not good to chatter on about it. I think what goes on in our own homes and neighborhoods is infinitely more important. I used to be naive and think I could change the system somehow. It turns out I can/could only change myself, with whom I interact, how I spend my money and time. Your point is well taken for sure.

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While people are focused on what celebrities are up to, they are not focused upon the potential for central bank digital currency, the invasion. That is concerning.

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Oh, I think people are seeing those things, as they are supposed to, and realizing that there is nothing they can do about it. Part of the demoralization process. There is a movement of people going left to right now, as they are supposed to, but that’s part of the process. I think we are in for a short season of real pain, like nothing the world has ever seen before.

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I discovered all this stuff about 15 years ago. It's been written about forever. You can even go to YouTube and see all the sex trafficking victims' stories. There's a reason it's all out there and no one cares or does anything, it's because it's not in the mainstream news and most of the population has now been brainwashed into believing if the mainstream media doesn't report it, it's untrue at best and conspiracy theories at worst. You can see this at work in the indoctrinated mind of the "educated" who now demand to know your credentials if you ask them to define "woman." It's insane out there.

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" ... and the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell; and great was the fall of it.”

Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Unspeakable crimes against vulnerable children by the rich and mighty. Millstones.

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May God grant that the FBI actually comes through - that this gets too big and out of control. The top of that cesspool (the FBI) is clearly complicit, but there have to be a lot of foot soldiers who are part of it for the right reasons.

And, as always, Elizabeth, watch your 6 and everyone, don't feed the trolls. And may God have mercy on all our souls. This is sure to get worse before it gets better.

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The FBI is an extension of the Democratic Party and international Zionism. It is not a law enforcement agency at all. It is a political spin doctoring agency that has a major role on the conduct and protection of much organized crime. The FBI is a partner of the ADL which performs many "law enforcement" functions..... with all due respect to the well intentioned "foot soldiers."

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Will the FBI come through? Who knows? Certainly not under Harris. & since Trump’s name is there, arguably not under Trump.

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I’m not happy to see Trump’s name either, BUT


It’s possible to be invited to an event and imagine what it will be and then discover with disgust the reality… AND

Then run away from it with vomit slowly coming up.

Video tapes of satanic rituals are a different matter.

I have to think and want to think that they have NO tapes of Trump doing anything wrong.

Trump invited the Clintons to his wedding. Does that make him a Clinton toady ?


As many here are suggesting, the blackmail factor here is off the charts. How many congress and others in high positions (bill gates etc) are easily controlled if a tape shows them child molesting.

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How do you think Obama got John Roberts to 'OK' Obamacare?

[They] obviously had something on him (Roberts). "We'll let you know when we need you to come through for us."

The whole mess is a giant crime family.

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Firmly believe Obama was behind the murder of and coverup of a Supreme Court Justice.

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Entry of "Crazy Days and Nights" has been offering cryptic crumbs on this activity for years. Anons have sussed out the details, only to be dismissed (by the perpetrators) as internet cranks.

The whole house of cards is about to come down and they know it. Think of the unhinged rantings of Hollywood luminaries such as Rob Reiner and the Two Minutes of Hate each weeknight in the form of late night "entertainment." They're a bit edgy these days.

This 'issue' is much more widespread than Hollywood, too. Remember the Madison Cawthorn disclosure about Washington, DC? He had to "go," through the "ballot box." (Still think elections are not rigged?)

The upcoming election is of great consequence. Those with much to hide know it all to well.

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Truly good vs. evil.

"The board is set, the pieces are moving. We come to it at last...

The great battle of our time."

-- J. R. R. Tolkien, Gandalf, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

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God is working. The tower of Babylon is starting to crumble.

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Great post Elizabeth. Thanks.

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Today is Michaelmas, the Feast Day of St. Michael the Archangel, Guardian of the Church and God's Chosen People and Warrior against evil.

St. Michael, the Archangel,

defend us in this fierce day of battle.

Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.

May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,

and do thou,

O Prince of the heavenly hosts,

by the power of God,

thrust into hell Satan,

and all the evil spirits,

who prowl through the world

seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

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Trump posted that prayer on Twitter this morning.

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Transparency is the only cure for this. Very disturbing but thank you for adding yourself to the voices exposing this. The more people speaking out, the healthier society can become as a higher cultural norm is fostered. Culture of respect for individuals has degraded at so many levels. I see a huge turn for the better in this and elsewhere. Culture and politics are intimately intertwined. It requires a deep reshuffling periodically to resurrect fundamental personal responsibility and responsibility towards others. We need much more exposure of this behavior. But, it appears to be spilling out.

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Jesus taught: Mark 4 "...22 For everything that is hidden will eventually be brought into the open, and every secret will be brought to light. 23 Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand.”

24 Then he added, “Pay close attention to what you hear. The closer you listen, the more understanding you will be givenc—and you will receive even more. 25 To those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given. But for those who are not listening, even what little understanding they have will be taken away from them.”

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The FBI has ways of disappearing everything: Manifestos by trans shooters is the most benign; Hunter Biden's laptop; Pizzagate evidence; that's just off the top of my head. I wouldn't trust them ever at all. Glad to hear Ally confirm that Mike Obama is indeed a man. That's why Obama kept slipping up and calling him Mike. These people are deceptive on every single level. J. Lo is a monster. So is Beyonce. They are pretty high in the heirarchy. And yes the humiliation rituals get more extreme the more famous and older these people get. Look at Madonna! She is the quintessential industry slave. What a mess.

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FINALLY we are getting to the core evil perpetrated by the cabal and their minions, establishment by the evil enforcing CIA who trained (likely still using MKULTRA) the heads as Clive, Diddly, Ophah, Epstein, etc. we are finally getting to see the connections of all of this, including the so-called child protective services. This worship of Baal, the transgender Baphomet, sitting in for Satan, lead to the rituals and will likely soon…lead to Obama, Clinton, the political elites in DC and the Vatican who Satan has used to dupe millions into believing they worship Christ.

It’s always been about the children. This will unite millions and likely lead to Q’s suicide weekend for many of the celebrity class. Pray for the victims.


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Holy crap, isn't reality awful enough?

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"Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour."

-- 1 Peter 5:8 (NASB)

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Is this a widening crack in the dam? Or will it end up like Epstein's list? I rather hope that it's different. As others have noted, the CIA and FBI are the ones who are really obstructing justice. No wonder the Leftist are so terrified of a Trump presidency.

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Epstein's list redux, and probably just a big flare-up before elections. I highly doubt anything will be done. These people have been getting more and more transparent and obvious about their satanic rituals but the public still loves 'em mostly, so ....

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The FBI has no standing as far as I'm concerned. They should lock themselves up for not quitting the fbi when they saw that the u.s. gov't is giving money to israel to commit crimes against humanity. They should all be locked up forever and somebody else should deal with the freaks of hollywood. Somebody with clean hands.

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"...Israel to commit crimes against humanity."

Your soul is as sick as those of the partygoers, just differently so.

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And you are utterly delusional living with no grasp of the history of the Middle East

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Why should we be financing Israel, or any other country?

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One step at a time. It is happening though. The Sovereign Awakening will change everything.

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I reckon there are too many politicians involved in the Epstein case that’s why there’s total silence

And Maxwell is probably sitting it out on a desert island !

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Not even politicians, but really powerful people, like bankers and CEOs.

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On it goes, since the days of Caligula and before. The intoxicating vortex of dark evil and evidently, the more evil the better for many of the ultra wealthy of our world. All those in recent decades that have had the courage to come forth like Cathy O'Brien who detailed her victimization, Ted Gundersen, former Los Angles FBI head, whose investigations where never acted upon and the boys who came forth in the "Franklin Affair" documentary, made and never aired....all marginalized as "crazy". Makes you wonder what was in J.Edgar Hoover's files??!! More recently, Liz Corkin. This is the absolute "third rail" for anyone of any significant political power to touch because of the ability of those far more powerful to stonewall, obfuscate and coverup their deeply evil appetites. That they would voraciously indulge, full well knowing they were being filmed, would seem to be the height of insatiable blood lust. Never asking what, where or how this damming evidence was being stored? And sadly, this is activities in our country. I heard an interview with a police official who was trying to unravel the child trafficking, ritual abuse of children in the "foster care system" on the Isle of Wright, finding everyone from the judiciary, to the police, to the clergy, to the social services officials were involved. Case is made that Vancover BC is one of the largest hubs of child trafficking and one of the largest money laundering capitals for the endless "filthy lucre", in the billions, generated by these abhorrent activities.

Who knows how it will end, if ever. Perhaps the 2d Coming?

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Been following reporter Liz Crokin for years. She was blacklisted from the msm but heard her give an interview most recently on talk radio on a Sunday afternoon probably when most people aren’t listening :/

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