Y'all worried about an "October Surprise" ... Elizabeth's list in this column IS the October Surprise.

And it's a damned good one.

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Fight like it’s all up to you, pray like it’s all up to God. Keep the faith.

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The Israelites would sometimes prepare for battle and go to the place God had sent them, only to stand and watch their enemies destroy each other. That seems like what’s happening now.

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Lots of prayers sent up that very way!! Woohoo 🙌

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finally someone who puts the two together where they belong

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What a gift it is to have such a talented writer on our side. I sensed things were turning but this piece puts it in proper scale.

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Burning Bright says we will win because this is a war of stories, and we have the better writers.


Elizabeth is certainly one of them.

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I swear Elizabeth every time I read one of your columns I learn something new. Today it was the word “witter!” Defined as “to talk at length on trivial subjects.”

A perfect word that I’ve needed all my life. Looks like it was a good idea that Elon changed the name of his service to X!

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First thought that came to my mind too...

And when he jumped in the air in Butler, and introduced himself, and claimed "Dark Maga" status, I paused the video and gave thanks to Gaia for this brilliant South African-Canadian-American LEGEND.

Definitely a one in a billion chap.

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For those who haven’t read the (excellent) article, here’s a teaser:

“Canada is instructive here. We have the stupidest green-globalist-puppet leader who is at present the most hated leader in our history. Trudeau bears a striking similarity to Kamala in the meaningless sentimental pap that emanates from his shrivelled soul. But we had to elect him three times before we realized the true extent of the nightmare. Now, it looks as if he might finish off the Liberal Party of Canada, once completely dominant having taken 90 of the past 120 years of leadership. They dropped as of yesterday, Friday, to 51 projected seats, an all time low for a sitting PM. The creep keeping him in power is a venal Sikh, loathed by his own community for flashing his Mercedes and Rolexes during socialist virtue-signaling sessions. The whole country knows Jagmeet Singh is hanging on until his pension vests in February.


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Oct 12Liked by elizabeth nickson

Don't you mean Sith?

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Yeah, I loved the 30,000 ft roving raptor view she uses here going from US to Canada to UK to Argentina to points beyond showing the cratering of reptile regime economic & cultural pillage & rape PLUS the tsunami of resignation rats fleeing the sinking globalist/corporate ship of state PLUS lefty political parties failing/collapsing far & wide PLUS the humongous justified public disgust over predator capitalism on a rampage in western NC & Tennessee & Florida & now Wyoming & casting its eye on Ukraine/RF PLUS ...

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30,000 ft roving raptor viiew!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️💪🏼🙏🏼

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Raptor in a MAGA hat swooping down through chemtrails splits the sky with her cry! ...

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WOW! Well stated

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Tony - It is insane that Blackface Trudope is still allowed to pontificate with meaningless drivel and inane platitudes, but even the bought and paid for CBC seems to realize which side their bread is buttered on. His, and his libtard party persona is simply revolting and an afront to common decency, of which he/her/it has none. Lets hope Pierre puts a very big nail both in Trudopes and Hairy Face NDP-tard Singhs coffins. From Calgary AB

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One of my favorite parts of this very excellent post!

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Jagmeet Singh, the man who wears a turban like Quirrel in Harry Potter to conceal Voldemorte.


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Totally accurate comment. Thank you.

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I cut the cable almost 25 years ago. At the time I knew it was a good idea, but over the last decade I've come to despise mainstream media while simultaneously looking forward to seeing what people like Elizabeth Nickson have to say. The more I read these articles, the more I see how I've been black pilled and how much I desperately need to hear some good news. These articles are hard to believe, and just like the gospel, they sound too good to be true. Nevertheless, it reminds us that if we still have a soul, it should be true. I want this to be true. Good news is inspiring, and it is heart wrenching to see how desperately we all need some good news.

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Oct 12Liked by elizabeth nickson

WOW, Elizabeth THANK YOU!!

I am praying for a November miracle, God's miracle, that evil is completely transcended into Good. . . Wake up all you losing soulless psychopathic villains , Good is here to stay!!

This substack is like Gold!

Sending Big Blessings from the other side of the world.

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Yes! It's a fact, 'they' can 'redirect' weather. It's been suggested that some weather catastrophes might be aimed (targeted) at specific regions to cause mass evacuation, which, in turn, makes these lands less desirable with a far lower value for those who are desperate for what is under that devastated land.


Gates has been playing with the weather for years!

He's such a crackpot (he hates trees, cows, sheep pigs, etc, so seeds clouds to create rain, etc). He's destroying the Amazon rainforest and burying the trees, to stop carbon dioxide emissions. What else can unimaginable wealth achieve? His wealth could create the next ICE AGE!

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[They] also create disasters, so they can swoop in and hand over thousands of children to CPS. Who are among the world's leading traffickers.

Haiti. Banda Aceh. The list goes on...

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Thank you for “ Lahaina”! We will never forget, ever! And now that people are talking about Oprah being involved in Diddy / Beiber tape, it really gets interesting. I time lapsed my Flight tracker app around the time of the fires. Planes were taking off from east Maui ( and helicopters), like crazy. Mostly flying to Honolulu & then obviously all over the world. It’s not impossible to imagine an orchestrated child trafficking scenario. It’s sickening.

Plus, the road to Oprah’s estate comes across the mountains into Lahaina. I was told by a Hawaiian gov. official that she would open her road if there ever was a fire,.. but she didn’t.

Or maybe she did for a few thousand only? 🙈

It all kind of connects. If it were my kid, I wouldn’t stop screaming from the rooftops.

The pain would be excruciating. It’s difficult to think about. God will be the final judge. HE knows. 😇

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Yes that's right, last I heard 2000 kids still missing there.

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Thanks for that info Wild Bill. Mick.

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He doesn't hate them himself..he hates us,we the people having them. Don't think for a minute he doesn't enjoy fine Wagyu steak and a bit of Ice cream. He just doesn't want US to have it.

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Thank you for revealing cold, hard truths! The gullible, lazy will never believe truth however, those on the fence appear to be waking up. If I wasn't on a small, fixed pension, I'd be subscribing! Who knows...with trash taken out, I can get a job as a science professional as I once was, and not one of minimum wage like now.

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My sister began supporting Harris after the debate. Then she watched Tulsi Gabbard speak and she changed her mind. She still believes a lot of the obvious lies about Trump, but she is coming around, and beginning to listen to my arguments. A small, but emblematic victory!

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You're lucky. My sister is a retired school teacher mired deep in the NEA allegiance to the democrat party. Politics reins supreme over rational thought.

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I hear you..most of my immediate family is left to far left...we dont talk politics...not a good idea.

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Oct 13Liked by elizabeth nickson

Women are mostly stupid and emotional, but, genetics cannot change. 50% of us will be easily fooled, sold emotional hate, and vote for an Indian woman who slept her way to the top.

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My daughter also, thinks she's voting Kamala now :(

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How sad. A vote for Kamala is a vote for the Devil. One anagram of her full name, Kamala Devi Harris, is 'aka air marsh devil '.

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Tell her to watch Tulsi Gabbard.

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Hang in there Andy.

"Help is on the way". 🤞


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Oct 12Liked by elizabeth nickson

"All that peace, prosperity and lack of crime was based on the practiced virtue of tens of millions of families like them. Not ideas, not innovations, not legendary leadership skills, not staggering beauty or sexual prowess, not the merchandizing of God-given gifts, but the virtue of the ordinary, the chosen ordinary, the man and woman who decided on their limitations early in life, married sensibly and for love, had children, brought them up in similar virtue. In that lies genuine happiness. Those families still exist, and they want their power back. If Trump fails, someone else will rise. This is unstoppable."

Maybe the best paragraph ever written by Elizabeth. So true. The virtue of humility. Everyday saints. Georges Bernanos, in one of his last essays, "Our Friends the Saints," expounds on this. "Truly, at the moment when that man and that woman accepted their destiny, they accepted themselves humbly; the mystery of Creation was accomplished in them while they were exposing themselves, without knowing it, to all the risks of human conduct; they fully realized themselves in the charity of Christ, themselves becoming, according to the words of Saint Paul, other Christs. In short, they were saints."

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Alan, I was stopped cold for a moment by the beauty of that paragraph.

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Friends of mine considered not voting - they felt the Harris/Walz cheating would cancel their votes- they’ve since said they are going to vote.

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"Make it too big to rig."

We have to realize that the purpose of all the MSM polls is to squeeze the hope out of us so we will all act as your friends were planning to do.

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Another great article. What a great resource you are in this time. Writing with honesty, authenticity and no nonsense truth. I think these rotten scum have overplayed their hand as arrogant psychopaths are wont to do. Keep up the great work.

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Very interesting. Love the term Byronic for Dark Maga. Ordinary competent people (I will ascribe that to myself) and beyond fed up with the nonsense and incompetence of the establishment.

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That is the best they ever are, nonsensical and incompetent. They take those occasional breaks from their day jobs, which is to be evil.

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Re polymarket, what people need to realize is that Trump is far ahead of where he was in 2016 and 2020 at this stage. It's a huge margin, but it needs to be larger in order to defeat the election fraud schemes. I hail from Michigan, I have numerous instances of Secretary of State pushing directives that enable the fraud that all have taken to court.

Don't get me wrong I loved this article. I would offer, though, that we possess the rights and power for self governing already, we just need to assert them. It's not enough that we demand our voices be heard to win back a system that needs to be complete decimated. Government does not grant you your rights, they are yours. The elite and technocratic experts ( who truly are dismally vestigial and vapid) dissolved the social contract when they operated to our harm, to the loss of our lives in Covid, in North Carolina. The Founding Fathers didn't say "Britain, we want to vote to change things to a more fair system". No. They said "We're free, we have the right to self determination, and you have acted in a way that dissolved your right authority over us. Fck you."

I'm spicy with the language because we tend to think of liberty in flowery, lofty terms. It's not. Liberty is an instinctive act, it is a common sense act, because it is self evident. It's clear, to anyone. And the mind tricks, death and threats they have used to make us cower necessitates we recognize it's a street fight. They put us here. But they can't even tend to borders, catch rabid animals.

But we can - so we were in control, they just want us to believe we need them.

I love your articles, Agenda 2030 is the slow poison behind all of this.

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If you want to spend a great twenty five minutes, go to YouTube and watch Matt Taibbi's speech at the Rally to Rescue the Republic which was held in DC a few weeks ago. Taibbi's last line should be immortal in American history.

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Thx for the recommendation - Matt was on with Brett Weinstein, it was a great session as well. 1A discussion does not need to be peppered with lofty phrases and Founding Father fanfare, sometimes that detracts or turns people off, but Matt put things in straight forward terms regarding this attitude that we need censorship that hit the mark.

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Oct 12Liked by elizabeth nickson

Another great article. What a great resource you are in this time. Writing with honesty, authenticity and no nonsense truth. I think these rotten scum have overplayed their hand as arrogant psychopaths are wont to do. Keep up the great work.

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thank you

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Great post Elizabeth, I shared with many people and attached this note to it below.

A most incredible article from a great Canadian writer. Nobody is immune to this reign of terror going on globally. Below is an incredible read. You could easily spend a couple of hours absorbing the evidence, photos, videos and memes along with the article itself.

This is a cheat sheet/cliff notes for those who are asleep/unaware and need to become informed. Read it if you can and share it with others. It touches on all the current important happenings and the recent history affecting all of us. Kuddos to Miss Nickson for writing and sharing this incredible piece below.

When people take in all the information below, it will cause them hopefully to think and maybe cause them to do more research, maybe watch other news outlets other than the MSM. Maybe start searching out better sources within the independent media. Independent journalists and citizen journalists are exposing this tyranny every single day. The truth is out there, it’s really not that hard to find if you look for it.

We are in the fight of our lives and if more people actually knew the whole truth the criminals in control of this world wouldn’t have a chance.

“In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot." -Mark Twain-

“Just look at us. Everything is backwards, everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, psychiatrists destroy minds, scientists destroy truth, major media destroys information, religions destroy spirituality and governments destroy freedom.”

-Michael Ellner-

"Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.” -Benjamin Franklin-

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." -Ronald Reagan-

“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed;

if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.” -Winston S. Churchill-

"To sell your soul is the easiest thing in the world. That’s what everybody does every hour of his life. If I asked you to keep your soul – would you understand why that’s much harder?"

-Ayn Rand-

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