Based on all the "it's hopeless"comments here, it seems like Elizabeth's call to get involved is falling on deaf ears. And while I agree that there is no such thing as a good government, we can still punish the people in government (and NGOs) who do bad things.

I am going to reach out to Lindell's team to see how I can help.

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Ignore the "it's hopeless " - that's either brokenhearted good folks or trolls, and the solution doesn't involve either class. Cherish articles like this series, especially this one, that has *positive* actions we can take starting Easter Monday. Today and Easter, go to Church.

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I tried just about everything. All I want to is to be a volunteer and got nowhere! Very weird.

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this has been known for decades, bev harris of blackbox voting was on to this stuff 20-30 years ago and nobody did nuthin'...

why ?

because the people we 'elect' (for certain definitions of 'elect'), WANT a broken system can be fixed by the puppet masters...

and obviously mediawhores are paid to avert their gaze...


and we're expecting to use a fixed voting system to fix a fixed voting system ? ? ?

good luck with that infinite don't loop...






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i might add, IF we must use computers for voting (um, exactly WHY 'must' 'we' ?), the way to do it in a secure manner is using Blockchain tech...

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Thanks for another great "how to" article that further exposes the depth of the depravity that exists in our local, state and federal politics.

I am one of those people who have been civically engaged in my small NY town for nearly 40 years. I was a member of the local GOP for some time when we got some great people elected. I ran for town board four times, most recently last November, where I was cheated out of the win by, you guessed it, the local Republicans who sabotaged every MAGA candidate in the county.

It wasn't till I got involved with NY Citizens Audit (God bless them for all the work they are doing) that I found out just how bad the cheating was in NY, even in the smallest counties.

These days it seems that it is the RNC and the GOP who are viciously sabotaging MAGA Republicans like myself and the other patriots who are good government advocates. In my most recent election attempt, it was the Repubicans who tried to invalidate my petitions, used their people who worked at the board of elections to sabotage my campaign, removed one of "my" poll watchers, messed around with the actual votes including absentee and affidavit, etc. I'm sure you get the picture.

Meanwhile, the Dems just sat back and watched it unfold as they continue to make huge gains in what was once a solid red county that is rapidly turning blue thanks to the treachery of the GOP.

As far as cheating- the tech wizards are amazing and have discovered so many ways they are screwing us that it's really incredible more people aren't in prison.

I am too old to move to Florida or the south and I love my house in the beautiful Hudson Valley where I've lived all my life. Why should WE be forced out by the likes of scumbags like Hochul, Heastie, Leticia and the rest? I see more and more of my neighbors who are totally fed up and who have been awakened.

The problem is that when you find out what our "government" is capable of doing and how they can FU your life, most people want to keep a low profile. Everyone knows what they've done to the dissident J6 martyrs who are now in the DC gulag. Friends and neighbors are going underground these days. Meeting places are not publicized- we will let you know where at the last minute. Still there are spies in our midst, it's that crazy.

Many thanks as always to Elizabeth for keeping the flame of Liberty burning.

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“All through my childhood my father, who ran a textile business employing 1200 people, would leave after dinner to go to a town meeting. After he retired at 55, he ran (for free) in succession, the Victorian Order of Nurses, Meals on Wheels, the Western Institute for the Deaf, and finally the Vancouver Red Cross. These are six figure jobs now. He did not spend those years boasting of his travels at dinner parties. And when he died, it wasn’t some fake society funeral; a thousand people showed up because he had touched their lives in some real way.”

If everyone who was able to, contributed in this way…

The parasitic “government class” would largely cease to exist.

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those jobs are now rewards from the elitists. notice how they go from govt "service" to legacy media or liberal universities - all at very high dollar salaries.

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Ahhh, yes … the time-honoured principle of subsidiarity - solve it locally without government outreach. The citizens of villages, towns, small cities addressing many local needs at the grassroots levels.

Replaced by stinking bureaucracies with handsomely-paid guardians of a new fiefdom, justifying their positions. Just ask anyone who has hoped to build a modest deck in the backyard. A nightmare of absurd, intrusive regulations meted out by cold, efficient, soulless clerks.

Key word: soulless. At all levels of bureaucracy and government.

Many of us who wring our hands over this ongoing total power grab truly don’t know what to do. We write, support, phone, protest, work on local elections, attempt to gather groups. After all this, we stuff our electronic ballots into whirring machines and still end up with the same soulless bureaucrats/politicians. And yet we must persevere with more of the same. We are in captivity, but we are, after all, on the side of truth, transparency and sovereign freedom. That is huge.

To be remembered is that we are mind, body AND soul. In the midst of rightful concern for all that is good and true, there are many in comboxes who point to prayer as the foundation for renewal. That prayer is the necessary water that will soften the soil, making it able to accept seeds of a new spring. And, yet, I know the reaction: Yeah, yeah, I know all that … but …

The Christian maxim is twofold: Ora et labora: Pray and work. Prayer before work. Prayer making the work fruitful. It is not to be shrugged off, relegated to the back of the cupboard. It is to be embraced with vigour and resolve: I will set aside a dedicated daily time of earnest prayer to soak the landscape with living water. Meditate on passages of the New Testament. Pray for individual politicians by name. Pray the rosary while meditating on the mysteries of Christ’s life. It matters little how you pray - just become a prayer warrior. Prayer BEFORE Work. Soak, then till.

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As a lady hip deep in the senior years, I thank you for this breath of hope, anything without prayer is temporary and likely impossible. I tend my home, my animals, my art, and I haven’t any clue what else I can fruitfully do OTHER than pray.

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YES. It is dismissed as not being pro-active: "But, but, but, I want to DO something!"

Setting aside daily time to intercede is a sacrifice of time and will.

It's fuel for the action - be it ours or others.

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19th century Scotsman, preacher & poet George Macdonald observed, "You do not HAVE a soul. You ARE as soul. And as a living soul you HAVE a body."

Oh lift the burdened gloom that chokes my soul

With dews of darkness; smite the lean winds of death

That run with howls around the ruined temples,

Blowing the souls of men about like leaves.


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Lots of trolls here EN….you are over the target baby!!

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Yes- a stunning number of trolls posting here today.

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Mar 30
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Its not always about you

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I know many people who aren’t clear what to do in their community to help. I am disabled due to the bioweapon that was released to the world in 2020. I am not able to work anymore but welcome any suggestions as to what someone like me can do if anything. I can go to my local town Republican Party Headquarters but what do I ask? Is the stolen election something that these folks openly speak about? I have been avoiding going there because I’m not sure what to even ask.

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Try to contact Precinct Strategies. They need volunteers. So does Seth Keshel, so does Mike Lindell. You do it from your bed!

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I have found that Serrapeptase and EDTA chelation, that can be found from Amazon have helped my friend that trusted our company to get the evil prick . His kidneys were failing and he took them for 90 days and he recovered over two years now

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How about trying to get clear and detox from the bioweapon. LOTS and LOTS of free info from FLCC, Pierre Kory etc. on how to do that.

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Please do an article on election audits - specifically forensic audits - which not one state, county Or precinct has ever done, including Maricopa county. Conducting forensic audits in a handful of key swing state precincts would reveal fraud, no matter how they rig or steal it. Read here: https://election-integrity.info/Post_Election_Audits.pdf

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Good idea

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In order to maintain the belief that the 2020 election was honest, one must believe that:

-- The suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story had no impact on the outcome. This poses a problem for defenders of the "honest election" view, namely, if Twitter believed the article would have no impact why did Twitter suppress it?

-- Mail in ballots are a secure form of voting. This runs counter to the fact that many countries ban mail in ballots for the blindingly obvious reason that they are an open invitation to fraud.

Increasingly it seems that the only way one can continue to believe that our system is legitimate is to stupify one's self.

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Given the discussion between Taes & Dr. K. below, I concede a State complex is likely manipulating the Left into cheating in recent elections in most NATO countries. Why would so many democratic nations be experiencing this at roughly the same time, unless it's what the State complex wants? So the question becomes - Why? It really hit me as I read Elizabeth's post how blatant & elaborate, how multi-faceted & apparently planned the cheating is. I said out loud: "How can this not end up in civil conflict within NATO countries?" And was that the real goal?

The blatancy of the cheating indicates that the Left no longer cares about the hypothetical of 'letting the people decide', their contempt for the process itself is tangible. So how could the left ever be trusted again? A democracy can only function when participants on both sides believe in the efficacy & principle of the process itself. But then all other institutions are faltering, inverted, & not doing their assigned task. So the fact elections are now inverted & not being allowed to reflect the will of the people isn't surprising.

Can they be restored as the opening revolutionary gambit in restoring functioning societies? Remember most leftists deny outright any cheating is occurring. Present the copious evidence & wouldn't they be forced to back down & begin reforms? It seems unlikely. In the US it's currently a race to head off the worst of the cheating to allow a relatively fair election, & thus a change in government. And the response by Democrats & the leadership is a promise of martial law & a refusal to honor the voting outcome.

But what if it's ordinary people as election monitors, etc that ensure it's a fair election. Wouldn't that constitute actual reform, on its face, that both parties would have to acknowledge? That's the crucial question. I suppose we have to fight fair elections while acknowledging it may not be enough, that deep state manipulation has made such reform impossible.

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Moral breakdown in leadership? Seldom have we had any true moral leadership or at least the type of leadership that didn't subject itself to ulterior motives. You think the "other" side is any better than the current regime of Black House and DC Swamp squatters? Think again.

Politics and government does not lend itself to morality because that would make things too honest for the psychotic control freaks and power hungry devils. You want absurdity? Think government...the most absurd creation in the history of mankind. Look at where the world is after 5,000 years of this nonsense.

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Any ideas on how to get rid of the government now that they hold all the power?

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Take the power away from them by not using their services. Take responsibility for your own health-- your own finances, your own education. Reading Elizabeth is part of your education. Don't feed the Giant bloodsucking troll. Unplug--get involved in your community for ANYTHING-- Elizabeth has told us how to do that for elections.

Short form-- let's all grow up and do things for ourselves and take responsibility for our own sovereignty and actions. Side effect?-- freedom

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The mark of adulthood is to take full responsibility for one’s action. Whining doesn’t cut it. -

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Dear Elizabeth,

Below is a critique of Jay Valentine's Omega4America program from my dear friend, Kirk, who is an extraordinary I T person. He and I were involved in 2015 thru 2017 with voter fraud issues in Broward County, Florida. We, actually teamed up with J. Christian Adams and his Public Interest Legal Foundation, and testified in Federal Court in Miami against Brenda C. Snipes, Supervisor of Elections in Broward. I testified that some 702 former residents in my community, Wynmoor were ineligible to vote in November, 2016 because they either expired or moved away Although myself, in person, notified Ms. Snipes in October, 2015. they were not removed prior the November election. Kirk testified that some 10,000 individuals voted in both New York and Florida.

To the point, Kirk has created a program for me utilizing the March, 2024 Tallahassee statewide voter registration and voting history extract. file. I can quickly download all 67 counties in Florida. My question to you, Elizabeth. How can I help you? I have Senator Scott,s phone number My suggestion to his people is that he persuade Governor DiSantis that he mandate that his 67 SOE' s clean their voter roles by June, 2024 or they are fired. Further, later this year he make a PSA that if you commit or enable fraud in Florida, fines, incarceration or deportation will be your fate.


Yeah, his "Fractal" stuff is his "Marketing Term". He makes a salesman pitch about how they don't work on SQL,

because that's outdated. THEN he shows a bunch of stuff that clearly uses SQL. LOL.

Yes, it's real. But it's not all that amazing. Is it better than what we are seeing be used elsewhere? SURE.

So, it looks like good stuff. Not "rocket science" in my book. Because he still has to pull the data from a SQL DB.

And then it looks like he filters it like it is SQL Data. But his comparisons, and GPS Coordinates seem like they are working.

Definitely a good way to visualize/clean the data.

Kirk Out!

On Sat, Mar 23, 2024 at 5:19 PM Rich Gabbay <richgabbay@yahoo.com> wrote:


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TY will read

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First, the oldest lesson of involvement in Internet mailing lists - Don't Feed the Trolls!

These are rough times, take a deep breath, say a lot of prayers, and don't ruin the vibe.

Now, that said, thanks, Elizabeth, for this entire series - so very timely - and especially, now that we're convinced and empowered with information, giving us links to folks that we can work with to make a difference.

And, everyone, get a copy of Feargus O'Connor Greenwoor's 180 Degrees, and study how to communicate this to others without turning them off.

This is our job, that and steady prayer for God's help.

And finally, Don't Feed the Trolls!

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I am voting for President Trump.

I know my vote will not count.

the criminals are in charge now

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Sigh another black pill. Get outside and breath-- Jesus 🙄

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Jesus is the answer and the solution. Read your Bible. We're living in the End Times. 50+ Old Testament prophesies have been perfectly fullfilled - no reason to doubt the ones still to come. The Bible is 100% accurate. Wise up. Catholism, Orthodoxy, Prostantism, Evangelcalism, Buddhism, Islamism (sorry for the spelling...), aren't the answer. They're man-made "religions." Only Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings, the Prince of Peace, is the answer. He is Who you need. Don't believe in Him? Ask Him to reveal Himself to you. You just might be amazed... Elizabeth, you're awesome. Sounding the alarm is great, but I'm afraid God/Jesus is the answer... 'Nuff Said?

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Here's a Jewish man who understands the Supreme Inevitability of Christ-man Jesus: Jonathan Cahn, pastor of a congregation in New Jersey & author of "The Harbinger" and "The Return Of The Gods." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpeNKh770EI He knows the Bible inside-out. If you don't want to hear him pitch his books, scroll in to 7:15.

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did not believe in the great replacement

til mediawhores claimed did not exist

but then i made note of our displacement

it became a notion i can’t resist


mainstream hide the illegal invasion

gaslight us on them flooding the border

rich libtards funded this situation

intended to destroy law and order


colluding with bleeding heart NGO’s

they import future illegal votes

traitorous conspiracy only shows

that both R’s and D’s are full of turncoats


they’re illegal not undocumented

orwellian term to hide its a crime

we people don’t want this implemented

scheming quislings should be doing hard time


The Worlds Most Dangerous Poet

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The link contains a well-detailed summary of how communists are stealing votes everywhere across the USA. Use of false addresses is their most successful method. Jay Valentine says his fractal analysis can bust 50 years' of carefully implanted vote fraud in a few seconds. He already proved it in Mississippi. Don Trump's new and improved RNC oughta get with the program.


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geez-- Elizabeth covered this last column. Except it was Democrats not communists (as it always is). Trolls everywhere today

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Mar 30Edited

MizCarol, are you implying that there is a difference between what Democrats in the USA are doing and what the Bolsheviks in Russia did in 1917? If so, I urge u to read the linked information below and compare today's Democrats in America with Bolsheviks in 1917 Russia. You will see there isn't a nickel's worth of difference between them. Have a look:


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