Crackpot Gates has already got his dirty little mits into the US drinking water and US land opportunities. He will want to make money from every one of us to enjoy access to his recourses.

Water will become scarce and meat will become unaffordable - thereby justifying his other angles for plundering humanity with his ARTIFICIAL Meats.

He has been playing with climate for years and experiments with artificial droughts and floods.

This maniac knows no boundaries to his opportunism to enslave us all with threats of starvation and death from thirst.

Unjabbed Mick (UK) Unjabbed I'll live longer to fight those who mean us no good!

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You are right..how did ‘we’ collectively let this happen? If more ppl would just have said ‘no’ in 2020 we would not be here.. How did everyone get so ‘fearful’ it’s unbelievable..🙏🏽

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A fantastically planned campaign of fear porn organised by those that want us DEAD by their injected poisons! Never again! Unjabbed Mick.

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They got mesmerized by the Newz and Tv. Both of which told them to very afraid. Marketing pieces for convid were on every single email sent from a corporation. "Stay safe", 6 ft., get quaxxed, the propaganda was relentless, and our friends and families became the enforcers. All of the cities, towns and municipalities were forced to go along (those that weren't taken over) and those that were taken over did it with great glee.

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I'll admit I was scared for a month or so. Then, thanks mostly (almost entirely!) to alternative media I realized it just did not add up. I think it was the stats from the Diamond Princess that made me realize that our over reaction was bordering on the insane.

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The habit of questioning everything is one that disappointingly few people possess.

Given the number of known false flags and manipulated distractions away from events and decisions that truly mattered, one would think that that the collective gullibility would be lower than it is.

The collective habit of respect for, and obedience to, authority is hardly an accident. It is the only effective area that remains in our otherwise broken and useless, albeit obsenely expensive education system.

When every decision, every new law, every executive action by every politician of both parties serves to act against our fundamental interests, a thoughtful person might conclude that the whole rotten system Is broken and beyond redemption. Because it is..!

Unfortunately thoughtful well informed critical thinkers are as rare as unobtainium. So vested are we in this metastisized Feudalism in which we exist, that we can't imagine abandoning it.

Enjoy the theater and distraction of your next opportunity to validate more of it by voting for one of the selected nincompoops chosen for your approval.

Just remember that your grandchildren if they be born at all, are going to hate and curse you for their slavery.

We shall have the future that we deserve.

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The rot runs deep, and is on every single level. Our reality is carefully curated and shaped to inflict maximum damage on us every day of our lives.

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How? Shrinking of the Hippocampus. See Dr David A Hughes.


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As a native Californian I do get to register a note of dissent about water policy in the state. It has always been stupid, so the latest stupid is just part of tradition there. Farmers there are known for growing water intensive crops in dry lands (desert) because they were traditionally given all-but-free water. And we aren't even talking food crops, but thing like alfalfa and cotton. They put up signs about how they feed America, right over cotton fields. Even today, water law is mostly unchanged from the 19th century and it can't be changed because of that lobby. You can no more trust them than you can the green idiots.

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RC: Why shouldn't the water for the farmers be free? They paid for the dams and canals with their taxes.

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They didn't get a refund when the damns were tore down?

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not in siskiyou county they didn't. they got a BILL for higher power rates, and ruined wells.

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Water law is a mess, with seniority of claim being the trump card. It really wasn't even a good scheme back in the day, but now, it is flat out ridiculous. And no the farmers did not pay for it all themselves, but farm use gets a highly favorable rate.

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RC: Farmers in CA use the majority of the water at a favorable rate compared to city users, I agree. But if the state raises the water rate for farmers, or just sends the water to the Pacific to "save the smelt", we all pay more for our food.

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Water use is irrational in CA (and most of the western U.S.), and the markets (as they exist) have perverse incentives. Water is water and farmers do not have some holy claim to it. Farm what makes sense in the environment - sorry, but I have a real burr under my saddle about subsidizing alfalfa and cotton in the damn desert. Same with almonds (and cotton) in the Central Valley - horrible consumer of water and it's a cash crop, not a staple. Farmers will plant less water-hungry crops if they have to pay a fair price for water.

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RC: I agree that there is no fair market value for water in California. This is what happens when the government (California Water Resources Board) determines water rates and where and when to build dams.

There is no way you or I will ever see free market water rates or dam and canal building in California. I don't like it either, but the damage was done before we were born.

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Also, you can snort at save the smelt, but I grew up in SoCal and Los Angeles wouldn't be the megapolis it is if they didn't steal their water from other parts of the state (and other states by sucking up Colorado River water). The movie Chinatown wasn't fictional when it came to the issue of water. And ironically, the prime beneficiaries in the San Fernando valley (after the land speculators of course) were... FARMERs.

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RC: I hate the smelt BS. The California Water Resources Board dumps water from the dams into the Pacific to save a few fish. It's crazy. Then we, the people living in cities and towns, have to ration water and pay high rates. It's crazy!

The City of Los Angeles, Mulholland the head of the Water Department, was smart. He bought up all the water rights in Owens Valley and then shipped it to LA and stored most of it underground to avoid evaporation. The farmers in Owens Valley sold their water rights. No one stole it.

As for the Colorado River water, the split of water allocation from Lake Mead and Powell was decided by the states in the Colorado River drainage. That's pure politics and probably back door bribes and threats.

Look at San Francisco. It's another desert city. People don't realize how little rain SF gets. There were no trees on the SF Peninsula when the Europeans arrived. SF gets all its water from Hetch Hetchy Reservoir on the Tuolmoune River in Yosemite. A beautiful valley drowned. Water rates are also very low in SF as the strong SF politicians made the rest of California and America pay for Hetch Hetchy Dam and the pipes.

We could talk about water rights in the Western USA and how corrupt the system is for weeks.

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I have zero love for the shenanigans of urban politicians, not the current ones and not the vintage either. Mulholland was sponsored by crooks. L.A. and S.F. both committed crimes either side of the Sierras as far as I am concerned.

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farmers are on wells. their usage is taxed. the tax is high. farmers are not rich. family farmers are land rich and cash poor and that's a fact.

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margie: I've never understood why farmers are taxed on water that they pump from the ground. The state doesn't own the water under people's land unless the landowner sells the rights to that water.

California bureaucrats and legislators do not respect private property rights.

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is that so? water intensive crops? in solano county they plant dry land crops and depend on the rain to water them. "Farmers THERE" you say? "There" means you don't live HERE.

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There is a lot of different ag practice across the state. I grew up surrounded by citrus groves and vineyards. I hunted the Imperial Valley, so I know what they grow there because I saw it myself (and AZ has done much the same with their Central AZ Project - to deliver water for growing cotton). You can drive I-5 or Route 99 through the Central Valley and see what is planted there.

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Do you still hunt in the imperial Valley?

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Oh no, I've been out of California - this time for good - 10 years now.

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did you drink the wine and eat the oranges?

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Not all grapes go into wine. Some are for the table and others become raisins.

When I was young, a grocery store was built in our area, on what used to be a citrus grove. When it opened it had a big display touting Florida oranges you could buy. I've had a deep appreciation of irony ever since.

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No water regulator has a right to make decisions of this magnitude. And neither do ngos or judges. The Supreme Court, which makes all the lawfare possible, must be returned to obedience to the Constitution.

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do you know what dry land farming is? aka rain-fed farming?

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Yes, it's big across a lot of the country. My neighbors, including the Amish, are practitioners. You think I'm some dumb urban type? You sure as hell don't grow anything in a desert without imported water.

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ALL of this environmental insanity comes from the man made climate change hoax that has been going on for generations.

For a decade or so we were causing global cooling, so we would freeze to death. Now it's global warming which is morphing into the catchall "climate change." So we have to "fix" everything with Geo-engineering and chem trails.

Meanwhile, our children and grandchildren have been BRAINWASHED into believing that everything they do will somehow end up destroying the planet. They learn this crap in kindergarten and nursery school. That and the Trans Agenda so they are thoroughly confused about the most basic thing, whether they are boys or girls.

The way it filters down can be seen in Blue Commie states like NY. You need a permit for everything you do- like putting up a little shed or a fence or even cutting down trees in some places. And with those permits come FEES which is what it's really about.

In my little town the building inspector gives a monthly report on how much money he's robbed from the residents in building and inspection FEES. Often it is a few hundred grand! Anything big that you do, especially a developer, has to cough up thousands in FEES.

And don't get me started on the Environmental Police that are another layer of enforcement. Why does the NY state Dept. of Environmental Conservation -DEC- have its own police force and its own justice system? These are armed cops that drive around policing the "environment" with seemingly unlimited jurisdiction. Who the hell elected these people in the first place?

As Elizabeth brilliantly points out in so many of her essays, the Satanic environmental movement (not to be confused with true conservation) is at the root of most of the evil in the world today.

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Thank you. So clearly, fully shared ... I had no idea the degree of sort-of-hidden "snitch"-"snitch" - "snitch" / bite-by-bite land/life/soul-selling/destroying top-down, bottoms-up...so sneakily, insidiously ravaging our precious land and people.

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Even Hitler didn't meter the beer in WWII. He kept the breweries going. Adolph knew that if he denied Germans beer, they would revolt.

Same with water.

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Good grief Liz, will you please stop telling us the truth and let us go back to sleep?! But seriously, of course China is the UN, the UN is China.

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Also china owns Canada and US? So are conserving for their future use?

What happened..all the Western nations in debt to China so they gave up their citizens as ‘hostages’ to future..IMHO looks like..

At WHO last week the treaty they signed by 194 nations gave them sovereignty over western nations? What..there are only about 13-15 west nations..who are the other 180 nations agreeing to this..

‘Men’s thoughts are only evil..all the day long’.. 🙏🏽

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The new green future is the color of the inside of your cell. You will be herded from digital slavery to real confined slavery and then to death. Or you can go the quick way and get an mRNA injection (or 10) and be whisked into the nothingness helping to satisfy gates's demands that 7 billion be erased from the HIS planet that HE owns.

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True that!! But try telling any of that to the brainwashed. Then you're a "conspiracy theorist".

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Don't forget Sackett vs. EPA. While the 2023 Supreme Court decision narrowed the scope of the Clean Water Act expansions. But don't think the Gang Green will take it lying down.

Some random water observations:

A few years back I read about how the ACE and others who control water releases from reservoirs had changed the " guidelines" for when and how much water to release, essentially permanently lowering reservoirs so that in times of drought, there will never be enough water. I cannot find that paper now. The interesting thing about it is that it was written by tree huggers decrying the practice.

Many years ago I worked somewhere in California that was on a lot of acreage. We had a storage tank for the water district on our property. The water district collected water from our property (mostly storm water runoff, but some subterranean well water), paid us no many for placing the tank on our property, nor for collecting water on our property, and we paid for water that we used from that tank.

I have a friend who runs a small family farm in the Midwest. I mean it is SMALL. He is NOT permitted to collect rain water on his property without going through an onerous application process.

Twenty odd years ago I took a "green building" class. It was insane. (And this was when I still bought into it!) That was when I realized that "green was the new red": the rules they wanted to enact on society were basically just restating the planks of the Communist Manifesto. Anyhow, they talked about water as a closed system. Which it is. But we really have MUCH, MUCH, MUCH more water than they claimed in the closed system they described. Yes, there is limited water in individual aquifers -- but rain waters seeps into it. And yes, there is limited fresh water in fresh water lakes. But the millions of gallons of water a hurricane dumps comes from the ocean. Thunderstorms come off the Pacific and dump rain and snow in the west. And the water we use isn't lost forever -- it goes back into the system. Yes, we should strive to keep it clean.

(As an aside, do you ever feel like Cassandra? The gift of prophecy that people don't believe?)

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Didn’t they cut out her tongue?

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"people get elected promising reform, and within weeks surrender. Any change he tries to muscle through will invite lawsuits as far as the eye can see. It will cost millions. Since the legislation is boilerplate, there is no room for local considerations. " Elizabeth Nickson

This paragraph clip really pissed me off:

A: Lawsuits have to be brought by lawyers. Get their names and ostracize them.

B: NO legislation is boilerplate. Is the Bill of Rights boilerplate?

C: If you elect someone for change and they don't follow through, ostracize them

By ostracize I mean you don't talk to these people. You don't let your kids play with their kids. You don't hire the lawyers for business. Boycotts and social shunning work.

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Here's the problem with politics and voting- the vast majority of people are apathetic and/or hypnotized by screens or on drugs. Ignorance and apathy- I don't know and I don't care.

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And the young ones have zero education, and don't read anything. Talk about a lost generation.

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NY Nanny: I don't vote and I wouldn't care, but the bastards keep stealing my money and telling me what to do.

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I’m almost seventy and cannot see a single thing I can do to make a difference other than keep my property with a working well

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So true..I often wonder how these ‘people’ ie media hosts..politicians..mayors ect ect are living among the people they are betraying and helping destroy? Or do they live in caves. Citizens should visit them in groups to re educate them..

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Pat: Just work at their country clubs as caddies or wait staff. I've done that. There is no re-educating these folks.

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Yes, visit them in groups preferably with pitchforks torches and warrants for their arrest!

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They don’t work for peasants like us - those lawyers go straight from the ivy league to work for NGOs

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JulieW: That's my point. Lawyers who work for the state need to be ostracized, shunned, ignored, and named.

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How do you effectively shun an elite?

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JulieW: Boycott the elites. Take Bill Gates (please). Boycott Microsoft and the mRNA injections. Boycott fake meat. Hurt Gates in his pocketbook.

Don't landscape his house. Don't fix his plumbing or electrics or computers. Don't fly his airplanes or fix them. Don't give him a reservation at a hotel. Don't clean his house. Don't talk to his kids or family.

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Yes..we should do same to all the ones working for the agenda..stop buying their products too!

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Two solutions exist, one legal, one not.

1. Governors stand up and tell the

Feds they lack any authority to confiscate or own land in America and tell their apparatchiks to GTFO of their state

2. Violence.

Up to the elites which they choose.

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I see people here talking about China being the problem... yes, and no.

It's our own bastards that have been planning for decades to destroy "Western civilization" as we know it, our ruling class were plotting to turn the US into a Collectivist State 100 years ago, check out the Norman Dodd interview (first link): https://x.com/LegerPhoenix3/status/1597486566251069442

Two interesting quotes from Dodd video above, this is what the large tax-exempt foundations were discussing nearly 100 years ago:

"We shall use our grant-making power so to alter life in the United States that it can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union."

"The future of this country belongs to Collectivism, administered with characteristic American efficiency."

It's not accidental that you've never heard of the Reese Committee investigation into un-American activities.

This should be a must-read for those who want to know what was going on over 80 years ago that lead up to where we are now:


Or if you have an account: https://archive.org/details/foundationstheir0000worm

It's the global ruling class that is/ has been working at using China to destroy The West.

I can't remember now where I saw or heard it, and it was someone like Kissinger or similar bastard who said something to the effect that the Great American Experiment would never again be allowed to happen.

Another good source of information about their plans is here, listen very carefully to Maurice Strong:


The ruling class have long now been wanting to get us back into a neo- feudal arrangement whereby they own and control everything, all the resources, and we are totally dependent on them to distribute to us any share/allotment they desire, depending on how obedient we are.

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Technocracy failed in the West in the 1930’s. Didn’t they organize a convoy from California to Canada? The digital age contains the technology for full spectrum lockdown and control. CBDCs provide this , with little benefits to the common sheep.

China was the elites beta test.

Follow the money is my motto, so have you traced the elites, their investments, their assets, along the New Silk Road? The New Maritime Silk Road? Of which Ukraine is a major hub on both?

Where are the headquarters of the majority of the Fortune 500?

Did citizens actually subsidize the shipment of their manufacturing assets over there?

The factory contents were sent there from Eastern Europe and Russia as well.

Were the protests in Tienanmen Square against slavery capitalism?

We run with their narratives. Fight over their supplied talking points.

They know we can be kept very busy in a dualistic argument.

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here is my current dilemma: I can’t tell if the elite running this insane Green Energy transition are just stupid, pretentious assholes who don’t understand physics and energy OR are they deliberately trying to create artificial scarcity in order to control the population and remain in power forever?

I go back and forth with every news cycle.

since the term “global warming” implies the entire globe, if the other 2/3rds of the Earth refuse to go along, aren’t we essentially ensuring that Russia, China and Brazil will be the new global superpowers by 2050? since energy (not labor or capital), is the real foundation of the modern global economy, we are essentially committing economic suicide (see: Germany).

make it make sense..!

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Thank you so much for putting this all together so we can understand. I've come to the conclusion that all agencies with 3 letters, all NGOs need to be abolished. That would make all their regs go "poof". And we get a reset, only it's OUR reset.

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"We all take our orders for legislation from the U.N. that sends out sheafs of "suggested" regulation for all ministries and departments large and small."

Despite the evidence that local government is more efficient and beneficial, those who wish to be in control always reach for more control over more people. Self-management goes toward family, then toward community, then toward regional, then to national, to multinational (treaties and such), finally to world. We are very near world government now, therefore at the most abusive, least efficient, and less beneficial government stage. Yes, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

The lie of collective good is killing us.

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How about the use of enough water to fill a small pool to drown the ovomit, moochelle, Jackass Joe and the Kamel? It would be a good use of water and for a beneficient purpose for the USA.

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At this point it should be obvious that we cannot coexist with these psychopaths….

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It is coming through Reflexive Law. Understand that and we can stop it.

Grants and subsidies come into communities with conditions. These conditions are legally binding. Many US cities, counties and states have banned this funding. I can find no traction in Canada. They simply think it is too absurd to be true and won’t even read the documents in my hand.

Farmers are catching on.

Reaction after laws pass.

Darwin Award

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