it's all so depressing...

I think sometimes the whole feminist movement has been purposely highjacked and ramped up to ridiculous levels to allow the cascade of "anything goes"...

Your writing is beautiful Elizabeth, even when the subject matter is so utterly dark. Thank you.

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It is clear we are under some kind of demonic attack. But God wins and our job is to resist and illuminate and witness. Without despair. It is a spiritual stance

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It’s hard not to feel completely mental... I mean who could possibly have thought this was even possible... I keep wanting to slap myself upside the head and say what is really going on here o

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This was a hard read. It took me a few times to get through it. Whew!

This all started when women were enticed into the workplace. Sure, there were always women who were better suited for the working world and not the home. God bless them. They should be free to follow their dreams. But my mother was home when I got home from school every day.

My sister and I were fed, cleaned, dressed, watched over, and checked for damage... physical, mental, and spiritual on an hourly basis. Hourly! My mother and father were so close in their everyday day life that you couldn't slide a peice of paper between them, and when one picked up a bad vibe...any bad vibe... they were on it.

Unauthorized Jack Knife in my sock drawer? "Where did you get this." Not a question.

Older guys handing out Playboy mags? "Where did this come from." Again, not a question.

Walk into the house smelling of cigarette smoke? Katie bar the door. Hell, I came in from a Jr high dance one night, and at breakfast the next morning, my mom asked who "the girl" was. Perfume got me, I guess.

When I became a parent and we got on the www, the computer was placed in the living room where either myself or my wife could see. My wife was home every day for our children...everyday. I worked to put food on the table. I was expected and respected. I am north of 70 and retired, and I still work, ok, not as much, but...

Raising children is so complicated that it takes two loving adults' attention, literally 24/7/365. It just does.

We knew when "something" was up because we were in our kids' lives. We still had troubles, of course. But grooming, trafficking, porn? We'd know, or die trying.

It's the family unit...Captain Obvious.

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And another thing, (Don't blame me for this postscript. You're the thought provocateur here...I'm the innocent provocatee), one of my great regrets is that I didn't get to have my kids work with me like my Dad worked with me. We were floor sanders. I swept floors at 11, and by the time I was 15, I could run any machine we had. The first time my mom made my lunch along with Dad's... I can't describe the feeling. My kids couldn't ride with me in the Troop Car. They couldn't see me work, succeed, fail... I wish that their early work life could have been with me... but better? I wish my Dad had lived to work with my boys. Ok, now I am done.

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Think a lot of people are feeling this, the return to localism is part of it.

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Feb 13, 2023·edited Feb 13, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

You continue hitting major league nerves here on your site. You have your finger on the pulse.

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Feb 11, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

Elizabeth: a jaw-dropper. You are excellent and you keep getting better. God bless. The awakening must soon be upon us. Things happen slowly and then all of a sudden. Some of my old friends and family are in a deep trance, sometimes a hateful one. I keep circulating your articles, and some few other writers. Nothing so far. Striving to demonstrate patience and calm and grace and forgiveness, for surely all of us need to be shown mercy. A counselor once reminded me: “You can lead a horse to water. But you can’t hit it up da side o’ da head.”

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Feb 11, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

It's not the flood we'll be dealing with.

God gave Noah the rainbow sign

'No more water', he said.

'The fire next time.'

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Feb 11, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

Such a great piece exposing this -- thankful you are doing so.

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Feb 11, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

It seems this story is always sort of 'disappeared'. I'm always more shocked at the magnitude of the problem on the rare occasion of the curtain being pulled back a little more. It takes a strong will and dedication to do this work and I thank you for stepping up.

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Feb 13, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

I, like Ralph, also date the lack of protection for our children to women's leaving home, en masse, to work for The Man, leaving the care of their children to outside care givers, who were/are often disinterested in the physical, emotional, and spiritual, well-being of their charges. It's a job and it's not well-paid. Radical feminism sold women a crock: Working for pay was, supposedly, more important (and built your self-esteem) than being a full-time mother and homemaker. This isn't a popular POV but I don't care. I'm old enough to have witnessed the downhill trajectory of care for kids since the '60s and the consequent appalling entitled, disrespectful behaviour of too many young people and, sadly and scandalously, rampant abuse of them, WITHOUT OUR LEADERS (sic) OR FEMINISTS SHOWING MUCH CONCERN. We have planted the wind and are now reaping the maelstrom.

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Feb 19, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

Elizabeth, you were kind enough to send a personal note regarding my comment (Feb. 13).

I understand and appreciate the concerns regarding chemicals (I am especially concerned about the appalling percentage of (mostly) male children prescribed psychiatric drugs.) Dietary issues are questionable. How are we to explain the male athletes whose physiques are remarkably fit and hyper-masculine? Given the socioeconomic background of the majority of professional athletes, it's highly doubtful that their moms have been stocking the shelves with organic produce, whole grains, etc., much less cooking full meals for them. Read "Life at the Bottom" by Anthony Dalrymple for an exposition of how the low SES family groupings live. Numberless young people have never (never!) had a home-cooked meal. Fast food is a way of life for most, and the food served in schools is swill (unless a kid attends Sidwell Friends School, etc., where the Y-cromosome students grow up to be soy-boys, taking Social Justice courses at Columbia.) So, let's agree to take a time-out on this subject, and continue the train of my original thought re: anti-social behaviors in men who claim to believe they are women. My computer skills are so negligible that I'm afraid to try to send the link to an imortant article I found today at The Daily Wire.Title: 9 In 19 Trans Women in Canada's Prisons are Violent, Nearly Half Convicted of Sex Crimes: Study. The study was conducted by the Correctional System of Canada.

Thus, we have these creeps taking advantage of Wokeness to get themselves placed among a (truly) captive poplation of potential victims. I surmise that a great percentage of the current crop of so-called trans "women", an absurdity that George Orwell would have found beyond even his prodigious imagination, are simply being pro-active against the likely perverted, criminal activities for which they may eventually be convicted. Pedophiles, especially child rapists, would find this whole thing quite helpful. Why risk being put into a dangerous group of hulking men, when you could be placed with women prisoners?

As for the Evil that poisons our lives...100% agreement here. The filthy hand of Satanic evil is eagerly sought by milllions. I didn't see the hideous Grammy show with a sexual deviant singing and dancing in front of a statue of Moloch, but apparently it got rave revues. Jesus weeps and so do I.

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Hi, I don't know why some male - mostly POC - athletes have these awesome bodies - I mean they are freaks of nature, like supermodels. I have read life at the bottom, what two decades ago? And maybe this is racist, but American blacks have insane bodies in terms of vitality and strength. Also country kids and small city kids have cleaner lives generally. But to me, the genetic damage is multi-system failure, like the vaccines, and it depends on the individual's own immune system and luck as to whether it takes.Atrazine and Estrogen bi-sex fish and mammals in nature. Period. No question that that happens. And both chemicals are in everything. But it is only a part of the problem. The left has used transsexuals viciously as a weapon to collapse their object of hate - middle class America. Call them out for who they are, get rid of them, and you have immediately won more than half the battle. De-poison the earth and you have the rest.

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Feb 12, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson


That was beautiful.

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Feb 11, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson


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Mar 15, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

Outstanding article! There's a book entitled "Feelings Matter" by Ceanne DeRohan which discusses the reptilian mind and the emotional body in depth. I highly recommend it.

Here's a couple of paragraphs from the author's description of the book:

"When I came across the information that the development of most of our brains has been becoming increasingly abnormal, imbalanced and dominated by the part of our brain referred to as our Reptilian brain stem, I was impacted by the realization that here was the explanation I had been seeking. Now, everything suddenly made sense in a way that it had not before. Reptilian brain domination has been the root cause of most of our many and collective problems.

As I looked at the world with this added understanding, I also realized that even though the symptoms and enactments of advancing Reptilian brain domination had been becoming increasingly apparent all around us, and are most easily seen in the lack of real caring about others, the idea that anything can be done no matter what the impact, the dishonesty, corruption, thievery, violence and war, as far as I knew, our increasing brain imbalances had not been recognized for what they really are, for how it happens or for what this really means."

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Wow - finding that book. Thank you.

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Feb 14, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

I don't believe that there more than a very few male-to-female "transexuals" who "crave...gentleness" ad nauseum. What I know is that the rate of anti-social personality disorders is @ 1 per 100 people (Ph.D. Psychology here). What I think is that there many men who have criminal traits, sexual perversions, and/or who get their kicks frightening or appalling other people. Among mediocre/lazy male athletes who have antisocial personality traits, what could be more satisfying than simply showing up for an event, then defeating scores of women who have worked for years to get a chance to win. And, of course, these guys get to expose themselves and be peeping-toms at the same time. It's a win-win for creeps.

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Julie, you sent me an email and I can't find it on my email page - can you resend so I can read it?

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Feb 14, 2023·edited Feb 14, 2023Author

Yeah, of course. But have you considered that some of that maladjustment is chemical caused? We have a nice fat strain of mental ill adjustment in my maternal line. I think our trans person is expressing those genes through a currently socially acceptable identity, AND early estrogens in city water and vaccine damage. He is very much what I describe, Btw, everyone with mental illness in my family were easily the most brilliant. I don’t accept that these people are all sick or criminal. Further, I think you have to separate out the political malignancy that the left created around this issue. Because that is what the left does, prey on the weak and fragile. I wrote about that extensively based on Toby Rogers work etc. As to the criminal and opportunists in this game? . Vile beyond measure. But every trans person I have met in real life is ultra sensitive, some with a flashy persona. Mentally ill? Damaged? Being ruthlessly used and exploited? All of that.

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“Somehow people like you”? There is lots of blame to go around. But the influence on porn is rarely me tioned. In fact, it was a man, a Marine who rescues children who made the point. With such passion, I imagine you are working in child rescue or fostering a child rescued? Or are you just angry?

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Horrible. I would just add that Marilyn Monroe is part of the problem. She helped bring about today's moral hellscape. Even if her vulnerability was real, she certainly trafficked in it. Let's be real, she made money in pornography. What is pornography after all but objectifying the human body, to one degree or another - even if that body is her own. She's the precursor to today's Kim K. and to the rest.

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I don't think that we can speak fully about Elizabeth's article discussing the grievous nature of our present society , without bringing in artificial contraception and abortion. Sex isn't meant to be uncoupled from marriage and openness to creating new life. All hell has broken loose because this truth has been repudiated by much of modern society.

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Yes, upwards of half a million children go missing every year. You know what also happens? About one million pre-born babies are murdered by their own mothers via abortion, and another one million baby boys are sexually tortured and permanently mutilated via circumcision; passing out multiple times as they have their prepuce defused, crushed, and cut off because voyeuristic mommy likes to see his exposed penile glans. And somehow people like you are surprised when so many of them grow up to be sexually depraved.

I do not, nor will I ever, blame a boy or a man for having a fucked up sense of sexuality. What else could you expect from someone who's first experience after he was born was an unimaginable degree of sexual torture. And if he escaped that operation, he was likely subject to painful retracting/defusing of his foreskin every day because "he's dirty and needs to be cleaned." And that's just the very beginning of a life in a deeply misandric society that will relentlessly mock, ridicule, pathologize, and abuse the defining feature of his maleness. No wonder they all resort to porn.

Speaking of porn, you seem to use it as a way to shame men. But you make no mention of female use of visual or literary porn, especially the romance novel industry. The popular talking points against the (presumed exclusively-male) use of pornography, and how porn supposedly reflects and promotes a twisted darkness about male sexuality, are too numerous to count. On the other hand, romantic fiction is flaunted as a cultural cornerstone. Women freely and openly indulge in the overdone (and sometimes rapey) fantasies found throughout the romance genre. No one ever asks whether the whirlpools of romantic persuasion induced in the female psyche cause a desensitization to the erotic emotions involved in a normal relationship. Even less so does anyone recognize the economic and emotional objectification of men within these fantasies. How many men will go to bed tonight aching for love and affection, while their women give the cold shoulder because they don't measure up to the princes of their romantic fantasies? Twenty million? Fifty million? Hundred million?

The point is, the reason why child sex so prevalent within our governments and various cartels is because womanhood already descended to that level of depravity long ago. You're pointing fingers at men and government when your condemnation should be unto women. Bring the flood? Yes, it's being brought via the erasure of womanhood. Don't get it twisted.

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