I downloaded and read The Great Taking back in October when you first mentioned it. There were lots of new details, but the basic story is the same we've been seeing for years and years.

Hanlon's Razor says "Never ascribe to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity." It's been ascribed to a raft of dead men, from Bonaparte to Heinlein - I first saw it in the Jargon file in the early '80s.

I contend that the situation described in this post, and in "The Great Taking", cannot be adequately explained by stupidity, or even malice. Dear friends, we are facing evil, plain, undiluted, spiritual, Satanic evil. We must resist, although in the end only pure, spiritual Good can prevail. Keep your powder dry and watch your six.

Like the meme with the guy sitting at a table in a park, all I can say is "Change my mind."

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Yup. Evil , period.

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I haven't read it, but I agree that it speaks to us powerfully. Of course, I always add the more modern "Watch your six!"

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Whelp! That made my blood pressure go up! 😬

What is one action we can take daily to help counter this?

How do we tackle something seemingly this large with the agreggation of small, daily acts? HOW do we resist the evil?

Some of what I say in answer to these questions is that we must learn to grow more of our own food. We need to support our own healthy bodies. And we need to speak and connect with our neighbors on a daily basis. But what DO you say, Elizabeth?

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Every act of rebellion is a nail in their coffin. Even a small act of non compliance is a step in the right direction. They are less than 1% of the population. If you look outside of our Western propaganda you will see the rest of the world is rising up to overthrow them.

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I agree with you to a large extent... but that still doesn't answer the question "HOW do we do this?" I'm NOT being difficult. I'm genuinely inquiring. I have many answers for myself already, AND, I'm seeking additional points where the aggregation of small actions can break a damn. I get that you might not want to list specifics. Maybe toss out a few ideas...? I'd love to hear from the author on where she think the accumulation of small actions can make the greatest impact.

I definitely tackle the food system as a starting point for myself and my sphere of influence. But....what else?

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All my solutions are local. Housing? Local. Businesses and food? Local. I live in a place with endless opportunity and wealth. It may be specific to my region, but it is all shut down. On the one side, socialists who want to control everything, mismanage everything and drive us further into poverty, and the pandering right who sell out to their highest bidder, usually Asians, backed by gangs. Meanwhile citizens are sheep to be sheered or eaten. The very very very rich aggregate as much land as possible behind the environmental movement. Pick one problem. Solve it. Housing here is critical, but all the land is locked up in green belts for climate change. That has a solution, but people have to get involved.

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Accomplishing this will not be easy. We all live in different climates and geographies. We all have different skill sets. All I can tell you at this point is that panic is your greatest enemy. It over rides logic. Think before you act. Be proactive rather than reactive should be your mantra.

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Indeed. Great minds.... 😉

Planting an oak tree or a fruit tree could be the analogy.... Oaks are amazing. Fruit provide food.

On we go... the adventure continues.

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For a long term strategy, yes. But not for the next few years. Neither oak trees nor the majority of fruit trees produce any significant quantity of edible product until about 3 to 5 years or longer from seedling stage. I have grown both in the Mid Atlantic region U.S. growing zone 7. One has to consider if they believe they will be in the same home for the next 10 years in order to reap the benefit from the effort needed to grow and maintain the trees.

Also, if we we want to grow better healthier food, we need to put a stop to the continuous spraying by specially-equipped airplanes at high altitudes with chemicals that are toxic to human and plant life. "Cloud seeding for rain" is the official excuse. It's BS - the real motives are far more sinister and existentially threatening. They are trying to alter the climate in a negative way. Look up "chem trails" and avoid any mainstream news or government affiliated sources....

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I would add that we must remove any investment, including pensions from Banks and institutions linked to central banks and resist with every fibre of our being any move to complete digitalisation especially financial and the move to Digital ID. They need that in place first before CBDC. Cash, physical books and information sources, music etc etc... And yes, community, cooperation with high trust and capable people. We are so much stronger than the sclerotic so called elite. God bless us all 🙏

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There is a Substack writer you should look up and communicate with. James Roguski. He is looking for people such as yourself to restructure the crumbling systems.

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Thanks Richard.

I'll do that.

Let him know I'll be reaching out please. 😊

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If you have any kind of spiritual practice, ask to be guided by God or Love, to what you can do. I believe we each have a unique role that only we can do.

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Go back in time and be vigilant about every law passed. They will be used. Like 1920's Berlin, the laws passed were only implemented years later. They still use the same template. You snoozed, were distracted by Bread and Circuses and only now you ask what to do? Prevent it, as once in place the sheer amount of work to reverse it will make being vigilant look like a mere adult responsibility. We were infantilized and we allowed it.

The people who dedicated their lives to try and warn you, were so desperate as they knew there is no answer/reversing. Simply don't allow it. History teaches this. What shiny toy distracted you? What possibly was worth your children's future? Have no idea how so many did not notice.

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It can be anything, getting involved in local politics for example, even if it means writing a letter. This is a very minor matter but I have written about it nonetheless.


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I working with the same question - how do we beat this? Agreeing with you on food, I’d add mental health. There’s a huge psychological element to all of this. Fighting that may provide more resilience for what comes next. If you can see through the fear and panic brought on by the next thing, you won’t fall victim to it and will be clear headed enough to find a way through.

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Ignorance in America is now the norm. Our youth have become the poster children for stupidity thanks to incompetent Marxist school unions; folks in many other nations exceed our school scores & laugh at our politically [& moronic] correct doctrines in indoctrination. Dumb & dumber is the mantra of choice in America.

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Alas, those Marxist schools are all too competent at forming young minds to their needs.

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What I learned from the Marxist schools. They gather up the brighter students, label them "gifted", put them in special "gifted" classrooms with special "gifted" texts and curriculum and "educators" trained to manipulate their "gifted" charges so that the "gifted" will be sure to get their brainwashing even better than the rest of the student body. In the case of our child I smelled a rat early on but not until she was a high school senior did I figure out the enormity of the plot. That was over 30 years ago. Do you suppose the evil ones have improved on their plans since then" Yes. That's what GOALS 2000, America 2000 and all the stuff since was. Republican plans and Democrat plans (Uniparty Plans) all came from the same evil ones. But taxpayers keep voting themselves higher and higher taxes to pay for their childrens' brainwashing and they keep voting for the same lying b_star _s of the Uniparty and they keep cheering RAH RAH for our ball team.

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Interesting. It sounds like your daughter may be almost as old as I am. How'd she turn out?

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There are so many people now employed in the government school system that every family has at least one. So every family has family member/s getting their paychecks from the government school system which we are taxed to fund. Then add in all the other government employees that derive their income from us and that increases constantly and just imagine how much is stolen and wasted and used for evil.

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We were blessed. She, like her brother, got a degree in Mech. Engineering, married, had lovely children, home-schooled them to save them from the brainwash, and now has her oldest over half thru the evil university system. I warned her about what would be in store for her kids if she put them in the government school. She listened.

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"Stupid is as Stupid does." Forrest Gump.

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Yep, we are the collateral and the carbon they want to eliminate. Rock, meet hard place.

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To me, the most wonderful illustration of the power of free market is the meteoric rise of Hong Kong under Sir John Cowperthwaite. He arrived in 1945 to help Hong Kong rise from desolation after the war. He found that the population were doing a very good job of rebuilding on their own, so he basically left them alone to get on with it. The story is that he refused to collect any statistics for the London civil servants, on the grounds it would only encourage them to interfere and make regulations.

My Hero!


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Druid144: It has been said many times that Data (statistics) are the weapons of the State.

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Not surprised -- a true hero.

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I think converting all of your assets to physical gold, in YOUR safe, is a good start. Also, convert a sizable amount to guns and ammunition. Lots of ammunition. And find like minded individuals who will will work together when the cabal comes knocking. Hoard lots of non perishable food items, seeds, and water. One gallon of bleach will treat 18000 gallons of water for parasites. Remember, the British were a powerful force, but the American spirit was more so.

If you think this won’t end with bloodshed, I hope you’re right, but prepare for the worst.

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Learn to barter. They hate that.

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Sadly, most will have nothing to barter. I have many useful skills for survival (hunting/fishing), as well as building, plumbing, electric (could be useful), sewing, metal working, watch/clock repair. I started my working life at 14 as an apprentice shoe maker. Once the food becomes scarce, folks will become protein for the strong. It’s going to be hell on earth.

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Just remember that any thief will force you to open your safe, and you'll comply, especially if they are holding a gun on your partner or child, so if at all possible, keep some in safe but the rest outside of safe in discreet location. One guy used to hide his cash in a dirty laundry pile. *Lynette Zhang from ITM had security peeps on who made this suggestion.

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Well trained dogs make great pre alarms ‼️ Don’t keep your guns in the safe, though, hide them in readily accessed places all over the house, that way when the trip wires start popping off, you have the element of surprise on your side.

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Unless they stop by every day to check your guns, do not comply!

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Well I live in Canada so by law they must be locked up in a safe. We don't have any real property rights. Everything "great about Canada" is an illusion.

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Beware bleach does have an expire date. Generally a year. That may be considered a cya date. One website says it could be as little as six months. If you can smell the chlorine it's good, but if it's faint or very weak, it will not protect you. Keep that in mind.

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Chlorine lasts about a month. at that point it degrades at an accelerated rate. Depending on how and where it’s kept.

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If The Glorious Revolution is the way forward, the cure is worse than the disease. Throw families off their lands that were owned by the Catholic Church, now distributed to the aristocracy or politicians. There is a great migration to the cities because subsistence living is impossible. Rather than work to produce the goods you need, you work to earn a wage determined by another to buy the things you need. London becomes the hellhole Dickens would describe.

Dad and the young boys go to work in slimy factories. Mom, who was equally as important as her husband in providing a living, loving home for the family either follows the husband and children to the city to work in their respective factories, or is abandoned or falls into prostitution.

Catholics are prohibited to work, own property and to vote. Protect a priest, lose your life. Attend a Mass and get caught both the priest and faithful lose their lives.

The wealth and the riches of England were heavily concentrated in the hands of the politicians (oh, they gave themselves so many laws that benefited themselves) and the partners of the mercantile class.

It is a supreme irony that a way forward that is bandied about on these pages--let the people produce from the land and enjoy their the fruits of their labor and one of those fruits is a stable family unit--is precisely what Protestantism and the Glorious Revolution destroyed.

But, the victors write history, don’t they?

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Hi, Alan. Former Catholic here. There is some harsh truth in what you wrote, but we need to bear in mind another harsh truth, too. Without the so-called Catholic Church, its Roman supremacy, its filioque clause, its vulgar corruption, and all the rest of it, there would be no Protestantism or Church of Henry VIII. Credit must be given to all scoundrels where credit is due.

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Hi Allan. I expected someone would bring this up. Given the fallen nature of man, corruption is found in every institution. You are confusing the corruption of men with the Church that Christ founded. As for Protestantism and the Church of England, by their fruits you shall know them. Regards the filioque, we’ll discover who is correct at our personal judgment.

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“All it takes is for each of us to step up and demand it.” How? Reading this made me actually sick to my stomach. But how does an ordinary American, paying attention, yes, but also working to survive and taking care of family, “step up and demand it?” I feel demoralized when I read this. What can I possibly do that would make any difference at all against these forces? The people we’ve elected have betrayed us. Or have the elections been fraudulent? Really, I feel overwhelmed.

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I don't know how specifically you can do it - local politics is the first step for many - we have turned it over to socialist fools and they run riot - so yeah, anything you can do. Look, there is literally NO WAY that my great aunt and uncle would have permitted Vancouver to be turned over to the cartels the way it has been, and many other cities as well. Their kids went 'international', academia, London, Berkely, Toronto, intl business, we left our home places wide open. And my generation? Basically it was too late. Reinvolvment is hard and unpleasant and necessary. But that's how they did it, they started local.

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elizabeth nickson: Us locals here in Healdsburg, CA can't even get our City Council to remove the Covid Parklets that businesses use around the town plaza. They take up 49 public parking spaces.

Our town sold its soul for tourism back in 2001 when the Hotel Healdsburg was built on city land by the Plaza.

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Great ideas. Thanks for your thoughtful response.

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This is exactly the way forward. Local politics is just as crazy as national but you have a great chance of making a difference. And in many areas there are already groups of citizens who are working to take back school boards and city councils and county commissions.

Local politicians are accessible and they do listen. Pay them a visit. Attend local government meetings. Get a copy of your state constitution and your county’s bylaws.

It’s not fun. It can be maddening (the stolidness and intractable nature of some politicians can drive you crazy), but you must get involved. Use your strengths and talents to effect change. And don’t let the establishment doyennes boss you around.

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Karen Lynch: I live in Healdsburg, California. It is now a very rich town of about 12,000 people an hour north of San Francisco. Healdsburg is surrounded by vineyards and oak covered hills. The wealthy are buying 2/3 of the houses in town for rentals or investments. Our town's City Council quit listening to us locals years ago. The city likes the tourists and the tax money they bring. My wife and I are too old and ill to move. It's a shame.

Watch "The Milagro Beanfield War" or read the book by John Nichols. They are both very entertaining and illuminating.

I've demanded action for us locals many times from the City Council and County Supervisors. They ignore me. Our town still has parklets taking up 49 parking places on the plaza.

To answer your question, I don't have a clue.

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I think many of us have been betrayed by even our local politicians. It’s very depressing.

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Karen Lynch: Here in Healdsburg, us locals have been ignored and told to go away.

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On the question of what do we do, I worked with the American Monetary Institute and Congressman Dennis Kucinich in the early 2000s on taking back control of the US monetary system from the elite. The result was Kucinich's NEED Act of 2011 that would replace the Federal Reserve with a new people's monetary system. Right after he introduced this, he was gerrymandered out of Congress. But the NEED Act remains. It is part of the platform of the Green Party. I tell the story of how this happened in my new book, "Our Country, Then and Now," just published by Clarity Press. Please take a look.


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I applaud your efforts, and that of Ron Paul. Others that fought soooooo hard to simply take back monetary control before they crash it on us. So with your post, and many on this thread calling "Oh dear, what do we do now", why haven't you all met up earlier?

What was your pushback from the general population to your efforts? From the peons who would only gain from the efforts you wrote about?

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As bad as all this is (and it is indeed terrible) the "Round Table" has been working this for the last 500 years and they aren't going to get any closer to "world domination and serfdom of the masses" than they did with the plandemic. The jig is up when regular people like Elizabeth are talking about this right now and in public and out loud. Don't get me wrong, it will take a lot to undo all this garbage, but we will undo it. There are other forces than just the Luciferian ones in the world. And God the Father does not lose to a bunch of wanna be demons.

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I would agree, but the 5G mm wave geo-fence will make rebelling impossible.

I'd love to be wrong. If you understand the tech, please explain how to counter. This is a new level of war and most people are not aware of what the tech can do.

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Hey Pippi. This article about geofencing https://www.computerworld.com/article/3528795/geofencing-what-is-it.html sells it as a marketing tool but I can see how it could get ugly...with the flip of a switch. What a world.

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We paid for this roll out.

Darwin Award

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5G is a Military roll out disguised as a commercial offer to contract. Look up "the Growler" and the frequencies it uses. Plus all the other frequencies this system can deliver. An opening up and licensing of the mm wave spectrum with zero health studies considered. With mm waves blanketing our streets, what is the physics of how it affects a baby in a metal framed stroller? Fibre Optics (new generation) is a part of this, although towns and cities vote for it, thinking it is a safer alternative. Once you vote for it, you give consent which by passes the Nuremberg Code.

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After reading your first comment about geofencing, the first report in my search on the topic described 5G's power as a very short wave most useful in densely populated areas where the towers are approx 1500 feet apart. The wave carries a lot of data but not very far in distance. The report said costs of building out 5G in rural or sparsely populated areas wouldn't be worth it.

Communists in Russia at the height of their power had human agents working for them everywhere all the time. Dedicated, ruthless humans are better than 5G and the Supreme Soviet still collapsed. Maybe the rats behind this 5G stuff are counting on everybody being either too sick to fight back or too doped up to care. History proves that Liberty wins and Tyrants lose, over and over and over again. God our Father did not create us to live in terror as slaves.

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I do not believe history proves Liberty wins.

1. We only think we are free.

2. For example: The "Wall" fell because the powers that be decided that fear experiment was over, and it was time the manufacturing assets of Eastern Europe were transferred to China. The countries were then brought into parallel with the Western world for a particular reason, soon to be experienced.

Even if liberty does win this time, which I argue with 5G, will be impossible, do you want to experience the intervening years until we throw off the yoke? For Russians it was more than 7 decades.

3. Have a coffee with an East European friend and ask if they see the same tried and true tactics perfected in their countries, under Communism, occurring now in the West. We can't see it because we have been infantilized, so they generally won't warn us due to our denial tantrums.

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When the Warren Supreme court in the United States twisted Constitutional Law into "no prayer in school and sodomy is legal" the long march through the institutions began. I do not deny that it is a nasty situation. We, the U.S. Americans have been accepting things that we KNEW were dead-wrong. And now we've got a big mess on our hands. I find these two statements rather sum up the situation : 1. The mission statement of the Frankfurt School: “We must organize the intellectuals and use them to make Western civilization stink. Only then, after they have corrupted all its values and made life impossible, can we impose the dictatorship of the proletariat.” 2. A statement about the Warren Court from a lawyer who wisely chose to remain anonymous: "When homosexual conduct between two men in private was legalized in the 1970s, in violation of God's law, the criminalization of Christianity was set in motion. We will find no compromise between these two extremes." The long hard ride of human history thru time is mostly like Hobson says, nasty, brutal and short. God's apostate son, Satan, is an artist in misery. Unwary people become his palette and his canvas over, and over, and over again. So it will be until the Good LORD says, "Enough."

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God the Father gave us free will and we chose bread and circuses over freedom.

Yes, we are creative, but too comfortable in the heart of the empire to see how we have enslaved others for years. Most of humanity is already enslaved and the "good christians" have made up a story to cover up their own complicity. They think our lifestyle is from our Darwinian evolutionary superior status rather than military might.


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It is being rolled out in my remote rural community of 800. Who is paying for all of this? Fiber optics is needed for the "last mile" due to latency. Comes with wireless boosters/ small cells. The information they collect cannot be handled by copper wire. It needs Fiber Optics and the Smart Meter 2 way Zigbee chip to complete the transfer. Especially data on children.

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Whew. So the article I read was a study in misdirection. I live rural, too, where TVA supplies the electricity. TVA paid for installing fiber all over this county 15 years ago. I had to wait for 13 of those years before they could hook me up. I'd been paying CenturyLink 100 bucks a month for 15mbs upload speed. TVA sells me 100mbs for 49 dollars a month. There are three cell towers in sight from my house. Does the fiber interface in my house connect with those towers somehow? These creeps think they are sooo smart...

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How can encumbering pensions, investment funds, as collateral not be considered theft and breach of fiduciary responsibility? Also, suggest a minor correction: one order of magnitude is 10X, not 100X (two orders of magnitude).

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When the derivatives were exposed in 2008, the creators should have paid. There were no consequences, not one went to jail. Didn't you not wonder where the liability ended up? The bank Bail in laws, suggested by Harper in the 2013 Economic Action Plan, page 144-145, then passed by Trudeau as soon as he got in. How was it not an election issue? Our political parties are all run by a mafia. Think Laurentian Elite, think Demerais. They put the liability elsewhere that would come in handy for the Problem-Reaction-Solution crash ushering in the CBDC's. Where were you? At a hockey game?

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The Derivatives are at $714 Trillion. As of first half 2023.

That’s Bank of International Settlements, not a political site.

World GDP $100T.


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Amazing post. Thank you.

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There is one big wrench in their plan, Russia and the BRICS alliance. If they are not carful they will bring on a full fledged nuclear holocaust. The question is are they insane enough to force this? Do they honestly think their bunkers will protect them? Their technology will not save them. Are they so deluded to think they have the skills to survive without the producers? I believe we are on the cusp of either our destruction or the destruction of their whole rotten power structure. Time will tell. Never comply and never submit. If we are resolute we may yet come through this. One way or another they are doomed to failure.

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Putin and Xi Ji Ping get invited to the same meetings and take the same marching orders from the same "Round Table" people.

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Key point. Thank you.

Lots of evidence for this, but too "inconvenient." Did you know Putin's Grandfather was a Chef in Stalin's Kosher kitchen? Also cooked for Lenin.

Stalin - Joseph Dzhugashvili

Lenin - Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov

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I did not know about Putin's familial line going back to Lenin but I'm not surprised. No wonder he operated within the KGB for years.

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The BRICS won’t have to lift a finger as the West plunges over the cliff. There won’t be a need for a nuclear war.

“Never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake.” - Sun Tzu

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💯🙏🏻Thank you for another excellent essay!

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This is absolutely brilliant work. Thank you.

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