May 12·edited May 12Liked by elizabeth nickson

Bob Rae is the poster child for an apparatchik- switches political affiliation views and religions when it suits his personal ambitions. When I worked for him at Queens Park his marxist “brother and sister “ greetings were mocked. I would run a 100 miles in the opposite direction if I was the Native Band leadership. He will screw them over as all previous ” leaders” and Commissions have done. Sounds like another virtue signalling exercise from the decaying nervous elites.

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May 12·edited May 14Liked by elizabeth nickson

Bob Rae's a hail fellow well met, born with a silver spoon in his mouth, like his fellow-Trinity College, U. of T. colleague, Michael Ignatieff, now a protege of George Soros. Both of them and their fellow "Liberals" have overseen the death of Canada as a serious nation, as a nation that truly cares for ALL Canadians and wants to see all of us prosper. We've been shut down, their using virtue signaling and canceling those they don't like, while they do the bidding of the globalists, stuffing their pockets with filthy lucre while the rest of us, increasingly, scratch out a living month to month just to pay for the basic necessities. I spit in their general direction.

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I used to take it as a great compliment, proud Canadian that I USED TO BE before the Liberals ~ my father called them "bagmen at an unholy wake" ~ destroyed our country, when people would say to me, "Are you Canadian?" and when I answered, "yes," they'd continue, "you don't sound or act like a Canadian."

What they meant was that I had opinions which I wasn't reluctant to voice, often vociferously. My maternal forebears are those fierce Irish/Scots Celts and my paternal forebears are from Yorkshire. I'm mad as hell at what the Leftists/Marxists/Laurentian elites, living lives of luxury far from the madding crowd, have made of Canada: Our "leaders" (sic) are now mere puppets of the globalist agenda, having sold out the rest of us.

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I used to be proud to be Canadian too. Now my daydream is how the hell can I escape!

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Yes, it's impossible to be a proud Canadian any more. So sad. So unnecessary. So evil, actually.

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Jane - I too voice my opinions vociferously. Keep it up! I more often than not am met with deer in the headlights stares. I've never understood the malignant passiveness of the bulk of us Canadians. I love reading Elizabeth - I only wish there were so many more of her!

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I’m in Texas, not from here originally but with the same Scots Irish roots. Texas represents that Jacksonian idea and is why they’re trying so hard to smash us down

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Like, as in noted. Any independent-thinking person/party/state/politician is anathema to the Marxists. The Dems are a criminal cartel who fear Donald Trump. They're desperate. Our Liberal$ here in Canada have to bribe the media and cheat in order to stay in power. What a world. Kyrie eleison.

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May 12Liked by elizabeth nickson

Superb as usual… perfect encapsulation of the old adage “strong men make good times,” etc. A perfect encapsulation of the purgatory you describe is Barbados versus Jamaica. The former has continued to embrace its British founding and the tenets of parliamentary democracy. The latter has fallen lock stock and barrel for NWO socialism and you can the difference in GDP, standard of living, crime stats, the works. I feel so bad for the young and ambitious in Canada and socialist hellholes like Jamaica. Imagine having your future throttled by constipated little rats like Bob Rae, who lives in the lap of privilege while impoverishing his self-perceived inferiors and calling it ‘virtue.’ ***shudder

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May 12Liked by elizabeth nickson

"constipated little rats like Bob Rae, who lives in the lap of privilege while impoverishing his self-perceived inferiors and calling it ‘virtue.’"

O-ooooooooo - good one!

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May 12Liked by elizabeth nickson

Lol 🙏

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Canada better hurry up with that energy plan, things are changing fast all over.....

As expected, a wonderful post!

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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What Canada needs is some whirlwind leader with the tenacity of England's James I. Someone that can wipe out the bureaucrats from the broken institutions within Canada, and demonstrate what can be done with the nincompoops like Pierre Castro Trudeau. Hanging a few bad politicians is just a step in the right direction. Hanging thousands is a giant step. Turning out the socialists would be a victory.

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Three female firebrands in PP's shadow cabinet:

Raquel Dancho - Manitoba

Rachael Thomas -Alberta

Leslyn Lewis - Ontario (This woman is the real deal - and should have won the leadership. She has long been a hungry dog with a bone over the seriously scary WHO Pandemic treaty. Check out her website).

There are more, but those are the three that immediately come to mind.

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I'm all for anyone that's right. I generally don't follow events in Canada too closely, but I know the Trudeau regime has gone bonkers against human rights ever since that minion was elected.

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Unfortunately I don't think Pierre will do it.. he will probably improve it, but won't go far enough. And in Canada, there are so many checks and balances that allow parliament to stop him. (Normally that would be considered a good thing) we need a Trump in his last term with nothing to lose type person. All this political correctness, DEI, pandering to special interest bull shit has to stop...WHO, WEF, UN has to be dismantled, new green deal cancelled. That's a tall order...yes politicians should hang..literally!!! If they knew there would be consequences, they might be more inclined to act for the people, rather than their own self interests. We are in a time right now where they know a change has to come, so they are flagrantly working as quickly as possible to set themselves up so they won't suffer as much as the common folk. I wish they realized they are only a rung or two above us on the ladder...they will NEVER make it to the top...the top don't allow that..they always have something on them to take them down.. I mean look at TRUMP...not many have the tenacity, and the means to fight the likes of what he is going through. Yes we need much harsher penalties for these crooks.

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Unfortunately, we have not hit rock bottom yet thus not much will change. But I think that time is coming soon.

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Now all of those Christian, white male colonizers (for the most part) are out of favor - stigmatized and shamed. They built railroads, bridges, dams, government buildings and most of the water and power infrastructure. The Canada I was born into no longer exists.

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They also built our democracy. Robert Baldwin was my great X 3 grandfather. He and Louis Hippolyte Lafontaine brought responsible government to what was then Canada, Ontario and Quebec, which laid the foundation for Confederation. They're now considered DWEMS ~ Dead White English/European Males.

Who are the colonizers? Look at all of the newcomers who now make their homes in Canada but who all too often take for granted ~ and often abuse ~ the rights and freedoms they enjoy and which have been provided by the DWEMS/White Supremacists they denigrate and mock who sacrificed and worked unceasingly to build a free and open society.

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I never get tired of saying that we stand on the shoulders of giants. We are so blessed in this nation.

I also never get tired of repeating what our dear Rex Murphy wrote several years ago - and I paraphrase: Canadians have a deplorable lack of gratitude for what we have.

(God bless Rex; a wordsmith, and especially in his latter years, an outspoken defender of this nation. We'll miss you, Rex).

Indeed, we have a deplorable lack of gratitude. We need only lift our heads and look around the room in which we sit. Everything there is a result of ingenuity, creativity, risk-taking, hard work, tenacity, maturity, and a sense of responsibility. Everything around us and on us - and our infrastructures - are a result of the average Canadian getting up in the morning, putting on big boy/girl pants and trotting off to work.

We had a great foundation. We were the envy of the world, but the tinkerers, the karens, and the self-important, overpaid bureaucrats and politicians guarding their positions and pensions have lost sight of who we were and how we got here. I do add that some of them have lost their consciences -and, alas, we suffer for it.

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Well-said, Donna Ruth. I'm sick and tired of the parasites sucking us dry, very much starting at the top with the Trudeaus, Raes, Ignatieffs, Chretiens, Freelands, et al. and our media who shill for the Liberal$, and, then, far too many ingrates breaching our borders, an invasion our politicians do nothing to stop. For votes. Shame on them. And shame on members of academia who indoctrinate our young people to diss and mock those on whose shoulders they stand, those who sacrificed in order to provide us with the rights and freedoms we enjoy. Canadians' "niceness" is not a virtue. We're a wimp nation, led by leaders who are puppets of the so-called Great Reset ~ great only for the elites. The rest of us "will own nothing and be happy." Why? Because the elites say so. They'll be our rulers and we'll all be serfs. That's the agenda.

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And, yet, we shall prevail. Somehow, I believe it. We must keep the faith and continue to forge on the sound foundations of our forbearers!

God is in his heavens, and "all shall be well; all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well" (Julian of Norwich).

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God bless Rex Murphy. A national treasure. He always spoke truth to lies: He had "their" number. How he'll be missed.

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How The Scots Invented the Modern World and How the Irish Saved Civilization are interesting reads with regard to your introduction. They basically formed the backbone to the British Empire

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Thanks, Bunny. I hadn't known about the first one, and as a proud descendant of those thieving Scottish families, it looks as if it's something which I'd enjoy reading.

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Canada’s elites are an extension of the British Imperial Oligarchy. Same Malthusianian mind virus!

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Despite all your righteous anger, I can still hear the sadness in your voice.

It's the same sadness I hear in fellow American voices.

Doesn't that sadness stem from actual love of nation and its history - rightly so?

And this is why I hold on to hope: a belief that (because of love of country) when we are ready and humble ourselves to ask God for assistance, He will help us get back our countries.

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Amen! Truth. 2 Chronicles 7:14. Trying to memorize it. God is going to save us. I can't wait!!!

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Why he must be part of the UNDRIP sales force. What's the old saying? The last words you ever want to hear is "trust me, I'm the Govt! I'm here to help"

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Yes, Ronald Reagan's "The nine most dreaded words in the English language are: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'"

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CO2 is continually confused w pollution. Observe what happens when asked what portion of CO2 is in the air: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJfrKNR3K2k Commies R clueless. Here in AZ, controlled burns (which always go out of control ever since they decided it was more politically advantageous to allow fires to rage rather than to extinguish them ) are a FAR greater source of pollution and CO2 than a years worth of cars driving around.

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You will never see another generation of Canadians comparable to those who built Canada until the cradle to grave welfare state is ended. Probably the fastest way to achieve that is for a couple western provinces to give an ultimatum: dump the present Senate, and replace it with one where every province has the same number of Senators. This is the only way to end the Ontario/Quebec hegemony over the rest of Canada.

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Good old Bob... who can forget the unpaid "Rae Days" hospital workers had to take off (or in many cases still work because of the workload).

Can't stand him. All the Laurentian Elites are horrible and think of all other Canadians as "those" people who take up space.

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Love your stack Elizabeth!

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“sclerotic bureaucracy”

Is there any other kind?

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