For the "people get off their butts" - check out https://www.citizensdefendingfreedom.com/. It's a "conservative start-up" out of Florida. I'm on the board in Collin County Texas - working on "freedom" which includes investigating local whistleblower stuff. It's grassroots in that each chapter is at the county level. We have an election integrity division and go to commissioners court pushing for paper ballots...although, the judge won't listen right now. You establish a county chapter and keep money locally. Corporate has over 100 lawyers and 100 media people when we need advice or media coverage. The idea is to pro-actively attack...you may have seen a woman reading pornographic library materials at a school board meeting last year...that was the Collin County Chapter (and, others). Elizabeth - go ahead and delete this if you want...I don't want to take away from your wonderful posts...but, noticed the "people get off their butts" comments. No worries.

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Wow, excellent!

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All money raised stays in the county. 50K donations starts a chapter. I think we are around 25 or so counties. Mostly Florida and Texas....and 2.5 years old at this point. You can think of it as an ACLU/NYT for the good guys:). We also have full-time employees in each county. Soros et al pay their astro-turfers

Here is a useful link to some election stuff: https://lostvotes.us/#video

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So what is the solution? Way too many people have sat back instead of demanding an end to the machines. Even if we tried to do an end run and got all of the Trump supporters to vote for RFK Jr. in a surprise attack in order to keep Biden (or whoever ends up running) from the win the machines would just steal the votes anyhow. So unless people get up off their butts and started organizing and demanding the end of the machines, early voting, mail-in ballots (except for the truly sick/disabled and the military), drop boxes, on line voting etc. we will never again have an honest election at all levels of government. The left has the money and the power now to control this country and after this next election it will truly be over for freedom, liberty and the American dream will become our worst nightmare. It will be too late to stop it so if you don't stop it ASAP we are done. During early voting on on election day organize and stand at each voting location in your county and watch them like hawks. Volunteer to work the polls, volunteer to participate in the count and document EVERYHTING you hear, see and are told. Be prepared and scream like a stuff pig when you see crime being committed. Get a team to watch every ballot box in your county 24/7 and anyone that brings more than one ballot to the box take pictures. Because you didn't do enough for the past 3 years to get rid of the machines the above is what you now must do.

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Solution? The only non-violent solution is a general strike until they collapse. Look at the concessions various EU governments have made to mollify the farmers. They know they have to eat, they know they need us to keep producing the goods and services they consume, and they know that their rent-seeking doesn't work unless we all keep playing their game.

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We need a solution

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The actions you have encouraged here are what was done in '22.

While I agree this is necessary action (and always has been) clearly it wasn't enough then nor will it be this year.

I agree that these people will not go quietly into the night. Their drunkenness and hubris will prevent it.

The Grassroots Opposition is not an issue at the polling station - they've got it covered.

The issue will be: what happens after the con is revealed through another stolen election - one which cannot be denied and whose purpose is to demoralize us into surrender/acceptance.

I am thinking that focus needs to shift from the election - which they want us focused on and have full control over- to some other method of the Grassroots Opposition to peacefully reclaim our rightful ppower.

Sadly, I have no offerings for consideration.

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Do nothing then and nothing will ever end. Try once and quit is why we are in this mess. The left never stops. They never give up. Americans have lost their fighting spirit. Sadly we must clean up the theft of our elections and it will take more than one attempt. We must keep going back. Work the polls, work the ballot count and man EVERY ballot box 24/7 and don't ever stop until they stop.

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Not saying to "do nothing."

I am saying to reconsider efforts.

A metaphor: The boat you are on is leaking. You have multiple options. Obviously bailing water is as important as discerning if the break in the hull can be fixed with the items you have on hand.

While you are bailing, it is determined the breach is unfixable. What is next? Sure, continuing to bail out the water could possibly buy time for a hopeful rescue. But if no rescue is coming (an unkown) what is next? The boat you are on will sink. What will you do?

This is the point of my comment: We should not allow ourselves to be HERDED in the direction of believing that we will reclaim our rightful power through this upcoming election. We should draw back and look at the biggest picture, understanding that an election is merely one element in this "war of ideas" thrust upon us through deceipt.



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I think you are both right. IMO our election system is hopelessly corrupted and commandered by the greedy communists who will fight and attempt to destroy anyone who interferes, not unlike our public education system, having indoctrinated at least 2-3 generations into their dystopian agenda.

Certainly it takes courage to stand up to the criminals and demand a seat at the election/ballot counting table, but courage is contagious. Alternatively, going Galt, opting out to build our own parallel networks and free trade communities where our constitutional republic, independence, and truth prevail, rejecting their impositions at every turn and building our own defense. That still requires a change of mindset where we no longer view the current regime of government, whether federal, state and local, legitimate and drive out the culture warriors forcing their perversions on our children.

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Oh, so true. Always new tricksies up their sleevesies.

THE LEFT NEVER STOPS. Print the t-shirt.

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Good idea.

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You are so on target.

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What the limousine-bureaucrats, high-finance short-sellers, blood-swilling entertainers, and creepy uniparty politicians all hate about Donald Trump is that ordinary people trust Trump--because he knows how to make things work and gets the job done. The papier-mâché elites are incompetent and DJT shows them up real bad. lol

"The origin of fourth-generation war lies not in technology nor in tactics, but in a vastly larger phenomenon: a growing and near-universal crisis of the legitimacy of the state. All around the world, the state has become a prisoner of a new class—an elite class that can’t make things work, that uses its wealth and power to insulate itself from the consequences of things not working, and which cares about only one thing: remaining the elite." https://chroniclesmagazine.org/society-culture/the-future-of-war/

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What they hate, abhor, are really pissed at and frightened to the point of terror is one thing: he, Trump, is not beholden. There is nothing, I repeat, nothing more terrifying to these excuses of humanity than not being able to control each other and you and I through markers, favors, or threats.

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Awesome research that should even wake up the brain dead TV addicts.

Here in Colorado the whine is that them there Denver and Boulder Liberals are causing the state to be blue and I don't think that is true. I don't think even they are all that stupid.

In my opinion Polis even rigged his recall to go his way and most people just setback a d blamed it all on "them stupid Denver and Boulder hippies"!

I believe our whole damn state is rigged! We have to clean out our RINOs too!

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Primary the RINOs. That is the first step, and fairly local.

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Polis is a WEF Young Global Leaders graduate. I reside in the Colorado hell hole, too. Colorado has seen much better days.

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I feel like I’m living in Paris in May, 1940.

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One Nation Under Blackmail. Recommend. Hard. Both Volumes.

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Have you read any of the others mentioned?

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They are all good.

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“Read”, no. Listened, yes. x1.5 is comfortable speed. I found x2 understandable. Saved me half the time of reading. 🤓😎

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If you are a subscriber to Jon Rappaport his latest podcast on Trump is very insightful. Also we all should be supporting Whitney Webb as she puts her ass in the line of fire and has had a rough year dealing with her son's medical issue.

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They don't have to steal elections. Both sides are mind controlled puppets who do as they're told. If you think trump or biden will change any aspect of your life, youre a fool. Big Oil, Big Pharma, Monsanto. Thats the government. They run the military too. trump biden pelosi mitch mcconell, they couldnt run a lemonade stand

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The cream does not rise to the top any longer, does it?

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We exist living in The Truman Show.

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In a former life I had significant involvement with and in the un-reality, reality of power brokers and I really do appreciate Whitney Webb's efforts as well as Peter Schweitzer's. What cannot be fathomed by almost everyone is just how entangled almost every state and its power grubbers are from the highest state offices to a great many cities, large and small. That being said it is equally so that not all power grubbers are included or even aware. Federally and internationally it is a pandemic. People like Jeffery Epstein can best be summed up as "Match Makers", I have known and worked "on" such people. It is not funny, amusing or for the rigid of mind and thought. A strong stomach, a tight lipped mouth, and an absolute grip on realizing that being seduced and then used is your fate if you play in the very smallest way. These are very serious and goal oriented people.

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Might I add evil people as well.

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In Nevada, Republican Joe Lombardo, who was not a popular candidate, or Clark County Sheriff, won the Governor's race against the extremely unpopular Steve Sisolak in 2022. 2022 was a referendum election against the Covid tyrants, Democrats, and Joe Biden, who most knew lost the 2020 election. Republicans, Independents, and even many Democrats turned out in droves to cast a party-line Republican vote all the way down the ballot. Yet, the Democrat senate candidate, Cathryn Cortez-Masto and other Dems won against the Republican candidates after several days of counting mail-in ballots. The Republic is lost.

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Tough to read. Sigh (again and again). Once more, thanks to Elizabeth’s dogged research and organized mind.

But, would someone please help this beleaguered Canadian (Canuckistani) understand “swing states?” We have our own vagaries in C-stan elections, but I cannot compute how there are approx 165M American voters, 52 states, and 3244 counties, but on election day the outcome seems to rest on swing states and comes down to counties.

Put simplistically, if I were American I’d be pretty fussed that this repeatedly occurred each election. I’d be thinking, “Wait. What? Who am I? Chopped liver? Why does my vote, my county, my state not seem to rank important in election outcomes? Why is it always these same “key” states and counties?”

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The electoral college is the reason there’s swing states and big counties within those states that have the bulk of a state’s vote

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Simple Simon here.

In Canada the ruling federal government is always redefining electoral riding boundaries to better gain votes in the next election (for example, if it is a Liberal government, they will split a more rural riding [usually Conservative] and each will be subsumed into nearby urban ridings [often Liberal] ). So, why are large counties with bigger voting bases not rejiggered to break this seeming monopoly?

I think I know the answer.

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An example. Georgia has 16 electoral college votes (to win nation-wide it’s 270--I think). Fulton County (Atlanta) has a huge population and thus, it’s vote total can be (and is) dispositive for the whole state. It’s officials are also corrupt and in 2020 they had a “pipe” burst in the middle of the night giving them the opportunity to stuff enough ballots to put Biden over the top in Georgia.

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That probably didn’t answer your question. Every 10 years there’s a census that determines how many congressional seats there are...changes in state population affect the # of seats and also the electoral college. But it’s on a state by state basis, not down to the county or city level

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Thanks, Kemper.

Is the "swing state," "key counties" occurrence each election not an issue with voters across the nation? Have there been efforts to address it?

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It’s an on-going issue, yes. Here in Texas the big counties are mostly democrats and there’s problems with the lack of law enforcement (Soros DA’s, etc). But the larger issue (that can only be changed through a constitutional convention of some sort...fat chance of that!) is the next census will have another 10 million illegals in the Dem states that can be counted toward the electoral college. So these blue states are losing citizens in droves but are replacing them with illegals. Cali, NY, Illinois have huge #’s of electoral votes and always vote Dem...thus they need these swing states to get them over the hump.

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And this week, every western politibot is denouncing Russian elections as sham…

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First of all I really don't understand why you call Doug Mastriano a RINO. I followed him quite closely during the Covid time and he was one of the few bright spots trying to stop the insanity. He also tried to undo the steal in the 2020 election.

At that time the Dems controlled the Governors office and the Supreme Court. While the Republicans nominally controlled the legislature, there was little Doug could do because everything he tried was torpedoed by actual RINOs.

Second, your headline mentions Upstate NY, but there is no mention of that in the article. Since I live up here I would be very interested on your perspective on that.

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