They hang the man and flog the woman That steal the goose from off the common, But let the greater villain loose That steals the common from the goose.
The law demands that we atone When we take things we do not own, But leaves the lords and ladies fine Who take things that are yours and mine.
Back in the early 1960s when I was a child my siblings and I saw a flying saucer following our car along the side of the road. We could see it through the trees and as we got closer to the small town we were headed to, it disappeared. We also lived in an old pre Civil War huge brick house that was haunted with unseen entities. I am greatful for those experiences as it has allowed me to be open to many other issues that many people are not able to grasp.
I continue to believe that the presence of trolls is a positive sign - it means that "there's something happening here; what it is ain't exactly clear..."
I had the privilege to have played the tiniest part in the Apollo project, and just a bit in the gradual transition from packet-switched networks to what became the Internet, and for the last thirty years or so have listened to some of the smarter folks I worked with wondering why we've seemingly put the brakes on What's New? The technology of the '60s and early '70s has been refined a whole lot, but it's still the technology of the '60s and '70s (built on the '40s and '50s). And physics seems to have had it's big breakthroughs in the '20s and '30s of the last century.
I'd much rather think that it isn't a case of the younger generations being stupider or lacking imagination or the urge to explore, but rather that the best of the best are still Doing Their Thing but it's being done in secret. Those younger generations are my children and grandchildren and I have great respect and hope for them.
Thank you, Elizabeth, for sharing your sources as much as you do - keep it up! I'd never have found Feargus O'Conner Greenwood or Whitney Webb (to mention only two on my desk at the moment) without your hints. Greenwood is gradually teaching me (at my age) how to share my beliefs and knowledge.
Oh, and yes, a carload of us saw something doing "impossible" maneuvers overhead outside Napa, CA in July, 1973. So I'm not a believer, I'm a witness.
I know that I've said this once or twice before here, but it bears repeating: Don't feed the trolls.
Yes, I've really noticed how substantive progress has stopped dead, and any progress is just superficial lifestyle change. It feels very much as though real progress is being withheld, is being reserved for specific sectors of society. Because what progress does for people is give a sense of hope abd optimism over the future, a forward-looking orientation, a sharing & building together as a society. Such positive healthy emotions are also being withheld.
It seems to imply too that a plan to remove sectors of the population is in place, unfolding over time, and negative emotions serve this much better.
This is the biggest blastout of ET info I have seen in one place. Makes it easy for someone wanting to do research for the first time and expand on it . Great fun! Kudos Elizabeth
What documentation? I watched the video that purportedly documents UFO sightings in September 2023. Nothing but a bunch of blurry doctored videos narrated by the same bland computerized voice used on Sasquatch sightings, alien crop circles and, really scraping the bottom of the barrel, the “best knockouts” from StreetBeefs.
The entire aliens and UFO sightings narrative may just be a false flag, a distraction from what the deep state is really up to. Most likely, it’s just a hobbyhorse for people into this sort of thing.
I think it’s more likely that BOTH are true at the same time.
Yes, our government has been confiscating and reverse-engineering alien craft and interacting with multiple alien races throughout the 20th century...often exchanging alien technology for enslaved human beings.
Yes, the U.S. government is now suddenly selectively leaking nebulous tidbits of discombobulated information about UFOs to get the public spooked, fearful and most of all, DISTRACTED.
Distracted from what, you ask? First, the ongoing DEMOCIDE via lab-created, DoD-funded bioweapons - both viral & “vaxx” - of the American People. Second, the looting & destruction of our entire economy. And third, the replacement of born-and-bred American Citizens with hostile, uneducated 3rd world peasants who HATE Americans and HATE the United States.
Traitorous apparatchiks collecting a government paycheck which YOUR TAXES SUBSIDIZE would prefer that you not notice any of the above.
And, inevitably, fourth: embroiling the United States in yet another foreign war - this time in the Mid-East. The Predator Class are hoping that this pre-staged war complete with horrific violent atrocities between Israel and (they hope) all its neighbors will kick off WW3. The Predators seek to DISTRACT the public from noticing that they have BANKRUPTED the United States and DESTROYING the buying power of the U.S. dollar.
I agree with everything you’ve written. Those plants that participated in the hoax congressional hearing of “disclosure “were just there to set the stage, in my view. I think we can expect a huge, false flag alien invasion at any moment. Please keep doing what you’re doing. There are more of us out there than you know. We have been made fun of and called crazy conspiracy theorists, and worse. Well, they called me a conspiracy theorist about my Covid beliefs, also.
Good for you never believed a lot of the"experts" rhetoric especially about Covid so the vexed have reoccurring infections pres. and wife for example 3 times vexed find that very interesting I've had it once and never again. So who's on first
If you look at the medicine field and you add the fact that Quantum Physics has never been part of any education curriculum pre-University then yup you are correct. Energy medicine has always been on the fringe of medicine-- intentionally. Like free energy it has no industry-- and the provision/application of energy medicine relies on the skills of those who know how to determine what you need. Thats it. Portable, always available, custom.
I have been wading through the ET obfuscation smokescreen for nearly 60 yrs. When I was a child and reread the Bible for the second time I realized it should have been called the book of extraterrestrials.I have read more on this subject by multitudes and learn something new everyday that blows my mind. William Tompkins book and interviews are eye opening . Journey to Planet Serpo
equally so. I have said for decades that we did go to the moon but what they gave the public was obviously filmed in a studio. At this point I would say that anyone who does note believe we are among hundreds or thousands of races occupying this universe in layers one on top of another just does not want to admit to it as it is easier on the mind to think not. Thanks again Elizabeth
Whew! What a ride! The Truman Show, the movie, should have earned multiple Oscars. I taught that film many, many times to help students understand propaganda, illusion, gaslighting. I live in my wee house, with my precious doggy and my precious kitty, vow to go on, keep breathing - a spiritual practice.
You say: "Having hope for the future is literally a spiritual discipline. Despair is far more realistic. Meanwhile, resources are being withdrawn, land, water, outbreaths limited, food ‘re-imagined."
The truth, absolutely.
And a false flag coming our way soon, creatures from outer space hunting us down? I think so. Some friends and I have been talking about that probability. Of course, not actual, real creatures, who mean us no harm, could have wiped us all out a million times over, but the monsters who are breathing down our necks. Now they, those folks, they are real.
What is the best technology to manage the entire world at the lowest cost possible?
The thing has to remain beyond the reach of the commons at all times. It can be created in two primary directions, either being too large to be reachable (like space, planets, the Moon, the ozone layer) or too small to be perceivable (like viruses or chemical agent terror). These two are reserved for special purpose vehicles, a great name to define not vague UFOs but real organizations with special tasks assigned).
For the masses, there are vertical invisibility measures, similarly created in two directions. Upward scalable promises hijack the mind into unknown spaces that are not anchored anywhere in this world: immortality, stock exchange, passive income, insurance, lease and rental, individual contribution for a greater good, experts, consulting, forecasts. Downward measures convince the mind to destroy, dissipate, transfer or assign tangible assets actually owned by the person: taxation, actual ownership, loans, mortgage, propaganda, concepts of freedom and rights, charity, “you are better than this”, “the leader within”, time manipulation.
Combining any of the above into complex invisibilities is most effective, because the mind is at a loss even when facing one non-mental challenge. This is where TV and smartphone technologies comes to help, mixing verbal messages with visual cues and audio modifiers.
It is. That's why we have ethanol plants in the Midwest. That is why one of the companies was working on a way to use the whole corn plant to make ethanol.
interesting. I remain open minded and skeptical, the mixed bags of reports are obviously meant to confuse and divert our attention, but I am not sure what exactly we are intentionally being diverted from. I had heard about the German Nazi spaceship narrative from a series of books I read in the '90s
Interesting as well that there is so much out there pushing the idea that the moon landing was faked, that the international space station is fake and that supposedly humans would be killed by (i think they say) cosmic radiation if they were to leave orbit (i'm a bit hazy on the details because i haven't gone too far down that rabbit hole). And then of course there are all the flat earthers out there.
I do have friends who are convinced that the "elites" are really lizard people. I'll listen and keep an open mind... If anyone had told me 5 years ago about all the crap going on today, I would have said they were nuts. I saw the second plane "crash" on TV and was convinced that was real and couldn't believe that the US Government could possibly kill their own citizens...🤷🏻♀️
Potential candidates include profit, desperation, attention, psychosis, and drug use. There could be others. Like weirdness.
Some conspiracy theories may prove true, eventually, but likely they’ll be the simple few. In the meantime I’ll just marvel at how off-the-wall reality can be. Like grandmothers imprisoned still, for praying outside of an abortion clinic.
I’ve wondered too, why old people are eventually ready to check-out. I can see why, now.
I really can’t comment on others’ fiction. When younger I absorbed like a sponge, read the full works of Mark Twain (bought a hardbound set at a library sale at 25 cents a copy, quite long ago) and read all sci-fi I could get my hands on, from HG Wells to “junk” newstand paperbacks. As a boy, no one collected more periodicals on ufos...I even attracted the attention of an author of ufo investigations who happened to work locally to me as an engineer for a defense contractor.
I’ve seen 1) a white saucer in the clouds, that turned out to be a carnival searchlight on an overcast night, 2) stationary lights that descended then, slowly, that turned out to be landing lights at an airstrip, about six miles away, and a huge flaming fireball descending in an arc, too slowly to be an ordinary meteor. That one turned out to be an exploded meteor that was seen all over the east coast and I witnessed a fragment. I knew members of the local chapter of the Civil Air Patrol who searched for downed aircraft, because of that.
This is more than you asked for, if anything, but I’ve gradually become quite immune to unproven conspiracy theories. Globalists are a known thing, the pandemic was quite likely part of a plot, exceptions. The financial crisis is manufactured to force trackable digital currency. Some things like that are real.
But I believe that if there are aliens, they wouldn’t likely assist the bad guys, and we’ve no evidence, yet, with which we can *prove* anything.
Today I don’t read fiction, I write it. I hope to release The Song of the Wind in book form and an epic I call The Heart of the Conqueror.
In the meantime, tall grays pulling levers of power on Earth had better have far more than “he said she said” behind it if they want me to listen. I believe what you’re hearing today is distraction from the worst series of government failures in history, and little more.
Ken: I read all the Mark Twain books and his biography. I read all the Sci-Fi novels and anthologies. I also read the Arthur Conan Doyle books and Agatha Christie.
Nowadays, I only read non-fiction. I just bought the Heinlein books on a lark.
I also saw fireballs going across the sky in South Dakota in 1971. Nothing was in the news about them. They certainly were something to see at 2 AM.
Personally, I think Interstellar travel is impossible. But that's just my opinion.
I have seen human greed, envy, lying, cowardice, and hypocrisy.
I've also seen human humor, kindness, love, and empathy.
Life is too complicated for me to figure out. Humans are, what was that saying about Russia?
"Russia is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma." Winston Churchill.
...I’m inclined to think that interstellar space travel might actually happen. One of the sci-fi stories I read involve a colony that came from Earth and were more than two hundred years enroute. The colonists were the offspring of those who had set out for the stars.
Ken: But how did they solve the gravity problem? Humans die eventually in a 0 or low gravity environment.
If you mean rotating discs (they would have to be counter-rotating to prevent a gyroscopic effect), the gravity would vary depending on the distance of the axis of rotation.
I get your skepticism. There's an Australian guy who runs a very popular space v-blog on everything that happens at SpaceX. Meanwhile Elon has mostly moved on & SpaceX seems fairly quiet (though 1 of their Starships (!) exploded a couple weeks ago. -L-
The euphoria over all-things-space was heady stuff back in the '60s. It felt then like we'd land people on Mars by 1980, have a lunar dome-base by about the same time. Fly-by missions to Titan (?) by 2000. And by 2920 several SpaceX-like starships launch and assemble together in space into a sort of tri-ship that does the first mission outside this system, sending back telemetry for a few months till it stops. Now that projection or expectation seems crazy, but not really. It's our current shrunken reality that's crazy. I can't read SF now, it's too demoralizing. :) But I can feel the zeitgeist shifting, profoundly ...
I reply here to myself, yes! B/c I've since learned how we ain't going nowhere using chemical rockets. We can hypothetically get to Mars, but that's it, full stop. The minimum time it would take to get to Titan or anywhere beyond that is hugely prohibitive using chemical rockets. It would take years to get to our system's border zone. We'll need a 'new physics' that takes us outside the known physics of this dimension. Once you start looking at this it makes total sense, & a trans-dimensional logistics would unfold, eventually. So that's encouraging, but the thing is ... there's zero research being done to open up such a new realworld epistemology. I'll attach in a PS the link to the 3-hour video where this is touched on.
That’s okay. That book was written probably in the early sixties. There’s the problem of cosmic radiation, too. Elysium, a movie about an orbiting Earth habitat, solved that problem, and the concept of a rotating ring forming a space habitat was re-used in the movie Interstellar.
I had a research paper that took three years to complete. It shows direct correlations between frequency of drug use and the probability of developing a psychosis. I thought it was likely better to leave it at that than to project mankind’s emerging condition.
Ken: I'm currently reading "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" by Heinlein. I like it so far. Before that I read about 1/2 of "Stranger in a Strange Land" by Heinlein. That book started out well and turned into religious/polygamous/mystical crap.
". . . We have the ability to go interstellar. We have the ability go to trans-dimensional, we do have the ability to teleport particles, and we can probably teleport an entire space craft. We have electromagnetic gravitics. We are into non locality, entanglement - everything is connected to everything else in space time - and on an operational level. We are beyond zero point, into quantum vacuum or electromagnetic gravitics."
Sorry. I've been reading science-fiction for 70 years, and that's what this is. The human imagination is a wonderful thing.
L. E. Joiner: Then you prove my point. The argument that the government has discovered "electromagnetic gravitics" is false.
The ISS would have to have two counter-rotating discs to counter the gyroscopic effect. Also, the g-force would vary with distance to the center of the spinning axis.
If it was easy to construct such spinning discs in space, it would have been done by now.
Yes, there is no such thing as 'electromagnetic gravitics'.
There is no gravity in the ISS. It's just a collection of modules strung together, not a structure designed to spin. Surely you've seen the videos of the astronauts in the ISS, just floating around, weightless. Astronauts have spent six months at a time there.
I don't know that a large wheel-shaped space station (like the one depicted in '2001: A Space Odyssey') would need a counter-rotating disc, but if it did it could be just a spinning mass.
Yes, g-force would vary from zero at the center to the desired force at the rim. The living and working areas would be on the rim. Or if a huge tube, like the space colonies envisioned by Gerard K. O'Neill ('The High Frontier: Human Colonies in Space', 1977) the 'floor' would be the inside wall of the tube, which rotates on its axis.
L. E. Joiner: Yes. I know all this. My point is that none of the theories put forth in the article or yourself have been put into practice.
Theories are great but have to be proven in the real world.
The space ship would need a counter-rotating mass. An airplane with propeller(s) that all spin in the same direction produce torque. An airplane with counter-rotating propellers e.g. the P-38 fighter, do not produce torque.
English Nursery Rhyme
They hang the man and flog the woman That steal the goose from off the common, But let the greater villain loose That steals the common from the goose.
The law demands that we atone When we take things we do not own, But leaves the lords and ladies fine Who take things that are yours and mine.
- circa 1764
Back in the early 1960s when I was a child my siblings and I saw a flying saucer following our car along the side of the road. We could see it through the trees and as we got closer to the small town we were headed to, it disappeared. We also lived in an old pre Civil War huge brick house that was haunted with unseen entities. I am greatful for those experiences as it has allowed me to be open to many other issues that many people are not able to grasp.
In your house and the alleged "aliens".
All demonic entities.
We were able to keep them in their place and basically ignore them.
I continue to believe that the presence of trolls is a positive sign - it means that "there's something happening here; what it is ain't exactly clear..."
I had the privilege to have played the tiniest part in the Apollo project, and just a bit in the gradual transition from packet-switched networks to what became the Internet, and for the last thirty years or so have listened to some of the smarter folks I worked with wondering why we've seemingly put the brakes on What's New? The technology of the '60s and early '70s has been refined a whole lot, but it's still the technology of the '60s and '70s (built on the '40s and '50s). And physics seems to have had it's big breakthroughs in the '20s and '30s of the last century.
I'd much rather think that it isn't a case of the younger generations being stupider or lacking imagination or the urge to explore, but rather that the best of the best are still Doing Their Thing but it's being done in secret. Those younger generations are my children and grandchildren and I have great respect and hope for them.
Thank you, Elizabeth, for sharing your sources as much as you do - keep it up! I'd never have found Feargus O'Conner Greenwood or Whitney Webb (to mention only two on my desk at the moment) without your hints. Greenwood is gradually teaching me (at my age) how to share my beliefs and knowledge.
Oh, and yes, a carload of us saw something doing "impossible" maneuvers overhead outside Napa, CA in July, 1973. So I'm not a believer, I'm a witness.
I know that I've said this once or twice before here, but it bears repeating: Don't feed the trolls.
Yes, I've really noticed how substantive progress has stopped dead, and any progress is just superficial lifestyle change. It feels very much as though real progress is being withheld, is being reserved for specific sectors of society. Because what progress does for people is give a sense of hope abd optimism over the future, a forward-looking orientation, a sharing & building together as a society. Such positive healthy emotions are also being withheld.
It seems to imply too that a plan to remove sectors of the population is in place, unfolding over time, and negative emotions serve this much better.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
This is the biggest blastout of ET info I have seen in one place. Makes it easy for someone wanting to do research for the first time and expand on it . Great fun! Kudos Elizabeth
What documentation? I watched the video that purportedly documents UFO sightings in September 2023. Nothing but a bunch of blurry doctored videos narrated by the same bland computerized voice used on Sasquatch sightings, alien crop circles and, really scraping the bottom of the barrel, the “best knockouts” from StreetBeefs.
The entire aliens and UFO sightings narrative may just be a false flag, a distraction from what the deep state is really up to. Most likely, it’s just a hobbyhorse for people into this sort of thing.
I think it’s more likely that BOTH are true at the same time.
Yes, our government has been confiscating and reverse-engineering alien craft and interacting with multiple alien races throughout the 20th century...often exchanging alien technology for enslaved human beings.
Yes, the U.S. government is now suddenly selectively leaking nebulous tidbits of discombobulated information about UFOs to get the public spooked, fearful and most of all, DISTRACTED.
Distracted from what, you ask? First, the ongoing DEMOCIDE via lab-created, DoD-funded bioweapons - both viral & “vaxx” - of the American People. Second, the looting & destruction of our entire economy. And third, the replacement of born-and-bred American Citizens with hostile, uneducated 3rd world peasants who HATE Americans and HATE the United States.
Traitorous apparatchiks collecting a government paycheck which YOUR TAXES SUBSIDIZE would prefer that you not notice any of the above.
And, inevitably, fourth: embroiling the United States in yet another foreign war - this time in the Mid-East. The Predator Class are hoping that this pre-staged war complete with horrific violent atrocities between Israel and (they hope) all its neighbors will kick off WW3. The Predators seek to DISTRACT the public from noticing that they have BANKRUPTED the United States and DESTROYING the buying power of the U.S. dollar.
I agree with everything you’ve written. Those plants that participated in the hoax congressional hearing of “disclosure “were just there to set the stage, in my view. I think we can expect a huge, false flag alien invasion at any moment. Please keep doing what you’re doing. There are more of us out there than you know. We have been made fun of and called crazy conspiracy theorists, and worse. Well, they called me a conspiracy theorist about my Covid beliefs, also.
Good for you never believed a lot of the"experts" rhetoric especially about Covid so the vexed have reoccurring infections pres. and wife for example 3 times vexed find that very interesting I've had it once and never again. So who's on first
It is obvious that they are withholding superior technology in medicine. So why not in energy, other fields?
If you look at the medicine field and you add the fact that Quantum Physics has never been part of any education curriculum pre-University then yup you are correct. Energy medicine has always been on the fringe of medicine-- intentionally. Like free energy it has no industry-- and the provision/application of energy medicine relies on the skills of those who know how to determine what you need. Thats it. Portable, always available, custom.
I have been wading through the ET obfuscation smokescreen for nearly 60 yrs. When I was a child and reread the Bible for the second time I realized it should have been called the book of extraterrestrials.I have read more on this subject by multitudes and learn something new everyday that blows my mind. William Tompkins book and interviews are eye opening . Journey to Planet Serpo
equally so. I have said for decades that we did go to the moon but what they gave the public was obviously filmed in a studio. At this point I would say that anyone who does note believe we are among hundreds or thousands of races occupying this universe in layers one on top of another just does not want to admit to it as it is easier on the mind to think not. Thanks again Elizabeth
Whew! What a ride! The Truman Show, the movie, should have earned multiple Oscars. I taught that film many, many times to help students understand propaganda, illusion, gaslighting. I live in my wee house, with my precious doggy and my precious kitty, vow to go on, keep breathing - a spiritual practice.
You say: "Having hope for the future is literally a spiritual discipline. Despair is far more realistic. Meanwhile, resources are being withdrawn, land, water, outbreaths limited, food ‘re-imagined."
The truth, absolutely.
And a false flag coming our way soon, creatures from outer space hunting us down? I think so. Some friends and I have been talking about that probability. Of course, not actual, real creatures, who mean us no harm, could have wiped us all out a million times over, but the monsters who are breathing down our necks. Now they, those folks, they are real.
What is the best technology to manage the entire world at the lowest cost possible?
The thing has to remain beyond the reach of the commons at all times. It can be created in two primary directions, either being too large to be reachable (like space, planets, the Moon, the ozone layer) or too small to be perceivable (like viruses or chemical agent terror). These two are reserved for special purpose vehicles, a great name to define not vague UFOs but real organizations with special tasks assigned).
For the masses, there are vertical invisibility measures, similarly created in two directions. Upward scalable promises hijack the mind into unknown spaces that are not anchored anywhere in this world: immortality, stock exchange, passive income, insurance, lease and rental, individual contribution for a greater good, experts, consulting, forecasts. Downward measures convince the mind to destroy, dissipate, transfer or assign tangible assets actually owned by the person: taxation, actual ownership, loans, mortgage, propaganda, concepts of freedom and rights, charity, “you are better than this”, “the leader within”, time manipulation.
Combining any of the above into complex invisibilities is most effective, because the mind is at a loss even when facing one non-mental challenge. This is where TV and smartphone technologies comes to help, mixing verbal messages with visual cues and audio modifiers.
Very nice
You knocked it right out of the park on this one, Elizabeth!
I thought ethanol was derived from corn?
It is. That's why we have ethanol plants in the Midwest. That is why one of the companies was working on a way to use the whole corn plant to make ethanol.
It is; not wheat.
interesting. I remain open minded and skeptical, the mixed bags of reports are obviously meant to confuse and divert our attention, but I am not sure what exactly we are intentionally being diverted from. I had heard about the German Nazi spaceship narrative from a series of books I read in the '90s
Interesting as well that there is so much out there pushing the idea that the moon landing was faked, that the international space station is fake and that supposedly humans would be killed by (i think they say) cosmic radiation if they were to leave orbit (i'm a bit hazy on the details because i haven't gone too far down that rabbit hole). And then of course there are all the flat earthers out there.
I do have friends who are convinced that the "elites" are really lizard people. I'll listen and keep an open mind... If anyone had told me 5 years ago about all the crap going on today, I would have said they were nuts. I saw the second plane "crash" on TV and was convinced that was real and couldn't believe that the US Government could possibly kill their own citizens...🤷🏻♀️
Amazing. Did this piece really start off on money and wind up, on aliens?
Maybe I should tell you what I know.
Probably I won’t.
Me too...? started off good but then I think Robert Heinlein’ sci-fi novels are better.
You two sound skeptical.
I’m thinking seriously of publishing my Alien Cookbook.
"To Serve Man." It's a cook book.
I have seen some servers who looked alien, but they didn’t generally appear to be pleased.
The first recipe in my unpublished tome is “Andromeda Souffle.”
why oh why must other writers do this stuff to get readers?
I’ve always wondered.
Potential candidates include profit, desperation, attention, psychosis, and drug use. There could be others. Like weirdness.
Some conspiracy theories may prove true, eventually, but likely they’ll be the simple few. In the meantime I’ll just marvel at how off-the-wall reality can be. Like grandmothers imprisoned still, for praying outside of an abortion clinic.
I’ve wondered too, why old people are eventually ready to check-out. I can see why, now.
Do we.
Ken: Nickson, and others, say the missing money went into alien projects. Probably at Area 51. I know some stories about that place.
Seems like we can't do anything about it either way.
I really can’t comment on others’ fiction. When younger I absorbed like a sponge, read the full works of Mark Twain (bought a hardbound set at a library sale at 25 cents a copy, quite long ago) and read all sci-fi I could get my hands on, from HG Wells to “junk” newstand paperbacks. As a boy, no one collected more periodicals on ufos...I even attracted the attention of an author of ufo investigations who happened to work locally to me as an engineer for a defense contractor.
I’ve seen 1) a white saucer in the clouds, that turned out to be a carnival searchlight on an overcast night, 2) stationary lights that descended then, slowly, that turned out to be landing lights at an airstrip, about six miles away, and a huge flaming fireball descending in an arc, too slowly to be an ordinary meteor. That one turned out to be an exploded meteor that was seen all over the east coast and I witnessed a fragment. I knew members of the local chapter of the Civil Air Patrol who searched for downed aircraft, because of that.
This is more than you asked for, if anything, but I’ve gradually become quite immune to unproven conspiracy theories. Globalists are a known thing, the pandemic was quite likely part of a plot, exceptions. The financial crisis is manufactured to force trackable digital currency. Some things like that are real.
But I believe that if there are aliens, they wouldn’t likely assist the bad guys, and we’ve no evidence, yet, with which we can *prove* anything.
Today I don’t read fiction, I write it. I hope to release The Song of the Wind in book form and an epic I call The Heart of the Conqueror.
In the meantime, tall grays pulling levers of power on Earth had better have far more than “he said she said” behind it if they want me to listen. I believe what you’re hearing today is distraction from the worst series of government failures in history, and little more.
Ken: I read all the Mark Twain books and his biography. I read all the Sci-Fi novels and anthologies. I also read the Arthur Conan Doyle books and Agatha Christie.
Nowadays, I only read non-fiction. I just bought the Heinlein books on a lark.
I also saw fireballs going across the sky in South Dakota in 1971. Nothing was in the news about them. They certainly were something to see at 2 AM.
Personally, I think Interstellar travel is impossible. But that's just my opinion.
I have seen human greed, envy, lying, cowardice, and hypocrisy.
I've also seen human humor, kindness, love, and empathy.
Life is too complicated for me to figure out. Humans are, what was that saying about Russia?
"Russia is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma." Winston Churchill.
That is my idea of the human race right there.
Being as it’s been shown that a so-called “warp drive” is theoretically possible
...I’m inclined to think that interstellar space travel might actually happen. One of the sci-fi stories I read involve a colony that came from Earth and were more than two hundred years enroute. The colonists were the offspring of those who had set out for the stars.
Ken: But how did they solve the gravity problem? Humans die eventually in a 0 or low gravity environment.
If you mean rotating discs (they would have to be counter-rotating to prevent a gyroscopic effect), the gravity would vary depending on the distance of the axis of rotation.
I just don't see it, Ken.
I get your skepticism. There's an Australian guy who runs a very popular space v-blog on everything that happens at SpaceX. Meanwhile Elon has mostly moved on & SpaceX seems fairly quiet (though 1 of their Starships (!) exploded a couple weeks ago. -L-
The euphoria over all-things-space was heady stuff back in the '60s. It felt then like we'd land people on Mars by 1980, have a lunar dome-base by about the same time. Fly-by missions to Titan (?) by 2000. And by 2920 several SpaceX-like starships launch and assemble together in space into a sort of tri-ship that does the first mission outside this system, sending back telemetry for a few months till it stops. Now that projection or expectation seems crazy, but not really. It's our current shrunken reality that's crazy. I can't read SF now, it's too demoralizing. :) But I can feel the zeitgeist shifting, profoundly ...
I reply here to myself, yes! B/c I've since learned how we ain't going nowhere using chemical rockets. We can hypothetically get to Mars, but that's it, full stop. The minimum time it would take to get to Titan or anywhere beyond that is hugely prohibitive using chemical rockets. It would take years to get to our system's border zone. We'll need a 'new physics' that takes us outside the known physics of this dimension. Once you start looking at this it makes total sense, & a trans-dimensional logistics would unfold, eventually. So that's encouraging, but the thing is ... there's zero research being done to open up such a new realworld epistemology. I'll attach in a PS the link to the 3-hour video where this is touched on.
That’s okay. That book was written probably in the early sixties. There’s the problem of cosmic radiation, too. Elysium, a movie about an orbiting Earth habitat, solved that problem, and the concept of a rotating ring forming a space habitat was re-used in the movie Interstellar.
Not the radiation issue though
That last line may be seriously valid.
I had a research paper that took three years to complete. It shows direct correlations between frequency of drug use and the probability of developing a psychosis. I thought it was likely better to leave it at that than to project mankind’s emerging condition.
Ken: I'm currently reading "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" by Heinlein. I like it so far. Before that I read about 1/2 of "Stranger in a Strange Land" by Heinlein. That book started out well and turned into religious/polygamous/mystical crap.
I think Ray Bradbury was a better Sci Fi writer.
Interesting. I believe in a Power greater than myself which I call God. A conscious contact with God gives me a good life. Thank you God
> we are still using wheat product - ethanol - in gasoline.
Apparently not. Corn is the main feedstok in ther USA.
". . . We have the ability to go interstellar. We have the ability go to trans-dimensional, we do have the ability to teleport particles, and we can probably teleport an entire space craft. We have electromagnetic gravitics. We are into non locality, entanglement - everything is connected to everything else in space time - and on an operational level. We are beyond zero point, into quantum vacuum or electromagnetic gravitics."
Sorry. I've been reading science-fiction for 70 years, and that's what this is. The human imagination is a wonderful thing.
L. E. Joiner: Has NASA solved the no gravity in space problem? Humans can't live too long without gravity.
If we have electromagnetic gravitics why aren't they used on the ISS?
Because no such thing as 'electromagnetic gravitics' has been discovered.
Large enough space stations and ships can simulate gravity by spinning: centrifugal force.
You cannot know that.
Of course I can. If anyone had discovered an 'electromagnetic' way of defeating gravity, it would be impossible to keep secret.
Really? and you know that how? LOVE your certainty🤣
Easy: the potential profits would be astronomical!
L. E. Joiner: Then you prove my point. The argument that the government has discovered "electromagnetic gravitics" is false.
The ISS would have to have two counter-rotating discs to counter the gyroscopic effect. Also, the g-force would vary with distance to the center of the spinning axis.
If it was easy to construct such spinning discs in space, it would have been done by now.
and you would have heard about it how? are you assuming everything that is done gets heard about?
Carol Jones: Show me the evidence of electromagnetic gravitics.
Yes, there is no such thing as 'electromagnetic gravitics'.
There is no gravity in the ISS. It's just a collection of modules strung together, not a structure designed to spin. Surely you've seen the videos of the astronauts in the ISS, just floating around, weightless. Astronauts have spent six months at a time there.
I don't know that a large wheel-shaped space station (like the one depicted in '2001: A Space Odyssey') would need a counter-rotating disc, but if it did it could be just a spinning mass.
Yes, g-force would vary from zero at the center to the desired force at the rim. The living and working areas would be on the rim. Or if a huge tube, like the space colonies envisioned by Gerard K. O'Neill ('The High Frontier: Human Colonies in Space', 1977) the 'floor' would be the inside wall of the tube, which rotates on its axis.
L. E. Joiner: Yes. I know all this. My point is that none of the theories put forth in the article or yourself have been put into practice.
Theories are great but have to be proven in the real world.
The space ship would need a counter-rotating mass. An airplane with propeller(s) that all spin in the same direction produce torque. An airplane with counter-rotating propellers e.g. the P-38 fighter, do not produce torque.
You're talking apples and oranges. Counter-rotating devices are simple. 'Electromagnetic gravitics' don't exist. One is reality; the other is fantasy.