Knocked another one out of the park. How do you do it? Where is Metis? Thanks for your work. I know the effort it takes......

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I read all of these several times, and send them to certain people I love. How they are received I do not ask, because I remember how long it took my own eyes to clear. God says, in the mouths of two or three witnesses, a thing is established: for most of them, this is the first witness. But it is so profoundly true a witness, I know they cannot but recognize it’s validity. And the second witness, and the third, and the thousandth, are all around us every day.

Thank you, Elizabeth Nickson. You were born to do this. Every one of your life’s experiences bears fruit now in this amazing truth you write. Not very happy experiences; so, we pray for encouragement, refreshment, unlooked-for joy reflected from the sunlit Uplands where our Heavenly Father, who knew all this in eternity past and Whose perfect plan proceeds apace, lives and loves us all, and will one day return and redeem us out of the mess these monsters have made of His creation.

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So beautiful 🙏🏼❤️

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Hear hear!!

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Thank you for your beautiful prayer. I too pray for Elizabeth!

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"That is the mark of the Nazi, to prey off a mother mourning a child. Like Gates sterilizing women in Africa." And therein lies the truth - this is how the world goes 'round. I think you are one of the few who makes the connection between women, fertility and utter control. That sentence leapt up at me, and I expect that your mother's journey sparked in many ways your own, sent you investigating via your novel. In our precious Canada how many girls are sterilized due to gender inculcation under the regime - we don't know because our stats are so weak (and fiddled with when males can say they are female). Thank you for your continued great work.

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They earned themselves a life long enemy when they did that for sure.

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Oct 7, 2023
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Nazi propaganda

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Oct 6, 2023
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Nazi propaganda

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I am so happy I discovered you! You are an amazing resource who writes brilliantly and adds very pertinent family/personal experience. I know realize I live in a Phillip Dick novel in a very Nazified Canada.

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*now realize

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Oct 7, 2023
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Nazi propaganda

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Yesterday I ran across an obscure 1816 British book that tells the same perpetual story about the same perpetual monsters.


Emerson was making the same point in 1840, in 'Compensation':

The farmer imagines power and place are fine things. But the President has paid dear for his White House. It has cost him all of his peace and the best of his manly attributes. To preserve for a short time so conspicuous an appearance before the world, he is content to eat dust before the real masters who stand erect behind his throne.

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Nothing new under the sun.

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I was referring to the chains of debt here.

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Oct 7, 2023
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Quit with your propaganda Nazi. Go look up the history of money and how people came to use it and stfu. Seriously I can't stand Nazis. Here's another from Inglorious Bastards “Fenway Park on its feet for Teddy f***in’ Ballgame! He went yardo on that one, out to f***in’ Lansdowne Street!”.... I bet your into Her Klaus' plan huh you a commie to boot. 🤣🤣

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Sep 30, 2023
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Sep 30, 2023
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Oct 7, 2023
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You're a nazi.

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Well how apropos given the oopsy daisy this week at Justin Castreau's gathering of the Nazis at the Canadian parliament. I have to always reiterate the we live in an inversion and thus the notion that the good guys (The alliance) beat the bad guys (The Nazis) is a fallacy. As Elizabeth noted the Germans lost the war but not the Nazis. In essence the American people and the peoples of western society lost as well. This is a huge subject that I have been on to for many years starting with our occulted technology that goes back longer than most people could wrap their heads around. Jim Marrs , mentioned for his fine book regarding the fourth Reich and the dispersing of the Nazi higher up through out various agencies in the U.S and elsewhere around the world and beyond, was a wealth of knowledge and someone sorely missed since his untimely demise. He had a genuineness that really came through if you ever had the fortune to listen to.May I recommend another person with a wealth of insight into all things breakaway society that being Penny Bradley who goes by the moniker Nact Waffen Pilot. She has been explaining in great detail all things hidden Nazi tech and secret space programs for almost 10 years now. Most people who are reading Elizabeth's fine posts will discern that this gal is 100 % telling truths. She is truly amazing in total recall of her previous life as a Nact Waffen pilot.Someone has cobbled together many interviews she has done and arranged them into different topics . I would encourage anyone interested in this sort of history to give it a listen . Winter is fast approaching and these would make for great listening when we are all snowed in. rain I always have to thank Elizabeth for what she puts out every week and I always feel unworthy to comment in my ham handed manner but I do it anyway in respect.


Enjoy! Ron C

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I have to respectfully ask what benefit are landing places on the moon, Mars, etc.? Except for places from which to dominate Earthlings. We have been granted a bountiful, beautiful planet on which we can flourish without spending huge fortunes to get to and make barely survivable for short visits. Aren't our concerns appropriately focused on keeping the Earth hospitable and habitable for those born and to come?

I share Elizabeth's concern about the amount of control behind the scenes of unbelievably wealthy individuals. Maybe if we lesser folk paid attention to the details of what is going around us politically and had a bit of courage to speak out against what "doesn't seem right," then we would be able to hold those forces (Satanic?) at bay -- as Goodness has always done -- at a cost.

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@ Margaret

I happen to share your query . Nothing that is going on up there (out there) is benefitting little old us. What is going on is the same thing going on here only on a galactic scale. As above so below.

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Sep 30, 2023
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Oct 7, 2023
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Nazi propaganda

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Oct 7, 2023
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Nazi fucker. I'm from the US. Land of the World War Champs. In the words of Aldo the Apache in Inglorious Bastards discussing how to handle Nazis, " Each and every man under my command owes me one hundred Nazi scalps. And I want my scalps. And all y'all will git me one hundred Nazi scalps, taken from the heads of one hundred dead Nazis. Or you will die tryin'." 🤣🤣🤣 I feel sorry for you. Did you get triggered Nazi? Do you need a safe space? 🤣🤣🤣

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I certainly have read about the Mars Nazis etc., It is so hard to find hard data.

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Operation Paperclip?

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Fascinating history, Elizabeth. I've been following this trail of breadcrumbs too. I started with the question in this episode: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/did-fascists-win-wwii? I was defining fascists as the collusion between corporations and gov't. But then I started researching more on WWII, driven by the question of how they got out of the Rothschild-imposed debt for WWI and manufactured hyperinflation.

What I found shocked me. Hitler had helped the Jews, who were 1% of the German population but had appropriated a third of the wealth during the starvation blockade, emigrate to Israel and take their wealth with them! This was done by using it to buy things that Israel needed, shipping them and selling in Israel to go into their bank accounts there.

This expropriation had no labor cost because Hitler instituted sovereign money instead of debt. He didn't order the Kristallnacht, which was done by Goebbels as a coup. He had several plans, including 'resettlement in the East' and Madagascar, for dealing with 'the Jewish question,' which he wanted to 'put on the back burner' until after the war. Most importantly, he never issued a single direct or indirect order for the extermination of European Jews or showed he was aware of any such program!

Here are my articles (in reverse order) to which I'll be adding your good research:



https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/corbett-unz-and-wwii-the-unnecessary war.

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I appreciate your work, just found it a little while ago.

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I am truly honored that you're reading my work, Elizabeth!

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Oct 7, 2023
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Why have you put nazi propaganda here?

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As an aside to Elizabeth, I've banned Clarence on my site. I feel that the discussion of what really happened in WWII is too important to be mixed with insults. Although he makes some points that I think are worth seeing, he discredits them with his offensive style. You also have the option, if you do that, to delete his past comments.

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Nazi propaganda. Do you not know the history of the Weimar Republic or how WWI actually started?

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Oct 7, 2023
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Nazi bullshit.

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The words of your title say it all!

Somehow it is normal to go into massive debt through your whole adult life to a bank. So you could have a roof over your head so that you could work/slave to get the money to pay thd bank.

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And we feel proud to have achieved just that….it is infuritating

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Another great article by Elizabeth Nickson. I look forward to reading every one. I have had some experience with the elites. My wife and I were in the catering business in the San Francisco Bay Area. They, the elites, the Big Boys, the Swinging Dicks, are very scary to be around. You can feel their evil while in their presence.

I have no idea what to do with them.

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I do, but I dare not articulate it.

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Deb: Remember what Sean Connery says to Kevin Costner in "The Untouchables";

"How far are you prepared to go?"

Once someone commits to going up against the Big Boys, it gets ugly fast. Julian Assange was made an example to keep the media in its place. I'm sure that you can name many others.

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Oct 7, 2023
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Are you some kind of Nazi? Seriously it's kind of gross.

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Clarence: What's your point? You throw out group terms like "whites" and "Jews" and "right-wingers" and "the left". You thrown in "anti-White, anti-Christian, and anti-Western agenda" for good measure.

And what is the "Mainstream Right"?

Dude, name the names, individual's names. And list this "neglected fruit"... apples?

I'm done with metaphors and vague terms.

Be specific.

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A short but very complete summary of the thousands of atrocities, chicanery, fraud, theft, murder, war-mongering, and injustice of the Illuminati/Economic World Forum/Bilderbergers secret society/CEO's of many Fortune 500 Companies/DemocRat Party Inner Circle/Republican Party inner circle/European Royalty/Key Members of the American Military/All South American Central American Ruling Families/Key Old Money Families in Europe, America, Middle and Far East/and a bunch I have missed. Ms.Nickson is correct we are basically victims of a parasitic ruling class hell bent on our demise.

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Brilliant Elizabeth! Thank you SO much for taking the time and effort to share your knowledge. It is very much appreciated.

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Might be too much to ask, but might you provide some references? I’ve read a lot of these things before, but there are always serious charges with no sources. If all of this is as-presented, (and I note you didn’t mention Freemasons), then there has to be accountability to assist in the change. There would be much ill-gotten gain to finance the rebuild following the devaststion of repeated wars.

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Here's one good place to start: The Devil's Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America's Secret Government, by David Talbot. https://www.amazon.ca/Devils-Chessboard-Dulles-Americas-Government/dp/0062276174

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Great. Do you suppose the book references a single source?

Here’s my point. In an international court one needs more than passed-along, he-said-she-said. That’s not to say that ANY of it is untrue, but if it could be proven, it would have to end. Circumstantial evidence isn’t strong enough, unless you are a mob with pitchforks. And then, guess what.

New criminals will arise.

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While we commiserate about all that’s been done, a corporatocracy led by the German-sponsored WEF is preparing the coup d'état.



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I will try to link more.

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"The old families that own the New York Fed. The families to whom Americans pay interest via the national debt."

I've made many years ago the most simplest depiction of what our current Civilization is:


I also made another one depicting what you talk about in relation to the FRS!


But as usual we, modern moron slaves, are too busy slaving around 24/7 and are too meek and cowards to even Think of ways to destroy this current wonderful Civilization of Them!

So... we just


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Oct 7, 2023
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The current Secular Ruling Families are all from a mix of german empire and jewish ones! Quite the mix.

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That's antisemitic and I'm a Christian and I fully support Israel's sovereignty and that Israel and the United States' relationship. I pray that you come out from the line of thinking that you have fell prey to.

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That's just Reality... Nowadays there is not plausible excuse to NOT KNOW about our Collective Past!

And since christians also engaged in persecuting/culling jews back in the days I guess that gang also didn't like the other gang that much.

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Well I think my husband has a percentage so sure. Lol Effen Nazi scum.

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NAZI & JEWS LLC are very good Friends. It's always funny to see MMS "thinking" they don't like each other.

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You mean after Jerusalem was invaded by the Islamic extremist of the time because Mohammed had been kicked out in 700ad when he founded his religion? After Jewish people who lived close to him were slaughtered and their women enslaved? After the Crusades? Were you referring to the Babaloynian invasion? Were you referring to the enslavement in Egypt? Were you referring to when Alexander the Great traveled through on his way to Babylon? Were you referring to when the Roman's occupied the gateway to the East? Are you a nazi or an extremist? Obviously you don't know history or the Bible.

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I mean Saddam Huessian's uncle was SS officer and started the Palestinian movement afterall and paved the way for Saddam.

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Do you mean to refer to Bulwer-Lytton, the "dark and stormy night" guy?

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Many years ago I was in the framing and picture business in California and I needed a new source and I went to work for a friend of mine he was Scottish had a partner he was German so as time went on I learned that he had been in the water Your World War II. He would tell us that he was just in the regular army which as a person born in 43 I knew it wasn't the truth and in front of mine that worked there wanted to know if that was a holiday camp that they were having in Germany facetiously well one day I come to work we had a gallery on La Cienega and the Jewish defamation League have posted on our door is that there was a Nazi that on this business so somebody turned him in anyway so I left the business I went on to other things and many years later I run into one of the gentlemen who used to work with us and he did the work in the back of framing prints and everything so I asked him where the sky was I can't remember his name now and he told me that he was in the Nazi underground in Washington sending out I don't know propaganda so yeah I believe every word you say and most of what everybody else talks about about the Nazis in America the Nazis in Central and South America and now in Canada in the parliament ain't that a fine kettle of fish no wonder we're doomed. So I appreciate so much what you write your life experiences your work at history and how you use the language I can't even begin to tell you how much I appreciate you and also the people that I've turned on to you they feel the same way about you that I do unfortunately I can't get the other side to give it a break but I'm here for you for as long as I'm around God bless you

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Is Woodrow Wilson talking to himself in the mirror in the quote at the beginning of the article?

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