He’s too stupid to be anything but a puppet. I truly believe that Democrats and many leaders of the world wanted to depopulate the world. The most costly individuals are the elderly with medical, pensions, social security. They are also the hardest to mind control most are conservatives. This was planned to not only steal an election, ri…
He’s too stupid to be anything but a puppet. I truly believe that Democrats and many leaders of the world wanted to depopulate the world. The most costly individuals are the elderly with medical, pensions, social security. They are also the hardest to mind control most are conservatives. This was planned to not only steal an election, rid of voters, make people afraid and become sheep with all of the above.
He’s too stupid to be anything but a puppet. I truly believe that Democrats and many leaders of the world wanted to depopulate the world. The most costly individuals are the elderly with medical, pensions, social security. They are also the hardest to mind control most are conservatives. This was planned to not only steal an election, rid of voters, make people afraid and become sheep with all of the above.