This interchange between media and politics certainly sheds a lot of light on why things are the way they are today. Perhaps it was much better when one didn't need a Masters or Bachelor's degree in journalism to work in a newsroom. Maybe it was better when it was a scrappy young 'kid' got his or her start as the mail room and learned the trade through the hard knocks of working and living. Because the 'press' has moved into this upper echelon and are now part of the elites, that they should be exposing, questioning and holding to account. Hard to do when you are one of them.

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This is an excellent post, and it makes sense. In Canada, for most of my life (born 1964) it was clear to me that journalists often ended up in politics and visa versa.

I will for sure buy your book, as this is the MOST important problem we all face today, the utter corruption of the media.

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Fascinating! What boggles the mind is that so many people believe the corporate media. Fortunately we now have independent media thanks to the internet.

I can remember a time when the iconic news anchors lamented the fact that big corporations were buying their stations. They were closing the news departments and combining them with the entertainment departments

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“You really can't hate them enough.” — And never was hatred more well-earned.

Since, as chief brainwashing agent, it facilitates all of the dark Agenda's depravities, humanity's greatest enemy IS the legacy/mainstream/whoreporate/establishment/Mockingbird/deep-state media cartel.

For those so inclined, you might appreciate the following poetic takes … a short poem... https://redpillpoems.substack.com/p/presstitutes ...and an epic 4 part poem... https://redpillpoems.substack.com/p/complicity-collusion-part-1 (click the “Next” button below the poem to access the other 3 parts).

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I used to work in a technical job at a tv station in a major market from 99'-'15. The writers were in their 20s and the producers were in their 30s. Probably more women than men. VERY liberal workplace; you could count the "outed" conservatives on one hand.

In this case, I don't think it was about social standing, but instead about "doing good." As in "if we run this story, we can help Our Guy and further the cause," as well as "if we run this story, we can hurt The Opposition." I saw it in action; at one point, we did a story claiming John McCain was a bigamist.

As far as I can tell, this was not an editorial directive. It was individual producers-- and to some extent writers-- choosing to cover stories that they thought helped their ideology. They were activists, not journalists.

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'a story claiming John McCain was a bigamist'

This proves what a bunch of idiots those 'liberals' really were. John McCain -- Q refers to him as 'NoName' -- was a traitor and no friend of conservatism. May his soul rot in Hell (if he's actually dead, there are folks who think he faked his own illness and death).

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Love your courage and outspoken uncompromising work, Liz.

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Too bad some of my father’s family history would have fit squarely in that theme. Both my grandpa Ed and uncle Curtis worked as top black hands for the Aka permanent revolution aka World order revolution that started in 1901. Their murders span from the two of them from 1911 to the 1970s. Many of those that they were ordered to kill left business, political legacy, national security positions and media empires in the hands of remaining family members who became involved with Trotsky’s international revolutionary network. The one world order.

The Washington Post is one of those empires that was taken in the sixties when my uncle put a bullet in the owner’s head.

He also murdered for the Greenspun media empire.

The 1901 revolution started on Felix Derinski’s birthday as did the 2001 revolution.

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A personal request Elizabeth. I want to know how much the May, Tory government knew about the depth of collusion of Dearlove and MI5/MI6 with the Obama Russiagate hoax.

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Have you seen the 1990 movie, "Hidden Agenda," starring Frances McDormand and Brian Cox? While it isn't a true story, it is supposedly based upon truths that those in high places would prefer to not become common knowledge. Some of the dialog is revealing and is insightful into how we are manipulated by an Anglo-American Axis of bad actors.

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Wow. These are all great essays. Really important stuff in a media world that is circling the drain.

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1. " the era from the early 1980s to the start of the century was a golden age of journalism": this was during my coming of age and formed my understanding of the purpose for the media/journalism. I recall the competition between the Outlets for exposing corruption etc. via undercover journalists.

2. I never knew that Pat Buchanan was anything other than a politician! No wonder the uniparty gave no support to his presidential bid.

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Some riveting discussion with Tucker/ Mike Benz. Benz is genius at making connections. https://x.com/mikebenzcyber/status/1828925639346319539?s=12

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When it was determined corporations had the rights of a citizen's constitutional rights it was the beginning of the end for independence and freedom of "the press" envisioned by the founders. News became opinion and opinion became news, regardless of the facts, influenced and controlled by the ideology of the corporation's owners and elite shareholders. Fictional Joe Friday's oft repeated line, 'Just the facts.', resounds with what the news should be, less the conjectures, insinuations and opinions.

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Corporations were never given the rights of men and women. They were given the rights of "persons." A person is defined in statutory law as a legal/commercial entity. The civil rights of citizens are the rights of persons, granted by government and just as easily taken by government. Regardless of what you think a citizen is, that term is defined as US "person," or individual (another legal entity) who is subject to the jurisdiction of the UNITED STATES. Think about that for a minute. Can the creators of government, men and women, be subject to its jurisdiction? The created is NEVER superior to its creator.

This all happened right after the Civil War when congress redefined the word "person." The commercial system we live under was crafted thereafter layer after layer by a series of "Acts of Congress" designed to nudge the legal system into commercial jurisdiction. By the late fifties common law pleadings in the courts disappeared. With formal introduction of the Birth Certificate scam in the late thirties our names were converted into legal entities. You see this with every "bill" or other presentment from government as addressed to JOHN HENRY DOE. That is not you, it is a legal entity created by government (an avatar, if you will) we use to interact in commerce. A corporation is a legal entity and, by definition, cannot have the natural rights of men and women.

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I am asking because I was taught in the 1970’s that the media was the “fourth of state” as in the fourth branch of the state. What does “the fourth estate” mean? Seriously, I’ve turned this over in my head and all I can figure is journalism students misunderstood the term, or my teachers did.

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Back in the 'day' we were led to believe that the 'press' had a responsibility to keep government in check by the use of investigative journalism. That is to say, journalists would be the 'detectives' who were supposed to dig down to find and root out corruption by exposing it for all to see.

While that is a noble assignment, the human proclivity for corruption (with it's vast array of sins), the 4th estate also became corrupted by power brokers who are (were) eager to sell indulgences to those more interested in the 3 Ps of Prominence, Power and Prestige than to doing the RIGHT thing to help keep society on track towards civility and real 'progress'. Not the progress touted by the Left but by the true progress that leads to actualizing the rights carved out in the U.S. Constitution of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Instead of keeping the intentions of the founding fathers alive, unscrupulous men (and women) have turned to selling out the citizenry to the God of Manna (idolatry in the purest sense of the word), for personal gain at the expense of the much lauded 'greater good', which in the case of post modernist culture is, an elite club of billionaires whose only allegiance is to money. They are devoid of true love for anything, anybody or any higher good. They care only about the here and now with its appetite for personal gratification regardless of the cost.

Going back to a more innocent time, if there ever were one, is not possible. The hull of the ship has been torn open allowing an ocean full of corruption to flow in. The bilge pumps were disconnected long ago. Now the ship has nowhere else to go but to the bottom of the sea.

The idealist in me wrestles hard with the dichotomy of what is and what is supposed to be. The realist in me has come to terms with the reality of 3500 hundred years of human history with its never ending story of ‘man’s inhumanity to man’! The final chapter’s pages seem to be turning at an ever increasing rate of speed, making me want to double strap my seat belt and secure the buckles as tightly as possible.

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Doesn’t answer what “fourth estate” means as opposed to “fourth of state”. Do the three branches of government each have a palatial estate somewhere?

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George - the term ‘Fourth Estate’ (or ‘fourth power’) refers to ‘The Press’ - in its capacity to engage in advocacy and its ability to frame political issues – what later came to be called ‘public opinion’ (which is actually a fictional concept anyway). The derivation of the term ‘Fourth Estate’ comes from an old European concept that there were three ‘estates of the realm’ – that is, entities that were entitled to a political voice - the clergy, the nobility, and the commoners. Use of the equivalent term "fourth power" is used in many European languages but is not common in English.

The concept of political ‘Estates’ became more commonly known in France during the lead up to the French Revolution, where there were three parts of the French ‘States-General’. They were the church, the nobility and the enfranchised townsmen – the main groupings that had some sort of collective voice besides the monarchy.

However, during the 19th century, the term ‘Fourth Estate’ became used more often by a number of prominent English-speaking people – such as Thomas Macaulay, a 19th century British historian & politician. In an essay he wrote in 1828, he referred to "The gallery (in the parliament) in which the reporters sit has become a fourth estate of the realm."

I might add – even as far back as the 17th century, it was recognised that ‘the press’ was something of a propaganda machine and attempts were made by governments to control it. That is why the concept of ‘freedom of the press’ featured so prominently in the foundation of the U.S.A. There is no equivalent right to ‘freedom of the press’ in my country (Australia), or most of the other countries that were spun off from the British Empire. Here in Australia, we have effectively lost that freedom because the government legislated to establish an ‘eCommissioner’, who has the power to financially destroy anyone who posts or hosts a digital comment that she disagrees with. Yes, the eCommissioner is a ‘she’ – a former American citizen who previously worked for Microsoft and Twitter. Of course, the legislation exempts the corporate media and the government itself from such persecution. There are bad days ahead.

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Wow- your final paragraph here is scary. In Canada we must have something just like that too. Thanks for the informative comment.

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fourth estate (noun)

1. Journalists considered as a group; the public press.

2. A hypothetical fourth class of civic subjects, or fourth body (in Britain, after the Crown, and the two Houses of Parliament) which governed legislation.

3. Journalism or journalists considered as a group; the Press.

-- The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition

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Interesting. I remember reading all of their columns back then.

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M$M fifth column of presstitutes and their corporate pimps(cia).

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