We are in a battle between good and evil. Saying ‘Moloch’ is not an exaggeration. It isn’t left and right anymore. Which is good. The field of the demonic always is children. Abortion, Trans in schools, education. Now poison jabs. I think the tide has turned. But it looks like we are in the battle of our lives right now. More will die from this than died in the Second World War.

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millions over the next few years, I have read from various analysts. Buckle up.

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Elizabeth, great points. I agree. I am an emergency physician in rural Appalachia. It is getting harder and harder to find physicians for rural areas, and large hospital systems buy small hospitals and deplete them of resources under the pretense that they will support them. But they don't. During COVID it was nearly impossible to transfer critically ill patients to larger urban centers with more resources. After a while it starts to feel intentional. Furthermore, most physicians are trained in urban areas and are very hesitant to leave those areas and move to more remote areas. I believe that this is in no small part a function of the cultural and political disdain they learned for conservative populations in college and medical school and which was made worse during the COVID crisis.

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I live in Victoria BC. The capitol of BC. I haven’t had a doctor for three or four years. I have some fairly serious eye problems. My ophthalmologist retired about four years ago, maybe five. My file was sent to five different eye doctors before one would take me. Too complicated, not enough time in the day to take me. Finally one took me. I see her twice a year. For about ten minutes each time. I also see a neural ophthalmologist about once a year. I get a 15 minute phone call. He doesn’t remember me, has never seen me, and it takes him about half the 15 minute call to remember my case. It isn’t just happening in rural Appalachia.

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You know who gets seen? People with a voice, socialist medicine always privileges people who they need as supporters, media, filmmakers, bureaucrats. So they all go out and say omg our system is so fabulous. Yeah, right, sugar. For you.

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It is intentional. People are meant to be moved to the cities or be starved of resources.

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I believe you are correct. It's simply too consistent and widespread to be accidental. And thank you so much for taking the time to respond. I enjoy your posts a great deal.

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I love how 'global warming' morphed into 'climate change'. The global warming data wasn't working so they changed the name. Climate change works nice since the climate is and has always been changing. I remember sitting on a beach in 1985 and reading about global warming. It was predicted that in 25 years where I was sitting would be 8 feet under water.

One of the positives to come outof the whole covid thing is that many see how that $cience worked and began to also question the climate change $cience.

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As a Christian I applaud what you write. I see truth in what you write but do not have your depth of analysis or understanding. The problem evil has is it always implodes on itself sooner or later. Even when it appears all is lost...somehow a way is made. I am disgusted by what is taking place, I do not doubt the agenda of death, I prepare physically & emotionally as I can but I also pray that the unseen way will appear & entwine the molochs in their own madness with the vengeance of destruction they are worthy of. Without mercy...

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I think the big shift is coming this year, if we had honest media including social media we would have won years ago, but we don't so this drags on.

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The really evil ones rely on a thousand minions. What works against them is the vast majority of the minions are very stupid. Justin Trudeau. Joe Biden. Cackling Kamala. Etc. Their stupidity and self centeredness brings them down eventually.

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College educated women seem to be the big hold-outs - I can't figure it out really. Bonny Henry and Trudeau are criminals - they ruined millions of lives, destroyed businesses, health and hope They are thugs. I cannot believe anyone would believe a thing they say. Plus they expect to be worshipped. It's revolting.

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They’ve actually moved LEFT this year. According to a poll I read!!

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I know, it is the most puzzling thing ever. All my old girlfriends seem to have lost their ability to reason. I got kicked off Facebook for saying my mother's generation of women were geniuses in recognizing reality compared to the current ones who are governed by what, feelings, deeply held opinions about climate change that are unbudgeable despite the data and model falsities. Those would have been seized by my mother's generation of "college educated women".

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I’m guessing all cause mortality up over the next five years anywhere from 20-100 million.

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I deeply and devoutly hope not, but there are so many senior senior scientists and doctors and researchers saying so. And the vaccine pressure will step up this winter.

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It is not hard to understand what Agenda 21 and 2030 was all about. All one has to do is to listen to Maurice Strong who was one of the influential architects of this death cult now being carried out under the guise of man-made climate change. To achieve this evil agenda and rid the planet of humans and humanity, carbon dioxide, the gas of life that drives photosynthesis while creating the oxygen we all breath, was turned into a pollutant and dangerous greenhouse gas. There is no science that supports the idea that carbon dioxide plays a major role in global warming or climate change but truth it seems has been banned from the planet and we are now flying blind in a world of systemic lies.

"What if a small group of world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the Earth comes from the actions of the rich countries? And if the world is to survive, those rich countries would have to sign an agreement reducing their impact on the environment. Will they do it? The group's conclusion is 'no'. The rich countries won't do it. They won't change. So, in order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?“ — Maurice Strong

"It is simply not feasible for sovereignty to be exercised unilaterally by individual nation-states, however powerful. It is a principle which will yield only slowly and reluctantly to the imperatives of global environmental cooperation.“ — Maurice Strong

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