Being residents of Portland and Seattle, our family often vacationed in Vancouver in the 1980s through the early 2000s. We viewed it as one of the world's truly beautiful cities. But a visit for a lacrosse tournament 15 years ago was a shock. The area on Granville near Gastown was populated with druggies and homeless street people. Stanley Park showed signs of neglect. Suburban areas that were previously neat and tidy had become seedy, elderly folks looked stressed and were clearly struggling. What we saw then in Vancouver is now the reality in Portland, Seattle and most American cities controlled by Democrats. We mourn your sense of loss since we, too, are facing the loss of our country to unspeakable crimes and unimagined political corruption.

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There may be a more important Substack being written, but I don't know whose it is. I'll do everything I can to spread the word about its existence. ( Great title, too. Congratulations. )

I'm American, and as you know, we're only a little behind Canada in our national suicide. I saw all of this starting up in Houston thirty years ago, but it never occurred to me that the American people wouldn't demand and a President and Congress wouldn't exercise the leadership necessary to prevent what we have now, which would have been beyond my ability to imagine, anyway.

You're probably aware of the concerted effort being made by Leftist dolts like Rob Reiner to warn the American people of the terror which lies in wait for them if they don't vote Democrat in November: White Christian Nationalism!!!!!

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In Canada there isn't the same horrific hatred of conservatives by the left as in the States. It's truly dangerous b/c it distorts reality, designating half the country as 'untouchable' (unclean, toxic) due to their beliefs & a cluster of behavioral markers. It's like Nazis designating Jews as unGerman. In the US MAGA deplorables are unAmerican untouchables to be eradicated. It started out innocently in the 60s, & very gradually morphed into a genuine emotional aberration that seeks to 'remove' the target group.

In Canada the cities are turning into hellholes via toxic leftist policies that strangle small & medium-sized businesses with over-regulation, & huge inflation. The left controls bureaucracies & NGOs which in turn shield globalists from the public & accountability. Plus rigged elections across the nations of the West are hugely demoralizing, sapping the will to turn things around.

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You may be right.

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Thank you for covering this, I can tell how much work you put into it.

Soros is a primary front man for this destruction. He is buying up DAs and entire legislatures across America who then pass laws and enact policies legalizing or refusing to prosecute a myriad of crimes. Next they flood these communities with illegals from every hellhole imaginable, each of which have a thousand different axes to grind against the American people. Sheriff Bianco explains this, while sidestepping the NGOs, US government, and the UN at the heart of the decimation:

https://bitchute.com/video/xvOgSlYAZUya [5:47mins]

Plug this loathsome wretch (Soros) into the streets of Chicago and see how he long he lasts in the city he helped bring to ruin before they send him back to the hell he crawled out of. Here is more information on how we got here: https://tritorch.com/soros & https://tritorch.com/degradation/SorosDAProsecutionDeclination

Time is running out to salvage this situation. Here is a solution: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/apathy-is-the-fire-in-which-we-burn

"Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty"

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Chicago business district (the Loop) is desolate. I drove to the city last week for a 3:30 meeting. Hardly anyone on the street. Meeting was in the Aon building which used to be a bustling scene. Maybe I saw a dozen people. Interestingly security is extra strict these days and employees of certain major corporations can no longer bring in guests after 5pm! Talk about “not in my backyard”!

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Vigilance to what end, action or just watching?

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Vigilance plus civic action. Check out the article linked at the end, you may find your answer.

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Soros is the money man and our city leaders and county commissioners are his middle yes men who are doing the bidding of the rich families who control the county by having Soros implant all of these rinos and controlled yes men who push the agenda along.

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Thanks for these links.

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That is why I moved to a rural area with proximity to small city in the BC interior. Cheaper property tax ... Mostly a conservative population ... Mostly white with a large contingent of hard-working, entrepreneurial Sikhs, and East Indians. They may have dark skin, but they are considered Caucasian. I see them as have similar values to conservative Canadians.

It's the Africans and Middle Easterners that can be a problem. Look at any major American city (and many cities in other western world countries) and you will find evidence of that. Lot of evidence.

No racism intended ... Just the facts ma'am ... Just the facts.

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As unpalatable as this opinion is in the lense of our progressive society, this is my opinion too.

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They are out to depopulate using any means they can think of. What better way than to get millions hooked on drugs as just one of the ways to depopulate.

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My stepdaughter died from a fentanyl overdose 2 years ago after being captured by exactly what you’ve described.

The fact that David Eby is our Premier makes me want to puke.

He’s been instrumental in the decline and now has his sights on the whole Province.

Fire Bonny Henry, end the madness.

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😢 I cannot tell you how angry that makes me - I am sorry.

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I like Aaron Gunn and have watched many of his documentaries including Vancouver is dying and Canada is dying..he made it into federal conservative party after being booted from provincial Liberals for saying something too controversial 🙄 I really hope he can make a difference, but I lose a bit of faith with all politicians because they are all on the take. I'm not sure conservatives can save us, just hope they at least throw a life raft. Truthfully, I think a revolution is what we need.

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She bought a house in florida

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Blistering indictment of the Western leadership class and their throngs of useful idiots.

I wish you were wrong, but I can't argue. I can only grasp for hope in W. Churchill's WW2 comment, "You can always count on the Americans (and the West) to do the right thing, after they have exhausted all the other possibilities."

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It’s not the West or American’s that will save us . Look at our Canadian Government under Trudeau. Look at the U.S. government under Biden. They’re aligned with New World Dis-Order of the UN and their partners the WEF. It’s up to us collectively at a local level everywhere.

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Churchill could never have imagined the stupidity, moral torpor, and will to commit national suicide which is rife in today's Americans.

Still, we must hope there are enough of us left to save the nation.

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Churchill himself was no better morally as he commissioned the Dresden firebombings that incinerated many hundreds of thousands of civilians. He was an excellent communicator and a liar par excellence.

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This kind of thing is willfully clueless. It's like opposing capital punishment because it lowers us to the status of the murderer.

That's nonsense. If a society can't distinguish between predator and prey, it doesn't deserve to live.

This applies, as well, to be the world. Do you doubt for a moment that if Hitler had acquired an atomic bomb, he would have used it? And just who bombed civilian populations first?

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Why do you think all the best Nazi scientists got head-hunted by America? Only 19 were hanged after Nuremberg. Humans are capable of alternating roles of predator and prey. Which goes to my point that, in war, there are no clean hands. If you have clean hands, you lose. If you follow the Geneva Convention against a non-signatory, you lose. Wake up and smell the burning flesh! If you assumed other will play by the rules you lose. The Pentagon was intent on using a surprise nuclear first strike to end the Soviets in the 1961-1963 period. When Kennedy authorized public disclosure of the full nuclear arsenal by a Lt. General in a speech at the University of Pennsylvania in the summer of '63, he sealed his own fate. Don't try to pretend that there are good guys and bad guys in war. All the participants are culpable collectively for failure to hash it out peaceably at the negotiating table. All of the players left alive have an interest in a dishonest accounting of their own actions. JFK was no angel, but for him, we'd be living in the Fallout universe.

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We're all sinners, but we're not all psychopaths. And yes, people can degenerate. I'm a Christian, and see the only remedy for us in Jesus Christ.

C.S. Lewis acknowledged this susceptibility in all of us when he wrote in Mere Christianity that he had always believed that if he ever committed a murder, the only proper thing for him to do would be to give himself up to be hanged.

I'm 72, and have been paying attention to Kennedy assassination conspiracists for sixty years. If you want to know what happened in Dealey Plaza that day, go to the LEMMiNO channel on YouTube and watch his astounding graphic analysis of the assassination. It's over an hour and a half in length, and its unrelenting logic is a joy to behold.

There are other purveyors of unrelenting logic about the JFK assassination on YouTube. After you watch the LEMMiNO video, go to the channel of a historian named Sean Munger. His two part analysis of conspiracy hypotheses runs over three hours, and explains exactly who was behind what happened in Dealey Plaza that day.

Of course, there are good guys and bad guys in war. In World War II., the bad guys wanted to murder scores of millions of people and make slaves of God knows how many millions of others.

N.B. I have experience of exploding bombs. I've smelled burning flesh. I'm not a fan.

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I've watched 10-20 hours of documentaries concerning JFK's assassination including those based on the Warren Commission report. I'm very familiar with the multiple sides of that issue. Really, I could have cared less about the Soviets as their regime murdered more than Hitler in the Holodomor. The reality is as I stated, if a 'good guy' isn't breaking some rules of ethics, he's a dead guy. The error of the combatants is failing to see the escape hatch, or believing that the cause they fight for is honorable. The one cause that is honorable is fighting for the sanctity of one's home and family. To label aggression as the aforementioned is facile manipulation of the reasoning with questionable motives. War is nasty, ugly, and an expression of hell on earth. I'm not going to argue about unilateral disarmament as the motives of the neighbors are always open to interpretation. However, the surprise initiation of aggression or the deceptive practice of the 'false flag' to gain advantage are classic unethical behaviors. To send our children to the battlefield causes deep intergenerational wounds to the psyches of millions. I know you're not a fan of war as I'm not either. I only take issue with the idea of "The Good War" and the idea that any statesman, politician, or bureaucrat does not lie to push an agenda forward. That's the point I'm making in a nutshell, with all due respect.

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Thank you for speaking the Truth. Truth bears the seeds of great Reform; unlike Propaganda, Truth has a soul, and once spoken, spreads of its own accord...

bit it needs a Voice. You are that Voice.

Speak Truth.

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Elizabeth, I and my wife live in Idaho and I'm one of your subscribers, supporting you as I can. The rot hasn't quite crept in here. But, I know it's only a matter of time. What do we do? It may sound crazy but our refuge is Jesus. I don't believe we can vote our way out of this Hell. Trump is not the answer. What will our kids and grand kids face? Wow, sorry to be such a downer...

Please, keep working, writing, and shedding light on the craziness. Thank you for all you do.

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On Christ the Solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.

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I'm sorry to burst your bubble but "Christianity ".IS THE PROBLEM. To tell people to "turn the other cheek " and "the meek shall inherit the world" etc etc is a defeated people's philosophy to start with. When you stay on your knees because you want to show how virtues you are, don't be suprised when they

put their boots on your neck. Christianity teaches us to be defeatists instead of Warriors. Being meek and submissive does not help in defending yourself against evil forces. This has clearly been shown.

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Sorry to burst your bubble, but when battling evil, Christianity is the ONLY solution. Drug addicts epitomize despair and need the hope, meaning, and fresh start that Christianity offers. Problem is, the faith is in decline after decades of assault by competing religions/ideologies and growing

Institutional corruption. (All of which was foretold by our Lord and change

nothing.) Also, your wimpy take on Christianity is wrong. Christianity is a manly religion that has inspired believers to fight heroically (crusades), to take tremendous personal risks (missionaries. The Pilgrims), to defend principle and conscience at any cost (martyrs, Martin Luther, MLK). Everything valuable and unique about European civ is derived from its Christian faith and the identity, moral guidance, and confidence it provides. As you look around at the utter devastation in once-orderly, civilized countries, remember that the prince of this world is the devil. like a roaring lion he is looking for souls to devour and finding an all-you-can-eat buffet. The only safety lies is Jesus Christ.

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The most courageous people I know are Christians, particularly Christian men.

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I both agree and disagree. The strong reason for my disagreement is how corrupt the religion named “Christianity” has become. It’s gotten corrupted by gnosticism, plethora false teachers, false apostles, false messiahs and antichrists. The numbers of the true followers (aka the remnant) of the Lamb of God are few. The love of many, who call themselves “Christians”, has waxed cold, due to gross iniquity which has infected the “ἐκκλησίαν” (Greek), the religious assembly who claim to be followers of Christ. I think that the followers of Christ who are Gentiles have become much like the Jews 2000 years ago who claimed to be followers of Moses and the Law and the children of Abraham. I’m not a true believer in (so-called) “Christianity”, mainly because I have not come across any true followers of Christ who manifest the fruit of the Spirit. Too judgmental?

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The NGOs and the women you describe are practicing liberalism, not Christianity. They wear the cross as a skin suit if at all. Corrupt indeed but not really Christian.

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Christ whipped the moneylenders out of the temple in one of his most symbolic acts.

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I don’t believe that you understand what the word (and character trait) “meek” means. The prophet Moses was characterized as the meekest (or most humble) of men. Did Moses hesitate to have those who actively and persistently and determinedly rebelled against GOD be put to death? No. The Hebrew word translated as “meek” can also be translated as “poor” or “afflicted”.

Given that you are opposed to men being “meek”, I presume that you believe that pride results in strength of character. If you are a proud and strong man, what precisely are YOU DOING to oppose the psychopathic ruling class? Be specific. Thanks in advance.

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Dixie: "Turn the other cheek" is a metaphor. Christians believe in self-defense.

I think Jesus was being a bit tongue-in-cheek when he said "The meek shall inherit the world." Who wants it? Jesus did not like Laodiceans.

It is the next world that is important.

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It's not crazy, at all. He's the ultimate answer. I think we must acknowledge the likelihood that Mad Max days are ahead.

My mother was a great fan of that movie and its sequel, The Road Warrior. We were talking about them once not long after they came out.

"Thank God," she said, "we'll never live to see days like that."

Speak for yourself, Mom.

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Like that, or Red Dawn.

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Trump is like a needle to the boil. He will pierce it and all the ugliness that comes out will be exposed to the light of truth. He's not a savior, but can help us begin cleaning the rot out. The rest is up to us.

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Cedric, yours is a fine analogy. But I didn't like Trump when he was in office.

Please let me explain.

He came from corporate leadership. Not up through the ranks

And this corporate leadership style was fully on display during his presidency.

Remember him saying during the campaign that he knew lots of very smart people he would bring in to help fix things?

Well he did, and instead of fixing the one thing most Americans wanted, ie FIX THE BORDER, his smart people's first fix was working full strength on Obama Care.

It still ain't fixed and has only gotten worse.

Trump depended upon his division leadership to work towards his goals and they did not. And he never fired the underperformers, like the VP Pence, Sec State, Fauci, and others.

Corporations rarely fire SVPs, only move them around until they quit.

I don't want DJT and his corporate reorganization style.

No, the man I want in office now must be 100% Machiavelli's The Prince. Hardcore, ruthless and able to do what it takes to clean up the Swamp. And a person that has no problem having history hate him for how he goes about doing it.

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I personally know someone from a Sicilian family. Of the surname Giametta. One generation removed from the old country. We would need someone like that.

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I think it is disingenuous to conflate the greed of certain NGO's with Christian doctrine..

They are not the same, any more than the current Pope's left leaning views are the same as Christian doctrine.

Same as I don't blame the American Boy Scouts organization for the sexual assaults the queers perpetrated on boys, after having been forced by the courts to accept gay Scout masters into their ranks.

Whether it is Christianity, or Judaism, or Islam, or Buddhism, the benefits of having faith in life, respect for life, and creating community where their once was none, outweigh the problems created by the "us verse them" mentality that develops.

You are throwing the baby out with the bathwater on this one.

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My wife's daughter and son-in-law (millenials) took a trip to Vancouver last year. On their last day, they were walking down a street to get a cab to the airport when a car drove by and sprayed them with puddle water filled with human feces.

I could see the utopia falling from her eyes as she told us the story.

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Utopia and pus, probably.

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Bless you for what you do. You ARE spreading the truth and doing a great service. Just as your ancestors did so many years past

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It has very little to do with race, it's culture. Some cultures are just incompatible.

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Culture is downstream from race. "Culture" doesn't just appear out of the ether.

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Tony: We are all of the human race. The idea of separate races came from the eugenicists. These rich WASPs wanted a biological reason to explain their wealth and status (versus dumb luck or manipulation of government).

Darwin's father was part of the eugenicist movement. His Theory of Evolution has not been proved. It is eugenics poppycock.

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No, it has been disproved, but no one wants to listen.

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Timmy. We are at a point in which no one believes in such feel-good liberal slogans anymore. When our own cities don't feel like our own country anymore, and our enemies are literally studying racial differences while making bio-weapons that target specific racial groups, us ignoring racial differences puts us as a country and civilization at risk. You can't honestly tell me that the U.S would have developed the same way if it were founded by blacks, asians or indians? This country is unrecognizable compared to 40-50 years ago. If WASPs had that bravado, it's because they build this country. I'm no Wasp but I can recognize the accomplishments they did as a people. I rather have the old WASP elites running the country than the current jewish elites that are importing hostile foreigners from china/india.

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Tony: You are confusing culture with the myth of race. Define a race. Skin color? Eye color? Eye shape? Nose shape? It's ridiculous!

Bio-weapons can attack people with certain physical characteristics perhaps. This is what governments are trying to do.

But we are all of the human race. We can all interbreed with each other.

Do not confuse culture with the eugenicist's race crap.

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Just like there are different breeds of dogs, horses, primates etc each have differences in size, intelligence, temperament etc the same goes for different people's. It applies to humans just as it does to animals. Many studies have come out from various universities the past 30 years that go in depth the differences between different racial groups, and even the various problems that mixed-race children have. Only reason no one pays attention to these studies is because of our political climate. I'm pretty sure you live in a 95%+ White suburb and not exposed to the elements that goes on in the cities across the Western world so it's easy to parrot this line from the bubble. This universalism that Whites like you hold so dearly will end up destroying what's left of our Civilization. If it makes you feel warm and fuzzy to think everyone is the same my hat off to you, just know I'm looking out for you. Whites like you are the only ones who believe in this modern dogma while everyone intuitively knows its bullshit. Just because you don't see "color", doesn't mean color don't see you.

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Tony: I live in a town that is half Anglo and half Hispanic. There is no such thing as race or racial groups. There are different cultures.

My Dad went to Sweden on business. The man he was dealing with owned an old bark salvaged from the Baltic. It was a beautiful sailing ship. One of the deck hands was of African descent. The deckhand spoke English with a Swedish accent. It cracked up my Dad.

I suggest that you watch the movie "Trading Places" again.

You are spouting Rockefeller, Rothschild, Darwinian, Bill Gates propaganda.

Humans aren't bred into breeds (at least not yet).

Tony, you are a racist. Conversation over.

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Sorry, this was supposed to be a response to Wasso's comment, but my computer is being unruly today.

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When reading your Title Header of this post I think of George Orwell’s quote:

“ If you want a vision of the future , imagine a boot stamping on a human face-forever “

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Thank you. I moved out of Vancouver in 2011. In many ways I miss it. But I can't believe how much it's changed even in that short span of time. It had a good recovery community and if I didn't get sober there is 2008 I would be dead for sure. Now I wonder how good that recovery community is or how it's been effected by this take over.

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Don’t worry though. Things will get better. The vast majority of the people are true believers that their life’s purpose and work is to make the world a better place for their children and their grandchildren and their children. Surveying the moral landscape in combination with the enlightened class’ noblesse oblige to better society indicates that life for city-dwellers will turn around positively.

(I’m not really optimistic about the aforementioned. But why be a doomer and fatalistic defeatist, right?)

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Gary's: I agree. Eventually the bastards eat their own kind.

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I think that the “bastards” are the psychopathic ruling class and the sociopaths who go to work for the psychopaths — the willing henchmen (and women) of the psychos, who do all of the dirty work at every level of society — and the bureaucrats, who keep the wheels of the Pathocracy well greased and well maintained, and the vast majority of the members of the mass, who go along with the psychopaths in order to get along. Plenty of ordinary men and women tolerate and submit to and condone the agendas of the psychopaths. Just look at all of the ordinary volk who complied with all of the liberty-destroying edicts which came down from above to “fight the virus”!!

I think that the “bastards” make up the vast majority of the population. There aren’t many people rebelling against the psychopathic ruling class and the supporters of the ruling class. Maybe that’s because the masses are infantile players of the game “Follow the leader”.

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Gary S: You are correct in your assessments of people. Sometimes I think Libertarians like myself are genetic aberrations. I was born this way.

Watching the Democratic left fight each other over Gaza/Israel is amusing.

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I’ve heard said that “libertarians” are classical & traditional liberals, i.e. lovers of liberty. Everyone with two connected brain cells knows that liberty requires vigilance and the highest level of responsibility and accountability that men and women can aspire to. The (so-called) “liberals” who constitute the Dem party are statists and socialists and Marxists. They are part of the death cult. Words cannot describe how much they sicken and disgust me. If I had the financial resources to flee this country to a genuinely conservative and libertarian one, I would. But I’d miss my adult children and my girlfriend. 😊

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Gary'S: Libertarians believe in one thing, the Non-Aggression Principle (NAP). Force can only be used in self-defense. People are free to do whatever they wish with their bodies and lives as long as it doesn't injure or affect other people's rights as human beings.

That's it. For economics I follow the Austrian Economics of Ludwig von Mises, Rothbard, and other free market supporters.

For politics I am an anarchist. I am against all forms of the State. Roads, courts, utilities, can all be handled by free markets and locals working together. There would be no taxes, only user fees. Self-Defense would be handled by local volunteer militias.

Roads by private companies or local associations. Eminent Domain would be banned.

Private property would be respected.

I could go on with sound money with competition. No fractional reserve banking. No central bank. But you get the point.

PS: I don't know of any Libertarian countries.

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Saved to my private Notes. Thanks

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Gary, God bless you, your comment would have made sense circa 1980. Now?

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Now? We see the Chinese Communist Party infiltrating North America at several ground levels. As for the economic partnership between the CCP and the American State, it was solidified very shortly after the massacre on the Tiananmen Square

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In Canada, the CCP have opened 'police stations', outposts of their own in areas where chinese population is denser in our bigger cities. Apparently we are asking them to close these. Why aren't they descending on them with tanks and guns? It IS an occupation.

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I wonder if it’s an agreed-upon transition from the Anglo-Zionists and the USD dominating geopolitics to the Chinese Communist Party achieving parity with the former British Empire and the Yuan (and other BRICS+ currencies) challenging the dominance of the USD as the world’s reserve currency. I wonder if these geopolitical changes are going to be allowed to happen organically, because fighting another World War, this time with hydrogen bombs available, is simply too risky even for the ruling class.

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After watching Bret Weinstein with Tucker, I have to believe the chinese have long been planning and putting their plans in place - using numbered companies to illegally acquire ownership of resource companies and real estate, the long game of perverting our educational system to become indoctrination factories, financing useful idiots and their orgs to create cultural marxism and violent protests ... the bold set up of police stations ... the things you mentioned ... and finally the routing of who knows how many military aged men via south america (the route alone identifies this as a strategic way to hide an invasion force since there's more direct ways to get to the USA). It's clear we are close to their end-game. I posit the eco-activists, BLM and trans activists will be the first to be dealt with since their work is done. They won't like it.

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It sure looks like the decline and fall of Western Civilization.

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My point.

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I ought to have presumed that you knew this.

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Well, Gary, with me, it's understandable that you wouldn't. My occasional dullardliness has amazed people.

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As long as it’s only occasionally, you’ll probably be A-okay!

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