This is a Dead Parrot Economy
They will start nuclear war to prevent us from finding out how much they have stolen
Reporting on the 24 “terrorist” attacks on food processing plants has finally reached the mainstream. Courtesy of Wall Street hunger for returns decades ago, four meat processing plants now process 85% of the meat and chicken in the US. Taking out the system is not that hard. Add the news that increasing amounts of productive land will be shuttered under Biden’s 30/30 rule, that 30% of the US must lie under conservation by 2030. After which the goal is 50% by 2050.
Biden announced last week, during the news of IMF projected food shortages that he will pay farmers to take 25,000,000 acres out of food production.
This is to address “climate change”.
The destruction of food processing plants is to shift our diet from meats to plant-based confections made by Big Pharma. At least that is how the reporting goes among the conspiracy theorists who have been proved right every single damn time for the past two years. Ersatz food sits in two new grocery cases in our local supermarket. It sits there, no one buys it. In contrast, meat eating has increased steadily since 2000. The only way to make us buy this crap is to remove other sources of protein. Like meat and chicken and anything else processed in the heartland.
Did you think the UN’s Codex Alimentarius was fantasy football for bureaucrats? That arm, part of the Food and Agriculture (FAO) section of the UN has determined that we need 17 grams of protein a day. Now I was veggie for four years and vegan for two. By the end of it, I could barely get out of bed. I certainly couldn’t handle my two jobs and building a house so I went back to meat. It took three years to build back my strength. Now I buy humanely raised and slaughtered meats, and I try to get some protein from plants. So 17 grams – I need a minimum of 60 – would put us all into a lovely passive state where our lives could be easily managed.
Climate Change is a scam visited on the less advantaged by our ruling elite who are to a man or woman, pirates. They want us small, scared, starved and quiet, because otherwise we will find out how much they have stolen and will drag them out of their $6 million houses and hang them in the street. I’ve read into the science, deeply, and have the statistical skills to do it. Lots of people have and have come to the same conclusion. I am hardly alone.
They have, with their collateralized debt obligations and destructive environmental policies almost destroyed the food system. They have almost destroyed the economy. We are living in a dead parrot economy.
Think I’m wrong? Let’s review their history, the fruits of their labors. This is a criminal class.
1. Vietnam – that was just great, guys. Good job. One million Vietnamese killed after you left.
2. The Cold War and building nuclear arsenals capable of destroying us 100 times over, leaching national wealth from citizens.
3. The Joint Chiefs almost launched a first nuclear strike against the USSR in the early 60’s.
4. When Kennedy stopped them, they engineered a plan to kill Kennedy along with the other Joint Chiefs, the CIA, Cuban emigres, the Mafia.
5. I will go to my grave believing the same people killed RFK and Martin Luther King.
6. They looted the Middle East supporting corrupt leaders in their oppression of their people in order to extract oil, rather than using our own1.
7. Resulting in 9/11.
8. The Iraq War and 20 years of utter mayhem in the Middle East.
9. The looting of the public purse by the Clinton Generation, all of whom made it their JOB, to steal $100 million before they scurried away like the roaches they are, vis:
10. The Housing Bubble, caused by Jame A Johnson, head of Fannie Mae who lowered the regulatory requirements while taking piece after piece of the new tranches of public money until he could walk away with $100,000,000, leaving the entire world in chaos.
11. The running up of national debt and money supply during the Obama years by 96,000%. Of course he was popular, he flooded our world with money.
12. Covid 19. 10% of us were supposed to die, given the fake initial projections out of the Imperial College of London. Death rates were faked, hospitalizations were faked, people were killed by the combination of Remdesivir and respirators, denied prophylactics, businesses were destroyed, families were destroyed, town budgets and resources were destroyed, the health system was mangled, people missed entire years of school, the young set back half a decade. People missed cancer screening, heart disease screenings. Public Health is now viewed as an agent of the devil itself by anyone sane. I will never take another pharmaceutical again. Except basic antibiotics.
13. Vaccines. Read this latest abstract from Food and Chemical Toxicology, this is Democide only dreamed of by Mao: Not all these are proved, but several are:
14. The utter destruction of citizen’s rights. If you don’t know yet that you are a serf of massive international interests, that your rights have been systematically over-ridden your functional IQ is below 100. National sovereignty has been given away in a series of international treaties covering every major interest from health to money to land use to labor law. You have no rights under these treaties. They are administered by bureaucrats who no one voted for. Nor would anyone ever vote for these lizards in a fair election. Nor did you vote to sign onto these treaties. It was just….done.
15. ZIRP. You probably don’t know what ZIRP did yet, but you will. It meant that pirates like our current Fed Chair, Jay Powell, when he worked for Carlyle, went out into the heartland and took over viable businesses, loaded them with debt, used that debt to buy back their stock, making them look more valuable and sold them on to entities who took out more debt, which they used buying back the stock of the company, collateralized by the future “profits” of the ball bearing company. For the particular company Powell destroyed, RexNord, many more tranches of debt were taken on before the company just…died and all its employees and the town it supported, were ruined. This is ‘08 times 1000 waiting to happen.
And this, to my shame, is how we are all making money in the markets – we are stealing wealth from the heartland. Now do you wonder why deplorables are mad as hell? This happened all over the world.
All that debt, trillions of dollars in corporate debt will crash the economy if just one tiny interest rate error is made by the man who pioneered CDOs, Jay Powell, the pirate criminal who is now effectively running the freaking world2.
So no, Climate Change is not happening. It is a scam meant to steal what is left of our lives and wealth, so the international criminal cartel running our world doesn’t get caught with the trillions they have stolen from us.
The Clinton generation were at elite schools during the late 70’s and 80’s, learning the pirate craft.)
Christopher Leonard, a man from the polite educated left, pulls no punches in this book. Financially we are in perilous perilous times.
Elizabeth, are you okay? We miss you.
All the best
Hard hitting, excellent analysis and as usual delivered with a sense of outrage that a growing number of people share. My sense is that the day of reckoning is coming sooner than these treasonous crooks realize. They are now behaving like cornered rats which is a very dangerous situation because of what is taking place with their proxy war in the Ukraine. Who would have thought that the US would end up with an illegitimate Occupation Government installed with stolen elections that is waging a total War of Subversion and Destruction against We The People. The NeoCons and their media mouthpieces are now promoting nuclear war in the Ukraine, a war which was 100% caused by them after they destroyed small businesses and people's lives with a Fake Covid Pandemic and lethal shots. A major milestone in the take over of America and the entire western world was the establishment in 1913 of the privately owned Federal Reserve in violation of the US Constitution after bankers met in secrecy on Jekyll Island to hatch their plan for the take over of the US monetary and financial system. The Fed provided a mechanism for the plunder Americans by controlling the value of their labor through the creation of unearned and therefore counterfeit dollars out of absolutely nothing. This stolen loot was then used to buy America...its politicians at all levels, judges, agencies such as the FDA, CDC and NIH, corporations, banks, mass media, cultural institutions such as Hollywood, and just about everything else. As a measure of the magnitude of the theft, one ounce of gold in 1913 could be bought for about $20. Today, you would need over $1800 to buy one ounce of gold. This means a >95% loss in purchasing power in one century and a major portion of this loss was at the expense of We The People and the gain went to the International Criminal Banking Cabal that now controls all western nations. Follow the money and the debasement of fiat currencies through the most evil system of theft and plunder ever devised by mankind....and it will lead you to the enemies of all humanity.