Thank you for this unhesitating take down of Hollywood trash culture, social media "influencers" and the multitude of bottom feeders who live off them. I'm not on TikTok (China) so thank you for this reporting from the dark side. (You're my favorite writer on Substack.) Can Hollywood fix Hollywood? I'm normally an optimist but these are the people who had first person knowledge that Harvey Weinstein was a serial predator and looked the other way because he bullied peers into giving his films Oscars. They wanted those Oscars (I'm looking at you, Meryl Streep.)
Streep, for sure, and that monster Oprah Winfrey. It's a long list and uber-jealous OW is at the top for procuring pretty, young white girls for Harvey to destroy.
Man, I never heard THAT. Holy cow. Jeezus, that's ugly. Truly. And puts her facilitation of Meghan Markle's accusation re Royal Fam "racist comment" about the baby's skin color in a different frame. Winfrey isn't who we think she is. Even Ronan Farrow couldn't touch her.
and numerous denials from OW, plus Snopes' rejects some or all the stories (as with Corey Feldman's accounts). Then there's that damning photo, which is proof of nothing, but certainly raises eyebrows. I'll post it if I find it.
Well said! I think you hit the nail on the head: we are all sick & tired of the Hollywood “elites”, who are but a captive subset of the globalist apex parasites. They’re losing relevancy, and we’re no longer interested in their bs
ahhhh.... thanks. I needed that. Also, can I quote you for my next blog? I'm writing about the death of the demanding diva. They can't be divas anymore because we are sick of their bullshit and we have our own problems thank you very much. Porcine prat James Corden, as a result of his douchiness at a NY restaurant, pretty much torpedoed his career.
Love that Meredith girl. She's so right. The world does NOT need another face cream! And there's is a special place in hell for people who muse about taking other people's children away.
It's no coincidence these people all live in LA. Wouldn't you think, giving their reach--albeit waning--they would speak up about the hellscape their city has turned into? If just one of these gilded narcissists would stick her neck out and say 'this isn't working.' Makes you wonder if they even give a shit.
Course you can quote me, don’t ask. Yeah, once one person said “we’re sick of your faces”, hundreds piled on. Megan Kelly said, “why the hell do I have to see KK’s body every damn morning?” It is bliss. They are barely people, celebrities. Their heads are filled with greed and envy and ambition and they will do anything to get more exposure, so can’t say anything real.
This is not just a good and acerbic visit to the reigning nincompoopery but it is fun reading. So, thank you. Coincidently, I just bought a book by you and am looking forward to reading it.
Rolling Stones '67...I was 16 and whistled the tunes from the lp on my way to school. I will not whistle the title track again without thinking of this article. In the vernacular of that time...Wow!
I like reading your posts because I know very little about the subjects you cover. Like Hollywood and the people who are in that mess, TV shows and books that were too much to watch and read if you had a night job, and outdoor hobbies, people that sing and get famous while you are slogging in the garden, and raising three sons. It's another whole world out there!!
Yes, me too. I worked in the medical industrial complex and we are now seeing the corruption and absurdity of it all. I retired earlier than planned as I just couldn't stand another day of it. And that was five years ago.
Thank you for this unhesitating take down of Hollywood trash culture, social media "influencers" and the multitude of bottom feeders who live off them. I'm not on TikTok (China) so thank you for this reporting from the dark side. (You're my favorite writer on Substack.) Can Hollywood fix Hollywood? I'm normally an optimist but these are the people who had first person knowledge that Harvey Weinstein was a serial predator and looked the other way because he bullied peers into giving his films Oscars. They wanted those Oscars (I'm looking at you, Meryl Streep.)
Keep doing what you do so well, Elizabeth!!!
Streep, for sure, and that monster Oprah Winfrey. It's a long list and uber-jealous OW is at the top for procuring pretty, young white girls for Harvey to destroy.
Man, I never heard THAT. Holy cow. Jeezus, that's ugly. Truly. And puts her facilitation of Meghan Markle's accusation re Royal Fam "racist comment" about the baby's skin color in a different frame. Winfrey isn't who we think she is. Even Ronan Farrow couldn't touch her.
George, I don’t disbelieve you - she creeps me out - but what sources?
Third reply:
Fourth reply:
Second reply:
I can't prove anything, but there are numerous stories, such as this one:
and numerous denials from OW, plus Snopes' rejects some or all the stories (as with Corey Feldman's accounts). Then there's that damning photo, which is proof of nothing, but certainly raises eyebrows. I'll post it if I find it.
Well said! I think you hit the nail on the head: we are all sick & tired of the Hollywood “elites”, who are but a captive subset of the globalist apex parasites. They’re losing relevancy, and we’re no longer interested in their bs
ahhhh.... thanks. I needed that. Also, can I quote you for my next blog? I'm writing about the death of the demanding diva. They can't be divas anymore because we are sick of their bullshit and we have our own problems thank you very much. Porcine prat James Corden, as a result of his douchiness at a NY restaurant, pretty much torpedoed his career.
Love that Meredith girl. She's so right. The world does NOT need another face cream! And there's is a special place in hell for people who muse about taking other people's children away.
It's no coincidence these people all live in LA. Wouldn't you think, giving their reach--albeit waning--they would speak up about the hellscape their city has turned into? If just one of these gilded narcissists would stick her neck out and say 'this isn't working.' Makes you wonder if they even give a shit.
Course you can quote me, don’t ask. Yeah, once one person said “we’re sick of your faces”, hundreds piled on. Megan Kelly said, “why the hell do I have to see KK’s body every damn morning?” It is bliss. They are barely people, celebrities. Their heads are filled with greed and envy and ambition and they will do anything to get more exposure, so can’t say anything real.
This is not just a good and acerbic visit to the reigning nincompoopery but it is fun reading. So, thank you. Coincidently, I just bought a book by you and am looking forward to reading it.
Rolling Stones '67...I was 16 and whistled the tunes from the lp on my way to school. I will not whistle the title track again without thinking of this article. In the vernacular of that time...Wow!
I like reading your posts because I know very little about the subjects you cover. Like Hollywood and the people who are in that mess, TV shows and books that were too much to watch and read if you had a night job, and outdoor hobbies, people that sing and get famous while you are slogging in the garden, and raising three sons. It's another whole world out there!!
I wish I didn’t know what I know sometime
Yes, me too. I worked in the medical industrial complex and we are now seeing the corruption and absurdity of it all. I retired earlier than planned as I just couldn't stand another day of it. And that was five years ago.
You got out at the exact right time.
bravo again!
God, I love your writing!!!