Although I agree with your sentiments....let's not forget the millions of women and couples who are not able to conceive.....we/they don't need the guilt of now being alone....we have to be aware that infertility was on the rise already decades ago and is very painful....society and the med professionals are not kind and make the journey even more difficult.....with the increase of fertility increasing due to this experimental jab, we need to be more aware and sensitive to the people who suffer with this fate.....thank you for understanding.....
Every single word could have come out of my head, but I wouldn't have had your talent to put it down as coherently. Thank you, from someone who understands those angry, screaming young women, who think they know what matters in life. I am one of the 58% who believe abortion must be legal--early--and that women, now empowered, must use that power to reclaim control over their bodies. That means paying attention, noticing, not blowing off the missed period, getting a drug store preg test, and resolving a positive result--one way or the other--not waiting so they won't have to struggle with the knowledge that they stopped the beating heart of their own child. Maybe the only child they would ever have. The fight over the right to abortion--and the extremes to which it has been taken--has truly sidetracked and destroyed the women's movement. We're expendable human machines now, whose useless breasts can be lopped off at age 15, who can be erased by a 6'4" muscular woman with a penis. Bless you, Elizabeth. May your voice be heard far beyond this page.
HUGS... just HUGS... thanks for making it easier to come out as birthmother. I'm so happy you are having a beautiful relationship with your daughter!! That is awesome.
I remember an interview I had to do for ‘secret’ clearance. First question “have you ever slept in”? Second question “what kind of porn have you watched”. Of course, they knew the answer to both of these questions and it gives them an idea of deviation from baseline. I went down the honesty route and gave an in-depth recital of my dwarf chucking fetish. (Sarcasm) I dread to think what the current crop of woke lot have to say on these issues especially if they are from the recent ‘Groomer’ crop of woke activists. I also believe the easy access and pushing of nihilistic porn is a deliberate ploy to depopulate. It’s all part of the ‘big nudge’
Yup. Everything is about depop, even the homeless driven north as plutocrats take their land, even denying affordable housing in my region, the degradation of sex, tinder making kids sex averse, everything.
We are going through covid depopulation chastistement because of63 million butchered babies in US aline and failure of most Catholics to follow Fatima message. It doesn't matter if 98.7 per cent wanted abortion legal even in birth canal.
Killing innocent is one of 4 sins crying out to heaven for vengeance. Lots of people, including me, fighting Pfizer deathvax.
But as long as abortion is going on in Western countries.... How can we expect God not to react?
Our culture is increasingly a death culture. The Malthusian eugenicists from the Club of Rome have been pushing these ideas for fifty years. We should not be surprised that they are working.
And very evil folks before that.... Margaret Sanger. Club of Rome are pigs. One guy said I want sharp decrease, nut hope its not violent. A gentle guy... A psychopath. Video is around currently
My sons are 46, 43, and 35. Two granddaughters now. At one point they all began to slide away from me. They were growing up, grown up, about to be. You think for a brief period they are becoming less of your life. Now in my 70s I see how false that thinking was and is. There is nothing I need. Nothing I feel I have to accomplish. What is my joy bringer now is their accomplishments. My granddaughter standing for the first time. My other granddaughter running and killing herself laughing for the sheer joy of being able to do it. My sons’ raises, promotions, and successful projects. Without family, life is all ‘sound and fury signifying nothing’. With it, it’s endlessly amazing and fun and frustrating. And often filled with heartache. I really feel for all my friends without children. Some couldn’t. But many fell for the spiel.
Although I agree with your sentiments....let's not forget the millions of women and couples who are not able to conceive.....we/they don't need the guilt of now being alone....we have to be aware that infertility was on the rise already decades ago and is very painful....society and the med professionals are not kind and make the journey even more difficult.....with the increase of fertility increasing due to this experimental jab, we need to be more aware and sensitive to the people who suffer with this fate.....thank you for understanding.....
Of course terrible heartache and I feel you. I was told, wrongly, that my children would be schizophrenic, so, same position really.
Every single word could have come out of my head, but I wouldn't have had your talent to put it down as coherently. Thank you, from someone who understands those angry, screaming young women, who think they know what matters in life. I am one of the 58% who believe abortion must be legal--early--and that women, now empowered, must use that power to reclaim control over their bodies. That means paying attention, noticing, not blowing off the missed period, getting a drug store preg test, and resolving a positive result--one way or the other--not waiting so they won't have to struggle with the knowledge that they stopped the beating heart of their own child. Maybe the only child they would ever have. The fight over the right to abortion--and the extremes to which it has been taken--has truly sidetracked and destroyed the women's movement. We're expendable human machines now, whose useless breasts can be lopped off at age 15, who can be erased by a 6'4" muscular woman with a penis. Bless you, Elizabeth. May your voice be heard far beyond this page.
THANK YOU. elegant wordsmith of so many of my hearts feelings. Wisdom of the real feminine voice
HUGS... just HUGS... thanks for making it easier to come out as birthmother. I'm so happy you are having a beautiful relationship with your daughter!! That is awesome.
I remember an interview I had to do for ‘secret’ clearance. First question “have you ever slept in”? Second question “what kind of porn have you watched”. Of course, they knew the answer to both of these questions and it gives them an idea of deviation from baseline. I went down the honesty route and gave an in-depth recital of my dwarf chucking fetish. (Sarcasm) I dread to think what the current crop of woke lot have to say on these issues especially if they are from the recent ‘Groomer’ crop of woke activists. I also believe the easy access and pushing of nihilistic porn is a deliberate ploy to depopulate. It’s all part of the ‘big nudge’
Yup. Everything is about depop, even the homeless driven north as plutocrats take their land, even denying affordable housing in my region, the degradation of sex, tinder making kids sex averse, everything.
We are going through covid depopulation chastistement because of63 million butchered babies in US aline and failure of most Catholics to follow Fatima message. It doesn't matter if 98.7 per cent wanted abortion legal even in birth canal.
Killing innocent is one of 4 sins crying out to heaven for vengeance. Lots of people, including me, fighting Pfizer deathvax.
But as long as abortion is going on in Western countries.... How can we expect God not to react?
Our culture is increasingly a death culture. The Malthusian eugenicists from the Club of Rome have been pushing these ideas for fifty years. We should not be surprised that they are working.
And very evil folks before that.... Margaret Sanger. Club of Rome are pigs. One guy said I want sharp decrease, nut hope its not violent. A gentle guy... A psychopath. Video is around currently
Yes. I’ve seen it.
My sons are 46, 43, and 35. Two granddaughters now. At one point they all began to slide away from me. They were growing up, grown up, about to be. You think for a brief period they are becoming less of your life. Now in my 70s I see how false that thinking was and is. There is nothing I need. Nothing I feel I have to accomplish. What is my joy bringer now is their accomplishments. My granddaughter standing for the first time. My other granddaughter running and killing herself laughing for the sheer joy of being able to do it. My sons’ raises, promotions, and successful projects. Without family, life is all ‘sound and fury signifying nothing’. With it, it’s endlessly amazing and fun and frustrating. And often filled with heartache. I really feel for all my friends without children. Some couldn’t. But many fell for the spiel.