Elizabeth's journalistic background shows.

I grew up in the 1950's, went to High School and College in the 1960's, watched the world change.

But, it was observations with increasing astonishment and perplexity. I could see things happening but could not figure why.

Elizabeth's series of articles give us a clue, from the extraordinary deceptions and corruptions of the self instantiated Elites to the deliberate sabotage of a world where prosperity, hard work, and humanism were the norm.

These articles provide some understanding of what is happening and, even better, by WHO (pun intended).

I begin to suspect that the only way out is the formation of some sort of world wide, secretive, resistance movement. Perhaps this would be good for a fiction novel. Perhaps it may occur in reality,

We shall see.

Meanwhile, am looking forward to the next part of this series.

With thanks from Citizen_Jimserac !!

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Been going on since 1945 with social engineering.

Wake up Boomers.

"It was 20 years ago today Sgt Pepper taught the band to play."

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Started long before the Boomers, yes. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Immigration Act of 1965 were Greatest Generation projects. The Booms were in grade school when this all went down.

They slaughtered the Christian king in a (very) public blood-ritual, right outta Frazer's The Golden Bough. Then they installed their satanic, 'progressive' agenda . . . the 'Great Society' et al. Two months after the hit, out marched the jolly mop-headed Beatles (hello Egypt!) and the New Order with its New Values took over. Party hearty!

All of it quite carefully stage-managed, I am sorry to say.

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Yes, "The Civil Rights Act of 1964".

But, arguably, it started with FDR's blatantly socialist "New Deal". Or Wilson's "progressive" repeal of the Constitution and it replacement with government "management".

We didn't start the fire.

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Certainly. In fact, what we've seen the past three or four decades was planned and anticipated long before Eleanor's Administration. Oops, I mean FDR. :O)

I was discussing the subject in recent terms only. Thanks for your expansion.

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It started in earnest with Teddy Roosevelt when he was President. He was the first progressive in the White House. It accelerated rapidly under Wilson, the psycho Princeton college president. WW1 destroyed Christianity in Europe and then spread to the USA

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I thought Teddy Roosevelt was a conservative?

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Nope. He thought the US Constitution was too great a barrier for the full actions of a powerful President.

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He was one of the founders of the Conservation movement. Yosemite National Park wouldn’t exist were not for him. The root word for Conservative is conservation…

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So refugees fleeing their oppressive countries to an updated type of oppression point O version! Did the Berlin wall fall? New versions of oppression and hate now cleverly disguised :(

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One slight correction- a lot of boomers were in high school, 1964 and 1965.

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I guess the leading edge of the booms were, yes. People count generations differently.

My point was that the Progressive Project did not originate with Booms; it was in place long before they reached voting age, to say nothing of 'impact age'. The Booms were the first mass-com controlled generation, tv and film.

The Booms were the first 'Manchuriated' generation, and clearly the 'queen of spades' runs the nation now. The Booms thought they were Righteous Revolutionaries, but in truth they became the Establishment Tyrants, mostly via p.c. and feminism.

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Elizabeth, this is why I'm unsubscribing. If it isn't the anti - Semitism, which I'm expecting to see at any moment if I keep scrolling, it's the shrieking lunatic quotient, which as Michael K.'s comment demonstrates, would be Mensa level if there were a Mensa for shrieking lunatics.

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Bobby, no one will miss you here. Bon voyage.

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Right. When a non lunatic leaves an asylum, it only gladdens the lunatics and confirms them in their madness. To lunatics, the sane are akin to a pathogen which the body must necessarily be alarmed about.

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Your grasp on sanity must be tenuous indeed if you can’t bear to read a few unpleasant words on a screen.

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I don't know what you're referring to as " anti-semitism," a now expanded term. Do you mean the people who can't stand genocide? Or is it well-earned criticism of the Zionist leadership of Israel committing the genocide- Zionists are actually anti real Jews. Zionists co-opted Judaism as an excuse for land grabs, stealing the ancient promise to Abraham. Funny thing, in the New Testament you don't hear a peep about the " Promised land."

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I marvel at your comment. The only Jews who agree with you about Zionism are people such as Norman Finkelstein, who Douglas Murray doesn't hesitate to call a psychopath. While a significant percentage of Jews - I have no idea whether this is so or not - may have been skeptical of Zionism before October 7, those who may have been seem to have done an about face by noon on October 7.

And I emphasize, I don't know whether a significant percentage of such Jews even existed before October 7. If they did, they seem to have melted away into embarrassed silence. I pay attention to a lot of Jewish sources, and while there may have been in the minds of some questions about the feasability of the pre October 7 situation, there doesn't seem to be any now.

Douglas Murray either observed or quoted someone who observed, I can't remember which, that while pre October 7, he had doubts about GenZ Israelis' ability to come through in a crisis, now he thinks he owes the young people of Israel an apology.

"They've been magnificent," he says. They do seem convinced that they must save the country. Gaza was an attempt, you know, to give a large percentage of Arab Palestinians if not a state, about as close to a state as possible. As far as I know, Gaza was self governing, and over the last twenty years, the Israelis have assisted in a number of ways, for example, in supplying them with pipe to build a reliable, safe water supply. Hamas, of course, used the pipe to construct rockets to make war against Israel with.

Have you taken a look at aerial photos of Gaza before October 7? If you do, you see a marvelous, sizeable coast which the Gazans could have made into an Arab Singapore. It could have become what the Lebanese beaches were before 1975. The young men who died in the October 7 attacks could have had stable, prosperous careers as employees and in some cases, developers, of resort hotels. A constructive people would have determined after 2005 to raise its boys to be responsible, moral young men. Instead, they raised them to be sociopaths.

"...an excuse for land grabs, stealing the ancient promise to Abraham." That's a self refuting phrase, you know.

As for your New Testament scholarship, St Paul, in Romans, chapter 11, takes issue. Also, a premillennial interpretation of Revelation, in other words, one which actually takes the text for what it says and doesn't attempt to squeeze it into a predetermined eschatology, foretells a cataclysm which will end with the return of King Jesus to the Mount of Olives. Do you really want to agitate away against such a prospect? It doesn't seem wise to me.

You seem to have some awareness of Christianity. If so, then you know that Christians believe that when God became a man, He became specifically a Jewish man, in fact, the King of the Jews.

I'm not an unquestioning supporter of Israel. They're overwhelmingly secular in our time. They might have done some things better before October 7, though I can't name any. However, when, as was the case, the Saudis and the Jordanian work with the Israelis to neuter an Iranian missile attack, you know that the major Arab powers do not consider Israel to be the problem.

Last, I hope you'll give your attention to the premise that the Jews are, as I like to put it, the once and future chosen people. I'm a Christian, and I know that at Pentecost, it was made clear that Israel was no longer God's "priestly nation" on the Earth, having been superseded by the Church. And there are passages in the Epistles which speak bluntly of a Christ rejecting Israel as having become in some sense "of Satan." Certainly, the Jews were enthusiastic persecutors of the early Christians.

From your name, I take it that you, like me, are of European ancestry. What were our forebears when Israel was in its glory? Savages. But thank God that in His mercy and kindness He gave us the light of the Gospel. The Jews of the last 2,000 years, considering what they have been put through, have by and large displayed a nobility, a grace, and an endurance of suffering which is unique in human history. Wherever they have fetched up, they have proven themselves a blessing to whichever society they were in.

Anti - Semitism and anti - Christianity have the same inspiration, the Devil himself. To hate Jews is to hate Christians, though many have been deceived by the Father of lies to believe that this isn't true. Anti - Semitism is like a retroviral infection. It never seems to go away, unless, that is, one has a genuine conversion to Christ, which I truly wish for you.

If you know and love Jesus Christ, while you may lament and even deplore His disobedient, temporarily rejected people, you cannot hate them.

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By who...er....whom ?

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♥ We have been sold down the river a long time ago.

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Correct !!

I didn't even realize this until I saw the "educational" agenda of the "social sciences", all mapped out by a teacher, John Taylor Gatto in his brilliant book "The Underground History of American Education". Somehow, eventually, Johnny could neither read nor calculate, all, apparently by design.

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Read that book as an adjunct in Literacy Studies.

Phonics destroys reading.

They killed Whole Language.

No profit for the publishers.

Gatto is a genius.

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As a formerly homeschooling mother who taught her children to read, I suspect that it's politically incorrect to mention that phonics was tremendously helpful in that endeavor. It may also be ridiculous to even try to have this discussion, but... Phonics isn't, however, the only tool in the box that a teacher should use. Creativity and tailoring your lessons to your student's needs is necessary.

If you're trying to teach young readers, I recommend Sing, Spell, Read & Write, with a break at that massive NON-intuitive leap to "automatic" mastery of reading to read the "Bob" books and practice writing (and sounding out) words lists that use the same sounds created by a shared letter of the alphabet. Once mastery of the Bob books and word lists has been achieved, then...the Sing, Spell, Read & Write early readers make a good next step.

After that, keep encouraging your kids to read, read, READ... and write. :-)

Kids who read (and keep reading) do better with their spelling, the longer they read, the more books that they read.

I also believe in encouraging kids to practice their handwriting and to learn to write cursive. Kids who can't write cursive tend not to be able to READ cursive... which puts them at a disadvantage with older generations when they scribble notes on paper that they then expect younger generations to read.

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I'm the same generation as you. I began to put it all together decades ago and I attribute my awareness of what was really going on to my Christian faith, one of whose spiritual gifts is DISCERNMENT. We as a society seem to have lost that valuable asset as we've been bewitched and beguiled by social media, mainstream media, et al. There IS a connection between a few generations' loss of the faith of our fathers and mothers and a vast ignorance of who the global players are and what their agenda is for us. Elizabeth's been pointing out that what's happening is evil and it is. With the loss of faith and Leftist/Marxist indoctrination in our "educational" institutions, aided and abetted by our media, comes the conviction that there's no such thing as Satan. Big and Bad Mistake. We seem to be in thrall to the devil's agenda, which is to destroy God's creation, using oceans of lies against which we have no gift of discernment or any other of the spiritual weapons to wield (Ephesians 6).

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Even if only 5% of us know what is really going on, and that Satan and his minions are at the helm of the destruction they hope to wield against us ... I do believe we can turn this around, and hope that we can do so without violence. But if We the People have to put bullets in the heads of every "elite" to remove this evil from our planet, I am not against it. I am the same generation. I have been wide awake since the 80s and have lost all my friends and half my family trying to educate them to what "reality" actually is. But there is a 5% rule, isn't there? We must stand strong, even in small numbers, eventually we can stop this madness.

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Read Revelation. The book makes clear we will not turn this aroundThere is no denying the will of God. Stay faithful, do not fear. An ocean of evil is coming to swallow the world. John 16 33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

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I have studied Revelation several times. We are never supposed to ro over, and deem that massive suffering is " God's Will." As time draws down into the unholy, the " plagues" written about become more apparent they will be man-produced. Please don't think that God is Love would bring harm to us. That is limited people thinking.

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"Limited People Thinking" is actually limiting you view of God to suit your desire, not believing that the God of the Old and New Testament are the same. He cannot tolerate sin, which at its essence is nothing more than putting ourselves before God. Massive suffering and death is the curse of our sinful nature, we do it to ourselves. You quote nothing from scripture to support your drivel. No, God does not 'harm' us, but he will allow death and suffering and will discipline us as a loving father should. Did you read the book of Job? Job was a righteous man.... God allowed his suffering. So you believe in God? Good for you. Demons believe in God: and shudder. And they are ALL going to hell. Bottom line: the only way to live with God for etenity is through repentance and faith in Jesus. "Believing in God" is useless.

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I wrote 'never supposed to" roll over"

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God is perfect love. He is also perfect justice, something all the "God is love, love, love" people like to skip over. Jesus said we will be hated in this world, because He was hated. While we are not subject to God's wrath, that is not the same as persecution; even now Christians are persecuted and killed around the world; it is clear we can expect it. Philippians 1:29 "For you have been given not only the privilege of trusting in Christ but also the privilege of suffering for him." So suffering is expected and a privilege. Resisting evil is a personal decision of not "being of the world" to follow Jesus.. It is not a call to arms. The world will be judged, and it is not going to be pretty. The discussion of the great tribulation says many will be martyred and beheaded. It also says, in Revelation 19-20; "⁶11 So the angel swung his sickle across the earth and gathered the grape harvest of the earth and threw it into the great winepress of the wrath of God. 20 And the winepress was trodden outside the city, and blood flowed from the winepress, as high as a horse's bridle, for 1,600 stadia." (184 miles). The author is not talking about wine; he is talking about blood; the result of God's wrath and judgement visited on those who have rejected His Son. Believers need to be prepared for some VERY difficult times; to think we won't be a part of it is naive. If you have studied the Bible, that should be clear.

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“the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God”.

“For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart”

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Once again, Elizabeth has given us a brilliant albeit terrifying glimpse into the Heart of Darkness that is behind the doings of our Satanic Overlords. They will not be happy until they have raped to death our fair Mother Earth whom they are always talking about saving. What a sick joke.

For some time now I have been extremely concerned about geo-engineering and chem trails. Since I am a fairly new reader at this wonderful site, I don't know if this topic has been covered already. If so, I would love to read any past articles.

The reason for my concern is this- I live in the outer suburbs of NY city and have never seen so many chem trails in the big sky as I have in the past year. This spring especially, we have a new weather pattern. We get a gorgeous fair day, then the planes start spraying their chemicals that form weird cloud formations. Sometimes the pilots make crazy patterns like tic tac toe. Mostly they just do long vertical or horizontal lines that turn into almost normal looking formations.

Since we are so close to the airports, it is easy to see the difference between condensation trails and chem trails. Most of the jets that I see have NO visible emissions. The chem trail planes emit clouds of chemicals, who knows what's in them. So after our one or two nice days laced with chem trails, the clouds come in and then the rain.

Like I said, I have been studying this phenomenon or at least trying to- it seems that if you do a GGL search, every entry for "chem trails" also says "conspiracy theory"

I came across this most informative video called "The Dimming" that is one of the most horrifying documentaries I've seen. It is shocking how far this environmental poisoning has gotten with no government oversight.


Here's another informative piece from Burning Platform that I found using the Yandex search engine which I highly recommend as an alt GGL.


I did find out that Tennessee has passed a law banning chem trails and New Hampshire is slated to do the same as their law passes through their legislature.

Many, many thanks to Elizabeth for her courage and fortitude in sharing her brilliance with us. So glad I found her substack.

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I am in central Texas and share the same exact experience with "chemtrails". We just went drought the driest two-year drought in my lifetime and every time a rain cloud started to develop, the "chemtrails" would show cover the sky and the clouds dry up. I called it conspiracy until that happened.

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I spent four years in the Air Force and I know what a condensation trail looks like. I also know what a chem-trail looks like, and it is 100% certain that Big Science and Big Government are purposely poisoning our skies.

I've witnessed hundreds of crystal-blue mornings fouled by Those Who Know Better and their jets. They certainly are inducing drought conditions in various parts of the planet, chiefly the U.S. But I believe that the main reason for the chem-trails is psychological warfare against us, for it is disheartening to see a beautiful new morning ruined by the poisons emitted by Those Who Know Better.

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Since climate change has been instituted as a mechanism of social control it cannot be allowed to be exposed as a ruse, so real climate change is being artificially imposed on us by nefarious self righteous prudes who have money and crave power.

Of course none of that matters because they have the press and the government by the short hairs and can ruin a career with a rumor.

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Makes sense, endless cover-ups of endless lies. Appreciate the insight.

I think HAARP, chem-trails etc. serve multiple purposes. Instead of the crystalline skies of my youth, for example, we now have skies scummed-over by our 'helpful' government.

This takes a spiritual toll on the people, most of that toll unconscious. Chem-trails in particular are a tool of dispiritment. It is a spiritual war, with material manifestations.

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more than spiritual, creates humidity, non blue sky days, fake rain and on certain occasions smelly air, who knows whats in the raindrops, some days , my car is loaded with haze. killed my bushes once after a rain, they all turned brown

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Oh yes. they are poisoning us, and the planet. Quite real.

Doubtless they get a thrill of satisfying power by telling us they are combating Climate Change, while simultaneously toxifying our skies and soil. A two-fer!

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I have heard some of this third-handed, but it is very good to hear t from someone like yourself who would understand and know what it is. You are certainly right about it being very disheartening to see beautiful skies ruined. We live on lower incomes in rural areas but make up for it by enjoying the skies and nature, chemtrails sure screw that up.

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Michael- thanks for the info. I don't know if you heard about the flooding in Dubai a couple of months ago. Apparently there was some cloud seeding done that caused like a hundred years worth of rain. The flooding I saw on the videos was incredible. Did you hear anything about that?

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I was not aware of the Dubai situation, and don't really keep up on the chem trail psy-op. And although very real, chem trails ARE a psy-op. I know they are doing it around the world -- in countries that will put up with it -- and that's enough.

Many years back a co-researcher frequently informed me of HAARP's activities, and he seemed to think seeding and related techniques already were quite advanced by certain nations. I have seen some impossible things in the sky, witnessed by others, so I tend to believe him.

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not sure its really a psy-ops but rather a really bad experiment

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Amazingly- Even the lame stream media reported on the Dubai flooding. Here's a link:


and another one from Gateway Pundit:


This one from Daily Mail has more photos: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13371077/Cars-swept-away-roads-turned-rivers-Saudi-Arabia-hit-floods-two-weeks-apocalyptic-Dubai-storms-blamed-cloud-seeding.html

They are trying to tell us that geo engineering/ cloud seeding had nothing to do with it!

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They are also trying to convince us that climate change caused by our activities, is a threat. I used to be a full on believer, and gave workshops on it, until I saw manmade interference so obvious, I had to stop. Yes, haarp is at cause for many weather disasters now, along with other technology, like in the monstrous wildfires.

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all the time, just look when the sky is blue and look for the planes.....usually 40k to 60k high in sky... commercial flights

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Thank you VERY, VERY much for the links. I read the article and watched the video. These are packed with more information than I would have dreamed of. I will definitely be sharing these with other people.

They explained a lot of things I have seen happening to people around me. I do wonder what it is that they are spraying that smells a lot like vanilla. I smelled that many times last year after a chemtrails showed up.

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I am sure more will be revealed in time Alvin - this site is worth following IMHO with much truth in plain site; I quote them often: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/the-enemy-within-vaxx-contract-red?sd=pf

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Check out Reinette Senum SS. She has initiated a lawsuit against many responsible for chemtrail

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SOS Save Our Skies !!

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I live in Tennessee. Despite our RINO-run state government's press release, those chem trails are FAR from being banned here in practice--in fact, they have actually *ramped up* in our area since they passed that bs "protection" law a few months ago.

There were well over a dozen trails painting the skies of our midsized town just yesterday. There was no "Sky Patrol" taking those "law breaking" planes out--and the law's passage certainly hasn't slowed down air traffic! It used to be 2-3 times a week. Now they're out nearly every day (often starting pre-dawn and even at night).

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Read somewhere the Tennessee law doesn't go into effect until July.

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Robert- I am very sorry to hear that!! I had a lot of hope when I read about Tennessee. I live in NY which is hopeless. How is your weather vis a vis the chem trails?

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We get more frequent heavy rains now--but more importantly, we seem to be in a solid path of pretty much weekly now, abnormal "violent weather" systems. They fire up in West Texas (to Kansas) and move east--and then hook up toward New England. Wasn't New York under tornado warnings just last week? That's not much of a surprise here--but tornados in NY? And just look how badly the DFW metroplex and Houston have been hit the past couple of years with tornados and flooding.

There is one constant throughout all of these targeted weather events--wiping out rural family farms and country towns, impeding our fresh food & water supply, and slowly pushing people into cities, instead of rebuilding. And with each passing storm, "insurance" covers less and less--but their coverage prices always go up! Over the past 25 years, there has been a well-noticed uptick in spraying the skies with poisons, whilst blaming ALL our problems--from societal to financial--on "climate change?" Big disconnect there.

Climate change IS a thing, though. Unfortunately, it is resulting from a small group of truly evil humans blinded by their immense wealth, trying to play God and manipulate the weather for even more power & control.

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There is a website that gives excellent weather data: Tropicaltidbits.com

You don't have to be an expert in meterology to play the 10+ day forcast and watch the national weather systems.

Another website: Ventusky.com shows realtime weather conditions.

I offer this that you might be able to compare/contrast what you are seeing live in your sky with what the satellite radar is showing. It might give you hard time real data to boost your position.

One final offer: the Hunga Tonga eruption spewed excessive amounts of watervapor into the high atmosphere, creating a short warming spell (water vapor holds heat) that has been dissipating and causing us to move from El Nino to La Nina RAPIDLY this spring. Full on La Nina is inbound. That will bring drier and cool air masses which will have an effect as well.

Happy hunting.

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Awesome tips!

You might like this telegram chat about weather mod and geoengineering


also if you could watch and comment these new YouTubers would appreciate the feedback

watch this youtube for INDEPENDENT analysis of Houston storms 😃


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Thanks very much for all the tips! I would MUCH rather believe that geo-engineering and chem trails are NOT responsible for weather changes, etc.

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Hi Nanny,

just remember jet pollution is just as toxic whether you can see it or not. Loaded with Al, Ba, etc. The EPA could regulate jet exhaust like it regulates car exhaust, but has chosen not to.

You can see contrails from the Jets when they are flying through the right atmospheric conditions. You will notice that you often see them near cirrus clouds. But they are just as toxic whether you can see them or not.

My comment above pretty much covers what you are looking at in the sky. Plus the amount of air traffic has grown exponentially, that alone has changed what the sky looks like.

The other thing you are seeing is a constant haze especially around the horizon. This is the result of jets flying above the troposphere, the troposphere is the weather layer of the atmosphere. Jet exhaust above the troposphere and the stratosphere accumulates and might hang out for a couple of years, that is what is producing the Haze.

For quality content about geoengineering and weather modification, check out Jim Lee's extensive research at climateviewer.com and on YouTube, and at


You can also have questions answered and learn about the sky on Jim's Telegram channel


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i am sure you are correct, but what i see is blue sky days turned into haze, every other day, the rain is always at night, smells awful most of the time

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criss cross pattern, nozels on nozels off by planes, tic tac toe pattern

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Many thanks for the info!! Like I said in another comment, I hope and pray that the geo-engineering and chem trails are not causing these problems. I will check out the info that you and others have posted.

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Unfortunately, geoengineering and chemtrails are ABSOLUTELY causing weather variations. That’s their whole point, to change and control the weather!

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"And the solution, like I see it at this time, is not too complicated. We just need to inform the public how polluted flying really is now. They have changed the fuel the the One Fuel Concept https://t.me/geoengineering11/1110 and this makes the fuel 10 times more polluted. We need to go back, at least for private jets & commercials, too find a way to clean it up more. Also need to look again at the engines and too see if there is a way that they make less clouds. And with an informed public, it is possible too fly less and this is how you deal with this crisis until we got cleaner & newer planes.

So in short:

- Inform public.

- fly less (Jim gives a good example, send from his wife, where we can hear a young dude flying from Canada to university in the USA for 150 bucks. Flying is cheaper then renting an appartement at university. This needs to change ASAP. I personally still have to make my first flight with an ✈️.

- then see for cleaning up the fuel and/or changes to the engines, so they make less clouds and put out less pollutants where rain-droplets are formed on. We need to just let them stick to the natural ones and these are mostly salts & sand in the air. We will also get less floods.

Takes these solutions and make them practical and we will have in a year or 4+ back our blue sky's. It is not that hard people if we think it trough, but we need to take action bc they (the🛫 industry) will dot do it for us bc they only create more problems to have stil their cake🧁 and eat it to. This needs to stop and we need to go back to a healthy thinking & living. 🌲


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Hi Deb.

Glad you are clued in to the klimate farce!

I first got into geoengineering stuff with Dane Wiggington site, but then eventually got to Jim Lee at climateviewer, and think Jim is a good source for reliable info, starting with his weather modification history timeline going back to the 40's. Jim forced the EPA to have public hearing about jet pollution of the skies in 2015. Unfortunately, the airline industry twisted the arm of EPA and no meaningful regulation happened.

I started watching this movie but it was too stressful, so I asked the climateviewer chat group ( https://t.me/climateviewerchat ) if anyone had seen it. Here is the comment I got back:

I saw that years ago. Can’t make it past the first 1:30 now. That almost makes Dane look like a little puppy (get it?!)

Matt Landman (who made the film) has been addressed by Jim before.

Information gathered from reputable sources - like Jim - nothing of value whatsoever to add of his own.

But he’s probably done pretty well with his bunkum clothing line.

Another fearporn parasite.

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Aluminum, barium, strontium are 3 ingredients in them. Last I read/heard from scientists, it takes about 20 hours for the chemicals and metals to fall to earth, from the time you see them.

The reason is supposedly to reflect the sun's rays back into the atmosphere, but if the government was truly alarmed about the earth heating up too fast, they would cease all warfare. So that lie stands starkly exposed, not to mention the Nordstream pipeline explosions by skilled, funded, knowledgeable attack. The US as much as admitted their role ahead of time, and Seymour Hersh has good documentation about it. So if the government was really concerned about the environment, they wouldn't have committed the biggest act of eco terrorism ever. Strange that the story got hushed so quickly in the mainstream media.

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same in ireland. it practically rained every day from last august until may...anytime a break came you could see those trails in the sky...could even see them on an odd moonlit night...since May they've taken a bit of a break and we've actually got some blue sky days...but after one or two of those, you look up and see those trails again and a few hours later we're back to grey skies once more. it's become so obvious now i really don't understand how more people are not seeing it

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Sarah- I am so glad to see all the comments. However most of them have served to confirm my fears about geo-engineering and the chem trails.

Here where I live in New York, we just had 2 days of perfect weather. For some reason there weren't as many chem trails as I usually see. Then it seemed they came with a vengeance in late afternoon/ early evening ??? So today it's overcast, maybe some rain later on.,

We are lucky to get 2 sunny days in a row.

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Since you seem to be one of the few people on here who actually wants to think about what is going on, I will tell you whether you see chemtrails or not depends entirely on weather conditions at 30,000 feet plus. Jet pollution will be visible when humidity is high up there and temperature is less than -30 or -4 degrees F, depending on other conditions. Generally these are conditions favorable for cirrus cloud formation, and you might also see some natural cirrus clouds.

If you check Flight Radar 24 or some other flight tracking app, you will see just as many flights on days when the skies are clear. The difference is they don't leave visible man-made cirrus clouds when the conditions are not right. But they are still polluting the sky with heavy metals and soot from unregulated jet fuel, which is basically kerosene.

While geoengineering is a real thing, the effects are negligible compared to the toxic effects of totally legal and often invisible jet pollution. It is important for people to know this because the EPA could regulate jet fuel, like auto fuel, so that is something citizen action could accomplish. OTOH, military ops are much harder to control. People who focus on nefarious geoengineering are perhaps trying to divert our attention from the damage the airline industry is doing legally. Now who would want to finance and sponsor such a diversionary tactic?

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Thanks again for this comment and all the info!

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its not a secret, there are geo engineering alliances by state in the midwest

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nothing irks me more than a blue sky day turned into fake clouds an rain over nite

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Working, trying to make ends meet and saving for the future is already challenging. Sadly, I had an ex-coworker of mine with a wife and two kids commit suicide two weeks ago. He was one of the best coworkers I've ever had the pleasure of working with. He had a great sense of humor and was very kind. He was a family man; a good husband and father to his kids. Both his boys are grown now and in their mid-twenties. He was having severe financial difficulties and was extremely depressed. I really hate to say it, but I think we're going to see a lot more of this.

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My husband chose that route almost nine yrs ago. In fact it will be nine yrs on Christmas day. Seems to be a statement during Christmas time. He was a full on conspiracy theorist, very deep...to this day I'm amazed at the things he said would happen...they're happening, and continue to happen. We lost a house to a corrupt build, city officials covered their ass. It was 4 yrs old and falling of the side of the hill..no help from anyone. Forced into foreclosure, then into bankruptcy. It was just to much for him, all our hard work building a small bit of wealth was taken away. He quit his job and went on medical disability, when that ran out he left for Guatemala trying to heal..but depression, alcohol, drugs, hopelessness beat him down and suicide was his escape. 28 yrs of marriage, 3 wonderful kids, nothing could stop it. Very sad.

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There has been an explosion of male suicide over the past three decades. It is not difficult for me to understand why men are leaving the U.S. and related nations, and indeed leaving this world. Their cultures and governments despise and oppress them.

That nobody in our cultures cares about this speaks volumes about the nature of the problem. I suppose if male suicide statistics actually were noted by the government, media etc., there would be an outpouring of celebration amongst the dominant culture.

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There was a movement to expose all these. The meetings were full of women, children, grandmothers. By and large, the men failed to join. Many men are in crises now waking up to the crumbs the patriarchy tricked them with. Their position was not from "survival of the fittest" but rather from having their lower 3 chakras constantly titillated and fed, making them too comfortable to rebel in the heart of the murderous Empire.

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It has nothing to do with chakras, and there is no 'patriarchy'. Please point out where this 'patriarchy' is? Where in the U.S. do men rule?

The huge male suicide rate in the U.S. is due to the institutionalized hatred of maleness and masculinity, and the hegemony of institutionalized feminism that dominates the West.

Women run everything in New Amerika. Men are not going to join your 'movement of women and grandmothers'. Instead, we are going to abandon your feminist nations, and you will be left to rule over the totalitarianism and the disaster that you created.

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"Women run everything ..." yes, but more importantly, Women RUIN everything in New Amerika. My husband and I have raised 5 children between us (met later in life, kids from previous relationships) ... and I must say it was very challenging to keep them aware of the programming they were hit with in university, and to keep them on a path of truth and self-responsibility. It hasn't been easy to fight against the brainwash, but I am happy to say that 4 out of 5 are awake, aware, strong. Not buying into the "feminism" BS or feeling "toxic" if they are an Alpha male! I say bring on all the toxic masculinity you have within you. We need it now more than ever in history. Of course, "toxic" is BS ... but you know what I mean.

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Interesting video, "Why Women Destroy Civilizations":


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I do know what you mean. And 4 outta 5 is pretty amazing in the modern U.S. Well done to you and hubby.

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Amen brother!!!

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you missed Elizabeth's article on the founding of Vancouver by her ancestors, or missed the point?

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I saw the education system crushing young men and all they had evolved to be over the centuries. The strong, outgoing, warrior hunters were drugged and chugged. My son made it thru by the grace of God and some hard work by his Dad and me. At the end I held disgust for the system. Sorry Mom, Grandma, Grandpa who were all excellent teachers. Some in one room school houses. Parent used to hire and fire and pay for their educators.

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So very sorry. His death illustrates the relentless gears driving and concurrently demolishing our society. I lost my husband to this machine in a different way.

May the love of God and the positive energies envelope your family!

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I went bankrupt twice and couldn’t give a shit.

No Hari Kari for me in a rigged game.

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It wasn't just the bankruptcy, we didn't even get to that, it was just all our efforts gone to waste. We tried to make settlement but the insurer wasn't having it, he said it was just business..I pleaded the case but no..thank God I wasn't on the title, just him. He just went to Guatemala and abandoned all the debts, the phone calls stopped and he was free of that. About a year after he was gone, I got a letter addressed to him...a lawyers feeble attempt to make another settlement. I mailed him the death certificate, which said how he died, and said "consider this payment in full" I never heard from them again.

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"They" can't take what you ain't got. 😉

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I am so sorry

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So very sad for him and the pain to your family. It seems you could honor his memory better by referring to him as a Truth Teller. Yes, conspiracy theorists were mocked at, laughed at, but a whole lot of us humans know better now. Again, deepest sympathy for your loss. ♥️🙏♥️

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I wear the conspiracy theorist name with pride..im not ashamed. He woke me up for sure. He knew way more than I and many others will ever know. My tin foil hat sits on my head proudly. I agree,9 yrs ago it was a bad word,but today, not so much. I wish I had been more open to listening to him..thats my regret. He was so isolated, he couldn't tell people what he knew.

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I understand. I feel bad for those who tried, and we didn't listen. We can Trump and the advances in the internet for waking us up. God bless the Conspiracy Theorists.

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I am SO sorry Deb.♥ My heart goes out to you.

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Thank you! It's heartbreaking to see the explosion of this over the last couple years. Maybe I'm hyper aware of it now, but it's terrible, and it seems to be designed that way. I keep a close eye on all my kids..who incidentally are all adults in their 30s now.

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Deb, I'm very sorry. My heart goes out to you and your family. So many people are struggling. I cannot imagine what you've been through. I hope you've had a little bit of healing over the years, but the pain never fully goes away. I'm sure you can be there for others in their time of grief. I hope we can all band together, comfort one another and stay strong.

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We're surrounded by evil on all sides, operating in different ways, but coming at us non-stop. Whether it's the trans horror being visited on adolescents, porn in schools, the Great Reset, the marginalization of Christian fellowship, the weaponization of formerly benign fields (journalism, entertainment, education, & more). I doubt it's being coordinated, but its total downstream social effect is clear.

Is there any way to intervene - & give our fellow man help? I think the only thing left that can offer a consolation of sorts is ... religious faith. A literal, daily, profound turning our lives over to prayer & meditation, a daily communion with God, would save lives and give us the strength to rip the scab off this demonic rape of nature & society.

I dreamt recently of a coming Christian revival that would surpass that of the original Reformation. Something of that order will be needed to arrest these obscene campaigns.

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That is tragic, his poor wife and boys.

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I am trying to buy up land - one run down overlooked house at a time. Fixing it up and renovating it slowly, but soundly and modestly. Renting it and making a modest income with the hope of more long term freedom when I’m retired. I no longer want my money in the hands of the government, through stocks and bonds held by financial institutions that could go belly up anytime. I want to own something tangible. I am teaching my children how to forge this path as well - otherwise it’s a hamster wheel of corporate jobs where you are essentially ever-more reliant on doing their bidding to secure your food, health and livelihood. Where’s the freedom once they own you? It’s game over at that point.

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Us too! By doing this you help restore your town and give someone a nice place to live. In the end I think people are going to figure out that they can't keep on going like they are-things have to change. The more control a person leaves in the hands of someone else (government/banks/doctors) the more that noose is going to tighten around their neck. I remember my sis in law (a bookkeeper) was aghast that my husband and I were paying off our house. She was horrified that we were going to lose our tax write-off of the interest on the loan. She couldn't seem to grasp that there would be NO LOAN, therefore no payment each month to the cabal bank that owned our mortgage. Instead, we took that monthly payment and bought a fixer rental, put in sweat equity to make it nice, then paid it off by saving ferociously. Everything changed for us after that. People must step out of their comfort zone and do things differently if they expect a different result. If that means changing the way you live, the work you do, the way you control your finances and health, then so be it. Wake up America--we've been had.

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We did that in 1993

It brings peace of mind.

Debt is slavery

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Agreed. It takes some gumption to go against what we have been taught, but once you do, other truths emerge that can make life so much better. Keeping doctors on a pedestal and being scared out of your mind by their scare tactics instead of seeking the truth that is out there is another big mistake. It takes some effort, because we have been purposely propagandized since Rockefeller entered the scene.

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My grandfather raised two children in the depression and taught me about finances. Never, ever borrow money for any reason except your first house. If you don’t have the cash, you don’t need it. I have many doctors and they don’t scare me. They are trying to fix me. If it doesn’t work, then why fear? To be absent from the body is to be present immediately in face of King Jesus in heaven, for eternity. Corum Deo. My wife can join me soon enough.

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I am glad you trust your doctors. Truly. The trustworthy ones are few and far between. I speak from experience as the caregiver for my elderly mom. The cardiologist I met this week was nothing short of Bozo the clown, but Bozo was going to make that visit lucrative, by golly! What started as a simple pacemaker check turned into an appointment with a sleep specialist for possible sleep apnea (she has no signs of that), an echocardiogram with a specialist (just in case even though EKG the nurse just did was normal) and an appt with the device nurse to check the pacemaker, then a follow up with my mom's primary to keep him in the loop.

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My primary doctor is a Concierge doctor who refuses all insurance. Cash per visit every time. Expensive ? Yes. But he works for me, not the government or the insurance company. He directs me to specialists in the hospital where Medicare covers the cost.

I have sleep apnea and have a CPAP. I love it. So does my wife. I was literally not breathing a couple of hours every night. It made my heart issues worse. EKGs are basic tests. To zoom in, there are CAT scans, Echocardiograms, Ultrasound, and MRI scan. I have had several of them. All issues start with the heart and then radiate outward. I rely on my primary doctor to pick the best specialists and then watch what they are doing. He sees everything. Concierge doctors have far fewer patients and better care for each of them. My last heart surgery he was praying for me while they were doing it. I trust him completely.

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We have been investing in real estate for years as my husband was a builder and a contractor. I highly recommend it to anyone with any money to invest. Here's a pro tip- people are ALWAYS looking for a place to live no matter what the economy is.

Our best move was to fix up a couple of places and we now rent them out.

Buy as cheap as you can, fix up and rent. You will never regret it.

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I think you are making wise decisions!

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Well that’s how Trump got ahead.

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If the Federal Reserve can "lose" 130 billion last year in financial manipulation of capital markets and be the steward's of modern economy, you better open eyes to the deceit of their lies. start the Jekyll Island creature of 1911 and connect the capture of the American dream

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On August 15th of 1971, Richard Nixon took the dollar off of its last link to gold. We, the people, have been fecked ever since.

This is why the government quit supporting businesses and labor. The government didn't need the tax money anymore. Now that the "money" was no longer tied to gold, the government could spend and print as much currency as it wished.

If the people wish to bring back the Old World of their youth, bring back sound money. Get the government out of the money monopoly it has today. Let the free market decide what is money.

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Agree to most, except that the "free market" will still be hijacked and exploited.

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Explorer: Evil never ends. Good must fight constantly against it.

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"We, the people, have been fecked ever since."

Yes, fecked and feckless.

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Rightful Freedom: Those who resist the Legal Tender Laws are arrested. Remember what happened to the man making the silver Ron Paul coins.

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mzlizzi: Yeah. Nixon has a lot of 'splainin' to do!

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FTA: "Tomorrow, I will describe in detail the players in this game, how the National Security State, Mossad, the PayPal Mafia, Drexel Burnam heirs, President Trump’s economic advisers, are working to destroy the hope of South and Central America." President Trump's economic advisers? If Donald Trump's in on this, I'm becoming disillusioned. :-(

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It said his advisors. Like his COVID advisors that deliberately misinformed him? And probably all the other traitors around him?

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That would make sense. Donald Trump didn't have a trusted team of advisors when he entered the Swamp in 2016 and ended up with some swamp monsters on his "team" instead. He knows a lot better now.

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So, the "15 minute city" will basically be a feed lot and holding pen?

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And…. And a few Soylent green machines to reycle our corpses into green pellets

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Ask the Palestinians, who tried to warn us when 5G was tested on them. Now being rolled out on all of us.

I can’t handle more abuse so I won’t detail the 5G 2.0 tests.

Suffice to say, they don’t need their humans for trials anymore.

The state of the tech is much further ahead than our egos will allow us to admit. Like children, we are in a state of arrested development, so we just decide what is true.

How’s that working out for ya?

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This is where it’s at. NAC meets ESG. The enclosures act. Servitude. It is going to get really ugly. Worse than now. This is such a critical point to fixate on Elizabeth.

I have feared for years my forest wound be satellite analysed for its ‘ value’ as stored carbon. I’m very concerned about this for all of us.

Debt issuance must be criminalised

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No one owns a forest.

Nature is govt. managed public domain.

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Over time, many, many decades or longer, politicians make promises to buy votes to get elected and then re-elected. Most of the time, those promises cannot be kept because they become too expensive.

As the capitalist government moves towards socialism, as it must, simply because capitalists become too greedy as do governments, the promises become an extreme burden. This is why the government in its current state needs more and more money and thus has been sucking the life out of the economy for decades.

We have seen this over the last few decades as debt has rocketed ever higher and shows no signs of stopping, no matter how much wealth they rape from the productive citizens. Politicians are only in it to rape the country and save themselves. The taxpayer be damned.

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I’d disagree in that the promises weren’t kept not because they cost too much - a difficult case to make when the Feds have spent $34T they don’t have, and promised another $200+T they can’t fund (SS, Medicare), but that they’ve spent those trillions on other priorities, very few of which are within their constitutional authority.

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Many times I am so compelled to elaborate on what you share, Elizabeth. But I will get to the main point being, thank you! Thank you for opening many people's eyes and minds to the atrocities of what is going on in this wicked and evil world. Every blog you write is filled with your passion to spread the word. The books you recommend in your blogs, I purchase and pass them on. I pass your blogs on or have print them and included them via snail mail to friends and relatives who have elected to eliminate computers out of their lives. I'm certain that I am not the only one who reads your blogs who does the same.

Once again, I applaud your courage, insight, and knowledge, to expose man's dirty deeds to destroy hardworking people's lives. Thank you again!

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The real issue is that governors are refusing to keep the Feds inside their enumerated powers box. Zero constitutional support exists for the Feds to own any land outside that needed for executing their enumerated powers. Zero. But governors, A) have become reliant on “federal” money, and, B) all think they’re in Triple-A ball awaiting a call-up to the Show.

The states created the Feds to do - ONLY a very few, specific things. But if the - superior - States refuse to limit the - inferior - Feds to their prescribed role, which is what’s been occurring for some time, an authoritarian government without limits and under no law is the only possible result. Which is where we are now.

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"The Green takeover, mostly surreptitious, is driving the world’s economy into the dirt."

And that is the plan.....

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Excellent article, dire situation, heard 20 years ago about people encountering government vehicles and staff shooing away the proletariat, with Chinese being driven around and it was alluded to that the Chinese were being shown what was to be theirs, I'd heard of what you reported previously and that it was already deeply established and almost upon us just like everything else, until then

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I wish there was an edit instead of a reply option, American government vehicles driving Chinese VIPs around were seen in national parks for context

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There is an edit option. Click on the three horizontal dots at the bottom right of your comment.

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As Homer Simpson says



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I still haven’t been able to find that option. Do you use the Substack app or go directly to the website?

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I get Elizabeth's articles in my e-mail on my PC! And I just looked this article up by searching for her substack on my PC. In both cases, there are the three horizontal dots which allow me to either edit or delete my comment.

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I read a piece, many years ago - long before the internet - that detailed the financialization of the economy, and how the financial sector detached from being concerned with the finance of capitalist production to a semi-independent, self-directed purpose. As I recall, this was an outcome of Nixon's monetary policy. The financial sector grew and its essential ties were no longer to business, but to government, as mediated by the Federal Reserve. I wish I had a kept a hard copy of it.

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Rather C: Yes! Nixon took the dollar off of its last link to gold. We, the workers and businessmen on Main Street have been fecked ever since.

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As Friedman had advocated. The aftermath of 2008 - Quantitative Easing - obliterated monetary theory. It has as much credibility as MMT.

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I guess I’m a dope, but how does privatizing land, which no one will use, enable the US to cover its debt? Are we selling it to China? If so, then what? The Chinese get to farm it? Build on it? And then sell products to…whom? If the US is completely impoverished, who is China’s customers? I imagine the Chinese economy is entirely reliant on the US buying their cheap, bulk items. Once that customer goes away, who’s buying their crap?

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We can just take it back like we did with the Russian assets over Ukraine.

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If you recall the expropriation of American assets in S America Siri g the late 1960s, that’s how you do it. Let the Chinese recycle the dollars we spend on their junk by buying American land. Then expropriate it. The problem is - then, what? PRC shuts off all exports, including of raw materials (think pharmaceutical precursors and rare earths for electronics) and we’re screwed. We need to re-shore everything, let the rest of the world do what it wants without interference from the GAE, and return to a pre-WW-era lifestyle & living standard. No politician will allow this and voters would panic, but that seems to only serious choice.

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No Pharmaceuticals would be a blessing. Return to pre Rockefeller medicine.

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Bill Gates is the country’s top landowner, but he can’t put it in his pocket and he can’t take it with him. So, so what?

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China is expendable.

You want a billion people?

Add up VietNam, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Brazil,etc.

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Is this why we have so many Chinese looking people in our country? Getting ready for the takeover?

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Don’t be an effing racist. Chinese people seeking freedom can be Americans too. I have “Chinese looking “ grandchildren because their other grandparents came here to live in a free country. Will they have to live their lives with ignorant people like you tormenting them for how they look? Anyone who judges people based on things they cannot change are beneath contempt.

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Good Lord. This has NOTHING to do with racism. The "Chinese' people who are buying large parcels of American land are NOT here to enjoy American Constitutionally-mandated personal freedom. They are Chinese representatives who are working on behalf of the CCP, and the corrupt American officials who are escorting them around and encouraging this activity are fully aware of that fact. Wake up!

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I'm commenting, not tormenting anyone. Chinese people tend to be peaceable, hard-working citizens. I notice them because of their eyes whereas other Caucasuans may be immigrating but dont seem foreign unless their wear obvious Muslim clothing.

Why are we being inundated with military age men from all over the world due to our open borders unless we are going to experience a takeover attempt?

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Yes, open borders are bad

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I don’t think he meant Asian Americans but the people from China who are entering our country illegally along with countless other countries. Most of the illegals are single men of military age. Why did they leave mother, sister, auntie and granny home if things are so bad at home? So much for protecting their women.

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It was an innocent question. Stop putting your delicate feelings so far out just so you can cry boohoo. Shame on you

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What an idiotic remark. It’s “almost” as though you are unable to admit that people can have opinions irrelevant of they’re race. If Chinese/blacks/Mexicans/somalis have an opinion it can’t be because they can think - no, it must be because they’re Chinese/blacks/Mexicans/Somalis. And if anyone disagrees with their opinion it must be because of the skin color or race of the person voicing the objection. You’ve basically admitted to being an extraordinarily racist bigot.

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Are, not is.

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