Green is a racket, a massive, illegal and unconstitutional theft of wealth by the educated elites, bureaucrats, engineers, consultants and the filthy rich.
Well this latest subject from Elizabeth is both apropos and synchronistic as my wife's letter to the editor of our local what's happening in Johnston R.I paper came out in yesterdays edition. We have been fighting against these ridiculace solar "farms" ( Please don't call them farms ) that are everywhere and now encroaching in our residential surroundings. This green agenda bollocks is the vehicle which will take all of us to our 15 minute cities if not stopped. As you will read and I am sure most understand their agenda is an inversion of the truth but then again so is everything we are all facing.
Somewhere during my life, carbon dioxide became the enemy. Carbon dioxide - the “gas of life”. CO2, the gas I learned in elementary school was essential to all plants. In return, those plants benefit us by respiring oxygen, essential to our existence. Without CO2 there will be no life on Earth. Does “net zero” make any sense as a goal?
Somewhere during my life, the Environmental Movement lost its focus of clean air, water and land. They became a group that would cut down acres of trees to install 1000’s of plastic, toxic panels shipped from the other side of the planet. Vast amounts of energy are used to unearth the needed materials. Huge mining operations deface the land in the process of digging up these resources. But they are far away and we Rhode Islanders don’t have to see that. Nor are we expected to question the amount or type of fuel required to mine and ship our solar panels. How “green” are they?
The energy used to produce and transport the solar panels coming to us can never be offset by the installation and use of them - at least not in Rhode Island. Any location on Earth above 35* latitude (roughly where southern Spain lies) makes it impossible for a solar panel to repay its carbon debt. The reason for that is our northern sun strength and duration is just not enough to maximize any benefit.
Add to this geographically imposed problem, a congressionally mandated research plan to investigate Solar Radiation Modification. SRM is a “science” whose aim is to cool the Earth by reflecting sunlight back into space. This is the same government that offers monetary support to people and businesses who “go solar”. Dimming the sun is not a way to increase the energy output of solar units.
The whole wind and solar movement is a classic case of putting the cart before the horse. It does not have the best interest of the citizenry, but is designed to benefit corporations. It is the “cash cow” for all those who are pushing it onto us. And once I mentioned horses and cows, please do not refer to the proposed site in Johnston or any other location as a farm. It deals in neither crops nor animals. It will never offer any food. In addition, it offers no beauty, no charm, no matter how many wild flowers you plant beneath it.
Our government starts in our town. Let’s stop this “green” travesty here.
His substacks are FREE and purposefully short, so one can easily digest the main points. Plenty of links and citations to keep you busy. He hits on many many critical topics.
Let's tell them we know their dirty little secrets and we're not playing ball from now on!
Also, from today, the WHO and UN cease to exist so stick your scam TREATY where it hurts!
It's widely accepted that the US (and many other countries) experimented with diseases as possible weapons of WAR. The US conducted these experiments as part of their military options.
After it became known to US citizens that this dangerous technology was taking place in US Universities and other specific locations, it was determined the projects must cease on US soil! Hence Wuhan was one of the centres the US government sponsored with Fauci heading the project. Fauci called the maximising the impact of diseases on humans - 'Gain of Function'.
It matters not as to whether Covid was leaked or deliberately released - it was predetermined by Fauci & friends, to occur in order to create a need for an incredibly 'PROFITABLE CURE', which they could enjoy ongoing wealth sharing from enormous profits, while injection recipients were treated as guinea pigs - many dying or suffering lifelong injuries.
All the while, Big Pharma enjoy ZERO LIABILITY for this ingoing DEPOPULATION project! 'ZERO LIABILITY' (culpability) for the increasing number of injuries and DEATHS by injection - enjoyed by all those profiting from the Depopulating Cull of humanity.
Now Pfizer are now pretending to be having financial difficulties so they can declare bankruptcy, thereby avoiding legal action for Pre-meditated MASS-MURDER.
Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed and ready to fight for FREEDOM!
Well said! Let the accountability begin! The Green New Deal is nothing more than a totalitarian seizure of We the People's liberties and livelihoods. Renewable energy is a scam to steal!
Huge thanks for an INSIDE view of the fraud. We rarely hear from insiders.
As with all frauds, there's a fake dispute to keep the suckers "fighting". Greenies think they're destroying Big Oil and Big Coal. Oil and coal know better. They've been helping to fund the Green movement because Gaian rules raise the price of oil and increase the use of coal worldwide.
In the 1980s, Big Timber secretly supported environmentalist radicals and their political allies to kill competition from the hundreds of smaller Pacific Northwest lumber companies that relied on US National Forest and BLM timber auctions for their logs. Big timber won, causing some 500 forest industry companies and 70,000 family wage jobs to disappear from the Pacific Northwest.
In California, homeowners are considered rich and privileged because of the speculative value of their house. But that's illusory. While it's a living asset, the higher cost of housing means a higher price for everything around you--every repair, every property tax, every dinner out. It's only worth that much when it's a dead asset--dead to you, dead to your family, forever handed back to the market. So it's not wealth it represents, only a temporary lifeboat that rises with the cost of housing, then dumps you into the sea to drown with all of your descendants.
We, in America are facing the same thing. The 30 by 30 is meant to lock up 30 percent of our public land and move people away from rural communities to urban areas. 15 minutes to get anywhere. Anywhere but rural America and we don’t have a say either. These policies are meant to inflict harm to our citizens, both young and old or not yet born. My grandchildren have children and they struggle with over taxation in Washington. It’s getting harder to provide and we know once prices go up, the don’t go down just like the policies being forced on us by old man Joe.
We see the EPA doing anything and everything behind the scenes and we have no idea what they are doing with their ability to inflict harm on all us slaves.
I pray every day for people to wake the heck up and pull their heads out of their butts, and start living in the present. Denial is a way for some to cope in what gets harder each day.
Thank you for sharing how your country is screwing you out of your right and freedoms. As an American citizen I can relate...
This stuff is scary as hell, no doubt about it. Like it or not, believe it or not, war has been declared on all of us, and for our psychopathic enemies this is a zero-sum game. They want everything we have and they want us dead or in total submission. No hostages and no bargaining. Pretending it ain’t so harms us and helps them. We’re up against breathtakingly evil genius, prayer and preparation are in order. Someone always feels compelled to water down this evil and chalk it up to the oligarch’s ambivalence towards their marks. I think they hate us and want us dead so they can pull out our gold teeth without a fuss. Miz Nickson, I do enjoy your occasional articles showing how we are winning the battle here and there. We could use a pep talk (gaslighting is okay).
Oh, and in our little town of Healdsburg, CA (pop, 12,000) the idiots running the City Council have proclaimed edicts to "Save the Planet". 58% of our town are against these 'Green' edicts but our City Council says, "You elected us to make these decisions. There will be no referendums."
If that isn't a big "Fuck you!" at us here in town from the City Council,...
Jen Young: We tried to recall Gov. Newsom in CA and failed. We tried to recall the county district attorney in the county where we live. We failed. We tried to get the fluoride out of our town's water. We failed.
Hi Timmy Taes: Yes I was out on the streets collecting recall Gavin signatures in SF during covidmania (boy was that fun). At least I got to meet & become friends with a large crew of warriors. And we managed to get enough signatures to get the recall election and smear his smug & slimy smile a bit. Also think it worried him enough to change some of his more tyrannical covid polices. Gotta keep tryin' and sometimes it works - we got rid of our terrible SF DA and three awful SF school BOE members. If 58% of Hburg is against the Green edicts maybe you can sway those folks to recall...
Jen Young: Congratulations to you and much respect for your work in San Francisco with the petition to recall Governor Gruesome. Yeah, that must have been quite the experience.
The problem in Healdsburg is that this "Green" agenda is being pushed by the Assistant City Manager. I'm not sure what we can do about him.
I'll keep writing comments and letters to the local paper and the City Council. If I was healthier I'd go to the twice a month City Council meetings like I once did. The CC just banned Zoom at CC meetings.
"Off-gassing?" Then the solution is to destroy EVERY home in America not built to the standards of the Greeniacs and this would force rebuilding to make them happy and rich. Nonsensical? Yes, like so many of their ideas. Bet this goofy idea is on the mind of these tyrants as a "solution."
I’ve thought about subscribing but your writing is soooo depressing. I know that the reality you write about is depressing but ending on ANY positive news or conclusions, perhaps? Even a funny video when there is nothing positive?
I have written several pieces that show how people are fighting back and winning all over the world. I do one a month. Plus, today I realized that once we take on board that all of this, ALL OF THIS, is engineered to make us small and scared and unable to fight back, that humanity is not violent, evil, dark, racist, sexually corrupt and violent, that we are mostly good and peaceful, then all that history was not caused by us but by the psychopaths in charge. That knowledge instantly makes us strong and capable of reclaiming our lives and future. This is an information war.
Reclaiming our lives and futures sounds melodramatic to me. I look for solutions and take action. Most solutions that affect me and my family are found locally. I also realize that our lives are a blessing to be enjoyed in small town USA in the 21st century. And, no one will be leading me to any boxcars because I will dare defend my rights. Audemus jura Nostradamus defendere.
Legislative change is both necessary and possible. Trump said he and his economics team were shocked by the economic activity that soared after they cut regulations. I write about this again and again and again. It happened in my province - they cut one out of every three regs, demanded 2 be cut for every new reg and the province boomed for ten years. And the socialists came back. That is what happened in the first 50 years after the Glorious Revolution - and the entire world took off. Not just England.
Hello300: You want good news? Okay. Governor Newsom just signed a bill repealing the previous bill that censored and punished doctors who didn't agree with Newsom's Covid Con Crap edicts.
Of course this repeal was not mentioned in the news and Gov. Newsom didn't apologize for being a dictatorial dick.
That's one of Elizabeth's points~YOU are the one that creates the positive news~she gives us the info now we all need to use our critical thinking skills and apply the info to get involved with our local governments, make phone calls, send emails and attend meetings~other than that getting to know our neighbors and uniting to keep the unjust green agenda OUT! Subscribing to Ms. Nickson's substack and others is one way to start an alternate economy from the ground and build up~I have learned a world from her unique perspective, and we can better win this fight if we have as much education as possible to wield strategy for battle.
The truth is absolutely depressing but ignoring it won’t make it go away. Ignorance is not bliss. Whistling past the graveyard as they march us into the cattle cars?
thanks will look for him. I need other people writing about rural/endangered species, land takings though. There are a handful of good writers countering the ridiculous climate scam. Judith Curry just published a book which I will try to read..
Every improvement or innovation, whatever it is designed to do should be considered from the perspective of a cost benefit analysis.
And that boils down to what is the payback, which is how long will it take you to recover the money you spent.
And this depends on the time value of money, but a good rule of thumb is three years.
If f you pay five dollars for an LED light bulb instead of one dollar for an incandescent bulb, will you recover the extra four dollars in reduced energy cost in three years?
To complicate the issue because it’s not that simple, you have to consider the reduce cooling cost and the increased heating cost if using the LED bulb.
I have a bathroom fixture over the mirror that holds eight 50 W halogen bulbs.
You can feel the heat when you turn them on.
I noticed LED bulbs that use 9 W each and bought them.
When winter rolls around, I install the halogen bulbs rest of the year I use the LED.
I see you’ve got the old single pane glass windows and decide you want to put in the latest and greatest windows on the market.
You already have functional windows installed how much will it cost to replace them and what is the pay back?
That will determine whether or not it is the proper economic decision. If it just makes you feel better emotionally to have them or if the difference and how it feels inside the house matters and you have the money then do it.
Now, the above example is different from a situation, where for whatever reason this window must to be replaced because it was destroyed or you’re building a new house then the only cost consideration is the marginal cost between option A and option B.
Now, if you’re wanting to save money on energy, the first thing to do is reduce your thermostat setting in the winter and raise it in the summer. The rule of thumb is that a 3° change will cut your heating or cooling bill by 10%.
The problem is that when the government mandates, and keep in mind that every government mandate is done so under pain of death, economics is not even considered and money is wasted.
Then comes a time that we wonder how I got this way.
Well folks in one way, or the other, we’ve all had our hand in the pot.
We’ve been selecting the leader, who would give us the most or do things the way we wanted them done or at least convinced us that’s what they were going to do.
So this green new deal is not surprising as we march toward the government’s total control over the population.
Jeremiah 5:31
“The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof?”
When a nation, and a nation is made up of individuals, so this starts with each of us, decides they are not gonna follow God‘s Law, eventually, they are judged.
Habakkuk 1:4
“Therefore the law is slacked, and judgment doth never go forth: for the wicked doth compass about the righteous; therefore wrong judgment proceedeth“
Elizabeth, this article pairs perfectly with Alex Epstein’s ongoing efforts to commend fossil fuels and tie their existence to the literal survival and improvement of life all over the planet. Here is an article and video clip of edumacated idiot students confronting him just before he speaks.
Sorry, I'm with you Canadians but not resident so can't participate in removing your Pussy from Government! Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!
Well this latest subject from Elizabeth is both apropos and synchronistic as my wife's letter to the editor of our local what's happening in Johnston R.I paper came out in yesterdays edition. We have been fighting against these ridiculace solar "farms" ( Please don't call them farms ) that are everywhere and now encroaching in our residential surroundings. This green agenda bollocks is the vehicle which will take all of us to our 15 minute cities if not stopped. As you will read and I am sure most understand their agenda is an inversion of the truth but then again so is everything we are all facing.
Somewhere during my life, carbon dioxide became the enemy. Carbon dioxide - the “gas of life”. CO2, the gas I learned in elementary school was essential to all plants. In return, those plants benefit us by respiring oxygen, essential to our existence. Without CO2 there will be no life on Earth. Does “net zero” make any sense as a goal?
Somewhere during my life, the Environmental Movement lost its focus of clean air, water and land. They became a group that would cut down acres of trees to install 1000’s of plastic, toxic panels shipped from the other side of the planet. Vast amounts of energy are used to unearth the needed materials. Huge mining operations deface the land in the process of digging up these resources. But they are far away and we Rhode Islanders don’t have to see that. Nor are we expected to question the amount or type of fuel required to mine and ship our solar panels. How “green” are they?
The energy used to produce and transport the solar panels coming to us can never be offset by the installation and use of them - at least not in Rhode Island. Any location on Earth above 35* latitude (roughly where southern Spain lies) makes it impossible for a solar panel to repay its carbon debt. The reason for that is our northern sun strength and duration is just not enough to maximize any benefit.
Add to this geographically imposed problem, a congressionally mandated research plan to investigate Solar Radiation Modification. SRM is a “science” whose aim is to cool the Earth by reflecting sunlight back into space. This is the same government that offers monetary support to people and businesses who “go solar”. Dimming the sun is not a way to increase the energy output of solar units.
The whole wind and solar movement is a classic case of putting the cart before the horse. It does not have the best interest of the citizenry, but is designed to benefit corporations. It is the “cash cow” for all those who are pushing it onto us. And once I mentioned horses and cows, please do not refer to the proposed site in Johnston or any other location as a farm. It deals in neither crops nor animals. It will never offer any food. In addition, it offers no beauty, no charm, no matter how many wild flowers you plant beneath it.
Our government starts in our town. Let’s stop this “green” travesty here.
Have your wife visit the website: by John Droz. He helps citizens fight back against solar and wind energy projects in their communities. He writes extensively about the negative affects of these energy solutions on his substack. Here is one of his articles about solar:
His substacks are FREE and purposefully short, so one can easily digest the main points. Plenty of links and citations to keep you busy. He hits on many many critical topics.
Thanks Jo, Appreciate the link. So glad I discovered this forum. Best to you!
Let's tell them we know their dirty little secrets and we're not playing ball from now on!
Also, from today, the WHO and UN cease to exist so stick your scam TREATY where it hurts!
It's widely accepted that the US (and many other countries) experimented with diseases as possible weapons of WAR. The US conducted these experiments as part of their military options.
After it became known to US citizens that this dangerous technology was taking place in US Universities and other specific locations, it was determined the projects must cease on US soil! Hence Wuhan was one of the centres the US government sponsored with Fauci heading the project. Fauci called the maximising the impact of diseases on humans - 'Gain of Function'.
It matters not as to whether Covid was leaked or deliberately released - it was predetermined by Fauci & friends, to occur in order to create a need for an incredibly 'PROFITABLE CURE', which they could enjoy ongoing wealth sharing from enormous profits, while injection recipients were treated as guinea pigs - many dying or suffering lifelong injuries.
All the while, Big Pharma enjoy ZERO LIABILITY for this ingoing DEPOPULATION project! 'ZERO LIABILITY' (culpability) for the increasing number of injuries and DEATHS by injection - enjoyed by all those profiting from the Depopulating Cull of humanity.
Now Pfizer are now pretending to be having financial difficulties so they can declare bankruptcy, thereby avoiding legal action for Pre-meditated MASS-MURDER.
Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed and ready to fight for FREEDOM!
As usual, follow the money.
Please consider signing and sharing…: (For Canadian citizens OR Residents)
Well said! Let the accountability begin! The Green New Deal is nothing more than a totalitarian seizure of We the People's liberties and livelihoods. Renewable energy is a scam to steal!
Huge thanks for an INSIDE view of the fraud. We rarely hear from insiders.
As with all frauds, there's a fake dispute to keep the suckers "fighting". Greenies think they're destroying Big Oil and Big Coal. Oil and coal know better. They've been helping to fund the Green movement because Gaian rules raise the price of oil and increase the use of coal worldwide.
Gaia is really another way to spell Coal.
In the 1980s, Big Timber secretly supported environmentalist radicals and their political allies to kill competition from the hundreds of smaller Pacific Northwest lumber companies that relied on US National Forest and BLM timber auctions for their logs. Big timber won, causing some 500 forest industry companies and 70,000 family wage jobs to disappear from the Pacific Northwest.
In California, homeowners are considered rich and privileged because of the speculative value of their house. But that's illusory. While it's a living asset, the higher cost of housing means a higher price for everything around you--every repair, every property tax, every dinner out. It's only worth that much when it's a dead asset--dead to you, dead to your family, forever handed back to the market. So it's not wealth it represents, only a temporary lifeboat that rises with the cost of housing, then dumps you into the sea to drown with all of your descendants.
Tereza Coraggio: Well said!
We, in America are facing the same thing. The 30 by 30 is meant to lock up 30 percent of our public land and move people away from rural communities to urban areas. 15 minutes to get anywhere. Anywhere but rural America and we don’t have a say either. These policies are meant to inflict harm to our citizens, both young and old or not yet born. My grandchildren have children and they struggle with over taxation in Washington. It’s getting harder to provide and we know once prices go up, the don’t go down just like the policies being forced on us by old man Joe.
We see the EPA doing anything and everything behind the scenes and we have no idea what they are doing with their ability to inflict harm on all us slaves.
I pray every day for people to wake the heck up and pull their heads out of their butts, and start living in the present. Denial is a way for some to cope in what gets harder each day.
Thank you for sharing how your country is screwing you out of your right and freedoms. As an American citizen I can relate...
This stuff is scary as hell, no doubt about it. Like it or not, believe it or not, war has been declared on all of us, and for our psychopathic enemies this is a zero-sum game. They want everything we have and they want us dead or in total submission. No hostages and no bargaining. Pretending it ain’t so harms us and helps them. We’re up against breathtakingly evil genius, prayer and preparation are in order. Someone always feels compelled to water down this evil and chalk it up to the oligarch’s ambivalence towards their marks. I think they hate us and want us dead so they can pull out our gold teeth without a fuss. Miz Nickson, I do enjoy your occasional articles showing how we are winning the battle here and there. We could use a pep talk (gaslighting is okay).
"They think we are crud!" Lt. Ripley in "Alien3" link above.
Interesting. They have been at this a long time.
Love your work - thank you! They're not writing for the mainstream but a few folks I follow:
The brilliant Denis Rancourt:
Chris Morrison at The Daily Sceptic:
Mr. badass himself - El Gato Malo:
Oh, and in our little town of Healdsburg, CA (pop, 12,000) the idiots running the City Council have proclaimed edicts to "Save the Planet". 58% of our town are against these 'Green' edicts but our City Council says, "You elected us to make these decisions. There will be no referendums."
If that isn't a big "Fuck you!" at us here in town from the City Council,...
Jen Young: We tried to recall Gov. Newsom in CA and failed. We tried to recall the county district attorney in the county where we live. We failed. We tried to get the fluoride out of our town's water. We failed.
There's no fixing stupid.
Hi Timmy Taes: Yes I was out on the streets collecting recall Gavin signatures in SF during covidmania (boy was that fun). At least I got to meet & become friends with a large crew of warriors. And we managed to get enough signatures to get the recall election and smear his smug & slimy smile a bit. Also think it worried him enough to change some of his more tyrannical covid polices. Gotta keep tryin' and sometimes it works - we got rid of our terrible SF DA and three awful SF school BOE members. If 58% of Hburg is against the Green edicts maybe you can sway those folks to recall...
Jen Young: Congratulations to you and much respect for your work in San Francisco with the petition to recall Governor Gruesome. Yeah, that must have been quite the experience.
The problem in Healdsburg is that this "Green" agenda is being pushed by the Assistant City Manager. I'm not sure what we can do about him.
I'll keep writing comments and letters to the local paper and the City Council. If I was healthier I'd go to the twice a month City Council meetings like I once did. The CC just banned Zoom at CC meetings.
That Recall vote was rigged - full stop
Jo Highet: I agree. The Democrats will do anything to stay in power.
I think certain votes are rigged
"Off-gassing?" Then the solution is to destroy EVERY home in America not built to the standards of the Greeniacs and this would force rebuilding to make them happy and rich. Nonsensical? Yes, like so many of their ideas. Bet this goofy idea is on the mind of these tyrants as a "solution."
Richard Baker: I live in a town that is half Hispanic with plenty of Mexican restaurants. Lots of "off-gassing" here.
Hilarious. With Mexican/Spanish food that is a given.
I’ve thought about subscribing but your writing is soooo depressing. I know that the reality you write about is depressing but ending on ANY positive news or conclusions, perhaps? Even a funny video when there is nothing positive?
I have written several pieces that show how people are fighting back and winning all over the world. I do one a month. Plus, today I realized that once we take on board that all of this, ALL OF THIS, is engineered to make us small and scared and unable to fight back, that humanity is not violent, evil, dark, racist, sexually corrupt and violent, that we are mostly good and peaceful, then all that history was not caused by us but by the psychopaths in charge. That knowledge instantly makes us strong and capable of reclaiming our lives and future. This is an information war.
Reclaiming our lives and futures sounds melodramatic to me. I look for solutions and take action. Most solutions that affect me and my family are found locally. I also realize that our lives are a blessing to be enjoyed in small town USA in the 21st century. And, no one will be leading me to any boxcars because I will dare defend my rights. Audemus jura Nostradamus defendere.
Legislative change is both necessary and possible. Trump said he and his economics team were shocked by the economic activity that soared after they cut regulations. I write about this again and again and again. It happened in my province - they cut one out of every three regs, demanded 2 be cut for every new reg and the province boomed for ten years. And the socialists came back. That is what happened in the first 50 years after the Glorious Revolution - and the entire world took off. Not just England.
Hello300: You want good news? Okay. Governor Newsom just signed a bill repealing the previous bill that censored and punished doctors who didn't agree with Newsom's Covid Con Crap edicts.
Of course this repeal was not mentioned in the news and Gov. Newsom didn't apologize for being a dictatorial dick.
But the bill was repealed.
That's one of Elizabeth's points~YOU are the one that creates the positive news~she gives us the info now we all need to use our critical thinking skills and apply the info to get involved with our local governments, make phone calls, send emails and attend meetings~other than that getting to know our neighbors and uniting to keep the unjust green agenda OUT! Subscribing to Ms. Nickson's substack and others is one way to start an alternate economy from the ground and build up~I have learned a world from her unique perspective, and we can better win this fight if we have as much education as possible to wield strategy for battle.
Thank you❤️
The truth is absolutely depressing but ignoring it won’t make it go away. Ignorance is not bliss. Whistling past the graveyard as they march us into the cattle cars?
Jaime Jessop from UK writes about the climate debacle, often critiquing published papers and pulling apart mainstream hype.
thanks will look for him. I need other people writing about rural/endangered species, land takings though. There are a handful of good writers countering the ridiculous climate scam. Judith Curry just published a book which I will try to read..
Every improvement or innovation, whatever it is designed to do should be considered from the perspective of a cost benefit analysis.
And that boils down to what is the payback, which is how long will it take you to recover the money you spent.
And this depends on the time value of money, but a good rule of thumb is three years.
If f you pay five dollars for an LED light bulb instead of one dollar for an incandescent bulb, will you recover the extra four dollars in reduced energy cost in three years?
To complicate the issue because it’s not that simple, you have to consider the reduce cooling cost and the increased heating cost if using the LED bulb.
I have a bathroom fixture over the mirror that holds eight 50 W halogen bulbs.
You can feel the heat when you turn them on.
I noticed LED bulbs that use 9 W each and bought them.
When winter rolls around, I install the halogen bulbs rest of the year I use the LED.
I see you’ve got the old single pane glass windows and decide you want to put in the latest and greatest windows on the market.
You already have functional windows installed how much will it cost to replace them and what is the pay back?
That will determine whether or not it is the proper economic decision. If it just makes you feel better emotionally to have them or if the difference and how it feels inside the house matters and you have the money then do it.
Now, the above example is different from a situation, where for whatever reason this window must to be replaced because it was destroyed or you’re building a new house then the only cost consideration is the marginal cost between option A and option B.
Now, if you’re wanting to save money on energy, the first thing to do is reduce your thermostat setting in the winter and raise it in the summer. The rule of thumb is that a 3° change will cut your heating or cooling bill by 10%.
The problem is that when the government mandates, and keep in mind that every government mandate is done so under pain of death, economics is not even considered and money is wasted.
Then comes a time that we wonder how I got this way.
Well folks in one way, or the other, we’ve all had our hand in the pot.
We’ve been selecting the leader, who would give us the most or do things the way we wanted them done or at least convinced us that’s what they were going to do.
So this green new deal is not surprising as we march toward the government’s total control over the population.
Jeremiah 5:31
“The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof?”
When a nation, and a nation is made up of individuals, so this starts with each of us, decides they are not gonna follow God‘s Law, eventually, they are judged.
Habakkuk 1:4
“Therefore the law is slacked, and judgment doth never go forth: for the wicked doth compass about the righteous; therefore wrong judgment proceedeth“
When I was at MBA school, cost benefit analysis was central, fundamental. These people NEVER do it, and if forced they lie
Climate police or educated professionals; I call ‘em pricks!!! You may also. That is a widely accepted and perfectly clear descriptive word.
Elizabeth, this article pairs perfectly with Alex Epstein’s ongoing efforts to commend fossil fuels and tie their existence to the literal survival and improvement of life all over the planet. Here is an article and video clip of edumacated idiot students confronting him just before he speaks.
Sorry, I'm with you Canadians but not resident so can't participate in removing your Pussy from Government! Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!