What a joy it is to read such well-constructed, well-researched and invariably interesting essays on issues which really matter. If more bloggers had your kind of journalistic credentials and winning way with words and ideas, Substack would be even more alluring. I only wish I had discovered your peerless work earlier. Thank you.

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Michael- you and me both! I keep saying, how did I ever live without Elizabeth Nickson in my life? She is the best.

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Hear, hear!

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Very important piece, Elizabeth. "The cruelty of "green" is unfathomable." Very true.

This practicing mechanical engineer is completely embarrassed by anyone else in this profession who endorses 'green' because the physics simply tell a different story. None of it actually works. They are all getting paid by taxpayers. The cost/benefit ratio equals INFINITY. It is all a farce and here in MN, the solar fields to nowhere are going to leach toxic cadmium onto our most fertile soil. Insanity.

Feeding communist China is all this crap is.

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The weaponization of our environment. 🤮👎😿 Same solar fields in Vermont and and the electric produced sold out of state.

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For the life of me, I do not understand why provincial and (US) state AGs don't simply tell their respective federal governments' environmental permitting agencies to go pound sand. At least in the United States, regulatory power is vested at the base of the governing pyramid: In cities, counties and states, where permits are issued.

If these AGs would show some backbone and just proceed with their development plans and permit issuances - and agree to stand with property owners and resource developers under their purview - this green scam would end. The federal governments cannot, and would not dare try to, arrest everyone.

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Roger- the problem in Blue Commie states like NY has become so enormous and pervasive that it's hard to know where to begin when it comes to the Green nightmare/ horror.

Here's an example from my small town which has no infrastructure meaning no town water and no town sewers. We are a semi-rural suburb of the NY City hell hole.

Thanks to NY's own Green New Deal law that was passed in 2019, the state now controls most of the land use including zoning, planning, environmental issues, etc.

A big green energy company from out of state is trying to build a lithium battery installation in town in a residential area no less, that will do nothing except further destabilize the grid and cause death and destruction if the batteries catch fire. There is simply no way to put out the fire once it starts as the fire departments will attest.

The town is trying everything to stop this, the residents are up in arms and doing everything they can to influence the town board- they are activists and I am proud of them. They have convinced the pols on the board that if they allow in this monstrosity it would be the end of their political careers.

Looked like they were going to win the battle until the all powerful NYS DEC (Dept. of Environmental Conservation) found out about it and is now in the process of overruling the elected Town Board to allow the battery plant.

Needless to say, the residents do not have the money, time or power to sue NYS to stop this. Even if they did, the state would simply tie them up in court forever, using taxpayer money to bankrupt the citizens or whoever brought the lawsuit.

I could go on with many other examples, but this de-growth, Green, death cult or whatever you want to call it, is positively Satanic.

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"A republic, if you can keep it".....

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We're gonna' keep it. We outnumber them a million to one. They have to get their food from somewhere. Plumbers, too.

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That's a horror story

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But this supposes honest and fiduciary AG's abound.

They aren't all like Ken Paxton, sadly.

I'd imagine, that green money train (and other asinine woke agendas) has laid tracks in front of every state house in the nation and regularly makes deliveries to more Governors and AG's than we know.

This is why the populous must be involved and engaged at the local level. Just as we the people have power in numbers (but few understand this anymore), the States do as well.

The rub is getting them to work together, in order to implement the sovereignty that Federalism is vested with.

This is problematic to say the least, when states and capital cities are turning blue, at break neck speed. Local government, must be infiltrated and taken over by the common, everyday person who knows the struggles of feeding a family or paying bills that have skyrocketed. Those who are allowed seats of legislation, must be those who understand and recognize all manner of the progressive/marxist scams coming out of the regime. The only way that happens is if we either take those seats ourselves or put people in them, that do not stand for any of the WIC's (Woke Industrial Complex) policies/ideologies.

There is no other way at this point, except revolution in the decades to come.

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You forget about the most important thing: THE DEMO-COMMIES CHEAT. ALL elections are rigged.

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I agree, but differ in that it's a uni-party at this point, with few exceptions (individuals). Mike Johnson just proved that beyond a shadow of a doubt, to the republican/conservative voters.

My view now is, those in power who advocate for the status quo and have even a hint of "don't believe your lying eyes" coming from them, are the enemy. Those who are saying "rip those rotten parts out by the roots now before it's too late, no matter the consequence", are my allies.

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Yes non-compliance should be the starting point and if done en masses, would most likely preclude the need for or devastation of, a true revolution.

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The problem is that the general public has been deceived by their public education so that they do not know how our government was meant to work. No one in authority has ever trusted the general public to govern themselves. Some among our founders tried to educate the public, but they never trusted us to understand and act rationally. For all the talk down through the ages about democracy it has never been tried, maybe for good reason, maybe not. I don't think we'll ever see it.

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A true democracy would be problematic at best, especially in a country with over 340 million.

A representative government, if maintained by an interested and engaged population, is a better solution, IMHO.

The key there is the interested and engaged population, which we started veering away from shortly after the formation of our government.

People are lazy by nature and slaves to distractions. Offer them comfort, convenience and entertainment, or legislation to read through over a weekend and they'll pick netflix, doordash and the college game on TV consistently, over having a direct hand in running their own government.

I've long said that opportunists , tyrants and abusers have always existed. It's always been up to us to guard against and punish them, for their attacks on ourselves and our societies. We've all but abnegated that responsibility and in so doing, told them that we would accept their abuses, so long as they kept up the illusions of comfort, convenience and entertainment - Which they happily do, to this day.

Ask this - Why are we so stupid (en masse) as to decry being taught about or asked to participate in governing ourselves (anyone ever jump for joy over jury duty) and only really take an interest, when things go awry? Would it not be smarter to have always understood how our government worked and been engaged in controlling it, during the good times as well?

Why on earth would the majority, give a very small minority the power to rule them and then just ignore them, except when there's a problem??

We do this to ourselves - over and over again.

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I simply can not resist... Do you know what an Indian dating service does? It connects the dots.

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"It's always been up to us to guard against and punish them, for their attacks on ourselves and our societies."

I agree with everything you've said. However, I don't know what to make of this statement. I think I agree, but I don't know how we are to punish them. As individuals (vigilantism)? or corporately? If vigilantism, who or how to police vigilantes? If corporately, we have the same problem of the majority not being knowledgeable or willing.

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Ideally, we would have stayed engaged and made sure laws were maintained on the books that punished these opportunists, abusers and tyrants, when they popped up.

So say, serial child rapists and traffickers - we would hope enough parents were engaged in their local and federal governments, that the death penalty would be the norm.

Or in the case of fauci, we have laws on the books that hold bureaucrats accountable for crimes like the scamdemic (with all it's associated evidence of corruption, coverups and profiting).

The thing is, if we want to avoid the inevitable choice between vigilantism or all out revolt, then we have to engage directly, the system that is meant to prevent that and protect society from the attacks and abuses we've seen in the last 4 years.

The border is a huge example, that holds within that one issues, treason, national security violations, economic malfeasants, abetting murder, rape and assaults of the citizenry, s well as drug and human trafficking. Now we all abhor and decry these things, but are so disconnected from the process that would rectify the issues and punish those who caused them, that we delusionally feel empowered and strong when we drop memes or regurgitate articles and opinion pieces.

It's a round room with no door.

So to answer your question, since we stopped doing this way back when, we get involved now, where we are. That requires a shifting of priorities. What's a better use of your time if your trying to keep food on the table or a roof over your head - netflix or reading the 500 pages of legislation?

Corporation are a different matter than government, IMHO.

With very few exceptions I wouldn't want to legislate their behavior. The free market is the answer to their activism. You are correct though, the majority are unwilling to act to bring them back in line. This is where engagement again comes into play, but between neighbors, family and friends. You build a base that stands against the activism and then mobilizes against them.

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Roger Beal: The Federal Government will threaten to withhold Highway Funds and other Federal largesse if the states don't do what they are told.

Look what the Fed's threatened to do when Texas AG complained about the TSA molesting women and children. The Fed's threatened to stop all flights to Texas.

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Supreme Court justices spend their days hiding under their desks. They absolutely hate solving problems, especially ones with sweeping implications. When they finally, and grudgingly, render an opinion, it's as narrow as they can possibly make it. This means the same issue will raise it ugly head time and time again. In a major dispute between states, followng the so-called 2020 election, they dove back under their desks, claiming the plaintiffs didn't have standing. Are you kidding me? That did it for me. I now see them as enabling, even aiding and abetting tyranny, just like most so-called Republicans.

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When SCOTUS refused the Texas V. Pennsylvania case in December of 2020, they undermined their own legitimacy. The Constitution calls for a Supreme Court PRECISELY for the purpose of hearing grievances between states, which TX v PA was. SCOTUS effectively ended the "United States of America" then. The Constitution is no longer of any use.

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Aaron, I can't see any other way of looking at it. They failed their primary duty...a dispute between states. I couldn't believe it. I can't wait to see what they'll do about the Chevron case. Talk about sweeping implications... I expect another super narrow "decision" that sidesteps the underlying issue...government agencies making law out of thin air. If conservative justices are rolling over in response to threats, then they'll have to modify their job description.

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I think they do feel very threatened. Allowing armies of crazies to basically camp in front of their houses—an illegal activity—for weeks on end sent a very strong message. And we can only speculate about any quiet threats to their children and families. If they had the modicum of courage needed to talk openly about the threatening environment they live in because of the current government’s actions, and any actual threats they’ve received, maybe the resulting sunlight would cure the problem. But they mostly seem to be cowards.

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Well, Kay, in an age when finding your computer frozen/taken over by a scammer can be frightening, I wonder how courageous any of us would be when no less that a leader in the U.S. Senate stood yards away from the Court and launched a credible threat to two SCOTUS justices BY NAME. "...YOU WON'T KNOW WHAT HIT YOU!" When a maniac among the dozens of protesters showed up at their homes, banging drums, the DOJ did NOTHING, even though it is a federal crime to do so...Surely these messages emboldened the person who arrived at Justice Kavanaugh's home with burglary tools and a a loaded Glock with the intent to murder him and his entire family.

It's not their job to defend themselves publically about criminal threats. It's the executive branch's job.

The silence from respectable Democrats was deafening. Anyone who didn't immediately denouce these threats has shown themselves to be quite comfortable with the idea of assassinating the political opposition.

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Of course you’re right, it should be the executive who defends them, but when any person is threatened or blackmailed, public exposure of the threat is the only cure, no matter how embarrassing or dangerous. What happened to a willingness to die for what is right? As Gary Blackman noted, few are risking their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor for the people they are supposed to be serving. To his credit, Trump actually is doing that.

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"few are risking"

there are many. they are not organised though, but when they are, the MSM shuns them anyway. in latin america they tried to sue big pharma, dont know what that turned into. in germany they had 10000 doctors who said the corona vaccines were dangerous.

and if you are alone, you just get silenced or killed. happened recently to janet ossebaard @ https://www.bitchute.com/channel/fallcabal/ her "friend" said she commited suicide, but its a lie. she was killed and the other woman was threatened to lie or theyd kill her too.

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To his great credit!

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Why didn't Justice Kavanaugh simply call the local taxpayer funded police department in his town and DEMAND that they do their job land PROTECT him?

Of all people Kavanaugh should know that the GOVERNMENT is responsible for law enforcement, not the individual sad to say.

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The law the demonstrators were breaking was federal. FBI has jurisdiction, or US marshals. Not local cops.

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Clearly. They sent the FBI to Mar a Lago w the order "to use deadly force if necessary." Can't be anymore clear that that..

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Yes, they are. How do you look at yourself in the mirror after selling out an entire nation? Who is the one person risking his life, his fortune and his sacred honor on our behalf? Everyone sees this which is why his outlaw army is growing by the day. If I were a blatantly corrupt DC reptile, I think I'd start getting quite concerned. There is a lot of pent up revenge brewing out there.

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They are cowards. The insane personal responses like camping in front of their houses do nothing but blacken the images of protest. However, there don't seem to be any effective actions that we can take against the illegitimate government actions of individuals and agencies.

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No, SCOTUS is no longer of any use.

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Even when a major decision is in our (the country's) favor, the reptiles in DC ignore it. Perhaps red state governors, of which there appear to be only two, should do the same. Is anyone else exhausted from waiting too long for SCOTUS to grace us with their useless, too-narrow decisions? I'd love to see Abbott, DeSantis or any other governor declare their state exempt and outside their jurisdiction, with the new "highest court in the land" being their own state supreme court.

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I don’t know if it was fake news or not, who knows these days, but I do recall reading the a bystander at SCOTUS overheard a closed door shouting match between Alito and Roberts outside of the Chief Justice’s chambers. Roberts allegedly refusing to hear the 2020 election petitions and Alito begging him to. If it’s true, Karma has come to Roberts as ripples of cases stemming from that election have come back to haunt him. With all that has happened since 2020, I will never understand how the leaders in our government who have been prestigiously entrusted with honor and power cannot identify a true emergency and take the helm. I have zero trust in most of them. How they can so casually abdicate their duties and look down at the chaos and suffering of citizens who once supported with great heart the very institutions they serve. I pray that we citizens can collectively somehow move mountains and change direction in November.

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Who knows whether it's true....but I believe everyone associated with the Court--from the Chief Justice to the janitor knows who leaked the Dobbs draft. The likely suspect has a history and a dozen checkable facts connecting him/her to motive/means. Damning. And shortly after the leak, this person left the Court. The "investigation" a mirage. Exposing this person, and how easy the caper was, would make things worse. Lionizing an activist who corrupted the Court and got away with it. The attacks continue. The Left would rather burn the institution down than abide by law.

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If not before

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Elizabeth, I wanted to let you know I shared your spectacularly inspiring “Our Revulsion Has Created A New Populist Majority” in the piece I published yesterday:

• “Against Defeatism: The Apocaloptimist Manifesto” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/against-defeatism-the-apocaloptimist)

In that piece, I coin the term “cruelites” to replace “elites”—rather synchronistically given your closing sentence about “The cruelty of ‘green.’”

Several of the Buckminster Fuller quotes I cite are especially pertinent to your exposure of the “green” scam, including:

“A vast overabundance of this Earthian cosmic energy income is now technically impoundable and distributable to humanity by presently proven technology. We are not allowed to enjoy this primarily because taxhungry government bureaucracies and moneydrunk big business can’t figure a way of putting meters between these cosmic energy sources and the Earthian passengers, so nothing is done about it.”


“The money-makers assume that there is nowhere nearly enough life support for all. Malthus said the majority of humans are designed to suffer and die far short of their potential life-span. Darwin’s ‘survival only of the fittest’ dictum has combined with that of Malthus to persuade the ‘haves’ to be intelligently selfish and to legally fortify their ‘haveness’ position against the ‘have-nots.’

“With legal planning of their lawyer-advised banking leaders, the ‘haves’ have now succeeded in cornering all the world’s monetary gold as well as the preponderance of the world’s petroleum sources—along with their refineries and world-around petro-delivery systems together also with acquisitions of all the atomic power-generating plants, originally paid for by the U.S. taxpayers—and thereafter in severing the *monetary system* from the *wealth system* while marking up the negotiable equity value of gold and petroleum tenfold. They also have contrived their own game of international monetary banking of international balances of trade and credit accounting.”

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Mister Geodesic-Dome Fuller was ahead of his time. Like many so-called futurists of the 20th century, he clearly predicted the coming dystopia.

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Indeed, Roger. I just finished listening to the audiobook of “Critical Path.” I find many of his observations beautifully inspiring and chillingly accurate. He truly had a heart for humanity while being one of the most original and brilliant thinkers of his time.

At the same time, I find some of his recommendations abhorrent—especially his advocacy for desovereignization and a one-world system, although I believe what he envisioned is very different (apolitical, individual-focused, anti-corporation, anti-government) from what the cruelites are in the process of implementing right now. It seems his utopianism may have clouded his judgment regarding how easily such a system could be co-opted for a totalitarian panopticon.

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People are evil in their hearts, continually. Concentration of power to one world government would increase the evil one million fold. The only brake against this is to worship the living God, YHWH

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One suspects these futurists approve of a "new world order" because they e3nvision themselves sitting at the command console.

This is similar to today's young fools who advocate for communism, believeing that THEY are the ones who will be able to make it live up to its absurd ideals.

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Greeting from North Saanich and thank you Elizabeth for your excellent articles.

I am not in the habit of writing responses but I wanted to make one very small point regarding your issues regarding the Green agenda and energy. With the ever increasing cost of fossil fuels (and no sensible alternative) I had been interested in small, efficient nuclear reactors as a potentially safe and cost efficient method for generating electricity for small towns.

I had seen how a small reactor worked – the University of London has at one at Sillwood Park, Epson where I studied for some months (long, long ago)

A few weeks ago, while hiking in Dean Park, I met a guy who was wearing an Imperial College fleece. Having taken my degree there many years ago I stopped and spoke with him. He was a retired Mining Engineer (Royal School of Mines) and told me about a study which his company had undertaken for the Government of Canada to evaluate a way of ‘safely’ storing spent fuel rods.

Apparently the test, undertaken in the Great Canadian Shield, involved drilling bore holes, lining them with clay (I cannot remember the specific type of clay) and then inserting Phosphor bronze tubes. Isotopes where placed in these tubes (replicating the spent fuel rods) and over time measurements made to detect any release of radiation. None was found. The tests were well managed and the results subjected to very rigorous analysis. Safety was paramount – as you would expect.

So the road was open for further testing for the development of small nuclear reactors. But no. Protests from a first nation tribe some 50 miles away claimed that these storage places could contaminate their drinking water. A fair and understandable concern. Yet the tests showed no contamination nor leakage whatsoever. I understood that ‘Green’ activists had been involved in the protests.

That is one reason why we in Canada do not have a small nuclear reactor program. The supply of electricity will over time, continue to increase.

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V interesting thank you. Yes the natives are colonized by greens, with a few notable exceptions.

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I am learning there is a very big difference to Band Council - corporate or status natives and the hereditary - who are the rightful claim holders of these lands according to International court.

Now that being said, this has been the case for 20 years - so all the fear mongering around 'taking our lands' is as much BS distributed by liberal agents (who are actually the home stealers - planning to tax us out of our homes) These liberal agents filter into groups all around, and lay their stakes out to influence people.

Also is the case around nuclear energy - and the environmentalism movements - the indoctrinations against its development - imagine if allowed to progress how advanced we would be today?

The 'Green New Deal' originates from the monarchy Prince Philip and now King Charles 3 https://larouchepub.com/other/2021/4807-prince_charles_invented_green_nd.html

I also see a lot of anti China communism comments throughout this thread and again - if you consider since 2012? Xi Jing Ping has brought the standards of living of people of China UP! from 3% above a quality of life standard above poverty to now over 53% (in what 12 years!) - so something is working there... Added Coal Mines and Nuclear energy sources have a lot to do with this as standards of living are directly related to energy accessibility. (Consider that what 95% of Africa has no access to electricity). Not sure how much 'communism' is intact in China either... not in the regimented ways we've been indoctrinated to know what it is.

I do notice how quick everyone is to jump into assumptions about most things is my point primarily...

Thank you for your depths of research on this Carbon BS - With Canada having the what 95% 'Crown' lands - not privately owned we should be net carbon below zero with our vast forests especially the boreal forests consuming it - would you not think that even without diving into the research???

There is SOOOO much that is quite amazingly for lack of better word for expressing - STUPIDITY :) around CO2 emissions - CO2 Coalition website is great for their short climate quiz - good to send out to folks! https://co2coalition.org/climate-quiz/

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I am sad. Most companies and organizations in the UK, like my energy provider Octopus, and even the consumer mouthpiece, WHICH?, have now slipped religiously down on their knees in submission to the green theology and posing as 'sustainability' priests on their websites. This global mantra is replacing the sun, which is largely being blocked out by wide sheets of chemtrail haze.

I keep challenging them, but get either no reply, a fatherly righteous smack on my mouth, or a long and incomprehensible lecture. To question the Net Zero religion is to swear in the(ir) church, and doubt is a cardinal sin.

Thank you SO MUCH Elizabeth for assisting my search for words as I'm repeatedly left speechless facing this cruelty presented as 'saving the globe'! My blood is boiling. It must be the climate crisis!

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You may want to go on to a couple sites that are doing the research and writing legal documents for people to assist them in shifting this situation.

Geo-Engineering Canada


YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@GFC2023

Maine Geoengineering Liability Workshop


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Thank you for that. I live in England, with masses in subservient compliance to the top toffs. But there is a chemtrail actionist group in Scotland I can connect to. They've sent multiple letters to the authorities and, lo and behold, there were less chemtrails over here in May, with some nice blue skies, even here in East Anglia. Activism does seem to help, and moreover, May was "chemtrail awareness month" as well, which the perpetrators also might have noticed. How strange that they don't like attention to their philantropic deeds!

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There are only 2 purposes for the climate change hysteria. The first and most important purpose is to force mass depopulation of 90% of human beings. This is profoundly evil in every possible way. The second purpose is to concentrate all wealth to the surviving 10%.

This is a perfect summary of the situation.

God tells us to worship himself, God Almighty, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Not His creation, the earth and stars.

Pretty simple.

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I think wealth will concentrate in the one percent. The remaining nine percent will be slave labor.

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Yes it is a Malthusian basis for having reached the global sustainability levels based on data and creativity of 1799 by Pastor Thomas Malthus!

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The "Green" "New" "Deal" is blasphemous. The real New Deal did the opposite in EVERY SINGLE WAY. The real thing was solely aimed at empowering the poor (farmers and unskilled labor) and clamping down on the rich. WPA built dams everywhere, and REA built new coal-fired power plants and extended the grid to farmers. The "green" version is specifically tearing down everything that WPA built.

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Do you know about how NAWAPA was kiboshed?

Check this out the "Green New Deal" of the 1970's


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In reality, net zero is the level of life left on earth when CO2 is removed.

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Elizabeth, this is the text of a meme you posted earlier. It's a perfect decription of everything we're experiencing right now.

"When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it." - Frederic Bastiat

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So why do Canadians keep voting for this nonsense?

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That's one trillion-dollar question. The other is DID we vote for it? The serious and opaque info on foreign influence brings a lot into question, especially when JT pretty much promised his Chinese-influenced plans during the campaign

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Among the lies by governments, perhaps the cruelest are those about inflation. The information about inflation that is reported is opaque, incomprehensible, and outright deceptive. We all know that what they are telling us is other than what we are experiencing, but I have been unable to find reliable true numbers.

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Just heard today that for billions of dollars to build charging stations across the USA we have seven of them. I suspect much of the money appropriated to kiss the green new deals ass has been redirected too converting illegal aliens into asylum seekers > into democrat voters.

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I think the people that dreamed up the Green New Scam were jealous/envious that oil and gas were discovered generations ago, and they power the world economy. So their plan was:

1 Break what already works;

2 Create a system whereby the new energy economy would be government-allocated;

3 Install it under the plot of, "We have to do this for the greater good."

Never mind that things were already working right. Never mind the costs. Never mind the jobs that would be lost; they'll all be "replaced" with newer, better jobs.

And since we won't be able to generate enough energy that the world needs, we'll have to allocate it to our friends first. And we'll use the taxes to force this re-distribution among those that support us.

Remember one of Barack 0bama's early statements? "The problem with the US economy is that the money isn't distributed properly." Now we'll get to see how poorly things work (or how things don't work) when some government apparatchik is deciding how wealth gets "distributed".

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