I am gobsmacked. Yes, people. Do not doubt these accounts. Many, many years ago, when I was working at the Manhattan DA's office while I was in law school, an ADA showed me photo that was evidence in a case. It was a man in his late 30s/early 40s raping a baby. She looked to be 18 mos old. Someone took that picture. An accomplice. All these years later, the memory still makes me feel ill. I am writing this here to affirm, yes, This.Is. Happening. But the numbers, the magnitude, is shocking beyond words. We must not let this moment pass us by. There is nothing more important. Nothing.

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I am so sorry you had to see that. It shouldn’t have to be someone’s job yet here we are.

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You can never unsee it. But I'm glad I did or I would never have believed it. Monsters. I have young grandchildren.

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I have five great grandchildren. I would kill anyone who touched them. As a 14 year old girl who was sexually abused by my step father, I watched my children like a hawk. It was the mother instinct along with the experience that led me to be that way. I wasn’t naive enough to think it was only girls and when my grandsons were little, I was the watcher. If you don’t know what to look for, you may miss the signs.

I don’t have the answers. It becomes overwhelming when you know the scale of this rot and it’s sickening. My mother thought I was crazy because I told her that I believed our own government would indeed create a vaccine that would kill millions. She just looked at me and said “Oh my, I’m so sorry “ So, you can’t reach those who can’t or won’t allow themselves to go there. You can try and try and it won’t happen. Not until they see it in action. Grand scale Hollywood style on every mainstream news outlet. 6:00 news. Man raping baby while umbilical cord still attached. Show the proof. All of it. The FBI has Epstein’s videos. You know they do. If people can’t handle it then that’s the risk to get these bastards who are like demons of both sexes out there rapping children. Some are killing them for sacrifice. Frazzledrip. HRC. Skinned a girl alive. Where’s Huma?

I have known and believed it’s been happening since the fall of mankind. We live in a fallen world and a satanic society rules us.

We the people have no power. We can’t even come together to form a militia to fight this. Anything on a scale that would be possible to do so would tip off the people who read our texts and listen to our phone calls. We are labeled domestic terrorists for just thinking about overthrowing our government.

My life was better when Trump was in office. One of his first EO was to put an end to our children being trafficked. He knew it was an epidemic. How the hell does the Biden administration lose over 100,000 children? It’s intentional. It’s a money maker. Unlike drugs, children can be used several times a day. So, Trump isn’t perfect, but he’s the most persecuted person I have ever seen by the people who are destroying our country. They have investigated this man and found nothing but contempt. Why? Because he has the proof. He said when he left DC that he had it all. That’s why they stole the election. Yes, that evidence is now coming out. I will be voting for him. Right now he’s the only person who can stop this madness in America. Then we can and will demand change. Or else.

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I agree with you. I'm glad you didn't let your abuser ruin your life. You sound like one strong woman.

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It Has to Be Someone's Job, Somewhere, to Do Something. Possibly "the man in the mirror" could comment, if he can be found.

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Most of us have smart phones. When we see something that doesn't make sense we should ask questions, discreetly take a picture. License plate. Ask the child if he/she is OK. Where is your mommy?

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I agree. I have great grand babies and I can’t imagine having them subjected to such evil. They are in Washington state and they want to remove the term registered sex offender because the wording is too harsh. Until these type of people see pictures like that they will never get it.

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D Burlin: It makes one hesitant to create a baby.

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This describes many of us, dear Elizabeth:

The Men Who Wanted to Be Left Alone

“The most terrifying force of death comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. The moment the Men who wanted to be left alone are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these Men who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. True terror will arrive at these people’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy… but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the Men who just wanted to be left alone.”

– Author Unknown

The reckoning is coming.

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Holy shit that’s perfect!

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That is what I thought when I read it. :-D

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You can't fight hate with hate. Gandhi stated it best when he said an eye for an eye makes everyone blind. Besides that is what got us into this mess to begin with...men who wanted to be left alone. Instead we need to be engaged in community, and not leave it up to others to run thing for us while we live in a bubble of consumption, or as arm chair warriors.

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How does hating pedophiles make us blind? I am perfectly okay with capital punishment for pedophiles. I don't need to seek understanding or tolerance for men who gain pleasure from raping and torturing children.

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Amazing what humanity will tolerate because we do not want to be considered as narrow minded. Look where that has gotten us.

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Must hate, which eventually destroys oneself, be employed to seek justice & remain steadfast in our convictions? I think not. To equate non-hatred with tolerance is to not be cognizant of one's will, One with our Creator, who is Love.

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Sorry but that ship sailed long ago. You can’t fight evil infant rapists with love.

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Oh fer gawds sake…..

..pictures and videos of child torture, slavery, dismemberment, sexual sacrifices are in your face in your school boards’ members computers, in your child social services agencies hard-drives, in an untold myriad of other access points! That’s your ‘community engagement’ horseshit.

No, it’s time men started SHOWING UP and women started SPEAKING UP in ..more dramatic, IMPACTful ways.

The talkers and pedophiles can stay the fuck home and talk amongst themselves.

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Pedophiles hate our children. I fight their hate with love. I love killing pedophiles. Killing pedophiles is real love. Love doesn't get any more real.

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Appreciate your point; I have been engaged in 'community' my whole adult life and at the ground level we continue the great traditions of freedom aside from political differences.

My point of posting that passage is for those of us who think they are above us. They are jailing us without due process and must be defeated - and they have no idea who they are prodding. We have been to war and have dangerous jobs - they have never had risk in their lives.

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Peodphiles aren’t hating. They’re possessed humans enacting devilish sinful acts upon innocent lives. We aren’t trying to hate them back 🤦🏻‍♀️ we want them dead or removed forever from civil society. But mostly dead. Read the Old Testament. There’s many times in the history of mankind it’s the right thing to do to kill humans who have allowed themselves to become void of humanity. Righteous anger.

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It is obscene to ask Israelis who watched their husbands, wives, and children be tortured, mutilated and burned to death to "engage in community" (whatever that means) with the Hamas leaders who ordered these atrocities.

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I'm not saying that or asking that. I was talking about Americans living in the U.S. who have a mind to let others run the show for them, and consume gleefully, to wake up and be a part of their local communities.

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Love isn’t keeping our children safe and our streets safe. We are a country of laws and when it comes time to self preservation, we will do what we need to do. It is not hate and even those words cannot reach those who hate us more.

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You are a dreamer. The world doesn’t work that way.

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I wanted to be left alone.

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I was going to write something but this trumps anything I would write. Well done.

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I am not surprised by this. At all. I was aware of this since the early 1990's and the 'Franklin Cover-Up'. This Old, OLD entrenched behavior. Not just years, not decades, not even Centuries- MILLENIA. Why do you think the Ancient of Days condemned anyone who would make their child 'Pass through the Fire to Baal?' Why do you think Jesus Christ said that anyone who harmed His Little Ones would be better off with a Millstone Wrapped around his neck and cast into the depths of the ocean?

Biden? BIDEN? Please. He's a second-stringer, perhaps 3rd. A Doddering Puppet, who has ALWAYS been a Puppet, serving his Masters like a good little lapdog.

The People who manage the world at the behest of their Powers and Principalties, are way above people like Pedo Joe. Trump as well. Whether or not he is a child-diddler or a criminal of some other stripe, the real rulers are way, way above him. He is not going to save us from ANYTHING.

And speaking of those who need to be saved, this is a good article, but I am troubled by something- Every time molested children are mentioned in any detail, it's always female. You DO realize Boys are abused at a rate that makes the sex of the child an irrelevant issue, yes? It would not surprise me if the video of that kid escaping Buckingham Palace is real, ESPECIALLY by how hard the Media that we KNOW Shamelessly lies to us, is trying to dismiss it. But is that a Girl or a Boy getting out the window? That's a Boy. (And regarding its veracity as a 'TV' Shoot- Where are the film cameras? Where is the the Huge Inflatable Stunt Pad that would HAVE TO BE THERE? I don't see any of that.)

I just hope that was an oversight. Also, once you understand that the Elite are literal Satanists, one understands that rejecting God's Law is something they insist on doing. Deliberately. The more fundamental the Law, the more they want to violate it. Molesting Children is horrible. Increasing the violation by making it a same sex violation, is something they would be HIGHLY motivated to do.

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Speaking of this element of intentional violation of God's Law, one of the best public pieces of evidence of what the Elite of the Elite do and WHY, is what goes on at Bohemian Grove, once every year. The importance of what goes on at the annual, 2-week long 'festival' cannot be understated. 3,000 of the World's most powerful men participate in an opening ceremony/play called, "The Cremation of Care".

There, in front of a 40ft Owl Statue, they burn an effigy of someone they name, "Dull Care". Even a cursory listen to what is said during this ritual makes it crystal clear that this Dull Care whom they hate so much & try to kill with fire every year, is none other that Jesus Christ of the Christian Bible.

So, essentially, they see Jesus as Evil, while they are the Heroic Servants of Satan. All the other political and ideological blather they spew is derived from this, their core ideology.

Once this is understood, all the actions that world governments take, from the apparent stupidity of our own (Punishing the January 6'ers, while giving the destruction wrought by Antifa & BLM their de facto blessing, Irresponsible Fiscal behavior, letting immigrants in by the millions... the list is endless), to Trudeau's savaging of the Peaceful Trucker's protest, make a great deal more sense. It is not bumbling incompetence, nor stupidity. It is deliberate, intentional evil.

Especially regarding the United States. We The Sheep have reached our time to be Sheared and they have been moving forward with that eagerly.

One cannot truly make sense of all this until you realize that Hatred of the morality and laws of the Most High, is fundamental to all they do.

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Si vis pacem, para bellum

Tactical before Strategic, Are We/Me/You Pre-pared???

"If/When" 2024 sElections follow 2022, 2020 ........ and No Matter "How" or "IF" 2024 goes down, there Will Be Chaos, imo.

"Why" wouldn't there be chaos??? Who/Whom is going to surrender??? Not They/Them for sure. So .....

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.” Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956

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You're a troll on so many Stack sites. Go away already.

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This is horrifying and I believe every word of it. I know liberals who are good people who shut their eyes to the truth., even though every 2 -3 months there will be articles in major papers of a roundup of and jailing of human traffickers in major cities. It is also horrifying that we have people who feed these monsters, they are the one who use the children, boys, girls and women who are trafficked. How did we as a society breed these monsters?

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They do govern us, in fact they own us because we sold our souls for money; Democracy means Free Stuff.

We sold our birthright for a century and they treat us as property. Why not?

You’re just upset they’re taking the rights of the Lord with the Children, and your money, and being Karen’s to you...

Now I’m a man, and this can mostly be traced to the 19th Amendment: so in the spirit of equality you go fight - because the men in America have nothing to fight for, you women own us if we even look at you.

You fight ladies; we’re done.

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"because the men in America have nothing to fight for, you women own us if we even look at you.

"You fight ladies; we’re done."

Wow. There's some Truth.

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This is so detailed, so richly WRITTEN, and so valuable again from ELIZABETH NICKSON. I'm upgrading to Paid and look forward to reading her 'Why Is Everything So Stupid' from last week. (Suggestion: Everything issuing from Corporate Overlords to us, the Consuming Public, is MEANT to increase stupidity through Cognitive Dissoance and Theft.) Five Stars and a Lifeboat for this one!

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I did the exact same thing three weeks ago in reaction to Elizabeth’s article on climate change. I’m now a paid subscriber and learning tons - from her and from commenters as well - with each new article. I hope this inspires others.

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My eyes were opened early in Trump’s presidency when I heard multiple unrelated interviews by various law enforcement officers at the southern border. Brutal, horrific interviews where the men telling their stories of what they had encountered, would breakdown, their voices cracking. (I can no longer find these interviews at all, btw) I had no idea this was going on at the time. I soon realized that I had read stories from victims over the years that somehow leaked out to MSM only to be quickly and summarily dismissed, usually by casting doubt on the victim as either mentally ill (a serial liar for example) or trying to gain attention etc. And that I had believed the media over the victim. When I really thought long and hard about it, I realized that these stories were all eerily similar - that on their own they were hard to swallow, but collectively they showed a clear and oft repeated pattern. “Tunnels under prominent buildings” “Satanic rituals” “drinking blood” “torture, rape” “famous, well-known people involved” “churches - my god so many churches” “police and child services involved”. From there I took a deeper look into stories like Pizzagate (another wacky conspiracy I had laughed off), until I learned more and more about the Podesta brothers. From there the dominoes just started falling. My husband and I went to a brewfest one weekend and I started noticing the name and symbols and numbers of one particular brewery that screamed pedophelia. I felt chills. It really is all around us if you know the language and symbolism. One last thought on learning this, coming to grips with this is extremely difficult and unsettling. My mental state was unwell for a while. My entire perspective on life, our day to day routines, our goals - everything felt infinitesimal in relation to exposing, stopping and saving these young children. But what can you do? What can you do??! Most people think you’re crazy? Adrenochrome? Really? You’re crazy! Biden is trafficking children?! What? No, Trump is the evil one! He admitted he grabbed a woman by her pussy!! And so on and so on and so on.........and then one day you’re pretty much back to living your normal life and it’s not so incapacitating anymore. Is that bad???!!! Elizabeth, what can we do???!

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We, many of us, are going to have t get comfortable with the idea of dying, and killing. Because we can not vote ourselves out of this. They’ve stole and corrupted the boxes that held our rights. The only box left is the cartridge box.

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I think we are going to have civil war in various parts of our country and we are going to see some cities burn and sink into the ashes.

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From ..”One last thought..” to the end is a brilliant summary of the stages of grief, really.

And the death of innocence and ignorance is indeed worthy of grief.

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Wow! Deep, and heavy. But necessary. Thank you for sharing your personal experience, Elizabeth.

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I can’t even talk. I want to see ppl removed from life. There’s just no fkng way these bastards get to live & control the world any longer. The problem is so far beyond belief, beyond acceptance, hideous...surely God Almighty is aware that the vast majority of us are repelled, we were not aware, we do not consent..surely He sees the multiple millions of His people who want these evil minions removed from living & hears our prayers. I await his next move & will enjoy watching the destruction of these hellions. I’ll also do anything & everything I can while I breathe to contribute to the cleansing of the world.

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Brenda Broley Cook: I felt as you do for many years. Now, that my children in their forties are not married, do not have children, don't own a house or a car... I don't give a shit.

My gene pool is dead and so is Humanity as far as I'm concerned.

Good luck with the lizards.

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I can't help thinking the the pervy friends of Epstein are just a distraction while the WEF prepares for the next Scamdemic to be released. As Gates promises = "The next one will really get their attention".

Can anyone give me an acceptable reason why and how Big Pharma (Pfizer, BioNtec, Moderna, J&J, etc) dictate that their DEADLY INJECTIONS are administered without LIABILITY being considered for the THOUSANDS of Vax Injuries and Vax related DEATHS that have become evident since the Covid EXPERIMENTAL jab was falsely pushed as "SAFE and EFFECTIVE" by all medics, politicians and those with financial interests in the successful roll-out of these DEPOPULATING CULLING poisons?

We, the people have now dismissed the CORRUPTED World Health Organisation as being obsolete and dangerous in their evil intensions and sinister interfering in matters relating to human health. On 30th November 2023 - We the people have terminated the existence of the WHO. We the people now retain total autonomy and Sovereignty over all health matters. We the people have spoken!

We are not machines - yet! No doubt the ineffective but harmful Covid mRNA Gene Modifying injections will modify the DNA of all 'vax participants' (aka; Muppets). They have been converted Can anyone give me an acceptable reason why and how Big Pharma (Pfizer, BioNtec, Moderna, J&J, etc) dictate that their DEADLY INJECTIONS are administered without LIABILITY being considered for the THOUSANDS of Vax Injuries and Vax related DEATHS that have become evident since the Covid EXPERIMENTAL jab was falsely pushed as "SAFE and EFFECTIVE" by all medics politicians and those with financial interests in the successful roll-out of thesew DEPOPULATING CULLING poisons? We, the people have now dismissed the CORRUPTED World Health Organisation as being obsolete and dangerous in their evil intensions and sinister interfering in matters relating to human health. On 30th November 2023 - We the people have terminated the existence of the WHO. We the people now retain total autonomy and Sovereignty over all health matters. We the people have spoken!

We are not machines - yet! No doubt the ineffective but harmful Covid mRNA Gene Modifying injections will alter the DNA of all 'vax participants' (aka; Muppets) into sub-human beings.

They are now more cooperative, submissive, obedient and willing 'Slave Workers' for the Elitists to exploit for their increased enjoyment of the 'other life', which is being stolen (eroded) with every new rule, law, instruction that the WEF controlled 'establishment' introduces.

Curtailing our movement with obligatory insistence that we use 'low-emission' (Electric) vehicles as well as restricting zonal permits are the obvious new steps that are 'dumbing us down'.

Restricting our ability to visit others to communicate our suspicions, fears and our concerns to reduce our dissent!

With Bill Gates having recently stated "The next one will get their attention", it is clear the WEF New World Order 'Elitists' have already formulated the next Scamdemic - which sounds as though it could be way more dangerous than Covid!

Make LIABILITY for all medicines, particularly the 'Experimental' injections, a paramount condition and essential in removing the 'dumbing down' process through the insertion of poisonous mRNA Gene Editing solutions.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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In order for the pharmaceutical companies to continue to make and market their vaccines, they wouldn’t continue to do so until the ability for civil action was removed. If I’m not mistaken, it was President Regan who made this decision and allowed them to get away with murder. Remember, the FDA, CDC, and the other heath administrations were behind pushing this garbage. Doctors were paid bonuses for meeting their quotas.

My own parents were convinced by their family physician to get the vaccines that very day of their appointment. No need to let me out the door so the family can change their minds again. I just found out my mom has cancer again. Different kind than the last time. Yes, she is the mom who was sorry to hear her own daughter was wacky enough to think our own government would allow a vaccine that would kill or destroy her health. I am sure she would never admit I was right. It’s easier to think I’m crazy I guess.

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Bret Weinstein was Mr. Lockdown. He's a narrative manager who keeps us on the trajectory to hell with his virus nonsense and his praise of the potentials of mRNA technology. Tucker platforms these types.

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Not surprised.

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Exactly what I was thinking, just didn't know his name. Love your writing tag name.

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Yes, correct. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us. The link to 'X' and the one guy who is going to be the next savior thing just doesn't wash. Each of us will have to do what is necessary to wake up and make changes. I think Whitney Webb says it best here: https://rumble.com/v44zfe0-january-3-2024.html?start=3501

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I just watched the relevant (to your point) few minutes of this, and have to disagree: while of course we each must do what we can and take responsibility for what we can in our respective realms of influence, it does make a great deal of difference who takes political power. Surely things were getting better on so many levels when Trump was in office, even as hindered as he was by deep state operatives functioning through the bureaucracy. No one can deny the global catastrophes (plural) currently detonating world economies and the very social fabric itself, since the 2020 coup by the DemonRats. I don't heroize Trump but see reality for what it is.

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I would respectfully disagree about things getting better on so many levels when President Trump was in office. The dismantling of the West slowed a bit, and now is in free fall. The problems still persisted under President Trump. Here's an excellent case in point: https://substack.com/home/post/p-135677299?selection=eae89ae5-5576-4b75-a64a-6f7e0c15b3b4#:~:text=The%20importance%20of%20this%20cannot%20be%20overstated

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Can you just summarize from this article that which makes your point? Russia, and the global elites, both sought over many decades to demoralize and disempower us.

That "the dismantling of the West slowed a bit", should be evidence enough that despite the global effort to destroy us, Trump at least held it at bay for his time in office.

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Bret Weinstein, can you speak into the microphone and discuss a bit of your family history with us? Who was your father and what was his involvement with Thalidomide? How can you be friends with Robert Malone knowing that Malone has also NOT been forthright about his involvement with the Kissinger "live exercises." Robert Malone who cannot remember where he was the day of 9/11. Add the third Muskateer of Steve Kirsch and you have a trilogy of Gate Keepers. (Sources: @realgeorgewebb1 on Twitter; georgewebb.substack.com; Housatonic Live on YT; housatonicITS.com [extensive repository of people, places and 'things']; The Duke Report on Rumble; thedukereport.com.)

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Thank you. He is just a lying load of bullshit. He and Bari Weiss and all the rest of the Israel defending CON INC. American Jewish contingent. They don't give one iota about us.

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Elizabeth, I agree 1,000%! I must add a clarification, the tourist video was for a tv show here stateside called, “The Royals” from 2015. I even didn’t believe the tv show when I initially saw it and had to Google street view Buckingham Palace from every angle.


I did wish to ask as I dug and dug, but couldn’t find verification of the children onboard the Evergreen (Ever Given?) before, can you point me onto further reading? Thank you, Elizabeth! Appreciate your no holds barred approach!! ❤️

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The election wasn't stolen. We don't have real elections. Elections are theater. "elections" are decided well in advance.

None of these DC politicians have real decision making power. They are actors, reading the script that was given to them. Politicians are middle managers and astute criminals, all of em.

The people that truly own and run this world are the banking families. Politicians shake in their boots when these people speak.

I don't offer options because I don't have any right now, like most people stuck in this rabbit hole. I just know elections are a stage play.

So I spread awareness, because right now, its vital. This entire control grid has been developed and tuned to a point that we are truly in a jam. I'm not suggesting to give up. But we are well and truly fucked.

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Only if we/me/you Agree to be f'cked. You can determine to "Live Free or Die", as in 1775.

The "outcome" is actually our individual decisions actions when confronted with Evil/Tyranny.

We only have to Rule Ourself to Win. Simple and Difficult at the same time.

Si vis pacem, para bellum. CYA = conduct yourself accordingly. All the best.

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Your last line begets hopelessness. I write about our greatest option. There is only one ultimately. Everything else falls beneath it.

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