Apr 13Liked by elizabeth nickson

A few years ago, a good fiend of mine said, "All government does is ruin lives and steal money. " That pretty much sums it up. In an intereview, one of the Weinstein brothers (Eric or Bret) was asked what government agencies are trustworthy. He thought for a minute and said, "The FAA and the Coast Guard." I'm not so sure about the FAA, with their stated goal of pushing DEI. I'll guess the only time any of us would be 100% overjoyed to see a government agency show up is when we're clinging to a sinking boat.

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Great Article by Elizabeth Nickson. "Green Energy" is the ultimate con game. I'd add "virgin births" but that might piss some people off. All energy is dirty and all births start with a bloody screaming infant in bed with a naked woman, and it gets worse from there.

Governor Gruesome of California decided to keep the one nuclear power plant in the state open for a few extra years because he HAD TO. Without that nuke plant people would have no electricity and demand Gavin's head on a pike. Gov. Gruesome is facing another recall election. Canadians hate the carbon tax and want to throw out Turdeau. The Climate Change "green" energy turd is stinking up the house.

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I used to worry to death about us, this country, failing because of BS like the current (illegitimate) administration and their farcical agenda for so-called green energy — especially since not one of them have worked a single day in their lives in the electric power industry. Like one of my mentors in the industry used to tell me, “let the children fail” — because at their core, that’s what these elites are: They’re spoiled children who don’t know the value of a damned thing.

Really enjoyed your article — thank you!

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Apr 13·edited Apr 13

In 2022, Jeff Currie (Global head of commodities at Goldman) gave an interview where he stated:

“let’s look at how much did the greens investment give us? Here’s a stat for you, as of January of this year. At the end of last year, overall, fossil fuels represented 81 percent of overall energy consumption. Ten years ago, they were at 82. So though, all of that investment in renewables, you’re talking about 3.8 trillion, let me repeat that $3.8 trillion of investment in renewables moved fossil fuel consumption from 82 to 81 percent, of the overall energy consumption. But you know, given the recent events [Russia/Ukraine] and what’s happened with the loss of gas and replacing it with coal, that number is likely above 82.l

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Apr 13Liked by elizabeth nickson

Wonderful read, Elizabeth

You have a knack for hitting hard with your reports. I respect that. Truth needs to cut no corners, but be proclaimed loudly and frequently, with no quarter given.

In a similar but different (and less life-threatening) scenario, remember during the Hussein era of "too big to fail" bailouts, when GM and Chrysler were essentially removed from private ownership and transferred to "the "Murican public" as overseers?

As a board member (presumably) I never once was privy to any financials or anything else, were you?

And, before you knew it, we were displaced as "owners" and the mega corporations were officially turned over to the AFL-CIO union folks. Wow, that was an underwhelming stint of auto corporation ownership for the "Murican citizenry, no?

Completely unrelated, but worth a stroll down memory lane anyway.....Does anybody remember what Hussein's nearly first official action was post-inauguration? He issued a EO mandating a specific tax increase be levied, in a spirit of binding us together, he issued an additional feral tax to be collected on tanning salons. Tanning salons. OK, Mr. BLM not MLK, ever. Point taken. You were simply looking out for whitey's health, right? Not making a statement on your racial preferences.

And, surprisingly(!) those racist and commie views have only become more obvious since then. Who could have seen that coming?

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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The premise of the entire climate grift is a complete lie.

But even if we were to believe that the use of fossil fuels was a real problem, the total refusal to even acknowledge nuclear power as a viable option tells you everything you need to know.

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Well stated. The green agenda is truly the Trojan Horse of our time designed to gain entry into our lives and cultures for many other hidden and evil objectives. Green is vague, nebulous and without truly objective science or data. Very much like a religion or cult, it promises everything on faith. And the true believers are hooked. Most westerners have long ago had the religion (Christianity) beaten out of them and replaced with nihilism, socialism or some other form of joining. Our genetic desire to be part of something bigger than ourselves has been stealthily replaced by every evil leftist cause. Many of us resist and fight on. Notably you Elizabeth and I thank you for your work. I too shall do my small part. I do believe the good in us all will eventually win. Not easily but inevitable. Until then I shall pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.

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Apr 13Liked by elizabeth nickson

You are 100% correct, Liz. Drill deep into your local 'power companies' that are fueling all of this nonsense noting that they are 'public-private partnerships' in ripping you off. Power companies WANT EVs(et al) so they can further drive pricing based on a faulty electrical grid. Learn it, folks.

Here in rural MN the power 'company's' are paying our blessed farmers to cover our most fertile soil with wretched solar panels that contribute maybe 5 hours per day of 'energy'. Once they fail(< 15 years) they will drain their cadmium waste onto said fertile soil. Note that cadmium was outlawed in manufacturing here in the 90s...

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Might I suggest a minor edit:

Perhaps the observation, "Substack is the only medium not controlled by the deep state", might be more accurately phrased, "Substack is the only medium not YET controlled by the deep state".

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Developers with no money but a dream of using someone else’s money to fund their dream which also coincides with becoming generationally wealthy are the key drivers of wind and solar development, along with the lobbyists that keep the investment tax credits (ITC’s) and production tax credits (PTC’s) available to support the wind and solar impedance on grid operations. The investor owned utilities (IOU’s) could care less one way or the other, deregulation put them in a postion to raise rates anytime market fluctuations on the power generation side affected their prices to the rate payer, aka the tax payers. They hide their malfeasance in transportation and delivery charges, which you see every month on your electric power bill. There is nothing to see here folks, move along. In North American our forests are over grown and so unhealthy and pest infested that they blow down and or burn out of control or both. The restoration attempts of the various anadromous and catadromous fish species on both coasts of North America are massive failures and have cost billions, and adding insult to injury are causing 1000’s of green energy hydro electricity to be mothballed and or removed at tax payer expense. However if you are an XRay thin white woman socialite living in a plastic world of fantasy in the Stepford Wives worlds of the east and west coast elite water holes, confident in your castrated husband’s ability to make a ton of money so you’re biological male children can wear mascara to private schools that virtue signal their DIE commitment and compliance than it is all good and surely uncle Joe and the grifters in DC will get your vote. Well hon, it’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye…75% of the nation can’t be docile forever. Sooner or later they will get mad, and they will get even. History bears this out time and time and time again.

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I used to commute to Fremont, CA for work during Barry The Dividers first term. The old Toyota plant had been "given" to two start-ups under Barry's green scheme. One was Solyndra...and, the other...Tesla. I used to count the cars in the lot and, having raised venture capital in the tech space --- I try to figure out how much money they were burning through. Going for venture money is hard. Going for government money is easy by comparison - and there is more of it. My rule of thumb, any idea so bad that the venture guys won't touch it....means it is a bad idea. The venture guys watch the progress and then swoop in to "privatize" things if they see success. Put another way - the "seed" money is government and the loss is us. But..the win goes to the venture capital guys. Just like you pointed out.

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Apr 13·edited Apr 13

The Green Thing's a complete scam. I live on the edge of Toronto's Rosedale and am SICK of seeing all of the Teslas. Totally useless. Their drivers are also rude and entitled. I'm also infuriated when commentators on the Left keep pointing out that the stock market's up. Reminder: The people struggling to decide whether to keep their family warm OR fed don't have any money to invest in the stock market. It's the upper- and upper-middle classes who do. These people, when they still went to church and honoured biblical principles, used to practise noblesse oblige. Today: What's that?

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Great article Elizabeth. The climate change hoax will start killing millions of human beings if we don’t stop it, by force if required. Solar panels and wind mills are extremely low density energy sources. They pollute the landscape and harm the natural environment. Nuclear power is our greatest possible solution globally. Until that, natural gas and oil for transportation are required sources.

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So here’s a laugh for you. In Southern California they are being told to conserve water because it’s drought that never ends.

, only problem is they had record rainfall this winter and spring and so in an attempt to get back the money from all the citizens who cut their water use and removed their lawns they now say they are raising the water bill and wait for it… because not enough water is being used! And they say they need revenue to update facilities!! It’s a con job that never ends. Will the money update facilities? I’ve been hearing about that since I was born.

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The thievery continues because consumers allow themselves to be raped by corporations and governments. Do you need a $200 phone bill, a $200 cable bill, a $700 car payment or spend $500/night in some swanky villa?

Governments by their nature can never be ethical. That would mean that the citizen would be in control. Never going to happen. They will use any means necessary to control your life and that also means over-marketing you to death whereby you become a slave to over-consuming.

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Not trying to be mean here, but Substack is 'trustworthy' until it isn't. It disturbs me greatly that in the last 15 years almost all online conversation has shifted to Social Media (Of which I am including this platform). Cripes even Gmail is more secure than these sites. Where did people get the idea that email isn't to be used for personal communication any more? Creepy.

Anyway, on-topic, yes Green Energy is just a trap, it's the ultimate dodge in 'looking virtuous' while doing NOTHING.

The 'People are a Virus' crowd won a stupendous victory at Three Mile Island, and we never reconsidered it. Despite the fact that Nuclear Energy is the cleanest, most efficient and least damaging to the environment, source of power we have, it hasn't even been on the table for over 40 years.

I was 14 when 'Back to the Future' came out in 1985. At the end of that film, Doc Brown had been to the far-off year of 2015 & reconfigured his Delorean with a 'Mr. Fusion'. Not only should we have had such a mature application of Fusion Technology a decade ago, we should have had it back in 1985! (Films love to mock us with what actually exists, and pitching it as a far-off future.)

In 1960, the US Military had already developed PORTABLE Fission Generators (About the size of a regular Van). Think about that- In less than 15 years Fission Power had already matured to such a state.

We haven't advanced technologically in any tangible sense, since the 60's. Distracted by the Shiny Beads of Smartphones, The Powers That Be have been taking us back to Pesantry, while getting many to believe we're heading into a bright and shiny future.

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