The government has morphed into the very same aliens who we fear will come to earth one day and destroy it. After all, people working in government need something to do and always need to justify their outrageous spending and budgets. Does anyone really know what DARPA is? Does anyone have a handle on what the Pantygon really does? The only national security we require is to be safe and secure from a tyrannical and wretched anti-human government.
I would venture to surmise that Satan is a non discriminating murderer, liar and thief. Those untoward souls that are in open rebellion against God and his commandments have found lucrative employment in the public/private sectors of our culture. If the devil and his minions cannot take physical possession of people's bodies, then they will take what they covet through force and fraud. Official killboxes like jails, prisons, hospitals and rest homes will eventually give way to a free for all. The vanity of fearing those who can kill the body has not supplanted the warning that Jesus gave us about who we really should fear. There are still some of us that remember that life is more than the body. Jesus Christ is a non discriminating Savior, at least to those who have heard the call to repent.
Here’s a DARPA program, paraphrasing, enhancement of sniper performance. DARPA’s phd psychologists had an entire program just to improve focus and performance of air force pilots and covert snipers.
You are 100 percent correct though, gravy trains like this program juggling the math in presentations to the generals to get budget.
EVERYTHING is based on obtaining funding and the budget for all the salaries for those folks.
As well as planting profs into universities to indoctrinate/brainwash the illiterate, ignorant and naive into remaining so. Imperative to create and maintain STUPIDITY; the inability for independent thinking to avoid creating intellect capable of questioning. Education is as infiltrated with enemy Intel Agents, if not more so, than any other institution except media.
All measures for Intellect have profound numerical values proving complete lack of both 'Inductive' and 'Deductive' Reasoning Skills among the young at this time. Without skills and developed instinct to allow both; there is NO learning and no ability to resolve any social issue inclusive of TREASON among Establishment forces.
The Dulles Bros and their accomplices loved Nazis. They brought over 1000 of them here. The Green Beret who committed suicide outside the Trump hotel wrote his suicide note about this what you have been writing about. I think something absolutely terrible is coming. I'm glad I'm old.
I do not believe for a second that said suicide note is genuine. He was murdered and then sent on a post-death “suicide” mission in a self driving truck. Bomb was detonated remotely. This is the only theory so far that reconciles all of the facts.
This opened my eyes to the existence of utter evil of and what it would do to a good man. Destroy him, put blame on him and then sit back and watch the masses go at it to develop competing narratives to hide the true plans. Oh, I’ve been aware of the evil for a long time but this put a final nail in it. It all makes my skin crawl. Just like when I realized the Covid evil almost in a flash, I’m not sure I can even express what I’m feeling.
So many things don’t add up. Surely a Green Beret could come up with a more effective device than some cans of white camping gas and firework mortars? And when was the last time the FIB released pictures from the scene (burned military ID) within 48 hours of an event ? Sounds to me like they intend to put all domestic veterans under suspicion just in time for the Patriot Act to be dismantled. “We can’t defund that budget! Who is going to fight all this domestic terrorism?”
I agree, and think sending a Tesla Cybertruck to be blown up in front of a Trump Hotel is intended as a warning to both of them. I hope they have the resources- and patriotic assistance- to deal with a mortal threat.
I live in Thailand. I'd never return to the West. It's too much like the world is holding its breath. But yes, what an earlier commenter said really resonates, that we haven't forgotten that most of our existence is outside this corporeal mortal frame. It's crucial to take that onboard. Don't pretend absurdly that this is all there is. HOW we conduct our lives is 100% who/what we are. Yes, things are brutally going south. We're at some major inflection point.
The #1 alien presence in God's Eternal Kingdom is Satan. Read Ezekiel chapter 28 for a description of Satan's creation and demise into apostasy and rebellion. If you read it, don't be misled by the stupid "king of Tyre" nomenclature, added by a clever translator to misdirect the unwary. Then, for a report of Satan's current status among us, read Luke chapter 4, verses five, six & seven. The glory and power of this dying world Satan offers Jesus in a moment of time is what these deep state mooks are working with, and working for. Do not be deceived.
Everything, absolutely EVERYTHING about being a human being is spiritual. Life itself is spiritual. Every characteristic of human life that means anything to anyone, even the worst of us, is a spiritual characteristic. The atomic material of human flesh has no indigenous spiritual character. When the Breath of God's Life is gone, a body of flesh falls down, dead.
From the Garden of Eden to the moment, Satan has done all God allows to tempt whomever is willing to be tempted with notions that diminish and finally destroy one's appreciation for spiritual things. It's working, ain't it? Satan knows how to build a better spaceship and he'll be glad to show you the plans...just sign your name in blood here on the dotted line.
Lotta people need to wise up. The experience that we call "life" in this dying world is mostly a spiritual experience with atomic overtones of material appearance. But when you get right down to it, even the atoms of our bodies are nothing more than positive (+) and negative (-) energies, arranged by the Creator's Skill into a few elements that we call atomic.
Yes. I don’t believe in physical aliens from other planets, but I do believe that Satan can manipulate matter into alien forms to deceive us. And he can appear as an angel of light to deceive, if it were possible, the very elect. These Satanic manifestations deceive those Elizabeth speaks of, promising them the endless wealth and power they crave, while at the same time, also under Satan’s guidance, they push on us the mind control and depravity and vaccines and geoengineering and carbon craziness that Satan intends to destroy all of God’s creation.
OK, mind blown. Thank you, Elizabeth for the summary of info I would have, five years ago, thought crazy. I may be late to the party, but I've had the vague sense since I was a kid years that we are being demoralized on purpose, but couldn't see who was doing this, for what ends, and how these efforts are connected. My focus now is on the hopeful message you've peppered through the piece. The good people are here, not hysterical, prepared to recover humanity's rightful inheritance of the truth, and the knowledge that changes everything. I'm going to meditate on this right now, and see if I can understand how "immunization" can be strengthened.
A great post for certain. Only one complaint is about the aliens. As a Christian, I do not believe in aliens in the traditional sense but I do absolutely believe in Satan, his fallen angels, and the minions he has spawned.
Great, dark, and evil powers rule this planet until Jesus Christ comes to take it back. These evil beings are highly intelligent and advanced and capable of just about anything yet fall far short of God’s power as they were only angels not gods. I believe what people may have seen are indeed Satan’s army.
Until a body(ies) and aircraft(s) have been wheeled out for worldwide, public viewing, examination, and scrutiny, I’m going to believe that for the most part, “aliens” are simply another psyop.
Great writing, Elizabeth! It is apparent that what we have long feared is real. Our government is controlled by personalities that have been subsumed by indulgence, psychopaths and the purely beastial. God help us all.
THANK YOU Elizabeth! THANK YOU for your sacrifices. THANK YOU for the time spent in reading between the lines and connecting dots. THANK YOU for breaking it all down and presenting it to us, the hungry readers. THANK YOU for allowing the pain in your life to be turned to good. (ie: your mom's story, etc) THANK YOU for your willingness to offer your material for free. THANK YOU for standing up to these evil "do-gooders"! Please, dear fellow readers consider supporting Elizabeth with a PAID SUBSCRIPTION. (This is not a paid promotion, LOL, just a thankful heart)
I’ve attempted to make sense of Dr. Stephan Greer’s interviews and lectures. He lost me with his assertions he’s “in mental contact with extraterrestrials” and, if I subscribe to his blogs, he can teach me how to talk to them myself. I’m not going there. The man gives off the vibes of a paranoid schizophrenic. I am thoroughly convinced he’s a pawn in the establishment’s “Alien Invasion” disinformation psy-op.
So what’s going on? I don’t know. But I’ve followed this stuff closely for decades with an engineer’s skepticism. I am still convinced the UFO/UAP/Abduction phenomena are real, just not “extraterrestrial” in origin. As a thought experiment, consider the emergent narratives the establishment urges us to avoid: 1) Prehistoric technological civilizations wiped out by cyclical cataclysms, 2) Transfer of Nazi occult practices to the West after WWII, 3) Ancient religious texts referring to what we’d recognize as technology today, 4) An organized “Freemasonic” underworld manifesting itself as globalism, fanatical secularism, depopulation cults, and anti-Christian governments. The list could go on. My point, I guess (I don’t obsess on these things so I apologize for thinking as I write) is that there’s a parallel, sinister, Godless civilization of “elites” and their minions living beside our own, doing their own thing, but doing it to *us*. Those four (of many) “conspiracy theories” listed above hint of a surviving ancient culture, perhaps predating recorded history, whose members we wouldn’t recognize as human if we met them. We might mistake them for “aliens.” And they’d be just fine with our confusion, as it would protect them and their elite human servants. Just a thought experiment is all. An unseen civilization existing beside our own that thinks less of us than we our own livestock. I'll conclude with the words of Drs. Jacques Valleé and Robert Hynek, in their final report to the USAF on the UFO/Abduction phenomena: “These things appear to be real, but not necessarily extraterrestrial. It seems more likely they are of the extradimensional or supernatural domains.” Since that official conclusion, the media establishment has tended to avoid the Hynek-Valleé analyses in favor of the fake, bombastic “Ancient Aliens” fuquery. But, as we’ve learned the hard way, it’s usually more profitable to look where the authorities tell us not to. I enjoyed your article today. Praying for peace and closure for you and your family. [Edited for typos, word clarity, nothing else.]
Are you seriously that fucking stupid??? You clearly know nothing about the Khazarian Mafia. This is the second time I've had that reaction to KM which is only further proof of their ability to deceive. Unless you want to continue living in lies you will get educated and leave the left behind. You're welcome.
The US Government is a corporation-not the illusionary Constitutional Repubic that is the "law of the land". A corporation serves its stockholder (illegal Federal reserve bankers) and we the people are subjects per the British empire. You have to look at Porton Downs/Tavistock, and dulles came to US via Cromwell & Sullivan. Operation Matchbox and Paperclip-know history and who the real enemy is!.
Precisely. According to Rod Dreher, whom I respect greatly, there isn't a scientist who has investigated UAP who has come away believing they are anything other than demonic.
Diana Pasulka is the leading scholar who is currently writing about this. Much of her work is based on the work of Jacques Vallee, the man who inspired the creation of the Francois Truffaut character in Close Encounters of The Third Kind.
I admire Miss Nickson's work a great deal. I recommend that everyone who hasn't seen it watch Tucker Carlson's latest interview. It is with a man who is former CIA director of counterterrorism, and is hilariously if unintentionally revelatory of how deeply untrustworthy our spooks are, and how right we are to suspect them of all sorts of villainy.
But until people such as Miss Nickson understand the reality of the demonic, and its influence throughout the lives of all nonChristians, she is missing the vile thing which ties it all together.
Whatever other dimension it might be in, it is also fully in a dimension written by fallible and easily corrupted human beings instead of by an omniscient and loving creator.
Hmm. Doesn’t His trips between Heaven, Hell and Earth make Him capable of being “outside the land/earth”? Being Fully Man for an infinitesimal part of his life doesn’t restrict Him from being extraterrestrial. Indeed, He is not restricted by any of our lowly understandings of time, space, physics and logic.
The evidence of alien presence for millennia is overwhelming. Do always strive to recognize your own blind spots. It can be quite freeing when another puzzle piece falls into place and EXPLAINS SO MUCH.
There are portions of the world’s population that despise the United States. They have sound reasons. We now face the very real prospect of the blow back from the immediacy of the last “20 years wars” and it is going to be bad. It is hard to reconcile the latest “terror “ events, they seem a side show to what’s coming. Al-Qaeda and Isis are reconstituted, training camps abound in Afghanistan, various levels of training for various and sundry terror attacks which are past planning stage. This level of training is well beyond the grainy footage of trainees running an obstacle course whilst dodging live rounds from an AK-47. They are in the States already, heavily armed, prepared for maximum destruction. The extremists have a notion of their history and it extends for 1000’s of years and their hatred toward the West, especially the USA, for the last couple of decades is seething and blistering hot. Get ready for the Patriot Act on steroids, they will need it and it will not further the protection of the American people, rather it will further their demise. Western Europe will be ravaged, but western Europe is lost, has been since the end of WWII. The question is whether the Trump administration in drying up their piggy banks with our defense dollars will expedite the demise. Heads on a swivel, if it looks and seems and feels bad, trust your feelings. Going to the grocery store? Forget it, you’re going down range and when you leave the wire, rounds in the chamber, weapon on safe, but senses alive. There is nothing like the immediate realization of one’s hanging by the neck that clarifies the mind.
It's easier to believe that the fallen angels described in the Bible rather than aliens from some other planet or dimension are responsible for the advanced tech and the deprivations of those in a sector of the military industrial complex.
"Really I am a country woman and what I want is a rifle and permission to put down a rabid dog. Dogs." . . . You are a jewel Elizabeth - Happy New Year and absolute thanks for your brilliant research and writing!
You might be interested in my story ; I’m targeted as a non investigative subject in an illegal criminal government sponsored program. My main page has been sidelined and now I can only sign in under my pseudonym Jades’ Radical Candor; which is my rebound attempt at getting back into Substack after my original page was hijacked .
Your story has become all too familiar to those who know they've been intentionally targeted (on this list or that list) of Individuals under a silent siege. This is especially true of former Monarch programing/ MK Utra recluses who do not share relational values with their detractors.
I had to chuckle when Elizabeth said: " All parallel today’s idiocy. Really I am a country woman and what I want is a rifle and permission to put down a rabid dog. Dogs." The pack mentality seems impossible to define from our limited perspectives, and as far as I can tell the only difference between packs of stupid people and evil people are that "Special Kind of Stupid (My tribe is better than your tribe) paradigm. Seeing various narcissistic personalities on full display naturally invokes the impulse to want to bitch slap them back into the shared and common reality that we all are cognitive of. I have come to the conclusion of a more modern proverb along the lines of "War does not determine who is right, War only determines who is left". Like the patient in the movie "The Big Red One" a resident of the asylum picks up a dead soldiers rifle and starts killing his fellow residents, and declares "I'm just like them now, I'm sane, I'm sane!"
I hadn't seen King of Hearts, but I do remember that scene from an old WW2 film where the Americans and Germans were in a firefight in a sanatorium. The only permission that Elizabeth or anyone else needs put down rabid dogs is Gods, if it is his will, their manifold weapons will not prevail against extricating oneself from a fate that makes death preferable. A time for every purpose under heaven, and there's a reason that choices are hard for the those who take no pleasure in the death of the wicked.
The US is, to all intents and purposes, an occupied country, occupied by an enemy power. The Constitution and all its institutions have been thoroughly subverted. This enemy power has been sucking resources out of the US for more than a century to fund its global operations.
Meh, it's a many-layered veil. Zionists, most of whom are not Jewish, hide behind Jews/Jewishness/antisemitism. Hiding behind the Zionists are The Black Nobility of Venice, who originated in ancient Babylon as descendants of the sons of god and the daughters of men. The deception is very old and very deep.
Black Nobility, Khazarian Mafia, Illuminati, Freemasons, pretty much all the same. Masters of deception parading around as Jews committing unspeakable demonic crimes IMO are what caused antisemitism to begin with. Sad that more people are unaware of who they are.
The government has morphed into the very same aliens who we fear will come to earth one day and destroy it. After all, people working in government need something to do and always need to justify their outrageous spending and budgets. Does anyone really know what DARPA is? Does anyone have a handle on what the Pantygon really does? The only national security we require is to be safe and secure from a tyrannical and wretched anti-human government.
I would venture to surmise that Satan is a non discriminating murderer, liar and thief. Those untoward souls that are in open rebellion against God and his commandments have found lucrative employment in the public/private sectors of our culture. If the devil and his minions cannot take physical possession of people's bodies, then they will take what they covet through force and fraud. Official killboxes like jails, prisons, hospitals and rest homes will eventually give way to a free for all. The vanity of fearing those who can kill the body has not supplanted the warning that Jesus gave us about who we really should fear. There are still some of us that remember that life is more than the body. Jesus Christ is a non discriminating Savior, at least to those who have heard the call to repent.
Well said!
Here’s a DARPA program, paraphrasing, enhancement of sniper performance. DARPA’s phd psychologists had an entire program just to improve focus and performance of air force pilots and covert snipers.
You are 100 percent correct though, gravy trains like this program juggling the math in presentations to the generals to get budget.
EVERYTHING is based on obtaining funding and the budget for all the salaries for those folks.
As well as planting profs into universities to indoctrinate/brainwash the illiterate, ignorant and naive into remaining so. Imperative to create and maintain STUPIDITY; the inability for independent thinking to avoid creating intellect capable of questioning. Education is as infiltrated with enemy Intel Agents, if not more so, than any other institution except media.
All measures for Intellect have profound numerical values proving complete lack of both 'Inductive' and 'Deductive' Reasoning Skills among the young at this time. Without skills and developed instinct to allow both; there is NO learning and no ability to resolve any social issue inclusive of TREASON among Establishment forces.
The Pentagon supports the Military Industrial Complex with nearly unlimited funds. Endless wars keep the money flowing.
I’d add the elusive border security.
The Dulles Bros and their accomplices loved Nazis. They brought over 1000 of them here. The Green Beret who committed suicide outside the Trump hotel wrote his suicide note about this what you have been writing about. I think something absolutely terrible is coming. I'm glad I'm old.
I do not believe for a second that said suicide note is genuine. He was murdered and then sent on a post-death “suicide” mission in a self driving truck. Bomb was detonated remotely. This is the only theory so far that reconciles all of the facts.
This opened my eyes to the existence of utter evil of and what it would do to a good man. Destroy him, put blame on him and then sit back and watch the masses go at it to develop competing narratives to hide the true plans. Oh, I’ve been aware of the evil for a long time but this put a final nail in it. It all makes my skin crawl. Just like when I realized the Covid evil almost in a flash, I’m not sure I can even express what I’m feeling.
So many things don’t add up. Surely a Green Beret could come up with a more effective device than some cans of white camping gas and firework mortars? And when was the last time the FIB released pictures from the scene (burned military ID) within 48 hours of an event ? Sounds to me like they intend to put all domestic veterans under suspicion just in time for the Patriot Act to be dismantled. “We can’t defund that budget! Who is going to fight all this domestic terrorism?”
I suggest you watch both Shawn Ryan's podcast and Alex Jones report =both came out on Friday.
On X 1/2 the people are embracing the e-mail the other 1/2 are
saying FRAUD. The fact that we have too much information to quickly
from TPTB, is disturbing.
Think what you want about this exposure of Shawn's guest.
"And when was the last time the FIB released pictures from the scene (burned military ID)"- try 9-11.
Unless the bomb was on a timer he was either killed or suicided before the explosion. The whole scenario as presented makes no sense.
I agree, it was faked to support the lie that MAGA supporters are potential terrorists.
Re: Livelsberger and the Elon tank truck Vegas blow-up, here's more intel --
I agree, and think sending a Tesla Cybertruck to be blown up in front of a Trump Hotel is intended as a warning to both of them. I hope they have the resources- and patriotic assistance- to deal with a mortal threat.
I think he was fired, for good cause, by a Trump property.
I live in Thailand. I'd never return to the West. It's too much like the world is holding its breath. But yes, what an earlier commenter said really resonates, that we haven't forgotten that most of our existence is outside this corporeal mortal frame. It's crucial to take that onboard. Don't pretend absurdly that this is all there is. HOW we conduct our lives is 100% who/what we are. Yes, things are brutally going south. We're at some major inflection point.
The #1 alien presence in God's Eternal Kingdom is Satan. Read Ezekiel chapter 28 for a description of Satan's creation and demise into apostasy and rebellion. If you read it, don't be misled by the stupid "king of Tyre" nomenclature, added by a clever translator to misdirect the unwary. Then, for a report of Satan's current status among us, read Luke chapter 4, verses five, six & seven. The glory and power of this dying world Satan offers Jesus in a moment of time is what these deep state mooks are working with, and working for. Do not be deceived.
Everything, absolutely EVERYTHING about being a human being is spiritual. Life itself is spiritual. Every characteristic of human life that means anything to anyone, even the worst of us, is a spiritual characteristic. The atomic material of human flesh has no indigenous spiritual character. When the Breath of God's Life is gone, a body of flesh falls down, dead.
From the Garden of Eden to the moment, Satan has done all God allows to tempt whomever is willing to be tempted with notions that diminish and finally destroy one's appreciation for spiritual things. It's working, ain't it? Satan knows how to build a better spaceship and he'll be glad to show you the plans...just sign your name in blood here on the dotted line.
Lotta people need to wise up. The experience that we call "life" in this dying world is mostly a spiritual experience with atomic overtones of material appearance. But when you get right down to it, even the atoms of our bodies are nothing more than positive (+) and negative (-) energies, arranged by the Creator's Skill into a few elements that we call atomic.
Yes. I don’t believe in physical aliens from other planets, but I do believe that Satan can manipulate matter into alien forms to deceive us. And he can appear as an angel of light to deceive, if it were possible, the very elect. These Satanic manifestations deceive those Elizabeth speaks of, promising them the endless wealth and power they crave, while at the same time, also under Satan’s guidance, they push on us the mind control and depravity and vaccines and geoengineering and carbon craziness that Satan intends to destroy all of God’s creation.
OK, mind blown. Thank you, Elizabeth for the summary of info I would have, five years ago, thought crazy. I may be late to the party, but I've had the vague sense since I was a kid years that we are being demoralized on purpose, but couldn't see who was doing this, for what ends, and how these efforts are connected. My focus now is on the hopeful message you've peppered through the piece. The good people are here, not hysterical, prepared to recover humanity's rightful inheritance of the truth, and the knowledge that changes everything. I'm going to meditate on this right now, and see if I can understand how "immunization" can be strengthened.
A great post for certain. Only one complaint is about the aliens. As a Christian, I do not believe in aliens in the traditional sense but I do absolutely believe in Satan, his fallen angels, and the minions he has spawned.
Great, dark, and evil powers rule this planet until Jesus Christ comes to take it back. These evil beings are highly intelligent and advanced and capable of just about anything yet fall far short of God’s power as they were only angels not gods. I believe what people may have seen are indeed Satan’s army.
Until a body(ies) and aircraft(s) have been wheeled out for worldwide, public viewing, examination, and scrutiny, I’m going to believe that for the most part, “aliens” are simply another psyop.
Yes, the only aliens are the ones crossing the border. The drones-saucers, "close encounters" etc. are a government black-op.
Great writing, Elizabeth! It is apparent that what we have long feared is real. Our government is controlled by personalities that have been subsumed by indulgence, psychopaths and the purely beastial. God help us all.
THANK YOU Elizabeth! THANK YOU for your sacrifices. THANK YOU for the time spent in reading between the lines and connecting dots. THANK YOU for breaking it all down and presenting it to us, the hungry readers. THANK YOU for allowing the pain in your life to be turned to good. (ie: your mom's story, etc) THANK YOU for your willingness to offer your material for free. THANK YOU for standing up to these evil "do-gooders"! Please, dear fellow readers consider supporting Elizabeth with a PAID SUBSCRIPTION. (This is not a paid promotion, LOL, just a thankful heart)
Nice. ♡
I’ve attempted to make sense of Dr. Stephan Greer’s interviews and lectures. He lost me with his assertions he’s “in mental contact with extraterrestrials” and, if I subscribe to his blogs, he can teach me how to talk to them myself. I’m not going there. The man gives off the vibes of a paranoid schizophrenic. I am thoroughly convinced he’s a pawn in the establishment’s “Alien Invasion” disinformation psy-op.
So what’s going on? I don’t know. But I’ve followed this stuff closely for decades with an engineer’s skepticism. I am still convinced the UFO/UAP/Abduction phenomena are real, just not “extraterrestrial” in origin. As a thought experiment, consider the emergent narratives the establishment urges us to avoid: 1) Prehistoric technological civilizations wiped out by cyclical cataclysms, 2) Transfer of Nazi occult practices to the West after WWII, 3) Ancient religious texts referring to what we’d recognize as technology today, 4) An organized “Freemasonic” underworld manifesting itself as globalism, fanatical secularism, depopulation cults, and anti-Christian governments. The list could go on. My point, I guess (I don’t obsess on these things so I apologize for thinking as I write) is that there’s a parallel, sinister, Godless civilization of “elites” and their minions living beside our own, doing their own thing, but doing it to *us*. Those four (of many) “conspiracy theories” listed above hint of a surviving ancient culture, perhaps predating recorded history, whose members we wouldn’t recognize as human if we met them. We might mistake them for “aliens.” And they’d be just fine with our confusion, as it would protect them and their elite human servants. Just a thought experiment is all. An unseen civilization existing beside our own that thinks less of us than we our own livestock. I'll conclude with the words of Drs. Jacques Valleé and Robert Hynek, in their final report to the USAF on the UFO/Abduction phenomena: “These things appear to be real, but not necessarily extraterrestrial. It seems more likely they are of the extradimensional or supernatural domains.” Since that official conclusion, the media establishment has tended to avoid the Hynek-Valleé analyses in favor of the fake, bombastic “Ancient Aliens” fuquery. But, as we’ve learned the hard way, it’s usually more profitable to look where the authorities tell us not to. I enjoyed your article today. Praying for peace and closure for you and your family. [Edited for typos, word clarity, nothing else.]
Khazarian Mafia
Thanks. The antisemitic trope has earned you the mute button.
Are you seriously that fucking stupid??? You clearly know nothing about the Khazarian Mafia. This is the second time I've had that reaction to KM which is only further proof of their ability to deceive. Unless you want to continue living in lies you will get educated and leave the left behind. You're welcome.
Just a tad hyperbolic there, Letsrock.
It’s all here (and he’s been saying it for 30 years). Sadly, Alan Watt is now dead but his wife bravely carries on the message.
The US Government is a corporation-not the illusionary Constitutional Repubic that is the "law of the land". A corporation serves its stockholder (illegal Federal reserve bankers) and we the people are subjects per the British empire. You have to look at Porton Downs/Tavistock, and dulles came to US via Cromwell & Sullivan. Operation Matchbox and Paperclip-know history and who the real enemy is!.
Chatham House and The Monarch's Golden Share are two other pieces of the UK control scheme.
So logical. So much clarity.
And then . . . Aliens???
Planets that are liveable are hudreds, thousands of light years away. Not possible for living creatures to survive the travel here.
How do you know there are any livable planets if they are hundreds or thousands of light years away?
LOL. 🎯
Only in the physics that you are familiar with
Physics is the same everywhere. It is a universe we exist in, not a multiverse. The laws of thermo-dynamics do not change.
Precisely. According to Rod Dreher, whom I respect greatly, there isn't a scientist who has investigated UAP who has come away believing they are anything other than demonic.
Diana Pasulka is the leading scholar who is currently writing about this. Much of her work is based on the work of Jacques Vallee, the man who inspired the creation of the Francois Truffaut character in Close Encounters of The Third Kind.
I admire Miss Nickson's work a great deal. I recommend that everyone who hasn't seen it watch Tucker Carlson's latest interview. It is with a man who is former CIA director of counterterrorism, and is hilariously if unintentionally revelatory of how deeply untrustworthy our spooks are, and how right we are to suspect them of all sorts of villainy.
But until people such as Miss Nickson understand the reality of the demonic, and its influence throughout the lives of all nonChristians, she is missing the vile thing which ties it all together.
What part of said physics supports the non-consumption of a burning bush?
If you ever read the book of Isaiah, there you will see the telling of the time Isaiah was taken into Heaven, into the Throne room of the Creator.
You will also read about the fire that is in this Temple of the Creator.
Since this is in the spiritual dimension, it is easy to conclude that spiritual fire was set over the natural bush, hence the natural did not burn.
The two dimensions do not share the same physics.
Whatever other dimension it might be in, it is also fully in a dimension written by fallible and easily corrupted human beings instead of by an omniscient and loving creator.
How many universes are there in a non-mulitverse?
Between -2 and infinity over eternity squared.
-2 -> ((infinitely/(eternity*eternity)).
Is the "and" used as a Boolean operator?
It's possible "aliens" have always lived here i.e. didn't have to travel.
Jesus Christ was an extraterrestrial.
It is understood that Jesus is Fully God , Fully Man and therefore able by His shedding of blood to bring the necessary covering for sin.
The Bible tells multiple times of the capacity of spiritual beings to transverse the barrier between the two dimensions.
Being Fully Man makes it impossible for Jesus to be an extraterrestrial.
It is also physically impossible to be 200% of anything.
Hmm. Doesn’t His trips between Heaven, Hell and Earth make Him capable of being “outside the land/earth”? Being Fully Man for an infinitesimal part of his life doesn’t restrict Him from being extraterrestrial. Indeed, He is not restricted by any of our lowly understandings of time, space, physics and logic.
That is the premise of the Salurian Hypothesis
Didn't know that.
I'll look it up
yeah, in scarey movies they're always have been underground for centuries...
The evidence of alien presence for millennia is overwhelming. Do always strive to recognize your own blind spots. It can be quite freeing when another puzzle piece falls into place and EXPLAINS SO MUCH.
I’m sure it explains much alright—to the mangled mind.
Are you writing as one with such?
Not at this time.
Will you give us a warning when you are?
I would prefer not to, thank you.
The only thing substantial is the existence of a non-local consciousness forever.
More likely supernatural beings as they do exist. We normally cannot see them.
There are portions of the world’s population that despise the United States. They have sound reasons. We now face the very real prospect of the blow back from the immediacy of the last “20 years wars” and it is going to be bad. It is hard to reconcile the latest “terror “ events, they seem a side show to what’s coming. Al-Qaeda and Isis are reconstituted, training camps abound in Afghanistan, various levels of training for various and sundry terror attacks which are past planning stage. This level of training is well beyond the grainy footage of trainees running an obstacle course whilst dodging live rounds from an AK-47. They are in the States already, heavily armed, prepared for maximum destruction. The extremists have a notion of their history and it extends for 1000’s of years and their hatred toward the West, especially the USA, for the last couple of decades is seething and blistering hot. Get ready for the Patriot Act on steroids, they will need it and it will not further the protection of the American people, rather it will further their demise. Western Europe will be ravaged, but western Europe is lost, has been since the end of WWII. The question is whether the Trump administration in drying up their piggy banks with our defense dollars will expedite the demise. Heads on a swivel, if it looks and seems and feels bad, trust your feelings. Going to the grocery store? Forget it, you’re going down range and when you leave the wire, rounds in the chamber, weapon on safe, but senses alive. There is nothing like the immediate realization of one’s hanging by the neck that clarifies the mind.
It's easier to believe that the fallen angels described in the Bible rather than aliens from some other planet or dimension are responsible for the advanced tech and the deprivations of those in a sector of the military industrial complex.
what an interesting time to be alive. i can’t wait to see what happens next!
You forgot to add the " /s " at the end of your comment.
nah. i leave that up for interpretation. multiple options and perspectives keep things interesting.
"Really I am a country woman and what I want is a rifle and permission to put down a rabid dog. Dogs." . . . You are a jewel Elizabeth - Happy New Year and absolute thanks for your brilliant research and writing!
Except....I'd be more careful in researching if "rabies" is really a "something". I certainly wouldn't want to harm any innocent creature.
Thank you for this.
You might be interested in my story ; I’m targeted as a non investigative subject in an illegal criminal government sponsored program. My main page has been sidelined and now I can only sign in under my pseudonym Jades’ Radical Candor; which is my rebound attempt at getting back into Substack after my original page was hijacked .
It is called Field Notes of An American Hostage.
It can still be found ;occasionally
Often redacted.
Your story has become all too familiar to those who know they've been intentionally targeted (on this list or that list) of Individuals under a silent siege. This is especially true of former Monarch programing/ MK Utra recluses who do not share relational values with their detractors.
I had to chuckle when Elizabeth said: " All parallel today’s idiocy. Really I am a country woman and what I want is a rifle and permission to put down a rabid dog. Dogs." The pack mentality seems impossible to define from our limited perspectives, and as far as I can tell the only difference between packs of stupid people and evil people are that "Special Kind of Stupid (My tribe is better than your tribe) paradigm. Seeing various narcissistic personalities on full display naturally invokes the impulse to want to bitch slap them back into the shared and common reality that we all are cognitive of. I have come to the conclusion of a more modern proverb along the lines of "War does not determine who is right, War only determines who is left". Like the patient in the movie "The Big Red One" a resident of the asylum picks up a dead soldiers rifle and starts killing his fellow residents, and declares "I'm just like them now, I'm sane, I'm sane!"
I thought that was in the movie King of Hearts.
I hadn't seen King of Hearts, but I do remember that scene from an old WW2 film where the Americans and Germans were in a firefight in a sanatorium. The only permission that Elizabeth or anyone else needs put down rabid dogs is Gods, if it is his will, their manifold weapons will not prevail against extricating oneself from a fate that makes death preferable. A time for every purpose under heaven, and there's a reason that choices are hard for the those who take no pleasure in the death of the wicked.
The US is, to all intents and purposes, an occupied country, occupied by an enemy power. The Constitution and all its institutions have been thoroughly subverted. This enemy power has been sucking resources out of the US for more than a century to fund its global operations.
Khazarian Mafia
Meh, it's a many-layered veil. Zionists, most of whom are not Jewish, hide behind Jews/Jewishness/antisemitism. Hiding behind the Zionists are The Black Nobility of Venice, who originated in ancient Babylon as descendants of the sons of god and the daughters of men. The deception is very old and very deep.
Black Nobility, Khazarian Mafia, Illuminati, Freemasons, pretty much all the same. Masters of deception parading around as Jews committing unspeakable demonic crimes IMO are what caused antisemitism to begin with. Sad that more people are unaware of who they are.