I have struggled with the scales falling from my eyes & the heart wrench of realizing the Canada I thought I lived in is a mirage. But I am ready to accept. I am ready to leave. I have a 2-3 decades left & I will not spend them as a tax pawn for the corrupt. Calling a family meeting to make plans…Thanks so much for being a brutal forthright part of my personal awakening. Your words have brought clarity with inevitability that is motivating. I plan to build something truly beautiful without the pain of watching actual canada ruining lives of incredible people.

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There is nowhere to leave to. Maybe the US, but we have the same issues.

I'm the same age (late fifties.) I've abandoned one country due to "I can't believe it's not communism" but I won't leave the US.

My kids are here. Here I stand. Here I fight.

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USA has a better style of gvnmt than canada. their republic has safety valves where govenors can protect a state. not so in canada. Im looking at usa

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I'm sorry, but you may need to take a second look. Even here in TX, Gov Abbott can't protect us from the Biden Administration's opening the border. A big part of the reason for our power issues last winter? The EPA told TX that we couldn't ramp up our nuclear plants, or reactivate our coal plants.

Gov Youngkin was elected in VA? This week Joe Biden dropped 16,000 unvetted "afghani translators" who can't speak English in Loudon County with no warning. Wrongvoters will be punished.

And the only way a Governor can "protect" their state from that is by effectively seceding and arresting any Federal agents who try and continue the havoc.

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Youngkin is certainly no friend of the people. He was allowed to be "elected" because he is another member of the globalist elite. Abbott is the same- he talks a good game, but when it comes right down to the wire, he does a 180.

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We have family members in Texas politics for over 50 years and the buzz is that Mr. Abbott probably has higher political ambitions and doesn't want to rock the boat too awfully much.

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I suspect the USA will see multiple civil wars in the next 6 years, esp if the Dems can't provoke Putin into launching WW3 (which of course, he won't).

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Seceding and arresting Federal agents. Looking more and more like that's what needs to happen. First, these red state governors need to sever themselves from the federal umbilical, which few seem willing to do. Certainly not Mr. Abbott. I always thought Texas was a Republic and as such had more latitude to chart its own course if it chose to do so.

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Those safety valves are largely useless. No one gets into any significant position without being on the inside of the globalist power clique.

These monsters have been working toward this for generations.

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Florida. End of story.

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DeSantis is no angel. Look at the bill he signed last year... Everyone was all excited that he outlawed businesses requiring vaxpasses, but in the same bill he authorizes the police to use any means necessary to forcibly vaccinate and/ or quarantine you.

Check out laws.flrules.org

Bill is Ch. 2021-8

Section 381.00315, subsection 4, paragraphs a, b, & c

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They dumped lots of illegals there too.

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You're not from Oregon are you?

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I agree with you. Just choose a state carefully.

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And I fight right beside you, this is MY home, MY country. They don't get to rule over us anymore.

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I am with you!!! Time to stand and lock arms to protect the Canada we once were and can be again if we rid ourselves of the cancerous parasites the elite and WEF have turned us into. For our children. For our grandchildren.

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I also came to the same conclusion and moved me and my family to the US. I do hope that there will be a referendum for the west to separate. Then maybe we can build up a Canada that I would want my children to live in.

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Instead of getting “read to leave” why not stay and fight. If you leave and go elsewhere where do you go when the tyranny follows you there?

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Im emotionally prepared for the divorce. IF the Senate rubber stamps the EA next week then I know Canada faces years of emergency climate control etc. I cannot stop that if the majority ‘keep me safe’ want it. BUT I can protect my money elsewhere because Im unable to sit in silent compliance. I will never stop fighting against the elite ignorant ruling WEF tyranny.. but Im not sitting here waiting for freeland to seize my life savings either. Maybe things will change, or the west will separate & I can find a free place to live in ‘canada’ but I’m convinced I can arrange a mid west red state, at least a decade, free from gvnmt stealing & bludgeoning me. I’m not young anymore. My love for Canada will always be the free Canada..but I am willing to leave now for self preservation. I wasn’t before.

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South Dakota

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I’ve been looking there. as well as Nebraska which has captured my interest for some reason..never been there but looks like a terrific place to hide 😀

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Come to Charleston, SC. You will be welcomed here. Check out www.bazemorerealty.com.

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New Hampshire, the "Live Free or Die"state would welcome you. https://www.newhampshiremainerealestate.com/

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There are fine candidates, really. My 1st choice would be Japan, for its veneration of 'alone time'. My 2nd, India, for the colors, aromas, sounds, good cheer, Buddhist chants. My 3rd, Russia, for its philosophic integrity, its gulag consciousness, the memory of that, & thus the least likely place to go full totalitarian, unlike most of the West. My 4th, Hungary or Poland or Czechia, the most robust democracies in the world today. I've been here in Chiang Mai, Thailand since 2006.

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I am so sorry that this decision has been forced upon you. Find your people, build your tribe, be strong. G-d bless

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Just got back from the Rally in Victoria, which is still going strong. I estimated that there were at least 500 people present, loads of Canadian flags, lots of "Oh Canada" singing... A handful of counter protesters. Overall loads of good energy and good spirits.

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First of all, stop scaring me by taking me seriously. I'm just a writer who mainlines history and has lived through all this nonsense before (besides being "educated elite" for Portugal, so I know their thoughts and habitat.)

Second: The only thing I think you missed (Very good post, which I'll put up at instapundit if I remember -- eh. Life is very busy just now) is that yes, they have these plans. They've had them since the seventies. BUT they've become increasingly detached from reality.

The "kids" starting at about my age really don't know how the world, or people work. They have this constructed fantasy in their heads of how things will happen.

And the picture is actually and for real impossible. (I have wondered if this is the result of our being steeped in story telling more than any other civilization in history. And also the storytelling being controlled by Marxists, who have formulaic, cult-like beliefs. I mean, they can't ALL be stupid, right? But I've found myself trying to break from the mold of stories on how things will go from here.)

The world can't work without.... well, workers. But these people think it can. Like, you know, Facebook thinking they can create the matrix and we have the science. (We don't.)

The truckers are exposing how this can't work. The left thinks that they can have automated trucks, but it's actually probably impossible, long term. They think we can have all solar and water, but engineers laugh at the idea. (Which is why the left started taking over engineering schools. Because anything that negates their wants must be willful, not just reality.)

I think the panic in the US started with "have to fraud at the last minute." After the greatest campaign against a sitting president EVER people went and voted for Trump in a landslide. So the planned fraud was insufficient. Then "Let's go Brandon" going viral. And finally people removing masks and ignoring their shrieks.

They were scared before, now they're in an unthinking panic.

It's going to get dangerous.

BUT their plans won't work. They won't because they can't. Unfortunately we'll all pay for them. And I want to point out this started before I was born. It's not our fault. But if we want our kids and grandkids to survive, we have to fight. NOW. (And the only thing I CAN do is words.)

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I think we are on the verge of a very big fight for the next three years and we will win, it will give millions of people meaning in their lives. We have the very worst leftists up here - came in the 50s, easier to dig into the bureaucracy and universities than the US plus safer - Dominion was built in Canada, headquartered in the neighbourhood filled with the worst demonic left from Europe and Eastern Europe. From there they ran “actions” into the US. Do put me up on Instapundit, would be a thrill!

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I somewhat agree, the wars will rock the US. The big difference is leftist hate in the US of conservatives, Christians, unions, blue collarism, is existential, overt, over the top. In Canada leftist hate is expressed as a kind of strange faux pas. That makes it worse b/c the horror of such hate is mocked, not taken seriously. This is what drives Castreau crazy, that he's so openly derided.

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No, their plans will not work.

They will not work because they are predicated on total control by the elite few who Know Better™, but can't tell an individual from a statistic while the problems they claim to be addressing are not singular, but are highly variable from individual to individual in nations with hundreds of millions of individuals.

They will not work because they prioritize desire and belief over objective reality. To them, life is a Field of Dreams where "if we mandate it, it will come" or "if we subsidize it, it will come" while Sticking It to all the Right People, The laws of physics and economics pay no heed to your dreams; you have to realize your dreams within their bounds and advance the state of the art BEFORE imposing your art on the rest of us.

They will not work because they will overreach, immersed in a hubris that has them thinking both that "we are the ones we have been waiting for" and that to oppose them is to oppose what is objectively good and normal making the dissenter The Evil Other in their eyes and worthy of suppression by any means they can get away with.

Their plans will not work ... except in a manner reminiscent of a bull in the china shops of our lives That is why, as you exhort us to do, we need to prepare. And act to defend ourselves were we can, including taking measures to reduce the directives from On High to irrelevance via federalism when we can, and Irish Democracy when we can't.

Inconvenient to us? Yes. But now we see in Canada how convenience can be used by the Powers That Be as a garotte, to choke us off. Just as with JIT, we need to take some steps back from the efficiency of streamlined convenience to rebuild the personal resilience of work-arounds when the PTB's act to suppress us.

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These throwaway paras of yours are prescient, “shouting orders to platoons of invisible soldiers”? That is EXACTLY what they are feeling right now.

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Are the globalist totalitarians in a flat-out panic? I want to see it, but I don't. Not a single criminal pedo globalist has been arrested & indicted, 3 1/2 years later. Fauci & Schwab & Biden & Castreau are all bouncing along, routinely breaking laws ad nauseam. This will be a generational struggle.

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Good. As we are in what is primarily a war of words (all wars are ultimately about words) writing and speaking the truth in love as best you can is what counts in the Clouds of the internet.

One must do ones best on the ground too of course.



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Nothing else occurring right now makes one realize how abhorrent the Biden administration is than its calculated silence in response to raw tyranny. Only a collection of despicable hacks like this one would be more concerned with what's happening in Ukraine than right above the largest shared border in the world. And it's time more conservative news entities started trumpeting that reality--as loudly and clearly as possible.

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One set of my parent's grandchildren are married to feeders of the public trough; the other set run a profitable business that is beneficial to society. I fear for the future of THEIR children.

I am 71 and not long for this world: in twenty years, I will likely be euthanized by medical order against my will due to state budgeting constraints bred of a staggering debt.

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Me too, at 74; and I hope my exit, courtesy of a muscular Filipino bedpan jockey, is saluted by a defiant, bony middle finger.

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I have thought for at least the last ten years, God help me, that there is no remaining civil solution for the tyrannical ills that plague the West. The fair election is gone. The rule of law is over, and here we are. I do not advocate insurrection, but the writings of the American founders are pretty clear as to our responsibilities if we wish to remain free peoples. I salute Canada for leading the way, and would be thrilled if it were they who went down in history as the vanguard of the return to freedom in this hemisphere.

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Yes, the truckers convoy was the first pushback anywhere against globalist control. I suspect 2nd gen pushback is percolating there & will lead the way again. Look for US/UN globalist rundowns in Canada becoming very aggressive.

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"I believe that liberty is the only genuinely valuable thing that men have invented, at least in the field of government, in a thousand years. I believe that it is better to be free than to be not free, even when the former is dangerous and the latter safe. I believe that the finest qualities of man can flourish only in free air -- that progress made under the shadow of the policeman's club is false progress, and of no permanent value. I believe that any man who takes the liberty of another into his keeping is bound to become a tyrant, and that any man who yields up his liberty, in however slight the measure, is bound to become a slave." — H.L. Mencken

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Love ❤️ so much

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yes, it's pretty bad for ordinary people here - for the administrative state, it is bonuses and growth funded by massive debt from here to the horizon.

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Thanks, Elizabeth. As usual, laser-focused. None of the public commentary mentions the WEF and Schwab's agenda. It's in plain sight but the media never mention it. The WEF tentacles are ubiquitous and obviously quite terrifying to those who should be reporting on their global agenda and who appear to be in their clutches.

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What is a CEO Village?

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Hi, it was a country village where many many men who ran the big businesses in Canada at the time, had second homes. I clarified it in the piece so thanks.

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I read that this morning. Clarifying. I do believe things have ‘just begun’ & I still have hope IF we can get rid of the WEF fkers. God bless the truckers for what they have exposed. I believe in Canada they are regrouping now. They pulled out of ottawa in order to protect the people, who made it obvious they were there to death, from the ignorant cops…who spent days lying on twitter like it was 1980..too stupid to realize the world was live streaming truth 🤦🏻‍♀️ Buncha fkng clowns

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You are being rather polite. God likes the truckers and has stronger words in his vocabulary for the constabulary. The cops took things sloly (sic) which is understandable, although I gather Peter is no longer in charge.


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Until the parasites that are actually in charge are taken out…no one stands a chance. You know who these parasites are…you just don’t have the courage to say it or think it. That should tell you all you need to know about who truly rules you and me.

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All of the government action and thuggery consumes wealth. Wealth for things like police equipment, tear gas canisters, armored vehicles, donuts, salaries. Prior to the adoption of fiat money that wealth could only come from the citizen whose work and creativity created it, and from whom it was paid in taxes and the willingness to write that big check.

With fiat money, government officials think that when they print money out of thin air they are creating wealth. Because they induced people who actually create the wealth to use the fiat money, their wealth is being embezzled from them by continually diluting the value of this currency.

This is the evil aspect of fiat money. It severs the natural constraint on government power that honest money imposes. With fiat, government can shut down the private economy in the name of health, destroying the ability of thoses businesses to create wealth, and then print money to make up the difference. But this is a mirage that is unsustainable. It is a big mirage. It enables tyranny.

At the moment, the only recourse is for people to avoid using government money as mush as possible. Keep as little of fiat money in your bank account as possible. Move to exchange using other means like silver. Store any spare assets in non fiat forms, like shares of physical gold ETFs or physical silver. Stop funding the government’s own scheme to steal your liberty.

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"Nobody sensible can feel threatened by anything that comes out of Saskatchewan" The arrogance echoes John 1:46

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The author of those quotes, Stephen Marche, looks like a runny-bottomed little poof ball.

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