Ask any diehard liberal with TDS and they have no idea what Fusion GPS is, and would still likely say that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election. If you indulge further you’ll even get the programmed response, “he’s a puppet of Putin!!!” These people (which include dear friends and family of mine) are fully baked at this point.

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O n the subject of talking points, I remember attending a wedding in 2021, where a childhood friend told me I was "selfish" for being unvaccinated. It made me sad. Not the label, but his delusion, hypnotism, or whatever it might be.

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I’m amazed you were “allowed” to attend that wedding! As an unvaxxed pariah, I was not “allowed” to attend all weddings and family events as “proof of vaxx” was required!!!😵‍💫

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Yes, can you believe Bill Gates' daughter's wedding (she became a medical dr) they required everyone to be vaxed or they could not attend. Wonder how many have died since?

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It was a lucky break. Fortunately, the parents of the groom were not concerned about covid at all.

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At least his delusions are likely to predecease yours.

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That's why they need all the replacement voters coming across the border...

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They couldn't function as such but for state election laws that don't screen out non-citizens. Most of them get registered when they get ID cards or drivers licenses, thanks to motor voter law.

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Almost like they planned it that way 😏

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It is very predictable when states rights have precedence over federal supremacy.

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Sadly, they already have.

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Who has already what?

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His delusions predeceased mine. He's gone.

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How about we just use all that frustrated energy we use trying to use reason with absolute culted people (useless) and spend it just moving forward with our lives? Leave them by the wayside. I stopped talking "politics" with anyone in my fam awhile back. They're all jabbed zombies who believe everything on HuffPo and MSDNC. I think we might do better just keeping healthy relationships with them (ignoring politics) and gradually they may come to. At present, they can't hear any of this stuff - it will wreck their crafted narrative of what life is, or scare them if they realize they cheer-led to mess up their health with poison out of fear...

I get how hard it is, I had some rude awakenings since 2001... and it's only gotten worse. I also pray for them and show them great enthusiasm whenever they have an "aha" moment about the powers that be. It's not an easy task, this deprogramming, but I think it will happen... at least for some of them.

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My daughter came to visit and found my husband's "I vote Felon" Trump shirt. She went off on me, screaming , and said if she has kids she will never let them into our house. TDS!

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There you go.

That's how people in cults behave when someone presents them with truth. She's culted.

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good point. it is anxiety/frustration provoking for sure. why i feel compelled to engage is a curiosity.

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I did it for years and then one day I just wondered why I'd bother? The outcome was always the same, and it was frustrating and maddening.

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Dear Jo

You are not alone. Our dear family and friends are also fully baked.

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Then diehard liberals are no less ignorant than most Americans.

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You here again. Don't blanket people. You don't know "most" Americans so don't lump them together. In your evidently "realm" "most" might apply but yours is a small group.

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You are dong the same thing to me that you are ignorantly accusing me of doing.

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You might say, "overbaked".

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You also might admit burned.

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Donald Trump is the scapegoat for the Deep State’s sins.

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Donald Trump is their Emmanuel Goldstein.

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Yes, the Russia-collusion hoax dovetailed perfectly with weapons-makers' desire for war with Russia, and the Clintons' solution to revelations of their own dirty dealings with Russia. Mrs Clinton as SecState approved sale of Uranium One to Russia's Rosatom. This gave Russia control of 20 percent of North American uranium. One addition to the sordid story: Ed Podesta had the bright idea of inventing the Russia-collusion hoax precisely to cover-up the Clinton campaign's biggest weakness. Such is the atavistic hatred of Russia among America's foreign policy wonks that they believed the tripe they were fed by British ex-spy Steele. Obama's sanctions against Russia for its thoroughly fictitious election 'interference', in the dying days of Obama's ruinous presidency, set a trap that ensnared incoming National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and neutered AG Sessions. Any routine communications they had with Russia during the transition to Trump's presidency were portrayed as 'collusion'. Flynn was forced to resign, and Sessions was forced to recuse himself from anything to do with the ensuing fraudulent investigations. The talking-points media served as willing accomplices throughout the entire shameful episode, circulating and re-circulating the Steele dossier and its progeny. All of this is detailed in the Timeline: https://peterdanielmiller.substack.com/p/timeline-of-us-political-transformation-a69

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Great piece, Liz. Never forget this stuff. Indeed, certain things can ONLY happen in Sodom on Potomac.

Glenn Simpson... Journalist. Right. Just like Bob Woodward who was US Naval Intelligence, not a journalist.

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Another crime/coup with no consequences. Being a Democrat means you never have to say “I’m sorry”

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Like Jo says, they don't feel there is anything to apologize for. They believe they are always in the right, so why would they?

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Depressing dealing with this mindset on a daily basis!

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They believe in more than that.

They believe they are the Righteous Normal, and all who dissent from their One True Way are Evil Other-menchen.

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Not quite, being a Democrat means you are never wrong!

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Being a Democrat means that you believe all the misconceptions and lies about democracy.

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No wonder the 4th estate won’t hold power to account. It IS the Power.

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Okay, I'm game - just pre-ordered Against the Corporate Media... :)

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For more information on the bribing of Hillary Clinton prior to the 2016 election by the Obama deep state (Operation Snow Globe), look up Patrick Byrne and his books the Deep Rig and Danger Close.

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I'm also a big fan of Steve Hayward. One may find him at Powerlineblog.com where he's been writing for years. I heartily recommend his podcast called the Three Whiskey Happy Hour (3WHH) cohosted by John Yoo and the mysterious "Lucretia". Mostly they get together online on Friday evenings for publication on Sat/Sun. (I should be their publicist!). The podcast is both great fun and informative, if you're of a conservative bent. And they do partake...

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We already knew all this in 2016 … Is it now finally coming out for MSM to see?

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The key person in this whole Russia collusion scheme goes way back with the Clintons, years before Barack Obama was in high school. That person is Strobe Talbott, along with George W. Bush a Yale '68 graduate, and a star in his class for several reasons. As Editor of the Yale Daily News, Strobe was a journalist as well as a top student and winner of the Alpheus Snow academic award. He majored in Russian history/studies and spoke the language well, translating the Krushchev papers, then working at TIME mag as their Russian editor. Known to be an "Internationalist."

It is said that his roommate at Yale was Derek Shearer, but it's hard to check this as neither Strobe nor Derek have entries in the Class Yearbook "Senior" section, with portrait photo and biographical write-up, the way that guys like Bush and author Danny Yergin do. Of all people to NOT have this entry, it makes for a very sketchy absence! Another weird thing, Strobe joined a fraternity that was more like a "secret society," maybe because he was afraid of NOT receiving a "tap" in the spring of junior year for one of the elite clubs. Of course, "W" was a legacy in this regard, serving as President of DEKE, AND being tapped for Skull & Bones. Bush's great moment came at a later commencement at Yale, when speaking as POTUS he made the memorable announcement honoring the academic achievements of the A & B students, saying that someday they would be working for the C students! Pretty funny observation.

A year in England on a Rhodes Scholarship followed for Talbott, who avoided the Vietnam War-era draft with some squash-playing injury medical excuse. Joining him there were other "winners" like Robert Reich from Dartmouth and Bill Clinton from Georgetown.

After some time, visits to USSR by Clinton, marriages for Hillary and Bill, Strobe and Derek Shearer's sister, Brooke, from California, they all went on with their lives in DC and Arkansas etc., regrouping in the 1990s when Clinton made his successful run for President and managed to get Strobe appointed by Congress as Deputy Secy of State. Sen John McCain was not a fan of this, however. Derek Shearer received an ambassadorship to Finland. Younger brother Cody Shearer also had a "dossier."

As Bill Clinton's star faded in the early 2000s and W managed to beat Gore for President, Madam Clinton began to position herself to make a run for power and Brooke Shearer-Talbott became her go-to "Wing Woman" (trying to fit the great phrase that Obama's AG Eric Holder pasted on himself) and traveling companion. Strobe was now the Director of the Brookings Institution, a major Washington DC Think Tank, home to worthies -- and Russia experts like Fiona Hill and Oleg Deripaska. Now is the picture getting clearer?

Talbott stepped down from this post in early 2017 after Trump was sworn in as President of the US. His wife had passed away from cancer in 2015 and he remarried and moved to East Hampton LI, NY. He wrote an American history book hating on Trump and the threat he poses to our every-lovin' Democracy, but not much heard from since then. Suspicious me thinks he might have dementia. Pictures on the East Hampton beach of Hillary and Bill walking in the sand, as well as reports of Secy of St Blinken visiting East Hampton the same summer weekend in 2022 (?) makes me think they were paying a visit to Talbott. Not much written about him since, but I do think it was his idea that sparked the Russia Collusion Hoax, letting Hillary's campaign take the blame for the idea. Typical Talbott. Always sneaky and dodging, from a wealthy background BTW, but sucking up to power the way he did with the Clintons, but stepping out of the way when trouble appears and letting them take the fall.

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Curious if this is other people's experience: Am I alone in noticing a correlation between - well, to put it bluntly - stupidity and liberalism? People who seem devoid of logic, operate on feelings, and battle but can't defend a POV beyond superficialities.

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These people all have one thing in common. They have completely abandoned all forms of critical thinking. To think critically requires constant use of skills most commonly found in the scientific method…I.e. Ask questions, form hypothesis, test out that hypothesis with experiments, seek empirical data, be comprehensive transparent and objective in gathering/reviewing that data, challenge established norms, etc. This is all gone! Now people defer to authoritative “experts” to tell them what to think. Or computer models that can be manipulated to spit out any desired result. Critical thinking is a skill that must be honed - and when you let those skills wither away from neglect, what we’re left with are non-thinking programmed idiots.

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My niece, a double major B.Comm & Mech.Eng. was offered a job at a Fortune500 mining company where her best friend's dad is on the board ffs. It would set her up for life, but her prof told her they were a polluter. I told her she could assess it from within vs. taking as gospel her ivory tower professor who is unlikely fully informed. It makes me sad. She has NO job vs. an awesome one because indoctrination by professor. I wonder at the critical thinking skills that could arrive at this outcome.

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How unfortunate that profs have such malign influence on young minds; and doubly unfortunate that youngsters don't have the common-sense to listen to their aunts rather than to thinly disguised propaganda.

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Perfect example, and a painful one at that. I hope she wakes up one day.

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Our society has conditioned all of us to avoid critical thinking … which includes recognition of the limitations and failure potential of those who you trust to think for you, instead.


It took me 50 years of life to see the conditioning, even though it didn’t totally stick with me.

It is the problem, behind almost all our other problems.

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There is definitely a correlation. Many are highly educated and credentialed, but still stupid.

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in a willfully closed minded way, possibly the more irritating thing

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el gato malo (boriquagato.substack.com/) says that the credential economy is on the way to being replaced by the reputation economy. Gone will be the pricey educations and regulations, replaced by simple general liability laws. Hurt someone by your incompetence, and they can sue you.

Now we have pretty much anyone with credentials being protected by immunity laws. You could clean up the whole vax mess, for instance, by letting anyone sell them, no regulators or laws, no required vax schedules and physician payoff, and anyone who gets hurt by the vax can sue all involved -- maker, distributor, physician, etc.

The world would change overnight.

I think the Bad Kitty is on to something.

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That's a thing to think about. It might bring value back to education. Why are students paying large for a bloated bureaucracy and other people's fancy pensions and sabbaticals when they can't even get a job half the time at the other end. And half the degree courses could rightfully be called hobbies.

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DARPA doesn't do propaganda, it sponsors R&D into things like the early Internet.

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"The Russia Hoax is far larger than just the vicious expensive actionable crap levelled at Trump. The whole thing started with Obama. The moment he transferred $10 Trillion into the accounts of the plutocracy."

See...that is what I like about this site. You read something you thought you knew about and next thing you know, it knocks your chair over.

Could you go into a bit more detail on the $10 Trill transfer ?

As for the hoax being a means of instigating a war with Russia, that's intriguing. I studied Russian in High School and College, one of my teachers was Dr. Chester Kiesel who passed away last year in Poland, a world class translator of many slavic language books, so I like to think I know a little more than the average Joe but, reading this, it appears certain I don't.

Besides, wouldn't a nuclear war destroy the Plutocracy as well ?

Nuclear warheads are "equal opportunity" destroyers, one would think.


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Rumsfeld was talking about 3 trillion missing the day before the 9/11 psyops. Then WTC building 7 went down. Whoops, guess what it was storing?

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Oh yes, the straight down collapse of multiple buildings about which numerous highly credentialed structural engineers, professors and architects have posted videos and analyses concluding that the impact of passenger jets could not possibly have ever been the cause. Except for Bldg. 7 which no jet hit. It was never clear to me what happened to that one but....same result.

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Bldg 7 fell out of empathy for the other 2, so the legend goes...

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Empathy ? Well....

Now....about that 10 Trillion dollar wealth transfer engineered by newly minted "Fat Cat" Obama....

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Quite mind-blowing what they get away with, isn't it? And still people idolize that POS.

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He fooled them all. Gave press conferences in which he projected concern and diligence, yet afterwards, one could not identify a single useful tangible thing he said between the thoughtful "Ums" and "Ahs". With the help of the media, his history, college record, associations and affiliations were almost a mystery. Had Obama not succeeded in politics, Hollywood would have been a likely alternative.

Nobody got it till the end that the guy who talked about "them Wall St. Fat Cats" was busy becoming one himself.

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I would like to know ,ore about that money transfer as well

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Getting back to the (excellent) article, I was shocked about hearing of the Clinton Foundation’s size (makes the Trudeau Foundation seem almost insignificant) and the Rosatom acquisition of Uranium One. 😲

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Isn't this what used to be called treason? They made swings for that, you know...

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