Immigration without assimilation is an invasion which results in colonization. The whole landscape of America and other nations are purposefully being changed by the predatory class of elites. The people in power require a third world, ignorant and impoverished class of people to “vote” for them in order to remain in power in perpetuity. Once Marxists retain power, they never relinquish it.

These illegal aliens come from very primitive and hellish lands, so coming to western countries is a pleasure for them. Most are escaping tyrannical rulers and tragic economic conditions. This doesn’t give them the right to come here illegally and sponge off the taxpayers. Most of these illegal aliens are comfortable being taken care of by the government from cradle to grave. The majority do not wish to assimilate, learn the language, adapt to the culture, nor do they wish to hold the values of western civilization or the US Constitution.

Europe has turned into the Tower of Babel, America and other countries are not far behind. Most white citizens are now the number one enemies of a government drunk on power and which has gone all in on becoming a Marxist Technocratic Police State.

The bureaucrats and technocrats are willing to destroy everything in site and tear it all down in order to implement a permanent police state. Illegal immigration is being used in order to bring forth a dysfunctional dystopian world. Illegal immigration has become the primary weapon in manifesting the elite’s twisted and sick plan. Obama’s fundamental change of America is almost complete.

Everything is now in place to cause chaos and destruction within the western world. We are approaching the kinetic phase where all hell will eventually break loose and our permanent roles as serfs comes to fruition. Who is not awake at this point?

"An evil man will burn his own nation to the ground to rule over the ashes."

-Sun Tzu-

“Much of the social history of the Western world, over the past three decades, has been a history of replacing what worked with what sounded good.” — Thomas Sowell

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." -Ronald Reagan-

“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed;

if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may

come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.” -Winston S. Churchill-

"To sell your soul is the easiest thing in the world. That’s what everybody does every hour of his life. If I asked you to keep your soul – would you understand why that’s much harder?"

-Ayn Rand-

Some very short videos worth your time below.

NYC migrant crisis costs will crack eye-popping $5 billion on shelters, security and food — amount could double by 2025


Grandpa's 4-Year-Old Grandson Cannot Attend Preschool in Small Town Ohio Because He Speaks English


Armed Venezuelan gangs terrorizing America’s top oil field in Texas


That Old "Conspiracy Theory" Is Coming True as Foreigners Are Taking Americans' Jobs


Joe Rogan: Illegal Migrants Are “Gaming The System” and Making A Fortune From Taxpayers Money

https://rumble.com/v5e6p5d-joe-rogan-illegal-migrants-are-gaming-the-system-and-making-a- fortune-from-.html?e9s=src_v1_upp

Woman Begs Springfield Ohio City Council to Do Something About Illegals Squatting in Her Front Yard


Chicago Resident Is FED UP With Democrats and Illegals Invading Their City


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Solid comments and resources. Thx

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1) Who is responsible for destabilizing the Middle East and North Africa, creating the migrants/refugees? 2) What groups are responsible for facilitating these migrants into historically White, Christian, Western Civilization nations? see: https://open.substack.com/pub/elizabethnickson/p/the-media-hate-white-people-so-much?r=5o8pz&utm_campaign=comment-list-share-cta&utm_medium=web&comments=true&commentId=68502481

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With actions such as Obama's, the WEF war on citizenship and sovereignty is implemented in full while at the same time serving other more local political ends. Obama fooled us all, distracting us with his work on "health care" (pause for laughter to subside) much of which was, apparently, crafted by industry insiders, while jetting islamic populations to little known small towns in Michigan and Minnesota, all carefully ignored by the media. No doubt the original residents of those towns must have eventually realized they might have awoken in a new and unexpected country without ever wanting it.

Obama's psychology is obvious. How he must detest the middle class after growing up, a black guy of mixed parentage with all the contempt and disregard, real or imagined, that might entail.

As he finished his largely invisible college career and flirted with radicals, admiring them but smart enough no to associate himself to closely with them, Obama learned the rules of acting, pretension and projection which propelled him to high political office. This is all my opinion but I suspect from his youth he came to despise the middle class and found a wife of kindred mentality. He talks a lot about "opportunity" while in fact, used his entire career for the big "opportunity" of becoming a very wealthy man while pretending to be concerned and helping others.

The clue, if nowhere else, was in his "news" conferences (again pause for laughter) in which, in between the "Ums" and "Ahs" of apparently very thoughtful (perhaps too thoughtful) consideration, he projected this tremendous seeming concern for "equality" and "opportunity" and "diversity".

NEVER WAS SO MUCH IMPLIED FOUNDED ON VAGUE NOTIONS MEANING ANYTHING TO ANYONE After the "news" conferences, one would be hard pressed to identify a single tangible thing that he actually had to say.

He fooled us all. Had he not gone into politics, Hollywood would have been a viable alternative.

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The Kenyan Interloper only fooled those who voted for him. Twice.

And given how "elections" are conducted, chances are very good that he never really received enough votes for the job of "president."

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I did, twice.

But then, had it been Genghis Khan running against °Mitt" Romney, my vote would have been for Genghis. Romney is a joke, a kind of political Mountebank who went around in shirtsleeves though apparently somewhat ill at ease in everyday places like laundromats or supermarkets to which, it appeared, he was a stranger. Despite the foolies, Obama is like a hero compared to Romney. Or maybe I dislike him because I bought a new Rambler Ambassador in 1968 built by his father and spent more time in the repair shop than I did on the road.

But then came 2016, a year like 1793 was to the French, or 1781 to us, the year that the unexpected happened to the utter consternation of many, especially an idiot named Maddow who repeated on election night that even if Trump won all the swing states he could not possibly win. But he did. And the rest is history....and will be again !!

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Obama’s “wife of kindred mentality”? That’s not the only ‘kindred spirit’ they share… putting it loosely…you mean Big Mike?

That ‘marriage’ and those children are a total SHAM.

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Who is "Big Mike" and why was the marriage a sham ??

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It was obvious when he came into the limelight that he was nothing but a charletan. Most idiotic people fell for his BS unfortunately. He and Big Mike need to fade into oblivion asap.

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Walsh book arriving today. Looking forward!

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MY MISTAKE! MY MISTAKE! I just wrote telling you, Ms. Nickson, that I did not get a notice about the auto-pay, but I DID GET IT-- I just did not see it in my email box until now, when I checked for it. It read as follows:

"This is just a friendly reminder that your subscription to Welcome to Absurdistan for LBHECHT@GMAIL.COM will renew in 6 days so you can continue to enjoy your subscriber benefits."

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This is the systemic and structural destruction of a country without its citizens knowing it. Truly Democide and Menticide in play: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/democide-and-menticide

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The media's role is to hoodwink the politicians into thinking NWO communist policies have popular support. The people give very little credence to the media. The politicians use it for cover when pursuing criminal ends with criminal means.

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that is so so true, they don’t. Not even close. They are shouting to ghost armies.

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You mean they're in bed together? Oh the shock and horror!

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Here's what I've "noticed" over the last decade: 1) The Zionist NeoCon "Project for a New American Century," founded by Bill Kristol and Robert Kagan, laid the groundwork for multiple regime change operations in the Middle East, predicting the need for a "New Pearl Harbor" to goad Americans into supporting military operations there that benefited Israel and their "Greater Israel" project. This was after the relatively peaceful 1990s (Bosnia/Serbia not withstanding) after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

2) America got it's "new Pearl Harbor" with the Mossad-Bush Administration inside job 9/11.

3) The Bush Administration is full of dual-citizen Zionist NeoCons: Paul Wolfowitz, Elliott Abrams, Richard Perle, Paul Bremer, and Douglas Feith who were instrumental in the War on Terror.

4) The phony WOT begins shortly after, getting America into trillions of dollars of national debt while enriching military contractors.

5) The WOT destabilizes the Middle East, radicalizing Islam creating an enemy for never ending wars.

6) The overthrowing of Gaddafi and Hussein, and other incursions into Somalia and Syria, creates masses of refugees and migrants. Gaddafi explicitly warned about this

7) Israeli/Jewish global NGOs like HIAS and numerous others actively funnel migrant "refugees" into Europe and Scandinavia; something that is now happening in America. Barbara Spectre, head of Paideia, spills the beans: ""I think there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive."

Former Board Member of HIAS, Alejandro Mayorkas now conveniently leads the Department of Homeland Security, where the fox guards the hen house. HIAS has dozens of migrant facilitation camps in South America, Panama, at the Darien Gap in Panama, and in Mexico. HIAS works with Jewish charitable "partners" inside the US to "place" Migrants in cities and towns around the United States. Homeland Security, under Mayorkas, facilitates their placement after they cross the border and the Biden administration gives them money, EBT cards, etc.

8) The establishment "Media" — NOT disproportionately owned and operated by Rockefellers or Nazis — runs cover for this operation and attacks anyone as "racist" for criticizing it.

9) Mega Investment funds like BlackRock (again, not owned and operated by Nazis or Rockefellers — do your research) pushes DEI and pro-immigration propaganda while buying up housing stocks.

9) AIPAC, the unregistered foreign lobby of Israel, buys Congress (every Congressperson except Thomas Massie has an "AIPAC handler") and actively campaigns against anyone who isn't supportive of Israel. The same Congress that conveniently sends Israel billions of dollars a year because they are our "greatest ally."

10) ADL, the domestic Jewish Stasi, launches attack and smear campaigns against anyone who mentions any of this; people who do lose their careers and are ostracized.

SO, in summary you have "right wing" Zionist NeoCon Jews engaging in regime change wars and Middle East destabilization, creating migrants and refugees. You have "liberal" secular Jews in the West heading up NGOs and non-profits (or engaging in legal and political activism) committed to funneling those same migrant/refugees stirred up the Zionist NeoCon Jews into historically White, Christian Western Civilization nations. You have a disproportionately Jewish owned and dominated establishment media that lies about and runs cover for this operation. The same "media" that spreads toxic "white supremacy" narratives. The same "media" that propagandizes January 6th, propagandizing generally peaceful white Christian conservative patriots as "domestic terror agents." You have a Jewish Attorney General, Merrick Garland, prosecuting these people and making an example of them. You have a Jewish Department of Homeland Security Director, Alejandro Mayorkas, formerly on the board of the biggest Jewish NGO, HIAS, which has an underground railroad for migrants from South American to our southern border. You have a Jewish stasi ADL who attacks anyone as "antisemitic" for pointing out what is happening in reality. And you have legions of chaos disinformation agents on social media and Substack blaming any number of exotic entities for this "Globalist" problem: "The Vatican," the "Black Nobility," "The Jesuits," "The Rockefellers," "The Nazis," "The CIA," the "ChiComs," etc etc... Pattern recognition and seeing what behavior is occurring in reality is important. Sadly people are not living in reality.

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Remember the Obamacare pajama boy ad? The Obama administration insisted that 20 year old boys in red plaid onesies sipping hot chocolate were considered “children” who needed to remain on their parent’s health care plans until the age of 27. That was their guideline for inventing the new meaning of “childhood”. If people’s hearts could melt over poor deprived white pajama boy, imagine what we could do with immigrants.

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There is no enumerated federal immigration power. Customs, yes: that is to assess duties on commercial property. Defense against military invasion, yes: that involves armed armies (redundant but apparently necessary to clarify) attacking from abroad. Naturalization, yes: that is giving a foreigner papers that prove he is allowed to vote and run for office. And that's it.

Mass immigration of riffraff that doesn't assimilate for generations is as old as the USA. The current "crisis" is only as old as massive unconstitutional socialist border control. The more "solution" we get, the worse the problem gets: sound familiar?

And frankly if your neighborhood is taken over by a Venezuelan gang in a country with the Second Amendment, it deserves to be. They could all be dying, but no, they are ruling you and you are complaining to another set of illegitimate tyrannical overlords to govern you harder, rather than simply dealing with the problem.

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Interesting assumption that all those 800,000 DACA/DREAMER applications assumed that the submitter was being honest! Should anyone believe that gang members would write "yes" to the question asking if they are gang members? The test should have been: "if the submitter has any tattoos at all, deport immediately".

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The reason that Democrats must replace Whites is that White people constitute the only substantial voting bloc that votes Republican: READ: There’s nothing crazy about the Democrats’ agenda: Every Democrat policy is designed to build the party’s voting coalition: https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/theres-nothing-crazy-about-the-democrats

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White replacement is NOT a Democrat vs Republican issue. And its ultimately not about voting blocs. That's just the cover narrative.

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I agree with you partially. We have a global business community doing business here that will side with either party and which has no national allegiances, that will do absolutely anything to get ahold of ultra-cheap, defenseless laborers: Who Is Really Behind Our Illegal Immigration? https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/who-is-really-behind-our-illegal

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You describe well what is happening at a local level and what would have been very accurate 5 years ago; however there is now an entire "migrant/refugee" underground railroad happening from South America through the Darien Gap in Panama and up through Mexico that is importing people who are not coming to work in jobs or participate in our economy. The most recent examples are the 20,000 Haitians dumped into a town of 60,000 in Ohio or the Venezuelan gangs have set up shop in Colorado and Texas. Since the Biden administration has taken over and especially over the last couple of years, DHS Secretary Mayorkas and the NGO that he used to be a board member of, have been funneling in military age men from a number of hostile nations. Somce the Cartels run the actual border, this suggests some kind of tacit relationship between the Cartels, the NGOs and DHS which is not just doing something illegal but treasonous. The administration is giving these people EBT cards with high balances and they are being put up for free in hotels, schools, you name it. The exact same plot has been going on in Britain and Europe. There is a particular agenda here with this most recent importation of so-called "migrants* that goes well beyond cheap labor and voters. That is the establishment narrative. See my full comment for more

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Well the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce was certainly interested in getting driver's licenses for its workers as late as 2023. I don't doubt that your assessment of the Biden administration being involved in treason is also accurate, but if so then that certainly makes it a partisan issue: Democrats and the Cartels: https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/democrats-and-the-cartels

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It is also legal immigration which is importing a new, alien elite. That process is well underway. Look at the CEOs of "American" companies and our Universities. Just because it is legal doesn't mean it isn't nefarious.

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It's been done since the 80s for sure. Anyone remember the "English Only" group who were trying to get Congress to pass a law that English be the language of the land. Never happened of course but should have. We are so screwed!

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Ms. Nickson:

I am a supporter of your wonderful substack and I want to remain a supporter, but by voluntary action; not by force. The substack owners, or whomever runs the platform, automatically sucked money out of my bank account the other day and they did not warn me prior to that my subscription was ending and needing renewing.

I am NOT blaming you.

I’m just wondering if you’ve discovered a way to turn off autopay while remaining a subscriber. This happened with another substack I follow, and I had to Unsubscribe to get out of the autopay. Anyway, just wondering.

Thank you.


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Curious how white middle class media types are working so hard to obliterate the white middle classes. That’s University “education “ for you.

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The legacy media needs to be completely dismantled. They have been liars, cheats and frauds for many, many decades despite the fact that most people are just now catching on. It was obvious how slanted they were when I was in my teens and beginning to pay attention to everything. Growing up in the DC area was very instructive! I advocate shooting your tv immediately and being very choosy about what you read.

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Some background concerning Haitian immigrants


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The Camp of The Saints is upon us. It is okay to condemn DACA. Time is running out to go on the offensive, so do it. Deport the DACAs and the DREAMERs. They came here illegally. Besides, we never wanted them here no matter how they came. Let's get the disposition correct.



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