The Known Knowns and Known Unknowns about Full Disclosure of Alien Life and Alien Tech
Pass the Schumer UAP Disclosure Act, dammit and get this party started.
The American military is sitting on alien tech that could transform the earth, eliminate poverty and spur a Renaissance that none of us, used to bovine-level progress as we are, can imagine. Medical technology that eradicates illness, energy technology that would free every living man, woman, and child from drudgery. It’s all there, hidden. And has been since the 1950’s, courtesy of the CIA.
Last week there was a gerfuffle in the U.S. Congress about disclosure, by which I mean that some members of congress were shouting in the corridors that the U.S. military establishment and aerospace corporations must decant into the public record what they have been doing up in space for the past eighty years. And, of course, reveal hard evidence of alien life forms and alien craft. The latter of which they have reverse engineered and been profiting by for three generations.
Chuck Schumer slammed Republicans for holding up passage of a measure that any alien tech discovered would belong to the people or rather, the government, instead of private corporations. According to famed civil rights litigator Daniel Sheehan, “The Schumer Bill represents a constitutional framework in which we can undertake a controlled, reasonable, disclosure of information to the American people, so that we can exercise our constitutional authority.”
This is opposed by four congressmen, two of whom have aerospace companies in their district. From the Daily Mail, last week:
“Mike Turner (R-Ohio), Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.), Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-La.) are said to be among those pushing back on the bill.
“Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson said on his show on X in late November that Rogers and Turner 'have been instructed to violate, in letter and in spirit, federal law, and to hide the truth about UFOs.'
“Carlson later called out Speaker of the House Johnson and McConnell for being among those looking to 'shut [the bill] down.'“
The Disclosure Project is yet another of those secret things the boys in the back rooms have dreamed up. The White Hats want humanity to know and benefit, the Black Hats don’t. Over the past seventy years both factions have launched information, disinformation and pallets filled with slander and mockery while they fight it out. I guess Q is part of this. I’m repelled by Q, since almost none of what he says seems to pan out, but this is the kind of game they are running on us. Q is often so cryptic and absurd, it is a walk in the park to discredit his adherents who know there something fishy going on.
The fishiest of fishy smells emanate from the Pentagon.
This slide is from a closed-door session of the Sol Foundation last month. Sol is devising a schedule for disclosure. It is an illegal screen grab, therefore blurry. I have separated out the years in the second tranche of slides to demonstrate what and when they predict information coming out.
A full fifty-two percent of us believe that there are a) aliens and b) downed alien craft and, by the process of deduction c) usable alien tech. But no writer or reporter generally thought of as reputable and mainstream has taken on the story, except to doubt and make fun. Mostly, I suspect, because their egos are so immense the thought of the inevitable mockery dampens their enthusiasm. The mainstream stars are all court reporters, as in Royal court reporters, jealous of their preference, their court being the CIA.
They have been made-to-order, manufactured by the CIA, which in the 1950’s, started standing up the most useless bunch of journalists the world has ever seen. Paperclip scientists had brought with them the science they had hacked out of downed craft in Europe, and in 1947, debris from the Roswell crash fell into their hands.
In January 1953, a group of scientists chaired by Dr. H.P. Robertson and covertly funded by the CIA recommended that UFO sightings be debunked. The panel recommended an “educational program” via the mass media and Hollywood to deter the general public from demanding a serious investigation of UFO sightings.
So it is, seventy years later, one of our ‘respected’ public intellectuals, Sam Harris, broached the subject on Lex Fridman’s podcast about the Congressional hearings this summer and walks himself back and forth on the subject, wool gathering. He doesn’t know. He isn’t sure. He thinks it’s nonsense. But maybe not. Which means he hasn’t looked. Which means he is so afraid of losing his position he won’t look. The New Yorker ran a story about UFO photography in August with the usual waffle and ass covering, basically cowering in front of power.
But, Tucker Carlson is a champion, and so is Joe Rogan. Rogan and Carlson have the self-respect and courage to ask the necessary questions. By contrast, Harris, in the clip linked above, shows himself to be broadly ignorant of how deep the deep state is and how fiendish is the power of their behavioural programs, mostly because he and his fellows are unwitting agents of it. Clearly, none of them have looked seriously at DARPA or Tavistock or Majestic 12, or indeed, any of the research, because their situation is simply too comfortable. Comfortable and dumb. That’s what I want for my next life. Did they not learn anything from Covid?
In the 60’s, Brookings, who are essentially typists for the CIA, issued a thunderous reports saying that BY NO MEANS must people know about aliens because there would be a massive collective nervous breakdown. Societal collapse! Again, more collective brainwashing was necessary. Mockery and reputation destruction were their principal tools.
“Why,” asks Harris, plaintive, '“isn’t this the biggest story ever?”
Because you poor, deluded, thing, your mind has been overwhelmed with trauma-based programming (pandemic war war war) and you are literally thinking what they tell you to think.
That which is officially known:
At present, in Congress, Mike Turner, who represents Dayton, Ohio, where Radiant Technologies sits right next to Patterson Air Force base, where the “original” crash debris from the Roswell crash was taken, is opposing Schumer. The second Congressional District in Alabama, where Mike Rogers, also standing against disclosure, encompasses Huntsville, where the Redstone PGM - 11 was developed in 1958 with the Nazi Paperclip scientists. Huntsville too is the home headquarters of Radiant Technologies which grew from that fertile ground. Radiant has a program called Prompt Global Strike. Prompt is a a missile system which will have full spectrum dominance over the planet. That requires billions a year in funding and they don’t want to let that go. Or have it, all of a sudden, become gratuitous.
Equally last summer’s Congressional Hearings on UAP elicited this level of reporting from NBC. And members of Congress and the White Hats in the military are demanding this:
The New Paradigm Institute, represented by famed civil rights litigator Daniel Sheehan, is also pressing forward disclosure. The Sol Foundation, from which the schedule for disclosure is published above, is building the knowledge base, publishing studies and papers about the implication of the hidden discoveries. The men heading up the Sol Foundation are impressive, Gary Nolan and Peter Skafish. Neither man is insubstantial or has any connection to crazy-town. Read their bios before you dismiss their thinking, their insistence that this knowledge be made public.
The Defence Authorization Acts of 2022 ,and 2023 clearly acknowledge “transmedium vehicles unlikely to have been fashioned by human beings” and that “these instances of legislation raise unprecedented issues for the US and all other national governments”.
Sol Foundation estimates five years, 2030 at the latest, for full disclosure, but my question is, do we have that much time? Don’t we need that tech now? If they have found free energy, we need it now, not in five or ten years. We are broke, we are stalled, the culture is in stasis, held in thrall by green madness and rampant corruption at every level. Unstoppable war has taken over the leadership class. And domestic peace has vanished. Most of the bitter fighting between factions could be eliminated with the release of this science.
Sol’s conference last month was filled with members of the National Security State, speaking in concert, saying, “this is happening, it’s real the government is aware of it, they’re in a pickle on how to roll this out and there are extremely serious consequences that everyone needs to think about.” Not only economic meltdown and psychological disarray but second and third order consequences whatever they are, but it is very very serious. Real-Admiral Tim Gallaudet spoke, for instance, about anomalous constructions on the ocean floor, weird manufactured landforms two miles down. A discussion of the Sol Foundation proceedings which were closeted, can be found here. Apparently there are so many craft, according to Admiral Tim, in the air and underwater, collision is possible and hostilities between countries plausible since alien craft are common in the ocean.
From the Sol Foundation:
As the UAP legislation for 2023 shows, some members of Congress take seriously the prospect that classified military and intelligence programs engaged in the tracking, retrieval, and reverse engineering of UAP vehicles exist but have not been properly reported to the Legislative Branch. The Sol Foundation believes that extreme secrecy about a matter so grave could have done untold damage to core aspects of American democracy, including its system of checks and balances, ethos of freedom of information and the press, and need for an educated citizenry. We are accordingly developing proposals for legislative oversight measures, executive branch classification reviews, and novel legal measures by which the deleterious effects of undue government secrecy might be ameliorated.
That which is officially unknown, but known, an unknown known in other words. Officially known, generally known, but not “proven”, or acknowledged.
I am unencumbered by the need to be seen as pliable by the National Security State or any publisher, so I can actually do the research, and find, easily, all of the information - we need to know. For the past thirty years, data has been leaking out via former military and government, but principally military personnel, who have been given permission to speak about their experiences by their superiors. Most are over ten years out of service, so their information is outdated, but shocking it is.
Thousands of books have been written, and hundreds of documentaries made and released. In fact, entire streaming channels, some with substantial funding behind them, using decent production values have been decanting information into the public sphere in vast tranches of information.
They run beneath Sam Harris’s radar, and that of the New Yorker who wouldn’t get their hands dirty learning what the great unwashed, the many too many, are thinking and learning. So that while Harris is mooing and hawing, I can talk to normal people, like the 40-year-old son of the woman who manages my salmon enhancement project, or the six college girls that came for lunch, most of whom were STEM, and they all think there are other civilizations, aliens, and it is more than likely that information is hidden.
The following is the minimal base of knowledge from which to operate, ask questions and verify:
We have many dozens of downed craft and evidence of one thousand alien life forms. We are working with some of them. Some have been captured. We have alien biological material from dead aliens from crash sites. These have been extensively analysed. We are in contact with Reptilian life forms, some of whom are hostile, some of whom we work with. The Greys and Ebens, the stuff of fiction, are real and they are our relatives who developed their AI to the point where they can no longer breed. Some of the encounters we have experienced - there are tens of thousands documented - are meant to harvest our DNA in order to reset their biology.
There is an entire ancient civilization under our feet, in the vast inner spaces of Earth. Equally, here is a video of military bases underground, - there are hundreds of them, costing billions each, and much of the advanced research the military has been doing takes place a mile beneath the earth.
Aliens have been visiting Earth for millennia and may have been involved in bioengineering the human race. Earlier this fall, Netflix released a series about ancient civilizations, hosted by Graham Hancock who has sold many millions of books. He parses discoveries, re-seeing evidence of civilizations, many of whom were thought to be advanced, and possibly more advanced than ours. The furor was ridiculous, with some chappie, who writes children’s books about poop, writing in The Guardian claiming that it was “The Most Dangerous Show on Netflix”. Hancock, like the many dozens of investigators in every discipline have been ranging through ancient sites, translating tablets and discovering one astonishing thing after another. Our backwards intellectual class ignores it all, collecting their salaries, entrenched in fatuous comfort.
Once this knowledge is released, every profession will be transformed. Once formal acknowlegement takes place, all the underground knowledge will surface. Long-hidden truths will be revealed. The public will demand to know about impacts on medicine, space travel, energy production. It will be a needed cultural tsunami so immense that the world-to-come will be unrecognizable.
There are, apparently, “serious risks” for the U.S. government to be the first to officially disclose they have recovered craft. This raises the chance of conflict by China and Russia. This to me is nonsense, but I’m not protecting a trillion dollar annual budget. What I do know is that every country has this program running. The Americans are leading it, but there is constant trading of material and information between scientists in every country on earth. I think the last thing the Chinese and Russians will want is war. What they will want is full acknowledgement of the technology that will transform their lives.
The men running the military holding back this information are profoundly evil. What they are afraid of is not war, but being prosecuted and hated. They are worried about losing their positions. They are worried about collapse of trust and criminal prosecutions.
Hence, Brookings:
In 1961, when JFK Jr rattled the cage and threatened to go public, the Brookings Report arrived. Ever since, for SIXTY YEARS, they have kept this secret:
The 1961 Brookings Report to the US Congress pointed to the potential for civilizational collapse with the appearance of more technologically advanced extraterrestrial societies:
Anthropological files contain many examples of societies, sure of their place in the universe, which have disintegrated when they had to associate with previously unfamiliar societies espousing different ideas and different life ways.
Evidences of its [extraterrestrial] existence might also be found in artifacts left on the Moon or other planets. The consequences for attitudes and values are unpredictable, but would vary profoundly in different cultures and between groups within complex societies; a crucial factor would be the nature of the communication between us and the other beings.
[O]f all groups, scientists and engineers might be the most devastated by the discovery of relatively superior creatures, since these professions are mostly associated with mastery of nature.” “Brookings Institute, Proposed Studies on the Implications of Peaceful Space Activities for Human Affairs, (Brookings Institute, 1960) p. 215.
I call bullshit.
It’s like there is a big damned hand pressing the life out of us. As far as I can tell the only technical advance in the last fifteen years has been that the vegetable choppers I buy are more complex and don’t break down quite as fast. Oh, and our digital devices record every word. And they are looking for ways to tax us on our outbreaths since they are CO2. And we are looking at a future in prison-cities.
What if it were all true? What if there were dragons and an entire ancient civilization burrowed under our feet? What if there was a secret space program and we are already fighting Reptiles in space? What if we have installations on the Moon, on Mars and bases throughout our galaxy? What if we already have free energy and anti-gravity? What if Star Trek were true? What if there was a benevolent Galactic Federation parked up in our skies, overlooking our progress, waiting for us to wake up, because they have a policy of non-intervention and we have to make the first move?
What if there were dark forces, represented by Orion, the reptilians who think this is their planet and they want it back? What if our principal religions, Christianity, Judaism and the Muslim faith were engineered by hostile aliens to control us? What if the CIA made an alliance with the Nazis and their stupid secret societies, and helped them reverse engineer crafts that crashed? What if in Antarctica, there is a secret Nazi base that operates the predation of humans, the steady drawing down of our ingenuity and lifespan, and they are the bosses of our bosses, our leaders take their orders from them?
What if there were ancient highly developed civilizations on earth before us: Tartaria, Mu, Atlantis, and we have found the evidence and are hiding it?
Because that, in a little box, tied up with Christmas ribbon, is waiting to be torn apart, analyzed, determined which is true and which is paranoid fantasy. Any one data point proved true and another profession stops its sclerotic crawling and becomes exciting again. Academia bursts with life. Medicine takes off. And every single person and enterprise on the earth has free energy. Can you spell Renaissance?
The Climate scam dies. The fierce competition for resources dies. Drug addiction and homelessness die.
And this is what our governments have been hiding for eighty years and counting.
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I hate to be petty but anything with Chuck Schumer on it is probably a scam and bad for us.
Aliens are everywhere, migrating from various countries to other various countries where they are needed most, apparently.
I sometimes wonder why we are so gullible that we easily believe in that which we cannot see, cannot find, cannot examine or cannot verify. Like Santa, UFOs, democracy, or the one hidden hand controlling the entire world, all 16 billion hands.
On the other hand (sorry), we don’t believe or fiercely deny that which is right in front of our face, like poisoning food (as evidenced by the list of ingredients on the package), professional ignorance and arrogance (2020-2023 and going), refusing you the right to coexist in the society on equal rights (as proven by immunity to some, tax holidays for some, subsidies and sponsoring to some, leaving the medical and legal fields not regulated by the mandatory rules and state-imposed price lists, and more).
We perpetuate the “alien technology” myth, happily empowering those invisible (bad, obviously) powers whom we attribute with anything that lurks in our imagination. And we put ourselves in a lost position, but heroic one, fighting (well, not really, merely talking about it) the Goliath, and - oh boy - knowing everything about this secret technology, its hiding, and its uses.
To balance this, we are unable to handle our home, family, school, work problems, we cannot communicate what we want or don’t want, we cannot talk to our closest folks in a diplomatic and mannerly way, forget understanding or patience. We don’t even know why we do what we do. We have no idea - and we are not interested to find out - why we are habitually late, or early, or at a wrong place or time, forgetting things, misplacing objects, mixing words and scenarios, or why we are triggered by some words, even when they denote realities completely foreign to us. We never inquire our own minds about the avalanche of biases that we use to destroy our life. We are not really interested in growing and becoming “more” of ourselves, but we enjoy harming others. We never make an inventory in the evening to find out whether this day was better than yesterday - but we draw wide conclusions about people, groups, businesses that we have never met, talked to or even seen in real life. We love to advocate and vote for those who don’t and will never care about us, but we believe they do and will, despite the uninterrupted continuous trail of evidence of the last 200 years or more.
Maybe this world, our first-person experience of our own life, is the space that we fear most. Alien, isn’t it?