I hate to be petty but anything with Chuck Schumer on it is probably a scam and bad for us.

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Everything he does he does for Israel.He said so in a video that not available anymore.Is the U.S.the only country in the world that allows people from another country to have powerful political positions.YES,and the politicians just love the annual AIPAC conventions$$$$$$$$$$$$

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Yes, A slime ball for sure! Harry Reed was another creep but also big into the ufo/alien subject as were Hillary C and John Podesta. It doesn't mean what they are interested in is not viable. I wouldn't go out of my way to save any one of them From certain demise for sure!

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Podesta is terrifying.

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Yes Heather, a demon worshiping deciple of the hideous Marina Abromovic as are the others I mentioned. Child rapist , blood drinker and now head of U.S green infrastructure or something to that effect. These are the demons tearing down western civilization.

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God Harry may have been worse!

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Hans Kammler,a Nazi SS , as an engineer who was responsible for the death factories building alien derived space craft might top the list though.Watch Len hastens you tube talk on this subject.Put up in previous comment.

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I thought the same thing, probably the something in it for him but even so the possibility of anything changing seems like it would be for the greater good, even if Schumer has dubious intentions.

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You think?!

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Aliens are everywhere, migrating from various countries to other various countries where they are needed most, apparently.

I sometimes wonder why we are so gullible that we easily believe in that which we cannot see, cannot find, cannot examine or cannot verify. Like Santa, UFOs, democracy, or the one hidden hand controlling the entire world, all 16 billion hands.

On the other hand (sorry), we don’t believe or fiercely deny that which is right in front of our face, like poisoning food (as evidenced by the list of ingredients on the package), professional ignorance and arrogance (2020-2023 and going), refusing you the right to coexist in the society on equal rights (as proven by immunity to some, tax holidays for some, subsidies and sponsoring to some, leaving the medical and legal fields not regulated by the mandatory rules and state-imposed price lists, and more).

We perpetuate the “alien technology” myth, happily empowering those invisible (bad, obviously) powers whom we attribute with anything that lurks in our imagination. And we put ourselves in a lost position, but heroic one, fighting (well, not really, merely talking about it) the Goliath, and - oh boy - knowing everything about this secret technology, its hiding, and its uses.

To balance this, we are unable to handle our home, family, school, work problems, we cannot communicate what we want or don’t want, we cannot talk to our closest folks in a diplomatic and mannerly way, forget understanding or patience. We don’t even know why we do what we do. We have no idea - and we are not interested to find out - why we are habitually late, or early, or at a wrong place or time, forgetting things, misplacing objects, mixing words and scenarios, or why we are triggered by some words, even when they denote realities completely foreign to us. We never inquire our own minds about the avalanche of biases that we use to destroy our life. We are not really interested in growing and becoming “more” of ourselves, but we enjoy harming others. We never make an inventory in the evening to find out whether this day was better than yesterday - but we draw wide conclusions about people, groups, businesses that we have never met, talked to or even seen in real life. We love to advocate and vote for those who don’t and will never care about us, but we believe they do and will, despite the uninterrupted continuous trail of evidence of the last 200 years or more.

Maybe this world, our first-person experience of our own life, is the space that we fear most. Alien, isn’t it?

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People will believe anything as demonstrated by the past four years: A deadly virus to kill us all, benevolent elitists and experts that developed an injectable substance to save all of the people of the world. Then flocking to centers panting to be saved; unthinking and licking their killers boots. Now the next saviors to protect us from the consequences of past decisions. Distraction! The next boondoggle is ready to be served and we are ready.

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Well, “people” are you and me (and others). Four years ago, I totally believed what was being told. I had no knowledge, no common sense, and no interest in such things. Just like the others 8 billion or so.

I don’t feel “better than them” these days because I have read a piece or two. That’s a strange feeling, to be dependent upon whims of a handful of people who spend 24 hours every day thinking and devising means how to con you even more. “And when we are successful…. and we will be…”

These people, believing in good faith in whatever they are told - we are responsible for it. Their views won’t change if we limit our “knowing better” to writing articles or posting comments.

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I find that this quote from the transcript to be very apt, illuminating and true with regards to what I have observed in many (such as yourself) being confronted by this aspect of our reality (the thriving interstellar community that is all around us) recently:

“People have a natural defense mechanism to protect themselves from shell shock. They’ll just either flat out deny it, they’ll label it as conspiracy theory, or they’ll just put it in a separate bin of their mind that says, yeah, that’s just an anomaly, whatever, I’m not going to think about it.. ..we have to recognize that this adaptation to new information does take time, it requires a kind of a readiness. And that readiness also is a function of other aspects of the story that people carry about who they are and what is real and how the world works. So people become a lot more receptive to information about UFOs, for example, when other aspects of their reality picture have started to disintegrate. Maybe they were full believers in everything orthodox, and then, maybe they were damaged by a certain medical product, but I don’t know if I’m allowed name anymore. Because I don’t want you to be censored, but just say, suppose something outlandish like that happened, and everything that they thought about medicine and progress and science now lies in shambles. And then naturally, you think well, okay, what else have I taken for granted as reality itself that is just a story. What else? Where else have I been lied to and gaslit and deceived. So people then begin questioning everything, including things that probably are true. It’s not like every single thing we’ve been told is a lie. That is another kind of fundamentalism…

… I think another reason people are resistant is because it is an assault on their identity. Because who we think we are is related to what we believe about the world. And our role in the world makes sense, given the reality that we hold. So when that reality comes into question, then, who am I, that comes into question as well, which is why people take it personally, when you question their beliefs. It feels like you’re being assaulted. And in a sense, you are.” (from: https://charleseisenstein.substack.com/p/ufos-planetcide-and-the-maturation? )

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This is a brilliant quote. Could I use it to write a short article? It's already in progress, and it would be too long to put it here.

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Well, they are Charles' words, not mine, but I say, yes by all means, go for it!

Please share a link once it is published as I would be interested in reading.

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Thanks for the link. I will read it when I have time.

Putting all the philosophical interpretations and semantics aside for a moment and taking a more direct approach to the subject matter in the post above, what are your thoughts on the factual reality of whether or not advanced interstellar civilizations have visited (and are visiting) the Earth? Do you have the perspective that they are not here? Or do you perceive such civilizations as being here?

Thanks for your time.

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On second thoughts... I guess "ALF" is our closest successful attempt at aliens. Seriously. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0090390/

Will write about it :-)

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I think that we have no thinking capacity to even consider the existence of anything other than our own life.

To have a thought about “aliens”, we’d have first to have a direct experience - otherwise our thinking is just a fantasy.

We are not capable of “thinking” or “imagining” alien “civilizations” (why not a single isolated alien larger than the Milky Way?) - because we cannot even guess what my wife/husband is thinking when talking to me. Our memory fails us utterly, repeatedly, and changes over time and depending on external and inner circumstances. Our forecasting capacity is so miserable that we had to create Las Vegas. We cannot communicate with our kids, whom we know better than anyone else. We cannot communicate with anyone without imposing ourselves and destroying the relevance of the other - whom we don’t really know. We cannot keep the promises that we made to ourselves this morning. In general, we don’t know anything about what we want to do with our life. Planning a 2-days’ trip? Forget. Planning a journey to another “galaxy” 2 million years away? Moon or Mars travels? Really?

I feel comfortable with “we don’t know”. We don’t have to.

Why should we worry? If they are “alien” (read: evolved higher than us) and they want to harm us, they can do it any time and will do it without our seeing it coming. If they are “lower” in evolution… well, that can’t be, they won’t be here, right? If they are equal to us… yes, that is truly scary.

But, you know, one has to earn one’s living, keep a family. Science fiction is probably third to gaming and movies, a good way to accumulate some stuff. :-)

PS. Of course, I am wrong. This all comes from my mind - which is just as biased as everyone else's.

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Well said.

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Dec 9, 2023
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I don’t really believe in “independent” thinking. Our minds are a mass-produced pre-programmed reflections of limited and defective random bits of knowledge. We all live in physical, mental, emotional and other conditioning, drawing what we “know” from what others told us or wrote for us. The mind itself is a repetition machine, imprisoned in a hundred biases, and highly proficient in only one activity: labeling and (after labeling) pushing aside from the field of attention.

We are all here to inspire each other. Our views may differ, we may be right or wrong. We may be sure or in doubt. All in all, we all make guesses about this life. This is why we need inspiration. In support or in negation. We never know what impulse may help us become more aware of this life.

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Dec 9, 2023
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I put together this post for those willing to take responsibility for educating themselves and engaging in independent thinking https://gavinmounsey.substack.com/p/childhoods-end

You will find a list of references to pertinent scientific data on the technologies in question at the bottom of the article.

I would appreciate your input.

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I can identify with what you are writing, some time ago, I guess :-) I found it sort of empowering to think about my mind (which in itself is weird) as “free”, not bound by the body, and so on. But then life happens and doesn’t leave you (me) with a choice. All freedom of the mind is useless (if it exists) when you cannot see through your next door neighbor lying you openly and looking you straight into your eyes. What freedom is it? All empowerment derived from independent thinking was gone in a second.

Apart from this, the independence of the mind is shattered in a split second when you are deprived of oxygen. Swimming (or drowning), playing sports, getting frightened in real life or by a movie scene, hearing a sudden shout, being physically immobilized (even by a friend), there are so many opportunities to experience that the mind is not independent.

I came to terms with my limitations, physical, mental, interpersonal. And the mind is most limited and definitely dependent or interdependent of them all. I came up with my private definition of freedom as “accepting the limitations and living within them to the degree that makes me feel at ease, without compromising my dreams, plans or pursuits”.

Anyways, independent from what? Or for what? I haven’t found answers to these questions.

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"Anyways, independent from what? Or for what?"

I explore some of what I mean when I use the term "independent thinking" and what exactly I am advocating people should strive to think independent from, in this essay https://gavinmounsey.substack.com/p/lest-we-forget-war-is-still-a-racket?

For what? Well, for me personally, I choose to walk this path doing my best to ask the hard questions and use my own God given mind (and heart) to perceive what is true and what is not in the interest of becoming a more effective agent of regeneration on the living Earth. I walk in this life as an apprentice to Nature and I seek to help heal our family of humanity and it's relationship with the living Earth, while planting the seeds for leaving this place a little bit more beautiful than when I got here, for future generations.

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Those are some interesting philosophical thoughts on the nature of consciousness, free will and "independent thinking". I share some of my views on those topics in this essay https://gavinmounsey.substack.com/p/dispelling-the-most-detrimental-myth?

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Thank you. That's a long one, I'll have to leave it aside for a few hours. Equally inspiring, from the first view :-)

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You know what though - there’s more than enough earthly tech. that has been, and is being suppressed.

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You're kidding right? Chuck Schumer wanting good for us and the rest of Earth. 🙄🤪😂🤣😂🤣 People, Earthlings, who have invented things that could have "saved the climate," given us free energy, provided an easy life to the masses, made everyone equal, have been bought off, coerced, and killed, because it wasn't profitable for some producer, and or the government, but one of the most evil people in government wants all of these wonderful things for us, all of a sudden, and there's 4 guys that are thwarting him. I've got a super sweet bridge deal for you! Just give me a call so we can get together on a price and I can have it delivered.

Edited to make last sentence more direct.

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While its certainly possible that there are other life forms in the universe, the arguments for proof of their existence as you've laid them out are illogical. We can barely launch a rocket into space successfully but apparently there is a "secret space program and we are already fighting Reptiles in space". And all of the people involved have agreed to keep this a secret from us because its better that we're panicking over Covid or "climate change" rather than panicking over an alien invasion. What could we possibly do if we learned the "truth"? Run around like chickens with our heads cut off for five minutes. And then what? Most of us would still have to trudge off to work Monday morning to pay our bills. What's the benefit of having some of us rioting and burning down cities or engaging in wars in Eurasia while our space cowboys are battling for our survival? Wouldn't it be better to have us all join together to fight this foe? All of a sudden our politicians give a crap about our well-being?

Or, the aliens are already in contact with our "elites" and for some reason have agreed to remain hidden and only deal with intellectual titans such as Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnell, Joe Biden and Klaus Schwab. They do this because they have some concern about us humans panicking and losing our shit which they care about because .... well, no reason is really given why they would care about our reaction, as if those of us who aren't sure how to define a woman could somehow cause a problem for them.

Or, they want to contact us but people who can travel through space have been stymied by those intellectual titans listed above including our military which couldn't defeat a bunch of goat herders in Afghanistan. This is just laughable.

Or, they have already taken over and those intellectual titans are really reptile people whom the aliens impersonate so they can manipulate us into ... what? Working and paying taxes? Fighting each other over stupid shit? Are they sadists? Are they short on cash or something? Do they do this for shits and giggles? Maybe they like cat videos on YouTube so they don't want to screw that up. If they can travel across light years then presumably they also have weapons that could easily defeat our weapons or just blow up our world. Why not just come right out and enslave us openly if that's what they want to do?

Sure its possible that there are other life forms. Its even possible that they are here and living among us. Anything is possible. But to believe that we'd have to believe an awful lot of other things that make absolutely no sense. What's more likely, that there are highly intelligent aliens with technology we cannot even fathom who need to remain hidden for some unknown reason and are only communicating with our retarded, corrupt leaders rather than just announcing their presence OR this is just another distraction used by TPTB while they greedily acquire more, more, more for their own personal gain?

The biggest reason not to believe in other intelligent life forms is because they have not already slaughtered all the shitheads currently running this world.

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As soon as they fill my drought-depleted stock tanks (with no balance owed) I will happily agree to open my mind to the possibility of... whatever. Why didn’t anyone know of, and give me advance notice, that my dog was gonna barf on the rug a few minutes ago? Because... Mike Johnson

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Other intelligent lifeforms are the shitheads running the world,always have been.The humans in power serve them.No offense but condemnation without investigation is the height of all ignorance.https://rumble.com/v2wi7ls-dr-jos-luis-sevillano-we-are-facing-a-parasitism-of-another-species-on-the-.html

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That's it? All the investigation I need to do is watch a video of the opinion of one guy? Not sure why I should trust him but just because Dr. Sevillano says it then it must be true? I watched the video and he says a non-human entity is using graphene to take the energy from our brains. He says they have been here since the earliest civilizations have been on earth.

Still I have some questions and I figured I'd ask you who is clearly not as ignorant as I am although we've both now watched the same video. Why do they need to be so secretive? Why don't they just take what they want by force or some mind altering power? And if they've been here since the beginning, why didn't they harness us to whatever is needed to take our energy when we were less evolved and fewer in number? Why don't they just go to a sperm bank and buy some eggs from desperate women, make some babies in a petri dish and then raise their own herd to exploit? Frankly, I think half of the Democrat party would volunteer to have babies with aliens or have babies and give them to the aliens especially if they could get another handout.

I notice that Dr. Sevillano thinks this all comes to a head in 2030, the same time that the WEF plans to have us all owning nothing and being happy as part of their transhumanist agenda. How come the aliens picked such a sketchy looking weirdo to be the face of their nefarious plan? Why not someone like Denzel or Taylor Swift who people would be more likely to trust? And why do they publish their plans on the WEF website and YouTube if they want to be all secretive?

Now that I am no longer ignorant, what is the solution to this problem? Surely you didn't waste some of your remaining precious time as a free human just to call me ignorant and then not have any solution to offer?

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If true, its disappointing that the aliens have chosen to come here to conquer and exploit us. I had hoped they might be of a higher level of intelligence and interested in helping our development. The good news though is that they've chosen to take the form of our political leaders. The very people we've already identified as the enemy. So we just have to keep fighting back against our rulers and hopefully overthrow the evil bastards. Even better, those of us who might have some qualms about killing fellow humans need not worry anymore. I'm not aware of any legal prohibition about slaughtering space aliens. Lets get it on!

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About 5 yrs ago after seeing all this ridiculously advanced technology I made the determination that the human race here on earth is being exterminated.Our history and science books were rewritten a long time ago.I have about 40 pages left to read of Len Kastens Alien world order book.I've read Wes Penre's 6 levels of learning and Stuart and Janet Swerdlow online.The illuminati are Reptilian/human hybrids as David Icke has written.I have spent thousands of hrs reading about this the last 12yrs or so.We do have help but they are not going to do it for us.Here's something that's tangible,it can be proven as true.I thought about doing it,write these buildings down and research each one but not going to and why,because the video is true,the buildings exist.your smart ass comments do nothing.Why don't you spend some time looking at what I posted before you condemn.Truth is I really don't give a flying what you think.The posts I made and I can furnish many more as evidence are maybe for others that will actually spend the time reading and watching the videos.https://rumble.com/v3ab5y4-the-blue-aether-by-marcia-ramalho-reloaded-08.07.2021.html

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Anything is possible with God, we are told, so yes, all this could be true. But in my view our greatest danger, and the one most easily remedied by means quite available to us humans, is the glaringly obvious top-to-bottom corruption of the public education system, currently manifesting itself in the activist bigotry and devotion to sexual perversion which permeate it at every level — facilitated by the complete absence of what was standard cultural inheritance building blocks just 50-60 years ago. This particular “clean-up on aisle K-12” is most readily addressed and would go a long way towards cultivating citizens who can face the reality of other worlds and technological wonders without going catatonic. And I agree with the commenter who puts no stock in anything Chuck Schumer is supposedly sitting on — he is a prime example of our institutional and moral rot. Maybe it’s time to panic, but there would be less societal meltdown if the average kid had read about the Vikings and Genghis Khan and the Winter at Valley Forge and the trenches of Bastogne, or drew on Macbeth and King Lear and Henry V — or King David — for lessons on leadership, or knew enough to grasp the full range of consequences of our Industrial Revolution by contrasting the humanism of Samuel Slater’s factory towns vs. the grotesque lessons of the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire.

There is so much to be learned from the history and culture of any earthly nature, which can illustrate our potential for great good and great evil — the ultimate lesson on how to survive ANYTHING without falling back on the too-easy reflex to hate and suspect whatever is strange and new and powerful. I’ll start lying awake nights worrying about alien cities under the oceans when we have cleared the slathering trash and their diseased B.Ed. degrees from the front of the classrooms.

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I think about that too, how much worse the world will be once these kids are in charge. It’s frightening because they have no mental fortitude or knowledge of anything beyond sexuality.

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I can detect no evidence of intelligence emanating from our government on any level. Not technological, certainly not energy which they are obviously trying to reduce. Not biology which they clearly do not comprehend. Not wisdom, nor any possible theory in which the U.S. or democracy survives the inevitable chaos they work each day to advance. Further, could we not hope that an alien intelligence with advanced technology would take pity on us poor creatures as we are tortured by the psychopathic elites and mitigate it?

Apart from grainy photography no better than Bigfoot, and a cadre of earnest but ultimately pointlessly vague adherents, I see nothing. I am reminded of the wish invoked by Eric Idle in the Universe Song; hopefully there is intelligence up in space cuz there is bugger-all down here on earth.

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It’s weird that little green men who have the technology to fly across the vastness of space keep crashing into our little ol’ planet Earth. Is our gravity too strong for them? Our weather too fierce? I’m not sure we would benefit from such fragile and accident-prone technology! But

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Or that they allegedly have “been found here” since 1948 in varying forms, arriving in mega-sophisticated craft, with technology beyond our wildest dreams, yet they have not found a way to make themselves present to us in a mainstream way. So sophisticated that we are able to control them ???

Or, could this all be part of the big hurrah final attack on the Christian narrative? Because it is Christianity that is the last barrier to global dominance. They are making a fine push in the 21st century with this cantankerous, liberation-theology pope dripping tiddlybits of heresy from airplane interviews or into atheist journalist-pal ears, knowing full well it will be headlines in minutes. Or a plandemo that closed churches, divided congregations, revealed cowardice in ecclesial ranks, blew up families, friendships, and natural alliances, leaving us constantly preoccupied bundles of fear and distrust - finding it near impossible to return to that space of innocence and trust.

Greg Gutfeld recently wryly observed: “Nothing goes wrong this perfectly.” Indeed.

But Jesus said He would be with us until the end: “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:18-20).

Christians and Church may be pushed underground, as has occurred over two millennia, but faith will persevere.

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[the people or rather, the government, instead of private corporations.]

I'm sorry, what's the difference, nowadays?

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Yep - that’s a key point.

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Exactly. It's all theater.

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Why on God's earth would you want anything to do with Alien tech or anything from them...This is God's earth. Not theirs or the government who wants to own it. People who think this is such a great thing need to get right with who is really in charge!

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They are a part of God too! We have been at war for eons and that is what is happening right now

, I am tired of being controlled by a government that wants me dead!

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As you say ... Did god create the earth or the universe? Are all creatures, creatures of god?

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What if... Schumer, McConnell, Pelosi, Fauci and their ilk are actually alien (They already look reptilian!)?

The Scamdemic was the vehicle to get the world population Jabbed for whatever alien purpose. Maybe a metamorphosis into lizards? I wonder why you missed this one? Your welcome.

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Reptilian/human hybrids,David Icke has been sayin for decades.Len kasten explains it pretty well.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sO0VgUBikjM

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And that admiral in the photo...he even has pointy ears! Definitely an alien sent to spread disinformation.

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woah. i just recently started approaching this stuff with an open mind. i wish i had seen this primer before.

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Wish more people would. It is fascinating, and the hidden knowledge! We NEED it.

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do you come on shows as a guest? i recently dipped by toes into the alien thing with a fellow blogger and i think it turned out well. let me know!

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When i saw this article in my inbox...i ran downstairs to get my coffee...came back upstairs and eagerly clicked on it. I knew it would be a detailed, though-provoking, very readable piece. And it was. There's so much good content on Substack...and weekdays are often too busy to sit down and really appreciate these kinds of in-depth articles...so its great to have it delivered on a Saturday morning!

That said, I'm still from Missouri on all this stuff...but I like to think I'm open-minded and anything is possible As Hamlet said to Horatio. There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy, right?

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We don't need the super duper "technology" of so-called "aliens" to eliminate poverty, hunger and disease.

We could do it on our own if we wanted to but we don't.

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Or the influence of demonic entities masquerading as aliens to steer the world toward a one world religious system with their leader, Lucifer, worshipped as God.

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Is the earth really a globe? Or is it flat? Or hourglass? Oval? Are we really spinning around at such speeds unimaginable? These questions tie Into the equation too. The more we learn the less we know.

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The Earth is a sphere and it's hollow.Not hollow like a pumpkin but enormous caves and caverns.Anartica is at least one of the ways to go in.So flat earth,round earth?Sure don't hear much about hollow earth do we.

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Sort of a pile or large, unconnected rubble sliding slowly on a fluid base. Lots of cavities with probably the origins of surface life.

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I am going to do my usual knee jerk comment on the topic at hand and come back later with others. This topic could be subject to commentary and additional information every day for a month or more as there is a life time of information from the testimony of thousands of people and and physical evidence of the existence of aliens and their technology which we absolutely have either been given or took from downed craft since the 1940s. I have mentioned before in this forum the years of information coming from the ex Nachtwaffen pilot Penny Bradley who served on Mars and environs for the Nazi breakaway space program. Courtney Brown's Farsite institute has been remote viewing the alien /alien base topic for years. Recent viewings on Mars showing a shared base with alien/human subjects. Ella Lebian's voluminous publishings are chock full intelligent deductions of what they are all about. William Tompkins book 'Selected by extraterrestrials' is also a must read as he was involved with many of the Aerospace co.s and the NASA Apollo project. The ultimate alien tech though is the simulation matrix which we all live in here on earth. See David Icke books and lectures on this subject. And less I forget, our artificial , alien created hollow moon .

More to come. Thanks again to Elizabeth!

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The Gnostics were persecuted by the religious and secular authorities of their time, accused of blasphemy, perverse sexual magic and secret rites.. hid some of there writings about the demiurge. Mesopotamia's Enki and Enlil, source material for the Genesis narrative? Archons, fallen angels, flesh and blood aliens or multidimensional beings? Current mythology about a powerful AI inhabiting a human super computer and mad scientists opening portals to other dimensions jibes with the idea of pre-existing machine intelligence operating a "simulacrum" and directing galaxy hopping humanoids modifying human genome to create "energy slaves." "Any sufficiently advanced technology would appear as magic" or "demons" or "aliens" to a philosopher or religious mystic of the biblical time period not to mention the indoctrinated of many spectrums fighting for relevance and dominance in the modern world.

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Right you are Ron,Courtney Browns farsight institute will even teach you what equipment to get if you want to see all the UFO's everyday.https://farsight.org/FarsightPress/Election_2024_Aftermath_main_page.html

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You're full of elitist babble who are either on the payroll of the powers running this religious, secret world order to bring the world under one Satanic system or a fool who believes his lies.

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