Your mother is a legend!

The collective dark night of the soul makes a lot of sense. Reading through the assault on the human psyche and humanity, I feel fortunate to have gone through a dark night of the soul to navigate this chaos now: Thank you for your powerful story and the instruction manual your

mother’s life provides us for liberating our mind.

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Mar 9Liked by elizabeth nickson

Another bullseye. Your video of the men in California is just a sliver of what is really happening. Being an older man and seeing it from a past present and future perspective, there is absolutely no doubt this demonic devolution is almost over and we will blast out of it with a vengeance rarely seen in human history. ALL men I know, every last one of them, is committed to ignoring the culture rot and crapping all over it whenever possible. The older the man, the more committed they are to fixing it. The fix may end up chaotic, but it will happen. There will very likely be a catalyst soon; a destruction of the western financial system, a real and nasty war, another stolen election; something. Once the snowball starts down the mountain, the apparatus will not be able to stop it. Prepare.

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Mar 9Liked by elizabeth nickson

The photograph of your mom is haunting. Her innocent face so filled with bright hope and eagerness. She deserved a world that would allow this sweet innocence, creativity and hope to blossom; instead, she was abused and discarded. What a testament to her tenacity and perseverance that she intuitively fought back. Vishnaya pamyat: May memory of her be eternal.

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Mar 9Liked by elizabeth nickson

Government could not exist if 90% of its citizen slaves were not indoctrinated and controlled. As humans, we don't know what we don't know. So much of indoctrination is subtle and playing in the background. You almost have to purge yourself from the mainstream media, government wonks, and all marketing of any kind. I think you have to live entirely off the grid to stop all exposure.

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Mar 9Liked by elizabeth nickson

Listening to the Gen-Z-ers in my immediate orbit, I think to myself that I would hate to wake up every day trapped inside their views of their surroundings, and the world at large. Fear of everything, and uninformed, unquestioning certainty. "The planet is burning!" "Take the shots!" "Genocide!" etc. Zombie-like. Perhaps there is a bit of bright sunshine peeking through the clouds, as demonstrated by that TPUSA crowd.

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Mar 9Liked by elizabeth nickson

Thanks for continuing to enlighten us. Nothing infuriates me more than the realization and understanding that there are elites that believe the rest of us need to be controlled by whatever means is available. They destroy individualism and creativity. At the age of 70 I continue to fight off the vaccine pushers. Thankfully my mind stays sharp and when I look out on the world it still goes into what if mode. Those that succumbed seem to be turning into wandering zombies.

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Mar 9Liked by elizabeth nickson

99% of the formation of the mind comes from, with and through words. It’s a truly magical process.

You say a word once, and it does nothing. Except when you first create a context for the impact of the word, then, once is enough. If the person had been prepared for it first.

In daily life of normal people, you need to repeat words to affect the person in a way you want to go. Repeat a word a number of times, and it changes the chemistry of the body. It literally changes the whole body-mind-spirit entity, which starts with an altered perception and processing. You can see it in the media: they repeat over and over that XX are the bad guys, and in an instant you are ready to fight XX, even though you have never met them and you have no idea who they are, how they live or what they do.

Repeating the word creates the context, and makes it modifiable for new purposes if they arise. This is why commercials are changed over time, media messages are changed, school curricula are changed.

Chemicals are not necessary for this. They even take away the whole fun of indoctrinating - programing - manipulating - forming - priming - imprinting your mind with the desired operational capacity. Moreover, chemicals render the person useless in the future, bad investment.

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Unbelievable evil, yet it’s real. Thank you Elizabeth, for continuing to inform.

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Mar 9Liked by elizabeth nickson

Memory. That's why the pineal and major organs were targeted.

Every cell remembers everything that happened to it.

The kids will be alright, as long as they remember.😊 keep reminding them.

#wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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Mar 9Liked by elizabeth nickson

Thank you, Elizabeth, for putting into so many wonderful and terrible words what so many have experienced and discovered in the last 4 years. As we build our new parallel systems, the old corrupt evil ones will fall by the wayside, I do believe this. But it will not be easy, as you write. So many people are weak mentally, so many probably can't be saved now, and will also fall away sadly.

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Mar 9·edited Mar 9Liked by elizabeth nickson

This helps explain my hunch that we are increasingly at the mercy of a dangerously submissive and risk-averse generation of young people..

They WANT to be ordered around.

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Thank you, as always! This writing even more disturbing and courage giving! Another “aha” moment that answers why mRNA is being inserted in to our food supply..”but vegetables don’t get covid”, I used to query to those touting the injections..

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Mar 9Liked by elizabeth nickson

Wow. Amazing read. I read the Indoctrinated Brain and shared it on social media, a must read. So easy to manipulate the masses when they’re sick, overweight, overwhelmed, depressed, drunk, high, etc. Exercise and music and art and nature and love and giving back are keys to life and light. God bless you and your mom. Unbelievable really what she went through and absolutely mind blowing that our leaders who are “supposed to protect us” would do such an evil thing. Reality can be so very painful. And this is why the masses blindly comply and want their fake freedumbs because the truth is so painful.

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"dark night of the soul"

Perfect description.

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Mar 9Liked by elizabeth nickson

Very sorry for what you went through as a kid, but thank you for sharing your mother's story with us. She's a real inspiration, particularly in terms of how to get through hard times and keep your spirits up and your mind and body intact.

I share your optimism and Andrew Harvey's belief that we are entering a time of great danger but great opportunity to overcome an ego-based system that has enslaved and terrorized the world, even if we didn't realize the true nature of that system until now.

Whenever I feel fear or anxiety, I tell myself "Do it for the kids." We need to stay strong and focused in this battle for the soul of humankind for them. They deserve far better than what they've gotten so far.

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Mar 9Liked by elizabeth nickson

Besides the Tavistock books, "Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon" by David McGowan is another great read on the link between the youth culture, drugs, and covert ops including MKUltra. He shows that a lot of the people famous for the music that came out of the late 60s were actually military kids and conservatives. He focuses on Laurel Canyon and details the many murders among and around that area, including the Manson murders. I couldn't put the book down.

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