Great piece. America first is the only answer. We are in a war.

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Well, you have to hand it to them. They have been masterful with decades upon decades of planning and incrementing their loathsome ideals. And, as you pointed out in the first paragraph, it has been built on a North American sense of lulled comfort, plus an incredulity that anyone would ever wish to tamper with our successes. Even now, I know I would be hard-pressed to convince some around me that we have been attacked successfully from within. Surely, they would say, why would anyone want to deliberately tear down that which works? But, despite the resistance we will receive, we are called to sow these seeds of discontent.

Thank you for this. Hard reading, once again. The destruction of dams is chilling - right under our noses. Is this happening in Canada as well?

Am reading Diana's West's "American Betrayal," and I have her "The Red Thread" cued. Yes, it is all-out war, and yes, they are formidable enemies who have hemmed us in all round and have us fighting on dozens of fronts, exhausting us. But I know the very wiles they employ to advance their agenda are the very wiles that will lead them to inevitably turn on each other. In the meantime we push back, encouraging one another, ever inspiring innovative end-running. IMHO, the greatest weapon is our knees. From there we bring heaven to the battle and grace to inspire us.

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Much more than decades. This crap can easily be traced to lincoln, wilson and then back further yet. 6

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This is terrible news. And I’m already suffering and pissed off about other shitty nightmares: vaccines and trans drama and trauma clowns, and female impersonators taking space,, rights,oxygen and awards from women .

I have no faith in people getting involved. They are more certain than ever that governments are good and media is truth.

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I"m sorry you feel that way. I think 30% are well aware of what is going on and are learning how to work the few rights left to us. It is a groundswell and well under the radar of even the free media, which is what I call the non-MSM, legacy media. Lots of people are finding strength working on re-establishing freedom. 30% is enough to drive change.

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Agree, except that I think we’re at 19% and holding. The 80 / 20 Rule (which I call the Pareto Tipping Point) says that when a ‘fringe’ concept is known by 19% or less of a population, it remains fringe. But add just 1% more, and the fringe concept will immediately ‘go viral’ and 80% will become aware of it. TPTB are desperately holding the line at 19%, else it’s ‘game over.’ I’m Hopeful that the flip comes soon…

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Agreed. I seek out the non legacy sources- and my guilty pleasure- National Post-that allows some broader discussion of issues. And sub stack- but just read ADL is pursuing Substack for spreading misinformation and racism etc etc. Thank you for your contribution .

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Thank you for this answer - I so need to hear this kind of encouragement.

Keep it up Elizabeth Nickson!

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Everything is being saved, conserved, for the Communists.

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Excellent read, thank you. Let’s not forget that as part of future serfdom, our children will be the sexual playthings of the degenerate apex parasites. People ask what it’s going to take before the masses rise up? Well actually... the script that Hollywood groomed us for ain’t happening... and none of this will ever be discussed in msm for fear of throwing fuel on the fire... but there’s good reasons for beefed up security amongst parasites like the little potato... it wasn’t mice in the walls that had him move to some undisclosed location...

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Wife and I lived in old Los Angeles, California for 30 years. We traveled all over that great state and watched the quality of life decline. The Frankfurt School communists (USC, UCLA, UCBerkeley) destroyed old California. BTW, have you met Amazing Polly: https://rumble.com/user/AmazingPolly

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Very well written, informative, and scary. I often say no change till pitchforks and torches come out! What a shame we are at this place in our history.

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As if the USofT is so much different than Russia... At least my fellow modern moron slaves keep writing the same bullshit over and over!

What actual Rights do the american modern slaves have nowadays?!

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Well said.

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All part of the depopulation agenda. War, disease (viruses, jabs) and famine.

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1 - yep.

2 - want to know why? read my telearb.net stuff

3 - fix it? maybe it takes wwIII - but it is also possible that we're seeing the pendulum swing so far toward idiocy now that a genuine reaction sets in. I hope so, but am not terribly optimistic.

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Very important piece, wonderful lady.

“This inversion of reality creates the most astonishing clusterfuck of incompetence and cruelty.” Spoken like a good soldier for sure.

“The result has been, and its purpose is, to starve human development, food production, and economic well-being.”

“The incompetencies of green watershed management are deliberate, meant to fail, in order to reduce water use, and increase fear around water.”

Truths. Pay attention.

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