Vaccines. I noticed around a year ago that suddenly I wasn’t being asked my vaccine status when I went to the doctor, dentist or hospital. It was like the question about and importance of the vaccination message had never existed. It went from prime importance to non existence in a very short period of time. Memory hole.
The message must have gone out from Cabal Central to drop the topic because of pending publicly visible issues that can’t be whitewashed.
I remember talking to a leftish acquaintance early in the pandemic. He was ranting about the importance of vaccines, social distancing, masks, etc. When he finished I quietly asked him one question- how will you feel when you learn that everything they told you was a lie? He laughed.
Sadly I am sure that even though he now sees the truth in the question, he will never admit it because he is a lemming.
I've had similar encounters with the previously nazi-like enthusiasts (liberals) who believed my personal medical decisions were no longer a thing. They haven't apologized; they act sort of like the whole thing didn't happen and surely, there is nothing to apologize for right?
One person - a neighbor - actually said she never cared if people were jabbed or not which is 100% a lie. (But I think she might believe it!) She was personally behind stopping neighborhood events if jab status wasn't on the table. She literally wouldn't let you into her home and asked everyone she encountered their status. (I wouldn't answer, so she assumed (correctly) I was not and so, yes, a threat.) Many events in the neighborhood that I was not included in. That all shifted in January of this year, but everyone asks like they have amnesia. It's so weird.
An emergency room doc was looking at my wife and gave her the 'business' for not getting a medical experiment... I asked him point blank "Are you a sales rep for Pfizer or a doctor? Get on with treating my wife's hives or be done. I understand your medical boards are taking the government cheese which means you are following orders, but for godsakes do no harm!"
OMG. I've got a friend like that. He avoids me now. Sad. I think he avoids me because - he knows he was wrong. And he's embarrassed and doesn't know what to say now.
When they finally wake up the bulk of them will remain angry at you still. Only a few will call and apologize. The rest will come up with something to continue to hate you for. In 1946 Germans didn’t suddenly stop hating Jews.
I told a young man in his mid 30s who was trying to get approval for a Latin Mass in our parish that it takes the energy of young people along with the cash from the aged like me to make it happen. It is going to take a large number of younger (20-50 year olds) to succeed in pushing back on this madness. The aged like myself need to work to inform them. Substack authors like you, Elizabeth, are profoundly important. Thank you. Excellent piece today.
Wonderful piece, and I read the whole “Camelot” review you tagged as well. This is a war, a war on many fronts. It involves spiritual warfare so don’t forget to pray!! Speak the truth in love. Be honest and kind in your conversations, always having an answer for the hope that lies within you. Be as gentle as doves and wise as a serpent. Be anxious for nothing. Do not be afraid.
I just had my annual physical with my young super smart, nerdy doc who tries very hard to be personable. E.g. when was last time you heard someone say “OkeeDokee”. At least 5 times I tried to tell him how not vaccinating has isolated me, cut me off from all the groups I was part of. No comment, nothing. But finally I said, I don’t trust most of healthcare now because of these vaccines. Nothing! But now he knows.
That's interesting. And the nerdy doc who can't engage in human feelings is a good bridge for the AI doc coming next - most people won't notice a big difference.
Good to hear. No, of course they can not be replaced by AI, but that doesn't mean they won't try, right? I think it will be rejected. In the end, valuing humanity is going to increase. We took a lot for granted and slept through much of the agenda. Now, it's pretty clear. Thanks.
Jonm, I live in a state that continues to mandate performative masks in "healthcare facilities." Some facilities ignore it, most comply. When told to mask up, I reply, "You have no idea how much credibility as a medical professional you lose by wearing a mask. Soon you will have none left to lose." Push back, people!
It's already gone. Why haven't you pushed back meaningfully by not going to them anymore? Your presence tells them they still have credibility you seek, despite your complaints. I suggest heeding your own advice.
Freedom Fox, I think the credibility is already gone for Big Pharma, the public health officials, and the administrative bureaucracy of the conglomerate health systems. I like my P.C., my kids' pediatrician, and my eye doctor. I have no desire to make enemies, but to find allies. When I gently push back as I described, the reaction is one of relief and the doctor, nurse, P.A., et al takes off their mask. The one time I did not get that reaction was from my ophthalmologist, and I changed practices.
My ophthalmologist has been absolutely terrified over COVID. I have serious eye issues. No one has helped me. I have somewhat helped myself. Recently I have thought ‘why do I dutifully go?’ I am a cash cow as they run me through a battery of tests. Each one billed to the government. I get a rushed 10 minutes from the actual eye doc. It is a waste of time and it is dehumanizing. I have stopped going. I likely will be blind-ish in a few years. But they haven’t stopped the slide anyway. I either will or will not lose my vision. It won’t be dependent on them whether Insee them or not.
He is pretty impressive, and it should be available relatively soon. I have been putting castor oil on my eyes at night, and the clouds and watering in the am which are the only symptom of my Fuchs Dystrophy are gone. Fuchs leads to blindness and there is no cure.
Mystic William, what a nightmare. Not knowing where you live or your financial situation, if the choice is between losing your eyesight or finding the best care you can afford, I would choose the latter. At a minimum, if you know what is causing your loss of sight—for example, macular degeneration—I would do a search online for ongoing trials in that space. At worst, you’ll get a thorough examination to see if you qualify for the trial. At best, you might learn of already existing solutions to what you have and a lead to a qualified practitioner. Good luck, brother!
How many of the childhood vaccines on the schedule (around 70 total?) did your kid's pediatrician give them?
Whether or not you have any desire to make enemies, they've already made themselves our enemies. Gently pushing back, getting someone to take their mask off, woo hoo victory! as they put a poison in you and your loved ones isn't finding allies. It's the practice of allopathy itself that is the crime against us. It is toxic "medicine." Sick care. To make us sick, not to heal us.
And doctors have been tasked as agents of the state to do the dirty work of surveillance and administer toxins into us. They keep standardized records on everyone, shot histories, are guns in homes, do patients or their families hold racist or homophobic views, is a child being subjected to language the state says is abuse, is there drug use, abuse, alcohol use, abuse, are you a "problematic" difficult patient. They will even ask children many of these questions when parents aren't present. All in your medical files that are transferred between doctors and government. Government authorities know that people trust their doctor more than anyone else, less likely to lie, is why they pass laws requiring them to ask these things that people would otherwise be defensive about answering to police or other "public health" authorities.
The allopathic medical system IS your enemy, whether you want to make them your enemy or not. But, you do you, imagine they aren't. Just don't be surprised or complain when they treat you like an enemy, like they've done and continue to do.
Annual physical. That's the beginning and end of that story.
Why do you believe you need an annual physical examination by a person trained in a medical system run by the very system EN writes about? Do you believe it actually is about your health? Or their pockets? Their testing? Their tracking? Their control?
As long as you put your faith and confidence in the handmaidens of a system that does not put your health and well-being first, as you learned and experienced the past three years you will remain the victim seeking help from their abuser. Like the wife who won't leave her husband who beats and denigrates her. "But he still loves me. He's trying to do better. He can change."
End the abuse. Seek natural healers. Independent, non Big Pharma drug pushers. Homeopaths, Naturopaths, Holistic, Ayurvedic, TCM, Herbalists, etc. If they have an official government-issued license on the wall or prescription drug writing ability then they get additional scrutiny - some may be recovering from allopathic training and practicing integrative health. Do extra diligence with them.
Or stay with your abuser. Your choice. Most do. Even in abusive marriages. While onlookers shake their heads.
You jump to a lot of conclusions FF. To get blood pressure meds he makes me come in. Yes I can look elsewhere for like minded med advice, another conclusion you’re assuming I haven’t done. This all happened in the past month so getter another year of meds is worth one more appointment. And don’t say you can do without the bp meds then you’ll really show your ignorance.
I was talking to a doctor a few weeks back. My eyes deteriorated faster when I was getting treatment than when I wasn’t. I tossed out a theory. He not only didn’t dispute me, he brought up BP meds. He said there has been a massive increase in dementia that coincides with a massive increase in BP meds being prescribed. He thinks the BP meds are doing it. So, is that true? Who knows. However....your blood pressure is a symptom. It isn’t the disease. What is it doing? Maybe your pressure is going up because you aren’t functioning as well as you were. You still need oxygen everywhere though, right? So your heart etc works harder to get the oxygen everywhere. Your BP meds reduce it and what happens? LESS OXYGEN GETS MOVED. And your brain becomes deprived of oxygen. Over time you get dementia because you starved your body. Is that true? It might be. I would like to see a dementia study done showing how many people were on BP meds.
And for the record I have seen a clear correlation between higher blood pressures in elderly people and greater enjoyment of life. Not 180 over 110, but 150 over 95 levels. The older people still moving and grooving and doing it have higher blood pressures.
I think older people should have elevated blood pressure. And cholesterol. The pharma companies set artificially low levels not supported by science in order to sell more drugs. I know older people with 140/90 be prescribed BP drugs because the doctor would like to ‘get that down to 120’. Show me the science Doc.
I suspect you are right - my BP used to be 90/60 and I struggled to get through the days, now its up in the teens and I have a lot more energy - plus all my writing comes because I've been doing strenuous hikes since I got here, building muscle and lung capacity so I'm OXYGENATED af. 20 years in cities had weakened me so so much. Hiking to the swimming place, swimming for 25 minutes and hiking back to the car has taken 20 years off my age, I kid you not.
You can do without blood pressure meds. Countless ways alternative healers have to do that with natural herbal and other remedies. Go to a naturopath, homeopath, holistic practitioner, Ayurvedic, TCM type healer.
You really show your conditioned ignorance the petrochemical Big Pharma manufacturers have brainwashed society to believe you need their magic pills prescribed by one of their licensed sales agents to make you well. You know, the ones who tell you to wear a mask, take dangerous experimental toxins, men are women if they want to be. Those same sales agents.
But, hey, you do you. People who know better like me shake our heads in disgust. Like we do when we see any tragedy of the effects of Jim Jones' little cult in Guyana. I hope your Kool-Aid at least tastes good.
I’ve been struggling for 2 weeks now to write what is on my mind. I keep vacillating between detail and broad brush simplicity. What is happening right in front of us is ignored by so many. I want to scream wake up foolish peasants. WAKE UP!!! It’s time to get your pitchforks and torches! But alas they are to busy stopping at Starbucks before heading to Target. Elizabeth thanks for doing your part to spread the word. Thank you for your inspiration. Now I need to knuckle down this weekend and do my part by putting pen to paper.
EN, thank God for you and this community of THINKING people you are building. A friend told me to be sure to read the comments at the end of this one because so many are profound. I'll add to that—they are inspiring, too.
Hey, push back. Last week I publicly called a mother a criminal for allowing her minor daughter to have a double mastectomy in service to her psychological problems. Like many, I didn't wear masks and didn't take the medical experiment that enriched Pfizer and your government employees(but I repeat myself Scott Gottlieb).
You now, really, have nothing to lose but your freedom. Act accordingly. The ATF just wrote a 'rule' about shooting braces - Marbury v Madison clearly shows they cannot do this as it infringes on you constitutional rights. Push back. Tell the truth.
He is an adult now and very happy with the decisions that he has made. The key to freedom and individual rights is maintaining that principle even when you are uncomfortable with some else's opinions or actions. My family made a decision that was right for us. If we allow this issue to divide us further (IE yelling at a woman about a personal family issue) then we are just playing into the hands of the manipulators. Divide and conquer.
I shouldn't have been so curt in my original post. These people made it my business by demanding I use their pronouns. I simply declined and called the minor by her name and it degenerated from there. I didn't start anything.
I am empathetic and will do anything to help people lift themselves - to a point.
Trans folks make it my business, we do not go out and seek to harm them. People should have the freedom to do whatever they want.... As long as they do not harm others.
After our daughter almost died from a stress induced eating disorder last year I vowed to never back down to the intimidation. If I left her on her 'chosen' path she would have died; it was our responsibility to intervene and help her correct her course and I am glad we did. She is back at target weight and doing great. She needed time to adjust. Same with our son and his anxiety issues. Doctor's say the human brain isn't fully developed until the age of 25. Our son just proved that theory.
It is my personal belief that I have the responsibility to help my child work through mental development until they become adults. And perhaps then some..
Meg, Danimal28's post expresses exactly my position on this. Especially the new compelled speech (of pronouns) which is Orwellian in its inversion of (in this case biological) truth.
I insist that those of us pushing back on the active grooming of kids to be 'trans" is not "hating trans people." We are hating the school boards and teachers grooming the kids. Period.
The fact that 'trans' (and now, 'de-trans') is now epidemic has everything to do with it having been made trendy and cool to youngsters. Kids of low self-esteem are especially vulnerable as going this direction bestows overt and coddling attention.
There is also the confounding issue of the exhaltation of drag queens, performing their pornographics to virtue-signalling parents (who secretly harbour such fetishes?) and their kids. Those people, yes, I have hatred for because they have their own agenda and know perfectly well what they're doing.
Another thing they do is demoralize young people. I keep reading ‘it was easy when baby boomers were growing up’. Not for my caste it wasn’t. Right now business wise it is the most exciting time ever to be young. I have never seen such a time of opportunity. Yet the average 30 year old mopes around like they are serfs in medieval times. And then push politically for regimes that are actually trying to do that.
Interesting tangent. It has been 30 plus years since Russia thew off the the yoke of Marxism. Since then - ostensibly free - have they produced any literature to rival Dostoyevsky or Tolstoy?
Music that compares to Tchaikovsky or Khachaturian?
Pasternak and Solzhenitsyn did, but then, they were free in their minds and wrote in direct opposition to the regime.
How many generations will pass before Russia's cultural genius revives?
Marxism destroys more than lives and economies.
Let's go further down the rabbit hole. How very convenient that the continual demonization of Russia prevents their experience from serving as a warning to others...
Thank you for another excellent, very thoughtful, essay. I got Stella Morabito's book out of our library to read on my Kindle this afternoon.
Morabito is another gem of a thinker and writer filled with knowledge, common sense and intellectual depth about where certain hostile elements are leading our culture.
I have not visited a GP for many years. I was married to one for 18 years so I understood that it was all a scam. She tried to get me to take statins and I said no way. Now, research shows that it damages the brain. I bet your doctor won't tell you that.
Vaccines. I noticed around a year ago that suddenly I wasn’t being asked my vaccine status when I went to the doctor, dentist or hospital. It was like the question about and importance of the vaccination message had never existed. It went from prime importance to non existence in a very short period of time. Memory hole.
The message must have gone out from Cabal Central to drop the topic because of pending publicly visible issues that can’t be whitewashed.
I remember talking to a leftish acquaintance early in the pandemic. He was ranting about the importance of vaccines, social distancing, masks, etc. When he finished I quietly asked him one question- how will you feel when you learn that everything they told you was a lie? He laughed.
Sadly I am sure that even though he now sees the truth in the question, he will never admit it because he is a lemming.
I've had similar encounters with the previously nazi-like enthusiasts (liberals) who believed my personal medical decisions were no longer a thing. They haven't apologized; they act sort of like the whole thing didn't happen and surely, there is nothing to apologize for right?
One person - a neighbor - actually said she never cared if people were jabbed or not which is 100% a lie. (But I think she might believe it!) She was personally behind stopping neighborhood events if jab status wasn't on the table. She literally wouldn't let you into her home and asked everyone she encountered their status. (I wouldn't answer, so she assumed (correctly) I was not and so, yes, a threat.) Many events in the neighborhood that I was not included in. That all shifted in January of this year, but everyone asks like they have amnesia. It's so weird.
yeah, I find being around the vaxxed is super tiriing.
Yes, I take those too now but they are finding the spike in the unvaxxed’s blood. Which means clotting.
An emergency room doc was looking at my wife and gave her the 'business' for not getting a medical experiment... I asked him point blank "Are you a sales rep for Pfizer or a doctor? Get on with treating my wife's hives or be done. I understand your medical boards are taking the government cheese which means you are following orders, but for godsakes do no harm!"
He was a beaten man, unfortunately.
OMG. I've got a friend like that. He avoids me now. Sad. I think he avoids me because - he knows he was wrong. And he's embarrassed and doesn't know what to say now.
When they finally wake up the bulk of them will remain angry at you still. Only a few will call and apologize. The rest will come up with something to continue to hate you for. In 1946 Germans didn’t suddenly stop hating Jews.
I told a young man in his mid 30s who was trying to get approval for a Latin Mass in our parish that it takes the energy of young people along with the cash from the aged like me to make it happen. It is going to take a large number of younger (20-50 year olds) to succeed in pushing back on this madness. The aged like myself need to work to inform them. Substack authors like you, Elizabeth, are profoundly important. Thank you. Excellent piece today.
Wonderful piece, and I read the whole “Camelot” review you tagged as well. This is a war, a war on many fronts. It involves spiritual warfare so don’t forget to pray!! Speak the truth in love. Be honest and kind in your conversations, always having an answer for the hope that lies within you. Be as gentle as doves and wise as a serpent. Be anxious for nothing. Do not be afraid.
I just had my annual physical with my young super smart, nerdy doc who tries very hard to be personable. E.g. when was last time you heard someone say “OkeeDokee”. At least 5 times I tried to tell him how not vaccinating has isolated me, cut me off from all the groups I was part of. No comment, nothing. But finally I said, I don’t trust most of healthcare now because of these vaccines. Nothing! But now he knows.
That's interesting. And the nerdy doc who can't engage in human feelings is a good bridge for the AI doc coming next - most people won't notice a big difference.
Human touch, human empathy. Old, old school “Doc” here who still fervently believes in these attributes that will never be replaced by AI.
Good to hear. No, of course they can not be replaced by AI, but that doesn't mean they won't try, right? I think it will be rejected. In the end, valuing humanity is going to increase. We took a lot for granted and slept through much of the agenda. Now, it's pretty clear. Thanks.
Jonm, I live in a state that continues to mandate performative masks in "healthcare facilities." Some facilities ignore it, most comply. When told to mask up, I reply, "You have no idea how much credibility as a medical professional you lose by wearing a mask. Soon you will have none left to lose." Push back, people!
"Soon you will have none left to lose."
It's already gone. Why haven't you pushed back meaningfully by not going to them anymore? Your presence tells them they still have credibility you seek, despite your complaints. I suggest heeding your own advice.
Freedom Fox, I think the credibility is already gone for Big Pharma, the public health officials, and the administrative bureaucracy of the conglomerate health systems. I like my P.C., my kids' pediatrician, and my eye doctor. I have no desire to make enemies, but to find allies. When I gently push back as I described, the reaction is one of relief and the doctor, nurse, P.A., et al takes off their mask. The one time I did not get that reaction was from my ophthalmologist, and I changed practices.
My ophthalmologist has been absolutely terrified over COVID. I have serious eye issues. No one has helped me. I have somewhat helped myself. Recently I have thought ‘why do I dutifully go?’ I am a cash cow as they run me through a battery of tests. Each one billed to the government. I get a rushed 10 minutes from the actual eye doc. It is a waste of time and it is dehumanizing. I have stopped going. I likely will be blind-ish in a few years. But they haven’t stopped the slide anyway. I either will or will not lose my vision. It won’t be dependent on them whether Insee them or not.
Yeah, fuck them. I tucked this away
He is pretty impressive, and it should be available relatively soon. I have been putting castor oil on my eyes at night, and the clouds and watering in the am which are the only symptom of my Fuchs Dystrophy are gone. Fuchs leads to blindness and there is no cure.
They don’t have a cure you mean. We can find cures. Without their pharma model.
Mystic William, what a nightmare. Not knowing where you live or your financial situation, if the choice is between losing your eyesight or finding the best care you can afford, I would choose the latter. At a minimum, if you know what is causing your loss of sight—for example, macular degeneration—I would do a search online for ongoing trials in that space. At worst, you’ll get a thorough examination to see if you qualify for the trial. At best, you might learn of already existing solutions to what you have and a lead to a qualified practitioner. Good luck, brother!
Thank you, Alan.
How many of the childhood vaccines on the schedule (around 70 total?) did your kid's pediatrician give them?
Whether or not you have any desire to make enemies, they've already made themselves our enemies. Gently pushing back, getting someone to take their mask off, woo hoo victory! as they put a poison in you and your loved ones isn't finding allies. It's the practice of allopathy itself that is the crime against us. It is toxic "medicine." Sick care. To make us sick, not to heal us.
And doctors have been tasked as agents of the state to do the dirty work of surveillance and administer toxins into us. They keep standardized records on everyone, shot histories, are guns in homes, do patients or their families hold racist or homophobic views, is a child being subjected to language the state says is abuse, is there drug use, abuse, alcohol use, abuse, are you a "problematic" difficult patient. They will even ask children many of these questions when parents aren't present. All in your medical files that are transferred between doctors and government. Government authorities know that people trust their doctor more than anyone else, less likely to lie, is why they pass laws requiring them to ask these things that people would otherwise be defensive about answering to police or other "public health" authorities.
The allopathic medical system IS your enemy, whether you want to make them your enemy or not. But, you do you, imagine they aren't. Just don't be surprised or complain when they treat you like an enemy, like they've done and continue to do.
Excellent response
Annual physical. That's the beginning and end of that story.
Why do you believe you need an annual physical examination by a person trained in a medical system run by the very system EN writes about? Do you believe it actually is about your health? Or their pockets? Their testing? Their tracking? Their control?
As long as you put your faith and confidence in the handmaidens of a system that does not put your health and well-being first, as you learned and experienced the past three years you will remain the victim seeking help from their abuser. Like the wife who won't leave her husband who beats and denigrates her. "But he still loves me. He's trying to do better. He can change."
End the abuse. Seek natural healers. Independent, non Big Pharma drug pushers. Homeopaths, Naturopaths, Holistic, Ayurvedic, TCM, Herbalists, etc. If they have an official government-issued license on the wall or prescription drug writing ability then they get additional scrutiny - some may be recovering from allopathic training and practicing integrative health. Do extra diligence with them.
Or stay with your abuser. Your choice. Most do. Even in abusive marriages. While onlookers shake their heads.
You jump to a lot of conclusions FF. To get blood pressure meds he makes me come in. Yes I can look elsewhere for like minded med advice, another conclusion you’re assuming I haven’t done. This all happened in the past month so getter another year of meds is worth one more appointment. And don’t say you can do without the bp meds then you’ll really show your ignorance.
I was talking to a doctor a few weeks back. My eyes deteriorated faster when I was getting treatment than when I wasn’t. I tossed out a theory. He not only didn’t dispute me, he brought up BP meds. He said there has been a massive increase in dementia that coincides with a massive increase in BP meds being prescribed. He thinks the BP meds are doing it. So, is that true? Who knows. However....your blood pressure is a symptom. It isn’t the disease. What is it doing? Maybe your pressure is going up because you aren’t functioning as well as you were. You still need oxygen everywhere though, right? So your heart etc works harder to get the oxygen everywhere. Your BP meds reduce it and what happens? LESS OXYGEN GETS MOVED. And your brain becomes deprived of oxygen. Over time you get dementia because you starved your body. Is that true? It might be. I would like to see a dementia study done showing how many people were on BP meds.
And for the record I have seen a clear correlation between higher blood pressures in elderly people and greater enjoyment of life. Not 180 over 110, but 150 over 95 levels. The older people still moving and grooving and doing it have higher blood pressures.
I think older people should have elevated blood pressure. And cholesterol. The pharma companies set artificially low levels not supported by science in order to sell more drugs. I know older people with 140/90 be prescribed BP drugs because the doctor would like to ‘get that down to 120’. Show me the science Doc.
I suspect you are right - my BP used to be 90/60 and I struggled to get through the days, now its up in the teens and I have a lot more energy - plus all my writing comes because I've been doing strenuous hikes since I got here, building muscle and lung capacity so I'm OXYGENATED af. 20 years in cities had weakened me so so much. Hiking to the swimming place, swimming for 25 minutes and hiking back to the car has taken 20 years off my age, I kid you not.
I have to say Steven, you are one of the ONLY original thinkers I know.
You can do without blood pressure meds. Countless ways alternative healers have to do that with natural herbal and other remedies. Go to a naturopath, homeopath, holistic practitioner, Ayurvedic, TCM type healer.
You really show your conditioned ignorance the petrochemical Big Pharma manufacturers have brainwashed society to believe you need their magic pills prescribed by one of their licensed sales agents to make you well. You know, the ones who tell you to wear a mask, take dangerous experimental toxins, men are women if they want to be. Those same sales agents.
But, hey, you do you. People who know better like me shake our heads in disgust. Like we do when we see any tragedy of the effects of Jim Jones' little cult in Guyana. I hope your Kool-Aid at least tastes good.
I’ve been struggling for 2 weeks now to write what is on my mind. I keep vacillating between detail and broad brush simplicity. What is happening right in front of us is ignored by so many. I want to scream wake up foolish peasants. WAKE UP!!! It’s time to get your pitchforks and torches! But alas they are to busy stopping at Starbucks before heading to Target. Elizabeth thanks for doing your part to spread the word. Thank you for your inspiration. Now I need to knuckle down this weekend and do my part by putting pen to paper.
EN, thank God for you and this community of THINKING people you are building. A friend told me to be sure to read the comments at the end of this one because so many are profound. I'll add to that—they are inspiring, too.
Hey, push back. Last week I publicly called a mother a criminal for allowing her minor daughter to have a double mastectomy in service to her psychological problems. Like many, I didn't wear masks and didn't take the medical experiment that enriched Pfizer and your government employees(but I repeat myself Scott Gottlieb).
You now, really, have nothing to lose but your freedom. Act accordingly. The ATF just wrote a 'rule' about shooting braces - Marbury v Madison clearly shows they cannot do this as it infringes on you constitutional rights. Push back. Tell the truth.
As Tucka says, "telling the truth... feels good."
I have a wonderful strong independent trans son who has also suffered from the vax mandates. The answer is not to attack each other.
Don't disagree as long as your son is an adult.
He is an adult now and very happy with the decisions that he has made. The key to freedom and individual rights is maintaining that principle even when you are uncomfortable with some else's opinions or actions. My family made a decision that was right for us. If we allow this issue to divide us further (IE yelling at a woman about a personal family issue) then we are just playing into the hands of the manipulators. Divide and conquer.
I shouldn't have been so curt in my original post. These people made it my business by demanding I use their pronouns. I simply declined and called the minor by her name and it degenerated from there. I didn't start anything.
I am empathetic and will do anything to help people lift themselves - to a point.
Trans folks make it my business, we do not go out and seek to harm them. People should have the freedom to do whatever they want.... As long as they do not harm others.
After our daughter almost died from a stress induced eating disorder last year I vowed to never back down to the intimidation. If I left her on her 'chosen' path she would have died; it was our responsibility to intervene and help her correct her course and I am glad we did. She is back at target weight and doing great. She needed time to adjust. Same with our son and his anxiety issues. Doctor's say the human brain isn't fully developed until the age of 25. Our son just proved that theory.
It is my personal belief that I have the responsibility to help my child work through mental development until they become adults. And perhaps then some..
Meg, Danimal28's post expresses exactly my position on this. Especially the new compelled speech (of pronouns) which is Orwellian in its inversion of (in this case biological) truth.
I insist that those of us pushing back on the active grooming of kids to be 'trans" is not "hating trans people." We are hating the school boards and teachers grooming the kids. Period.
The fact that 'trans' (and now, 'de-trans') is now epidemic has everything to do with it having been made trendy and cool to youngsters. Kids of low self-esteem are especially vulnerable as going this direction bestows overt and coddling attention.
There is also the confounding issue of the exhaltation of drag queens, performing their pornographics to virtue-signalling parents (who secretly harbour such fetishes?) and their kids. Those people, yes, I have hatred for because they have their own agenda and know perfectly well what they're doing.
Another thing they do is demoralize young people. I keep reading ‘it was easy when baby boomers were growing up’. Not for my caste it wasn’t. Right now business wise it is the most exciting time ever to be young. I have never seen such a time of opportunity. Yet the average 30 year old mopes around like they are serfs in medieval times. And then push politically for regimes that are actually trying to do that.
Yes, idiots may get what they want, in Canada esp.
Interesting tangent. It has been 30 plus years since Russia thew off the the yoke of Marxism. Since then - ostensibly free - have they produced any literature to rival Dostoyevsky or Tolstoy?
Music that compares to Tchaikovsky or Khachaturian?
Pasternak and Solzhenitsyn did, but then, they were free in their minds and wrote in direct opposition to the regime.
How many generations will pass before Russia's cultural genius revives?
Marxism destroys more than lives and economies.
Let's go further down the rabbit hole. How very convenient that the continual demonization of Russia prevents their experience from serving as a warning to others...
The cabal needs an enemy and Russia is the first to noisily reclaim its heritage, so you may well be right. Interesting.
Brilliant analysis!
Very powerful, definitive peice.
I'm depressed.Though full of Rage and Fight.I don't care if no one cares- I care and will care in their face, unbidden.
Thank you for another excellent, very thoughtful, essay. I got Stella Morabito's book out of our library to read on my Kindle this afternoon.
Morabito is another gem of a thinker and writer filled with knowledge, common sense and intellectual depth about where certain hostile elements are leading our culture.
Again, thank you!
What psychopaths fear most is loss of control...
Everything gets weaponised for use to obtain and secure control:
Psychology. Technology. The Economy. Linguistics. Ridicule...
Everything !
I have not visited a GP for many years. I was married to one for 18 years so I understood that it was all a scam. She tried to get me to take statins and I said no way. Now, research shows that it damages the brain. I bet your doctor won't tell you that.
First of all, I want to thank you again for this Elizabeth! You and your readers also ought to know that Hillary Clinton's recent Atlantic article CO-OPTS THE TITLE OF MY BOOK to frame a completely different and propagandistic narrative. So far, I've written about it here: And also here: Until now, the phrase "The Weaponization of Loneliness" was unique to my book.
She really is the slimiest demon in hell. Will read.
Brilliant, very well said.
"the psychopaths that run us"
So true: if you fail to commit the insane, they will end up leading you.