Sep 10, 2022Liked by elizabeth nickson

You are so right about us women. It gives me hope that we can bring some correction to our society and civilization that is on the brink of collapse.

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Sep 10, 2022Liked by elizabeth nickson

Interesting how this article or essay just flows. I couldn't help but read it fast and I am a slow reader. It just exudes energy. I'm sure I didn't grasp all of it or even most of it but I get the sense I want it to be true. However, I've been in that trap before so caution says I should read it again in a day or so, or maybe this afternoon. A good read and compelling writing.

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Sep 11, 2022Liked by elizabeth nickson

I do hope that as 'the girl boss fades', the father is resurrected. I have been somewhat perplexed by the feminist movement of late. When you look at the millions that the WEF, the UN and the gates foundations donates to media under the auspices of 'empowering women' its no surprise, given the complete moral bankruptcy of these idealistic totems, that there is a counter culture forming. This led to a devastating personal loss for me. I lost both of my daughters to a vindictive mother who couldn't bear to see that upon escaping her abuse, I found happiness elsewhere. She utterly destroyed our daughters in an enmeshed web of lies and smearing.

The family courts was like a real life version of Kafka's trial. I lost everything. I don't mean just money. I really don't care about that. I lost my daughters. Mother was essentially incentivised by the system to lie and deceive. I started to lose my grip on reality. I thought if I was honest and they could see that I was a loving father I would be OK. I was wrong. Zero value was attributed to my role as a loving father. In the end I didn't know up from down. I had to read Frankl and the stoics to keep me from teetering off the edge. I really worry for my girls. I hope the brainwashing dulls the pain. I would rather they genuinely hate me, than for them to feel an ounce of the pain I feel with their loss.

The death of the nuclear family is no accident. It has been a cold calculated murder committed by the cabal of those in power. If they rid their dominions of 'families' they better control us. Divide and conquer. This cabal is analogous to a relationship with a malignant narcissist. Narcissist, an overused word, but if you've ever had the misfortune to be entangled with one, you will know. Every subtle sleight of hand is a step that only advances their control. There are no gifts. No accidents. The game is rigged.

The 'God shaped hole' has led to a gap in the market for our minds. GK Chesterton once said 'If You Believe Nothing, You Can Be Convinced of Anything'. The only thing that can save us is for strong women to rise up and say 'enough is enough'. Enough with the demonising of men. Enough with your bullshit 'mandates'. We want our family values back and we want some decency and respect restored to our society. Start with honesty, autonomy and fair competition.

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Sep 11, 2022Liked by elizabeth nickson

GK Chesterton once said something to the effect that all commerce basically was to support a women creating a home.

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Sep 11, 2022Liked by elizabeth nickson

Thank you for pulling all this together. I have printed it so I can give it the perusal it deserves. On instragram I am following 4 young Moms (3 are Metis) who garden and milk cows and raise natural meat and have babies and love their men. They always make me feel for that instant that all is right with the world.

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Sep 10, 2022Liked by elizabeth nickson

Much like your dad, I've long had a personal philosophy: men are half formed (at best) when they reach adulthood. It's up to their female partners to finish the job. At least that's certainly been the case for me and the women who've made me who I am.

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I’m seeing the term tradwife more and more. The other thing to consider is when society realizes once again how important babies are those who can still have them will be even more valuable and honoured. This will include unsterilized men.

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Please do. I have long hoped women would lead the revolution. You have my support. Thank you.

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This Harari character. What a nerve, considering;

'He toils not, neither does he spin'

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I just finished a novel that exudes exactly the energy you're talking about here. It was published in 1919. Zane Grey! The Call of the Canyon. Would love to hear your thoughts on it, if you get a chance to read it.

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