Elizabeth - still reading and will come back to finish - but I want to say that this theft of OUR wealth is the pandemic that no one appears to be talking about - yet we talk about the election, assassination, etc.

Until we realize the cage that were in and how our jobs and industry feed into this cafe, our wealth will continue to be stolen right underneath us: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-comfortable-cage-of-our-modern

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Most of this nonsense goes away if results are measured.

I mean, the California fires mean that CA has failed with their forestry management plan so why do they get to keep on going with it? The only logical reaction to their failure should be "your policies have failed to prevent these devastating fires so you are no longer in charge. We're bringing in real scientists and bureaucrats who will actually follow the science."

Why do so many accept the policies of imbecilic zealots who fail constantly?

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We also need a full on marketing campaign which features images of the catastrophic destruction and says something like: ‘Another successful CONservation initiative brought to you by the Environmental Movement and their full time activists.’

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They haven't so much has failed imo as being broadsided by external impacts. Readfor example about the Hunga Tonga volcanic eruption impacts on heat. And that is just one of a global impact factor. The second being those coming from China on the drought cycles.

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The green cult movement is entirely political. It was instituted and promulgated to increase government control and to manifest an authoritarian technocratic police state. It was a plan the elite created in order to get almost every person to buy into: “saving the earth.” However, we see all the destruction it’s brought to average human beings. It’s always been about consolidating all the energy, food and other vital products and resources into a very few select elite hands.

This green insanity is creating a society of a very few super elite class and another class of poverty stricken serfs, useful idiots who have aided their overlords in their own demise. Obama, the master of illusion and deception has been the main force in accelerating this green cult circus. It’s beyond corrupt, it’s evil what is taking place.

They are destroying this planet and the middle class. It’s almost as if they are geoengineering the earth to be fully void of carbon at some point. Are they preparing an earth for some extraterrestrial alien species, some kind of highly technologically advanced species who require this new environment which is dearth of almost all carbon? As far out as that theory is, it’s the only plausible explanation I can think of.

People better wake up soon, what’s taking place right now is apocalyptic. We are approaching a point in time where almost all of the fossil fuel infrastructure will be destroyed and it would then take decades to rebuild.

Why would benevolent leaders not wish to have a backup plan if all the plans of a sustainable green future were proven to be catastrophic? It’s really sad how many people are going along with these maniacs and ensuring their own destruction and poverty.

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Aug 1Liked by elizabeth nickson

No discussion of forests is complete without adding the geoengineering disaster into the mix. Nanoparticles of incendiary chemicals raining from the skies, coating the leaves, changing the soil biome leading to stomata shutdown and tree weakening/dying, all creating forest fires which fire fighters describe as "unlike anything I've ever seen". https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/category/engineering-wildfires/

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Thanks, I wasn't implying you were unaware, and this post was so long and detailed you couldn't cover every possible topic that you've already addressed before. I just like to keep bringing up the subject for those that may not understand or be aware of geoengineering. To paraphrase Dane Wigington: other than nuclear annihilation, geoengineering is the greatest threat to continued life on this planet.

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And for decades coal fired power plants were not required to run scrubbers and so mercury deposition was also happening.

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Aug 1Liked by elizabeth nickson

And people need to remember that if you do not dry out an oil well it refills within 10 years. Also, the most abundant fluid on the Earth next to water is oil.

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Those are then called stripper wells and are incentivized to stay in marginal, and I do mean marginal production. They never obtain any exceptional rebound except through enhanced recovery methods...fracking being one of them. Still remember in New Mexico where they thought gas recovery could happen better by detonating a atomic bomb down the

hole..Any buyers for rad gas? Lol.

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Aug 4Liked by elizabeth nickson

my god

im so glad I found you.

nice work.

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Aug 4Liked by elizabeth nickson

I’ve read the lot. A visual artist, I’m not a sciencey techy numbers type, but I’m sure going to forward this to people I’ve met in our local forestry industry, who do have those specific smarts. They will thus greatly benefit from the names, references and case studies you have generously encapsulated within this comprehensive paper.

We need encouragement, education and ways to armour up and vanquish these red-eyed green imperialists who are plundering our lives, liberties and properties.

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Oh good, thank you

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Aug 1Liked by elizabeth nickson

Send this, and yesterday’s substack, to Danielle Smith.

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Tackling an issue of this nature can be quite challenging. As a social scientist (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Luc-Lelievre), I am exploring potential solutions to counteract the pervasive influence of 'Cultural Marxism' in Western societies. [https://unbekoming.substack.com/p/heresy] One such concept is 'denazification,' similar to the efforts undertaken by the Allies in postwar Germany. Their leadership heavily influenced the German populace during the tumultuous period following the Weimar Republic. Beginning in mid-1945, the Allied forces initiated measures to counteract this influence. The ideologies of woke culture, Marxism, and DEI today appear to mirror the indoctrination tactics used by German leaders in the 1930s.





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Good luck with that. Harvard is the philosophical seat of the father of pragmatism whose work influences liberal facism and the move towards global totalitarianism to this day.

Harvard and Boston haven't even put up a plaque in his honor where he lived not far from the yard. I even asked that University for a full list of the students he had during his career there Crickets. Should ask Jonah Goldberg the author of Liberal Facism.

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Thanks for these tips.

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When you get in bed with the powerful this is what happens! They are all playing the same game, all profiting, and the losers are We the People!

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Another blockbuster article depicting a subversion which, instead of preserving nature, is instead actively contributing to its ruination.

The question arises.

If organizations are formed which wish to oppose the Rockefellers, where would one find a kind of organizational chart, it need not be too detailed as that would be gigantic, of the principal corporations, foundations, "charitable" and "environmental" organizations funded by or under their control. Knowing this could be a first step towards legislatively attacking their entrenched system, ferreting out tax or other violations and paving the way for laws protecting the people and livelihoods living in this area.

Another attack would be at the University level, calling into question the "science" and the "scientists" spouting their theories ? The farcical things such as "Climate Change" and Carbon "Neutrality" would be at the top of the list. How long can such Lysenkoesque nonsense continue, even as established climatologists, physicists and other scientists are denouncing and exposing the scam ??? How long before media such as NYTimes, the Atlantic, the Guardian and others of that ilk become laughing stocks to an informed public ? IDEA: Perhaps the very existence of the substacks, the system that made this article possible, is the beginning of all that.

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Communism was invented by haters of Christianity. The same gangs invented feminism, environmentalist, NGO, Porn, trans, globalist, WEF, UN, NASA, CIA,....

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- ALL THAT- high dollar vip high powered boochitt?

.....and not a word about Stratospheric Aerosol Injection- CHEMtrails' HARRP microwave fields- DARPA- DEW's- Depopulation- "Dead Rock Earth" Agenda.


Genesis ch 6. Steve Quayle Gensix Productions- "Weather Wars"


Genesis 3:15

L.A. Marzulli "Seeds & Gold"

Cosmic Agenda "Dead Rock Earth"


***Geoengineeringwatch.org "The Dimmig"

-"Weather whiplash"- (Acts of War)


"We take *Your Tax Dollars, so You Buy solar panels- then we take Your Tax Dollars *to block the sun"! ...WUT? WTF???

- "and we poison the air- water- soil- farms- food- animals- all wildlife- and humanity"

"with stonium- barium- aluminum- graphine- microdust"- (we know of.)

CA Camp fires 2014. DEWs on video

Canada? Explosions!

Maui? Explosions -glass & steel melts

Texas March 2024 - video of DEWs

Quotes "DEWs" Abbot. - WHJB ""Blue roofs- the right roof".


*** "Dustification" KarenBracken SSTK. /Dr. Judy Wood - 9/11 controlled demolition- high energy weapons. The Pit of molten steel.

Only 3 structural steel (concrete) buildings burned to the ground, in the history of man-* happened on one day.

Forest fires- CA Camp- Canada- Maui-Texas: trees burn from.the inside on videos- leaves remain. Glass and steel mels- from a wood fire. WHY?

WEF etc.? Depopulation to "save lives"?

All that posted-

and NOT A WORD about The Truth.


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As a grad student I had the privilege to work as researcher for the FLMPA. I thank you for this lengthy and quite comprehensive piece.

Some observations. Forestry has always been a cultural practice and scientific forestry only in the last few centuries. Attempts at single use management (basal area yield for example) had generally created many monocultural ecosystems with less biological diversity. Saw that on field trips to Southern U.S. private forests managing for pulp and paper solely.

I saw many of those BC clearcuts and impacts on salmonoid fisheries were readily observable. On the U.S. side those same clearcuts weren't being even

reforested. Saw that with my own eyes on field trips in Northern California. Observations which were confirmed by a masters thesis survey of reforestation foresters with over 40% of them as I recall were found lying on their reforestation numbers.

And yes, certification imo especially by globalists is a way to have "independent" foundations supercede national and state and provincial agencies already tasked to do the work. Generally I see little increases in benefits to the public except higher prices and more corruption. A case in point is the environmental friendly "cool roof" certification for California Nevada and Arizona. When checked for reflectivity and emissivity one company's certified white color cool roof was virtually identical to the uncertified white asphaltic roofing product. The difference in cost for 2 000 sq ft of the product to the consumer though was almost 50 cents per square foot.

Finally, the idea on the precautionary principle as spoken of here is a misuse imo.

And yes, part of my career path for a few years brought me into field work as a professional forester that even saw me managing aspen stands in an USFS experiment to develop a possible export program in chopstixs. I still laugh about that failure in trying to compete with bamboo.

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The oil companies of long known that they were in violation of these human rights as Oil belonging to everyone it’s not theirs as much as it is ours

They paid plenty of politicians for this issue not to come up

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The only place that any natural resource belongs to everyone is in a Marxist's wet dream.

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I learned that from Oil companies executives themselves. You don’t quite understand what I’m trying to say about this topic. There’s nothing to do with Marxism.

And it’s been brought to the courts already.

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Your inability to explain it is not my problem.

What kind of court allows for communistic ownership of everything but a Marxist one?

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