This is a really brilliant piece, combining searing moral commentary with close and detailed evidence citation. It is both wonderful and depressing. I covered some of this in my book on Gates, especially the misanthropy of the Green movement. It’s a deeply anti human, irrational, hate filled creed.
Absolutely brilliant analysis, Elizabeth. Thank you for filling the gaping hole with truthful information and connecting the dots so well. You are a treasure. Never give up!
From memory wasn’t there a Nobel winner who pointed out that the modelling used to support the doomsday scenario climate predictions completely ignored the effects and physics of cloud formation?
So awful. Jim Lee make the case that contrails and chemtrails are the same thing - contrails are *not just water vapor, as the apologists claim. Jet fuel is full of metals, and makes soot when it burns, just like Kerosene. So all contrails are actually chemtrails. Not to say additional chemtrails might be added to the skies for whatever purposes we are not supposed to know about....
They aren’t the same. Contrails disperse. The sun still shines. Chemtrails don’t. A grid is laid down and a perfectly sunny day becomes overcast. Day in day out.
Very easy to see the difference between chem- and con- trails when looking at them: contrails, being mostly water vapor, disperse soon after the plane goes by (evaporating quickly in the dry air at this altitude)- while chemtrails spread out to form a thin haze across the entire sky that persists for hours or all day. Another easy way to tell them apart (you may have noticed this when flying in a plane)- contrails happen at 20-30K feet, where most commercial air traffic flies, whereas chemtrails, in order to avoid interfering with commercial traffic, are laid at 50-60K feet.... You can often notice, while flying, the clouds below you, and the chemtrails way above you. Also, we have patents which are public record that describe what the chemtrails contain and and what they are spraying. It's hard to believe there are still people who think chemtrails are not real and happening now. But there we are.
Green house effects as a key driving mechanism in warming the earth is wrong. If you want to know the full explanation, please check out Dr Richard Lindzen’s paper in the following. The explanation is highly technical, because the detailed explanation is accessible only to specialists with strong physics background. I am a specialist in fluid and thermal sciences (a PhD, a professor and a principal engineer with 30+ years of industrial research and development experiences), so I appreciate Lindzen’s work very much.
But you have already told me that I won't understand it, so I think I will pass. Maybe you could comment on Jim Lee's idea that contrails AKA Chemtrails AKA man-made cirrus clouds are actually responsible for some observed warming? Jim Lee also rejects ground level CO2 as a cause of warming.
You can glance over the article and pick up a few powerful ideas in general.
Substantial formation of clouds can lower the earth temperature, not increase. The earth’s climate is mainly affected by solar radiation and cloud formation caused by cosmic rays. The Milankovich cycles have been successfully used in explaining the major climate changes on earth. In fact, we are going to enter a global cooling period, especially in the northern Hemisphere, approximately in the next 30-40 years.
The word “Sustainable” means nothing because nobody knows its true definition. But it gives the moronic people a sense of feeling good. In reality, sustainability means destruction of innocent lives so that only the evil “elites” can enjoy the bounty.
I've said this for more than a decade. the climate has always changed [long before autos, big industry] as our planet shifts on its axis about every 25,000 years it creates change but the Nanny State & doomsayers are so full of themselves they never review climate records beyond last week.
When our rulers revived the pagan delusion that humans can change the weather.
They don't believe it but they want us to because it suits their purpose, which is to keep us in eternal subjugation, as Henry Wallace warned in the forties.
Our enemies -- never doubt that they are our enemies -- are at war with reason because rationality helps us and undermines them.
Don't forget how the rulers persecuted Galileo. Don't forget how our current oppressors persecute those who expose them, like Assange.
It’s not a delusion, weather modification is in full flight (pun intended) for a long time. What is delusional is to think that it’s ok to do it, TPTB seem to think they are God, if it wasn’t so scary it’d be laughable.
Even the Pope in Rome thinks he is God. He is all in on this nonsense. He lends credence to this corrupt stunt which will ultimately increase poverty if it is allowed to proceed.
they want us to go back to human sacrifice to appease the climate gods huge numbers of deaths from starvation, freezing, excessive heat, will occur, & they can say "I told you so" instead of being at fault for all the deaths, & the greenies will thank them for saving them from the evil climate.
Well said. Also, conventional climate models do not account for the natural cycles of extraterrestrial celestial bodies which play a significant role in influencing the climate of this planet (such as the sun).
What are your thoughts on the potential of run away deforestation to impact the water cycle (as in clearcutting old growth forests, resulting in desertification, crippling healthy rain patterns via destroying the ability of those landscapes to retain and stabilize precipitation cycles)?
Due to space limitations I did not mention the impact other planets have on our weather; they do & this too is never mentioned by the Climate Guards...rain forests are indeed imperative to the health of our planet-good that you pointed this out as well.
Here in Ontario, our corrupt government (and the corporations that dominate it) are intending on destroying hundreds of thousands of hectares of pristine Boreal Forest in the interest of getting at the lithium and cobalt in the Earth underneath. They will clear cut the forests, drain the lakes, rivers and dump toxic waste (such as sulfuric acid and arsenic into run off that ends up in the Great Lakes). The Boreal forest shapes the composition of the planetary atmosphere, which today includes maintaining 21 percent of the life supporting concentrations of oxygen in our atmosphere. Bright Green Environmentalists (and strait up anthropocentric technocracy/transhumanism cheer leaders) will tell you that it is worth sacrificing the boreal forest (and all her inhabitants) so we can power our "sustainable development" plans and power all our devices that we are addicted to. Who needs oxygen or clean drinking water right? It will create lots of jobs and help the economy, then after we are choking on compromised air and getting poisoned by the ground water we can create "sustainable" lithium powered artificial oxygen breathing apparatuses and water purification systems so we can stay alive on the dead planet we will have created.
That is just not how they mine anymore in Canada. This guy, who is blocked, is reciting from an old script, the oil sands showed the world how to clean up mine sites.
Yup. Solar cycle 26, the one we entered in 2019, is predicted to produce another Dalton-like minimum. We’ll be ice skating again on the Thames while these clowns are arguing about warming.
Whether it does or does not isn't even the question. We are by some counts overdue, by other counts right on schedule, and even if our return to Ice Age conditions is late, it's not 40,000 years late (current prediction of idiots), rather 500 - 1500 years from now, if not now. In the realm of Ice Ages, not even statistically significant.
Yup. The entire hoax has nothing to do with the climate. It’s all about control and destroying the middle class. Now that the middle class is pushing back in Italy, Netherlands, Oz, etc., it’s about to get interesting ...
Obviously, this may be gradual, till it is not, catastrophe occurs and we're fucked.
Usually high latitude volcanic eruptions occur but not exclusively. such as the one causing the evacuation in Iceland. We simply don't know for sure, and talking about CO2 being a pollutant and trying to do something about it, when we should be doing the opposite is madness. If anything is likely to cause an extinction here on Earth, it will be the crashing of CO2 during the next Ice Age (it trends lower ever glaciation).
I was looking an a newly arrived item from the Corbett report. This a very pertinent and highly informative report.
Today it contained an interview with a woman call Rosa Koira and talks in great detail of the UN agenda 21.
The information she delivers tells the hidden story of the UN sustainable policies for our planet..
After looking into this agenda Rosa Koira has dismantled she has revealed that it actually isn’t our planet that the architects of this agenda are talking about.
Mr Corbett uses very accurate language that reveals the spirit of this agenda.
The revelations that she shows are the outcomes that your article reveals when you talk of the stealth destruction of so many people worlds that lived amongst the forests
Mr Corbett talks of a book that Rose Koira wrote called wrote called :
Rosa Koire died in June 2021. She was an inspirational warrior for truth. The Natural Blaze website has an “In Memoriam” section that includes some video clips of Rosa explaining how the UN Agenda 21 is intended to hoodwink the public into giving away their freedom - serious stuff!
The response to RFK, Jr. is pure gold. Point-by-point description of a bad idea that destroyed a region and then really spun out of control with a celebrity endorsement. RFK, Jr.'s meddling backfired horribly, a reverse version of George Bailey's actions in "It's a Wonderful Life."
This is a powerful story, simply because it tells a story. Using logic, statistics and facts get you nowhere on the climate change issue. People don't trust "experts" anymore, including the one's pointing out the fallacies and lies. This story, however, connects all the dots. This is how you change minds and influence people.
Under 200 likes very few comments. He never responds in any manner. His latest is advocating for online signatures so he won't have to spend money on getting on the States ballots.
He has gotten a lot of pushback on the whole climate change narrative at The Defender; so much so that at one point he was provoked into getting on and pushing back. That didn't go his way. But--long before it got to that point, they were blocking my comments about all of this, or Disqus was. So--I refused to promote his book about Fauci and I mostly stopped reading The Defender.
After that, one of the few articles I saw was where he did come out and apologize for his stance on manmade climate change--but it was just to turn and lay the blame at the elite's door for it, to say that they were trying their hardest to make it happen.
And maybe they are. But they don't control the sun or orbital mechanics, or solar tidal forces. If they're playing games with the weather, they're playing with forces far beyond them. Mostly, though, what they're doing is setting everything on fire and shrieking about climate change while the survivors pick up the pieces, and they're also poisoning large swaths of farmland and every river and large body of water, while clear-cutting forests and making abominations of nature like those frankenfish salmon. All of that is quite sick and deranged, but doesn't really count as "creating climate change."
One of the climate change fraud's primary is drivers is selectively picked data which only shows a time frame that indicates a trend of warming: [12:51mins]
"One of the first lessons we learned in grad school was to beware of truncated graphs. Such behavior is typically associated with intentionally trying to "massage" the data. If you torture the data, they WILL confess." TVMADoc
Wow. I have to reread the whole thing though honestly I don't need the details, I know what you're saying is spot-on. Thank you, will use this as a resource to share.
Yes they lie. Just shrug and ignore them. That is what they (the parasite class) will truly hate. Build your own dream future instead. Where you provide for your own food, educate your own children, with love, and hope. No more fear please.
Exactly-- don't feed the trolls. Not only are they literally insane, they are inept and idiots. It's like a crazy person running in the street saying The world is ending, except these people want the world to end. Problem for them is they can make any plan they want- -they have no method to administer it. We see it all over today. Elizabeths point form chain proves that. Best to focus on what you want and let this destructive energy dissipate. It wont be pretty but why destroy yourself and your family by adhering to their insane intentions? Death cult?- yup.
“Provide your own food? That’s almost as unattainable a goal as net zero! Sorry, I believe ‘hoarding canned goods past their sell-by date” is the best most of us can achieve in that direction. But your essential message to just shrug and ignore them is a powerful one!
thank you! I grew half a cup of peas and two tiny cabbages in my backyard last year. but picking up a six pack of canned salmon whenever I go to Costco is well within my capabilities!
I wouldn't classify myself as a ‘climate denier’. I have studied the issue for a couple of decades now. Having watched with some amusement the utter obnoxious meanderings of the Doomsday crowd, I would more describe myself as a "You've got to be shitting me” er. In the past five billion years CO2 has been the lead indicator of a warming climate precisely zero times. Actually, it has been more of a lag indicator and that by about 800 years. And just so you know, John Kerry was a traitor to his fellow Vietnam vets and he is a traitor now.
Vancouver was such a beautiful city in the seventies. Back then, I was busking in the street and staying at the YMCA. I have read enough about climate change to know it is an insidious ploy. The information is out there, but so many today accept being spoon fed by the mindless "mocking bird" media. I couldn't wait to escape my once beautiful city of San Francisco, and now they have come for Arizona. I guess Ms. Hobbs couldn't wait to impress Michele Obama; one of her first actions being to make sure black women were not discriminated against for wearing braids. Are these people for real? Or am I just living in a surreal simulation of life on earth? Thank you for your insightful expose!
Indeed! I have read about this. The cartels are reaching deeper and deeper into our affairs, and many are on the take. But regarding hair styles and other such trivia, Michele Obama previously commented on how she would have worn braids during Obamas presidency, but she didn't think white people were ready for its. Subsequently, Ms Hobbs posts on the Governors site what she is doing to combat such discrimination. It was one of, if not her first action as Governor. As they say you cannot make it up. She's a real fine piece of work is our governor!
That’s BS. Re Michele Obama wearing braids. Under no circumstances would she wear braids. She and her husband are as white bread as the Wonder Company. They crave to be Martha’s Vineyard white. Westchester white. I am blacker than they are and I am pinky red Welsh.
Catastrophic Climate Change is, as you have characterized it, "epic bullshit." This bullshit is, however, currently being swallowed by a great many people and for a reason that is not obvious. The reason is for the measure of a statistical event to be believed by these people to necessarily be a probability even though the peer-reviewed article entitled "Unit Measure Violations in Pattern Recognition" proves this belief to be unwarranted. This belief leads these people to believe that the Bayesian method for extracting a model of a physical system from empirical data is applicable to a climate model though this is not so. This narrative, which is pushed by the United Nations IPCC and, more generally, by those people who wish to impose totalitarian rule over us. In the United States, these people include those politicians who belong to the Democratic Party.
I know and I cannot help myself from responding, I try really heard to not shout in their faces ‘absolute bullshit!!’ My stock answer is, well if they would stop spraying our skies we might get a chance to see what the weather actually is. Be assured I mostly get blank stares.
A truly remarkable piece - thank you once again, and thanks so much for mentioning Dr. Curry - she is so important.
I can't help thinking that anyone who hasn't worked in the bush or the mills or the mines simply can't understand the tragedy that BC has become. It breaks my heart thinking about the opportunities that I had in the '70s and my great grandsons don't have now - the chance to earn a decent wage doing a decent day's work.
What are your thoughts on the ecological impacts of the lithium and cobalt mining industries ?
Are you aware of the lithium mines that are planned for places like Thacker Pass and in the Boreal Forests of Ontario and Quebec? Do you endorse those kinds of proposed mines?
I worked in a galena (lead/zinc) mine in the late '70s in the Kootenays. It wasn't that ecologically pure, but if you're going to have the metals you have to mine them. I'm sure that the processes have improved immensely since those days.
I'm mostly aware of the plans for lithium mines in Saskatchewan. I have a cell phone, several laptops, and several tablets, so I'm a consumer of lithium, so, like anyone who uses similar products, I'm by default endorsing lithium mining.
I'm very skeptical about electric vehicles, at least in the near future, and equally skeptical about using grid-sized lithium ion batteries to patch-over the serious shortcomings in solar or wind electric generations, so in the scheme of things I'm a minor user, but a user anyway.
I'm inclined to think that lithium mines in 3rd world countries are likely to have a worse ecological impact than any in Canada or the US of A. I'm not one for "out of sight, out of mind" or NIMBY, so I'm not out of hand opposed to the mines you mentioned - but I haven't done the research to compare them with any alternatives so I wouldn't say that I "endorse" them.
In other words, if we use lithium ion batteries, we need lithium mines. If we use plastic or kerosene, we need oil wells, if we can take it from there.
The reality of open pit lithium mines (and ore processing facilities) under ideal ("first world" government regulated conditions) is that not only does it result in the obvious and required deforestation, draining of lakes, rivers and massive death to local wildlife it also invariably results in contamination of the water table and waterways adjacent to these operations.
In the context of the scale of the operations planned to be set up near Lake Superior and James Bay, we are going to be seeing significant contamination of some of the most substantial fresh water sources on the planet.
Even from a purely utilitarian and anthropocentric perspective, that is clearly a horrible, irrational and counter-intuitive idea (and that is true no matter how addicted to ipads and twitter we are).
I personally will not be buying any new technology with lithium/cobalt batteries, as I am not willing to give my money to fund the destruction of some of the last areas of pristine wilderness left in the north so that I can have fun playing with ipads and EVs.
Thanks again for offering your take on the situation with lithium mining.
How about using technology that uses lithium cobalt batteries? The Internet, for example? Weather forecasts? Newspapers? Automobiles? Busses? Hospitals? Name it, and there are batteries in the stack.
Though, when you said "I'm inclined to think we're kinda stuck..." the "we" you are referring to is those who are dependent on and/or not willing to live without said technologies in their lives. I am not one of those people. I suppose publishing my book would have been more challenging without computers, but I could do it old school with mailed manuscripts etc if had to. The garden and forest provide all the food and medicine we need without needing automobiles and if one learns the rhythms of nature and plans for the 100 year storms in their designs, weather forecasts are just an unnecessary luxury.
I would like to now point out something that is inherently built into the way you worded your question(s). You seem to be approaching this from the "we have to go with the best out of all the bad alternatives" assumption. Built into those questions is the assumption that humans require industrial electric grids in order to survive and thrive. I would like to point out that humans have existed for millennia without electricity and a great many of them lived fulfilling lives of purpose, creativity, grace, courage and spiritual growth. The inherent built in perspective that sees cities, telecommunication grids, industrial transportation and industrial electrical grids as being something we must perpetuate (via either conventional means or more "sustainable" alternatives) misses the point that there is a third option. The third option is refusing to participate in funding the destruction of Mother Earth's body and innocent children (such as those that work in the Cobalt mines in the Congo to get the rare metals required to make these smart devices we are reading and writing on now) and being willing to make the sacrifice of letting go of our high tech addictions and creature comforts to live a more simple life in close symbiotic connection with the living Earth where we live (as our ancestors did). Many will not be willing to do that, and will make excuses why we must continue to buy high tech gadgets, build out cities and power the industrial power grid as the real ethical alternative is something they are not willing to consider. In the end it all boils down to if we believe that our comfort and enjoyment is worth more than the lives of children in the Cobalt mines and the integrity of the ecosystems all over the world that are being strip mined and poisoned so we can continue to live comfortably in the west.
Well, Gavin, I'll miss you from now on here on the Internet. I have a pretty good idea what my life would have been like pre-Industrial Revolution (my ancestry is poor farmers in West Lincolnshire) let alone too much earlier than that. I was born with an abdominal hernia, and would almost certainly not have survived my first year or two without the benefits of modern medicine. Let's arrange to get together in three or four years and compare notes on life with and without Industrial Civilization.
I lived several years in the mountains without electricity or indoor plumbing, and enjoyed it, but I was in my twenties and in good health. Now in my late seventies I'm pretty attached to good medicine, communication and indoor plumbing, but I'll be interested in how it works for you.
But then, since you aren't going to use the Internet anymore, how will we make contact? Or how will you even see this message? And are you going to take Gavin's Newsletter down, or just not add to it? Oh, well. Bye!
Elizabeth talks a lot about how Gummint Regulationing gets in the way of trying different solutions, but I utterly agree that given creativity and freedom there are solutions for all of these problems. I'm a strong believer in that - my first job out of college was at NASA Goddard just as Apollo started to really work. We can do this, if the */#%@ just get out of our way.
I am 52. I helped at Green voting centres before I was old enough to vote. I did my permaculture design course in 1989 as an 18 y o. I live in a strawbale house with all the shit chickens fruit the lot. I give a shit and I know this space.
You. Have. Fucking. Nailed. It.
They are not about the environment they are about entrapment and grift and extraction. They think they are gods and can cheat death but bring it on a leash of arrogant, dumb idiocracy.
Great essay. One issue: the author states that green tech has supposedly made the apocalyptic scenarios less likely and needs to be factored in to get a true picture. But green tech is in many ways just as dirty, and its environmental costs need to be factored in-they are as scandalous as the RCP8.5 fraud.
This is a really brilliant piece, combining searing moral commentary with close and detailed evidence citation. It is both wonderful and depressing. I covered some of this in my book on Gates, especially the misanthropy of the Green movement. It’s a deeply anti human, irrational, hate filled creed.
It's an insane death cult.
Absolutely brilliant analysis, Elizabeth. Thank you for filling the gaping hole with truthful information and connecting the dots so well. You are a treasure. Never give up!
It is a stunning expose. I couldn't stop reading. thank God for retirement, so I wasn't late for work!
I already know more about Bill Gates than I want to. But I did enjoy Jim Lee's video " Bill Gates hates trees "
Also, Jim Lee trashes the greenhouse gas idea, and substitutes the effect of cirrus clouds generated by contrails... what do you think?
From memory wasn’t there a Nobel winner who pointed out that the modelling used to support the doomsday scenario climate predictions completely ignored the effects and physics of cloud formation?
John Clauser, for Physics, in 2022. We saw him with Jan Jekielik on American Thought Leaders:
Thanks Kate, I knew there was, I just couldn't recall who off the top of my head.
Because “models” work so well for weather, Covid and any other bullshit TPTB want us to believe.
I believe you are right! Kind of a not trivial oversight, right ?
Check out MIT’s Richard Lindzen’s “Infared Iris”.
Haven’t had contrails here in Ireland for at least 15-20 years, it’s Chemtrails day in and day out, so no natural cloud formation for a long time.
So awful. Jim Lee make the case that contrails and chemtrails are the same thing - contrails are *not just water vapor, as the apologists claim. Jet fuel is full of metals, and makes soot when it burns, just like Kerosene. So all contrails are actually chemtrails. Not to say additional chemtrails might be added to the skies for whatever purposes we are not supposed to know about....
They aren’t the same. Contrails disperse. The sun still shines. Chemtrails don’t. A grid is laid down and a perfectly sunny day becomes overcast. Day in day out.
A normal contrail might also be a type of chemtrail but that isn’t what we are seeing in my city.
And they disperse quickly.
Very easy to see the difference between chem- and con- trails when looking at them: contrails, being mostly water vapor, disperse soon after the plane goes by (evaporating quickly in the dry air at this altitude)- while chemtrails spread out to form a thin haze across the entire sky that persists for hours or all day. Another easy way to tell them apart (you may have noticed this when flying in a plane)- contrails happen at 20-30K feet, where most commercial air traffic flies, whereas chemtrails, in order to avoid interfering with commercial traffic, are laid at 50-60K feet.... You can often notice, while flying, the clouds below you, and the chemtrails way above you. Also, we have patents which are public record that describe what the chemtrails contain and and what they are spraying. It's hard to believe there are still people who think chemtrails are not real and happening now. But there we are.
Green house effects as a key driving mechanism in warming the earth is wrong. If you want to know the full explanation, please check out Dr Richard Lindzen’s paper in the following. The explanation is highly technical, because the detailed explanation is accessible only to specialists with strong physics background. I am a specialist in fluid and thermal sciences (a PhD, a professor and a principal engineer with 30+ years of industrial research and development experiences), so I appreciate Lindzen’s work very much.
But you have already told me that I won't understand it, so I think I will pass. Maybe you could comment on Jim Lee's idea that contrails AKA Chemtrails AKA man-made cirrus clouds are actually responsible for some observed warming? Jim Lee also rejects ground level CO2 as a cause of warming.
You can glance over the article and pick up a few powerful ideas in general.
Substantial formation of clouds can lower the earth temperature, not increase. The earth’s climate is mainly affected by solar radiation and cloud formation caused by cosmic rays. The Milankovich cycles have been successfully used in explaining the major climate changes on earth. In fact, we are going to enter a global cooling period, especially in the northern Hemisphere, approximately in the next 30-40 years.
Here are some resources that make reality a little more accessible, not a brutal slog,
and offer constructive actions people can apply their energy to.
The so called "sustainable development" UN agenda does indeed seem to have significant misanthropic (and perhaps even genocidal) themes.
What are your thoughts on the unsustainable and irrational Anthropocentrism of the Bright Green Environmentalist movement?
(For some reference material : )
The word “Sustainable” means nothing because nobody knows its true definition. But it gives the moronic people a sense of feeling good. In reality, sustainability means destruction of innocent lives so that only the evil “elites” can enjoy the bounty.
I've said this for more than a decade. the climate has always changed [long before autos, big industry] as our planet shifts on its axis about every 25,000 years it creates change but the Nanny State & doomsayers are so full of themselves they never review climate records beyond last week.
When did weather become climate?
When our rulers revived the pagan delusion that humans can change the weather.
They don't believe it but they want us to because it suits their purpose, which is to keep us in eternal subjugation, as Henry Wallace warned in the forties.
Our enemies -- never doubt that they are our enemies -- are at war with reason because rationality helps us and undermines them.
Don't forget how the rulers persecuted Galileo. Don't forget how our current oppressors persecute those who expose them, like Assange.
It's been this way since Mesopotamia.
It’s not a delusion, weather modification is in full flight (pun intended) for a long time. What is delusional is to think that it’s ok to do it, TPTB seem to think they are God, if it wasn’t so scary it’d be laughable.
Even the Pope in Rome thinks he is God. He is all in on this nonsense. He lends credence to this corrupt stunt which will ultimately increase poverty if it is allowed to proceed.
they want us to go back to human sacrifice to appease the climate gods huge numbers of deaths from starvation, freezing, excessive heat, will occur, & they can say "I told you so" instead of being at fault for all the deaths, & the greenies will thank them for saving them from the evil climate.
How so?
Well said. Also, conventional climate models do not account for the natural cycles of extraterrestrial celestial bodies which play a significant role in influencing the climate of this planet (such as the sun).
What are your thoughts on the potential of run away deforestation to impact the water cycle (as in clearcutting old growth forests, resulting in desertification, crippling healthy rain patterns via destroying the ability of those landscapes to retain and stabilize precipitation cycles)?
(For some pertinent reference material: )
Due to space limitations I did not mention the impact other planets have on our weather; they do & this too is never mentioned by the Climate Guards...rain forests are indeed imperative to the health of our planet-good that you pointed this out as well.
Thanks for the thoughtful response.
Here in Ontario, our corrupt government (and the corporations that dominate it) are intending on destroying hundreds of thousands of hectares of pristine Boreal Forest in the interest of getting at the lithium and cobalt in the Earth underneath. They will clear cut the forests, drain the lakes, rivers and dump toxic waste (such as sulfuric acid and arsenic into run off that ends up in the Great Lakes). The Boreal forest shapes the composition of the planetary atmosphere, which today includes maintaining 21 percent of the life supporting concentrations of oxygen in our atmosphere. Bright Green Environmentalists (and strait up anthropocentric technocracy/transhumanism cheer leaders) will tell you that it is worth sacrificing the boreal forest (and all her inhabitants) so we can power our "sustainable development" plans and power all our devices that we are addicted to. Who needs oxygen or clean drinking water right? It will create lots of jobs and help the economy, then after we are choking on compromised air and getting poisoned by the ground water we can create "sustainable" lithium powered artificial oxygen breathing apparatuses and water purification systems so we can stay alive on the dead planet we will have created.
For more information on the situation in the Boreal Forest with regards to lithium mines:
That is just not how they mine anymore in Canada. This guy, who is blocked, is reciting from an old script, the oil sands showed the world how to clean up mine sites.
Gavin Mounsey: Cobalt is a very valuable and fairly rare element in the Earth.
As you can see from the link above, the Republic of the Congo's production of Cobalt dwarfs all other countries combined.
Cobalt is necessary for the production of nuclear weapons and jet engines.
Good luck. But I think the Big Boys want that Cobalt and they'll get it one way or another.
Here are some resources that make reality a little more accessible, not a brutal slog,
and offer constructive actions people can apply their energy to.
Jim Lee trashes the greenhouse gas idea, and substitutes the effect of cirrus clouds generated by contrails... what do you think?
Congrats on an outstanding essay. Thank you.
Gradual change or a catastrophe is the question.
They have not realized that the climate optimum was 8,500 years ago.
"This month was the hottest ever" nonsense is a bald faced lie.
Antartica continues to cool, despite their predictions.
We are entering a new Ice Age and they continue to speak about global boiling?
Yup. Solar cycle 26, the one we entered in 2019, is predicted to produce another Dalton-like minimum. We’ll be ice skating again on the Thames while these clowns are arguing about warming.
Whether it does or does not isn't even the question. We are by some counts overdue, by other counts right on schedule, and even if our return to Ice Age conditions is late, it's not 40,000 years late (current prediction of idiots), rather 500 - 1500 years from now, if not now. In the realm of Ice Ages, not even statistically significant.
Yup. The entire hoax has nothing to do with the climate. It’s all about control and destroying the middle class. Now that the middle class is pushing back in Italy, Netherlands, Oz, etc., it’s about to get interesting ...
Very interesting!
... Argentina ...
Another great example.
I’m old enough to recall seeing this on TV
Obviously, this may be gradual, till it is not, catastrophe occurs and we're fucked.
Usually high latitude volcanic eruptions occur but not exclusively. such as the one causing the evacuation in Iceland. We simply don't know for sure, and talking about CO2 being a pollutant and trying to do something about it, when we should be doing the opposite is madness. If anything is likely to cause an extinction here on Earth, it will be the crashing of CO2 during the next Ice Age (it trends lower ever glaciation).
Hi it’s an interesting moment ...
I was looking an a newly arrived item from the Corbett report. This a very pertinent and highly informative report.
Today it contained an interview with a woman call Rosa Koira and talks in great detail of the UN agenda 21.
The information she delivers tells the hidden story of the UN sustainable policies for our planet..
After looking into this agenda Rosa Koira has dismantled she has revealed that it actually isn’t our planet that the architects of this agenda are talking about.
Mr Corbett uses very accurate language that reveals the spirit of this agenda.
The revelations that she shows are the outcomes that your article reveals when you talk of the stealth destruction of so many people worlds that lived amongst the forests
Mr Corbett talks of a book that Rose Koira wrote called wrote called :
Behind The Green Mask ..
It sounds as if everyone should read it ..
Hidden in plain sight in a town near you.!!!? !!!
Rosa Koire died in June 2021. She was an inspirational warrior for truth. The Natural Blaze website has an “In Memoriam” section that includes some video clips of Rosa explaining how the UN Agenda 21 is intended to hoodwink the public into giving away their freedom - serious stuff!
Rosa was fire.
Thanks for mentioning Corbett. His documentaries are excellent in giving an overview of where this all has come from.
-Maurice Strong.
-Why Big Oil Conquered the World (part 2 of Rockefeller exposé-don’t miss “How”; part 1)
Terrific article.
The response to RFK, Jr. is pure gold. Point-by-point description of a bad idea that destroyed a region and then really spun out of control with a celebrity endorsement. RFK, Jr.'s meddling backfired horribly, a reverse version of George Bailey's actions in "It's a Wonderful Life."
This is a powerful story, simply because it tells a story. Using logic, statistics and facts get you nowhere on the climate change issue. People don't trust "experts" anymore, including the one's pointing out the fallacies and lies. This story, however, connects all the dots. This is how you change minds and influence people.
Did RFK, Jr.'s people respond to you?
You should follow RFKjrs substack.
Under 200 likes very few comments. He never responds in any manner. His latest is advocating for online signatures so he won't have to spend money on getting on the States ballots.
He's a joke
He has gotten a lot of pushback on the whole climate change narrative at The Defender; so much so that at one point he was provoked into getting on and pushing back. That didn't go his way. But--long before it got to that point, they were blocking my comments about all of this, or Disqus was. So--I refused to promote his book about Fauci and I mostly stopped reading The Defender.
After that, one of the few articles I saw was where he did come out and apologize for his stance on manmade climate change--but it was just to turn and lay the blame at the elite's door for it, to say that they were trying their hardest to make it happen.
And maybe they are. But they don't control the sun or orbital mechanics, or solar tidal forces. If they're playing games with the weather, they're playing with forces far beyond them. Mostly, though, what they're doing is setting everything on fire and shrieking about climate change while the survivors pick up the pieces, and they're also poisoning large swaths of farmland and every river and large body of water, while clear-cutting forests and making abominations of nature like those frankenfish salmon. All of that is quite sick and deranged, but doesn't really count as "creating climate change."
Could not agree more.
One of the climate change fraud's primary is drivers is selectively picked data which only shows a time frame that indicates a trend of warming: [12:51mins]
"One of the first lessons we learned in grad school was to beware of truncated graphs. Such behavior is typically associated with intentionally trying to "massage" the data. If you torture the data, they WILL confess." TVMADoc
Jim Lee trashes the greenhouse gas idea, and substitutes the effect of cirrus clouds generated by contrails... what do you think?
Thank you for the link Phar, I've saved the video. With luck I will find time to watch it.
you are welcome! sometimes I just look for a Jim Lee video to relax my mind and have a laugh.
That is a bit of respite that all of us in this community could find a good use for. I am glad to know you've found it.
Wow. I have to reread the whole thing though honestly I don't need the details, I know what you're saying is spot-on. Thank you, will use this as a resource to share.
Yes they lie. Just shrug and ignore them. That is what they (the parasite class) will truly hate. Build your own dream future instead. Where you provide for your own food, educate your own children, with love, and hope. No more fear please.
Exactly-- don't feed the trolls. Not only are they literally insane, they are inept and idiots. It's like a crazy person running in the street saying The world is ending, except these people want the world to end. Problem for them is they can make any plan they want- -they have no method to administer it. We see it all over today. Elizabeths point form chain proves that. Best to focus on what you want and let this destructive energy dissipate. It wont be pretty but why destroy yourself and your family by adhering to their insane intentions? Death cult?- yup.
“Provide your own food? That’s almost as unattainable a goal as net zero! Sorry, I believe ‘hoarding canned goods past their sell-by date” is the best most of us can achieve in that direction. But your essential message to just shrug and ignore them is a powerful one!
thank you! I grew half a cup of peas and two tiny cabbages in my backyard last year. but picking up a six pack of canned salmon whenever I go to Costco is well within my capabilities!
Hear hear for the caned salmon! Only problem I have is my husband is such a big eater I go through my stuff so fast
I wouldn't classify myself as a ‘climate denier’. I have studied the issue for a couple of decades now. Having watched with some amusement the utter obnoxious meanderings of the Doomsday crowd, I would more describe myself as a "You've got to be shitting me” er. In the past five billion years CO2 has been the lead indicator of a warming climate precisely zero times. Actually, it has been more of a lag indicator and that by about 800 years. And just so you know, John Kerry was a traitor to his fellow Vietnam vets and he is a traitor now.
Vancouver was such a beautiful city in the seventies. Back then, I was busking in the street and staying at the YMCA. I have read enough about climate change to know it is an insidious ploy. The information is out there, but so many today accept being spoon fed by the mindless "mocking bird" media. I couldn't wait to escape my once beautiful city of San Francisco, and now they have come for Arizona. I guess Ms. Hobbs couldn't wait to impress Michele Obama; one of her first actions being to make sure black women were not discriminated against for wearing braids. Are these people for real? Or am I just living in a surreal simulation of life on earth? Thank you for your insightful expose!
Indeed! I have read about this. The cartels are reaching deeper and deeper into our affairs, and many are on the take. But regarding hair styles and other such trivia, Michele Obama previously commented on how she would have worn braids during Obamas presidency, but she didn't think white people were ready for its. Subsequently, Ms Hobbs posts on the Governors site what she is doing to combat such discrimination. It was one of, if not her first action as Governor. As they say you cannot make it up. She's a real fine piece of work is our governor!
I can't wait until the cartel has no more use for her.
It seems some believe they can wade in deeper and deeper and yet not drown.
"How long can you tread water"
That’s BS. Re Michele Obama wearing braids. Under no circumstances would she wear braids. She and her husband are as white bread as the Wonder Company. They crave to be Martha’s Vineyard white. Westchester white. I am blacker than they are and I am pinky red Welsh.
You'll have to take it up with Michele, she said as much in an interview I watched. But of course much of what people say is BS.
Yes. I wasn’t blaming you, by the way. I don’t believe her.
Dear Elizabeth:
Catastrophic Climate Change is, as you have characterized it, "epic bullshit." This bullshit is, however, currently being swallowed by a great many people and for a reason that is not obvious. The reason is for the measure of a statistical event to be believed by these people to necessarily be a probability even though the peer-reviewed article entitled "Unit Measure Violations in Pattern Recognition" proves this belief to be unwarranted. This belief leads these people to believe that the Bayesian method for extracting a model of a physical system from empirical data is applicable to a climate model though this is not so. This narrative, which is pushed by the United Nations IPCC and, more generally, by those people who wish to impose totalitarian rule over us. In the United States, these people include those politicians who belong to the Democratic Party.
Terry Oldberg
Engineer, Scientist, Public Policy Researcher
Los Altos Hills, California
1-650-618-6636 (mobile)
Today, my Yoga teacher said "it's not just our imagination, there's more catastrophic weather now"
HELP ME! It seems like everyone else believes this garbage!
I know and I cannot help myself from responding, I try really heard to not shout in their faces ‘absolute bullshit!!’ My stock answer is, well if they would stop spraying our skies we might get a chance to see what the weather actually is. Be assured I mostly get blank stares.
Jim Lee trashes the greenhouse gas idea, and substitutes the effect of cirrus clouds generated by contrails... what do you think?
In my favourite dream/fantasy, you are a lecturer in both Journalism and Political Science at Uni. Your ability to see the long view is rare.
So thrilled to find this one, particularly, in my Inbox. Thank you Elizabeth
Nah. Senate. It would pain me to see Elizabeth at a University.
Mystic: It would pain the University.
A truly remarkable piece - thank you once again, and thanks so much for mentioning Dr. Curry - she is so important.
I can't help thinking that anyone who hasn't worked in the bush or the mills or the mines simply can't understand the tragedy that BC has become. It breaks my heart thinking about the opportunities that I had in the '70s and my great grandsons don't have now - the chance to earn a decent wage doing a decent day's work.
Dr. Judith Curry is a national treasure in Canada, but only amongst the top 🔝 climate experts
What are your thoughts on the ecological impacts of the lithium and cobalt mining industries ?
Are you aware of the lithium mines that are planned for places like Thacker Pass and in the Boreal Forests of Ontario and Quebec? Do you endorse those kinds of proposed mines?
I worked in a galena (lead/zinc) mine in the late '70s in the Kootenays. It wasn't that ecologically pure, but if you're going to have the metals you have to mine them. I'm sure that the processes have improved immensely since those days.
I'm mostly aware of the plans for lithium mines in Saskatchewan. I have a cell phone, several laptops, and several tablets, so I'm a consumer of lithium, so, like anyone who uses similar products, I'm by default endorsing lithium mining.
I'm very skeptical about electric vehicles, at least in the near future, and equally skeptical about using grid-sized lithium ion batteries to patch-over the serious shortcomings in solar or wind electric generations, so in the scheme of things I'm a minor user, but a user anyway.
I'm inclined to think that lithium mines in 3rd world countries are likely to have a worse ecological impact than any in Canada or the US of A. I'm not one for "out of sight, out of mind" or NIMBY, so I'm not out of hand opposed to the mines you mentioned - but I haven't done the research to compare them with any alternatives so I wouldn't say that I "endorse" them.
In other words, if we use lithium ion batteries, we need lithium mines. If we use plastic or kerosene, we need oil wells, if we can take it from there.
Thanks for the thoughtful and candid response.
The reality of open pit lithium mines (and ore processing facilities) under ideal ("first world" government regulated conditions) is that not only does it result in the obvious and required deforestation, draining of lakes, rivers and massive death to local wildlife it also invariably results in contamination of the water table and waterways adjacent to these operations.
"Three-hundred and five hectares of destroyed natural environments and a pit that will fill with arsenic-contaminated water over 120 years and then flow into nearby rivers, these are examples of the price to pay for a so-called green transition”
In the context of the scale of the operations planned to be set up near Lake Superior and James Bay, we are going to be seeing significant contamination of some of the most substantial fresh water sources on the planet.
Even from a purely utilitarian and anthropocentric perspective, that is clearly a horrible, irrational and counter-intuitive idea (and that is true no matter how addicted to ipads and twitter we are).
I personally will not be buying any new technology with lithium/cobalt batteries, as I am not willing to give my money to fund the destruction of some of the last areas of pristine wilderness left in the north so that I can have fun playing with ipads and EVs.
Thanks again for offering your take on the situation with lithium mining.
How about using technology that uses lithium cobalt batteries? The Internet, for example? Weather forecasts? Newspapers? Automobiles? Busses? Hospitals? Name it, and there are batteries in the stack.
I'm inclined to think we're kinda stuck...
All great points.
Though, when you said "I'm inclined to think we're kinda stuck..." the "we" you are referring to is those who are dependent on and/or not willing to live without said technologies in their lives. I am not one of those people. I suppose publishing my book would have been more challenging without computers, but I could do it old school with mailed manuscripts etc if had to. The garden and forest provide all the food and medicine we need without needing automobiles and if one learns the rhythms of nature and plans for the 100 year storms in their designs, weather forecasts are just an unnecessary luxury.
I would like to now point out something that is inherently built into the way you worded your question(s). You seem to be approaching this from the "we have to go with the best out of all the bad alternatives" assumption. Built into those questions is the assumption that humans require industrial electric grids in order to survive and thrive. I would like to point out that humans have existed for millennia without electricity and a great many of them lived fulfilling lives of purpose, creativity, grace, courage and spiritual growth. The inherent built in perspective that sees cities, telecommunication grids, industrial transportation and industrial electrical grids as being something we must perpetuate (via either conventional means or more "sustainable" alternatives) misses the point that there is a third option. The third option is refusing to participate in funding the destruction of Mother Earth's body and innocent children (such as those that work in the Cobalt mines in the Congo to get the rare metals required to make these smart devices we are reading and writing on now) and being willing to make the sacrifice of letting go of our high tech addictions and creature comforts to live a more simple life in close symbiotic connection with the living Earth where we live (as our ancestors did). Many will not be willing to do that, and will make excuses why we must continue to buy high tech gadgets, build out cities and power the industrial power grid as the real ethical alternative is something they are not willing to consider. In the end it all boils down to if we believe that our comfort and enjoyment is worth more than the lives of children in the Cobalt mines and the integrity of the ecosystems all over the world that are being strip mined and poisoned so we can continue to live comfortably in the west.
Well, Gavin, I'll miss you from now on here on the Internet. I have a pretty good idea what my life would have been like pre-Industrial Revolution (my ancestry is poor farmers in West Lincolnshire) let alone too much earlier than that. I was born with an abdominal hernia, and would almost certainly not have survived my first year or two without the benefits of modern medicine. Let's arrange to get together in three or four years and compare notes on life with and without Industrial Civilization.
I lived several years in the mountains without electricity or indoor plumbing, and enjoyed it, but I was in my twenties and in good health. Now in my late seventies I'm pretty attached to good medicine, communication and indoor plumbing, but I'll be interested in how it works for you.
But then, since you aren't going to use the Internet anymore, how will we make contact? Or how will you even see this message? And are you going to take Gavin's Newsletter down, or just not add to it? Oh, well. Bye!
Never stuck. Just haven’t found the right solution yet.
Elizabeth talks a lot about how Gummint Regulationing gets in the way of trying different solutions, but I utterly agree that given creativity and freedom there are solutions for all of these problems. I'm a strong believer in that - my first job out of college was at NASA Goddard just as Apollo started to really work. We can do this, if the */#%@ just get out of our way.
Real men can’t make it now unless they become soy boys.
Real men are just like fat bottomed girls - they make the world go 'round. Never forget that.
I am 52. I helped at Green voting centres before I was old enough to vote. I did my permaculture design course in 1989 as an 18 y o. I live in a strawbale house with all the shit chickens fruit the lot. I give a shit and I know this space.
You. Have. Fucking. Nailed. It.
They are not about the environment they are about entrapment and grift and extraction. They think they are gods and can cheat death but bring it on a leash of arrogant, dumb idiocracy.
The Tragedy of the Commons lives in their hearts.
Thank you
Great essay. One issue: the author states that green tech has supposedly made the apocalyptic scenarios less likely and needs to be factored in to get a true picture. But green tech is in many ways just as dirty, and its environmental costs need to be factored in-they are as scandalous as the RCP8.5 fraud.
Curry says this, not I!